NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND, COURIER, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1894. a visit to rnAavn. (Continued from fourth poire.) (lvcruiico oft lie city from tlio 8 wud'-a. There are many statuea anil column, nruhei and tower, each tolling of tome historic event The Kuiltiltlnum It one of the most palatial bulUllnga In the city. Within ll massive wnlla are the Conservatory of Industrial Museum and a very superior picture pallcry and Art achooL This Is an In teresting place to visit; It Is a modern Vulldlng and U equalled by few in Jjuropc. The Bohemian museum Is the Inmost nd pcrhapa the handsomest building In l'ruBue, It Is filled with manuwrlpts, libraries, ethnoeraphtcnl collections, tnedals, sculptures in Ivory, and works In Faience, wood, glnss, metals, etc., etc., ancient armor and musical Instru ments, Egyptian and Roman antiqui ties, and one Is wearied In even at tempting to examlno even a small por tion of this collection. The Hotel de Ville in the Neustndt, Is an interesting spot to spend nn hour or two, this Is the bulldlwr. which In 1419 the citizens attacked when they delivered the Hus site prisoners and gave the signal of war by throwing the councillors out of the windows. This partof the city Is Cliled with hospitals, such as the mili tary hospital, grand hospital, occou chement hospital, hospital for lost chil dren, merchants' hospital, hospital for deaf mutes, hospital for sisters of Saint Elizabeth, truTy Prague Is filled with all sorts of institutions to benefit the human race. The grand hospital Is one of the finest in the world, and being a government institution, it Is kept up In magnificent style. Doctors from all parts of the world tan be found here studying and prac ticing in the clinlques to their heart's content Crossing the Moldau on one pf the seven bridges.say Charles bridge, we come into that portion of the city called the Klelnselte, which is a very pretty and interesting section to visit. We pass the monument erected to the memory of Kadetzky, one of the finest ronze statues In Europe. Near by is the palace of Wallensteln; which was built in 1623 by the great duke, so illus trious during the thirty years war. It is a large palace, a plain looking building, and is still owned by the Wal lenstein family. There are many places worth visiting In this district, but I fear a recital of them will weary your patience, so we will drive on to the Hdraschin hill, wilch Is, so to speak, the capital of the city of Prague. The road conducts us by many interesting and historic buildings, monuments, arches, &c, &c, and at last we arrive at the sum mit of a great hill from which we ob serve a glorious view of Prague and the country all about us, a very wide view and one not soon to be forgotten. Close by us are many Austrian artil lerymen drilling with horses and can non, which reminds me of the constant employment of sailors at sea; they are never idle, and as sailors must always be at work, so soldiers must ever be drilling, drilling, drilling, and so be kept in order like well oiled machinery. At the top of the Hdraschin is the Burg or palace to which I referred early in this letter. It is the largest building I have ever seen or heard of. It is rather a congeries of buildings and palaces covering so large a space that I should think it could contain all the inhabitants of Prague itself. This Burg was built by Kmperor Chaxles IV. in 1350 and has been great ly added to by his successors. Within this is the hall of Vladislaus. It is of majestic proportions and commands a superb view. From one of the great windows Count Thurm in 1618 was thrown out, and this act was called the "Defenestration of Prague." It was the signal for the fearful thirty years war. Near the fountain in front of the Burg Is a statue of Saint George, which has stood there ever since 1373. It looks as it it might stand there for centuries to come. Connecting with the Burg is the great cathedral which was begun in 1344 and completed in 1385. The di mensions are very generous and the spire is over 300 feet high. This is a magnificent place of worship and the Itoman Catholics of past times were no doubt in the right direction when they put forth so much labor to make the house of God so very