Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER. TUESDAY. JUNE 1(5. 1896 V ca BIB w You Our i i semeets?, IP YOTJ DO NOT FOLLOW THEM DAILY, YOU MAKE A MISTAKE. YOU'LL MISS SUCH OPPORTUNITIES AS THIS, OCCURRING TUES DAY. Wash GoodSo American Lawns at 5c. Fine Outing Cloths at 6jci 36-inch Light Percales at ioc. The 25c. fine Ginghams at I2j4c". Genuine French Tercales at 15c. Silk Stripe Ginghams at 19c. Anderson's Scotch Cheviots at 25c, Fine Dresden Ginghams at 35c. L men 't ITEMS NOT OFTEN TALKED ABOUT, AND NOT FOUND IN MOST STORES. English Dimity Quilts in 10-4 size at $i.oo ' n -4 size at 1.38 California Wool Summer Blankets in 10-4 size at $4.75 n-4sizeat 5.98 12-4 size at 7.75 Richardson's Pillow Case Linens in all numbers. Widths 40, 42, 45, 50 and 54 inch. Hound and Oval Damask Doylies, in all sizes. 762 to 768 Chapel Street. MADE FROM Fresh West India Kola Nuts. A Brain and Nerve Tonic. Needful in the many forms of exhausted vitality incident to modern life. A Val in all forms of severe mental and physical exertion. PREPARED ONLY B Boericke, Runyon & Ernesty, Manufacturing Chemists, Now York. Sold wholesale and retail by li, L WASHBURN & GO, 84 Church and 61 Center streets, NEW HAVEN. Read A Advert! KOLA CORDIAL WALL PAPER Will make or mar the appearance of your home. It matters not how artistic or how rich the carpets, furniture and drapery, poor paper badly hung will spoil the ef fect. There is Wall Paper that is cheap (apparently) but which is dear in the end. There is good paper sold cheap. That's the kind we have. Call and see our as sortment Beautiful designs. H.B. PERRY, 914 Chapel Street I Bro., 41 7 and 413 State St., cor. Court, AKE OlTERINGs In 1 lb. cakes for 25c. In 5 lb. boxes, per lb 24c. In same make of Butter to weigh out, per lb. 2 2 C Native Fruits in their soason. Best Haxall Flour to-day perbbl. $4.50- WHatCanlDrM? That Question Fully Answered in Our Windows This Week. Unfermented Grape Juice is a most delightful temperance drink. Rose's Lime Juice is an excellent cooling drink diluted with water. Concentrated Lemonade in Orange, Pineapple, Raspberry and Claret flavors. Pure Malt as a beverage or tonic is absolutely un excelled. Ginger Ale and Sarsa parilla, put up by the Naugatuck Bottling Co. Root Beer Extract, etc. "We are headquarters for Strawberries, Pine apples, Bananas, Oranges. Asparagus fresh every day. Boston Grocery, N. A. FULLERTON, PROPRIETOR, 926 Chapel Street, corner Temple. Telephone 451. Branch Store and Market, 12ill Chapel St. C. H. TUFTS, General Auctioneer, "OFFERS his services to tho public. For V terms, references, etc.. aidross np?H:tm HOX 244. Wo-I vlllo. firm. gotels. MOSELEY'S NEW HAVEN HOUSE Solicits patronage from gentlemen whose families are out of town during the summer months, for board with or witnout rooms. SETH H. MOSELEY. CITY FATHERS CALL A HALT (Continued from First Fngo.) assembled to pass upon tho resolution adopted by the upper branch of the municipal government. When the res- lutlon wa.s rend unanimous consent was moved by Councilman Clurk. This was granted and Councilman Carrlng- on moved that the resoutlon bo adopt ed. There was not a dissenting voice when the (luestion whs called. Ooun- ilmun Pickett said that he would not Hit it in the form of a motion, but he wished that it be taken as the sense of the board that asssistaut city clerk furnish the board of public works a lertilled copy of the resolution by 12 o'clock to-day. Councilman I'ickett offered a resolu tion amending the ordinance In rela- ion to paved streets which was referr ed to the committee on streets. Councilman TTng-er extended an invi tation to the board to attend the street ightlng convention which meets hero on Thursday. The members of the board of public works were asked last evening at the close of the councilmanie session if they wished to say anything concern ing the action of the court of common council. "There is nothing to be said," was the reply made by one of the members, and it would seem that all were of the same mind, for nothing could be gained from any of them for publication. It is probable that they, like Alderman Hamilton, may have more to say when the investigation conies off. 