Newspaper Page Text
r NEW TIAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER WEDNESDAY, JULY 1ft 189L r mi LAST WW A HMX. Tt Yankee Gained at Kery Turn en tit Britannia. Bangor.July 17.-TH Vigilant and Brit- nnla tartedHn their th contet to-day tb rac being for th Commodore" cup of th Royal Ultr Yacht club.over the Mm coure a yterdy, Tb weather was ehowery but there waa a strong westerly wind, which promlaed to bold out The boat croaaed the line together at 11:00:12. The Britannia, a ueual.auccceded In getting the weather gunge. Cruanlng the line both act their jlbtopiail and bora away to Carrlckfergua mark. It took two lega to reach Carrlckfergua, 'and In going about the aecond time the Vigilant passed the Britannia and rounded the mark boat at 11:24:40. The Britannia rounded the murk at 11:25:55, one minute and fifteen second astern. The long run from Carrlckfergua to Blackhead waa made with the wind abeam, both boata carrying jlbtopaall. The Vigilant perceptibly gained upon the Britannia In the spanking breeze, and rounded the Blackhead Hag boat two minute and one second ahoal of the Britannia. Getting away on the reach for the Brlggs mark the Vigilant was sailing grandly, and gave evidence of being bandied for all she was worth. . The beat for the ilagbuat off the club house from Brlggs was made In two boards.with sees hissing over lee rail. The quickness of the Briton in stays helped her to pick up a few seconds in this three mile leg. The Vlllgant round ed the home mark two minutes and forty-six second ahead of the Britan nia. In the short tacking down along shore for the Carrlckfergua markboat the Britannia's wonderful quickness in going about decreased the former ad vantage of the centerboard by fifty four seconds. But the Vigilant still led by one minute and fifty-two seconds when the yachts turned Carrlckfergua In a smother of foam. Jlbtopsalls were set in the flve-and a half mile run from Blackhead.along the north shore of Belfast Lough. The Vigilant rounded the Blackhead mark boat at the head of the lough four minutes and thirty seconds ahead of the cutter, having gained two minutes and thirty-eight seconds in the five aid one half mile run. It was distinctly a Vigilant wind, with a choppy beam sea supposed to be particularly favorable to the cutters that the racers had on the four and a half mile run to Brlggs. The wind was on the starboard quarter and was freshened to a twenty knoter. Across the lough on the four mile stretch to. Carrlckfergua, smashing against a' nasty sea, the Vigilant in creased her lead, according to the con jecture of experts, to about six riin ltfes. . While nearlng the Carrlckfergua mark on the short tack the Britannia sud denly came up in the wind. She had apparently carried away .something. Later it was ascertained that her fore Btay had parted. 'After clearing away the wreckage she bore away for home, under mainsail and Jib, giving up the contest which, in the event of the wind holding, was now regarded 'as a sure thing for the Vigilant. The Yankee speeder rounded the Car .rlckfergua mark at 2:37:10. She sailed over the course and under the rules of the regatta, defeated the Britannia and thus won the Rear Commodore's cup valued at $250, offered by R. G. Dun ville, and a cash prize of $125, which doubtless will be divided among the Vigilant's crew. After the Britannia anchored oft the club house it was ascertained that she had not, as previously reported, car ried away her forestay, but had broken the jaws of her gaff. ZATE EDWARD KANE'S ESTATE. His Wife Ask for Letters of Adminis tration. Mrs. Ann Kane of 140s Nash street, wife of the late; Edward Kane, yester day filed an applioation in the probate sourt before Judge Robertson for let ters of administration on the estate of tier deceased husband. Mrs. Kane stated that her husbimd left New Haven about two years ago, and since that time until his death had resided in Walling- - to rd wit twius -niece, Bridget Barry. She further Wild' that her husband was burled in? Walllngford beside his first wife ali4 that he left $1,500 worth of real estate and $800 in money. Bridget Hairy testified to Judge Robertson that during the time that the deceased had lived with her he had eaten up the $800 In oash and that the reat estate, was also gone. The' case at present is a rather confused, oqe. Judge Robertson ap pointed next Monday for a formal hear ing in the matter and some interesting facts are expected to be developed. , Site Hntt pave an English MatA. The stern flat has been pronounced agftlnt ;tlie, .Trench maid., 'Paulines, Suzettes and Sophies by the score are with their deft fingers, dainty ways, caressing ' Voices, and most pure -of Parisian accents, .vainly searching for comfortable situations known of yore, and .wrathf ully discover they have been replaced by middle-aged English wo men; No One" can exactly put their fin ger on the cause of the revlutlon, but Veryone. hears rather black accounts of the Parisian paragons. The - lew York mistress is mild and long-suffering; but Pauline evidently went a step too f ar In heFquarrels below stairs, her flirtations with the butler, and the pil fering of jretty trifles, and ' now her day la over Her onci devoted mistress ' tow she is glad, and at last has found true treasure In Hollis, her English maict Hollis is quite all one ever read about in English novels. She is a staid and stately 1 person, no longer in her first youth, and though she cannot em broider madame's filmy mouchoirs and UnderUnen, tie the sweetest bow knot In V tjrfce, chatter the gayest gossip in the most faultless accent, and pay madame the neatest little compliments, eh Is a remarkable capable person. SbaS ha brought , a,, recommendation from oe titled English lady, who, af- . flrnj that ilolU ia.a Jtaultles traveler and does hair ery: well, also plain aew-: lng The American '.njietress, finds a)l that true. HoUialot4Ha day at sea, she la something; of maueuse. and she" 1 worth an arany ot raea on- journeys. ' "',., ,;,; .m-'-nh vJV2l''".-'-' m r 'J"Si a", '-.fc sC ... tin Is a Mrn but perfect chaperon, ah knows all about getting ticket, checking luggage, booking at hotels, tipping other servant and getting her right. Ther I a class of English maid In New York who only attend ladle when traveling. Bom of them have been all over th world, up the Nils, Borons Russia, and even to the Chinese wall; and one In th hand of one of these women on can travel In Joy and peace. They are engaged to accompany young ladle a chaperon when trip are to be made, and rarely seek for employment In a settled posi tion. Of course they receive high wag es, and all their expense paid. From "Society Fads;" Demoresl's Magazine for July. How Brislit Hoy Uela a Living. (From the Chicago Dally Tribune. A young man who Ingenuity de serves a better return 1 picking up a living In a novel manner at State and Madison streets. He bear all the out ward signs of poverty, and the general appearance of a tret waif 1 relieved only by the almost pathetic tenderness In hi wasted face. HI employment was suggested to him one rainy afternoon when he was standing at the corner of the streets named looking Idly at the passing cable train. It was 5 o'clock and the Btreets were filled with people hurrying to their homes. An elderly woman with arms filled with bundles had tried vain ly to board a weat-bound cable, and had found all the seats and even stand ing room absorbed by the time the trains rounded the corner from Madi son Into State' street The boy' atten tion was attracted by her distress, which was exaggerated by the necessi ty of carrying an umbrella. He stepped up to her and said politely: "Madam, I will get you a seat. I will go down Madison street and get on the train and will wave my hand to you as it comes around the corner. Then you can get on and take the seat." The woman had barely time to com prehend the boy's