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Km HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, LATEST FAIR HAVEN NEWS BV8Y TIMES IN PREPARATION FOR THANKSGIY1NQ. Most of Ihe Stores Will Close at Noon Wedding of F. S. Mozealous and Miss Julia M. Palne-Weddlng of Hariy K, Row and Miss Ellie Li. Mansfleld. The people were quite generally busy yesterday In preparing for Thanksgiv ing. The markets and grocery stores were rushed with business, and in the households there were scenes of great activity. Poultry sold readily, and the stocks carried over will not be very large. Most of the stores will close at noon to-day, and Station A will also close for the day at the same hour. The letter carriers will make one delivery this morning. Formerly on a holiday the station opened in the evening, but the postofflce department has discontinued that custom. The dealers had a good trade In oys ters this week, and yesterday were finishing shipments for the Thanksgiv ing trade. The weather has been good for making shipments, and the quality of the oysters was fine. Miss Flora McNicholl, of New Brit ain, is visiting Miss Mary G. Moody, of Fair Haven Heights. Catherine Halght, nine years of age, died yesterday at the home of her moth er, 207 Chapel street, of consumption. The funeral will be held to-morrow and Rev. Dr. Streeter will officiate. The Interment will be at North Branford, in which town the family formerly re sided. Miss Julia M. Paine and Frank L. Mozealous were married at the home of the bride's mother, 16 Fairmont avenue, last evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. D. N. Griffin, of St. Andrew's church, offici ated. The groom Is employed by the S. C, Burwell company and resides on the east side. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Robert Paine. .The bride's gown was of white cashmere. Thebest man was Charles C. Barnes and the brides maid was M'ss Anna Etzel. Fifty guests were invited to the ceremony. After the marriage a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mozealous left last evening for Brooklyn, N. Y., and upon their re ; turn will make tbeir home at 16 Fair mont avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Mozealous received many fine presents. Contributions were brought by pupils to Strong school yesterdty to be dis tributed to deserving families. This custom has beCn in vogue several years and much good has been done by the contributions distributed at Thanksgiv ing time. ' , A trial was given yesterday to the new naphtha launch that has been building at one of the - Front street shops for William M. King, the sail maker. The boat was speeded on the Qulnnlpiae river and worked well and satisfactorily. The marriage of Miss Effie Louise Mansfleld to Harry K. Rowe took place Jast evening at 8:30 o'clock at) the resi dence of Mr. pnd Mrs. William F. Mans fleld, parents of the bride, 141 Qulnnl pla6 avenue. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Dr. Streeter, of the East Pearl street M. E. church. The parlors were handsomely decorated with palms, evergreen and chrysanthe mum The bride wore a gown of white organdie. Two little cousins of the bride Masters Frederick Butterfleld and Warren Crawford were the ush ers. The number of guests was limited to the relatives and a few lmmeEliate friends, about one hundred attending. The ceremony was followed by ft recep tion. Music was furnished by Miss Bristol, pianist, and Miss Grace Bristol, violinist. Stewart did the