OCR Interpretation

The daily morning journal and courier. [volume] (New Haven, Conn.) 1894-1907, July 12, 1894, Image 8

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020358/1894-07-12/ed-1/seq-8/

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'Jduriini ana lwvv. zz. - . . ... -r ,.- ' ... .. .
tans Month, 1.60; Okb Month, 60
Thursday, July 1!
JUrirslns For Thiirwlav-llowe & (Motion.
i aill ..mmri" ,.miih .ni-iii -.
iitilr I but MBlify, -o.
u.t HiM'k Ti-a Blori'-A. nryuMi.
.Man- Miiry iiivmi-.'it-riui.HU' Mince.
iitiinolnl.liihii.itmi l.tvlnwloii.
'or full Homi-a-lM t'liiinh Strwt.
ir Kent ( otmiroK K. t.i liuk.
fir ltont FliitH Uuorii as liiMiriinrp n Iff.
"or Suit Hiillcllnn l.nis-11. C. l'liidra.
or Kent HiHim M.twIii's. .. .
Oraml Shoiiiilnir Emporium r. M.ilniwnSj o,
litv.imi-iit Hmk.-rii-CliiirU'S W.Smuiluii to.
JiM-Viit.li-M. V.
Niwts E. Sthoi-nlnT?"r it eon.
Htmyixt Itair E. Mnlli'y.
Varatlon Tours- I'n k ,V lllhop,
Viiniiil-Poiiy-l'. (. Rmx :M.
Wanted Oirl ST1 Ohimli Stn-et.
V'wldliiff fiifm At Sllv. rilum's.
Vautod tarm-H, E, llnlilwln.
nr. WKATiir.it Hi iikau. f
,1).C. July 11. p.m. J
Of tiii
ForpooM for Thursday-Kor New Enirliind:
Fartly cloudy wcHtlier. prolmbly lonil show,
era in northern and ouiitml portions, south
west winds, warmer In the lntorior.
Local Weather ltnport,
fob jri.y 11, 1891.
)!.. Humidity....
Wind Iiiruction...
Wind Velocity....
.... 30.
Moan tompenitnre. TO.
Mux. K mperatuie. X-.
Min. temperature. .V.
l'recipitHtinn. .(liw'lip.
Mux. velocity or wind, 15-Sw.
Excess of temperature since January 1,
8U7 degrees.
Deficiency of precipitation since January 1,
10.02 inchesJ
' W. C. CAVANAGH, Observer.
Note. A minus siirn pi rllxcd to ther
jnometer readmits iiidk-ates temperature be-
A "T" in connection with rainfall indicates
aUraoeof rainfall too small to measure.
Snow is melted and resulting depth of
Water not known.
Brief Mention.
Buy a good house 11. E. Baldwin.
High water to day at 7:09 a. m. and
7:29 p. m.
Concreting and artificial stone. Con
necticut Concrete Co. , 42 Church, room 4.
The members of the Connecticut Ho
tel association meet at Fort Griswold
liouse, New London, to-day.
Governor Morris was in Middlotown
vesterdav attending a meeting of the
directors of the insane hospital.
E. L. Linsley, D. D. G. R., v'sitert
Mattatuek council, R. A., of Water
bury at its meeting last evening.
Olive Branch lodge, F. and A. M.,
will celebrate its twenty-fifth auniver
eary at Masonic hall in Westville to
Bight. The National Blues will hold their an
nual excursion to Glen Island on July
27. The Keeley League will go on the
19th to the same place.
Caterer Deibel is spending the sum
mer with his daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Van Buren, Jr., at Stony Creek. Mr
Diebel's health is greatly improved.
Ernest C. Sharpe of Seymour, con
tractor and builder, made a voluntary
assignment in the probate court Tues-
day. A hearing will take place in this
city July 17 at 10 a. m.
Judge David IS. Lockwood of Bridge
port has been confined to his house for
six weeks with inflammatory rheuma-
tlsm of the legs. During his sickness
be has lost over 100 pounds; his weight
at the time he was taken ill being 3C5.
The Alburgh Springs house, Vermont,
where many New Haveners have
stopped, was destroyed by fire Monday
night with contents. The barns also
were burned. Many of the guests lost
all their effects and had to flee for their
Miss E. C. M. White, daughter of the
late Colonel George M. White, has writ
ten the music for a very pretty lullaby
which is on sale at all music stores. The
piece will no doubt prove as popular a
the "Hillhouse Two Step," which was
oonposed by the same young lady.
