Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, MONDAY, .'FEBRUARY -20, 19"; 1 i J Itefclfopiil Af Important! On sale at cents Thousands of yards of Dress Goods and Silks. Including the best plain and figured Taffeta S i 1 k s, new Foulard Silks and new Dress Goods. Greatly under the. market val ue. Lumber.' Rough and dressed, of every description. Also, COAL. LOUIS A. MAMSFIELP, accessor to Austin Mansfield ft 8oo, 505 GRAND AVENUE, Ctlephona No. 8M. BubmtUIs BrldfaJ LUMBER AND MMWork of Every Description. fir J. Gl Siitli Co. I PURE DAIRY PRODUCTS. I Frozen Puddings Made of the purest materials by a man 1 wno knows how and delivered in Melon Moulds. .' Six varieties, 8oc. a quart. Nesselrode pudding, $1.00 a quart. Pure Butter. Our rapidly increasing trade for . fresh churned Butter, manifests the appreciation of people who probably have been eating Butter that has "aged " in transit from creamery to the " festive board." Snlted Butter, 33c. a pound. Unsalted Butter, 35c. a pound. Cottage Cheese in 5c. and 10c packages. Unsweetened Condensed Milk, 10c. a half-pint. New England Dairy Co, 159 Hazel Street. Telephone 635. is the newest and best pre paration for making PEA NUT SANDWICHES. Itis most carefully prepared of selected peanuts and is a healthful; nutritious food. Our experience in this line (being the first to introduce Peanut Butter in the city), has led us to believe that in PEAN UT PASTE we have something a little bet ter than anything of the kind that has heretofore ' been produced. ' '4oz, 15c; 8oz, 25c; l6oz,40c. JOHNSON & BROTHER 411-413 Stat St. ,' I SideMor Buffet? i One of the other should occupy a place in your dining room. We offer a quartered Uafc, sideboard, gfolden 3J fish, full swell front; and Jfe jj handsomely carved, with Jjjt jjt cast brass handles, bzveled jjfc jJT French plate mirror and 3 J? lined silver drawer for $24. J W A plainer style for $17. W Buffets in ' quartered A golden oafc, $J4 to $30. 3t The entire line at our & t Brown & Durham, Complete House Furnishers. ORANGE AND CENTER STREET. Cash or Credit) Medicated .. Complexion Soaps : Cure All Skin Troubles PREPARED FROM Ancient Egyptian Formulas by John Maylier& Co., New Yorlc Ask at counter tor "Llf of Cleopatra.'4 For sale by leadlug druggists. oS tl Ploiiag and Witting; j.ii. LucUej. m CbHMh iU CLEOPATRA HARTFORD YACHT CLUB. Additional Appropriation for the Ne-.v 1 Club House. The Hartford Yacht club has made an' additional appropriation of $1,000 for the building and equipment of the new club house at Fenwiek. This makes a total of $5,000 to be devoted to the pur pose. The building will contain sixteen sleeping rooms and two large Dunk rooms filled with thirty-five cots. There will be a large assembly room on the ground floor anal such others as are beat fitted to the comfort and enjoyment of the members and their guests. Water will be furnished by.a windmill system, drawing from a steel tank. The club house- will be located on Folly Point, and land for it has been leased from ex-. Governor Bulkeley. Saturday afternoon races for a cham pionship pennant have been arransml for the coming summer, with the month of August eliminated, and the first race will be held on Memorial day. , Racos between steamboats were also arranged for on that day. .. ; , Miss Hazel Watson of 45 Edgewood avenue has almost entirely recovered from a severe attack of double pneu monia. Dr. kewls, her attending phy sician, says that she will be able to see her friends in a few days. ,. Sergeant Jotham Orr, who has served for a period of nearly thirty years on the police department, has been com pelled to give up hi duties because of the growth of a tumor in his mouth. Laterly