plan before he was off. One train, crowded to the rails, passed and she saw no hand waved, but on the next she caught sight of the boy on the second car and scrambled Into the seat he had retained for her. In doing so she saw his face distinctly for the first time, and with a half apology pressed a quarter into his hand. The boy saw in this Incident a possi bility that he was shrewd to turn to ac count. He thereafter haunted the cor ner on rainy days, watching for women with bundles, and Anally extended his vigil to pleasant days. His success was variable for a time, but gradually the regular contingent of down-town shoppers learned to know him, and he built up a large clientele. The usual tip he gets now for his ef forts Is Ave cents. ' He la occasionally taken from his regular station by a special call- on some otter line. Then he gets double pay and more. ffttmnciaX. Distillers Wm a Feature The Ratlwavs . , Held Well Until the Last. New York, July 17. Of to-day's sales 45,500 shares were in American Sugar, 45,245 in Distillers, and 19,000 in Chicago Gas, leaving a little over 62,000 shares for the entire railway list and the Indus trials. The feature of the market was the heaviness of Distillers, the stock breaking from 20 to 18. Considerable long stock came out on the way down, and the decline was checked until just at the close, when there was a rally to 19 on covering of short contracts put out early in the day for room account. The weakness was due to "Washington advices that the compromise on the distilled spirit schedule will be unfavor able to the trust. Chicago Gas dropped 2 to 74 on the announcement that the Chicago, common council had given a franchise to the Universal Gas company, the latter to' furnish the city with gas at 75 "cents perl.OOO. American Sugar first advanced to 101, fell to 99, recovered to 100, and declined to and closed at 99", the lowest point of the day. The stock is still sensitive to Washington news, the early rise being due to the reiteration of the old reports that the trust will get the protection It needs, while the weakness near the close was the result ot the rumored dis agreement of the conference.'' The railway list held Well until the last hour or so, when a decline of to 1 per cent, occurred in sympathy with weakness in the Industrials. Pullman fell 1 to 158, and Evansville and Terre Haute 2 to-51. Th feeling on railway stocks is by ho means bearish, and even the professional operators on the short side are- not Inclined to fol low up the weakness of Distillers and Chicago Gas by sales of the railwav is sues. The reported formal disagreement of the tariff conference committee was expected In view of the wide differences known to exiBt between the house and senate over certain features of the bill, and therefore the bear were unable to make any capltaf out of this latest de velopment in national legislation. It Is still believed by the street that a way will be reached to dispose of the mat ter before long. A' better inquiry for bonds, both government and railroads, is having a' good' effect ph the stock market. . .. . s -- The closing was rather weak owing to the heavlnes of the industrials. Net changes show losses of to 1 per cent. Big Four, Reading and Canada Southern rose per cent, Manhattan 114, and Baltimore 1 per cent. Reading was higher on rumor that the pros pects for, the reorganization , had im proved.- -: . , ':.--::.:- . "-' The demand for railway and miscel laneous mortgages continues brlsk.and a further advanoe Jn prloe wa record ed. Business was-mori aotive, the sales footing Up 11,101,000.' JV Following are the Closing price, re ported by Prince ft" TVhlt'ely, bankers and brokers, 48 Broadway, New1 York, and 15 Center street, .New Haven: -- J? -I: I4V Asked. Amerloan Cotton Oil Co.. KM SDK American Cotton Oil On. nfal ! ao" . m" AmerroaneiwHrReflntnigo.... 9tV 99tt Am. Sugar ReflnlnaDrr. pfd... tail ..