Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER. FRIDAY. MAY 1. 18'9G lteftsl)iisoii IT IS NOT H a "hit or a miss" assort' ment. No auction or bankrupt manufacturer's stock, bankrupt because no reputable dealer would buy his goods. & . : - Our Jackets, Capes and Children's Reefers "Were every one of them made for bar exclusive trade, and made right. Right materials, style and fit. A COUNT OF STOCK dis closes far too many garments. Down Go the Prices. This $5.00 Jackets now $4.00 8.00 ! " - ' 6.50 10.00 " " 8.00 12.00 " 9.50 15.00 " " - 12.00 I Way on (Jackets 21.00 i7oo j, ' Etc., Etc., Etc. r This cut includes all our new :i Black and Colored Box and Fly Front JACKETS. " This cut on Gapes. $4 . 00 Capes now $3 .00 S-oo' 8.00 "11.00 1 5 00 18.00 20.00 25.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 14.50 15-00 19.00 r All Capes between $25.00 and $30.00 will be sold at $20.00. ( All Capes between $30.00 and $40.00 will be sold at $25.00. , All Capes over $40.00 at $25.00 for choice. : This Cut on Children's Reeters. All new, $4.00 Reefers now $3.00 some in store but a week. 5.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 ' 4.00 5-50 6.50 8.00 This Cut on Misses' Jackets $5.00 Jackets now 5H.OO 5-50 6.50 8.00 9-50 I2.00 I4-50 7.00 8.00 IO.OO I2.06 I5-00 I8.00 . 22,00 1W This Sale ; Begins Friday Morning. Entire profit to the winds, but we cannot help it, and will hope for better things next time. Come early, while sizes are com plete. To avoid crowding, only a cer tain number of people will be al lowed in the CLOAK ROOM at one time. 762 to 768 Chapel Street. THE. ACCOMPANYING CUT JIKI'RESKNTS THE " Ucbotgchahcr Lager Beer," made by the Genesee Brewing Co. It is made from the best German Hops and Canada Malt ; bottled at the Brewery under the supervision of those who make it (as all first-class Beer should be), to prevent mix ture with cheapergrades. We have held the sole agency for its sale the past 15 years, and we believe that it has no superior. $ 1.00 PER DOZEN Just received from Ver mont fancy New Maple Syrup in gallon cans, and New Maple Sugar. These are high grade goods and strictly pure. Try our Fancy Porto Rico Molasses and you will he pleased with it. If you wish to make de licious Dessert Jelly use Bromangelou or Trypho- sa, the new powdered Gel atine. It is made instant ly, and we have it in Or ange, Lemon, Raspberry and Strawberry flavors. Bromangelou, 13c. Tryphosa, 10c. Special Prices at our Candy Counter. Jelly Beans, 10c. Good Mixed, 10c. The finest Chocolates, sold elsewhere at 60c, our price 40c. Many other bargains. Boston Grocery, N. A. FULLERT0N, PROPRIETOR, 926 Chapel Street, corner Temple, Telephone 451. Branch Store and Market, 1Z3J. Chapel sU Spring Millinery. Fresh and Stylish Goods. Advance designs in Hats, Toques, Bonnets and Turbans for Spring, also Sailor, Bicyole, Traveling and English Walking Hats. Mrs. Mulloy will be glad to give her patrons the advantage of her experi ence in selecting the styles and arrang ing the trimmings. MRS. K. R. MULLOY, 179 Orange Street, cor. Court street. if II 2 s ra GOODS BEST WALL PAPER Will make or mar the appearance of your home. It matters not how artistic or how rich the carpets, furniture and drapery, poor paper badly hung will spoil the ef fect. There is Wall Paper that is cheap (apparently) "but which is dear in the end. There is good paper sold cheap. That's the kind we have. Call and see our as sortment