Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MOKSING JOURNAL AND COURIER. WEDNESDAY. JULY 8, 1896 Tt tit . f Ts Will I A V. I JuGKOSSl fashions July number ready 'and welcome to allj ; just iseiore Inventory 38 Always a good time to buy. Easier to count money than count goods, i : : Here :. a Few BARGAINS- Black silk Belts, with " white-metal buckle, 19c. Leather Belts, in tan and black, 19c. Women's Teck Scarf s. that were 50c, now 17c. Grass linen Stock Collars, at 17c These, too, were - : 50 cents. ' Golf Stockings, at 75c Anderson's Scotch Chev- iors, rcuuupu 11 uni iu " 12Kcs Scotch Ginghams; for merly 25c, now 24c. French Percales, reduced from 25c. to 12 c. Persian silk Waists, new, at the remarkable low price ,$1-98. Great SUIT Sale, $5 00, $7.50 and 10.00. Jackets, at $2-00. kola cue. MADE FROM ' Fresh West India Kola Nuts. a . Brain and Nerve Tonic. . Needful in the many forms of exhausted , vitality incident to modern life. A in all forms of severe mental and physical exertion. PREPARED ONLY BY v Boericke, Runyon I Ernssty, Manufacturing Chemists, New York. Sold wholesale and retail by E L WASHBURN & GO. 4 Church and 61 Center streets, NEW HAVEN. . mm LINOLEUMS. We have about 40 to 50 ends of Linoleums from 2 to 8 yards long; will close out during July at a very low price. ALSO, Remnants and odd pieces of Carpets, which we will close out very cheap. H B, PERRY, 914 Chapel Street. CUT, will bLow you just how a bottle of PIIiE looks. A test of the Ale will conviuco you of its morit. No artificial gaa to produce what ia culled life or snap but an hon est, rure Ale, designed especiplly for family use. As a stimulant for the invalid it is invaluable. We believe that it has no superior. A special price made to hotels, res taurants and clubs who sell and who buy full casks. , Just compare the quality and price with any Ale for sale in the market. We are sole agents for Its sale In New Haven. SI. 25 a dozen. Cooked Whole Ox Tongue Lunch. Tongue. Boned. Chicken and Tur key. Potted Ham and Tongue. Corned Beef. Luncheon Beef Roast Beef v Lamb's Tongue. Pressed Ham. Dried Beef; sliced every morning. Meadow Sweet Cheese, in jars. Queen Olives, all sizes. We have the finest stock of Fancy Crackers in the city. WHEN IN HEED OF A Refreshing Drink, Try Some of 'the Following : Grape Juice, Concentrated Lemonade in ' four flavors, Orange Champagne, Root Beer. No-Tox, Wild Cherry Lime Juice, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla, Pure Malt, etc. Headquarters for Berries, Bananas, Pineapples, Lemons and Oranges. Boston Grocery, N. A. FULLERTON, ' i'ROPRIETOR, 926 Chapel Street, corner Temple. Telephone 451. Ernnch Store and Market, 1231 Chapel st. G. H. TUFTS, General Auctioneer, "vFFERs his services to the public For terms, roierenoes. eto., address ap29Htn BOX 244, Wowtvlllo, Conn. . gtotcls. MOSELEY'S NEW HAVEN HOUSE whose families are out of town during me summer months, tor board witn. without rooms. SETH H. MOSELEY. jommiom k nai mm , Picuic Necessities XEH II AV EX WJXS AXI LOSES Iliirtfonl Defeats I'attHKon and Wllmlng lon, Newark Other Guinea. New York, July 7. The Metropoli tans reappeared at the Tolo grounds this afternoon. Eleven Innings were required to deeldo the flist game, which would have been won by the New Ha vens but Tor Leo Smith's wild throw, made after two men were out in the tenth inning, which allowed Rattam to make the entire circuit. In the second game tho New Havens rolled up nine runs in the second inning on three hits and seven bases on balls. After the New Havens . had scored five runs in the sixth' inning the second game was called. Attendance 300. First game New Haven 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 