Newspaper Page Text
8 NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COU1UER, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (?, lt00. Thkee Months, 1.5U, One Mosia 50 Cents; Ohb Week, 15 Cbnt3; Single Coi'tks, 8 Cents, llmve It feent to lou. The Journal and Courier will te sent to any address by mall at the same terms as It Is delivered In the city 15 cents a week, 50 cents a month. Monday, February 20, 11)00. , tiliW A.hV EUIIS1.M HUTS 1U-OA.X Attention, Oth O V. Committee. HIcycleH The MiicGowan Cycle Co. Committee on Water Meeting. l)r. Akiiuw'h Liver l'llls 10. A. Gessner. Hull KUiids The Howclltch Co. luvestincnls The CI. W. Svranton Co. ' Investment Securities M. 1!. Newton & Co. Important The CIiuh. Monwon Co. , Illustrated Lecture First M. E. Church. Koul W. F. Gilbert. Lunterns The 1. K. Bnssett & Co. Monday and Tuesday 1'uljlic Market. News for Housewives Gamble-Desmond Co Sideboards Brown & Durham. Specialties E. E. Hall & Sou. i. Silks und Dress Goods Howe & Stetson. Steamers Hamburg-American Line. Steluert Supremacy M. Stelnert & Soiis. Spring Boots and Oxfords N. H. Shoe Co. This 1 ear's Customers Apothecaries Hall. The Mclntyre Stock The Kdw. Malley Co. Why Smith Left Home The Grand. Wanted Situation Gardener. Wanted Boys Itoyal Gum Co. H'MAXUISH JtHVOHlt. Agricultural Department, Office of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C, Feb. 23, 1000, 8 p. m. , Forecast for Monday For Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connec ticut and Eastern New York: Fair Monday, high hut diminishing westerly winds; Tues day wurmer with Increasing cloudiness. Local Weather Report. I01( FEBBUABY 25, WOO. 8:00 A. M. 8:00 P.M. liarometor 2U.IM 29.4a temperature. 20 - 12 Wind Dfreotiori. NW W Wind Velooity. ...... 15 no Freolpltatlon 98 T Weather Lt Snow Clear Win. Temperature.. 20 . iiiut. Temperature... 10 L. M. TARB, Observer, llrlef Mention, High water to-day, 8:39, p. m. Bargains In shoes at Howarth Bros', Andrew R. Bradley Saturday sold to Francis J. Taylor a lot and house on Howard avenue, near Sylvan avenue, for 7,000. A I large number of Germans from this city will attend the entertainment to be given In Waterbury to-morrow ""evenlngby the German Social club of that city. A pew In the Cedar street synagogue In Meriden has been attached In a suit for debt brought against the rentor. The plaintiff's attorney says that If he secures judgment he will resell tne pew. A smoker of the Cleveland club of the university, to which all men of the uni versity who have ever attended the University school, are also asked, will be held at Stewart's in Warner hal, this evening. George Hanchett of Falls Village has announced himself a candidate for the position of mail clerkmade vacant by the death of Minotte A. Butricks of tM cltv. There are now several can didates In the field. F. P. Cafferty, who was ousted from the office of lamp Inspector, Saturday received his full salary of $350 for the time during which he acted as lamp in spector. The money had been held up under an Injunction, which was with drawn Saturday. A colored crayon portrait of ex Mayor John B. Robertson presented to the city by Corporatin Counsel Robertson and other members of the family, was hung in the alderman's chamber Saturday. Mr. Robertson was mayor In 1S81. The artist was Miss Finley of New York. William Etchells, the popular clerk with Booth & Co., for the past sixteen months, will return to England, sailing Wednesday of this week, to join a reg iment to go to South Africa to fight the Boers. Mr. Etchells' home is near Manchester, England. He has made many friends while In this country. COUNTRY CLUB MEETING. Dues of Resident Members Raised $5. At a meeting of the Country club held Saturday afternoon the annual dues of all resident members, both active and associate, were raised $5 by unanimous vote. The action was induced by the reading of a carefully prepared state ment bv Mr. Barnum, the secretary and treasurer of v. the club, in which he showed that the income was necessary In order to meet the expenses .of the year. ' ; This store is bubbling over with an abundance of