'A I It Jl A V I :X X K IM. Adelphl Lodge, 1'. mid A. M-, to Attend Grace Church, .Special Service Deputy W. S. HacUott Selectmen's Sixteen Mile Tramp To-day Morris Cove School Kecord Vnneral of Jacob K. Emory Other News. The members of Adelphi lodge, F. and A. M., have been invited to attend spe cial religious services at Grace Episco pal church next Sunday evening. The members of the other city lodges will also be welcome to these services. Rev. Percy Barnes will preach a special ser mon to the members of the order on that day. On Thursday evening William S. Hackett, the newly appointed deputy to East Rock lodge, A. O. U. V., will make his first visit to that lodge. Many officials from other lodges will attend the reception. There will be a collation during the evening and a number o speeches. The schooner Jennie Rogers, which foundered off Faulkner's Island Sun day morning, has made several trips to this port with Virginia oysters. The selectmen will meet at Quinnipi- ac street this morning at 8 o'clock pre paratory to perambulating the boun dary between this town and East Ha ven with the selectmen of the latter town. The Morris Cove school was closed for the present term last Friday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and afterward the children enjoyed a picnic in Light house Grove. Henry Shiner has been perfect in attendance for the whole year, and Clarence Wilcox has the hon or of not having whispered during the year. Mrs. Hattie A. Hunt has been the successful teacher of this school. The funeral of Jacob E. Emery was held from Grace Episcopal church yes terday afternoon, Rev. Percy Barnes officiating. The bearers were Frank M. Crawford, Joseph S. Blinn, Jacob Blatchley, Frank E. Hull, E. Otis Ho vey and Lewis L. Bradley. There were a large number of beautiful floral offer ings. The interment was in the Fan Haven Union cemetery. Undertaker H. W. Crawford was in charge of the funeral. Yesterday was National Flag day. and while the flags were displayed very generally in Fair Haven, there were no colors on the new Strong school- house. On Memorial day the flag on this school was not hoisted until eleven o'clock. Considerable fault is being found by the public over the fact that the national ensign is not displayed up on the finest school building in New- Haven. The track layers were at work yes terday on the job of connecting the rails of the Fair Haven and "Westville railroad with the west end of the tem porary bridge. The electric light wires have been suspended from poles on the new bridge. For permission of bring ing their wires across the new bridge the Electric Light company agree to supply two lights on the bridge free of charge. Frank Fitzsimmons of Philadelphia is visiting his parents of Hill street, annex. Owing to the severe storm on Sunday Children's day exercises arranged to be held at the Grand avenue Congrega tional and Second Congregational churches were postponed. j AT EAST PEARL STREET M. E.' CHURCH. A strawberry tea under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society will be given the parlors of East Pearl street church Thursday evening of this week from 5 to 8. Hot strawberry shortcake will be served, also strawberries and cream, and all who attend w ill be well served. TIAUMOXY l.OTKli:, I. O. O. F. The entertainment committee of Har mony lodge, I. O. O. F., have arranged