07 Metropolitan 0000120111 1-8 Hits NeW Haven, 11; Metropolitan, 12. ' Errors New Haven, 7; Metropoli tan, 3. Batteries Frye and Hodge; Seymour, Cronln and Foster. Second game- New Haven .......0 9 0 0 110 Metropolitan 3 0 0 0 03 Hits New Haven, 6; Metropolitan, 3. Errors New Haven, 2; Metropolitan, Batteries Mackie and Hodge; Cro- nin and Foster. Hartford, July 7. Hartford defeated Paterson to-day by 5 to 1. The game was called on account of rain while the Hartfords were playing their half of the fifth with one'out and one run In. It rained during the last three injpings. Bottenus' two-bagger sent in three runs In the first. The. score: Hartford 3 0 1 0 15 Paterson 0 0 0 1 01 Hits Hartford, 6; Paterson, 5. Er rorsHartford, 0; Paterson, 3. Batter ies Boweu and Smith; Cogan and Kil- lockey. Wilmington, July 7. Wilmington won another game rrom JNewars to day. The home team had finished the sixth inning, when the game was stop ped by rain. Wilmington ....1 0 0 0 2 03 Newark ......1 0 0 1 0 2 Hits Wilmington, 4; Newark, 4. Er rorsWilmington, 1; Newark, 2. Bat teries J. Nops and Rafterty; White hill and A. Rothfuss. IN THE BIG LEAGUE. At St. Louis New York, 12; St. Louis, 7. , At Washington Pittsburg, 5; Wash ington, 1. At Chicago Chicago, 13; Baltimore, 11. At Louisville Boston, 10; Louisville, 7. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 14; Phila delphia, 4. At Cleveland Cleveland, 6; Brooklyn, 5. TORRINGTONS yS. WINSTEDS. Torrlngton, July 7. The home club and the Winsted nine started In this afternoon to play off the disputed game which has caused so much discussion The attendance was the largest ever seen at a game here. This was due to the fact that no admission was charg ed on account of the abrupt manner in which the previous game was stopped. At the end of the second inning rain besran to fall In torrents and play was discontinued. At that Juncture the score was: Winsted, 1; Torrlngton, 0. Texas Steers to ltcinatn In New Haven, In a telegram received yesterday from Manager Sullivan by a gentleman In this city prominent, in baseball cir cles, "Ted" says that although he has lost several hundred dollars in New Haven thus far this season on his team he has nevertheless decided to remain here during the rest of the season. SlAXVtXO Of THE CLL'BS. Atlantic League, Per Cent. , : .400 .510 -I. . " .530 .484 1 .594 .493 , New Haven. Mets Newark... . Wilmington. Paterson.. ; Hartford.... National League. Per Cent. New York St. Louis , Baltimore.. .. Chicago Philadelphia.... .416 .242 .661 .529 .500 Cincinnati .652 Pittsburg Washington.. .. Boston Louisville Brooklyn Cleveland.... . .540 .500 .603 .200 .477 ,6S3 FA I It II AVE X. The annual picnic of the Grand Ave nue Baptist Sunday school was held at Hanover Park, Merlden, yesterday, the party uniting with the Sunday school of the First Baptist church. There were several Interesting sports, the Fair Haven young people winning prizes as follows: High Jump, Joseph Applegate, prize, leather belt; three legged race, Charles Lee and Willie Moulton, prizes, pocketbook and set of studs and cuff buttons; cracker race, Genevieve Blake, prize, necktie. The lunch tables were spread in the pa vilion. The committee on tables con sisted of Miss Eva A. Jacobs, chair man; Mrs. John Santry, Mrs. Samuel Bishop,, Mrs. Charles French, Mrs. David Hanselpacker, Mrs. Emery Sntlth and Miss Jesse Jacobs. The prizes won by the young people of the First Bap tist church were as follows: Running broad jump, Harry Benham; 100 yards dash for boys eighteen years and over, Thomas Burton; 50 yards dash for boys under fiftten years, Harry Benham. The weather predictions indicate an exceedingly warm wave. The Sunday school of the Grand