Beautiful designs. K B. PERRY, 914 Chapel Street. ItOXS' lIKia.lliK KXTKlirAISMKXr At Howard Aveutin Ituptlst Church A Liii'K Attemlitmie iiml Klne Program. The Boys' brigades of the city were up In arms generally last evening. While Company C of the Third regi ment was entertaining; their friends over In the Methodist camp of the Trinity M. E. church, Company II of the same regiment was doing the same by their friends over at the Baptist headquarters in the Howard avenue Baptist church. A rousing good entertainment was given, consisting of music, vocal and instrumental, recitations, and an ex hibition drill by Company A from the Calvary Haptist church, a song dedi cated to Company H, Third regiment, Boys' brigade, was given on the pro gram, written by Mrs. M. A. Powell. The proceeds of the entertainment are for the benefit of the church. PROGRAM. Piano Solo Miss Annie Vollbart. Recitation Miss Maud Hull. Banjo Solo Mr. George Sexton. Song. Recitation Miss Llla Schapper. Solo Miss Stella Stebblns. Recitation Miss Lillian Phillips. Song Miss Edith A. Porter. Piano Solo Miss May Hand. Song Englewood Quartet. Banjo Solo Mr. George Sexton. Recitation Miss Maud Hull. Song Miss D. Gertrude Duell. Recitation Miss LUa Schapper. Solo Miss Stella Stebblns. Recitation Miss Lillian Phillips. Song T. Jones. Recitation Mrs. C. A. Knowles. Exhibition Drill Company A, Third Regiment, Captain Walker. Song Star Spangled Banner (By request) Miss Edith A. Porter: SONG. Dedicated by Mrs. M. A. Powell to Company, H, Third Regiment, Boys' Brigade. We are youthful soldiers Of the boys' brigade, Very soon to take the place Of those who now are brave. So a youthful soldier Must his armor wear, Guarding him from danger, Lurking everywhere. We are youthful soldiers ' Of another King, And He rules the universe, So we fight for Him. Christ the King Emmanuel "" Will our leader be Walking in His footsteps Leads to victory. Come then youthful comrades Join us In the fight, He who is our Captain Always leads us right. Bye and by our battles Will on earth be won, Then our Captain Jesus Safe will guide us home. I. M1I.FO Hit. April 30. Mrs. Dennis Beach, and daughter, Mrs. Mary Beach, have ar rived from Mount Arernon and will re main In Milford for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, who have ieen In town a few weeks, have returned to Bridgeport. ' . May 12 there will be a phonographic exhibition in the First church. Prof. F. B. Glover of New York will be the exhibitor. Mrs; H. H. Morse has been enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Ezra Dibble Of New Haven. L. M. Banks and family have moved to New London, where they will re side for the present. Lewis Hine, a former well known res ident of Milford, died at the Soldiers' Home at Noroton, a few days since. He was a member of George Van Horn post, G. A. R. Benjamin Sanford Is on the sick list at his home on Cherry street. He was taken suddenly ill In New Haven, whel-e he is employed, and was brought to hl3 home in this place. It is Quite as Important that Spectacles AND Eyeglasses BE ADJUSTED TO FIT THE FACE AND BRING THE LENSES PROP ERLY BEFORE THE EYES, AS THAT THE OCULIST SHOULD SE LECT A LENS OF THE CORRECT POWER OR PRESCRIBE THE PROPER REMEDY TO RESTORE THE IMPAIRED VISION. OUR MANUFACTURING AND FITTING IS DONE BY EXPERTS OF LONG EXPERIENCE, WHO TAKE SPECIAL PAINS TO PROP ERLY ADJUST EVERY PAIR OF GLASSES SOLD BY US. THE FEE WHICH PROPERLY BELONGS