The body of a whale seventy feet long
drifted on the beach directly opposite
the Bellport life-saving station on Long
Island yesterday. Several old sailors
estimate its value at any sum ranging
from $200 to 51,500, if the bone and
blubber is properly removed. It is
feared exposure will render the body
unfit for cutting up before some exper
ienced "whaler" comes along.
Dispatches last night say: Meriden
Knights of Labor are averse to striking
through expressing sympathy with the
A. R. V. No support is given Debs in
Middletown. There are no signs of
labor agitation in Danbury. In Ansonia
labor circles are taking no aotion on
Mr. Sovereign's manifesto. Norwich is
all quiet and so are Torrington, Willi
mantic, Bridgeport, Hartford and other
places. The garrison at New London
it still busy making cartridges. A New
Tork dispatch says "reports from all
over the country indioate that Knights
of Labor will generally keep at work."
Selling Confederate Money.
Hartford, July 11. In the United
Btates district court this afternoon the
case against A. A. Young of Rocky
Hill, charged with selling confederate
. money, was adjourned to September 1.
v ' He Jumped from the Train.
- Hartford, July 11. The body of the
United States soldier who was found on
the railroad and died at the hospital
yesterday, was buried by the town to
, day, not having been identified. He,
with two other reoruits, were being
conveyed by a reoruiting officer from
- Springfield to David's Island, New York
.harbor, t Monday night. He jumped
tftVPJ tao train uuenowg to desert.
I nriiunri'l'lMIl' VSITKD 1IH4H3 WUUKSHH. jtn
To Thoiuand Inlamla,
The Tlygela tuul llooreallon Touvlnt
company, In co-operation witn w
York, New Haven mid Hartford Rail
road company, have completed arrange
ments for running u mrlos of extjiirniont
lo gurntofift, Thousand Islands, Niagara
Fulls and Ploek Inland. The first ex-
iirsluu to Sui at "K11 leaves next Mon
day, July HI, mid excurniutu leave piu ii
following Monday to the clone of the
Kcaniii. Nine dollars pays all necessary
expense to tliebC cli'llgllt fill trips.
Hie ilix trip to uiock jbuiiki leaves
Union depot ut 7:50 a. in., the next on
Saturday, July 14, anil other dutus are
July '.'1 and 2. The very low price of
$7 lute, been named for this beautiful
luce day's trip. For information and
copy or Ton i-int World; also hook oi
coupons, cull on l'eck & Illshop, general
agents, Tit.' t'liapel treet.
Went Miore Nile.
The exeeiitivo committee of the Con
necticut Slate Firemen's association will
tneut In the new liouse of Engine com
pany No. 1 of West Huven ut 11 a. in.
to-day. The meeting will hear the re
port on new by-laws and will urrungc
for the convention.
A most enjoyable lawn party was held
on the lawn of James Tolles of 170 Elm
street yesterday afternoon and evening.
The party was composed of the junior
members of tho Y. P. S. C. E. of the
Congregational church. About fifty
young people were in attendance. The
lawn was beautifully decorated with
Chinese lanterns. Among the young
ladies in charge were Miss Tolles, Miss
Hrvanl, Miss Fowler, Miss Wilkinson.
About twenty of the members of the
Windsor Locks Wheel club will go to
Savin Rock next Sunday for a shore
Fifty-live Men Were Stranded.
Hartford, July 11. Frank Sargesa of
Boston, is tho Italian padrone who
brought seventy-flvo Italian laborers
here yesterday from Boston, promising
hem work On the Hartford street rail-
wny's trolley equipment. He collected
S3. 75 from each and it is estimated
cleared over S200 on the transaction.
He left the city this morning fearing ar
rest or the vengeance of the men. Work
was found for twenty and the other
fifty-five are stranded here without
money or food.
Connecticut Signal Men to Assist.
Major Howard A. Giddings of the
brigade signal corps, C. N. G., has re
ceived a request from Commander J.W.
Millen of the New York naval reserve,
that the signal' corps co-operate with
the First brigade signal corps, N. G. S.
N. Y., on the occasion of the naval
mauoeuvers near Fisher's Island the
last week of this mouth. The invita
tion has been accepted and a volunteer
detail from his command, under the
command of Major Giddings, will main
tain the station on the mam land, while
the New York signal men will occupy
posts on Fisher's Island, Gardner s
Island, Plum Island and Montauk Point
and on board the ships. Messages re
porting the progress of the sham naval
battle of July 25 will be flagged from
one point to another by the signal men
Large Farty of Qulnnlpiac Club Members
From New Haven.
New London, July 11. A distinguish
ed party of New Haven gentlemen,
about twenty-five in number, members
of the Quinniplac club, visited the
Thames club this morning upon the in
vitation of Major Bromley, advertising
agent of the Consolidated road, and
spent an hour or two very agreeably.