beautiful. They sought out the secrets of architecture and all avenues of beautiful art to ren der the house of God a fit place for His worship. These temples of worship to be found all over Europe are to me some of the pleasanest and most de lightful places to be visited. In the nave of this church at Prague Is to be seen the Mausoleum in alabas ter and marble built in 1589. No less than six kings with their queens sleep beneath this magnificent tomb. They were the reigning sovereigns of Bo hemia from 1378 to 1612. It is an Immense pile designed by the famous Alexander Colin, one of the greatest sculptors of medieval Europe. This church is filled with ancient mon uments, every one of which is con nected with some past historical event. Here is a representation in stone of the city in 1620. Beautiful arches and clustered pil lars are to be seen everywhere, while the views from the windows are sim ply delightful to behold. The view of Prague just below us is superb and right glad were we to have the bright sunlight to brighten our surroundings. Many of the carved tombs which have been walked upon for centuries are almost as smooth as glass. The monuments with cross-legged knights (Crusaders) are in .many cases badly broken and the effigies ajpear as well as the brave heroes who rest beneath their heavy weight One of the chief works to be seen here is a very large Mosaic, represent ing the resurrection of the dead, with a portrait In stone of Charles Fourth. It was made in 1370 by an Italian ar tist. I was astonished to see very many silver hanging lamps of all possible sizes and potteries in every part of the church and the polite priest who conducted me about informed me that over 3,600 of these lamps were suspend ed in this grand cathedral. This church is a very rich establish ment, possessing an enormous treas ury in which for one item alone are pver 6,600 diamonds. On a pillar suspended by a chain is a cannon ball, and close by is the balus trade bearing the mark of destruction caused by this same ball: this took place very long ago, during that awful , Seven-years war. Beautiful statues and paintings are to be seen in the quiet chapels within the walls of the great cathedral, but to me the most ln- t - - T t...... ceslaua, containing the tomb of the sulnt; there are also to be seen Ms hel met nnd Kkirt of chain armor and n painting representing the usslim llon of Halitt Venceslnus by his broth er KoIhiImh, and on the chapel door Is, as I suppose, the most historic "door knocker" (pardon such a homely phrase) In the world; It Is nn Immense Hon' head, holding In its mouth a sim ple massive iron ring of mont ancient apprnrnnce. The right hand of Saint Venceslaus had a firm grasp upon this ring, when his brother ran him through with his sword. This all hnppened long, long ago, In fact It occurred In the year 93(1. or 9.1s yours ago, and to tills day the pil grims looking upon his ring, think with horror upon the base deed as they pray for the repose of the soul of Saint Ven eesluus. The walls of this chupel lire inlaid with precious stones of Bohemia, and you may Judge the effect ns one beholds In the, walls the beautiful hues of amethyst, Jasper, chrysoprasuH and topaze. The frescoes are beautiful In design nnd very ancient. The massive cnndelubra which suspends from the celling was made in 1532 by Vlscher, that celebrated son of Tubal Culn, who adorned the churches at Nun-mburg. liut why recount nil the many ob jects of interest to be seen In l'raguc? There is one leaf which wo l'rotest nnts can take from the Human Catho lic book and this Is to keep our churches (the houses of God) open dally. Let them be open as places of medi tation for believers who will thus love the place where God is worshipped. Let them like the temple of Janus be kept open. Many of our churches In the United States arc open but two hours In each week; to throw the donrs open every day would be a grand de parture. When the horrible "Spanish Fury" was raging in the streets of Antwerp in that death ' struggle' which the ltoman Catholic church was waging in the Netherlands, Instigated to that dreadful work by that bigot Philip Second of Spain, the beautiful chime of bells rang out the hours, halves and quarters (as sweetly as they used to chime in the