Avenue Congrega tional church have fortunately chosen a time when a cool sail down the sound with pleasant company would be most appreciated. Thursday morning, July 9, at 8:30 o'clock sharp from Starin's wharf. Water street, the above men tioned Sunday school will start on their annual outing to Glen Island, giving a most delightful sail, arriving home In good season. Music will be furnished and a thoroughly good time is antici pated. All are welcome, so do not stay at home and swelter when you can make yourself comfortable. Tickets can be procured of the committee, who will be stationed where you cannot miss them on your way to the boat, and also at the- church early Thursday morning. Once more we are able to offer a full assortment of fruits. The rush last week gave us no chance to keep up with the procession. With increased facilities hope to b able now to serve everybody. J. B. JUDSON, . 867 Chapel street. WdLr.ixaFOHi). Was u Musician In the Fifteenth O. V. Personal Jottings Death of G. Grasser, Sr. The body of Henry E. Culver was brought hero from Merlden and will be buried at 2:30 this afternoon in the Cen ter street cemetery. The deceased leaves two brothers, George Culver of New Haven and J. M. Culver of Wa- terbury. He was fifty-seven years of age and served during the War of the Rebellion as musician in the Fifteenth Connecticut regiment. He was at one time an inmate of the' Soldiers' home at Noroton. The Temperance rooms are now clos ed and the regular evening attendants are lonesome. George Grasser, sr., died at his home on Christian street yesterday morning, aged sixty-five years. He leaves a widow and two sons, George and Fred erick Grasser, and a daughter, Mrs. J. M. Culver of Waterbury. The funeral will occur at this place on Thursday afternoon. . Goza Toth, aged seventeen years, died early last evening on Cook Hill. The Italian Leonardo Rlccl, who died of heart disease Monday In front of St. Paul's church, was burled yesterday morning In the Roman Catholic ceme tery on Colony street. Mrs. E. C. Hastings, Miss Minnie and Charles Hastings leave to-day for South Deerfield, Mass. . The fishermen are having good luck on the lake, and every day fine strings are caught. , , From now until the first Sunday in September sermons at the evening ser vice at St. Paul's church will be omit ted, r The New York Insulated Wire works started up again yesterday morning. Dennis Tucker, druggist at G. A. Smith's, contemplates a Evropean trip at an early date. Charles Barker of Providence is vis iting friends In the borough. William Bennett, who was thrown from his bicycle on Colony street Mon day evening, was getting along finely yesterday, as his injuries were not so serious as was supposed. David Pender returned yesterday to his home in New Bedford, Mass. Deputy W. J. Arthur installed the of ficers of Perseverance division, Sons of Temperance, last evening. Quite a number of the Baptist Boys' brigade are to camp out over at Paugh Pond next week. Robert Craig is home from Warren, N. Y. ! '' The insurance adjusters have been here at work on the Housatonlc Man ufacturing company fire for the past two days. F. L. Ferry of the Housatonic Manu facturing company is critically ill in Waterbury with typhoid fever. John M. Hall and R. H. Cowles have been summoned for the grand jury In New Haven to-day. The latter is ill and cannot attend, and last evening Sheriff Booth was looking for another candidate. i . -nM : "" (J. H. Paddock, D, v W. Burke and James McKenzie went to-New Haven for jury duty yesterday. Mrs. S. E. Hotchkiss of Curtis ave nue has gone to Danbury Hills for a week's visit. f-' 1 ' H. H. Ashjran, a Persian, will be at the Baptist church 'at the monthly