NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL ANB.COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1894. 3 h Wife of Hnr) A. Taylor, the New York Millionaire, Brings Suit for Limit ! voire on the Ground of Cruelty. Elliabeth C. Taylor, the tecond wife of Henry A. Taylor, the New York mil llonalr banker, haa brought ault against her husband for a limited dl voroe on the f rounds of cruelty and abandonment Mr, Taylor.who la about Ixty yean old, Is a aoore of years older than his second wife, whose maiden name was Conneys. She had lived much of her life with her father, who was In moderate circumstances, at Tar rytown, N. T., but she met the defend ant at a watering place. They were married In 1HS1 and have four children the youngest four years of sue. The three oldest children live with the fathec and the youngest with the mother. . . . After the marriage they lived at 11 West Forty-sixth street, New York where Mr. Taylor still maintains a city residence with both sets of his children and seven servants. Tbey had a large summer residence at Larchmont, but about six years ago Mr. Taylor began summering at Mllford, Conn. Mr. Tay lor says that Mrs. Taylor's conduct be came unbearable and she says he 111 treated and even struck1 her. They have not .lived together for about four years, It Is said, but Mr. Taylor sent his wife regular allowances until last Octo ber. Her father Is dead and she has been living In this city with her mother. The case came up before Justice An drews of the supreme court of New York Tuesday on a motion of her counsel, James Flynn, for counsel fee and all mony. Mr. Taylor is "well known In Connec tlcut. He has done a great deal for Mil ford. . Only a short time ago he erected a church and a handsome public 11 brary there. The divorce suit referred to as having been brought In this state was brought by Attorney George M Gunn of this city. Mr. Taylor was an officer of the On clnnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad when "Napoleon" Ives looted it, and It Is said he was one of the men who were active in bringing about the prosecu tlon of Ives. He Is reputed to be worth $3,000,000. It was learned In this, city that Mr, Taylor had secured a divorce from his second wife in the suit which was brought by him in this state. Mrs. Taylor then, through Attorney George M. Gunn, tried to have the decision set aside on the ground that Mr. Taylor was not a resident of Connecticut. Mrs, Taylor failed to carry her point. Mr. Taylor's children by his first wife and Mr. Taylor himself erected the Tay lor Memorial church in Milford, and re cently Mr. Taylor built a public library for the town. Will Not Race at Present. Commodore Richard Peck of the New Haven Steamboat company is authority for the statement that the steamer Richard Peck will not race against the City of Iiowell, of the Norwich line, at least at present. Commodore Peck said yesterday: "We would not race the City of Lowell if we had passengers aboard. We are not burning the proper kind of ooal for racing and would not consider that we were prepared for It, The only way to have such a race is to ' lay the boat off for a day. Some of our officers are away at present and I can not say whether they would think it worth while to lay the boat off for day. As for the City of Lowell being ready to race us, we have heard noth ing of it." . Rescinded Its Former Tote. At a recent meeting of the parish of the Church of the Ascension, it was voted to rescind the vote of the parish passed on June 6, giving the financial management of the parish into the hands of the rector, Rev. Frederick W. Bailey. A meeting will be held this evening taking some action looking to ward an investigation of the troubles of the parish by the bishop of the diocese. It is said, too, that the reotor may re sign at this meeting. Searching for His Wife. Delflnio Luvigio, an Italian contract or of this city, is searching New York with the aid of the police for his wife. who, he believes, has been foully dealt with. Mrs. Luvigio left this city for jNew lorK in response to a postal card from her sister, Mrs. Serrara, of Eliza beth street. She did not arrive there nor has she been heard from. Luvigio told the New York police that his wife bad much valuable jewelry with her and a large sum of money. He fears she has been foully dealt with. Yester day afternoon he started out to call at all the hospitals in New York. Luvigio lives at 80 oan street, tnis city. Rolling Mill Starts Up. After . a shutdown of about three weeks the New Haven rolling mill has been started up with about 150 men. wnen tne mui snut. aown tnere were a fair lot of orders