At noon a steam launch took the par
ty up the river to the Kitemaug club,
where they enjoyed the hospitality of
that well known club. In the party
were the following gentlemen: General
S. E. Merwin, Hon. N. D. Sperry, Gen
eral Ford, F. C. Tuttle, William Neely,
T. A. Tuttle, Major Isaac Bromley,
Colonel F. T. Lee, George Gunn, Charles
S. Kimberly, Judge David Callahan, E,
H. Barnes, Miles H. Goodyear, Arthur
D. Osborne and Dr. W. D. Anderson,
They returned to New Haven on the
Gilt Edge this evening.
Married at St. Patrick's.
A very pretty wedding wus solemn
ized at St. Patrick's church at 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, when Miss Mar
garet C. Keyes of 48a Jiast street was
married to William Cautwell, now of
this city, formerly of Norwich, Conn
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Father Ryle. The bridesmaid was
Miss Rose Clerkin and the best man
William Galivan. The bride was attired
in a beautiful traveling oostume and
carried bride roses. The happy couple
left on the 6 o'clock tram for a brief
wedding tour, and upon their return
will reside at 96 Greene street.
Modern Treatment of Epilepsy.
The monthly meeting of the New
Haven Medioal sooiety was held at the
residence of Dr. G. F. Converse on
Wballey avenue last evening. About
thirty physicians were present. The
special feature of the meeting was
paper on the "Modern Treatment of
Epilepsy," compiled and read by Dr.
Leonard Woolsey Bacon, jr. The paper
was an exceedingly nble one, and re
flected great credit upon Dr. Bacon
After the business of the meeting had
been transacted an excellent repast was
served, which was much enjoyed by all
Wedding Last Evening.
A very pretty home wedding occurred
at 255 York street, last evening. The
most interested were Miss L. C. Smith
and Mr. E. B. Strong, the ceremony
being performed by the Rev. E.
Thorpe of Hartford, Conn. They were
the recipients of many beautiful and
useful presents and congratulations.
They left on an early train for a trip
among the hills oi Connecticut. On
their return they will reside at 255 York
street, this oity. .
' Installation of Officers.
Rathbone Lodge, No. 1, K. of P., in
stalled the following officers last night,
D. D. G. C. T. 8. Williams being the in
stalling officer: .C. C, Burton Wooding;
V. O., D. W. Caulkins; P., L H. Hoxie;
M. of W., David 8. Campbell: M. at A.
John Norman: I. G,, H. O. Jacobus: O,
11 lock Island and 1 The Raven! U Annual von""""" I . . . I
Natlunal Dudy.
Wuterbury. July ll.-The vowu
anuuiil national eouveiitiuu of Trade
Aweinuly No. 252, ut the KiiIk'
Labor, the United Bras Worker and
Muinl l',ilUl,..r i,t !hn United rjlutcn,
cued here to-day, at 10 a. M at Ln-
John K. Fluguruld of New Haven pie
tided. Delegate from Trenton, Eliza
beth, Jeiwy City, Albany, H'lmtlo,
rooklyii, New York, and from Minwa-
htiiM'lts, Ulimle Isluiid-uitrt tin ''
ere nrem-iit. The aoU'eatc noiu Un
ocal Hi-wmliUe ure Juiiiri . tarroii,
K. Kelly, Thoma Liiddy una Jonu
Murphy. There were sixty-two ut'iu-
gate present when the, cuiiveuiwu,
opened this morning, ltnport of offi-
urs have consumed inueu oi iuc u, .
tin iimsler workman report lioateu
quite extensively on the pivseut critical
condllloii of uffuir. and suggested rcm-
dies for doing away wlthA'uipleU lx-
tween labor and it employers, ill
secretary's report showed thai the order
us strong in number una financially.
The convention will continue to-nior-
The Kw 1'ork l.mw Witness Goes to
Jail tor Three Months.
Hartford, July 11. In the police
court to-day Judge Barbour sentenced
Lena Cohen, the New York Lexow wit
ness, to three months In jail for Keeping
house of ill fume. Her husband,
Morris Cohen, was lined $20 and costs.
Fanny Rahfsky was given thirty days
in jail, Mury Duncan fifteen days, and
Carrie Curry was fined 85 and cost.
Isadora Yesuess, Lena's paramour, was
let go.
Chief of Police Bill testified that wnen
Lena Cohen came here from New York
three months ago she told him she was
going to stait a nouse anu bsruu mm
he price of police immunity, on me
New York plan. He ordered her out
and warned her.
FRIES vs aim: mystified.
