Newspaper Page Text
8 NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1890. gouvuixt ;nul (Ecutviev. Thbeb Months, $1.00) Onb Month, 60 CENTS! One Week, 15 cents; Sinolb Copies, 3 cf.vts. 1'huraduy, flluy 7. 18W0. tiiSW AlirUltTlSKMllXTS JUt-OAY. Animal Extracts At Druggists. A Well Pressed Woman (Jlius. Monaou Go, Tiring Picture Cutler's Art Store. (JaiuOos livarts Cutler & Co. Cut Glass Cutler's Art htme. Daily Clint Mulioy, fteoly A: CO. J)oiitistry-Dr. dUluey. Eyes Trouble You? 0. J. Monson, Jr. Co lintoitniiinient tiraiul Opera Hoiwh. Vat Sale Cottasre-( D. Nleoll & Co. 'ine Lumps livwts Cutler is Co. I'lamus livarta Cutler & Co. For Kent Cottaire A., This Ollloe. Kor Ueut Houso-A., This Ollloe. J'or Kent Hooms (13 Lafayette Street. For Kent Flat John ilorse. Jt'or ltuut Koora 24 Sylvan Avomio. i'or Bale Yacht Greiivlllo Parker. Fresh Fish -Grand Avenue Flsli lluat, (ilass Tumblers Cutler'B Artbtore. Great Miiy Sale C. U. Iionitley & Co. Uraiid Shopping U.nporiuin F.M.HrownJkCo. Heaven Sent Ouroa Vltapathlo Healers. Minor Frames ltogllded-Cutlei's Art Store. Mirrors Evarts Cutler & Co. Jsot One Woman N. H. Shoe Co. Now Open Skeele's UestaurHiit. Hdoboavils liowdltch Furulturo Co. Thursday Bargains llowe & Stetson. Wrapper Sale Win. Frank & Co. Wine Glasses Evarts Cutler & Co. Wanted Situation Hi Putnam Street. Wanted Situatiou-4!) Bright Street. Wanted Situation ltlt Franklin Street. Wanted Girl 1U College Street. Wanted Girl Sfi Crown Street. Wanted Situation S7U Wallace Street. "Wanted Situations f(i Franklin Street. Wanted Situatlou 84 Orange Street. Wanted Situation Housekeeper, This Office. Wauted Girl 0 Howe Street. Wanted Situation 11M Franklin Street. Wauted Situation 30 Broad Stteot. Wanted Situation 123 Ward Street. Wanted Girl 5"a State Street. Wanted-Work 02 York Street. Wanted Situation M'i Hamilton Street. Wanted Situation 284 Orange Street, Wanted Dishwashcr-lilT Wall Street. WVA'LUVH MEVUJiU. Aaniccm-uiiAij Uiit-AitTMENT, Office of the Chief OF TUB WliATlllSK HuaiDAtJ. , Washington, 1. C. May S. 1896, 8 ri. m. Forecast for Thursday For New England: Fair, but probably cloudy on tho coast, east erly winds. For eastern New York: Fair, easterly winds, warmer in northern portions. Local Weather Report. FOB MAY 6, 1896. 7:40 7:40 A.M. P.M. Baroriiwer 30.13 S0.;)l l'eniDeiature 51 48 Kel. Huuudltv 7ft 7it WindBirection N NE Wind Velocity 20 Weather Pt.Cloudy Cloudy Mean temperature. 55. Max. temperature. Miu. temperature. 48. Precipitation .0 inoues. Max. velocity of wind. 26-NE. Accumulated deficiency ot dallv mean tem perature since Januarv l, .65 decrees: or an nvcrnge daily deHciency of .6 aeorrees. Total detictency in precipitation since Janu ary 1. 2.33 iucnes. U. G. MEYERS. Observer. - Note. A minus sign ) prefixed to ther mometer readings Indicates temperature be low zero. A "X" in connection with rainfall Indicates a trace of rainfftljtoooinall to measure. Snow is melted and resulting doptli of wnternotknown. 10VAT, XEW8. Brief Mention. High water to-day at 7:55 p. m. C. C. Bushnell, notary, 17 Grand. MorrisCove lots B.M.Clark, 42 Church Own a home $1,600. R. E. Baldwin. Loans and insurance furnishsd by Charles Wilson & Co., 42 Church street. E. S. Wade of East Rock lodge, A. O. TJ. W., will read a paper this evening before the lodge entitled "Tobacco Its History and Uses." Gas: Persons about to move and wishing to use gas in their new homes will please notify the Gas Light com pany as soon as possible. Miss Emma Brainard, clerk at Fer Ty's cafe on Church street, who was in jured Tuesday afternoon by falling through a hole in the rear of the cafe, was much improved last evening and will be on duty to-day. Ross and Maresco, the two men who were taken to the hospital on Tuesday evening suffering from injuries receiv ed in a fight on