the tumor has been causing the officer serious difficulty in articulating and he dias gone to New York for an pperation. ' Governor Lounsbury has appointed Walter F. Prince of New Haven an agent of the Law and Order league.. . Fred Loomis, a brother of Principal Henry W.' Loomis of Dixwell avenue school, is spending some time in the city with his brother, at the latter's home at 90 Park street. Mr. Loomis is engaged in government work In Port land, Me, j W. H. Bishop, instructor in the Ro- j mance languages in Yale university, is ' suffering from a slight attaok of pleu risy. .- ' . Miss Anna Sperry, daughter of the Hon, Joel A. Sperry, sailed Saturday from New York for Bermuda., Mra F. M. Carroll and son Walter left Thursday for Washington, D, C. In returning they will stop over at Phil adelphia, returning in .about two weeks. Mr. and ' Mrs, James Boyce of 209 Whailey avenue announce the marriage of their daughter, Maude Rebecca, 'to George Theodore Sampson, to ;take place at their' residence Wednesday eve ning," February 28. Mr. Sampson for some time past has held the position of draughtsman for the Americas Ord nance company of Bridgeport, . Pre vious to entering the employ of that company he held a similar position at the factory of Winchester Repeating Arms company of this city." Both the young people are well known, here and a host of friends extend best wishes. Mrs. Sara T. Kinney of this city, state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, has been ap pointed by Governor Lounsbury to rep resent the state at the unveiling of the statue of Washington and Lafayette at the Paris exposition. Mrs. Kinney has also been chosen by the Connecticut.!), A. B. to represent that organization. Mrs. Kinney will leave for Paris early in June and will probably remain there during the exposition. : ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. A very pretty reception followed by a supper waa given yesterday afternaon by Mr, and Mrs. Herman Goldbaum of 397 Elm street in honor of the engage ment of their daughter, Fannie, to Da vlo Bummerneld of New York. The reception was largely attended by friends of the young couple, and a large number of these stayed to the supper which followed. Among these were the following: Mrs. Jacobs, Miss Bertha Jacobs, Miss Wolf, Moses Sum merfield and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Cohn of Providence, Miss Rose Weiss, Mrs. Solomon Goldbaum, Mrs. Iowls Gold baum, Mr. and Mrs. I. Weinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom of New York, Mr. and Wrs.' Erabarowsky of Mt. Vernon. BAILEY CRITICALLY li,L. Springfield Man Accused of 'Embezzle ment Very Low at the Hospital. Jesse H. Bailey of Springfield, Mass., who Is accused of embezzling funds to the amount of $10,000 belonging to the bankrupt estate of Spaulding & Pep per Bicycle Manufacturing company of Chlcopee, Mass., will probatly never be brought to trial for his misdeeds. He lies at the point of death at the New Haven hospital, where last eve ning It was said that there was hardly a chance of his recovery. The officers who have been keeping the man under surveillance since his arrest have with drawn, and Bailey's wife and tton are at his bedside. Bailey, it will be remembered, was ar rested last Wednesday afternoon by Detective MeGrath and Detective Mer rltt of the Boston Pinkerton agency, upon complaint of the Fidelity and De posit company of Maryland, who were surety for Bailey as assignee for the bicycle concern, He had heen acting in the capacity of trustee since, last November, During the time he was acting as representatives for the credi tors Bailey withdrew from the Pyn- chon National bank of Springfield, Mass., at