Florence Bell Seymour of Seymour Rock
Norwalk, July 11. Fashionable circles
in Seymour Rock, a small village seven
miles from this city, are agitated over
the mysterious disappearance of Miss
Florence Bell, only daughter of Francis
K. Seymour, the wealthy banker, who
has not been seen since last Saturday
Miss Seymour, it is announced, is en
gaged to a Mr. Pennell of Chicago, and
the wedding, wnicn, accoraing 10 an re
norts. would have taken place next
September, would have been the princi-
uul social function in years, ner ab
sence from home cauuot be explained.
She is only 20 years old. Mr. Sey
mour has offered $5,000 for her return
to him safe and sound. - Mr. PenneR
has been notified by wire of her disap
pearance. Cheney Bros, silks for 39e. a yard at
Howe & Stetson's. See adv.
If vou wish to see silks sold like cot
ton cloth step down early this forenoon
to Howe & Stetson's silk sale.
If vou wish to see silks sold like cot
ton cloth step down early this forenoon
to Howe & Stetson's silk sale. See adv.
The Booth Meat Co. have had and
now have plenty of meat and you can
save money by buying your supplies rit
their stores, 370 State street, 591 Grand
avenue and 7 Grand avenue, Fair Ha
ven. Cash markets. No delivery,
jyl2 3t
Inks anil
Chapel, cor. State st.
Are sUl oomlnit. very tii
We are Offering them Very Low.
Spring Ltnb, Spring Umb.
Asparagus, Fresh lilnt, . " '
Psss, New bnnoh Beet,
Choice Florida and Hothouse Tonutoe,
Huahroome, Mushroom. '
7 ind 9 Church st. 152 Portsu st.
Sterling Silverware
rling i
81.00 J
Belts. ,
Ladles' Link Ouft Button. -Studs,
etc., at
The largest selection in
the city can be found at
Jewelers and Diamond
el (font. :i -
'6w JIvw.Thur4r, JulyJ3,l4. ,
The weather.to4ay-Liktly
to be fair,
""T '"MOV R y. '
Th A PQtirV SjIC
with its vigorous sweep takes
in Linens, --Cottons ana
Housefurnishings. Prices
for Thursday only. ,
Mot many days Deiore
we'll be scampering abojit
trying to ascertain how many
hundred , thousand dollars'
worth of merchandise thjre
is in stock ; how much has
been sold since January ist;
how much money we have
lost and how much we have
made, etc. To this end
quantities must be reduced,
consequently reduced prices.
The economy of Eight
Cents in connection with
things always wanted.
One day hursaay.
Whlk Broom
Patent Clothes Dryer,
Shoe Brushes
Paint "
Towel Rack,
Cotton Clothes Line, -Knife
Spring Scales
Alcohol Lamp
Soap bishrs
Bowls ' '
Japanese Tea PoU .
Sea-shore Palls and Shovels
Picture Dusters
Decorated Cup
Decorated sau
cers Decorated Plate
Milk Kettles
Agate Sauce
Afrnii- Pie Plates
Comb and Brush
Vegetable sneers
Fry Pans
Mincing Knlyes
Lipped Preserve
Lipped Sauos Pans
Coffee Pota
Carpet Beater
Milk Pans
Wash Basins
Yellow Pudding Dishes
Pie Plates
Oil Stove Kettles
Agate Dtppei
les .
For sale down in the
-to-reach Basement.
17 inch Red "' bordered
Table Linen 37 a yard.'
64 inch Cream Table Linen
at 40 cents a yarq.
4-8 Bleached Napkins 50
cents a dozen. Restaurants,
attention! V .1
1 Case of Dwight Anchor
Bleached Cotton 7 cents a
vard. . T
1000 vds. of 45 inch
Colored Bordered Lawns 5
cents a yard,
The forcreinsr prices are
for Thursday only. Good:
designated bv yellow and
blue cards.
Linen Court.
Not That Ginghams
are worth less, but other fab
ricsBreeze Cloth for ex
amnle. have for the time
being supplanted them. In
consequence you'll find upon
our tables, hrst quality 32
inch 25 cent American
Zephyr Ginghams at 12H
cents a yard. Ginghams out
of date? Never. Women are
as true to them as the mari
ner's needle is to the pole.
Daylight Square.
Potatoes, 22 cents Peck,
75 cents Bushel.
Thevaretne nicest Potatoes In town,
23 Granulated Sugir $1.00. t
f 4 We have a large assortment of .
TVii-nlrct kYi.fl Daira:
And our price are low.
CThB Burgess Fir I Sat to;(
ry wtciiiiwj,-i
FOE Till.