Fair street, were rest ing comfortably last evening and will be able to attend court in a few days. The annual graduating exercises of the Yale Art school will take place on June 1. The speaker of the occasion will be Edward H. Blashfield. There Will be the usual exhibition of work by members of the scho61 and award of prizes. ' West Haven was stirred up last night between 10 and 11 o'clock by the blow ing of the power house whistle for a supposed fire on Albert street. It xvas a false alarm. The firemen had hardly returned before another alarm was sounded. Again there was no fire. It was evident that some one was trying to see the boys work. The annual prospectus for Yale's graduate courses was issued yesterday. It gives the number of courses in the graduate department as 177, an increase of about thirty the past year. Ten in structors have been added to the de partment the past year. Most of the new courses are along the lines of his tory,, philosophy, literature and sci ence. Forbes' Weir and James Watson ar rived in this city from Hamilton, Scot land, yesterday. They were the guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Bone, and will reside for the present with Mr. Weir's aunt, Mrs. McLay, in East Haven. Mr. Weir was telegraph operator and railroad station agent at his town In Scotland, nine miles from Glasgow. Mr. Watson was a traveling agent for a biscuit manufactory. TUB VOOT GUAUD TltlV. Their Ioiugs at New London. The steamer Continental, with the Foot Guard aboard, arrived at New London yesterday morning at 4 o'clock. The Guard and their guests took break fast aboard the steamer. Dinner was served on the steamer City of Lowell. The company assembled at 9 o'clock and received the governor at the depot and escorted him to the residence of President Chappell cf the board of trade, whose guest the governor was during the day. At 1:30 the company donned their dress uniforms and took part in the grand parade. The company acquitted themselves with great credit, and .ll along the line were loudly applauded. .The Second regiment band played most excellent music, and words of praise were heard on all sides. After the parade the company march ed to the boat and disbanded. They return to this city early this morning. The entire company are loud in their praise of the manner in which they were accommodated by Councilman C. I. French, the agent of the steamboat company. T. M. C. A. Bicycle Club. The following members of the Y. M. C. A. Blcyclo club participated in a run to Savin Rock iast night: II. C. Thomp son, Eugene Willis, H. Chapln, F. Rev ely, F. Bradley, D. Thomas, W. Har tung, E. Flatt, F. Leyerzapf, H. Smith, C, Hitchcock, F. Keeney and A. John son. A short stop was made at the Rock, and from there back through the prin cipal streets of. the city to East Rock, finishing the run at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The club is In a flourishing condition, and the runs aro enjoyed and well at tended by the members. Mr. Kraft's Organ Recital. William J. Kraft will give the first of a scries of organ recitals at the Pros pect M. E. church, Bristol, to-morrow evening. He will be assisted by Wal lace S.. Moyle, tenor, of this city. The program follows: Prelude et Fuga, in G Major Bach Cantilene Pastorale Guilmant Marche Rellgeuse Guilmant Aria from St. Paul "Be Thou Faith ful Unto Death" Mendelssohn Wallace S. Moyle. Vision Horatio W. Parker Scherzo Horatio W. Parker Scottish Eclogue Salome Minuetto Salome Gounod "Salve di Mora," from Faust. Gounod Wallace S. Moyle. Sonate in E flat Major. Allegro con brio Buck Italy's African War. Rome, May 6. Advices received from General Baldissera, commanding the Italian forces in Africa, say that the Italians in strong force are now occu pying all of the strong positions around Adigrat, from