Bicycle beauty, and it will pay vou to make a visit and see absolutely the iinest line of Bicycles ever shown in New Haveu. We sell : The Clereland, prices $40 and $50. Chainless, $75. The Heading Standard, prices $30 and $40. The Iver Johnson, prices $25 aud $35. The Frontenac, price $50. . READ THIS. To inaugurate the Bicycle season we are to give away at the Y. M. C. A. Bicycle Show, which is to bo held at Music Hall, March 1, 2 and 3. a $30 Cleveland Bicycle. Every one has a chance and you cau secure a ticket, without cost, by call'ng at our store. The MacGowan Cycle Co., 155 Orange Street. wCfcitn." Mclntyre Sale 1 59c French Challis 29c. A good many hundred yards of them, light and dark col ors. I he best goods of the kind woven. Were 59c Go ing for 29c $1.25 Dress Goods 29c. All wool serges, etamines fancy plaids and novelty stripes. Goods that at Mc- Intyre's have sold for from 75c to $1.25, at 29c. $2.00 Poplins 39c. Silk and wool poplins, fancy plaids and cheviots, mohairs, serges. Mclntyre's price was $1.00 to $2.00. Here at 39c. $3.00 Dress Goods 49c. AH wool velour cords and clay twills, high grade mo hairs, drap de Paris silk and wool brochet effects. Mcln tyre's price was from $150 to $3.00 a yard. Sale price, 49c. $3.00 Fabrics 59c. A miscellaneous . lot. In this heap are some that are pure gold. High grade goods, finest wool. Patterns are at tractive, including stripes, pin checks and mixtures. Some have been $2.00, others $3.00 a yard. All new, at 59c a yard. Men's Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c. White and hemstitched, in one-half and one inch hems Mclntyre s price was I2c each. Here at 3 for 25c. Carpets Prices Laid Out.' 25c Jutes 15c. ..Printed, single ply jutes, were sc. Sale price, 15c. 55c Tapestry Brussells 45c. Tapestry Brussels, were 55c,. and 65c. Sale price, 45c. and 55c. 35c Ingrain Carpets 25c. Best Union Ingrains, un usually fine patterns, the choicest of many manufactu rers. .formerly 35c. oaic price, 25c. Mats. Cocoa Mats : Size 25x14. Were 400, Sale price, 31c 27x10. " 50c, " " 40 30x18. " 65c. " " 50c 33x20. " 80c. " " 65c 50c Ingrain Carpets 40c. All wool ingrains, Brussels patterns, on. light .grounds. very attractive in goodness and a rare carpet venture formerly 50c. oale price, 40c. 20c Oil Cloths 13c. Oil cloths. Regularly 20c, Sale price, 13c square yard. 20c Art Hemps 10c. Art Hemps, were 20c. Sale price, 10c. Tapestry Portieres. Very heavy tassel fringe in red. olive, crreen, blue, rose and Nile. Mclntyre's price, $7.50 per pair. Sale price, $4.69. ' Ruffled Muslin Curtains. Dots and figures, 2 1-2 yards long. Mclntyre's price, $1-19 a pair. Sale price, 89c a pair. Ruffled BobMnet Curtains. Very handsome lace edge and insertion. Mclntyre's price, $1.98 a pair. Sale price, $1.19 a pair. Portieres. , Chenille, tapestry and silk portieres, all fringed top and bottom in a very large vari ety of colorings. , Mclntyre price. Sale price. 3.00 pair $ 1.7s 4.00 ' 1.98 $ 6.00 and $ 7.50 pair 2.9S 10.00 and 12.00 " 5.00 , 20.00 and 25.00 " 10.00 Sac iifBMALLEfo 0 of We couldn't show all the stocks at goods of every stock. They have had And now the second week of this , - brines forth new chances have disappeared, never to chances of this week come to go in the It's just as if we 8c Brown Sheeting Going at 3 3-4c yard. " ' 36-inch brown sheeting heavy and fine makes. Just note this particularly. Mcln tyre's -price . was 8c a yard. Sale price, 3c a yard; This great big Dressmakers part of February and March as the rain We can't let even a Mclntyre sale cut it out. But with a fc In tyre Sakgn at the sarrie time the rivalr) of prices becomes competing1 with goods bought at auction at 50c on tht dollar. Think of it! . A grarid gathering up of small wares and dressmakers needs. Hundreds of Tttaiisands of Articles. Thousands of Dollars In Amount. This sale was arranged ) for months ago were bought months ago. Not a single article in it from Mclntyre's. our power, it proves what money-saving a "Big Store" Sale means. Sale Starts Monday, at 9 A. M. Miscellaneous. Less than 1-2 regular price. The wonder is that any stote could make