catering. Af ter a short wedding tour Mr. and Mr Rowe will reside at their residence on Sherland avenue, Fair Haven Heights. Mrs. Rowe's golng-away gown was of dark blue pebble cheviot, tailor made. They were the recipients of many hand some gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe will be at home after December 8. Mr. Rowe 19 employed in the office of the Security Insurance company.. Their many friends will extend hearty congratulations. Y. M. C. A. DINNER TO-NIGHT. To Young Men Who Cannot Spend Thanksgiving at Home. The Young Men's Christian associa tion will give at the association rooms, 713 Chapel street, this eveni: g.its fourth annual dinner to the young men away from home. These dinners were start ed four years ago by the Y. M. C. A. general secretary, Mr. Lotze, and Wal ter Downs, chairman of the. social work of the association. Mr. Downs will preside at the banquet to-night. The dinner will begin at 6:30 and In vitations hav been sent to sixty young men who will be unable to be at home. Ten classes of young men in the Sun day schools of the various churches of the city are asked to contribute to wards the expense of the , dinner, and the amount thus secured with the dona tions from merchants . furnishes the spread. ,,Then: the committee goes through the membership list of the as sociation, and selects the names of those members who will be unable to be home for Thanksgiving and the young men of the classes whloh con tribute are requested to send in the names of those whom they wish invited. This makes up the list of guests to whom invitations are sent. Ten members of the woman's auxil iary are to be present and serve the dinner. At the close of the dinner the young men present will be asked to state the -names of their birthplaces, their occupations and how long they have been In New Haven. From the list thus secured last year it was found that there were present representatives from nine foreign countries and from seventeen diffrent states.' After this list is secured there will be -djourn-ment to the parlors where the e will be a roaring open fire, popcorn will be passed around. There will be an enter tainment, and Professor N. W. Wetzel will read from Dunbar's poems and Rev. Howard Moody of Mount Carmel will tell of his experiences in Australia. Rev. Mr. Irvine will also be present and give a talk. Singers are expected to be In attendance.' STOCK MARKET FEATURES. As Reviewed by the House of J. R. Mc Lean & Co. New York, Nov. 27. The steel stocks were more active to-day than has been the case for some time, and It goes to show that the. bull pool has already commenced operations. These stocks have undoubtedly been left, to them selves for the very purpose of discour aging outsiders, who' will be slow to take hold until prices have advanced many points. We want to see all of our friends long in as near the bottom as possible. Do not do like many of you did with Union Pacific, St. Paul and Reading, when we gave you the infor mation to buy several days before the movement commenced In these stocks. We are getting letters now from peo ple who did not buy Union Pacifla un til it got above 107 blaming us for ad vising its purchase. They forgot that we told them to buy when it was 97, and to buy more all the Vay up, and .' A child's disposition is dependent upon its food. The body in its formative period demands a steady supply of ma terial for bone, teeth, muscle, nerve and blood-building. When these constituents are missing, weakness