which place 300 sick and wounded soldiers have been removed to other quarters. This news has caused great rejoicing in Rome. The advices also say that the Abyssinian leaders, Ras Sebat and Ras Mangascia, are now holding posi tions respectively to the left and right of the Italians, but of their intentions nothing is known. Kurds and Armenians Fight. Constantinople, May 6. Serious dis turbances have taken place at Akshehr between the Kurds and Armenians who are connected with the work of con structing the railway between Akshehr and Koneih, in Asia Minor, but no de tails of the rioting have yet been receiv ed here. The number of arrests of Ar menians in this city has recently been largely Increased. Air in the Heart. Providence, R. I., May 6. The trial of Dr. F. Edwin Hale on the charge of causing the death of Catherine' Feeney in this city in an attempt to procure an abortion on February 29, 1896, was be gun to-day in the common pleas divis ion of the supreme court. Miss Feeney's death, according to the autopsy, was caused by the entrance of air into the heart through a punctured blood vessel, which was accidentally lacerated dur ing the operation upon the woman. Everything connected with my shop and business shows rctl art. The Carpets and Wall Papers show the mnirio touch of skilled finders and the brightest brains. Interior Decorating of every advanced kind Is at your service at economical cost. There 1s nothing extra for the art part of my work. You simply pay mo an honest profit for hon est, artistic worK. C. P. THOMPSON, 00 Orange st PFAFF & SON. MUSHROOMS. HOT HOUSE TOMATOES, HOT HOUSE CUCUMBERS. CAPONS, CAPONS. Muscoyt DUCKS Muscotj 7 and 9 Church st. 152 Portsea st e, Spring Lamb and Green Mint. Fresh Mushrooms. Hothouse Cucumbers and Tomatoes. Choice Beef and Poultry. Spring Vegetables, etc. Telephone oall, 57 UX 409 STATE STREET. ft CI Hart Co. 350 and 352 State Street. Do you want choice Market Supplies ? Do you want your dinners and lunches served neatly and promptly ? Do you want the tenderest and juiciest Meats, the freshest Vegeta bles, the finest Fruits ? We know you want all these and have provided them for you to-day. Come and see for yourselves. Fresi Slrawierries To-flay. .m sags: .. ! ,J mat JnRli Vienna' Burgomaster. Vienna, May 6. Tho municipal crisis, which had been prolonged by the re peated election of Dr. Lucger, the anti- Semite leader, to the office of burgo master of Vienna and his rejection by the emperor, was ended this morning by the action of the municipal council in electing Herr Strohbach, a promi nent Vienna merchant, to the office. Dr. Lueger was elected first burgo master. Herr Strohbach upon being officially informed of his election said that he would accept the office, but declared that he would quit the post the mo ment that Dr. Lueger should demand it. Racing at Chester. London, May 6. The principal event at the Chester meeting to-day was the race for the Chester cup (handicap) of 2,200 sovereigns, added to a sweepstakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three-year-olds and upward; the owner of the sec ond horse to receive 300 sovereigns and the third 200 sovereigns out of the stakes: winning penalties; Old Cup course, nearly two miles and a quar ter. The race was won by Mr, Dobell's The Rush, with the Duke of Westmin ster's Baddlley in second place, and Mr. C. J. Blake's Rockdove third. The other starters were Mr. C. J. Blake's Bowline, Mr. James Joicey's Tyranny, Colonel G. A. Percy's Tam bour, Mr. Leopold de Rothschild's Fie sole, Mr. A. L. Duncan's Newcourt, Mr. John Craig's The Russian, Captain A. H. T. Fenwick's Glenalmond and Mr. A. Cohen's Vic. The latest betting was 8 to 1 against The Rush, 6 to 1 against Baddlley, 10 to 1 against Rockdove, 6 to 1 each against Bowline and Tyranby, 8 to 1 