a fine program for this evening, con sisting of vocal and instrumental mu sic, recitations, speeches, etc., followed by a banquet. The committee will be pleased to receive donations of cake, strawberries, ice cream or sandwiches from the members of old Harmony, and considering the large list of members, they expect a fine spread. Brother Mead has charge, and he says it will be well worth the attention of the brothers. It is expected that the spa cious rooms on Crown street will be crowded with the members and their families, and that the banquet dona tions will cause the tables in the large dining hall to groan with tile delicacies of the season. Death ofMrs. Mary dill. Mrs. Mary Gill, mother of Letter Car rier Thomas H. Gill, died at the resi dence of her son, So Elliott street early yesterday morning. The late Mrs. Gill was about sixty-five years old. and had been in ill health fur some time. She leaves a son, Thomas H. Gill, and a daughter, Mrs. Michael Healey, wife of the former letter car rier, who now conducts a grocery store on .Washington street. XOTKS ('' IXI'EUKSV, Wisconsin 'Varsity and Valo Freshman Crew at I.ako Saltoustall Howard May bo Vnublo to liowKlicfV. Class Itook .lust Out The dune Keeord Games i'ost pulled. After a long ride half way across the continent the Wisconsin university boat crew, which Is to row against tho Yale freshman crew ut Lake Salton stall June IS, arrived In New Haven early yesterday morning, with every man m good physical condition with the exception of the fatigue occasioned by the journey. ' The crew came east on two special cars, which were left In the yards at Union station until yesterday after noon, when they were taken to Lake Saltonstall and side-tracked. The cars will remain there until after the race and the crew will make, them their home In the meantime. The Yale freshman shells were taken from Dunham bout house yesterday af ternoon lo Lake Saltonstall, where late in the afternoon the Yalo crew had a short practice spin. H is feared that one of Yale's best men, Nelson A. How ard, who rows No, 6, will be unable to take his place in the boat at the race, as he is now ill with malaria. He was temporary captain and has rowed at stroke. In case he has not sufficiently recovered by Thursday his place will bo taken by A. H. Marvin of New Ro- chelle. The greater part of the freshman class will remain over for two days af ter commencement in order to see the race and cheer on their crew. It has been decided that Joseph T. Whittlesey will be Yale's timekeeper, but the Judge and the timekeeper for Wisconsin have not yet been selected. SHEFF. SENIOR CLASS BOOK. The publication of the SheiT. Senior Class Book has been much delayed, owing to the assignment of the firm which was doing the photo-gelatine work, but the book is now out and will be placed on sale the latter part of this week. The binding is of a light brown buckram, with a neat design in gold on the cover. The editors are C. L. Collins, chairman; M. I. Berg, M. Davis and J. G. Marty. The dedication is by F. II. Miller and there are articles on freshman, junior and senior years by J. F. HaVemeyer, W. H. Pouch and L. DeForest, respec tively. There is also an article on ath letics by W. H. Allen, a literary article by L. U. Hopton, and a musical article by XX T. Moore. The book contains about 300 pages of reading matter and it has been gotten up in a style radically different from previous class book. The presswork on the book and the binding have been done by the Price, Lee & Adkins company of New Haven, and the photo-gelatine work by tho Al bertvpe company of New York city. THE YALE LIT. FOR JUNE. The June number of the Lit., which appeared yesterday morning, contains, besides the regular departments, the following contributions: Body