- 94U Atchison, Topeka k mate Se... A V 65 Canada Southern. ..t.i..A.-i..;, - 4SH Central of New Jentfy.,.. .. . ... or3 - loau Oieearaket Ohio VoanfCU,. 16U 17H Chteajrd East UHirola rt!: -V '? rtilioOH Co...... UH Clili-.K.i, MHwHtikM. m. I'mil . tu'l no IIVK Clik'Hrf.i. it . k i itit. x i'auiilu., i mi-Hito, Miiwaves t. ram lira u I'M Ctilusiio, 8t, I' M. Omitli Obv.-IhikI. C C. k M, Umn Oil., lliK-kinir Valley 4 TuMu.. t 'inWill.llud () Ms ware Huilsun Canal Mswuro, l.mlt, Wmt-m Ik-iivir Kto Urniidu Ufa. ...... Din. adtilKKwIlii Co 0"iinrui KlwitrleCo iHtuolN&Hitral Istlf 15 itt III lt lit 1M 121 til 164 lv H vu 1 Ukti Wigrti MlcMwtll So, likqKriu' Wnierii Lake Krie Weati rn ufiT.. iww i4 H 10ti ex 46 1H . U 17 14 CI JIT n4 1MB ws 14 H 14 i St ? l4 87 UiuUvlllti Nakhvlllv 4ft Louisville A Nuw Albany T Louisville Jc w AlltHuv Dfd.... 29 4ft a i Latitude Ha 19 l, Missouri, Kansas k Texas Missouri, Kansas Tuiss ufd.. .Mi.ulmiiuti EUivatod Missouri I'aulllc New V.irk Sow Huvcn N. V.N.B.T.Ou. rtfs New Vurk Central Hudson... N. Y t'lileairo k HI. Louis N. Y.. Lsko Erie a Western.... 11 n Us s wZ N. V.. Ik Erie Western pfd. N. Y. 'Ontario Western Norfolk k Western pfd..-. North American Co. Northern I'acKlo j Northern Haeltlo pfd U. 8. Cordage Co V. 8. Cordave Oo. pfd National Lead Co National Lead Co. pfd l'aolrio Mall 8. 8. Co Peoria, Ueuatur k Evaiiavllle... ax 14 81 tti ? I'lilla. Heading Voting- Ctfs... I'ullman I'alHeoCar Co ltloh. k W. P. T. tr.'4th Inat. p'd Ten ucsaee (,'ual k Iron TenneNu-e Coal k iron pfd...... Texas I'aulllc Tol Ann Arlior 4 North Mich.. Colon Fuel lie Union Puelllo. Denver Jt Gulf... 4 2 Watiasu WahRKbpfd 14!i Western Uuion Teleirrapb H)l Wueellnic k Luke Erie 10 Wheeling- k Lake Krlo pM Wisconsin Central. 3, AduniK Express 149 Ainerleiin Kxproxs ll Knited rState Exprera 60 Wells-r'ariro Express lot) U. S. r!uhter 34 V. 8. ltubber pfd W Government Bonds. Following are the quotation for United States bonds at the call to-day: Ext. 2s, reg 06 4H, rex, iiwi 114 114 4.coiib., 1907... (4114 New ta, teg., l'JOt lit) (illHV New 5s, coup., 1004 119!(U9H Currency As, 1K95 U1 & (Currency 8. 1WW 104 o CurrenovSs. !Hg7 107 i Currency As, 1888 .i. 110 (4 uurroncy 06, usm 113 (4 NEW HAVEN LOCAL QUOTATIONS. Furnished dally by Kimberly, Root & Day, Bankers and Brokers, 133 Orange street. BANK STOCKS. Par Bid Aaked Cltv Bank $100 120 " New Haven County National Bank 10' 8y Mechanics' Bank B0 (W Merchants' National Bank.... 50 44 J New Haven National Bank... 100 lift Tradesmen's National Bank.. 100 137 46 Second National Bank:..,.... 100 ltt4 107 x ate national mink...- 100 littf RAILROAD STOCKS. - Par Bfd Asked B. & N. Y. A. I,, preferred.... 100 99 Danbury & Norwalk R. K. Co. 50 65tt lletrolt, Hillsdale & 8. W 100 90 Housatonic R. H. Co 100 23 . Naugatuck H. R. Co 100 2WX New Haven & Derby It. It. Co. 109 90 New Haven & Northampton 1UU VJ N. V., N. H. H. K. H. Co.... 100 lTM 180 Shore Line R. R .-..t'. jilv- 100 104 MISCKIiANBOUS STOCKS. Par Bid Asked New Haven Gas Light Co.... 25. New Haven Water Co 50 Pock, Stow & Wilcox 26 Security Insurance Co 40 Swift & Co 100 Telephone Ches. k, Pot 100 52 08 24 85 lOOtf 60 46 9W 80 ' 04.. 53 44)tf 05 00 Erie 100 N. Y.& N. J... 100 Southern N. E 100 . TJ. S. Rubber preferred, par. . 100 KAILKOAD BONDS. Due Bid Asked B. & N. Y. A. L. 5b 1005 107 Hoiyokett westacld latts... lgu 99 Housatonic Consols 5a 1037 116V New Haven & Derby 5s 1918 llltf New Haven & Derby 7s 1900 113 New Haven & Derby 0s 1900 109 New Haven & N. 7s, 1889...... 1899 110V New Haven N. 7a, 1874 1899 HOW N. H. & N. Consols 6s 1908 117 N. H. & N. 1st 5s 1911 107 New London Northern 1st 4s. 1910 Ml New London Northern let 5s. 1910 107 N. Y. & N. E. 1st 7s 199,5 108 N. Y. & N. E. 1st 6s 1995 105 N. Y. & N. E. 2d 8s ... 1902 99 N. Y., N. H. & H. 48 .. 1903 103 N. Y., N. H. & H, Deb. 4s 1908 103 N. Y., Prov. & Boston 7s 1899 112 N. Y., Prov. & Boston 4s...... 1042 103 West Haven H. R. B. 5s 1912 100 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. 