each against Tambour and Flesole, 9 to 1 against Newcourt, 10 to 1 each against The Russian and Glenalmond and 25 to against Vic. The Rush won by two lengths, and Baddlley and Rockdove finished four lengths apart. Time, 3:48 3-5. To bo Pardoned. Johannsburg, May 6. The Diggers' News says that the sentences Imposed upon the convicted members of the re form committee will be reduced to nominal fines, that part of the sen tences prescribing imprisonment and subsequent banishment being revoked. Kcscned at a Fierce Fire. New York, May 6 The home of Henry Hofheimer, whose place of bus iness was destroyed in the Bleeker street bank fire only last election night, was burned up this morning. It was in the four-story building at 7 East Ninety third street. Only the naked walls now stand. The loss is easily $35,000. ' Mr. Hofheimer is in Europe. His family of six and three servants were asleep when tho fire broke out in the basement. They were warned of their danger about day break by the smoke that fill ed the house, and fled without stopping to save their belongings. With the single exception of Louis Hart man, a nephew of Mr. Hofheimer, who slept in the third story, they all got out and took refuge in a neighbor's house. The nephew found retreat by the stairs cut off, and hastening to the win dow stepped out upon the third floor balcony, a little recess left by the curv ing front, from which he was rescued by a police officer. Jlel From Syncope. London, May 6. The inquest held over the body or colonel worm, tne Nitrate King," who died suddenly in the office of the guano syndicate, yes terday, has shown that his death was caused by syncope. Call for cocktail. Burgundy Bitters in your We have a fine line of well selected Sideboards in Oak and Mahogany. It will pay you to see our assortment, which is very large. Prices are from $7.50 to $125.00. N. B. We have a few Sideboards which have not proved quick sellers. We will close them out at less than cost Dining Tables. A large stock to select from in Oak and Mahogany, at $4.50 to $75.00. Dining Chairs. If you will call and see them, you will be sure to buy. The styles and finish can't be beat. The prices we know can't. $1.00 up. Side Tables Make a very handy piece to have in the Dining Room. $6.00 up. Butlsrs' Trays. We have them all size3. low as $2.00. Some a3 Open Monday and Saturday evenings. SIDEBOARDS. MAilMtETffc1 I&LEPHO.NJ2 No. S23, Wagon loads of goods going out hourly ! The prices do the talking! "Strange that while other stores seem deserted, Malley, Neely 8c Co.'s are up to their eyes in business. I hat s what somebody re marked yesterday, in the car pet department. - 1 housands ot yaras oi tnose Japanese Mattings sold yes terday thousands more to be sold to-day. There never was such a rush in the history of floor i 1 coverings, ana no wonaer. Selhnsf $ 1 4-oo rolls, ot 35c. mat tings for $6.00 each, doesn't happen every day. Only very slightly wrapper - stained at that. Who wants some while they're here ? Specials for Thursday. Cutter's 100 yard spool silk, - 6oc. dos Mending cotton, all colors, - 6c. " Little Countess curling irons, - 3c piece Silk Taffeta ribbon, - -. 7C " Pure rubber dress shields, satin and silk covered, - - 15c pair Extra quality, seamless dress shields,. No. 1, 5c pair No. 2, 60 pair No. 3 7c. pair. Puritan dress stays, all colors, - 6c set Hair pin cabinets 100 assorted hair pins, - , - 3C bos Transient toilet soap, - 5c dos Pure Castile soap, - 25c dos Petroleum jelly, - - -' 3C bottle One quart fountain syringes, - 390 Remnants. Thursday, we will offer 1000 manufacturers' samples, or remnants of furniture cov erings including brocatelles, Satin Damasks, Velours, tapestries, etc., in sizes from yard strips pf 50 inch goods, to 4 yard lengths. While the majority of.; pieces are 18 to 24 