or nervous ness ensues. Phosphates and hypophosphites added to the pure, unskimmed milk used in making (Bmdlemsed Rlilh : give every necessary food constituent to endow a child with strong bones, sound teeth, vigorous brain, and rich blood. Every other process of condensing milk removes these food properties. It is better than to-day's fresh milk; good as to-morrow's cream ; nourishing as a diet of whole wheat. , THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO., SCRANTON, PA. " Half a Dozen or more FINE UPRIGHT PIANOS at very Low Prices. Fine second-hand Upright Tlnnos are always In de-, mand. Just now we have quite a number. They are In perfect condition, some very little used aud nil offered very, very low. If looking for one, now Is your chance. M. Steinert & Sons, 777 Chapel St. those who bought at the start can well afford to have a little at the high price but should not get discouraged, and sell out because there has been a little hesitancy In the upward movement, which will undoubtedly be resumed within a few days. We have pointed out from time to time the similarity be tween the present marke tand that of one year ago, and a careful review to what the market did then will be your best guide as to what it will do In the future. There is no reason why a cor respondingly strong and active bull market should not rule for the next four or five months. The money mark et is getting easier day after day, and all financial conditions are rapidly shaping for the better as we told you would be the case when the Insiders were ready for the upward movement. The earnings of various railroads con tinue to show tremendous increases week after week over correspondingly large Increases one year ago. All the coal stocks are the leaders the first week in November, show an average net increase of over 10 per cent. The Reading company shows net Increase for the past week of $63,000 and for four months of $235,000. Once more we ad vise you to hold your long fltooks and accumulate more on every reaction, with the exception of Peoples' Gas and Amalgamated Copper, which may go down further for the time being, and are at best langerous to operate In. Chicago Corn was the strong feat ure of the board of trade, closing at practically the high points for the year, While trading in wheat remains some what narrow, but buying continues, and it does not look to the best oper ators as though the advance as yet is nearly over. J. Li. McLean & Co., 25 Broad street, New York, and 840 Chnpel street, New by Pi-luce & Wtiltely, Brokers, 15 Center Street, New Uuveu. Open. High. Low. Last. Am. Sugar Bef. Co.124 125 123 125 A., T. Ac Santa Fe. . bJ(-a 81 80 BJ Df Balto. & Oulo . " " pf . Brooklyn h. T. Van. Southern flies. & oulo . Clue. & Alton . pf ..1UU. lUlii WU-fc 101 . .llMi 1U"' Wuft lti(j W HO it n So Ml Co. 07 ! m Soft 87 8tt .... 4r u "-J4 ,...37 H7 au. .. 78V& 78V4 77 Chic, Mil. Sc St. P. ITU 171 ItiWva 1W Clue. & N. VV 21214 214 21114 2LU4 Chic., It. 1. & VacUlvu 18 li7 W4 Cute. & Ut. West . 2o'i 25 25 2oVt C, C, C. Ac St. L. . Hit M bS'j U8?i Colorado c Ac J..... vi & u i)i Consul, (.fas 22i'4 22054 220(4 22UJi Del. As Hud IiuJi Xlu'a 174ft 17414 lie!., Lac. Ac W....244 244 242 242 Ueu. Electric 277 MlVi 2i5 2i!i Illinois Central ....141 141ft 140 141 Louis. Ac Nash ,...1UI 100 108-J4 101)14 Manhattan El . ..a.ilH4 loSMi 13"H lii' Met. Street Hy ....1080 loWife lu7ya lu7vi Mo., Kau. Ac T p.. 53 63'a 63 53ft Missouri l'aciliu , .1V2 l'iiijB 17114 171 A N. Y.. Out. Ac W.. 30 3dl4 30 HtiVs i Norfolk Ac Western. 