July Is usually a quiet montli
in tlie Clothing "business. We
propose to make it a btlsyone
witli us "by offering the "best
values ever offered in this
country in Reliable Beady
made Clothing.
." . '. ' .. .
? Do not think of buying any
thing in the Clothing line un
til you have examined our
StOOk. v ' .:V
101, 103 and 105 Church Street,
Almost Everyone
takes a vacation
about these days. The
wise man has his trav
' elling flask filled and
,- . gets his cigars from his
grocer before leaving.
He thereby takes no
chances on quality and,
incidentally, saves on
an average 33 over
"Summer resort"
.-: 770 Chapel Street
Established ml.
Remington Bicycle
Tbougajoften remarked. Is not often men
tioned by us.. The Hemlng-ton has more im
rortant features more worthy of attention.
IB every way it 1 as gooa aa re Kwaa.
Sold 'foi; cash or on easy term. 8tore open
everyvenlnit. REPAIRING. BBNT1NQ.
e and Huootr
, us wraniraBirnii '
' 1 'Stoir clod eveniiur axoaot Satiaday- awU
'Isthedutjof evi
r man and weman. Iff
you "eep pi
. yoa wm know tnat
we want vour trad and are wlUinir toi
makelndueemdntkMaetit. Ibis weekT
we are offering some tptoial bargain in
Hammoeks (full' tre7 0, Lemonade
Ma 13a. oil Btove Irani tn uvwaraa.
ia-burnet furiiaai
Dfer Bowl 80.
1 Prices on TiirMtore' and carpet lm
A line of an rap uaoy Ajsmaces, suu-i
able far us at Usi shore-ot- ia the ooun-j
. Trv ai,ttiff mmme: .at verv lowl
iprloes. ATsoompite Uneof the Ugh-J
'er grade at ratiiaBiM prices.
11 Jll VlUll
CkpliWM OatiUtar,
CMted ! kop stay
THB best 1 ArtoBoiai etone' to the market for
sidewalks. dnviW fcU. shop and hern
Soots, eeilar bottom, ourhlng, ooplhg, aw.
I orilm imsufr neauted
ttoa gaawauMa. h "S -
We offer our line of Cbenejr BroO
11.00 qimllty 24 Inen Pl(rured India
Silks, oomprUlng raafnifloent Una of
stylus and coloring, at - ' , ':
39c a yard.
Tbl I unquestionably the great!
811k bargain UjI olty ba erer teen.
for , '
Tfaaa arioceheU fd octy t
from 8 A. M. te VttaTsJ
day, July lath. , ?
They are.ererUi yo tte4
. . - .
umiv .i
No. J.
About ijoo'yardft-ef Sottjetl
Swiss, ' ih beauttful Jrtiated fig
r.T9s. Tiicse hav tfc teal em
broidertJ. dots, and our. regular
price is 25c.
Also about laooyards Ander
son's. Scotch Ginghams a very
pretty line of stylea...-Regular
price, 35c. Only Thursday,
2i.. :
About iaoo yards-of very fin
quality all-silk MoW Ribbons,
with satin adga, width' .ia.r
full line colors. Regular 24c
quality. Qajfy Thursday, at
NO. J. -W;:
' We offer a line of Ladies'
Drawers (Hathaway 'mike). Ia
the lot art ; all size "and kinds,
and the cloth is of the very best
niaterial. . Regular- prices are
75c. and 88c. Only Thursday,
it HALF PRICE, that is. , .
38 aivl 4?4
No. 4,
Oiir line of fine Duck Suits-
all with bound seams, excellent
finish, etc. Colors are-ataolutely
fast. Regular pricaj I4-48-Only
Thursday, at
Small Wares. '
Fqr Thursday Only. :
Combination Pocket-Book worti
50c., 23c. '
Our 35c. and 38c. Belt Buckles, 19c.
Choice from our rtock t of 'Stick
Pins, 5c. ' ' ,
Handsome Ooth 'FoMivJPawi, aU
colore, 0c. . . " v- . . "'
Floriaa Water, 7c. ;
Chloride of Lime, 5e.-" ' '
HeWE i
Is made up and;
will order the'
Furniture at pncev.
it is lotelv. and '
UUHIjB BU WiljlXT sa hui
less than , Anywhere
else in New:HaVen,:
hecanse Ma went ev;
erywhere to get prices.
We delivered that furniture. v :
, this morning.. Kye floora
as good at lowest, cost. .'
- Casli or Easfi mtT Ey TonTi
p, J. mLY&
Grand Ave., Church St,
. - - . . , - . '.:f
To 1012 I0I4 CHAPEL ST.

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