110 106 102 104X Due Bid Asked F. H. W. CoS 7s ! 189O03 New Haven City 7s 1901 116X New Haven City 5s 1897 100 New Haven City 4s, sewerage 1914 100 New Haven City 3)tfs, " 1907 95 New Haven Town SVs 98J4" New Haven Town P. P. Issue 1939 95 New Haven School 4s 1901 102 S. N. E. Telephone 5s 1908 100 Swift & Co. fe 1910 101 102 102tf TO THE HOLDERS OF THE Consolidated Mortgage 5 p. ct. Bonds (Due April 1, 1919), AMD THE Collateral Trust 5 per cent. Bonds (Due Sept. 1, 1919), OF TH - , . . , Orep fcl Liofl IJtali il Default has been made In tbe payment of the Interest due April 1, 1804, of tbe consoli dated mortgage hi ntfa and In the payment of the interest due arch 1, 1894, of the eollateral trust bonds of the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern Railway Co. Tbe underai(ioad have consented to act as committee toprotectthe Interests of your bonds and to tako whatever steps may be neoearary under the otsoum stanoea. , ' An agreement has been prepared', In accord ance with the terms of which vou arenatrttri nn deposit your bonds at the otHoe of either ths Amuutaa Ulan tt TUST COM.FA Y IN BOSTON or the NEW YORK GUAR ANTY & ItrbBIHNITY COMPANY UXKIV YORK, and copies of tbe agreement may he vukuucu av ntjjn-ujaw. negoaaoiewerijii cates will be Issued for all bonds deposited, and application will at once be made to have them listed by the New York Stock Exchange. Messrs. P. A. L. VAN OGTROP (Chair man), KOKLVINK, BROEK1WAN, R. VAK KKKS, RAHUSEN, BERLAGR, and BOOK HAKTS1NCK, or Amsterdam, Holland, have oonsanted to act as s committee to represent iuv t-uuniiwiiuM morwiuje buo ooiiaterai crust bonds held there, sni Intend to work In har mony with the undersigned, and it Is tbe pur- ose of the underelgnel oommittee to. act in armony with the general r orgapnatlon committee in carrying out any scheme which will promote your interests. , - It is believed to be desirable that you should be represented by an Independent eom mlttee In tie negotiations for a reorganization of the system.- - ... . . ENDICOTT PEABODY, rhalrmam, (PraaMent American Loan Trust Co., Boston.) - T.O.OAKHAN, ' - (President Hew York Guaranty ft Indem nity Co., New York.) W. 8. FITZ, Boston. . GEORGE C. LEE, ; . - i (Of Higrginsoa Co. Boston.) HOWLAIWDAYIg, Sew York. K.W.JORDAN, Secretary. Excnar v Building, State 8VaWoit?5 9ay our awiaand are glad to find MOOKFlELu STORSYTbranseT - - 1 J Mere thej- Innr otmfllence in. W Ezohanara Buttdlns-. BMtAt 8osCaa J-tnltctal, Stocks for Sale. 20 ill Swift fc Co. stock. SO lis New Haven Water Co. (old) sUHik. 10 shs N. Y., N. II . It llfd. RR. Co. The Chas. W. Scranton Co., U CENTER STREET. Security Insurance Co. OF NEW HAVli.N. OrriOK 8T CENTER sTItKKT. Cash Assets January U '04, a.lue.SlS.07. DiaacToit4 Cornelius Plorpont, A.C.Wilcox, Joel A. Sperry. Chas. 8. Lete, Jan. U. Dwell, H. Mason, E. 0. Htoddard, 0. a. .iliTWIll, I..I... W al.lL- wm. n. Iyer, T. Attwatur llunim CHA9.B. LUETB, II. MASON. President. Himretary. J.D.DKWF.LU : II. C. FULLER. Vleo President. Aas't. Secretary, Jaleod VERMILYE & CO., Bankers and Brokers. Dealers in Investment Securities. 16 and 18 NASSAU STREET, New Yorls. Oity. FOR JULY INVESTMENT. New Haven Street Railway Company 20 Years 5 per cent. Gold Bonds. The Company's system Includes The Stutc Street Koud, The Whitney Avenue Road, The Morris Cove Koud, The Lake Snltoiistall Koad, and the Lombard and Ferry Streets Milcaare in Fair Haven. These bonds uro first mortirairo Hen. and it can be demount ratod to the most conservative investor that tliev are mnonir the soundeHt. ne. curitlce ever offered In this market, .Trice on application. CLARENCE E. THOMPSON, Je2812t 102 Orange street, Room 12. nrrv burglary, fire, UlN FORGERIES, BT HIRING A SAFE IN THE VAULT OF Mercantile Safe Deposit Co. Annual rental of safe, from FIVE to SIXTY DOLLARS. Absolute Security for Bonds, Stooks, Wills, Bullion, Pluto, Jewelry, Precious ncones, ana an eviaences 01 values. Access to vault through the banking room of the ME- UHAMIUB UArk., - 7)8 CHURCH, COR. CENTER STREET. Coupon rooms for convenience of imtrnns AU persons Interested are cordially invited to nspect the company s premises. Open from v a. 111. to op. m. Thomas R. TiiownBiDOE, President, Oliver S. Whit, Vice President, Chas. H. TBOWBkiDas, Sec. and Treas. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 86 sh Merchants' Natioasl Bank stock, siah a. N. E. Telephone Co. stock. 10 sh New Haven Water Co. stock. 25 sh Bridgeport Electrlo Light 00. stock. 26 ih Boston Kleotric Light Co. stock. $5,000 Swift Co. 6 per cent, bonds. $5,000 S. N. E. Tel. Oo. 6 per osaC debentures New Haven Water Co. Rights Bought and Sold. H. C. WARREN & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS. National Tradesmen's Bank, NEW HAVEN, CONN., Draws Bills of Exchange r. .ok Aplance Bank (Limited), London, Provincial Bank of Ireland, Dublin, Union Bank of Scotland, Credit Lyonnais, Paris, And on all the Principal Cities of Europe. Issues Clronlar Letters of Credit Available . Throughout Europe. GKO. A. BUTLER, President. WM.T FIELDS, Cashier. ': , BAXKER8 AMD BROKERS, No. 46 Broadway, New York, 15 Center -Street, New Haven. Members K T. Stock Exchange, Produoe Ex- cuaajfe auu vuiuasru ouaru j.Taue. C. B. BOLMER, - , Manager New Haven Branoh. All Classes of Railway Stocks and Bonds also Grain, Provisions and Cotton, Bought and gold on Commission. Connected by Private Wire with Mew York, Boston and Chioag-0. INVESTMENT SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SECURITIES FOR SALE. IT shs Merchants' Nat. Bank stock. $D aha Southern M. E. Tel. stock. . 35 shs N. Y., N. H. k H. B&.stock. 5 shs Mew York ft New Jersey TeL stock. 20 ahs V. 8. Rubber Prefd stork. 2S shs American Bank Mote stock. $2,090 Middlesex Banking Co. f p. a. bonds. $5,000 N. Y N. H. ft H. RR. 4 p. c. debent's. $5,000 City of Passaic, N. J I per ct. bonds. 31. B. NEWTON & CO., '- 1 86 Orange Street. 878 State street, near Edwards. The Beat Quality of Tea, ud Coffee 1 uur specialty. .. -Mew customers express their delight with a We iiuuiuiy laruetw w iwss mam see. Eight of our companies rank among the fourteen largest doing business in Connecticut. No other agency has more than two of these first fourteen. NjrtD's Insnrance Ageacy, 70 Church Street. M1L SECURITIES FOR SALE. W shs N. Y.. N. H. ft H. KK. Co. SO shs Rome, Watcrtown ft Ogdensburgh RR., guaranteed 5 per ot. by N. Y. Cuntral RR. 60 sbs Chi. Juno, ft Stock Yards prof. 10 shs Second National Bank, lOihs Boston Elect la Light 100 hi Portland Electric Light. SOalis Peck Stow ft Wilcox Co. SO shs Merlden Britannia Co. $5,000 N. Y. Cent, ft Uudson Hit. 1st 7s. $6,000 Old Colony KR. 4s of 1051. KIMBERLY, BOOT & DAY. gjectirsions. EXCURSION SEASON 1894. STEAMER MARGARET, Capt. John Fitzgerald, Connects with steam launch "Penuot" at PIoo Park to and from Short Beach. Exour slon OOo, and single way !10c - -fT. Leave Belle Dock 9:46 a. m., 1:30 sPfi TiClBLp, ui. 4:30 p. m. Leave Brantord Point 11:00a. m., 2:46 p.m., 6:46 p. in. Lunve Pico park (Double Beach) 11:15 a. m 3 p. 111., 6 p. in. SUNDAY: Leave Belle Dock 10:16 a. m 2:16 p. m. Leave Brnnford Point 12:15 p. in.. 6:45 p. m. Leave Pico Park 12:30 n. m.. :00 n. m. Special rates for societies and Sunday schools. Appiy to JOHN W. CARTER, M'gr. Peck & Bishop, Ag'U, 702 Chapel st. Attractive Vacation Season. $9-4 days visit, all expenses paid $9 AT SARATOGA SPRINGS, The Hummer Fairyland. DATES Mondavs. Julv 10. 'X. 30 : Auarust 6. 