days of peace) performing their mission faithfully, while the great cathedral doors were kept open, offering safe refuge the oppressed. As truly as God is ever wakeful and watching over His own, so let His tem ples be ever open welcoming and bid ding His children enter. There are many places of great In terest In and about the city of Prague, but I will stop here and perhaps in a future letter give further details. VIATOR. Woman (Suffrage, From Harper's Weekly. The effort made by many women and men of excellent standing In the com munity to induce our constitutional convention to strike out the word "male" from the state constitution.and thus put the two sexes upon a footing of political equality.has given the ques tion of woman suffrage an unusual prominence. It is probable that if the people in the Empire state assented to so radical an innovation, the move ment would receive a powerful impulse throughout the country, and have a chance of success where at present it appears hopeless. The action of this state is likely to be of great influence far beyond its boundaries. It must al so be admitted that in. the public dis cussions of this subject now taking place the women who advocate woman suffrage have in some respects a de cided advantage over those who op pose it. The foremost of the female champions of "the cause" do not shrink from appearing upon the public stage; they are mostly "accustomed to public speaking," and speak well; and they are able to turn to their advantage a good many of those catch phrases taken as political axioms by our peo ple in revolutionary times, or on occa sions ( self-glorification, although those phmses were never intended to carry the meaning which the woman suffragists now give them. Still, they make captivating battle cries, and are used sometimes with effect. On the other hand, the women who oppose wo man suffrage, and who believe that the circle of the duties of woman centers in the family, and that she should not permit herself to be unnecessarily drawn Into publicity, are by their prin cipals debarred from demonstrative public manifestations of their views. The "campaign" is therefore, so far as their aggressive vigor and their argu mentative vocabulary are concerned, strongly in favor of the woman suffra gists. But in another respect they find a dif ficulty in their way which gives their opponents a decided advantage. There was a time when American people flat tered themselves with the pleasing thought that they had succeeded in fin ally solving the problem of democratic government. The public mind is no lon ger in this state of self-congratulation. The number of American citizens who are much troubled by the miscarriages of democratic government in the nation, in the states and especially in our mu nicipalities is very large and constantly growing. We do not believe that many of them would seriously think of sub stituting for the present form of gov ernment another form not . democratic. But we are very sure the idea the evils we now complain of can be cured by further extentions of the suffrage, , is, after the experiences we have iiad, en tertained by very few, if any, thinking men. On the contrary, the belief is fast Oeople who are very I stings, or anything of tion to a bruise. In this they are wrong. A bruise, besides being very painful, is liable to have very serious results. Salva-cea (TRADE MARK.) the new Curative Lubricant. is the very thing to have at hand in house or shop for such oc casions. It relieves the pain, , prevents the flesh from harden ing, and is a powerful healer. It is invaluable, too, for burns, 1 effective in catarrh, and every Price, 28 ma GO cento per box. gaining ground that In the demoerlta lion of our Institution by enlargement of th suffrage we have gone fully n far ii the mifety of the republic will warrant, and that It I much more ad visable to sift the body of odor by edu cational requirement and (he like, than to expund It by indlscrlmlnating additions. A Vl.tnl.t'K Dual Mind. (From the l'!lllnirif iU.uti'li) An extraordinary illustration of the dual working of tho mind I to bo found In a young musician of Pittsburg. Os car ltadin is about nlneten year old. Ho I possessed of wonderful musical ability, especially In tho arrangement of orchestral