for iron rods, but the Strike in the ooal regions deprived the company of ooal, and although they inea ju many places to secure a - little soft coal, they were unsuccessful, and a shutdown was the consequence. There are enough orders on hand to last a month. . - -. Advertised Letters, The- following letters remain un called for at the New Haven postoffice F. Barnett, ,M., ty, Charles Frederiok Chilas, George 8. Dutton, Leslie Got- haraMiss Annie Jenktn (8), Newell C. Knight, Benjamin P. Lowring, Miss Theresa McKenna, . Mrs. Courtney Rogers H. H. Shea, Clair Sutter, Howard Watson, W. 0. White-man. Francis 6. Beach, P. M. . Thomas R. Pratt Sned. " Thomas fi. Pratt was served with no tices of two suits yesterday, one brought by Frank Dole for an alleged debt of $150, and the other by Dole Bros. & Co. for an alleged debt of - $100. Property of Pratt's on Whitney avenue was at tached. : . : ' They Were Twenty-four Honrs Late. Two Russian Hebrews entered the Bounty commissioner's office yesterday morning and protested strongly against the opening of a saloon a few doors from the Russian synagogue on Factory Street. , Commissioner Reynolds ex plained to them that they were just twenty-four hours too late, as a license had. been granted to one Francesco Orasio the day before. Had the com missioners known that Orasio's plaoe 'was so near the synagogue they would not hare granted Mm- a lloensev WAM LQOhr INFLUENCED ult Alleging' rrmnd Against J. J. Red ruond and Wife on Trial Interesting Testimony. Before John W. Ailing, a committee of the superior court, yesterday was partially beard the suit of William Luby, Jr as conservator for Peter Looby against James J. Redmond and wife asking for a reconveyance of our- lulu real estate deed by Peter Looby to Redmond and bis wife In January, 1803, All the parties to the suit live In Wall 'iiigford, the plaintiffs being represented by ex-Judgo Hubbard of Wallingford aud Doollttle ft Bennett of this olty and the defendants by ex-Judge Stoddard of this city aud Attorney Harrlsou of Walllugford. The suit was brought a year ago and Is lustltuted by William Luby, as con servator. The allegations are that on January 1 1800, Peter Looby was the owner of two pieces of laud and several tenements In Walllugford valued at (10,000. His mental powers became weak and further that he was incapable of managing his affairs. The allega tions further are that Mr. Redmond in gratiuted himself into Peter's good graces, collected his rents und paid out money for him add eventually came to have full charge of ull his affairs. It Is then alleged that" by cunning aud arti fice Redmond Induced Looby todeed the property to Elizabeth T. Redmond, aud that he obtained absolute control aud influence over Looby. It Is alleged that Looby is, by reason of his age, weakened aud Imbecile. A conservator was ap pointed, and it was ho who instituted the suit to recover possession of the property through State Attorney Doo little and ex-Judge L. M. Hubbard of Wallingford. It Is also claimed that although the defense claim is that there is but little equity in the property still ' at a previ ous trial in the Wallingford probate court the defendants testified last fall that the property was worth at least 8, 700. It is also claimed that no money was paid by the defendant for the property and no consideration given ex cept a verbal agreement to give Peter Looby t'iO a month as long as he lived. The defendants deny the claims of the plaintiff and set forth that the prop erty was transferred to them by Looby of bis own free will, they agreeing to pay him $20 a month aud care for him. Looby, it is claimed by the defense, had had some trouble with his family aud did not want them to get his property, Judge Davis of Meriden-who was on the bench of the Wallingford probate uoue'Ii ub me uuie i-uu -Hearing was neia there was the first witness yesterday. His testimony related principally to the testimony given by Redmond in that court- last fall. He said that Redmond admitted that he had been Looby's agent since 1890, collecting his rents, nego tiating mortgages, etc., and that he had not the slightest evidence in writing or any record of his business transac tions between them except a few per sonal checks. It was also brought out during the trial that Redmond had negotiated two mortgages for $500 each on one of the tenements in 1890,- and when asked what had been done with the 1,000 thus secured, stated that $500 had been used to pay for Bewer assessments, curbing assessments and the payment of a $200 biU to J. P. McGarry, the builder. What had become of the other $500 he was unable to state. It also came out that he