inches square, we have many suitable for shelf and mantel drapes, table covers, cushion tops, chair seats, etc. Remnants of goods worth up to 9.00 per yard. Prices according to size and quality marked in every case at less than half value : 19c, 29c, 39c,, 48c, 69c, 75c, 89c, 98a, and up to $4.00 each. Don't miss it. In the "Lucky Corner.' Folding cot beds hard wood frames, with woven wire bottoms extra support running through center, en suring durability, as well as comfort. Handy for your cottage in the city, sea-shore or country. Our price xvhile they last, $1.25. Pillows. Extra heavy, full size, 2ox 26, weight, 2,V pounds filled with absolutely clean, odorless feathers. Worth 1.00 each. Lucky Corner price, .gc. Grand Special Sale of ladies guaranteed ster ling silver shirt waist sets, in beautiful patterns. The amount of silver in these sets is convincing proof that either our silver dollar is not worth a dollar, or some one is losing monev on the sets. our price to-day, 2gc. Handkerchief table. There will be on bargain table, No. 1, bright and early, Thursday morning: pure Irish linen handkerchiefs, with clain and fancy hera-stitchln2. Crowds ! Crowds Crowds 767-771 Chapel St. Thursday Bargains. To be sure, this heading has greeted you many times, hut in each case is followed by a new, clean lot of offerings that give you renewed confidence in the oft " abused word '"bargains? Public appreciation of truthful advertising has taught us thor-S oughly that the right way is the best way ; and misrepresentation, ex aggeration of values and wiggkty wagglety pices are strictly tabooed here. These prices are positively for one day only: Thursday, flay 7. JACKET5, Going to have some $5.00. fun, swallow the loss , and see how many Jackets we can sell in one day. Got 150 New Sprinj as dressy, as gooi finished 'Jackets as stylish, as any tailor ever . Bluck Clays, Kerseys, Cheviots, Tan Kerseys, Grey and Brown Mixtures. Half and all silk lined with Black Satin, French Serge, Glace Taffeta and Printed Warp Silks complete size assortment. . The prices have been $10.50, $12.50, , $ 15.00, $ 18.50, $20.00 and $22.50. Take your choice Thursday at , $5.00 each This is the grandest offering of garments ever made in this city andyou'll never see another such, probably. LACES. Importers are in most cases overloaded with stock and when a lace house is in that state they slash fearfully. We gobbled this slash 1000 yards Irish Point Laces in widths; 2J to 6 inches very neat, tasty de signs, and are real 12c goods. Until sold Thursday 5c yaid We do not guarantee this lot to last the entire day. . RIBBONS. When we say good quality we mean it. These ribbons are of good quality and strictly all silk. 1 10,000 yds Black Satin Ribhon In the following widths Thursday at about one-half price f No. 5, worth 7 . 4c yd ; Ho. 7, worth 10 5c yd No. 9, worth 12 7c yd No. 12, worth 16 9c yd No. 16, worth 20 llC yd 767-771 Tn various widths, from yi tc 1 inches wide. Irish hand embroidered linen, Irish linen lace edged, and fine Swis; embroidered, at values neve: before heard of in New Haven. 2 for 25c. Outing Flannel. Fine grade 28 inch widths, in checks, and stripes, on light grounds great value at regu lar price, 6c. Thursday, only 4 3-4C. yd. Bargains all. Table oil cloths, - 15c. per yd. Shelf oil cloths, - 50 " Mosquito net, - 6c " Patent window screen cloth, i2 yd. Table felt, 53 inch, - - 39CC " " 64 " - 65c " Good woven hammocks, with stretchers, - - 75c each Mexican hammocks, - 50c. to $1.00 Crochet bed spreads, full size, hemmed ready for use, worth $1.25, - - now 98c Large woolen blankets, worth $5.00, for - $4-00 per pair. Elastic Hose, Knee Caps, AnMets, and Abdominal Supporters, AT APOTHECARIES' Hill, 821 Chapel Street. Tako Your Wife I one of those handsome Poazoru Pupp Boxss. s. a