scores. He has scored some difficult hlgh-clns music for cer tain well-known musicians, to their perfect satisfaction and wonderment, for as yet this youth Is but a novice In musical work, hnvlnlg only recently completed bis course of study under a local musician, but nhlllty to arrange orchestral score well Is something that rnnnot be Imparted to a person by any amount of teaching, hut must be born In a man, and ltudln certainly has this gift. Like all men of genius, lta din must live, nnd to live requires money. In lieu of anything better, the young musician took a plnce as pianist In a dancing academy. Between the times when he Is employed In ploying for lessons he devotes his attention to arranging, ltadin Is a most studious Individual, and when his time Is not occupied in this WHy he seeks to In crease his knowledge by reading. Of course most of his time Is taken by playing the piano, but this does not In terfere with his study In the least. He plays the music for dnncers, taking the signal to start and stop unconsclonsly from the professor, never even glancing up from the book on tho music rack In which he may be absorbed. He reads away, apparently undisturbed by hav ing to play or by the flitting forms on the floor. And the books he reads are not the sort which could be read lightly. Histories, books of travel and books on philosophy are read with equal case while he Is playing. His playing Is In perfect time, and his memroy of what he reads is exrtaordlnary. Here is an Instance of unconscious cerebra tion or the duality of the mind, in which the double work is well done and without endeavor. Poison From 1011011 Tree Loaves. From the Pittsburg Dispatch J "Taking a drink of this cherry syr up," said a doctor yesterday, as he was quenching his thirst at a soda wa ter fountain, "reminds me of a catas trophe we, had out on cur farm one summer. You think it strange that a drink of soda water should bring a farm incident to my mind; well, it is peculiar, but every time L taste amyg dallc acid, and his cherry is filled with it, I call to mind an incident which cost my father quite a sum of money. My father was a great sheep grower, and took pride in the high grade of stock he raised. He also had a good deal of the farm planted with peach trees, to which he devoted much of his time. One summer, when I was a boy, some thing went wrong with the trees.neces sitating the cutting off of many of the branches. The branches were strewn all over the grass of the peach grove where the sheep were wont to rest in the shade. A short time after this my father lost nearly all his sheep within a day by what seemed to be the result of some poison. He could account for the wholesale slaughter of all the sheep dying with similar symptoms in no way except it was the work of some enemy. I concluded to find out what caused the sheep to die. "It was my first work in diagnosing, and it became so interesting to me that it influenced me in choosing my profes sion later. I worked hard to find if the sheep had eaten anything in the shape o a poisonous weed, but failed to trace it to this cause. It suddenly came to my mind that the sheep that had been penned in another part of the farm and had not been in the peach grove, were the only ones that had escaped. So I concluded that the poison must be in the peach orchard. I noted the branches of the trees thathtd been cut, still lying upon the ground, and something told me that these branches held the secret. I called on a physician to get some information about drugs, for as a boy I knew nothing in the way of deadly things except 'pizen vine and other reputed noxious plants. I asked him if the peach branches could have poisoned the sheep. 