TO THE OCULIST IS NOT ADDED TO THE PRICE OF OUR GLASSES, AND WE .MAKE OUR CUSTOM ERS NO CHARGE FOR RE-ADJUSTING. REPAIRING NEATLY PROMPTLY EXECUTED. AND E. L WASHBURN & OPTICIANS, 84 Church and 61 Center streets, Company O, Hoys' Brlgude. A most enjoyable entertainment was given In the Sunday school room of the Church of the Redeemer last night for the benefit of Company G, Boys' bri gade. A sketch entitled "Under Arms" was presented by the following cast: Mr. Grey An Old Veteran.. C. H. Bush Rodney His Son Lieutenant H. IV Warren Captain Henderson . ..F. B. Merrels Tim O'Teel.... Lieutenant D M. Frost Wandering Willie A Musical Tramp P. E. Wlnchell Birdie Swan Also Musical Also a Tramp Fred Beck Sally Waters Well, There's Many, Like Her Miss Beers Smlly Grey ferey's Daughter.. .. Miss Beers Margaret O'Teel Grey's Servant.. Captain A. V, Phillips And the Entire Company. Hr. riaylivlr Tnld Up. London, April SO. Dr. Playfair to day settled the suit for slander brought against him" by Mrs. Kltson. The judg ment was for $GO,000. HOT WEATHER GOODS. RANGES A great line of Steel and Portable ranges at low prices. REFRIGERATORS A large and complete line of hard and soft wood boxes. ICE CHESTS All sizes from $2.75 to hotel size. OIL STOVES 6 different lines In all slzes 40c up. -from OIL RANGES : Central draft burners, with four hole tops. Absolutely smokeless, i . . . VAPOR RANGES- , Burn kerosene oil without odor. Cheap fuel but powerful. GASOLINE STOVES . . A complete line the new Improv ed process burner. All sizes made. OVENS For all our oil and gasoline stoves. OIL CANS ': , The very best cans that are made, Galvanized Iron, large faucets, ex tra heavy and strong. GARDEN HQSE , ( 50 feet, couplings, nozzle and reel complete for $3.75. GASOLINE AND jKftROSENE Delivered in city and West Ha ven. H. 6 Church Street. Open Every Evening. Telephone 189-3. snld n worldly old fellow : "irhii prntsc Of I.e Pnge'i cxcltej idj nmnyuf-i Snkl hu innocent clnucMer " Whv. dads, von mifihtpr Apply itiu mending your wayi." " Uncle I Sam" says: 'I use Le Pace's Llauld Olue in the Patent Office, the National Museum and the United States arsenals, because it is the strongest, most flexible, HMIIUICBl III Mill UIC B ' If PACE'S tiauior i IIP READY f USE tm W E The Pullman Palace Car Co. use it because of its fmmf tenncltv j)rmn-;t heavy 'nltino- vptitiQonn!. Iv enoi tor the most delicate fabrics, and contains no cm to injure anyuiing. 12 OUR Carpet Man says that we cut up more Carpets one day last week than ever before in the same length of time. , There must be a reason for this and it is not far to seek. We have an extremely well selected stock of standard makes of the best Carpets of all grades, and our customers tell us that our prices are the low est in town. Is this reason enough ? BROWN & DURHAM, Complete Housefurnishert, Orange and Center streets ailMATUUIC A fill AN At). MAY 1. SiiNltisr.s; 4:48 1 Moon Hista. I Hian Wvrnui, SUN Sktr. tl:0OI llai I 1:51 DEATHS. WHEIOI.BR In Now York city, Thursday, An,i-m t...... i. .I,..., r ..lit uir, nun j iiutu iiuiM, w mum it ...... J. w. Wheeler, Esq., or Now vorn, unu daughter utthu Into John A, Duveuport, Hsu nf Nou fi, ,,., Bill f) In ibis oily, April 23, N. Stanley Bird, In tho 31th your of his ago. Fuuurul soi vioos will be uold ut No. U7 Brad- iuy sirui'c oil saiurjiiv aii-ornuuu ui o ,',1.1. l!.l.. l....r..l ... ........! 