missionary meeting and give a talk on the manners and customs of the Per sians. . ' ' ' " XVST Ol'JESS AOA1X. Credit to Whom Credit Is Due. To the Editor of tho Jormrut, and CouMEn: According to an article In the New Haven papers, copied from the Hart ford Courant, the Veteran firemen of New Haven supplied, our brethren fire men of Hartford with a bountiful sup ply of lobsters and clams for a "wind up" of the Fourth of July. We rejoice that they had a good time, but cannot feel justified In having the gift placed to our credit, and moet respectfully ask our friends to guess again. We certainly thank them for think ing we would do it, we would, but did not. This matter caused muoh pleasant discussion' at our regular meeting last Monday evening, at which time it was voted to deny the charge, and also voted to extend the thanks of the asso ciation to Messrs. Peek and Bishop for their generous provision of a pair of horses with a driver to relieve the old veterans from the nefcesslty of drawing the old hand engine "Veteran"' July 4th. Veteran Firemen's Association, GEORGE H. COE, Sec'y. Sine a vi.u; oi .-' ' L Page's Liquid Glue: Four-and-twenty fragments Joined as good as new. , When the dish'was broken ' The men folks gave a groan, But said when it was mended, " We never would hv known." ' It mends everything so Neatly, Easily and Surely that articles may be put to service again the next day, and no worry over it. If PAGES LIQUID I ME Bottifs to cent. Sold everywhere. Cans wit "--'"-'ir. $100 WILL SECURE IT. LOW priced ono-family house. Terms of payment to suit. R. E. BALDWIN, dftw 818 Chapel street. TO LOAN, $100,000, in Sums to Suit. HENRY A. PALLMAN, 116 Church Street, Booms 9 and II). my30 Shore Cottage for Rent. SHORE cottage at Sachem's Head, Gull ford, Conn.; house has 7 rooms. Will be rented for the season for $100. It is in ono of the best and rleasaatest locations oa the east shore. Enquire at MERWIN'3 REAL ESTATE OFFICE, je26 7'i9 Chapel street. . For Rent at Savin Rock, THE spacious, furnished Villa Cottngo and stable next the Ansautawae Club House on Beach street; also the furnished cottage aud barn on East avenue aud California st. For terms, apply at Beecker's Exchange, jc26 . 769 Chapel street. JULY 8. Sun Risks. 4:37 I Moon Uiaiss. SunSrts, l.m 1:51 I Hion watbh. I 0:00 DEATHS. HHOSOHAHT-ln Ihls oity, July 7th, Jaoob lil'Ortillliil'f.- uu-nil ftn Vf.nrn. Funeral sorvluiB at his lute homo, 50 Salem street, 'I hmwiay, July Utu, at tut'oo o oiook p. m. ltelativoa and l'riouila are rospeot 1'iillv invited in iittittiil. Zt OlLDUUSLKKVli-ln this city, on July 7, Charles A. Gililursleevo, aKedal years. Funeral from his Into residence, Nu. 155 Ce- uar niu avonuu, xnursuay, jmy , w H-1"' jM AKIN K L19 1. ggllPOltX OF 5w UAVBN.Igj ARRIVUD. Sell Frank W.. (Br.l Cole. Now York for St. Geo i if o, N. U. , Boh IS. U. JiiiiBht, Crowley, NorrolK. Soh Mosseuvor, Martin, N. Y. Sou Enterprise, Martin, do. CHILDHEH TO 1SOAKI). IIILDUEN taken to board at m DIIOADWAY. CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. FAlltMOUN! HOlISli, Taiuiorsvillo, N. Y. Splendid location, extensive shaded rounUB, larpre pine h roves ; just the place or families. Tonus from $8 to $10. Circulars. jyH 7t A. UKUWNSON, Manager. WE8LEYAN ACADEMY, WILBUAHAM, Mans. ltirhSHi.m. Nine Courses! Spe cialists In Cla.'slos, Arts and Musio. Enlarged endowment Insures superior auvantaites at nioderalo expense. 