Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY U, 1896. A 2'1B SAILOR HOYS IX CANV. to Break Camp To-lay Doings at Greon- purt in the Last lew Duyn Uoveruor Coffin in Camp. . The Naval Reserves will break camp lo-day and hie to their respective tomes, the Connecticut boys by the Cruiser Cincinnati. The dress imrade of all the naval fcnllltla at Gardiner's Island took place Tuesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. It wa.s originally Intended for the review So be held in honor of Assistant Secre Jary McAdoo, but upon the appearance Icf Governor Coffin of Connecticut, -who fcrrlved at the encampment at 11 to'clock, Secretary BJcAdoo resigned the lionor to him. Governor Morton, had been expected to be present, but hla place was filled by Captain Saterlee, one of his aides. Governor and Mrs. Coffin have been guests at the Peq.uot several days and Tuesday morning they went over to Gardiner's Island an steamer Long Isl and, which stopped especially at the I'equot to take off Governor and Mrs. Coffin. ' ' . The New York .militia broke camp yesterday morning) at 4 o'clock. The Connecticut battalion will not leave un til Thursday, while , the Rhode Island encampment will break up on Friday. Governor Coffin Tuesltay afternoon vis ited each of the war ships, and upon leaving a salute of seventeen guns was fired from each vessel. According to reports brought to New London by members, of the encamp ment, the locality is not a perfect par adise. The New Yorkers, particular ly, think they are "about ten miles from nowhere." Complaint is also made that perishable provision is so long in teaching the camp from Greenport that St is unfit to eat, or, at any rate, in no condition. Several of the militamea are suffer ing from coming in contact with poison Ivy, which abounds in large quantities pn the Island. E. C. Benedict's steam yacht Onedia arrived at 11 a. m. Tuesday, flying tha president's flag, and the Dolphin fired a salute of twenty-one guns. The pres ident, however, was not aboard, and the flag was' in honor of former Gover nor Bulkeley of Connecticut. . The sailors from the Montgomery, : Cincinnati and Dolphin went ashore in uniform and Joined the dress parade. (At the head of ihe column was Com-; mander Raynolds of the Connecticut fcattalion. Next came the Rhode Isl and militia, Captain Little, followed by the New York divisions, Captain Kent, and the . Connecticut battalions, in charge of Lieutenant Eaton. The re viewing officer was former Governor Bulkeley in place of Assistant Secre tary McAdoo. In his party were Mrs. McAdoo, Miss Eva McAdoo, Mrs. Clo ver, Mrs. McFergson and Miss Mc Fergson. , Yesterday the New York militia fcroke camp at 4 a. m, and left for Sands Point on the Cruiser Montgomery, with the exception of the Second division, which will sail down the sound In one Of the ship's cutters. Assistant Secretary McAdoo gave a dinner on the Dolphin. Monday night, at which all the commanders of the ships and camps were present. Tues day evening E. C. Benedict gave a din ' mer to Governor Bulkeley on the yacht Oneida. RATHBONE'S INSTALLATION Held Last Evening To Give an Ex cursion to Glen Island Next Thurs '. day. Rathbone lodge, No. 1, Knights of Pythias, installed the following new nfflppTs a t a meetlne held in the lodee rooms In the "Courier" building last evening: C. C, E. E. Russell; v. (J., ti. !A. Metzger; M. of W., D. J. Campbell; K. of R. and S., J. H. Norman; M. of P., W. E. Cooper; M. of E J. L. Schwab; M. at A., M. Merzburg; I. G., W. . Downs; O. G., S. N. Dorr; repre sentatives to grand lodge, B. H. Wood ing and D. G. Campbell, nnriiitv Grand Chancellor XW, Chap- in made some Interesting remarks, and several members of Rathbone lodge nnlTA , The lodge will give an excursion to Glen Island Thursday, July 2 J. REFEREE SUSTAINED. Ii. 