had negotiated a mortgage for $4,000 on the property to the Farmington Savings bank and a few days later gate a second mort gage of $2,000 to his brother-in-law, named Benton, residing in Enfield, for which, it is claimed, he never received a dollar. To offset the claim made by the de fense that there was no equity in the property, Judge O. J. Martin, H. B. Todd, J. P. McGarry and Warden B. A. Treat, all of , Wallingford, testified that the property of Mr. Looby was worth at least $16,000. At this point, as Referee Allling had to be In in .attendance in the common pleas court room at the; drawbridge hearing, the case was continued until this morning. THE NAVAL RESERVE CRV1SE. No Doubt but That a Boat will be Sent to This City Promotions Annonnoed. It has been stated that the newly formed naval militia of. this olty would not go on a cruise this year. Lieutenant Edward G. Buckland was asked yester day in regard to the report, and he showed a letter from the first assistant secretary of war, which said that a boat would be detailed for, the New Haven men aDout tne lztn or August for a week. It is not known which boat will be detailed, but it will no doubt be either the New York, Columbia or the Miantonomah. The ,New York and Columbia have been assigned to the pleasnnt duty of taking the First Naval battalion on its annual cruise to Gar diner's Bay and Fishers Island. The two vessels will start Saturday with the amateur tars. There will be about 450 men in ail, 850 from New York and the remainder from the Rochester division. The Miantonomah and Dolphin will ioin the New York and Columbia in Gardiner's Bay. 1 The Boston reserve will go on the Miantonomah. ; Quite a number of the local reserve will enlist for the week in the New York reserve and go with them on the cruise. The following promotion and ap pointment of petty offloers in the First division. Naval Militia, C. N. G., are an. nounced by Brigadier' General George Haven. FIRST CLASS. Boatswain's mate, Charles K. Hutch inson. - Gunner's mate, Samuel I". Punderson. ; SECOND CASS. Boatswain's mate, Frank S. Qornwell, Gunner's mate, Phillip P. Wells. Quartermaster, William R. Clark. Quartermaster, Isaac P. Smith. Tmnp-eLASSK- , Coxswain,' Burton H.i Strickland. Coxswain, Stephen D: Baker. ... Coxswain, Albert; F. Welles Coxswain, ;Wlliiam'W; Weaver. Gunner's mate, John WV Nichols, jr. Division bugler, ; Frederick A. Hill. - 'L," 1 . Fnneral f In W. Wldmann. This morning at -St. Mary's -church the funeral services of Ik'TW WkkuanD, who, died Mondaywi! ?. be WtSj1 Short services will peislfc'at tfa latranK 166 Crown street, .y ; ,r - AUUVT OLD NOHTU MIDDLE. It Has a History of Ninety Yean It tit Formerly Occupied by the Jail Mid Howe of Correction Some of Those Who For merly Lived There. The destruction of North Middle col lege, which is now being carried on, calls to mind many Interesting remin iscences of Its history. By the tlms college assembles In the fall, the alt of North Middle will be turfed over. A brief history of North Middle la aa follows: . s At the accession of President Dwlght to the presidency, the existing build ings were found to be altogether In adequate to the wants of the college. Accordingly "at a meeting of the presi dent and fellows of the college, holden by adjournment In the college chapel, Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1800," It was voted to erect two new buildings, now known as Lyceum and North Middle. ... Like all of Yale's old buildings. North Middle has undergone a series of changes. It formerly had two rear doors similar to those In front,' but these were nailed up: early In the 'seventies. There were thirty-two rooms In." the building, sixteen in each entry,- but several of the rooms on the ground floor were abandoned a number -of years ago, for living purposes. In 1871 and 1872 water and gas was introduced into the building, and in 1875 steam was put In. In 1809 the corporation fixed the price of room rent In North Middle at $6 for the college year for each occupant of the building: In 1878 th average price for each occupant of the building had risen to over $40 per year. Last year the average price was almost double this amount, 1 A member of the class of '69 makes the following Interesting mention of North Middle in a book on Yale: , "When the erection of south in 1793 was commenced a close fence, of pan elled boards, painted red and relieved by cross stripes of white, surrounded the college yard, which extended no further than to the north end of South Middle. Beyond was a grotesque group, generally of the most undesira ble establishments, among which was a barn, a barber shop, several