0014 "0 tU tv I '.' " pf... . 9114 1Vj OlVa Dl Northern Pucltte pf loo looa 100ft loVi PttCltlc Mull 44 48 4414 48 l'euusylvuula ... .16.1 151 150a 1o(MA i-uuuian I'ui car. ..liistf zia'fe ais i .Peonies' Uus W-Vd. lOUvi W8 ti i uiiu. oc ueuuing., Wirt I " " lstpf . 8014 J Southern Pueiuc . , 00 Southern Hy pf . . W14 . Teuii. Coal. Ac Iron 4 Union Pacific 104 " uf .. .. WW4 U. S. Kubuer Co.. 16 U. S. Leather Co.. 1254 " pr U2ft Wabash pt 40 W. U. Tel. Co Ul Wheeling, L. E ... 10 U. S. Steel 4214 pf .... 02 fjttrauctat A VVTl 1 2iS 00 50ft 00 04 Hi) 14. Haven. V Making Preparations. "I want to get a turkey, and a bottle of paregoric, and some mincemeat, and some pepsin pills, and some cranberries, and some furni ture polish, and a quart of oysters, and a package of courtplaster, and some sweet potatoes, and a Are insurance policy." Here the marketman smiled merrily, and Inquired, "Going to eat all that?" - "No," responded the customer, "but the family Thanksgiving dinner occurs at my house this year." Baltimore American. Adams Express Co 61 BOvfc 80 BUft 01 ou 04 03 5'A 4. 10414 104 HO 4 VOfa UU14 !. 12 8 40 01 10 42' 02lj mi 13 8314 40 01 10 43 03 100 mi 12 8..'A 40 oiy 1!) 42 02;,ii 200 BANKERS AND BROKERS. Np. 62 Broadway, New York, AND l Csntar Strait, Naw Haven Members N. Y. Stock Exchange Produce Exchange, and Chicago Board of Trade. C. B. BOLMER, Manager New Eaven Branch. ALL CLASSES OF RAILWAY STOCKS and BONUS, also GRAIN, PROVISIONS and COTTON, BOUUHT ANI SOLD ON COMMISSION. Connected by Private Wire with New York. Boston and Chicago. Investment Securities. C'lonliiK Prices. Following are the cloaliig prices reported by 1'iluce Ac Wultely, Hauliers aud LirokeiK, 62 llnjMilwuy, .New link, uuil li Ceuler St., New Uuveu. Bid. A ill til. Buy and Try a Box Tonight While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c. Amalgamated Copper 80)& American Cur l'oumiry Co iOjs " pt Hon, American Cotton Oil Co 2 " " pt bi American r-iureus Co.. .. ....2o? Ameikuu Ice Co " " pf American i.iuseed Co..... .. " " pf ... Am. Smelting & Refining Co " ;' 111 American bucur lteniiiutr Co, ...lif) " pt liu American '.tobacco pf .....142ft Auucouuu Coulter Minim; Co.... 3.4 Atcmsoii, 'loueitu ii bauta i''e " " pl Baltimore & Ohio " " Pt ..... Bay State 01m Co Brooklyn Ituplil TiuiihIi 2014 18 . 8ui .IUUk, .lOiiyj . o;y4 HUl. JlAKa.Jb.1. A Good Deal of Hesitation. New York, Nov. 27. There was a good deal of hesitation about the speculation on the stock exchange to-day. There were a number of conspicuous advances,, which failed to attract any considerable following or to reflect any marked influ ence on the general list. The selling pressure, however, was not acute. There was moderate realizing whenever the strength of the market permitted, but It was not urgent and was not pushed at the expense of values. The bears made an attack on the market late in the day, encouraged by the man ifest hesitation of the buying, and suc ceeded In reducing the price level con siderably, especially it points where It had been advanced in the morning. The strong Btocks were influenced apparent ly by individual causes, and their move ment was not accompanied by any news to explain it. Sugar was Actively traded in all day and was lifted an ex treme 3V4. Manhattan maintained Its recent aggressive strength and advanc ed 2 points further. General Electric added 7 points to its yesterday's jump, but lost all but one point of