'Why, certainly,' he replied, 'they could poison with the deadliest poison known. When the branches of a peach tree is fresh the leaves contain what is called amy gdalicacid, which of itself is not the best thing to take into the system. But let that branch lie in the hot sun and the chemical action of the heat upon this comparatively harmless amygdalic acid transforms it into the most dead ly poison known, as hydrocyanide or prussic acid. So, my young friend, you have struck the cause of the death of your father's sheep. They died of hy drocyanic acid poisoning.' From that time on I became interested in medi cines, until I graduated a full-fledged doctor. I often look back upon the lit tle incident which had a great influence in shaping my career. Now, you don't think the connection between a glass of sherry soda water and the killing of a lot of sheep so strange after all." careful to treat colds, burns, that kind will pay. no atten-' stings, sprains, and is very- form of cutaneous affection. At drninrlste, or by mall. IVORY 50AP PURE" FOR CLOTHES. THE PROCTER GAMBIA OO.. Orm. mm tie table. Commencing June 25tli we shall be open for busi ness from 8 a.m. to 6 p. m.' every day but Saturday. at 12 o'fcl, Slam. No evening hours. Any person desiring to furnish up a room or a house in the near future will do well to call and look over our stock and get our terms now. It will pay you to place your orders for future de livery at our summer prices. THE CHAMBERLAIN Furniture and Mantel Co. Orange and Crown Streets. f.'V ThcGrcatHcaituDrink Safe, sure and reliable. Always on time. Apleasureandadellguu Com fortable, enjoyable. Hi RES Rootbeer AMc.pkg. makes 5 gallons. Sold every where. Send 2c. stamp for beautiful picture earda and book. The Clias. E. Hires Co., Philadelphia. Will quickly cure Dlphtherl8j"QuInsy, Coughs, Colds, and Bore Throat. All druggists sell It. Perry Davis & Son, Providence, IJ. ! sole M.mutacturers ana Proprietors. MONARCH Your Choice of Rims and Tires Call and See Them. Buckingham, Clark Jackson, State .Is. WJsaT ' : ' :TSSt 1 w WARM WEATHER TO TALK TO YOU tfTTMTTTTPl s 1 a i ii i a is is ii.i - But that's biir . business We close the season's business with ;the largest amount of sales ever recorded :by us. Our prices is what has done the business. July ist we inventory. Previous to that tirtffilye off er our; entire, stpek of Housefur nishinsr Goods at such low Values that they cannot fail to tempt you. Come and get prices. As an illustration : Silk Brocatelle, for $i7."30 Suites manufactured right on the premises in our own factory. You save all intermediate profits. Parlor Furniture reuphol- stered and re-covered in the. workmert - H. B. ARMSTRONG & CO. DOrisctllxneottfi. WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN, ATTOR N E Y-AT-L A W. Solicitor cf U. S. and Foreign Patents. Counsel in Patent Causes OWCKS! NEW HAVES. CONN., . 70 Church Street, 1 looms & aiiA 4, (Moncliiy, Tuesday find Wednesday.) BPm.NGKIliLD.MA8S,, SIT Mnln Street. (Thursday, Friday and Saturday.) Eight years' experience as Examiner In TT. fl. Patent Oltloo. Rcferencca to Now England patents furnished. We have opened a full Una of Jewett'f cele brated bard wood Befrlgeratora, thoroughly charcoal filled, and the best Refrigerators sold atbeslty. AT COST. We have but few of them left ; when these are tone there will be no more of them offered, as we are coin? out of this branch of the taurines. We apvlse all who are lo want to Inspect them before purchasing elsewhere, THAT NEW RANGE We bare Bald so much about proves to be the favorite. All who have tried It say It la the won der of the age and does all we advertise It to do, GAS FIXTURES In (rreat varletiea and prices 'way down. The largest assortment to be found In the city. Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty. THE ARNOLD CO 1- Don't monkey with Inferior Articles. Drink WILLIAMS1 ROOT BEER. Send 2-eest stamp for pictures. Williams A C.stsToir, Hartford. CI. EARLE & SEYMOUR, Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents. 868 . Chapel Street, Sew Haven, Conn. MISS MARIA PARL0A Strongly recommends the nss of liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. - - " And she hag written neat GOOK BOOK, . Which will be sent free on appli cation to Danchy & Co., 27 Park Plaoa. New York. Distributing Agents tor Cons. : Talcott, Fria ble A Co.. Hartford. je!3 W&8 lm arm BICYCLES. Highest Grade. : Weighs 25 Pounds. Agents, 294, 296. 298 State street. ABOUT j -and we have to do it ; v policy , of good value at low acquainted ,Vith our goods and 5 - piece . Parlor;; Suite,' covered in from that up to $150. Parlor best possible manner by skilled literal. l j r-m I'l l i i NEW HAVEN POSTOFFICE. OFFICE HOms-Anrll 1 to Novamhor 1, 7:(la. ni. to :( p. ni, November 1 Va April 1, 7::l. iu. Ui b:IW p. ra. Sundays, from 12,11 in. to 1:UI ii. in. Viwtlbulu open for the accommodation of the bolilvrs of lix-k, buzoa day and nliilit. Arrival and Iepartura of Malta. New Vork-Onen T:(, 0:!O a. m 12 m., W0, iM, 7:1111, 11 ill p. m. Clem,. ftuSI, (t.UO. Kl.csl. 11:00 a. in., 2.M, 2.