80th venr. Opeus Sept. ID, 18U0. For catalogue, address Kev. Wm. E. Newhai.l, Prin. jy8 eod-ftt FRESH FISH. rrWIS Is the week to eat fresh halibut you X can buy it for 10 cents per pound. We have a large quantity ot fresh bluodsh, sea trout and other kinds, all this week at very low prices, at the Ulu (Jrand Avenue l'isn Boat. jy8 2t , Cheapest place in the city.' AUCTION SALE QTOCK and lixtures of bakery and lunoli O room, corner Grand avenue and Qulnni plac street, Fair Haven, Thursday, July 9th, 10 a. m. Counters, showcases, shelvinar. stools, tables, mirrors, gas lixtures, coffee tanks and mills, tine large oven (McDowel $)) dough mixer, refrigerator, Hour, sugar, gro ceries, cigars, olgarettes, tobaoeo, candy, kitchen utensils, eto.; also horse and wagon and barber chair. jya st Auctioneer. NO FLIES ON YOUR HOUSE PHOVIDED you use "Tough on Flies." Ono application lusts 21 hours : brush feoes with each oiin. Better try it. jjiiNSiEY ft uuttTBUuiia. SIZZLING OFFERS IN hammocks at ooollng prices. jy oodiit. L1NSLEV. & LIGHTBOTJRN. $3.65 FOR A COMPLETE I 1G 50 feet hose, nozzle, reel and "dew V droo" Ijwp srlnkler. LINSLEV & LIGHTBOURN. JyB eod3t 33 Broadway. PEACHES. Daily receipts fine Georgia fruit. Rare California Piums, Pears and Apricots. - v Florida Pineapples, Melons, Limes. JUDSON'S FRUIT STORE, 867 Chnpol street. . FOR RENT, , ALAB.QE store on Crown street, near Church street. JOHN T. SLOAN, jy8eod3t . , 828 Chapel street. FOR RENT, I" OWER tenement at 61 Stovons street, five J rooms, SI I per month if taken ueforo AugiiBt 1st. Call at jy3 7t , . 94 HOWE STREET. FOR RENT, THE fine dwelling-, 107 York street, from July 1st j 12 rooms, all modern Improve ments, excellent location for renting rooms, eto.; present family have lived there sevon years, inquiro at FOR RENT, gHOKB Cottag-e at West Haven. .Nine rooms! barn, eto. i J1S0 for the season. GEORGE A. ISBELL, 708 Chapel street, New Haven, Conn. FOR SALE, A modern built one-family house near the center, of city. Price J2.200. A central block house having all im provements. Pays 10 per cent. Three houses to close up an estae. Prices to suit. , Shore cottages for sale and rent. At Montowese Tf'rent, farm of 25 acres; buildings in cellent order, Money to loan in sums to suit. L.G.HOADLEY, Boom X, lioadley Building, 49 Church St. Office open Evenlnes. : Opens Saturday, July 11th, at 8:30 p. m., Aud Continues for 7 Nights. Tho Monaroh of OUTDOOR SPECTACLES, The Dostruotlon of Herculaneum. SAVIN ROCK. Ktrnlfy's Enormous Ballot Troupe, Host of Handsome DnnoiiiK Girls, Grand Eruption of Vesuvius; fireworks aud bpoclultiea. Good seats 25 and 50c. jy2 tt SEE THE WONDERFUL ELECTRIC EOUITAIff AT SAVIN ROCK TO-NIGHT From 8 until 10. XZUXBiatLS. Finest Day Resort on Long Island Sound. THE STEAMER JOHN H. STARIN. CAPTAIN McALLisTEK. Will commence her reaular trips to this beautiful Island Tuesday, July 7th, continuing Every Tuesday and Thursday During tho season : leavinsr New Haven from foot of Brown street at :' a. m. sharp, and Glen lslnud at 4 p. m. Uivlntf one-half hour longer on the Islunil than previous sea sons. Tti e attractions at the island are well known, but we will mention those Superior Dinners. Glen Island Clambakes, Little Ger many, Boatinir, Bathing, Dally Concerts at the r.lmi pavilion, and other attractions that go to make up a hrst-classsiimmer resort. Fare, round trip, 7ac ; onildren between ages of i and 12, 0c ; oue way, 5Uo. Special rates to parties of 10U or over. Musio for dancing on boat. No liquors allowed on boat, which is a sufficient guarantee that ladies aud children n eed not fear molestation. C. H. FlSHElt, Agent. Take Water, st, cars to Brewers at. isZ t Grand Central Hotel, NEWTOWN, CONN. An ideal summer resort. Elevation 600 feet. Pure mountain air, charming aoene ry, fine walks aud drives, Everything oonduoive to the ooin fprt and pleasure of guests. a ree carriage to all trains. Send for circular to HOULIHAN & KEANE, jelR tf PROPHIETOKS. THE CLARENDON. rpHE popular family hotel of Saratoga jl. ofiiM)(M, n. x. upen tor tue reuopuou of guostg June 15th, InlW, under the same management as last year and seasons of 1884, 'R2 And 'Hi! rP , uirt.if llntna 41 n.irtl,lV flnil upwards, according to looation of rooms: speoial rates for families by tho week and neilRAn Kailllnad Kafn. .n. lill l July 15th $15.00 per week and upwards. Kooms can be secured in advance at Beers Photo Pariora. 