tha gain before the close. The recent severe pressure against Amalgamated Copper was relaxed and that stock rallied 1 after reacting to a shade under last night, but became comparatively steady above that. The quieter tone of thlB stock was a relief to the whole market, and the violent break In the raw .copper market in London and the heavy selling of Rio TIntos In Paris did not seem to affect it. There were various other points of strength among minor railroad stocks in the group of coalers and southwest1 ems, and a large demand for Southern Railway preferred lifted it at one time 1. Evansvllle and Terre Haute gain ed 4 points. New York Central was under pres sure at different times on account of the failure of developments In the ru mored Vanderbilt plan at yesterday's meeting of directors of the Vanderbilt railroads. There was more or Joss spec ulation based on rumors that the pres ident's forthcoming message was to take strong ground for the federal con trol or restriction of great corparations, Including the Northern Securities com pany. There was some revived apprehension of further gold exports. Induced by the further recovery 'in foreign exohange, the hardening of money rates In Ten don and the renewed decline In sterling exchange at Paris, all of which devel opments go to intensify the pressure upon New, York for gold. The express ed confidence of Berlin financiers, ac cording, to cabled reports, that further ; gold was to go from New York to that oolnt was also a disquieting influence. ! Berlin reports the first awakening from the long-continued stagnation in its stock market, and it Is said that Amer ican capitalists have been watchful for a turning point in that market to take advantage of the depression of valuta for the placing of some capital. The announcement that the United Rtates Steel Corporation syndicate was returning to its subcrlbers the 12'A per cent of their subscriptions actually paid in, which amounted to $25,000,000, did not affect the corporation's stocks, which maintained their recent stability. This operation is expected to figure principally in the loan Item of the banks as a cancellation of loans. Last week's heavy loan contraction may find an explanation in this development. The movement of prices of railroad bonds was irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,290,000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Brooklyn Lniuu l,us Co 210 2 iiruiiawKk Co IDla CunuUu boutliern buia Cuiiuiiiau 1'ucillu 1H ) Central of .New Jersey 180 Cuesupeuke & Ohio 40 Ciilcauo & l.HHt Illinois .. 138 " " pf Chicago Great Western .. .. .. 2514 " A pf 8H'i Chicago, Iuil. & Louisville ., ..41 " pf 7414 Chicago, Milwalkea & St. I'auL.lUO ' pf 100 Chicago & Northwestern t 21194 CblcuKO, R. 1. &i 1'ueille 1. 1....14714 Chicago, ht. V., M. & Omaha ..14t Clevelund, C, C. & St. L..; 0814 Col., liuc-klug Valley & Toledo 03, Colorado Fuel & Iron 1)1! 'J Colorado Soul hern 1514 Consolidated Gas Co 220J4 Continental Tobacco Co. pf .,..115 1 Delaware & Hudson Cunal . . . .Ii4',i Delaware, Lac. & Western-. . ,.24i;t.J Denver & Rio Urundu uf.. 04)4 Denver & Southwestern ....TAOl.N Erie " " 1st pf Ui General Electric Co.... , 270 Glucose Sugar Refinery ., ao'4 " pf ..; 08 Great Northern pf 10214 lli'uuis Central 110)4 jmermiLiuuui raper lo, , . 7'J)a ' ' . 3514 . IW',4 . OS' . 7a V4 ,i:so ...10014 1 International Sliver Co . " " Pf ' Iowa Central Laclede Gas Co Lako Erie & Western . , I " " Pf : 1 LouUvivlle & Nashville. . Munlm'tcn Klevutcd .... 