various times money deposit ed there belonging to the creditors, The shortage was discovered, and Bailey whs In no position to mike, rep aration for the losses. The creditors decided to prosecute Bailey, but he fled from Springfield and found refuge in this city. He stayed at the Hotel Savoy here for two weeks and was an a prolonged spree. While dissipating Bailey contracted a severe cold, and was laid up at the hotel. His illness was made known to his friends in Springfield, and it was not long after that when the Pinkerton men located him and followed him to this city. Pneumonia had already de. fveloped and the man's condition waa regarded as being too oritical to per mit his removal to Springfield, and he was taken W i9 nospiuM Hweaa, , BIDS FOB DREDGING CONTRACTS For Work to be Done in Mystic Housatonic Rivers. and In response to an advertisement in serted by the United States engineer corps for proposals for dredging in Mystic and Housatonic rivers the fol lowing bids were received. For dredg ing the Mystic river the Hartford Dredging company of Hartford bid nine and one-half cents per, cubic yard for material removed within three months following notice to begin work, and four and three-quarter cents per cubic yard for material removed five months after notice to begin work. Thomas Scott of New London, Conn., bid twelve cents per cubic yard for material removed within five months of notice, and six cents for material , re moved within five months after notice. For Housatonic river work the New burg Dredging company of Newburg, N. Y,, big twenty-eight cents for ma aterlal removed within five months of notice, and fourteen cents for material removed Ave months after notice. The Hartford dredging company bid thirty-five cents for dredging within five months after notice and fourteen and one-half cents for material removed after five months following notice to begin work. Hang Your Hat! Have you seen those Hall Stands, that we have marked down for the Sale? Marked at a sacri fice because we need the room tor new goods, now arriving A hundred other bargains until Friday, March Jst IOO to 106 ORANGE- ST. . i. nURif & co. OPTICIANS, 84 Church and SI Center Stmt;. . Importers and dealers in Field Glasses, Cpera Glasses, Microscopes And Micro scopic Supplies, Drawing Instruments, Drawing Papers, Blue Print Papers, Tracing Cloth, Draughting Tables and Boards, Laboratory Outfits, Blow Pipes, Platinum Crucibles, 1 Platinum Forceps, Weights Etc. Dissecting Instruments for Anatomical and Biological . Work. Eyeglasses and Spectacles made to order and repair ing promptly executed. From a Sanitary Standpoint No Floor Covering equals a Linoleum, They are now made In various gradee, both plain nud figured. Inlaid Linoleum, the kind that is practically Indestructible, is now made to closely imitate hard-wood floors, Tile floors, and Carpet designs. No Dust, no offensive odors, perfect cleanliness, If you use one of our Li noleums. Rugs, LARGE AND SMALL, We have just placed on sale 12 fonW best quality seamless Axmluster Hugs, The old price was $42.50. This lot, while they last, $35.00. Size 9x12 feet. Also 22 patterns 0x12 Axmlnster Rugs of a cheaper grade at $18.00 each 5? 68-70 T2 ORANGE 5T OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. 2M Old-lashioned Specialties from West Virginia. LUNCH MUSTARD, prepared, mixed, alt ready to spread on cold meats. Speaking of warm " goods well. you re taking no chances it s the real thing. In jars, 25 cts. CHILI SAUCE, prepared with the great est care from an old Virginia, home made, receipt, Not like anv other brand. 