(10 .3:0U, 3M. U:U, 6:00, (T;U0 dally, lu oludliikt liuudiiya), 11:(W p, in. New York ltallroad Way-Open :, 1S:00 a. III., 4:30, U.UU p. tu. Close) 5:30, 0:1X1 a. m., 2:00 p. ui. llultlmore, Washlnirton, riiiliidi'lphla and ft'Ullli-rn Htatiw-Opfil 7:01), ft::. 11:M a. 111. CIohu b::m, v.m a. m.. l?::M,S:0U,il:J0, ("KXldully, luuliidiiiK Sundays), UM p. in. Clilc-airoiinil Weatvrn Suites Open 7:00, 9:! a. ill., 3:110, 0 :J p. in. Cliwu 5:3ft, 11:110 a. in., 3:30, 5:00, (7:00 dully. liit'ludlliK (Sundays), 11:00 p. in. Alliany and NnHhrn Now York Open 70, 10:30 a. in.. 3:00. 7:00, 10:00 p. ni. Cliwo 7:00, :00 a. ui., UM, UM, 5:00, 7:00, 11:00 p. ui. Sprlturfleld Itallrnad Wayr-Oiien 10:30 a.m., 3111 p. in. Close 5 JO, 10:15 u. in., U:15, 2:30, 5:00, U:00p. in. Ttoston-Open 7:00 a. m 110, 3:00,430,7:00, 10:110 p. in. Hose 7:00, 10:15, 11:00 a. UI 12:15. 2.00,3:5.1, 5:00, 11:00 p.m. 1 Nnw Hampshire and Vermont Open 7:00, 10:30 a. m 3:00, 4:00, 10:00 p. in, Closo 7:00, 10:15 a. in., 5:00, 11:00 p. iu. Spriinrneld Open 7:00 10.30 a. m.. 3:00, 4:30, 10:ii p. in. Close 7:00, 10:15 a. in., 12:15, 2:30, 5:00, 11.00 p. in. Hurt ford-Open 7:00, tin. 10:30a. m., VJM, 3:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 p. in. Close 7:09, 10: 15 a.m., 12:15, 2:30, 5:00, 0:15, 11:00 p. in., (12:00 m. Sundays). MiTirtcn-Open 7:00. 10:30 a. m., 1:00, 3:00, 7:00, 0:30 p. in. Close 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 2:30, 6:00, 11:00 p. in., (12:00 p. in. Sundays). . Now llrilnln Open 7:00. 10:30 a. m 3:00, 5:30. 10.00, 11:00 p. in. Closo 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 2:30, 11:00 p. m, Walllntrfnni Open 10:30 a. m.. 3:00, 7:00 p. m. Closo 5:30, 7:00, 10:16 a. m., 2:30, 5:00 p. m. Wllllmantle-Onen 7:00, 10:110 a. m., 3:00. 10.00 p. m. Close 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 3:55, 11:00 p.m. Kenslnirton Open 10:30 a. m., 3:00 p.m. Closo 7:00 a. in., 2:30 p.m. North Haven Open 10:30 a. m 3:00 p. m. Closo 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 2:30, 5:00, 11:00 p. m. Mrldireport Open 7:00, 9:30, 12:00 a.m., 2:30, 4:30. 7:00, 0.00 r. m. Close 5:30 9:00, 11:00 a. m., 12:30, 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, 11:00 p. m. New London Open 7:00, 10:30 a. m., 3:30, 7:00. 10.00 p. in. Close 7:00, 10:15 a. m 2:00, 4:30, 11:00 p. in. New London Hnllroad Wav Open 10:30 a. m., 3:30, 10:00 p. m. Close 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Brnnford, Guilford Open 10:30 a. m., 3:30, 10:00 p.m. Close 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 4:30, 11:00 p.m. Norwleh nnd Eastern Connecticut Open 7:00.10.00 a. m., 3:30, 7:00.9:30 p. m. Close 7:00, 11:00 a. m 2:00, 4:30, 11:00 p. in. Providence and RRodo Island Open 7:00, 10:30 a.m., 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 p. m. Close 7:00, n:00 a. m., 12:15, 2:00, 11:00 p. m. Newport, K. I. Open 7:00 a. m., 8:30, 7:00 p.m; Closo 7:00, 11:00 u. m 2:00, 11:00 p. ni. New Haven and Northampton Wav Open 3:00, 10:00 p. hi. Close 0.00 a. m., 3:00 p. in. Collinsville, Plantsvlllo, Unlonvllle. South Inirton and New Hartford Open 10:30 a. m., 3:00, 0:00, 10:00 p. m. Close 6:00, 10:15 a. m., 3:00, 5:00 p. in. Nauiratuck Railroad Wa-Open 10:30 a. m., 8:00 p.m. Close 9:00 a. m., 5:00 p. m. Watcrbury Open 7:00, 10:30 a. m 1:00, 3:30, 8:00, 10:00 p. m. Close 0:00, 9:00, 10:15 a. m., 1:30, 5:00, 11:00 p. m. Birmingham Open 10:30 a. m., 3:00. 6:00, 8:00 p.m. Close 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m., 1:30, 5:00 p. in. Seymour Open 10:30 a. m., 8:00 p. m. Close 6:00, 0:00 a. m 5.00 p. m. Orange Open 10:30 a. m., 8:00 p. m. Close 9.00 u.m., 5:00 p. m. Housatonlo Railroad Way Open 3:00, 10:00 p. m. Close 9:00 a. m., 3:55 p. in. Connecticut Valley Rtad Way Open 10:30 a. m., 2:30, 6:00 p. nr. Close 6:00 a. m., 2.00, 11:00 p. m. Air Line Railroad War Open 3:00, 10:00 p. m. Close 7:00 a. m., 12:15, 3:55 p. m. Durham, Clintonville and North ford Open 10:30 a. m., 10:00 p. m. Close 7:00 a. m. 5:00 p. m. Mlddletown Open 7:09, 10:30 a. m., 3:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 p. m. Closo 7:00, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 2:00, 5:00, 11:00 p.m. Danbury Open 7:00, 12:00 a.m.. 3:30. RflO p.m. Close 5:30, 9:00, 10:15 a. m., 2,00, 8:30, 11:00 p. in. Milford-Open 9 30,12:00 a. m., 3:30, 10:00 p. m. Close 6:30, 9:00, 11:00 a. m., 2:00, 5:00 p. m. Colchester Open 3:00, 10:00 p. m. Close 7:00 a. m 5:00 p. m. West Haven Open 0:30 a. m., 1:00, 4:30, 7:30 p. m. Close 5:30 a. m., 12:30, 5:00 p. m. Branch Office Ooen 9:15. 