erj They are given free with each box of powder, DRESS la it little wonder GINGHAMS. that yu can now buy wash dress fabrics at lower prices than ever be fore known? The market is fairly glutted, as shown by the report of the Dry Goods Economist which says that stocks on hand . aggregate 1,692,000 pieces, against 252,000 pieces on hand at this time last year. This state of affairs has caused fearful drops in prices. We purchased this lot of fine Dress Ginghams in very pretty light colored plaids and stripes width 27 inches. Made to sell for 15c. ' Thursday 7c yd AT THE Always scouting for LINENS. "d"ve8" an brings you to such as this 1 case Bleached Twilled Toweling Thursday 8 yds for 25c. Several dozen fine Napkins that are slightly soiled, i and $ sizes, all at - special prices for Thursday. NOTION SAVINGS. Extra quality Pins 2 papers- : 5c, Bundle ot pieces Tape -Large roll Superfine Tape 25c Tooth Brush ' 29c Haii Brush 19c Combs - 5c. 9c. 16c. 17c. 10c. Buttermilk and Cucumber Soap, 3 cakes Box ; 15c. Brown's Triple Extracts guaranteed strength per oz. 21c. 20 in. all linen Hemstitched Squares, Stamped with pretty designs, one day only at 25c each CHAPEL . Here's Dollar towards buying a Refrigerator. Clip this advertise ment and we will honor it as $1.00 in the pur chase of any of our Refrigerators. Only good hard wood Refrig erators. Prices begin at $8.50 and end at $27.00. Only one advertise ment will be accepted from any one customer in part payment for a Refrigerator. This offer is void after Sat urday, May 9th. CUtl ORANGE AND CROWN STS. $25.00 for $15.65. We have an Overstock of Fine English Hand Painted Dinner Sets Which we will close out at $15.65, regular price ?2-".00 and worth it, too. See it in our window, at ROBINSON & CO., 90 Church st. COMPRESSED AIR Carpet Cleaning Works. WIIX.IAM F. KNAPP & CO, Proprietors, 106 Court St., New Haven, Ct , Worlt doua at Bfeort notice, abZS it flEI'S One of those UNDERWEAR. oS& no man can afford to slight. ' "" 1 case Fancy Balbriggan Underwear manufacturers seconds which means small uneven spots in weave, slight oil stains and such defects that prevents their selling as firsts. They're worth COc each. Thursday price 37$C. LADIES' An odd lot of Jersey VESTS. De Vests in white and ecru,spring weight, fancy silk ribboned nocks, regular 2oo goods. i hursday 15C each LADIES' "We offer you good GOWNS. garmeilta for a little money. That gives you and us satisfaction. '. Night robes made from a staple and good muslin hamburg yoke and ruffle and some with insertion and fine tucks big J1.00 value . Thursday 79c each DRESS They will accum- GOODS ulate despite nrnvAWTC everything and innn . then comes 8Uch opportunities ns this Large lot medium and dark colored rem nants in various quaunesana tengins. Thursday at 12 price. PARASOLS! While not specials for Thursday we've got some special prices on new Parasols that will interest you. ' There is no better line of fancy Parasols to be found in this city and our prices are lower. Just received a fine line of 24 in. Black Sun Umbrellas with fancy handles. These will have special prices Us TJETEiET. "BEATS THE BAND" In Making FINE PHOTOS at x.o7r phiobs. With every dozen cabinets you get one in a Stjitidh terae, entirely iTRKE of COST, until further notice. Elegant work made ever evening up to 0:30 by the Patent Electric Light Apparatus, and t no Extra Cost. gyThe only one In this city. SpencecMatfhews &Ca OIXS, CHEMICALS. State Street 24Z 2JEW HAYEN.CT. Ladies' handsome shoes with more than the price's worth of elegant style, exquisite finish, solid comfort, and wear ing longevity dongola, button, and lace every pair absolutely guaran teed you don't take chances at the Surety Shoe Store Cbas. H. Ayers, 814 Chapel St. gg76BCIajel.St oi$ Ladies' handsome shoes 15 O-O as