1 Full pints, 32 cts. APPLE BUTTER, made from the fresh fruit. Excellent as a tea dish, pure and wholesome, In stone crocks, 40 cts. TOMATO CHUTNEY reminds one of a home-made catsup only it's, better flavored and more delicate. "Delicious" just describes it. In jars, 20 cts. MlNlATtrliM AIjJIANAC, FEBRUARY 2(1. Sun Rises I Nun Sets,; 6:30 Moon Rises, . 4:18 High Water, 8:30 1)15 AT US. FAGKN In tills city, February 23th, nt his liiuuB, S(i , York street, William Joseph Fagoh. Notice of funenil hereafter. HARNETT --s Entered iulo life eternal on February 25th, -11)00, Harriet A. Buruett. widow of James, (hou of the late Mnniuel . Burnett, Sen.) The tolls and Htruffgles of tills life nrp o'er;' enter now into the Joy ; of thy. Lord. Funeral services will bo held at St. Thomas' canrt-h Tuesday afternoon at 3 jo'clock. ttla tires and friends- are Invited. ? TOWNSHND-At Brooklyn, N. . Febru ary 2'id, Jeremiah Townsend, In his DTth year. , . - , Funeral services at his late, residence, 13 Arlington l'luce, Brooklyn, on Sunday, February 25h, jit half-past four p. m. In terment In the Grove street eenietory, New Haven, Monday, on the arrival of the train' leaving New York at 10:02 a. in. y Alt (M n Ijlal. poin'Oi' xkw mM. ARRIVED. CJeorse R. Vreelnnd, Blake, Norfolk. Viking, Hnmmett, Newport News. W. H. Bailey, Bailey, Norfolk, Heli Hell Sen v lcie-AWnue, , J'rovlrteuee. Bch Amanda E., Clarl?;. Providence ATTlflNTION, th !. V. The surviving members of the Ninth C. V, are requested to meet at Jio. 18 Foote street at 8:30 u. in. Tuesday to attend the funeral of Cnprnln Terrene' Sheridan. By reiiuest of Committee: Captain Lnw reueo' O'Brien,. Herjieaut l'hillp Itellly, Her. geant J ii men Cufl'i'ey. fe23 It . Committee on Water. The Coihnilltee pn Water will meet In Rooms1 10 and H, City Hall, Tuesday, Feb, rnary 2T(h; 11100, at 8 p. m., when will bo considered the petition of Alderninu II. (. Shelmrd for an Inquiry Into the practicabil ity of the City obtiiliilnj; its water supply by sinking wells. All persons who so de sire ni-o- notiiled to appear and be heard thereon. Per order, I0DOAR S. DOWH, Chairman., Attest!' - JAMES B. MARTIN, feat at r' Assistant City Clerk. Investments. ?10,OO0 Norwich Street R'y 5 per ct. Bonds. JB.nOtVS. N. E. Telephone Co. 5 per et. lids. St, 000 Boston Electric Llfcht B per ct. Bond. 81,000 Norwalk Tramway Co. B per et. Hond te.OOO Int. Silver Cn.'s fl tier cent. Bonds $1,000. Middlesex Banking Co. 0 per cent. Debenture. 5 shs 111. Central Leased Lines Stock, guar- iimeeu t pel- eeiu. uividenas. 50 shs Norrliern R. R. of N. .1. Stock, guar anteed 4 per cent, dividends. 20 shs Int. Silver PFD. 7 per cent. Stock. '', ' Far sale' by The Ghas. W. Scranton Co., Investment Brokers, 103 Orange Street. PITTS., FT. WAYNE & CllICAGO- R. R. GUARANTEED 7 PER CT, STOCK. SWIFT & COMPANY 7 PER CT. STOCK. YALE NATIONAL BANK STOCK. WINCHESTER AVE, R. H. CO. STOCK. MILFORD, HQLLISTON & FRAMING- HAM ST. R. R, 8 PER CENT. STOCK. FAIR HAVEN & WESTVILLE U. n STOCK. ' J LYNN & BOSTON STREET RAILWAY 1st MTG. 5 PER CENT, BONDS, due 1024. LORAIN & CLEVELAND ELECTRIC R.R. 1st MTG. 5 PER CENT, GOLD BONDS. GUILFORD, CONN., WATER CO. FIRST GOLD S's. . SOUTHERN .NEW ENGLAND TEL. CO. FIRST-MTG. , BONDS, INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO.'S 6 TER CENT. BONDS. SWIFT & CO.'S 1st MORTGAGE 6 PER CENT. BONDS, due 1010. M. B. Newton" & Company, ' INVESTMENT BANKERS, 86 ORANGE STREET. WAGONS, ; TRUCKS, 381 State Street. HARNESS. FARM WAGONS, MILK, GROCERY, and BAKERS' WAliONS. DUMP C'AIITS, CONCORDS, RUNABOUTS and TOP CARRIAGES. HARNESS, BLANKETS, ROBES and COL LARS. Our Wagons were all bought prevtona to the raise In prices, but will be sold without any advance. S MEDLEY BROS. & CO., . iM to 117 BREWERY STREET, Estate. Ward's Rent Slips give full descriptions of Houses, Flats. Stores. Etc and wilt save you time and trouble if looking for a rent. Call or send for them. omc N CVKWV cvenino. . FOR KKKf, 118 FRONT street,, near Grand ave., eight rooms, ror one or two families: 13. in quire at THIS OFFICE, - - sT tf For Sen ii WcstHam 6 and 0 room Haaaea. all Jmnrove-. ... men! ....... v...... $15.00 T room Houses, city water, $10.00 and $12.00. W. D. JUDSON. 