'A. WrRacing Board Rules Race All , , Right. The racing board of the L. A.' W. has decided to sustain Captain James Ged des, referee, In his action in the mile championship race at Waterbury July 4 in which he decided tne nrst trial Jieat no race and awarded the race to James S. Lango. The protest was en teredby H. S. Russell of the Waterbury Wheel club. - ! ' GLAD TIDINGS. ' Friends of A. M. Boulgourjoo, the Armenian, who has spoken here several . times, and is now in this city, will be . glad to know that his family survived i the Turkish outrages. His wife and , children sailed yesterday from England jfor America. The funds for their pass- I age was raised m jNaugatuc. - The Combined Skill Andemerfoneeof thewprtd .hupnd bJS SXiS kwpslSin smooth and pliable nrdder any expose, tones down 4er, 25b 8. Wills, emey City, N. J. WFT T S'HAIR BALSAM. DoflTt Die to the House. Ifr-n bod-butfs. moa. wuj. beetles. . WALIIXUFORJ), The corporators of the Dime Savings bank held a meeting Tuesday evening and elected C. H. Tlbbltts, W. I. Todd, G. D. Munson and C. B. Yale corpora tors. The directors chosen were L. M. Hubbard, Rev. Hugh Mallon, G. M. Hallenbeck, C. N. Jones, A. D. Judd, M. E. Cook, L. H. Hall, H. L. Hall and C. Yale. At a subsequent meeting of the directors the following officers were elected: L. M. Hubbard, president; president; Rev. Hugh Mallon and G. M. Hallenbeck, vice presidents; Leonard B. Bishop, secretary and treasurer. The present board of burgesses has paid out $26,904.36, and only $13,250 has been appropriated. The appended fig ures show how the money was expend ed: . Streets Disbursed, $1,361.44; appro priated, $1,000. Fire Disbursed, $578.03: appropriated, $1,000. Police Disbursed, $1,320; appropriat ed, $1,900. Miscellaneonus Disbursed, $569.90; appropriated, $S00. Interest Disbursed, $1,688.76; appro priated, $3,500. Sidewalks Dlsbursed,"$314.98; appro priated, $400. Printing Disbursed, $162.79; appro priated $300. Light Disbursed, $1,989.48; appropri ated, $2,800. Engineering and surveying Disburs ed, $150.56; appropriated, $200. Salaries Disbursed, $500; appropriat ed, $750. Attorney Disbursed, $75; appropriat ed, $300. Sewer repairs Disbursed, $110.39; ap propriated, $300. Attorney Harrison Disbursed, $6o0. Waterworks Disbursed, $405.18. Main and Ward street sewers Dis bursed, $334.64. . Note Disbursed, $8,500. Hose house Disbursed, $4,669. Sewers Disbursed, $3,526.21. Total Disbursed, $?6,904.36; appropri ated, $13,250. When the War of the Rebellion broke out in 1861 Miss H. C. Lane was em ployed as governess in the home of a southern planter in Georgia, and was unable to get through the lines until 1863, when through the Influence of friends sheflnally got a pass and reach ed her home in Walllngford early in the month of May. The following is a fac simile of the pass granted:- MILITARY POST. V ' " Provost Marshal's Office, Department, No. 2, Atlanta, Ga., April 29, 1863. Pass Miss H. C. Lane to Richmond, Va., for days, upon honor not to communicate in writing or Verbally for publication any fact ascertained which, if known to the enemy, might be inju rious to the Confederate states of America. , Subject to the discretion of military authority. By Order of G. W. Lee, Commanding Post and Provost Marshal. R. H. FINCH, Lieutenant and Assistant Provost Mar shal. No. 9169. The paper is of a very poor specimen and was printed b,y J. H. Seals, Atlan ta, Ga. Mark Tracy, who has returned to tms town after an absence of several years, and Albert Layman, who were arrested upon a charge of making a disturbance in a restaurant on Colony street, set tled up the case against them yester day by the payment of a combined cost of $13.01. ' Coroner Mix failed to put in an ap pearance here yesterday. Hubbard Hose has elected Foreman W. P. Bridgett as delegate and first assistant and John Carery as alternate to the firemen's convention in Willl mantlc August 4. Simpson Hook and Ladder has selected Foreman J. P. Fos ter as delegate and P. E. Hogan as al ternate. V Professor Mark Pitman started yes terday for Cottage City. Mrs. James Doolittle has gone to Ocean Grove. . There seems to be but little enthusi asm manifested over tne proposeu union Sunday school excursion to Han over park. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brown are home from a visit to Boston. C. R. Tiffany, Melis Oddy, Charles Freeman and WE. Cottrell are home from Washington, D. C. PINE OtiClIASD IXnUSTBY. A New Chapel to be Erected 81,000 Al ready Secured and Land on Which to Erect It Enterprise of the ladles. The summer population of Pine Or chard has Increased to such an extent In the last few years that for some time the need of a chapel or place In which to hold religious services has been felt. Especial interest in the matter has been aroused this summer and already $1,000 has been contributed by various per sons towards the erection of a chapel. Wallace & SonB, the silverware manu facturers of Wallingford, have contrib uted land on which to erect the chapel The ladies of the place held a meeting a short time ago and arranged for an entertainment to be given this evening to raise more funds for the erection of the chapel. A large attendance is ex pected this evening. Ancient Order of Hibernians. Detroit, July 15. President O'Connor read his report at this morning's ses sion of the conference of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He congratulated the order on the excellent showing made during the past two years, 169 divisions and twenty-five companies having been added to the order in that period of time. Bishop Foley of the Detroit diocese, treasurer of the Uni versity Fund for the endowment of a chair in the Catholic university at Washington, D. C, reported that $49,000 of the required $50,000 had been collect ed and that the remaining $1,000 would be In band In a .very short time. STARVING FAMILY. Waterbury, July 15. The town au thorities this morning in a basement on South Riverside street found a Pol ish family of five persons, father, moth er and three children, on the verge of starvation. A seven-months-old baby was nearly dead, and the father could hardly move for lack of food. The old er children were better, for the neigh bors had fed them. The name of the family is Macinkiewiz and they have been in Waterbury a month, and in the United States two months. The father is a cabinet maker, but cannot obtain work. They were removed to the alms house. ... $Ixc (Conn. (Clotlttng a Bn It 1 ! The incoming "Yale Class" is In a predicament. It does not know what to call Itself. The names that have been suggested, "double goose egg" and "naughty naught," do not hardly fill the bill, and the Faculty as well as the class itself would be under lasting obligations to anyone who would suggest a name suitable for the graduating class of 1900. We will be pleased to receive sug gestions from anyone desiring to aid the University on this Important point, and will offer two prizes to be divided as follows : 1st A $15.00 Suit of Clothes to the party who suggests a name that will meet favor by a. majority of the Class of 1900. 2d A $10.00 Suit of Clothes for the name receiving the next highest num ber of votes. "THE EVENING LEADER" has kindly consented to publish the dif ferent names sent in each day, also any communication that might ac company the name that they will con sider of sufficient importance. Con testants will please date their sug gestions, as In case the successful name is sent in twice, the one re ceived by us first will have the pref erence. CmcticM Clatii Co, New Haven's Leading Clothiers, 813-815417 Chape! Street. New Haven, Conn, SOL. MYERS, Manager. MERIDEN BUTCHERS' OUTING. The Meriden Butchers' association leave this afternoon at 1:33 for the annual picnic at Taylor's