1J74& Metropolitan btreet Kautvoy, Mexican Central ' Mex'cun National , ... Missouri, Kansas & Texas . . 1 ' " pf Missouri Pacific National Biscuit -12. i, iMitiontu Licaa io is 4 " " pf 8 New Air Brnko 153 Now York Central & Hudson .. 171 New York, Chicago SrSl. Louis 5214 New York & New Haven 212 Now York, Ontario & Western .. M IVorioIK & Western " " pf North American Northern Pacific pf.. .. Pacific Mall S. S. Co..... remisylvavnlu It. H Peoples' Gas Co., Chicago l'tits., Clu Chic. & Ht. L " pf Pressed Steel Car " " pf Pullman 1'nliice Car Co., Rending 1st pf " 2il n( Hep. Iron & Steel Co liili " " pt 6iV4 Southern hallway com Si " " lf IH14 Southern Pacific liivti 8t. Louis ft San Francisco.. .. liSty bi. Louis & MouthwesieiU 52,4) " pf r.14 Tennessee Coal & Iron M Third Avenue llu Texas & Pacific 4114 Twin City Rapid Transit I0714 Union Bag & Paper Co 15 " " uf.. .. i 7214 Union Pacific lm pr.. United States Leather Co " " pf United States Rubber Co. " " Pf United Stales Steel " " Pf Wabash Wabash pf 40 Wells-Fargo Express Co 180 Western Lulon Telegraph Co. ... til Wheeling A.- Luke Krle lsi, " " 2d pf Ill 2.114 lift 61 .10.114 00 J4 ... 01 14 ... 03 . . .Iixi4 ... 48 ...151)14 ... on- ...73 ...107V4 ... 4214 ... 80 ...211) ... 50 ... 8014 50- ... OH ... 12 ... 8214 ... 1514 ... 61 ii I ... mi 21 80-J4 2014 8ji, 2iii til 210 2j'4 3is. 20 bl 4014 08 'A 12014 117 V li8 M t4 8u-;4 HHI 10j Oli T4 G8 214 ll'j 00 mi 1144 181 411 & 130 141 25 80 '4 4114 74 va 101 212'i 148 150 00 m 03 15 2211i 110 175 215 05 N. .. . 42J4 73'fe 27,1 40 100 11M a 40 Oli 7414 1112 10014 1371). 108 2.1 14'4 20S, 5.K 103'jt, 43 1014 80 151 172 0214 214 3014 HO 021J 05 H v4 4814 15014 0074 77 . 100 43 87 211) 60 81 00 1 0)f, 8"b 04 14 ;0T4 20 5314 0014 04'4 121 los 15 74(4 103:4 110 13 2 10 02'4 42 2-t4 22 4014 200 W94 .1014 83 smr ronjr stook xarkei. Opening, Highest, Lowest Qnolntloua Ou the New York Stock Exchange, reported Uo verimieiit Uoiirf. Bid. Asked. reg., 1930 in8"i(ffin0!4 coup., 1030. . 10iful00'4 reg., 1808 10!4(Hw' . coup., 100 loSy3fol()il Mimll bonds ins (fili)O reg., 1007 1 1214)1. -i coup., 1007 112iVrUl3 reg 102.1 130ijil3d4 coup., lOVo. M!Wifi,i:ii)i reg 1H04 107;C(-o,107 1O7y,l07 low coil II.. 1004 C. 3s, 65s . .120 rj Cotfon. Reported over the private wire of J. L. Mc Lean it Co., 25 Kro-d strct. New Yoik: New Haven office 840 Chnpel street, Ifu blnger Building. Norman A. Tanner, manager. Bid. Asked. January 7.66 7.04 " February r 7.08 7.6,1 March 7.05 7.(1:1 April 7.04 7.63 May 7.03 7.c: luue . . 7.fiy July 7.02 7.01 August 7.50 7.46 The New Haven Rei! Estato Titl Company. 152 Orange -areec, Ale it .i.tveit. Cona INCORPORATED 1806. Insures aualust every defect of title fur purchasers und mortgagers. Mortgages ou New Haven Real Estute, double security constantly ou band for Investors. ' JAMKS GARDNER CLARK, President. , JAMES EINUaLEY BLAKE, Secretary, io On Trust GnaiF NliW UAVlliN. . CUAltTEUKL by the Hfate of Connectl cut with authority to act us Executor, A I luiuistrutor, Guardian, Uecelver or Trustee, under will or deed. Is a legal depository of money paid lota Court aud all Public Trust Kuuds. Acts as Trustee for Municipalities, Corporations aud Individuals, and administers trusts of all kinds. Empowered to act as registrar of stock, bouds, or other evidence-! of Indebt edness, manage sinking tuuds, and do all business such as is usually done by Trust Companies. . It also does a general Banking business, collecting