articles "The New Yale," by N. A. Smyth '97; "Kaumai's Wedding Feast," by A. I). Baldwin '98; "A Mem ber of the Third House," by H. D. Gal- laudet 'OS; "Mr. Roundabout His ca pers," by T. P. Young '00; "Trumpet Island," by C. Morris, jr., 'OR; "Madame Revere, Spiritualist," by H. A. Hatch 'OS. Poems "A Fairy Song of the Moor lands." bv F. Wlekes 'OS; "June Son.s by R. L. Munger '97; "My Lassie," by C. T. Hine 'OS; "On the Dawning.' by F. Wlekes 'OS; "The Song of the Sail or's Son," by G. Morris 'OS. The portfolios are by F. Wickes 'OS. F. A. Lord 'OS, W. R. Achbald 'OS, two; G L. Parker '97, XX DeF. Burvell '98, two; C. P. Hine '08 and E. C. Streeter '08. RECORD GAMES POSTPONED. The remaining games in the Record interappointmevit baseball series have iiov, .met tinned until next fall. The Hich Orations will then play the Sec ond Disputes, the winner playing the Second Colloquies for the champion shirt. vnosvi:rri yk ya i.niTKn. Members of Hartford High School Senior Class to Try lOiitrance Kxnms. The follow-In thirteen members of the class of '96 of the Hartford Public High school will try the Y'ale entrance examinations June 2-: Cortland J' Luce, Morgan Brainard, Stanley Ed wards. Lucius Barber, Russell Bartlctt, Wlnthrop Buck, Frank Hale, Edward Stone, James Graves, George Baker, L S. Tomlinson, Benjamin Budge. There are also some fifteen or six teen of the class of '07 of Hartford High school who will take the preliminary examinations. YETKllA V YOhtrXTKICK 11 UK 31 EX. The Veteran Volunteer Firemen much regretted that the storm prevent ed the carrying out of their program for Sunday for decorating the grav.-s of deceased comrades, but a committee of one was sent to the Grove street c m ctery and a committee of six to Ever green cemetery, who decorated the graves. There are fourteen graves of Veteran Volunteer Firemen in the firi men's lot in Evergreen cemetery, where stands the firemen's monument. A wagon-load of flowers was sent to Ev ergreen cemetery, where a large major ity of the deceased members are buried. The graves of Chief Engineers Camp and Hemingway were among those dec orated. An attempt .was made a few years ago to locate aU the gi-aves of Veteran Volunteer Firemen in our cem eteries, and two weeks ot diligent lauor were spent by the committee appointed for the purpose, but nevertheless there is a considerable number of graves of comrades which are unknown, and the location of which was not found. The following from President Corbu sier expresses the thanks of the associ ation for the liberal donations of flow ers received: New Haven, Conn., June 15, 1S9B. The Veteran Firemen desire to return thanks to Mrs. White of Ferry street, Miss Nellie and Jessie Smith of Forbes avenue. Mr. Joel E. Bassett of North Haven, Mrs. C. S. Farren of Whitny ville and Mr. J. W. Hay ward of Avon street for their generous donations of flowers on Sunday. June 14. G. V. COlUiUSlER, President.1 Army nnd 'avy Club Annual. The executive committee of the Army and Navy dub of Connectieut has ar ranged to hold the eighteenth annual meeting at the Fort Griswold house on Friday eveninsr, June V. The business meeting will be at 7 o'clock and the banquet au hour later. flUMAIX'KE ALMANAC JUNG 10. SlTN RISKS. 4:18 I SunShts. 7:-!S I Moon Bum. 11:14 HlOH WtTlCK, I 1:54 MAU1NKLIST. POUT Ol' NlSWllAVBN. ARRIVED. Seh Viking, , I'hlhi, ooal to Hit. Sell Harold V. llueclier, lUeliardsoU, Charleston, S. C'., lumber to Hit. Ol.KAllKU. foh Win, E. Downcs, Marshall, Newport News. Sell John Douglass, Webster, N. i. KIKN1SUICD UOOMS. rpVO large front rooms, ono largo unfur- lllsli nlshed room: tabid hoard $;i.:U per week. Jel:;tp uii.Ai'isi. MiuiM. l'OUKEM' -SHOUT lilSACII. rooms, within fifty foot of W. M. I' LTLLIiltTON, Short lteaeh. rpWO furnished X the water. Jelii IS ai p Investment Securities. $3,000 S. N. E. Telephone 5 p. c. Debs. $1,000 N. Haven Street R'y Co. 5 p.c.b'd. $2,000 Norwalk Tramway Co. 5 p.e. bds. $4,000 Lynn & Boston RR. 5 p. c. bonds. $4,000 Torre Haute, Ind., Water Works, 6 per cent bonds. $2,000 Swift & Co.'s 6 per cent, bonds. 