9t. HITCHCOCK In West Haven, April 20th, aiinmo u. strong, wile or Samuel nitou- , uulk, agon jo yours. l'imoial Borvloes ut her Into rosldonoe, Cur- iiib riu e, "ost liuven, Baturuay, May , i 2:J0 o'clock p.m. Relatives mid friends are respcuiiuny inviloil to nttonu. KUbEIiL In tlilB olty, April 30, Frank B. Funeral services will bo hold at his late resi dence. No. 1000 Cliapol street, on Sunday af totiiiiou at 2 o'olock. Friends are iuvitol to uLLuiiu. -Luigrmoiu an me uouvuimiiiuuui U1W UllUliy, -U EXCELLENT looation and m-wly furnish ed. myl2ti) ltW IlliADLBY STREET. FOB KENT. SIX-room fiats, mojoru improvements, reasonable rout,, onntriillv located. In quire (iip.Wtf) 708 CHAPEL STREET. FOR RENT. NO. H4 Eld troot, tlrst floor, 6 rooms. Call on 13. L. LAMBERT, myl ar 818 Clinpul street. Vtfki? I7IIRST-CLASS trrocory and moat market; rood trade: trood localltv! one of the best oornera In the o!ty. Will lease If nooea sary. Reasonable. ' WASHINGTON STKEKT, myl Ttt Corner of West. AUCTION SALK FINE goods. 141 Orange street, Saturday, 10a.m.' Furniture, brlc-a-brao, crock ery . glassware, etc. bpoclal sale line cai- pet 12 o'olock. R. B. MALLOKY, my i at Auctioneer. SUM5IER BOARDING HOUSH FOR rent at Wallinfft'ord, Conn, 18 rooms, all niodorn lmi'nvni(ntfl ; lnrure irar- don, extensive briok btirnB, trout bronk run ning tbruuirh ten aetos of farm land ; 10 min utes' walk from center of city, eleetrio ers minutes from bouse. EDW. MALLlili , myl It 28 Chapel. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. GRAND AVENUE BRIDOB. City Engineer's Office, No. 17, City Hall, New Haven. Conn.. April 30. 1881). f SEALED proposals will be received at. this office until 7; p. m. May 7th, 1899 ; For bulklinir the substructure of the Grand Avenue bridge. Blank forms of proposal; and any informa tion conoernlne; pinna, specifications, bonds, etc, will bo f iirnishwi noon application. No proposal will be received after the time speclflc'd. and all proposals not on the blanks furnished or not properly filled out will be rejected. Toe riant to reioct anv or all bids is re served. By order of the Board of Pnbllo Works, myl 3t, C. W. K ELL1T, City Engineer. long wear and short pricks ON summer horse goods; new stock cool ers, llirht stable blankets, lanrobes. nets. etc, just opened. Come, soe and buy. apflCOOOT JjIKSIjEY. liuhthuukin. FOR SALE. THE H. H. Stronsr homestead, Ml Quinni piacatreot, Fair Haven. Apply to , , UrJUKUE it. BAliUWiM, piS03t ' 373 Chapel street. FOR RENT, SEVEN rooms, 600 Howard avenue; Im provements. Inquire at moil U tHK HOWAHU AV ENUE. FARM FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE small farm, suitable for a summer residence: land and buildings are in good condition. p.m. i huas, mnia eoazsf noooDHQge, vonn. Farm" for Sale. Two hundred acres, with good build ings, cheap. . R. B. BALDWIN, d&w 818 Chapel street. IT HAS COME! REAT boom In Westvllle real estate. JT Many new houses to be erected. Beauty of location and rapid transit the cause. Competing eleotrlo lines place residents within fifteen minutes of city's center. uesiraoia iota tor sale. H. C. PARDEE, JalStt 128 Fountain street, Westvllle. Building Lots for Sale. IOTS on Foote street, $18.00. J Lots on Winter street, $ls.0U. Ijois on Fnemm avenue, $m.uu. Lots on Ivy street, $8.00. Lots on Frank street, $17.00. s Lots on Goodyear street, $10.00. GEORGE F. NEWCOMB, Real Estate Office, Room 332 Exohange Bdg corner uuapei ana unuron streets. FOR RENT, A small farm