1 80S Uiapel etteeet. For Sale, 247 ATWATER STRKKT. ("Olt.Vtfll T.OT 33x103 FEET. $1,000 ; MONTHLY PAYMENTS, CHAIILES It. WEBB, 850 Chapel Str$jt. For RenV. Flats of 0 rooms each, near center of elt with all modern Improvements, anq two stores, will he rented low If rented soon ror particulars, call at Merwin's Real Fstata Offna, T48 CIIArEfc STREET. FOR SALE, VALUABLE TRACT OF 85 ACRES Desirable location, within two miles of the - - lireen. Picturesque view of Harbor and Long ' isiuiMi nounn. Artesian Well ISO feet deep. Plenty of pure water. EDWARD M. CLARK. ROOM 203, FIRST NAT. BANK BUILD'G, Two Big Bargains. A Brick House on York street, dirt cheap ,. . .... $8"000.00 Fine residence on' Dlxwcll avenue. $8,000.00 George F. Newcoiilb, ROOM 322. EXCIIANOE BUILDING, 121 Church Street. For Sale, One-family house, ten rooms, ITowe street; in'iweeu lhhiji;i uu j.usL-ffiwd ave nue. - .' ; .-' - JOHN C. PUNDERFORD, lie CHURCH ST 11 EOT. - FOR SALE, At a very iuw. name, wnii a small pay. ment down, a two-family House, larie iiaril, DM'iruu" "...v. mtr .iiuus, situ ated on Orchard street, near Oak street. Lot 51x137, ..;:-. This property is sultaMo for nnv light mnnufacturlnff. blaeksraith, , cvrlaffe rei pairing, or uiuiivihci a pun(iuB Money to Loan in Sums to Sjit. L. G. HOADLEY, ROOM 2, HOADLBY BUILDING, 40 CHURCH STREET. Office Open Evenings. For Sale in West Haven. One new house, seven rooms and bath, . ' late Improvements ,. $3,600 One two-family house, i 5 rooms, bath and fnrnace 1 for each floor. $3,500 One single house. 7 rooms, bath, hot and cold wnter, with small barn, only , ... $2,500 FHEDBIQUE R. LEWIS, Afternoons at 82 Ceuter street. West Haven FRED ERIC BROWN WELLS Ileal Estate Broker, Room 27 Benedict Building, 82 Church Street. For Sale, Fine house and lot on Pros pect street at about two-thirds the valuation. 626 and 632 State Street. Lot 100x140. One cent word for eoh Insertion, five cents a word for a full week, eeve times. - , , WANTED. B a gardener, married; thoroughly under, stands liu business in ull bruuehes, ia eluding greenhouses, gmperUs, vegeu Mies, flower garden, line carpet bedding, etc.; competent to take charge of gentle man's pluce; lirst-class references, i GAltUHNEIi, .!e-?0!P?!ywHtreet, New York. WANTKD, BOl'S everywhere to distribute circulara and samples; good pay. " , fe2tf ltp UuYAL QFM CO., Chicago. WANTED. WORK by a strong hojiest hoy 10 years old. Would like to learn a trade, but would work at any place where there is a chance to he promoted when considered Conine- tent, Address c. C. C, This Office,' WANTI.1IV . A COMPETENT till for KCUCl'ftl llOHAA. worn. feZi tt iUO SIIER.Y1AX AVE, WANTED, A COMPETENT bookUeeper and collector' a a partner In a well established bust- l f. 4- , - City. HOUSEWORK girls and cooka for imrtd ' SlLUHLIOnS. ju22 tf 120 Court atreet. '' WANTED, BEST help for any 'fcinO; of work can al ways be secured here, with our IojjS Ji ts Wished and largest business In the State Wt cua guarantee satisfaction. We hoVa more and better help than cun be found elsewher. We know, and have discarded, most all the useless class j everybody knows that this Is the most reliable nlacs In the State. N. SLEEMAN, Employment t Agency, 775 CHAPEL ST. Jyfa tl WiNTEDs ' . ' '' BEST Swedish and German servants arai all secured here. Employment Agency. ; au4 tf N. SIwEEMAN, 775 Chapel at MRS. S. A. GtiAD.WIN'S . Employment Agency, . . 