13, 20, 1!T : by special train service N. YT, N. H. i H. Bit., leaving New Haven depot at 0:40 a. m. Pail attractions include Mineral Springs, Orchestral Concerts, Parks, Lakes. Pullman electric oar, 16 mile ride, Pompela and many fascinating details. Three Iaysv Tour, personally conducted, to Block Island, mt and V8. Leaving New Haven depot 7:60 a. m. July 14, :J1, SS, by Hy gela & Recreation Tourist Co. For further Information call on PECK & BISHOP, jy!2tf General agents, 702 Chapel street. Finest Day Resort on Long Island Sound. THE STEAMER JOHN H. STAREST, CAPTAIN McALlSTER, Will commence her regular trips to this beau tiful Island Thursday, July 6, continuing Every Tuesday and Thursday During the Season. Leaving New Haven from foot of Brown street at H:80 a. m. sharp, and Glen Island at 4 p. m., giving one-haluiour longer on tne island tiian previous seasons. Tbe attractions at the Island are well known, but we will mention those superior dinners. Glen Island Clambakes. Little Germnnv. Beat ing, Bathing, Daily Concerts at the Grand Pa vilion, ana moor attractions tnat go to mase up a nrst-olass pleasure resort. Fare, round trip, 75c; ohlldren between ages 6 and 12, 40a; one way, 60c. Special rates to parties of 100 and over. Music for dancing- on boat. No llauor allowed on tbe boat, which is u sufficient guarantee that ladies and chil dren need not rear molestation. C.H.FISHER, Jyatf Agent. Hotels. HERRMANN'S CAFE, Grove Street. SAVIN ROCK. "CHOICEST brands of Wines, Liquors and V , ugars, oonaranuy on nana. Herrmann's celebrated "Mononol Laser" In bottles and on draught, ' uiaies -auors second noqr. JULIUS HERRMANN, Late of Turn Hall, Now Haven, Jc268m - Proprietor. Hotel Monopole, (European Plan.) 14 and $ Church Street. AFE and Ladies' Restaurant connected with hotel. SSVHOT LUNCH served In ,fe. JelO IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS Made during the dull summer months bavemado f&f NEW HAVEN HOUSE , EiaVuMore comfortable than ever for both permanent ortranslentguosta. Traveling men are shown especial attention, sll SBTH B. MOSELEY. CURNEN'S CAFE, Railroad Grove, Savin Rock, HAB risen tilt a phoenix from its ashes. Thoroughly renovated and repaired. Pleasantest plane on the shore. Full line of choicest brands of. .Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer and Cigars, always on band. ; MJOHABLCrtNBN, 3y4 lm ' , Proprietor. THIMBLE ISLAND HOUSE. taOs 8teamer Sunthine rl Twice Daily J to Pot Rock Island. SUPERIOR BBOHE DTNNBM Send for Term for BoardPrices Reduced. Jeff to sal WHHAM H. BARNES. THE CLARENDON HOTEL, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T. - i Tb Is elegant -and leading bote! on Broadway, opposite Congress Park, trill FTl hy open the twi of June for the season. 1 " wl ws iwuu iw;iu u. 1-11 ret, streets. Cuisine fautUess. Celebrated orohea. tra, era., etc. nDfagrements can be made In suYauwjgriBF BEERS', P speciQea wiie mi Teiraaaiaaht, Mendel & Freedman Thursday As tiauul our Krent Burgalu Day Ki'oiinl Hri'iiker this tlnio. A July ClouriiiK Halo in one day. Gooila will be sulil nt such oil nuornions saorllloe to do a week's liiixliieM lu one day. Hero uro prices ni-ver to be forgotten for Tliitf'sfluy stilus. Mou's I'liluiindrlod Shirts, good cot ton, llneii boitoin, double bnok and front, a fiOc shirt, Tliiiriluy at 25o. Boys' L'niuunilriedSblrts, double bark ami front, lini-u liusniu, Thursday nt 25c. Hoys' UurniT PiTcalo Wulst, plnllvd front and bark, ull pretty paUorns, worth 80), Thursility price 15c. Men's seamless Cotton Sox, 12o qual ity, nt Oo. Hermsdorf dye fust black Seamless Sox, qimllty 10c. Genuine Shttwknlt Sox, Thursday ISo, 811k embroidered Web Suspenders, 25o quullty nt He. Fine Cheviot Outing Shirts, 50o qual ity ut 25o, Negligee Shirts, Inttudrled collar and ouffs, sold at (1.00, Thursday price 49o, Sale of Wrappers. Ladles' Wrappers, made of Garner Cainbrio, in medium stripes and figures, with Wateau buck and leu of mutton sleeves, cost to make 75o, Thursday 83c. Ladies' flue Irish Lawn Tea Gowns, trimmed with double ruflle over shoul der and Wateau back, made to sell at 2.00, Thursday price 08c. Snle of Shirtwaist. All our Ladies' Shirtwaists sold at SOc, 80o and 75c, Thursday at 25o. Fine Percale Shirtwaists, extra wide leg of mutton sleeves, lttraie ruffle over shoulder, sold at $1, Thursday