Old Light house Point. Members and friends will take the New Haven Street Railway electric cars at Cedar Hill station, this city for the point. Blejftteal. PCMcbentcr' Entlfah nianoad Brand. ENNYRQYAL PILLS firiffiiml and Only Ctennme. A safe, ftlwftri reliable. I Dies auk f Jrug(tlit for Chichttter'i English lia-efS mond Brand In lied and Gld metillfcvVw Ibexes, BMdodwlth bine ribbon. Tko Y5r i no other. Refuse danaerovs aiihttittu v tiane and imitctiont. At DrORgiati, or tend 4e In stamps for jmrftouliro, teitimontals and it eiier ior iftui!," m utter, ny return ' HbII. 10.00(1 TflrtimoninlB. Name Paper. rhlrhtrr('aeni!ealOo..Mulfon Sana 4. .oral Druffilu. ' Pbllada., Pa, Hold by all Local DR. GILL, 548 Chapel st., Newilavcn, OFFICE HOUH8, 10 to 12 a.m.: 3 to 5 ana 7 to 8 p.m; week days only. The doctor nrnkos OKKTCB PHAOTlOEan EXCLUSIVE SPEC IALTY. He has bud iW years successful ex perience, and thousands of both soxes can testify to hla remarkable skill and grront nbll ty. He has made tho.Elm City his permanent borne, therefore purchased a residence and other property, so that his extensive client ele all over the state can depend on finding the doctor always at Home. He will continue to nive particular attention to that class of ailments requiring the services of the best surgical iklil and experience. Female Complaints. Dr. Gill can be consulted on the most dell- uu uimivai auujwv ill 1.110 DUlVliRSl UOIIII- donee, and ladles, married or single, can be assured of honorable treatment and spoody io'iwi. uniiuii women uesiruig onspring should consult the dootor. Painful or re tarded menstruation promptly relieved. Board and nurse when required. TernH moderate. Part' es writing for terms or advice must give full name and enclose stamp. Office fee II. Cut this out tor future reference. If K0AL. I am now delivering Koal in bags and carried into the cellar direct from wagon. Avoid all dirt and buy of W.F.GILBERT, 5 Church Mini. tiyuMe Tcslcflice. 89 to 91 Bailroad Arenue MEN'S SUITS. Men's All Wool Suits at $5.00 Reduced from $8.50 and $10.00. Men's All Wool Scotch Suits, In light and dark mixtures, at $6.50 Reduced from $10.00 Men's Fancy Cheviot and Casslmere Suits, strictly all wool and thoroughly well made, at $7 - Reduced from $13.50 Men's Pine Blue Serge, Cheviot and Casslmere Suits, a great variety of pat terns, at $8.50 Reduced from $15.00 Men's Fancy Imported Scotch, Dark Mix Clay and the Reliable Livingston Casslmere Suits, at $10.00 Reduced from $20.00 0. E. IMGrLEY & CO., ' 101-103-105 Church Street, NEW ,1 h THEODORE KEILER, 1620RNGE STREET, I N ear Court street,, fUscjellatieatts. with the other man first ; then when you see our stock of clean, perfect goods, you will be sure and know the right place to buy advantageously. China mattings $4.00 per roll of 40 yards. A high grade 80-lb. joint less at 1 6c per yard by the roll. We'll quote the prices on the others when you come in. Buy of the direct im porter and save profit. G8, 70, 72 Orange Street. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. A HE: lira Self Contained, requiring no Drick setting; Without Gaskets or Packing, and are thus always tight. Have Vertical Water Ways, giving free circula tion. Large Direct lire Surface, using the radiant heat of the fire. Thousands in use and all giving satisfaction SHEAHATT & GROARK, Steam Fitters and Plumbers. Telephone 404-3 285 and 287 State Street. C. E. LOI&IET & CO. t Great Clearance Sale After Stock Taking. On Saturday last we completed our Semi-annual Inventory, and in going through our stock we find many lines of goods which must he closed out at once. TO-DAY we shall commence the greatest Clearance Sale ever heard of in these parts. C.E.LONGLEY&CO., 10M03-105 Church Street, ' " NEW HAVEN. and $12.00. 