12:00 a. ra.. 5:00. 9:30 p. m. Close 7,00, 0:15, 11:00 a. m., 4:50 p. m. Westville Onen 9:15 a. m.. 1:00. 9:30 v. m. Close 7:00, 11:00 a. m 4:50 p. m. North Branford and North Guilford ODen 12:00 a. m. Close 12:30 p. m. . Foreien Onen at 7:00 a. m.. 3:00. 4:30. 7:00 n. m. Close 5:30, 9:00, 11:00 a. in., 12:30, 3:00, 3:55, 7:00,11:00 p.m. Carriers' letters can be obtained In the even ing between 7:00 and 8:00 o'clock at the carri ers' window. Sundays 12:00 to 1:00 p. m. The letters in the boxes at the depot will be collected by the local agent Ave minutes be fore the departure of all mail trains. Money Sent Without Danger of X,oss. Money orders and registered letter windows open from 8:00 a. m. until 7:00 p.m. Money orders can bo obtained at this office upon any money order postofflco in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, uanaaa, Italy, Portugal ana main. The fees on orders in the United 8tates are: Orders for $5 or less, five cents; over $5 and not exceeding $10, eight cents; over $10 and not exceeding $15, ten cents; over $15 and not exceeding $30, fifteen cents; over $30 and not exceeding $40, twenty cents; over $40 and not exceeding $50, twenty-five cents; over $50 and not exceeding $00, thirty cents; over $60 and not exceeding $70, thirty-five cents; over $70 and not exceeding $80, forty cents; over $80 and not exceeding $100, f orty-flve cents. Pos tal notes will e Issued In amounts less than five dollars.' Fee for same will be only three cents, and they must be presented for pay ment wiroiu w uays airer wie same is issuea. "Request to return" will be printed across tne end of stamped envelopes, furnished by the nostofflce department, without additional .cost, where such are ordered, in lots of not less tnnn wo. No fractions of cents should be introduced In an order. To facilitate the free delivery system letters should be plainly addressed to street and num. ber. FRANCIS G. BEACH. Postmaster. HOI Fi THE RACES 1 But provide yonreelf with a , Fit Glass or Si A PA1K OF London Smoke Spectacles, LORGNETTE. Don't forget a Pocket FlMkv. Bottle of Cologne or, Toilet Water, and jxcVageof 'S Zedoary Powder For lender, Tired Feet. t EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF Optical Goods and Toilet Sundries : V IS TO BE FOUND AT ? E. L WASHBURN & CO., M Etoci ni 81 Ceatir Strtsts New York, New Haven and Hartford It. K. June K, MM, TRAINS LEAVE NKW HAVEX ASF01XOvtfB FOIl NKW TUHK-'tiin, t:V I;30, t:io, 8jo, t ra, . m, 12.00, i2.tB,iun (parlor car limited), '118, 1;I5, f ..'!), 3.00, 8 JO, t4:I5, 'iX, 5:35, 8 JO, 7:10, 8:10, (8:111 llrtdport aooommodatlou), 0:10, 8:15 p.m. Bukuay-. 4:30, '4:110, 8K . m., to:00, t0:14, n:10, 8:10, 8:U, 9:10 p. ffi. FOR WASHINGTON VU HABLEM I1IVEB - U!:10 a. ui. (dally), 1:10 p. ni. FOll 1IOSTON VIA Bl'ltlNOFIELD-MJO, 10 .00, M1KK a. m., , ' p. m. Bl'ltDAXa 1:30 (tiltrbt), -yMp.m. FOK IIOSTON via NEW lONDOJT AND PUOVIDENCE-'2:13, 1.30, MiaiNparlor car limited) a. m 1S OS, 2:15, '4:111, 4:U and '8.45 p. m. Huniayii-,2:13, SilO a. ra., :. p. m. FOll IIOSTOX VIA AIll LINE AND N. Y. N. E. 11. H.-'4:57 p. in. rtUNUAV-'4:H p. m. FOll MEIUDK.V, HARTFORD, SPRING. FIELD, Erc.-MJM (nlirlit), 8:40, 8:00, tlOilu, 11K a, m., 12:0), M:0J, 3;10, 5:00, '5:58, (8:15 to Hartford), 8:05, 10:06 p. m. Sutoayb U0 (night), 8:IS2, 8:25 (accomodation) p.m. New London IHvlalon. FOll NEW LONDON, Etc. 2:13 (nl(t lit), S:30 (nlRht), 7:00, 9.30, 11:05, 1135 (parlor car limit ed), a. m 12;tti, 8:55, 3:00, M:15, '4:55, 8:15, 80S, '0:55, (11:05 p. m. Guilford accommodation). 