coarse taverns or boarding houses, a poor house and house of correction, and the public jail with its prison yard; the Jail being used alike for criminals, for maniacs and for debtors. Being very near the college, the moans of Innocent prisoners, the cries of felons, and the shrill screams and wild laughter of the insane were sometimes mingled with the sacred songs of praise, rising from the academic edifices.' But in 1800 the cor poration had by purchase secured the removal of many of these objectionable neighbors, and so decided upon the erection of two new buildings. The first of them, North Middle, was named "Berkeley Hall," In honor of Bishop Berkeley, and the other, "The Connec ticut Lyceum" which title abbreviated to Lyceum, still remains. W. E. Decrow In "Yale and the City of Elms" says: "North Middle college, built in 1803, and standing next north of Lyceum, is similar in -general appear ance to the other dormitories in the "old brick row," which, by the way, from their .plainness 'and uniformity have sometimes been called, "the- fac tories." It is 106 feet long by 40 Wide, is four stories high, and originally accom modated ninety-six students. It is heat ed with steam, provided with gas and water, and on the" whole is a very com fortable dormitory, though the condl tions of Its floors, window caps, etc., in dicates that it was not built as well as some of its neighbors. Each room con tains, against the wall next the' sleep ing room, a large closet with' double doors. It was Intended that a bed should be placed in this closet, capable of being lowered to the floor at night to accommodate an occupant so that each study could provide sleeping ac commodations for three persons. These closets are now (1882) used for - ward robes merely. Until North college was built, North Middle was the most pop ular dormitory in the row, and was con sequently occupied by the seniors. Af ter 1821 the seniors deserted it for the then new North college, and North college became what it continues to be, the headquarters in this set of build ings for the juniors, though the upper story is reserved for freshmen. Un like South Middle and South, this dor mitory has led a very quiet, unevent ful life, with scarcely a ripple of ' ex citement of any kind, though hundreds of graduates doubtless look back with pleasure upon many a happy evening passed in old North Middle. Amopg the distinguished persons who have occupied rooms within .its walls are Rev. Dr. Leonard Bacon (room 76), Professor Solomon Stoddard (room 78), President Beecher of Illinois college (room 84), President Sturtevant of same college (room 75), Judge Strong of the United States supreme court (room 67), Bishop Kip of California (room 81), Professor Thacher of New Haven (room 90), Dr. J. P. Thompson of Berlin (rooms 65 and 83). North Middle was once, so tradition has it,- haunted by a ghost; but like Rip Van Winkle's canine companion. It has long since de parted. Dr. Bushnell, during his sophomore and junior, lived in room 6. Water Street Bridge Approaches Too Steep. Mayor Sargent. i and .Vice President nan oi tne uonsouaaiea road held a conference recently' In relation to "the approaches to the. Water street bridge. The mayor believes, the, approaches-too steep and should be lessened. Judge nail torn tne mayor that the railroad company was willing "to do what It could to meet the demand for the im provement, it was decided that Mayor Sargent should visit, the. people' lit .tbi locality of the bridge and have them present a petition to the railroad com missioners asking for. .a, longer grade. - Mayor aargent and Judge Hall looked over the ground at Union streeCand the ruin of the old City market. Judge Sail talked favorably on the mayor's propo sition to widen Union street at this point before plans were drawn for-rebuilding on the market Bite., t . Report in Drifts Divorce Case. The report of ex-Chief Justice. Park In the Driggi divorce case is now filed with Clerk Anketell of the superior court It was expected that Jiidre Park would submit his report to Judge Prentice on or before July 19. but owing to Illness was unable to do so before the court adjourned. The report will how remain on file until the opening of the coust in September, - .. , K,;.; .'v. !:, -vVi-v.'NVi'.vA-r?