such a col lection and then, for no other reason than store in terest.deliberately less money. Still we're expected to do this and we never disappoint. Alumninum thimbles, 2 for ic Gold-eye needles, per paper, ic Mohair tubu'ar shoe laces, pair, ic 3 yard piece white tape, ic 2 1-2 yard white linen corset laces, ic Shoe buttons, 3 dozen, ic Darning needles per paper, 2c Tracing wheels, 2c Darners with handles, 2c Extra quality Mohair shoe laces, pair, 2c Emery cushions, 3c Woven collar stiffning in collar lengths, 4c Extra qua'ity tempered corset steels, 1 inch back, 4c Kid hnir curlers all sizes, 40 Ve'.our covered pin cushions, 5c Hair curlers. 5c Mohair soutache braid, piece, 12c Tape Measures. Good 60-inch tape measures metal tips, ic. 60-in. double sewed through, 3c. 6o-in. woven 5c. 60-in. sateen, double sewed, 5c. 60-in. extra quality sateen, 10c. 60-in. spring tape measures, nick el case, 8c. Linen Thread. Good black linen thread a spool, ic. Monarch " " " 3c King's Giant " " " 4c Barbour's " " " 5c "Connecticut's Greatest Store." One Million Bargains. Mclntyre Another Start. goods- new prices. were starting all Comfortable Price Some that came from Mc lntyre's and now a feature of this selling occasion. Before this they were $1.00. Take them at 50c. White bed spreads. Were 75c. Sale price 4tc. Semi-Annual 9 occasion of tiny prices is just as much i all the keener. Our goods and Buttons. . 1500 doz. good quality pearl but tons. Prices at regular selling would be at least 5c doz, Sale price, 2 doz. for 5c. 1500 doz. pearl dress buttons. Price at regular selling 8c. doz. Sale price" 2 doz. for 8c. 1000 doz. pearl shirt buttons, plain and fancy. Regular, 10c. doz. Sale price, 5c. doz. Smoked pearl cloak buttons. Regularly 35c. For 10c. doz. Hair Pins. Pins by the million There must be millions of the little things in the heaps we show. "'Most important articles of dress" some one calls them. We needn't say much about the prices. ' Theyr'e pointed enough. .Good hair pins, plain nd crimp ed, 12 packages for 4c Fancy cabinet hair pins, 2c. Fancy cabinet hair pins, 3c. . Security hair pins, 2c. paper. Good heavy hair pins, equal to Kirby Beard. A paper for 2c. Fancy cabinet hair pins, 5c. Hooks and Eyes. DeLong style, per card, ic Unique, t " 3C Golden Spring, " 5c Appletou's Invisible, " 5c Peet's invisible, , per package, 7c Cloak hooks and eyes, per doz., 2c Knitting and Darning Cotton. Raymond darning cotton, a doz., Raven darning cotton, a doz., 7c. Coates' darning cotton, a ball, 2c. Dexter's kintting cotton, " 4c. one time, nor all the to come graduall)' monumental occasion The first week' be repeated. Th same way. over again. A Rub in Towels. 8c instead of 15c. v The prices come in for it and they verily glow. Tow els that at Mclntyre's were 15c, going at 8c, ' 1 8c. sheeting iic. and the winds are. pneef The good? And yet it show: Dress Stays and Whalebone Fibre bone dress stays, 5c. Silver steels, ,2c a doz. Lightning steels, 18c. Ever-ready stays, slightly soiled, 7c. a set. f Genuine shell whalebone, extra heavy. Every piece stamped ant warranted. Our regular 25c. qual ity, at 18c. piece. 'Bone Casing1 and Seam Bindings. Superior double casing, 9-yard piece, at 4c. Casing for lightening steels, 6c. Black silk Prussia binding, 8c piece. Black and white silk Prussia binding, 16c piece. Taffeta seam bindings. If this was a regular sale the price would be 12c. Sale price, 8c. Dress Beltings. 9-yard piece black, gray., white and fancy belting," per piece, 9c. 9-yard piece silk serge, all colors and black, 4c yard or 33c a piece. 