cheeks, notes, coupons, and re ceives deposits, l'be priuclpul of each Trust is Invested by Itself and kept separate and part from the general assets of the Com- uiny. This Company Is by law regularly ezitn Ined by the Bunk Examiner of the BUte of Connecticut. HENRY L. HOTCHKISH, President BCGUNIil 8. BRISTOL. Treasurer. ffttratxeta!. j.l. Mclean & co., COMMISSION BROKERS, 25 Eroai Strset, New Yor.t MEMBERS N. T. Consolidated Stock Exchange, N. Y. Produce Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Stocfc, Ban Js, Grain anil Cotton. Bought and Sold for Cash or carried on margin. NEW HAVEN OFFICE. 841 Chapj) Striat, Mvj( Bldg. NOliMAN A. TANN Cit, Mjrr, Direct Private Wires. 'Phone 103. nl If f 'l A $ 11 After a fire or accident an Insurance I policy is a light in darkness. it means salvation irom rum ortentimes Our Policies for PAST FHTTY-BEVEN years have always protected and never iaueo. in ime 01 ueea. : . . North's Insurance Asrency n8 tf 70 CHURCH STREET. INVESTMENTS. $3 000 United Illiinilnut.Ing Co. 4 p. c. Bonds. $2,000 Cromwell Water Company 5 p. c. Bonds. $2,000 Conn. Lighting & Tower Co. 5 p. c. Bonds. $1,000 Portland & Cape Elisabeth St. Ry. Co. 5 p. c. Bond. Detroit, Hillsdale & Southwestern Stock. New Haven Water Company Stock. New Haven Gas Light Co. Stock. Cons. Electric Light of Portland, Mo. Stock. Southern New Englnnd Tel. Co. Stock. Winchester Avenue R. R. Co. Stock. ., C. E. THOMPSON I SONS, Investment Brokers. 102 Orange btreet. nrrv buhgivaiit, fire UtH FORGERIES, By Hiring a Safe In th Vault of Mercantile Sate Deposit Go. BIXTX DOLLARS. Absolute security for buuds, Stocks, Wills, liullion, Plato, Jew; slrj, Precious Stones, aud all evidences of tslues. Access tc vaults through the btuk log room of the Mechanics Bank. CHURCH, cor. CKNTEU STREET. Coupou rooms for convenience of patroag. All pirsons Interested art cordially InvltsJ 10 Inrpect the company'! premise ; sdm pom 9 . m. to 8 p. m. Non-Taxable Investments. Housatonlc Consol. 5s of 1037. N. H. & Derby R.R. 5s of 1018. S. N. E. Telenhone 5 ner cent. Bonds. United Illuminating Co. 4 per cent. Bonds, Conn. Ry. & Light Co. i per cent. Boudi, N. ri. Uas Light CO. S HtOCK. FOR SALE BY The Chas. W. Scranton Oo. Investment Brokers, , 103 Orange Street H. C. Warren & Co., Bankers and Broken, And Dealers in Investment Securities. Special circular of investments sent on application. 108 ORANGE STREET. Telephone, 841. . Jaies 1 v. Banker and Broker, 130 Orange Street. New Haven, Conn. $50,000 To Loan on Real Estate in sums to suit. LOMAS & NETTLETON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 850 Chapel Street. Security Insurance Co. of New Haven. OFFICE 37 CENTER STREET, tush Aill January 1, IUI1, tfiil,i09.19 D1KECTUKS: Cbarlei S. Leetc, Cbas B. Cnrilt, James u. ueweu, a. oiason, We own and offer tor sale a block of the capital stock of The New Haven Gas Light Co., and recommend the same for conservative investment. For particulars address Til New Hara Trnst Co, 42 Church Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. uttxttmuttiU. 1 Joel A. Speriy, E. O. Stoddard, S. E. Merwlu, William R. Tyler, John W. Ailing, T. Attwater Barnes, Chns. TO. Sheldon. CHARLES 8. LEETH. H. MASON, President. Secretary. J. D. PBWELL, H. C. FULLER, Vice President. Asa't Secrettry. THE IVES INVESTMENT 00 first Mortgage 6 per cent. Loans. CONSERVATIVE MINING INVESTMENTS 157 Church Street. Imstiple Mb Ion tost, Use the same precautions when buying mining stocks as you would in your other business. KASAAN EAY CCPPEE, in our opinion, is the best low-priced Copper min ing stock on the market, and will bear the strictest investigation. THE 1ES miSMM (0., 167 CM Strest, Telephone 1408-6. New Haven, Couo- llaAiMxauiviiVU jUAl, . UVl . Matinee aud Night. ' -, Return engagemeut of HluNKi" MILLBB i D'ARCY OF THE GUARDS Scats on sale Tuesday Prices, ?1. 