price 49o All silk Windsor Tics, 25c quality, llo. Fine Silk Belts, with silver buckles, 39(i kind at 25c. Leather Beits, all our 25c quality llo. Sale of Parasols. All our Purusols in stock to be sacri ficed at any price. All our (1.25 Para sols at 50c; all our (2.00 Parasols at 75c; all our (2.50 Paranoia at (1.00. Corsets and Muslin Undergarments. The odds and ends from one of the largest undergarment manufacturers on sale Thursday. Come early in the day and secure them. Ladies' Drawers, made of fine cotton, leep hem and tucks, at 15c, The ma terial in them cost 28c, Plain Corset Covers, perfect fitting. no trimming, Thursday at 8o. Luce Gowns at 59c. Made of Lonsdale Cambric, 6 rows of Valenciennes Lace and Edging, cost to make (1.00, for Thursday's sale 59c, Gowns at SOc. Made of Fruit of the Loom Cotton, high sleeves, 68 in. long, Hubbard back, 46 fine tucks, standing and turnover collars ; cloth alone in this garment worth 63c, Thursday price 60o. Gowns at 73c. Here are all of the (1 gurments,made of the best cotton and trimmed in latest style, with large ruffle, turnover collar, Thursday only at 75c, Infants Wear. Infants' knit Jersey ribbed Shirts buttoned all the way in front, sizes 2, 3, 4, all at 7c. Hamburg trimmed white dresses 25o, Corset Sale. R. & C. Ventilated Summer Corsets, usual price (1, Thursday at SOc. F. P. and Loomer's Cutaway Corsets at 50c. Every lady knows the prloe of these popular corsets, which is (1. They can be bought for 50c next Thursday at our store at all hours. The Normal Corset at 60c. It is the finest (1.25 Corset ever of fered, elegant styles, long waiated ; gives satisfaction every time ; it is tbe only corset made with the patent ashes tos lined clasp, absolutely impervious to moisture or perspiration; Thursday 09o. Thursday Sale of Gloves. Come early iu tbe day to secure some of the great bargains ou glove counter. AU our 25o real Lisle Gloves at I4o. Pure Silk Mits, 25c quality, at llo. Fine Silk Taffeta Gloves, 80o quality; Thursday prloe 19o. Bargains on Hosiery Counter. At 7c, at 7c, at 7o Ladies' and Chil dren's fast-black ribbed Hose, all sizes, value zoc; Thursday at an Hours, 7c. Ladies' fine seamless cotton Hose, fast mack, value zc; mursaay at llo, 35o Ladies' Vest at 10c. -50o Ladies' Lisle Vest at 19o. . Dress Linings and Notions. Thursday sale of Dress Linings and Notions These prices only for one day rnursaay. Coats' Spool Cotton, black and white. an numbers, at sc. King's 200 yds machine Cotton t lo King's large 600 yds spool Cotton, every spool warranted 500 yds, at 8o. Good spool Silk, 100 yds on a spool, 3c. Seamless Stockenet- Shields, 5n, SOc doz. Pure rubber-lined Dress Shields. 16o quality, at 7c. Kuglisb pins, best quality, 2c paper. Mllward's best Needles, 2o paper. Taffeta Silk Ribbons, best quality, 8o piece. Fanoy Silk Belting 5o yd. De Long Hook and Eyes at Oo oard. lOo Hair-curlers at 8o. Leather Purses at 6o. Leather Pocketbooks at 15o. Large bottles Witch Hozel at 10c. 8-oz Cakes Anchor Bath Soap, worth 16c, Thursday at 8c. Pint bottles Bay Rum at J0u. 12-oz bottles Triple Extract, worth 00c, Thursday at 26o. Blue Seal Vaseline at So. Fine Tooth Brushes, 20c quality, So. Heavy Rubber Combs, So. Large Hair Brushes, 40o quality, 19o. Best soft Cambrics, lengths of S to 6 yds, at 2 l-2c a yd. Gilbert's fanoy figured Slllsla, Waist Lining, 20o qualty, at 8o a yd. Fine Percale Waist Lining, upo quau ty, at 8o yd. Gilbert's Twilled Blllila, zoo quality. t 8o yd. Lining Faoing, l8o quality, in lengti of 1 to 2 yds, 8o a yd. 772 Chtpo! Street THE CICT1T HERALD AND L Containing 111 toe Im portant News Up to tbe Time or Its Issqb OK THURSDAY MOBKING. A Clean, Conservative and Reliable Weekly Newspaper, It is a II AnyinlL PRICE IN ADYA5CE ONI DOLLAR PER YElfi. PiUSMG COMPANY, No. 400 State Street, NEW HAYEN, CONN. ff MI mm Chicago Noramestrif.;.jU MB ' ; ;105 (aicago.BurUngWnAQirtooy-- T9H ,i. 76 - - . ' , . I jelleodam ;, f-,.