7H0 Chapel st. je6 BMW 2m Fortoes IIouso, MORRIS COVE, CONN. VT"OW open under new management for the reception of guests; thoroughly re modeled and rotlttod. Esueoliil attention to shore dtnne s. Cuisine unsurpassed. Good bathing. Terms reasonable. Address lor oiroularsto G1LLEHN & QU1NN, Morris Cove, Conn. Telephone 111-4. jel33m Highland House, SHREWSBURY. MASS. SITUATED on the hiahest elevation in the State. Beautiful scenery aud drives. A most healthful resort. Terms reasonable. Address for Illustrated circulars, H. W. LORING, Proprietor, or A.A.TANYANK, 1D3 Wooster street, myOTtf City. 3m Estate. SIX rooms, second floor, modern improve ments, iyt 7t 100 MANSFIELD ST. FOB RENT, PLEASANT flat, 6T8 State street; all im provements. Inquire jc29Uf 080 STATE STREET. FOR RENT. 1 KQ BRADLEY street brick house, 13 newly refitted; possession at once. Can also be bought ou easy terms. apt tr ttUQM 17, 88 Churoh street. FARM WANTED IN exchange for a two-family house with modern co nvenienees. larrn ham. nr. tra large lot, fine location, near eleotrlo cars. Call on or address . , GEO. A. ISBELL, o20tf 708 Chapel street. IN WEST HAVEN. NEW house for snle ; not a common affair, deoidedlv modern : eiirht rnmnfi with pleasant outlook from each ; very desirable iuuhuuu; uuerai iroutage. , It will interest you. Examine It; late im. provements. Terms easy. Other pleasant properties for sale In West Haven: Dricea from 2.;itk) tn sinimo All cenjai. . FREDRIQUE R. LEWIS, Offloe, 151 Orange Street, City, or 09 Union street. West Haven. IT HAS COME! H HEAT boom In Westvllle roal estate. X Many new houses to be erected. Beauty of looation and rapid transit the cause. Competing electrlo line place residents within fifteen minutes of otty's center. Desirable lots for sale. H. O. PARDEE, Jal8tf l2Fountain street. Westvllle. Lots for 5S300 A niece. The Best Bargains In New H u rues, no swamp, no nmns in; a 10V 1 JlI view ; with wator. gas. etc. 1 2 Minutes from the Green. "Buy of the Owner," KnWARl) 1W nt.Aitir First National Bank Building, 43 Churoh st. BRYANT & MAIN, Fire Insurance AND West Haven Real Estate. 1 Office--Exchange Building, New Haven, Thompson Block, .West Haven. FOR SALE, NH W HOUSE In vicinity of Whitney ave nue modern built and nionlv tin'lshnrt )'.""' . .. . . nouses nna nats ror rent. Money to loau on real estate. CHAS.D.NICOLL&CO., 82 Church streot (Bencdlot Building), room 15. Evenings from 7 to 8. FOR SALE, ' Brick Modern House, No. 1184 Chapel Street Very desirable in every respect. JOHN C. PUNDERFOUD, 119 Church streot. FOR RENT, Cottage at Cosy Beach. INQUIRE S. A. LEWIS, Storage Warehouse, 35 Olive St. Je201y $2,000.00 To loan at Four and One-Half per cent, on nrst-olnss gut-edged real es tate, first Mortgage seourity. ; GEORGE F. NEWCOMB, Real Estate Office. Koom 823, Exchange xjuuuuig, uur. vuuruu uuu v-napoi ocreets, FOR RENT, 48 Elm street, whole house, S75. 2ivHradley street, whole house, $N. 318 Crown street, whole house, $). 