near this city Possession April 1st. GEORGE A. ISBELL, 708 Chapel street. New Haven, Conn. , FOR SALE, 7 New House that is a Perfect Beauty. Can be occupied May 1st ; very cen tral looation in West Haven ; wide lot, lute improvements, eight rooms, be sides Dam ana muuciry. . Also several other central properties in West Ha ven ; prices right, terms easy. FREDR1QUE R. LEWIS, Office, 154 Orange Street, City. Residence, 80 Union street. West Haven. FOR RENT, FURNISHED, THE large modern house. No. ,890 Pros pect street, IS rooms), all modern im provements and hardwood finish ; will lease for a term of years. For further particu lars apply to CHARLES H. WEBB, 850 Chapel S treat. Open Monday and Saturday nrrtU8p. m. 1 FOR SALE, A double house on High street. Two-family bouse on Clark street. , Lot on Munson street will be sold low. Lot on James street, $38 per foot. Two-family house on Poplar street. $3,500. $500 dowu, balance iu easy payments. Merwln's Real Estate OfHco, alStf 759 Chapel street. Lots for $300 Apiece. The Beat Bargains In New Havcny "XTO rock, no swamp, no tilling in ; a iov le view ; wttn water, gas, etc. 12 Minutes from the Green. "Buy of the Owner," EDWARD M. CLARK. First National Bank Building. 42 Church St., Room 205. Evenings. FOR RENT, AT Montowese, adjacent to the trolley line, a farm of 25 acres with good buildings thereon. FOR SALE, No 33 Hamilton street ; no reaso liable offer refused. Two two-family houses, having all modern improvemems, on Ellsworth avenue. At North Haven, a farm of 18 acres; none better adapted for builUiog lots. A one-family bouse on Scranton street. Money to Loan in Sums to Suit. L. G. HOADLE Y, Uoom , lioiullcr Building, 49 Ghursb, Sb Office cpeu Eveninsa, FOR RENT, FURNISHED front, room; t'li'Otrlo road apil lot iitt UK Una STREET, Upper bell. FOR RUNT, HANDSOMELY furnlshud room; board optloual. Addross ap:S0 7tt ROOM. This Office. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. AVERY larife, a modtuiuora amallroora, as you wish quiet looation. yot only two minutes from tho Green, ana one-ball' minute from Chapel street. O. G. MOIUUS, ap23tilluiv3 Room 2, 1JM Umutfj. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR first-class table board 1 Try tho Oat Franoala, 87.00 per week; table d'hot dinner, 60 cent 100S CHAPEL STREET jy3 tf oornorof Uivtlu ileal Estate. BARN TO RENT, TpROM May 1st, two stalls ; modern, now -A- nuu urst-DiaHs. Appiy at ap28 if 75 WHALLEV AVENUE. FOR SALE OR RENT, A ONE-FAMILY oottago, V rooms, new, modern improvements, with or without barn ap37tf 170 PECK STREET. FOR SALE, rpwo family house, or will exchange for ,JL building lots. W. D.JUDSON, ap34 7t 2 Chuiou atreet. FOR RENT, HOU8E No. 132 Howe stroot. H. C. WARKEN CO., apSS Jt 108 Oraniro street. FOR SALE, . TTIAItM, sale or exchanged; 135 acres; good jl; uuuuingB,,iruir, won watereo, HINMAN'S AGENCY. mhli)3m 83 Church street, City. FOR RENT. BARN In Lincoln street. Inquire or . M.B.NEWTON, mhitf 408 Orango Btreet, TOIjET, . iJOiy WHITNEY avenue, houBe with lawn, I o I garden, barn, modorn improvements and first class order. EDWARD M. CLARK, apil tf. 43 Church street. Room 305. FOR RENT, rpHREE pleasant rooms. Inquire at JL up: Hit 13 ELLIOTT STREET. FOB RENT, i THE whole bouse No. 31 Lyon street, with all modern conveniences. ap217tt GEO. M. GRANT. 133 Union. TO RENT, SECOND floor, 126 Spring street. G. WILBUR CLARK, ap34 7t 344 Sherman avenue. FOR RENT. BRICK residenoe. 