75 and $15.00. and $16.50. and $18.00. HAVEN. xmxswnsi. Finest Day Resort on Long Island Sound. THE STEAMER JOHN H. STARIN. CAPTAIN MCALLISTER, Will commence her regular trips to this beautiful Island Tuesday, July 7th, continuing Every Tuesday and Thursday During the season j leaving Now Haven from foot of Brown street fit 8:30 a. m. sharp, and Glen Island at p. m. Glvlnir one-half hour longer on the Island than previous sea sons. Th e attractions at the Island are well known, but we will mnntion those Superior Dinners, Qlun bland Clambakes, Little Ger many, Boating, Bathing, Dally Couoerts at the grand pavilion, and other attractions that go to make up a nrst-class summer resort. Fare, round trip, 75o ; onildren between ages of 5 and 12, 40e j one way, 60o. Special rates to parties of 100 or over. Musio for danolng on boat. No liquors allowed on boat, which is a sufficient guarantee that ladles and children need not fear molestation. C. H. FISH EK, Agent. Take Water St. ears to Brewery st. jy3 tf The Grandest of Ballet Spectacles. Now being produced nightly at Savin Bock. :),0O0 good seats, 35c. ; 8,000 good seats, 50o. The Sports, Customs and Pastimes of Ancient Bomo Revived, amid Gorgeous Sconio Sur roundings. 500 Participants, Magnificent Costumes, Dizzllnsr Effects and GIGANTIC BALLETS, unprwedented In size and skill, under the direction of Arnold Klralfy. famous Spe cialty Performers. Inspiring Dramatlo Ac tion. Concluding with a Stupendous Dis play of FIREWORKS. Pyrotehnic programme changed nightly. jyli SEE THE WONDERFUL ELECTRIC EOOTTAII AT SAVIN ROCK TO-NIGHT From 8 until 10. gaints, mis, tc. ALL SHADES. READY FOR THE BRUSH. THOMPSON & BELDEN, 396-398 State Street. Bicycle Enamel, White and Stripe TROUSERS. 1,000 pairs at $1.00 Reduced from $1.50 BOYS' SUITS. Your choice from hundreds of $5.00 and $6.50 Fine All Wool Suits, ages 6 to 16, for . $2.50 Your choice from and $7.50 Fine Suits, $3 - Boys Long Pant at' $4, $5 That are just about C. E. LONG-LEY 101-103-105 NEW New Haven Steamboat Co. SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. Steamers from New Haven leave week days Belle Dook, Old Lino Pier. C. H. NORTHAM 10:J0 a, m. and RICHARD PECK 110 mid night; Sundays S p. m. and 12:30 midnight. Steamers from Now York leave wek days Piers 25 and 28 East River, RICHARD PECK 8 p.m. and C. H. NORTH AM 13 midnight; Sunday 9:i(0 a. m. and Vi midnight.. Fare $1.00. , Exourslon tiolcots. good for IB days, $1.50. Special Sunday excursion rate. $l.u. Staterooms and tlokets for sals at Pack & Bishop's. J03 Chapel street, and at Mix's dniar store, corner Chapel and Churoh streets. Through rates given and bills or ladlay Issued to points west, South and South west. Chas. I. Fbbnoh, Agent. STARIN'S NEW HAVEN TRANS PORTATION I,IN1S. . Mally Except Saturdays. elCnlN str-WM- 0- EGERTON, Captain JnKBEK. McAlister, leaves New Haven from Stariu's Pier, foot of Brown street, at 10:15 p. m. Sundays. Tuesdays and Thurs days. Str. ERASTtTS CORNING, Captain Spoor, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Egertou leaves New York from Pier 18, North River, at 9 p. m. Mondavs, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Corning, Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays. re, 75c; excursion tlokets, $1.25. State rooms, $1.00. Tickets and staterooms for sale at 3. M. Lines, jr.'s, 851 Chapol street: Peck & Bishop, 70S Chapel street; Tontine Hotel, and John Morse, 80 Center street. Free stage leaves the depot on arrival of Hartford train, and from corner of Churoh and Chapol streets every half hour, commenc ing at 8:30 p.m. Through freight rates given and bills of lading issued to points west, south and southwest. C. H. FISHER, Agont. Order your freight via Starin Line. CALIFORNIA The Illinois Central RR. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. It will pay you to oall on or address tbe undersigned, before purchasing your tickets. C. A. FLORENCE, General Agent, 211 WASHINGTON STREET, jal7d4wtf BOSTON, MASS. ANCHOR LINE. United States Hail Steamship 8ail from New York every Saturday for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Rates for Saloon Passage By S. S. ClTYOFRoaiE, WHO anrl upward. Second Cabin, 840, Steerage, S25.50. . Other Steamers. Cabin. 45 and upward. Second Cabin, 830. Steerage, 834.50. Draft at Lowest Current Kates. For former information, apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. T Bbwling Green, New York; or M. B. Newton, 86 Orange St., or Wm. Fitzpatriek, 667 Grand ave or Peek & Bishop, "IB Chapel St.. New Haven. ap3 6m1 f2ttca;tiatt. THE DESSAUER-TROOSTWYK School of Music. 781 Chnpel st. YOCAL and Instr imoniol Instruction, sys tem of European conservatories. Apply between 12 and 1 and i and 5 p.m. daily. MECHANICAL DRAWING, TKRbPECTIVK, MATHEMATICAL Jt MECHANISM. ra F. R. HONEY, 179 Ctaurak street. Hartford office, BaUersteln Build'g. Address etterg to New Haven oifice. aula tf ft : 1 - Duck a.-'Tialr. and $2.00. hundreds of $6.50 ages 6 to 16, for 50 Suits, sizes 15 to 19, and $6.50 half price. & CO, Church Street, HAVEN. gvaxi euros' CfotiAie. i New York, New Haven ajfnd June 29. 1S9B FOR NEW YORK 4-nR 4-KO v:ao, ', 8 :0, 9:35, x!0:30 'aim.,.' 12:05, 1:30 (par'or "car limited), 1:45, 2: 30. 3:00. 3:S0. 3:52. 4:1S. 5:20, 5:30, 5:35, 6:30, 7:10, 8;10 nnusepuri:- accom.j, :iu, s:ib Sundays 4:05, 4:50. 8:00 a. mL x6:15, 7:10, 8:10. 8:15. 9:10 D. m. (UK WASHINGTON via H River 1:05, U:50 p. m. (daily.)! XUti BOSTON via Snrlntrflelrt-I Xl0:10, 11:05 a.m., 1:05, 1:44. 5:J fcunaays l:10 (night), 5:S2 p. m. FOR BOSTON via New London and Providence 2.10, 2:20, 11:35 (parlor car limited) a. m., 12:05, 3:00, 4:20. 4:55, 6:65 p. in. Sundays 2:10. 2:20. a. m.t 4:65, 6:55 t. m. , r 11:35, 4(4:30. m. in. , 1x4:30, Hianera FOR MERIDEN, HARTFORTX SPRINGFIELD. Etc. 1:10 (night), 6:40, 8:00. Xl0:10. 10:60 fWhitn MnmiAka. tain Express, first aton ttartfnrAi 11:05 a. m., 12:06, n:05, 1:44 (first stop Hartford), 3:15, 6:00, 5:52, (6:15 to I Hartford). 8:05. 10:05 n. m siinHnvo , I 1:10 (night), 5:52, 8:28 p. rn. 1 itaw UVNDON DIVISION 1 vor New London, etc. 2:10, (night),. 2:20 (nisrhfi. 7 :Kii. , 9-ao n-nc oii. (parlor car, limited), a. m., 12:05, 3:00, 3:05, 3:55 (to Say brook Junction), 4: 20, , i.oo, o:id no tsayDrook Junction), 6:15, 6:55. 9:10 (ftuilfnrA ar n r . .. days-2:10 (night), 2:20 (night), X8:50 oo, -o.ob p. m. x ' " AIR LINE DIVISION For Middletown, Willimantlc. etc. 7:45 a. m., 2:10, 2:33, 6:05 p. m. gun days7:15 p. m. Connecting at Mid dletown with Valley Division and at Willimantlc with the N. E. R. R. and N. L. N. R. R.; at Turnerville with Co!- ehpstpr hronnl, . NORTHAMPTON DIVISION ' rur oneiDurne jralls.i Turner's Falls, Williamsburg, Holyoke, New , Hart- -ford and intermediate stations 7:45a. m and 4:00 p. m. For Westfleld anlV intermediate stations, 5:55 p. m. For Farmington, New Hartford and points this side 7:45 a. m., 12:04, 4:00, V 5:5o p. m. BERKSHIRE DIVISION. ' For Derby Junction etc.-7:00, 9:35 a. m., 12:00, 2:39, 4:00, 5:35, 7:50, 11:20 p. m. Sundays 8:10 a. For Waterbury 7:00, 8:00 (through tram via Naugatuck Junction). 9:35 a. m., 12:00, 2:39, 6:35, 7:50 p. m. Sundays 8:10 a. m.. 6:15 p. m. (via Naugatuck Junction.) , For Winsted-7:00, 9:35 a. m., 2:89, 5:3' p. m. Sundays 8:10 a. m., 6:15 (via Naugatuck Junction) p. m. For Shelton, Botsford, Newtown, Dan bury, Pittsfleld, State Line 9:35 a. m.. 4:00 p. m. For Albany. Buffalo, Detroit. Cincin nati, St Louis, Chicago and the West, via State Line 9:33 a m i nn r. For Litchfield and Doiii'ta nn s t. L. & N' (via Derby Junction)-9:35 m., 4:00 p. rn. Express Trains. xLocal Expres. C- T. HEMPSTEAD, General Passenger Agent COMPRESSED AIR Carpet Cleaning Works. WILLIAM F. KNAPP & CO, Proprietors, 106 Court St., New Haven, Ct. Work done at short notice. mh2S tf fl2:0- i i.(8:15 :i