61 Grove street, whole house, $, 137 Humphrey street, flat, $50. CHAKLESH. WEBB, 850 Chapel Street. Open Monday and Saturday until 8 p. m. Three Hundred Lots on and near Whitney Avenue. Plants. One C'eut a Word each lnaartlnn. ti. cent a Word for a full Week, man times. WAVrv.n A PARTttEU with $5,000 to take charge of t he ofliud and llnuuoeg In the ouir.m an,! spiue business in Now Vork ; Uoinif a guod i i uiutiuy Huilinir uie i ViS 10 f1'006''11 i city reference. Address ma. t ils oiuoh. A OillL to oook, wash and iron, with good oity retereucea. Apply at jy8 st' 220 OUA itANGE STREET. WANTIfili. BY middle agod Amorloan lady house . keeper, position for widower. Addiean 3yMt WIDOW, this onioe. WANTED. A SITUATION by a ooinpetent girl todo geueral housework, imiulreat jyal U3 LIIlliK'l'Y STREET. WANTED. SITUATION by a young Scotch girl to take caro of a baby and wash dishes. Call , 3ya ltt a BISHOP 8'i'REl'iT, top floor. WANTED. A SITUATION by a capable girl to do general housework 1 referonoe if required. Inquire at W't 1H0 VVKSA' FUKTSKA STREET. WAXTK.ri I "V7"OUNG man about ntirhtnon vnnra nlfl tn JL assist In office. Address jy8 8t WHOLESALE, this office. WAV'TKll MAN and wife want one large ortwo small rooms or alcove, nearly unfurnished preferred, where board can be obtained If de sired. Describe, stating lowest terms. y81tt Journal and Courier. WANTED. . A PARTNER to act as agent for this State ; must have at least LO0O. , tov particulars, address v lytt A. a, this offloe. WANTED. SITUATION for general housework or as chambermaid and waitress. Call at present employer's, . jyuus SB HlGUS'tKBlST. AV ANTED. COOKS and other good girls j oity and ' shore. , MKS. BABB, jyaiMt - - 126 Court street. WANTED. "... EXPERIENCED hardware olerk ; one who is familiar with bookkoeDln? and desir. ous of obtaining an interest in a well estab- iiboeu uusiuess preierr. I. Auaress jea tr riAitju w ame, txuner Office. WANTED. EVERYBODY needlngserrantaco oalt her. We su pply all the best. We ha ve sortai but and discarded moat of the useless olasv These seek new offices where they are not huuwu;, wmca are springing up constantly. We have been here years and use Judgment. selecting only those that will do the work re quired. We have the finest facilities and aa serve you better than anyone else. , EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. au TJ5 Chapel street. WHEN YOU BTTY HOSE n ET "SaltonstaU" 4-plj 12 ce.its foot ln' LT eluding a patent nozzle. Sold only by .iyfl eodilt LINSLEY & LIGHTBOURN. "AROOSTOOK" CUTLERY steel Scythes are the keenest cutters ; every one warranted. FOR SALE, . . PARTY giving up team offers new Stan hope. : rubber tired wheels, specially adapted for physician ; at reduced price. jyitl AHUtUSW UttliS CJ-AUIjE. PICNIC BASKETS. AN infinite variety , of good L things in small and handy ; packages and rightly price marked. . , A modern Grocery Establishment can give you a mint of hints about ' ; : : Tinned Meats, Cold Bites, Appetizing - Biscuits, . and LUNCHEON DELICACIES. Newspaper space is expensive.. If we catalogued our stock this column wouldn't begin to hold it besideSj , there should be a certain residum or i modesty even in a Grocery announce-' ment. .. .. :'.;,: EDW. E. HALL & SON, 77a Chape! St, Mrs. Dr. Lucy C. Peckham Announces that she will beat . Cedar Gables Cottage, Branford Point, During July and August, Except Saturd ay afternoon of eaoh week and eaoh Monday all day at her city residence, . 115 GKEENE STREET, The Good Time and the bad time of year has come good for the buyer bad for the seller. Good because in order to close out the Spring and Summer furnishings sa rifices MUST be .made. Bad because sacrifice means loss. Well, we are bound to sell, and our loss is your gain, so we win merely call your attention to the fact that we want, to fur nish that room or that house of yours or any part of it, and will do it , in the best manner for the least money possible. BROWN & DURHAM, Complete Housefurnishers, Orange and Center streets .