50, $1.00, 70o. SATURDAY NIGHT, November 80. . Bargain Matinee, THE WHITE HORSE TAVEitr With ARCHIE BOYD. ' Seats on sale Thursday. Prices, IT $1.0O, 76c, BOe, 35c, 25c. Bargain Matmiw. Thurs., Frl., Sat., Nov. 28. 20, 30. Ho. day Matinee. Thanksgiving Day. Bi' Matinee Saturday. ONE OF TUB BnA EST, with Charles McCarthy and Wr'.J Cronan, Moo., Tues., Wed.. Dec. S, sV THE TELEPHONE O'IBL. ,t , . WEEK OF NOVBMBBB SO. , POLI'S ' ' Bunth Si Rudd Co. The World's Trio. Layender & Tomson. ; , Big olio of straight variety; also toe ? J graph. : , Prices: Mats. 10 and 20 cts; Eve., 10, I and 80 cts. Ladles at Mat., 10 cts. ' ' POLO TO-n&HT. ; Meriden vs. New W&nz ' Game called at 8:80. 1 Admission 25 cents. Reserved seat cents extra. Tickets on sale at Laub cigar store. 1 hotels HAVE YOU SEEir ; WHITE'S . New Rathskeller ? ' CHOPS, STEAKS, AND GAME SPHCU ' TIES. . j J Cor. Church and Court $trs!i HOTEL GARDL, OpposUa Union lopt, , NEW HAVEN, COMM. ' 'j CoiwBOtijjlV LarjiJt Silil'. Aouilcaa Plaa. ttrUtly ZtualMfc " d $ Wl4 - i - - ' ' DUNCAN HALL, 1151 CHAP6L STREET. . Choice Furnlsiied Booms, stagl til ' smite. . Private Baths, Steam Heat, ' Electric Llfht. Elevator and Jaaltoc r Ice. Now open to atodenta and the ou. FLEMING, Caterer. Telephone 15B7. ' - IVoii-Taxable Securities 100 shs. Hereford B. It. Co.'s i.tin'ir' Stock. ' , ' 50 shs. Winchester A V. B. K. Stock. 25 shs. Detrpit & Hillsdale Gtd. Stoci' 50 shs. Danbury & Bethel tit. n Stock. . . , 15 shs. Swift & Co.s Slook. f"i JlO.OOO Southern New Eng. Tel. B' . Bonds; ' , j S9.000 Housatonlc K, E. Co. Bonds, t , i20.000 C. B. & Q. B. B. Co. Joint 4 sk Bonds. ' ' ,. , t , ! 110,000 Wllllmantle Gae & Bicctric tt Co. Bonds. - . v . 19,000 Conn. Lighting & Power Co. S ft. Bonds. 3,000 International Silver Co.' 0 p.' Bonds. . ' ' 1 For Sale by -, ' NEWTON & FARlSn. Investment Bankers, No. 86 Orange 1 TH1 , Natona Tradesmen's 6t; , NBW HAVBH, C6I. ' ' Capftnl, 300,C Surplus an J Profits &2l8,gr Dtpotits, $1,20,0. Forelira Drafts, , Iravelera' Ubeaaatt " Letters of uredM, Cable rransfor. v W. T. FIELDS, President ' ' ' ROBERT A. UltOWN, Vice President 1 BOBEKT FOOTH, Cashier. i H. W. THOMPSON, Ass't Cashier. , Vermilye&Cf BANKERS, i ; DEALERS IN Investment Securiti:; Nassptu and Pine Sts., New Tbric; ; w 13 Congress Street. Boston In-tmHi IiTfisiil!:. . Fair Haven & Woatvllle R. R. t ' Detroit, Hillsdale ft S. W. RR, - , Winchester Avenue RR. Illinois Central Leased Line atoclr. , N. T., N. H. A H. R. R. Convert. i'A ' South. New Eng. Telephone 6'. United Illuminating; 1st 4'e. International Silver Vb. '' KIM0ERLY, ROOT & DAY, 133 Orange St . Private Wire New York and Boatoni NJiioM New Hayoii. Bail. wnoriarea as a swj Ban , . A. D. 1792. Organized as a National Bank A D. 1SCX .hA .nnnfil UDHlln. ilf t hn Ml.titlpkML-U . . n( this Bank, held this dar. the fellow '. Inir named Directors were chosen to mmrwm tar the ensalng year. vijs. : T " WIL.HUU r. VAI, HSNUV L.HOTCHKIB6 LOUIS H. BKIBTOL. , . h B. HAIB8 TBOWBHIDOB, TIMOTHY DWIGHT. GEORGH a. TUWMMIliND. ' - 7 THEODOBB S. WOOL8HT. ' Attest: BOBEBT !. COOCH, Cash!, WILBDB F. DAI, President. U y '