9-yard piece fancy figured black silk belting, 6c yajd, or 50c piece. Double silk serge belting, "black and white, per yard, 10c. By the piece, 80c. 4 Spool Cotton. Good sewing cotton, per spool, ic Large spool basting cotton, per spool, ic. King's 200-yard soft finish cot ton, 2C. Knox All 500 yard sewing cotton, 4C King's one mile cotton, 14c King's Trojan cotton, 2400 yard spools, 14c "Connecticut's Greatest Store." Event 'Mclntyre Sale ! Stock ! Window Shades Pulled Down. They simply shut out the light from all other window shade selling. Notice what small, odd sorts of lots there are. This condition of things always means we shall soon say "all over." ' 36 dozen plain opaque shades, assorted colors in variety. Mclntyre's price was 25c each. Sale price, 12 1-2C each. ?4 dozen fringed opaque shades, part us colors. Mclntyre's price, 38c each, a'e price, 150 eacu. 24 dozen best Holland shades,, one olor only. Mclntyre's price, 50c each Sale price, 25c each. 4? dozen fringed opaque and Holla' d shades, all colors., Mclntyre's price, 500 ma 05c eacn. bale price, 25c eacn. Sham Holders 6c. ioo extension pillow sham holders to fit ny size bed.. Mclntyre's price, 15c ;ach. Sale price 6c, each, 10c Crepe Cloth Sc. 2060 yards crepe cloth for house gowns r waists. Mclntyre's price was 10c. Sale price, 5c. ' . 37 l-2c French Organdies I21-2C. Fine French prgandies. Mclntyre's price was 37 i-2c. Sale price, 12 1-2C 9c Wash Goods 12c. 25 pieces of Cheviot. Fast :olors and. fine quality. For hirt waists, negligee or short year -very wide. Was 19c. Sale price 12c. 5c Wash Goods 6 l-4c. This is a cut, indeed. Fine organdies, ginghams, corded Jimities, pretty sateens. Mc lntyre asked t2lAc to 25c. 3ale price, 6 c. , ' Shirting Prints. Prints for house wrappers, ginghams, for aprons, ging lams for children's dresses. Vlclntyre's price was 5c and c. Sale price, 3c. rsc Plush, 25c. 25 pieces of fancy plush. Sold by Mclntyre for from oc to 75c. Sale price, 25c. 1.00 Plush, 39c. A mere matter of 300 yards at at this price. Good coi rs. ! Former price was $1.00. vVe say 39c. 2.00 Plush, 69C. 1.50 Plush, 59c. Heavy 24T-inch plushes a uggestion for a child's cloak. vVere $1.50 and $2.00 a yard Sale price, 59c and 69c a yd. $2.00 Silks, 69C. Extra heavy quality plaid nd striped silks rich effects. A fine opportunity for waists, jr to get a good silk for lin- ng. . Have been $2.00 and $1.25. Sale' price, 69c. ancy Silks 49c. About 1500 yards t left, liese include the following: .Figured Taffeta, ' Striped Taffeta. . Plain Taffeta. Fancy Cords. Brocades in Black and Colors. "Shown in evening and street shades. And are going at 49c. Silks at 25c. Another few hundred yards added to" keep this price alive lain and fancy silks at 25c. Children's $1.25 Gloves, 50c. Children s wool lined and silk lined Mocha and dogskin oves, all sizes. $1.00 and 25 grade at 50c pair. adies $1.75 Gloves, 50c. Ladies' wool, lined Mocha gloves, small sizes. Were $1.75, now 50c. Ladies' $1.25 Gloves, 50c. Ladies' two-clasp and four button colored and black kid gloves. Some fancy shades included. Have been-$1.25, 1. 00. Now 50c pair. Read Howe & Stet son's adv. on Second Page. Going Fast. The Men's heavy sole $2,50 in black and tan, new goods, all sizes. The price sells them, $1.98. Men's Patent Leather $3.50 and $4.00 shoes, not a very wide tde, but oh, the price, $1.67. Men's $3.50 Enamel 3-sole Lace Shoes, a few only left at$ 1.48. All Ladies' heavy sole T n.if 1 it. lox vau ana vicii Kid Lace and Button $1.98, that were $2.50. Bargains in Every Department. M. f. Cosgrove. ooooooooci g BUSINESS. Before a house Is built, the plan Is thought nbout first. We are now thinking ' about the plans for Spring Decorations, looking ahead, as it were. If you haye In mind decorating your house give the matter some thought, then-: coino and let us talk the matter over. WALL PAPER; CARPETS. "THE SHOP" , Chas. P. Thompson, 60 Orange Street. OOOOGOOOCO Coffee, .Coffee, Coffee. ' SOLD IN, BULK &NLY, thus insuring ' Full Weight, Fresh Roasted, G BOUND WHEN ORDERED. Mocha, Java, Maracaibo, Guatemala. , Thomas' Special Coffee 25c a pound, SOLD ONLY BY THOMAS, 861 CHAPEL. STKEET. Are You Looking for the Finest Photos, VERY LATEST STYLES, AT MODERATE BEERS' Modern Studio, 760 Chapel St i. v,n,i tha nlnoe every time. t..u- n.Mvnri mii imuortation of Mounts In nobby GILT and plain OVALS, PANELS and SQUARES, in Melton finish. Lnrga and small sizes. . Sittings made uy uuyugui, u uiuimn by Electric current. THIS YEAR'S CUSTOMERS Must be ours a twelvemonth hence. It is a well known and ac cepted fact that the quulltiet given at ' Apothecaries Hall are the store's best advertisement? B BUILDING