-"':.".; ODD fKLLOWt ArtKCTKU, Ap Important Decision Headed Dow la Kaasaa Can be Made to fey Assessments for "Homes." . Every member of the I, O. O. P. ta this city and state will b interested In an important decision affecting the or der, -which haa Just been handed down In Kansas, and will have lis effect upon all breaches of the order throughout the United States, For some years there has been a dis pute among various lodgv as to the right of the Grand lodge to assess the members for the support of the home for the aged Odd Fellows which have been established In many of the states. The Sovereign Grand lodge at Port land In. 1892 authorised m-t through out the country to create and main tain homes for their aued members. Under that action the Grand lodge of Kansas levied an assessment of $1.50 per capita upon the subordinate lodges of that state for the maintenance of a home which had - been established. There, as elsewhere, there was consid erable opposition to the assessment on the ground that the Grand lodge had no right to levy assessments and could not enforce their collection If assessed. To test the matter an Injunction was brought against one of the subordinate lodges of Kansas from paying the as sessment. The matter was given a hearing before Judge Haicn of Topeka, a Judge of the superior court of that state, and his decision has just been handed down. In which he holds that authorization of the Sovereign Grand lodge of Portland , can levy an assess members for the support of the homes In' Kansas and can compel Its payment. The case has been appealed to the su preme court of Kansas, and will be ar gued In September and It la expected that a decision. will be rendered In Oc tober. This question has been the subject of considerable discussion In this state, The order here has a home at Groton, which Is maintained, not by the levy of an assessment, but by voluntary contributions from the various lodges, but there have been several of the lodges which have refused to make contributions on the. same ground as that raised in Kansas. James Bishop, who Is a prominent Odd Fellow and secretary of the Odd Fellows' Home corporation, which controls and runs the home at Groton, said yesterday morning that the decision had settled a question which had been discussed here in connection with the, Groton home, but Inasmuch as the home had been created and maintained by volun tary contributions the decision would have practically no effect here, although the decision clearly demonstrated that If it was necessary for the Grand lodge to enforce an assessment it undoubted ly could be done. - "The members of the order in this state" he said, "are(,o.n!y asked to con tribute, nfty cents. per capita and tnis has in most cases been very willingly complied with, so that, most gratify ing results have followed. Bn two years we have not only established a home for our aged members but :we we have also a fund of $13,000, which merely demonstrates with what unani mity the members efiithe order have paid their contributions, I do not an ticipate that the Grahcl lodge will ever be compelled to resort to the assess ment plan, but the decision, I have no doubt, will have the effect of . convinc ing members of the order that the .as sessments can be laid and collected and will settle the discussion over the ques tion throughout the country.1" jkl?EaATEB RET VBNIN0. ' ' I ' I.- ,-)- I Christian Endeavorere on Their Way Home From Clereland. The Connecticut delegates to the Christian Endeavor convention at Cleveland, O., which closed Sunday night, are now on their way home, many of them taking In the Thousand Islands on their way; There were over 400 from this state in attendance at the seslons of the convention, and several took Important parts in the program. Several of the delegates, on Invita tion, visited the Eliza Jennings Home for Invalid Women in West Cleveland on Sunday. This admirable Institu tion, situated on a lofty hill and over looking Lake Erie, was founded by Mrs. Eliza Jennings, who died previous to its completion. Accommodations are here provided for twenty-five Inmates, the present occupants numbering sev enteen, only two of whom are able to leave the house. The delegates held a Christian Endeavor prayer meeting in the reception hall of the bu'idlng, at which all the inmates not confined to their rooms were present. WANTED FOR CAMP. Adjutant General liradley's Request for United States Officers. , Adjutant General E. E. Bradley has made application to the secretary of war, through the military information division of the adjutant general's office, for the detail of a United States army officer to Inspect the national guard In camp at.Nlantic next month.-General Bradley has also requested- that the commanding officer of the department of the . east be instructed to detail a sergeant of artillery for duty at the siege. gun and mortar battery during the tour of duty. ' Last year- Captain Arthur M.Wether- 111, Sixth United States Infantry, was detailed' for the inspecting duty, and Sergeant J. H. Condon of Battery M, First United States artillery, for in struction in handling the 10-inch guns and mortars. In his request for the de tails Adjutant General Bradley did not this year express any1 preference as to who should be detailed for either posi tion. -..