27 Wall street, between Church and Orange streets. PAMCEL A. STEVENS. mh36 tf 25 WaU street. FARM WANTED TN exohange for a two-famlly house with X modern co nvenieneea, large barn, ex tra larxa lot, fin location, near eleotrlo ears. Call on or address. GEO. A. ISBELL, o39tf 708 Chapel street. RENTS. ABSOLUTELY finest In the olty. $16 and up; all modern conveniences; entrances and everything separate; examination solic ited; select families only. Apply 201 ENGLISH STREET. dlO tf Take State street car to Ferry. TO JLET. TV R hintr .fH i K C.l - n X! near new Normal school; moderate rent. EDWARD M. CLARK. ap3tf 48 Church street. Boom 6. FOR RENT. FIRST floor, 41 Beers street, 8 rooms, all improvements. Barn If desired. apzotf JOHN WORSE. 69 Center St. . FOR RENT. THE desirable tenement on second floor of premises 797 State street; fix rooms be sides kitchen ; pessession Immediately. For particulars inquire at This Oflloe. mh81tf FOR SALE. SHORE lots at South' End; very desirable; near eleotrlo cars. Inquire J. Smith at a71m 857 STATE STREET. FOR BALE. X) REMISES 83 Howe street, contains house i ana small Darn: verv aesiraoie looation. Inquire api tr nuuai a, sx unurcn street. TO RENT. "TTUVE or seven rooms; heat and Water; also jj Darn on adjoining iot. apiotr jaw t. jomj oiKrsisx, near unve. -FOR RENT. "CIVE or six-room tenement at 711 State X1 street. AuDlV to WM. GLKESON. apiotr imstatestreet. FOR RENT, IRQ BRADLEY street brick house, 13 luutua, uil iuvuo u uiivrcuifiuuj newiy renitea; possession atonoe. uan also be bought on easy terms. - aputf kuom 17, 88 Uhuroh street. FOR RENT. FLAT 8 rooms, all Improvements, Olive street: flat 8 rooms, all lmnrovementa. Cliann! .ti-AAt fluf. A vnnma nil lmnw,ir&. ments, Edgewood avenue : cottage, Morris uve ; cottage on nenon streot, n cat naven. 57 TRUMBUMi STREET FOR RENT rnHIS double house of 12 rooms, southern .JL exDOsure. is undergoing tlioroimh re pair, extensive Irapi-ovoments to plumbing. ana win oe aecoratea to suit tenant; street to be paveu tins spring. CHA8. H. WEBB, 850 Chapel, mhSOtf or owner, 67 Trumbull street, J.V UCltAC (111 XiSUlUj ' WELL built two-family house on JJlxwel avenue ; deep lot. RENTS In all sections of the city, at groat variety or prices. Money to loan. CHAS. D.NICOLL & CO.. 82 Church street (Bonedlot Building), room 15, Evenings from 7 to 8. FOR RENT. "ITTHOLE house and bsrn H66 Chapel street law unapei street. " " 119 Park street. ' " 857 Whitney avenue. Fiat 6 rooms, 192 James street. Flat 6 rooms, Si Carmel avenue, JOHN a PUNDERVORD. (Open evenings.) 116 Church street. Furnished Cottage For Sale AT SAVIN ROCK. Eight Booms, Bath and Wharf Privileges. Price low and easy terms. BRYANT & MAIN, West Haven, and Exchange Building, New Haven. FOR SALE, -Several Central Houses, At reasonable prices. G. W.OSBORN, mh30 Room 29, Benedlot Building. L0AN7 BRICK HOUSE, 117 GREENE STEEET. Ono Cent a Word each insertion, ttva rents a Word for a full Week, sevoa times. WANTED. A SITUATION to do sooond work ; olty rolerouoe. Call at uiyin 4U WASHINGTON STREET. ' WANTKIJ. BY a young girl, a situation to do' second work lu a private l'rtuillv. Call at "yl " 1131 TEMPLE STKKET. WAJiTHI) SITUATIONS by two stronjj men to work on farm. Address ANTON TREMBULTAK. n'y' lt Bran lord. Conn. WANTED, SITUATION for housework iu iraall Annlv myl ltn 71 WHALLEY AVENUE. WANTED. '"y " m YORK STREET. WANTED. A COMPETENT girl for troneral house, work; city reference reaulreu myl if m SHISKMAN AVENUE. 