25 shs Det., Hillsdale & S.W. RR. stock. 10 shs Security Insurance Co. stock. For sale by The Chas. W. Scranton Co. 840 CHAPEL STREET. TO KENT, n OUSE 13 rooms, I0T York stroet : part of furniture lor sale. JoloiJtt FOB RENT, "VTE" I,Y furnished front room urns and -L1 bath. 180 UUADbEV STIUSKT, uoar Orange. jeO 7t FOB BUNT. SALE or exchange, two furnished oot tuces iu West liavon. barn, bath houses: splendid be.ieli for children. Jell 71 t'KUIUNS, lii center street. COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS. rrtllK Committee on Huildlntts will meet In 1 ltoom hi. Cilv Hall, on Wednesday. Juno 17th, ism, at 8 j. m., lor tho purpose of considering the lollowingmattors : Petition of G. F. Newcomb and others for an order prohibiting the croetlou or main tenance or any Dunning to contain iwu or more families In the rear of any lot In the City of Now Haven. J-ctuiou or Mrs. I'eter Me.intyro tor per mission to remove 'ranto building at No. 583 Grand avenue from front to rear. All persons Interested in any ot tho torego- ing. are hereby notified to appear and be heard thereon without further notice. Per order, Thhiion H. 11 ui,f,, ( hntrman. Attest: EDWAKO A. STREET, .ield at Assistant City Clerk. FOR RENT, 42 Elm street, whole house, $75. SMltradley street, whole house, $"5. Dili Crown street, whole house, $fll). til Grove street, whole house, g5. 137 Humphrey street, flat, $50. CHARLES II. WEBB, 850 Chapel Straet Open Monday nnd Saturday until 8 p. m. FOR SALE, Two-Family House on 'VVlialloy Avenue; lot 00x275; price $4,200, JOHN C. PUND13RFORD, 116 Church street. TROUBLE AHEAD for the flies if you pro tect your windows and doors with our improved automatic screens, from 25c up. BUTTER KEEPS sweet and fresh in one of our Elm City perfect ly ventilated refrigerat ors, from $3.00 up. IRON BEDSTEADS, good, pretty and cheap, beginning at $3.98. SHORE COTTAGES furnished with all need ed fittings at lower pri ces this season than ever before. BROWN & DURHAM, Comploto IIousefuriiLshorj, 74 and 76 Orange st., cor. Center. ONE WEEK, EVERY NIGHT, Beginning Next Monday, June 22, Monday "New Haven Night." PAIN'S Magnificent Fireworks Spectacle. CHIXA, WAR, JAPAN'. Direct from Manhattan Beach. More Elaborate than Pompeii. je!6 tf SEE THE WONDERFUL ELECTRIC EOUFTAItf AT SAVIN ROCK TO-NIGHT je-U3m from. 8 until 10, goavtl autl glooms. ARE.YOl) LOOKING IOlt flrst-olass table bourd '1 Try tho Cat Franoaiu, $7.00 per week: table d'noS dimier, HI cunts, lutiii CHAVklL STUEBT, jyj t.t , corner ormi;ii. Forbes Uotiso, MORRIS COVE, CONN. NOW open under now manugement for tho reception, of (roosts; thoroughly re modeled and refitted. Kspeohd attention to shore dinue s. Culnlno unsurpassed. Good bathlujr. Terms reasonable. Add rest for circulars to GlbhEUN & QtJINtf, Morris Cove, 1:01111. Telophono 111-i. Jol3 3iu Highland House, SHREWSBURY, MASS. SITUATED on tho hUtliest elevation fn tho State. Uouuliful scenery and drives. A most healthful resort. Terms reasonable. Address for Illustrated circulars, H.W. LORING, Proprietor, or A. A. TAN VANE, 183 Woostcr streot, my27 tf City. Fisher's Island, New York. ADKLIGHTFUL summer resort, six miles out ut soa. Fran 11 on t communi cations by bout dally from New London, Ct. Address for illustrated circulars and terms A. 1. HA Lis, MgT Minnatawket Hotel, Upon June !J0. I. J. FURMAN, M(tr Mansion House mylOlm and Cottugos. Open May 15. kitl Estate. TO LET, SECOND floor houso 120 Olive streot, with heat, and all modern conveniences, ln- qulre on the premises. jc6 tf FOR KENT, BRADLEY street brick houso. 