-. . Married In the City Rail. Trafomena Milano, aged sixteen, and Eugenio Pagano were married yester day morning in Registrar Carr's offloe. Miss Ml)ano lives with ber half-brother, Slngi Clrigue, at Prindle street. Pagano boards with them. Monday the couple called at the registrar's offloe, but he coma not issue m license as consent of the girl's parents or guardian were necessary-. Judge Robertson appointed Cirigue guardian of the girl vesterdav mornln, and In a short timeafter the license was procurred. James Cano- rale, justice of the peace, performed the marriage ceremony -v-vvV--' rhimaem and neuralgia, Kntlrely vege- MOTHERS WORRIED. How-Intot Death Rate 3Tay Decrease. Cleanliness, Pure Air Lactated Food and Tho Only Sure Preventives of Cholera Infantum. Lactated Food Approaches Nearest to Breast Milk. Everyone Knows What It is Made of- No Seoret In It Don't feed a baby on a secretly pre pared food. Don't take any chances of giving it a " trade " article that Is made, no one knows where nor by what process. Use lactated food pure, unadulterated nourishing food. There Is no secret about it. Lactnted food Is manufactured under the per sonal supervision of Prof. Boynton of Vermont university. An absolutely pure and reliable in fant food had been eagerly sought for years as a substitute for pure moth er's milk'. Lactated food solved the problem completely. It stands to-day pre-emi nent among all others. Infants fed upon It suffer less, and fewer die, it Is now well known, than those fed upon anything else. It Is used in the big charitable institutions for children. It has saved the lives of .thousands of In fants during the hot, dangerous months of summer. It is Indorsed by the best physicians, by nurses, and by happy, grateful mothers ta every town and village in the land. Sugar of milk, the basis of mother's milk, Is the basis of lactated food, With It is combined pure barley malt, the finest wheat gluten, and the nutri tious element of the oat. It is thor oughly cooked by high steam heat arid a predlgested, nutritious food is made that fulfills every requirement of the growing child. It is by: far the safest food that a child can take In the sum mer. It Is a- true preventive of cholera Infantum. No home where there Is an infant can afford to be without it. Lactated food saves babies' lives! The following letter from Mrs. A. Wandell, 99 Rowe street, Rochester, N. T., a picture of whose pretty baby Is given above, Is one of scores that aYe received every week from happy par ents the country over : 'Our baby weighed four pounds at birth. When two months old she weighed but eight pounds with her clothes on. The doctor said she was a very frail child. I commenced feeding her a certain food when she was four teen days old, but she did not gain strength as I knew she ought. When she was seven months old I changed to lactated food. She commenced to gain at once and to rest well at night. She has not been sick with bowel trou ble once through her teething, and she was teething last summer. I consider lactated food has been a great blessing to our little girl. It has made her healthy, strong and the happiest two- year-bid child in Rochester. Any moth er wishing to address one that has used lactated food will be cheerfully answer ed at my expense by addressing me." TPJM BE HOTTER TO-DAT. Yesterday's 'Showers Revived Parched Vegetation. The showers that fell over the south ern part of New England early yester day morning were received with much rejoicing by farmers. Crops have been suffering seriously of late, for the want of rain nourishment. About New Ha ven many of the crops have been so dried up as to effect the yield, and had tbe drainage continued much longer garden vegetables would have been very scarce. Tne amount of rain that fell was about .82 of an inch. With tbe rain came very hot weather. Tester day "old Mercury" leaped aloft until 80 degrees were credited to him. The prospects are that- to-day will be the hottest of the year, after whioh cooler weather is expeoted. IYER With Guaiacol. - Why is it we have added Ozone and Guaiacol to our Cod Liver Oil, which has been used with favorable results for many years by consumptives ? It is be cause we want to do all we can to cure this disease. . . ' . Ozonized to replace with ozone the oxygen lost by the body in digesting the oil. Guaiacol added to Increase the appetite