1TI it Iwri'in . A COMPETENT girl to do general house work; reference required. Call at -i tyi gt u SYLVAN AVENPB. WANTED, A N eno-innoi1 XV Tl liC CONN ADAMANT PLASTER CO. ap30 at WANTRD. CJITUATION bv vounir. raflnnl Anmrlnnn 1T5 woman as comm.-ninn , n,iM. , . valescent, or elderly person. J "Hjji w WJ VL.ATXJV sTriUisr. WANTED - A COMPETENT (rtrl for general house. WOrk: mUSt hA a frrwl nlln rws,lr nnrl laundress. Call at it HOME PLACE. P 3t , After 7 p.m. WANTED. A HORSE for its keeping, with view to buying : satisfaotorv references nlven. apStf Address LADY, this oflio i. WANTED, - MIDDLE-AGED Amerloan woman to hell) In the care of ohildrnn mil nlnln A sewing. ap25tf BOX 852, City. WANTED. GOOD girls for all branches domestlo ser vice and situations for the same. apswt MKS. BABB, 138 Court Street. WANTED. EVERYBODY needingservantsto call hers, We supply all the best. We have aortal out and discarded most of the useless olas. These seek new offices (where they are not known), which are springing up constantly. We have been here veara and use -iuriermAnt. selecting only those that will do the work r- quirea. we nave the finest facilities and o serve you better than anyone else. au m Chanel street. SEVEN BARRELS SOFTWOOD. OAC; hard, 90o.; coal, 15o. per basket. vf .T. W. WHITE. ap35 7tt 6tS State street. MANDOLINS, , e9 . PIANOS; bargains. J A. B. CLINTON, ' f20tf 17 Center street. C. H. TUFTS, General Auoticnssr, VFFER8 bis services to the public For v r terms, rererenees. eto., aaaress apS93m BOX , Westvllle, Oonn, EMPIRE STATE . LAWN MOWERS oo it $.90, and are the best low priced mower that ever came to town; guaranteed In every wnv. aprfeoaiit JjIINslki: jjiuiixBuunn. IMPERIAIi HIGH WHEEL LAWM MOWERS. RECOGNIZE no competitor; they're too far in tie lead. n1 ap87eod3t LINSLEY tc LIQHTBOURN. TT E sell "G. & B." No. 19 wire Poultry Ne. ITT ting because it has a heavy selvage ana is galvauljied ofter being woven. . ,.i :: ap87eod3t L1NSLBY Ss UGHTBOURN. E. L, BASSETT, Specialty. mh3 2m 8p FOR SALE, BLACK mare pacer, 6 years old; sound, kind and fearless: very speedy. Can bo seen at the MCUONALO BAS3UM UO., ap24 7t Court street. CAPITALIST WITH political Influence can buy Interest In slot postage stamp vending attach ment to government stroet letter boxeB, cost ing less than a dollar to build. Won't work , for piece of lead, ztno, etc.; of exact stxe, thickness, shape and weight of bona fide coin. Over a million letter boxes In United States alone. Address IN v ENTUK, ap!5 tf Journal and Courier, iCPJ STOCKS and BONDS FOR SALE. 50 shs Chicago ts Alton RR. 30 she N. Y., N. H. & H. Rtt. 09. " - 50 shs Cons. Rolling stock. , ' 10 shs Boston Electric Light. - . ' 100 shs Portland Eleotrlo Light, 20shs C. Cowles & Co. 88.700 N. Y,, N. H. & II. Hit. convertible 4. $4,000 Watcrbury Traction Co. Gold 5s jf lflai ; non-tiixablo. 83,000 Meriden H. RR. 5 per cent, of 1923 controlled bv N. Y.. N. tf. .V H. KK. Co. 810,000 Northampton RR. 6V of 19J8. . 51 ,000 Northampton RR. 7"8 of 1 599. EIMBEBLY, BOOT & DAY, Agents of Cheque Bank. London. v4yN44XN4NAyN4N4Ts4N4T There is a great difference in California Clarets. Those who know the difference buy our brands. Case Cue 1 doz. qts. S doz. pts. $2.30 $3.30 Table Claret, '92, Medoc, . . . El Quitoi . . . 3-8 4.00 4.80 4-75 You have tried the other kinds now try ours. . . Edw. E. Hall & Son, 770 Chapel Street. urn -m'