8(tNDAVM-"2.13 (nlitht), 2:30 (night), '8:55 p. m. Air Line IMvl.lon. FOll MIDDLETOWNT, WTLL1MANTIO, ETO. 8:03 a. ra., 1:25, '4:57, 0:10 p. m. Sundays '4:57 p. m. Connecting at Mtddlctown with Valley Division and at Willlinantle with N. Y. & N. E. and N. L. N. B. It.; at TurnervlUo with Colchostor branch, Northampton Division, 1 FOll 8HELBUHNE FALLS, TURNER'S FALLS, WILLIAMSUURG, HOLYOKB AND NEW HARTFORD, and Intermediate stafaone 7:45, 11:04 a. m. and 4:00 p. in. FOll NORTHAMPTON, WILLIAMSBURG and point this sldo At 5:55 p. in. t ' Berkshire. Division. ' FOR DERBY JUNCTION-428 p. m. FOB, DERBY JUNCTION, BIRMINGHAM, ANSQ NIA, Etc. 7:00, 9:40 a. m., 12:00, 2:27,4:28, '530, 7:35, 11:15 p. m. Sundays 8:10 a. m., 8.30 p, m. FOR WATERBURY-7:00, 8:00 (via Nauira tuck Junction), 9:40 a. m 12:08, 2:21, 530, 7:35 p. m. Sondays 8:10 a. in. FOR WINSTED-7;00, 9:40 a. m 2:27, 5:30 p.m. Sundays 8:10 a. m. FOll SHELTON, BOT3FORD, NEWTOWN, DANBURY, PITTSFIELD, STATE LINE 9:40 a. m., 4:2$ p. in. FOR ALBANY, BUFFALO, DETROIT, CIN CINNATI, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO AND TUB WEST via State Line 7:40 a. m 4:28 p. m. FOll LITCHFIELD and points on S., L. & N. R. R. (via Hawley viUo) 9:40 a, m., 4:28 n. m. Express Trains, t Local Express. ' C. T. HEMPSTEAD, Gen. Passenger Agt. STARIN'S NEW . HAVEN TRANS PORTATION LINE. Every Day Except Saturday. Leave New Haven from Starln'S Dock, foot of Brown street, at 10:15 o'clock p. in. The JOHN H. STARIN, Captain McAlister, every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. The WM. C. EGEliTON, Cap tain Spoor, every Monday, Wednesday and many, iteturmnif, leave new iora irom nor the Starin every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day; the Corning every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Fare, with berth In cabin, 75c; staterooms $1.00. Excursion Tickets JljH. Tickets and staterooms can be purchased of John M. Lines, jr.. 851 Chapel street; of Peck & Bishop, 702 Chapel street, and at the Tontine notoi. : Excursion dates for Glen Island are now open. tree stage leaves tne aepot on arrival or Hartford train, and from corner Church and Chapel streets every half hour, commencing at 8:30 o'clock p. m. V. n. r ISHKU, Agent, INew Haven, uonn. ANCHOR LINE. United States Mall Steamships Sat! from New York every (Saturday for GLASGOW via LOMIOXOEUKI, Hates for Saloon Passage. ByS. S. CITY OF ROMK, 850 and upward Other Steamers, Cabin, 45 and upward, ac cording to accommodation and locution of Room. Excursion Tickets at reduced rates. Center Second Cabin. 3o. Steerage. Out- waru, jrrepaiu, Drafts at Lowest Current Kates. For Book of Tours and other information. apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 Rowling Green, N. Y.t or, John M. Lines, jr., 851 Chapel street; or, Wm. Fltzpatrlck, 807 Grand avenue; M. B. Newton Co.. 89 Orange street. New Haven. ap7 8m New Haven Steamboat Co. Steamers leave dally (Sunday, excepted) : RICHARD PECK, New Haven (Belle Dock) 12:30" night. New York (Pier 25 East River) 3 p. m. C. H. NORTHAM, New Haven 10:80 a. m., New York 11:30 p. m. BAturaays i p. m. Staterooms and tickets for Bale at Peck & Bishoo's '02 Chanel street, and at Mix's drug store. F..Ve$1.00. Excursion tickets $1.50. Through rates given and bills of lading Is. sued to points West, South and Southwest by tne Jew iiaven Jb ast i reignt ijine. . Excursion Steamer Continental Is ' offered for charter during Summer season at very low rates. EDW. C. LeBOURGEQIS, Agent. THE ELM OITY PRIVATE DISPENSARY. Ohl .Reliable Expert Specialists, - 28 Years' Experience, In Nervous Diseases. Blood and Skin Affeov tions. Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and' all Private Diseases of Men nnd Women. , WE ARE SUCCESSFUL SPECIALISTS, Permanently located In this city. By special study and special work we keep In advance, and lead in the successful treat ment of Sexual Debility, Weakness. Despond ency, Lost Power, all effects of Excesses and Abuses, Syphilis, and all diseases of the gonlto urinary organs. CONSULTATION FREE. larOfflce at Room 9, Boardman Building-, comer Chapel and State streets. . Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 m., 3 to 5 p. m., overlings 7 to 9. Sundays, 10 to 12 a.m. Patients treated by niail. Correspondence confidential. ; n3 ffiOZZONI'S II II " ' MEDICATED r!) COMPLEXION Ii Imparts a brilliant transparency to M Remove, all pimples, freckles aodduno n r f .i .4 the skin. iunolorauoiiai -t 1 . i . . -a.