102 ORANGE STREET. Bowdltch Building, room 4 5. Ilead'iuarters for the best sltua tions; 10 years' experience. Coachmen, farm liauds, porters, girls for general housework, waitresses, etc. Germans, Swedes, and others needing iituatlons should apply, and those, requiring superior help can be fur nished at the above office. German and BnV gllsh spoken. WANTED, , SITUATIONS for four first-class cooka. American, Swedish and German, and also for several Swedish, German and Irlsli second girls, and good nurse girl, Wa supply meat all of the best help, i Tha ' best lor any kind of work can always bo secured here. Established 13 years, wo ) have the most reliable and largest and best agency in New England, excepting ; only Boston. N. SLKEMAN, Employment Agency, 775 CHAPEL STREET. o23 tf ' 3UsceUaueou5, K. U. MALIjORY. AUCTIONEER and Appraiser, 141 Orance., Household sales a specialty. , Jy3 tf Patent Stove Brick are Cheapest. dT tt MR8J DOWNKS, CLAIRVOYANT, tells past, present, J fu '" lure. Advice on all affairs of life. fc5 Imp . 104 OLIVE ST. Patent Stove Brick Bake Best. d7 tf ; CLAlltVOYAXT. MARY J. WRIGHT, M. D., and business clairvoyant,' has returned to UT High at. " Dr. Wright is the best known Clulrvay. ' ant fn the State. Tweuty-ftve years In New Haven. Her predictions on health and business never fall. She treats all Chronic and Women's Diseases, with or without medicine. Consultation by letter. ' iBend age and lock of hair. Honrs 0 to 8 and evenings. , s25 District of New Haven, ss. Probate Court, V " irelirnni-v V'Afl 10no ESTATE of SOLOMON HAZELTON, lata oi ixaiuneu, in suiu iiisirict, ueceusea. aid District, deceased. Administratrix, having' ji, cation for an order aii" werlng her to sell aivfl estate of said' deceasMi. ' . Jane W; uiuseiton. aai made written appllcatio thori.ine and emnowerl oonvev certain real estate as by said application on file in thls Coort more -inuy appears, it is ORDERED -1 That aald application be heard and determined at a Court of Pro bate to be held at New Haven, in said Dis trict, on the 2td day of March, 1000. at ten i o'clock , In the forenoon, and that said Ad ministratrix give public notice of the pond encv of said annllcatlon. and of the tlm mid place of the hearing thereon, by pub-1 llnlilug thls order three times In some news paper having a circulation in said District, and due return make. LIVINGSTON W. CLEAVELAND, fe24 Btp Judge. AT v. We have an enormous sale of Fancy OOLONG, JAPAN, MIXED GUNPOWDER, YOUNG HYSON, and ENGLISH BREAK FAST TEAS. A large invoice just re ceived. Parties that have bought of lie for years testify of their line qualities. If ' pu are not .quite satisfied with TEAS yon) ' are buying elsewhere, please give us u ' trial and be convlnoed that QUALITY J3 ' INH and PRICES RIGHT. COFFEES. We buy direct In the green berry. Roast It ourselves. Grind it to order, Therefore an give you a delicious beverage that has ; no superior. In .tins we carry the famous CHASE & SANBORN'S JAVA AND MOCHA; also, VICTOR and RUBY brands. FREE. In order to Introduce the famous FIFTH AVENUE JAVA AND MOCHA COEEFE, which lias a great reputation In New York, will furnish to church suppers,- festivals, club meetings, parties, or any sociable gath erings, any quantity FREE OF CHARGE, providing they guarantee to use our fancy JAPANESE NAPKINS oa the table TSa Idea Is this: We furnish the Coffee; the little adv. in the center of Napkin tolls tha good people where they can get some more. N, 1 FBLLEBTOl Proprietor, LEADING GROCER, 926 Chapel Street. Telephone Oil. Teas and Coite Boil