some thing a Consumptive must have. Pleasant to take. , A perfect remedy for consumptic,j;.V 7 J Send for Book on Ozone, mailed free. Prepared t J T. A. Sloeom Co., New loft. Will. MK AT I-ITTHBI RO, Twenty. Aunual Encampment of (he Una nd Army of tbe Republic. The tweniy.iKinh annual eiiottmp mentof the Grand Army of the Re public will be held at Pittsburg from September 10 to 15. The clroular whloh has Just Iteoii luueil from the office of the antlittnut quartermaster-general de part immt of Coiiuectleut, says that at a meeting of the couuoll of administra tion the depsrtnii'iit was authorised to get a refusal of certain hotel accommo dations Im IMiteluirg, for all department oltlcers, represfiiutives, alteruutes aud post officers, who wish to attend, aud quarter have been secured at the Mo uoiigHhula house at the rale of .1.50 per day for three days or more, aud at this ralo rnoins are to be occupied by four persons curb. The round trip for transportation from New Haven will be U, not In cluding tramffr In New York, and from New York 1 10.50 ouch. Have Hued Contractor Urlneoll. A New York llrni has .brought suit against Contractor Drlsooll of Washing ton, who Is building tbe addltlou to tbe federal building, to recover on a note. The ease will Ik tried before Justice O. H. Kowler and a Jury to-day. Clerk In x .McNutimru will appear for tbe de fense mid Attorney drove J. Tuttlo will be tho counsel fur tho plaintiff. Demand Money for the Itog. Bridgeport, July 18. Murray Oreeu of the llrm of Green Jt Logan, returned yesterduy from Detroit, without his valuable St. Barnurd dog, whioh he took along with him on tbe trip. Mr. Oreeu says that while in Detroit his dog was kidnapped. After a thorough searoh In tbe olty ho could Und no clue to the canine s whereabouts. Mr. Green returned to this city deeply grieved over the animal's disappearance. Yesterday he received a letter from the kidnappers, who are In Canada, stating thai his St. Barnard would be returned to him upon receipt of a large sum of money. Mr. Green hits not as yet decided to forward the desired amount. COURT RECORD. . City Court Criminal Side Judge Callahan. Antonio Laucello, Joseph Dl Lullo, Francisco Laucello, Viola Mara, Car mus Cuvallaro, and Raffealle Cavallaro, perjury, continued until July 19; Orata no Fenarll, breach of the peace; Annie Mortell, brech of the peace, Judgment suspended; Frederick Oliver, Frederick Gray and William Ganett, rape, con tinued until July 25; Thomas Dailey, drunk, $6 fine, breach of the peace, thirty days in Jail, $6.24 costs; John Murphy, begging, vagrancy, sixty days in Jail, $6.24 costs. lftli it at once by lulutf Piskbv Davis' Bold end need everywhere, by Itself. Kills every form V 1 9 Had to " Orln and Bear It" kteatnr bad it naln. Ynu run trHn whole medicine cheat external or DOSS A tesapoOBi I in htUfglaai U-Jl'JdkMaw SEASHORE II Rubber 89M Shoes are easy and insure a firm but easiio footing. During July we offer Men's and Women's High Shoes and Oxfords at special low prices. One thousand pairs of Boys', Misses' and Children's low-priced Tennis Shoes for vaca tion use. The New Haven Shoe Company, 842-846 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. MONARCH four Choice of Rims and Tires Calf and See v Them. tekigba, Ml JiokK!rSUti "Those Female Ills can be cured. I suffered long and severely, LvdlE.l'ink ham'$ Vege table Com pound cured ma, who iuAYti eitb I advise any woman any form of female weakness to try It. " Mrs. Waltsb Wilcox, T.M West St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Attached for a Grocery Bill. Attorney Green, on tiehalf of hl client, Daniel Dore, the Grand avenua groceryman, has placed a Judgment Ilea on the property of James Ulues, lo cuted on Grace street, to recover a bill. It may be that the reason that Methu selah lived so long was that some young; woman had married him for his money. Kant's Horn. The Coming of Summer Is Supposed to End the Social Season. Dinners, cotillions and balls are) done. Society seeks rest at the shore or mountains. But is it found? Fashion's sway still rules. The belle and chaperone alike are fatigued. Almost as much to do as in the city. Just as tiring because it is so hot. Johann Hoff 's Malt Extract then taken makes the Summer easy. It banishes fatigue, and fortifies the system for Winter, aids digestion, gives health and strength. Beware of imitations. Look for signature of "Johann Hoff' on neck label. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York. when ha And txpp Internal rutin of water or rullk fwafm BICYCLES. Highest Grade. Weighs 25 Pounds. lists, 284, 288, 281 Stiti strati; A yr Maw - KSaaaaK-l t i iv wm