12 159 rooms: all modern luiDrovemonts: newly relit tod; possession at onco. Can also be bought on easy terms. npit tr HUOM 17, si uiurcn streot. FARM WANTED IN exchange for a two-family houso with modorn co nvenlences, large barn, ex tra large lot, fine location, near electric u-s. Call on or address GEO. A. ISBELL, o29 tf 108 Chapol street. TO RENT. I7M Y E or seven rooms; heat and wator; also ' barn on adjoining lot. aplo tt 164 ST. JOHN STKEET, noar Olive. FOR RENT, A O BEERS streot Hat of 0 rooms, also Sattlo f rooms: Improvements: SiO: inquire on premises. jo2 tf TO RENT, 'pHE large and commodious store, Num. 1 bers 2j4 and 218 State street, near Chanel, (now being Dot in order.) The front and rear buildings contain about 25.000 foot or noor space. Apply to a. K. mekwiin. jew jit r aie National uudk. For Sale In West Hayen. TjO UR fine new houses, with all modern JJ Improvements; ready for oocupaucy; easy terms; jt.uu to $; weu iocatea. BRYANT & MAIN, West Haven, and Exohange Building, New Haven. FOR RENT, A small farm near this city Possession April 1st. GEORGE A. ISBELL, W8 Chapel stroet. Now Haven, Oonn. Farm for Sale. Two hundred acres, with good build ings, ohenp. R. K. BALDWIN, d&w 818 Chapel strest. Desirable Property For Sale. Two-fiimilv house In 8'iolton Av. at S3.400. Two-family house In Shclton Av.. all im provements, $4,0UU. One-family house in Warren St., all in nrovements. $4,600. House and barn.wlth large lot In Chapel St., glD.fftJtl. very fine House in Sherman Av 5I8,0W. Money to loan at five per cent. GEORGE F. NEWCOMB. Room 3?i Exchange building, 123 Church FOR SALE, New House that is a Perfect Beauty, Can be occupied at onoe : very cea tral location in West Haven ; wide lot, late improvements, eight rooms, be sides bath and laundry. Also several other central properties in West Ha ven ; prices right, terms easy. ' FREDRIQUE R. LEWIS, Offloe, 154 Orange Streot, Ctty. Residence, 69 Union street. West Haven. TO LOAN, $100,000, in Sums to Suit. HENRY A. PALLMAN, 116 Church Street, Rooms 9 and 10. my20 IT HAS COME! nREAT boom in Wostvllle real estate. " Manv new houses to be erected. Beauty of looation and rapid transit the cause. Competing electrlo line place residents within ntteen minutes ot city s center. Ifesirable lots for sale. H. C. PARDEE, ja!8tt 122 Fountain street. Westville. Lots for $300 Apiece. The Best Bargains in New Haveny "VTO rock, no swamp, no filling in: a lov le X'l view j with water, gas, etc. 1 2 Minutes from the Green. "Buy of the Owner," EDWARD SI. CtiARK. First National liank Building:, 42 Church St., Room 20o. Evenings. FOR SALE, , SMALIj house within one block of West Chapel street, lot WxUQ ; price $5,000, or ouse ana nair tue lur. j.,uw. Rents from $6 per month upwards. Money to loan on o ity real estate. CHAS. D.NICOLL & CO.. 82 Church street (Benedict Building), room 15, Kvemnirs rrom? tos. 51 Hi m. auts. One Cent a Word cnoh insertion, fiva cents a Word for a full Week, soveu times. WANT K IX A SITUATION by a competent woman n OOOk Hllll IlLlltwl work; KOOd references. Inquire Jem If COLLKGH STREET. .... A A SITUATION by competent ulrl as cook . nnd laundress : best, references. Inoulro 3"1" 2tp 114 GKOiiOH STKKHT. WAXTKD, ITUATION as oook ami laundress in prl i vat cfanilly j good city reference. 'I'1 Itp Address J., this office. WAVTIfn A SITUATION to do general housework ; good rct'eronoo. Inoulre at, loieitp 1;) ST. JOHN STREET. WANTED, OH cash, modern eottajre nenrWhitnoy uveuue. Address MODUUATI3, ") Hp PostOllloe, City. WANTED. A WILLING youuir (rlrl to assist In gen eral housework nod ttin nrn nf turn children. Address P. O. Box 10. Cltv. jell'' lp with references. WAUTKD. A SITUATION to do housowork by a re liable woman. JelH Itp 71 WHAMjEY AVKNTJE. WANTED. A SITUATION by acorn poto nt Rlrl to do housework in a private family : refer- renoo it rog.uired. Inquire at Jelfl lt S3 VVALN UT STREET. ' WANTED. A POSITION by a man with 15 years ex perience in lamp and buruor business, flnishlnir, ronairlnir and inRiioetliirr in faatn. rles, railroad or lariro store. Address jexu J- 4H .Latayotte St. WANTED. A SITUATION by a competent girl in ffeileral houpeworlc nr fiertrinrl wnrlr. good references. Inquire J" u. h:io KAST B TKK15T. TO loan $800 on real estate ; security 6 per cent. jeiB It Address S. U. this oflico. WANTED. SITUATION by youn gtrl in second work or cai o lor children, citv or oountrv t good references. - Jelti 1 150 LI BEUTY STREET. WANTED, A SITUATION by an experienced girl as cook or to do irenarul Housework : irood city reference. Inquire at 161 1' itANKLIN STREET, cl8 ltt second floor. WANTED. BY respeotable woman, situation' as oook in private family : also young girl to wait on table or liiflit housework, Please en qutre at 10 ASHMUN STKKET. je!6 ltj WANTED, BY family of two, house furnished or un furnished, east of Ohauel. south of Col. lego, north of Orange. Address, stating terms, G. H. i, 733 Oaapol street. jelo 7t C COMPETENT girl for genoral housework, J thrpn in fnillilv watrvn ftffnnn rtollura . reference required." Addregs Box li. P. 6., etu it Mount uarmel, Oonn. WANTED. A SOLIUtTOB W T! WHTTTT.1T.SWV my 18 tf Adv. Agent, Hi Church street. v v ri- ii OOD cooks, housework girls and others; lU OlLUllLiULlH IUI BUUU, myla lit MRS. BABB, 126 Court street. WANTED. FOR U. S. army able-bodied, unmarried men between the aires of 21 and ao. citi zens of the United States, of good charaoter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English, for information apply, ' piuiuraoiy oy teixer. to REOlf UITINQ OFFICER, tu&sa 21t 25 Third avenue. Now York Cltv. WANTED, EVERYBODY noedingservantsto oall hers. We supply all the best. We have sorts 1 out and dlscardod most of the useless olas-t. These seek new offices (where they are not known), which are springing up constantly. We have been here years and use judgment, selecting only those that will do the work re quired. We have the finest facilities and 0u serve you better than anyone else. ati( 1J5 Chapel street. iSC&llVLVLZBUB. FOR SALE, UPRIGHT piano, good as new; mustbd sold ; terms easy. Call at Jelo 7t 357 KAST SXKKKT. SOCIETIES DESIRING A BAND for parade on July 4 will please call at Ki Church stroet. jeiu tr w. h. wuiTi-jsiJODiX. $25 REWARD FOR a position as collector or oflloe assist ant : Ainerioan CiS) : have had experi ence ; moderate salary. Jem at; ti., .lournai ana uourier. AUCTION SALE m ORANGE street, Tuesday, 10 a. m. Furniture, fine pictures, carpets. desks, bookcases, refrigerator, baby car riage, 2 set good harness, etc. joio it it. u. MALiijUtti:. Auctioneer. INGER Ales. Not the sorts that offend the taste' and upset the stomach the good kinds only. BRANDS. per doj. Delatour, . . . . . .. $1.00 Cochrane & Co., Belfast, ' - 1.35 Cantrell & Cochrane, " 1.40 Discount for original packages or round lots. 770 Chapel St. FOR SALE, A cottage at Woodmont A cottage at Morris Cove. A two family frame house, having all modern improvements, situated oil Sylvan avenue. A central block house, paying from 10 to 15 per cent The location is the best in the city for roomers. Two houses in good order, to settle up an estate, at the purchaser's own price. Money to loan in sums to suit. L. G. HO ADLEY, Kuoin V, lioadley Building, 19 Church St. Office open Evenings. Jiefl Haven Cremation Society, FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS ERNEST FASCH, Sec'y. loi Chestnut Street, OB FRANK A. HERMANCE, ouU thisaU u& Howard Avenue, Q t. JO . 0