Newspaper Page Text
KE7 haven Corning journal and courier, Friday, December won &asopii Womens's TailorMade Suits. Third less than regular prices. We advertise them with the distinc warning that the prices and the quan titles are exactly as stated. Need we say early," come Thirty-four col ored tailor-made Suits, that sold over $25.00 and under &Z0.00. All this season's models and beautiful Suits. One-third off th; prices. Twenty-five col bred ta i lor -ma de Suits that sold over M. 1 t sis.oo ana unaer 25.00. Bright, new- not est designs, poor style them. , among One-third off the prices. Fifty-four black tailored Suits, prices from $10.00 to $45.00. ,The very latest de signs, none better anywhere. One-third off the prices. SPECIAL RUG SALE i This is rug time end for ten days we are going to have a special rug snle. That means we are going to reduce prices and give you a chance to get a nice rug and still save enough on It to buy a little pres ' ent at the end of nest month. A special sale with us means ft special sale. 'SCENES IN MOORISH CITIES. i We have according to the ver dict of nil cheese lovers the finest FULL CREAM Vermont Cheese to be found in the city. This cheese is all that its name implies made from cream. If you like a an, rich and creamy cheese that will make a delicious Welsh Rarebit, you can ge it here. Also : English Dairy, Sage, Roquefort, Swiss, Camsmbert, Edams and Pineapples. A large variety of the Jar cheese. N.B. When calling us by 'PHONE NOTE OUR NEW NUMBFR 1675 Jofcnson $ Brother, t 4ll-4ISState St., oor. Court. i AlUVSliMMtiTT JX IttE CAPITAL. SVtTAK'S E. 6. 1IIISSIRIAN, 154 Orange Street. . Bsari th UfMttM , : Itio Kind You Have Aiwavs Bough7 "Pompeian" Massage Cfeatn A True Skin Food. WUl positively remove niaekbcads, Pimples, Tan, Sunburn, Moth Patch es, and all blemishes to which the sklu Is subject. It not only bonis the skin but removes from the pores the lmpulties that nccumulute aud moke the skin rough and unwhole some. Its use renders the skin .clean, soft, white aud beautiful. Is antiseptic, eradicating the germs of disease Is perfectly harmless to the most delicate skin, the formula being as nearly perfect as human Ingenuity can devise. Testimonials are plentiful. I A trial of this truly wonderful 1 preparation Is all we ask. ' Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle sent modern Scliohcrexades 'I lie Circus Iilfo In the DlRi'Iml-Place. (Special Correspondence of the Journal and Courier.) City of Morocco, Oct, 19, 1901. Characteristic of this land of yester day is the professional story-teller and his deeply interested audience, to be frequently met In the streets, especially in the vicinity of the market-place to ward the close of an afternoon. Diver sions are few In the lives of these poor people, and to them the oft-told "En tertainments" a la the Thousand and One of Queen Soheherezade take the place of matinees and operas, In fact of every other form of amusement open to happier citizens of the United States. After trudging from their cheerless homes to market in the dim light of the early morning and haggling over tneir paltry wares through the heat of the day, it is natural and prood that they should indulge In a quiet restinjr-tlme and a diversion of tne thoughts before starting on the weary return. Iike public performers everywhere, the modern story-teller has assistants and summoners to his cptertnlnments. Instead of advance agetite, supes, bill stickers, etc., the star performer goes about with only a slim chorus. Mii3ic there must be, because each pause in the narrative, however silent, is marked by two or three beats on the tightly stretched string of some queer mstru bent, or twangs with a palmetto plec trumloud or soft, martial or tender, according to the eublect of discourse at that particular point. There Is usually a player on the native banjo, another man who keeps tim on the tambour ine, and a third who beats with his fin gers on the one-sided earthenware drum. The poorest professional, who cannot afford to share his scanty earn ings with Resistant e, has at least a two- stringed banjo, played by himself. have convulsed the empire. Certainly it Is, the most interesting place to stran gers. Bales of strango merchandise are being moved, camels are unloaded and donkeys loaded, green-turbaned merchants make round of inspection, men on horseback, in voluminous white robes, with yellow slippers dangling straight down on each side of the clum sy saddle, pick their way hither and thither through the crowd. Here and there are water-sellers, carrying upon their back great leaky skins flabbily bulging with water and ringing small bells to attract attention. Shoemakers squat cross-legged, sewing and ham mering upon slippers and sandals only. Barbers ply their trade in the open air, growing rich on market-days upon "country custom." Their oflice is of double nature, for, es in the old days, they bleed as well as shave. They use no luther, only water; and the customer sits on the ground, in front, while with razor, more or less keen, the barber re moves his hair, the head, oftener than the beard, being shorn. In bleeding they make an incision at the base of the skull, cutting to the bone. Bread-sellers crouch against walls and doorways, indifferent, ae are their customers, to the trifling facts of dust aud fleas. Funeral processions paas on the run for the dead Moslem thus arrives at paradise more quickly. Snake-charmers, with hideous cobras-de-capellos around about their filthy bodies eaunter through the throng, nobody paying nny attention to the reptiles which wriggle about alarmingly and dart out vicious tongue. Necromancers, who generally cat tire, are common in these streets as patent medicine fakirs at home. Half grown negroes from the Soudan are at tired in nothing but scant breech clouts of untanned hide, in marked contrast to the etetely Moors and Arabs in flow ing draperies. Perhaps the oddest of all the motley throng are the negress slaves who were born in the jungles be low Sahara. They arp Indescribably ugly, with short puffy bodies, tremen dous heads anr huge neclcs, lips like ebonlzed couch-shells and noetrila back almost In a line with the facial angle They wear hailcs of bin , and white check, which intensify : toe lustre of their coal-black skins. Some of them are veiled, with nn air of monumental sklttlsness; but besides the haik, little can be said of the rest Of' their cos tumes. Some wear men's cast-off trousers, others cavalry boots, or any thing else they can lay hands on; but Qrap Fruit 3 for a Quarter. of good average size, fairly juicy and solid at a price too low to last. 38 J-taZi S lii!IilI!lliil!li;;!i:!illi:illll!lll!MII!l!llll!II!!!l!!l!!l Steal gstate. FOtt LU( ST, A DESIRABLE, well famished front room. jy tf las ST. JOHN BT. FOB KKJNT OB SALE. DESIRABLE brown stone front reside. c, 662 CHAPEL STREET, opposite the park. Inquire at TH13 OFFICII. Jy20 tf TO KlCN 1, HOUSE No. 172 Olive street, 10 rooms, mod ern Improvements. Apply to V, J. CKO NAN, U14 First Natloual Bank. slT tf A NEWLY built house, 12 rooms, hardwood Doors, up-to-date plumbing, lighted by gas and electricity, voniuindluua veraudus, un obstructed view, ilng adjacent to largo and well kept grounds of the owner; prob ubly the finest house for rent In the city; rent $W)0. is now occupied, but will lie ready tor a new tenant January 1st. Ad- trains. One cent a word for aacb. lnaarUox; five cants a word for a full weak, mvm " times. WAJITKU, , THE Edw. Malley Company wishes to oat gage an experienced and competent pic tare framer. Apply at once. da it : WAN flip, YOUNG men for Hallway Mall Clerlta. Inter-State rnrna 1...,. - " ."oil, (.guar de 13 dross (nl3 tf) P. O. POX 1542. For Rent, THE desirable dwelling house, B02 Chapel tureec. Lower corner nouse in cue Drown tone front block opposite Wooiter Square, inquire at this oflice or at office JOHN T. SLOAN, myS tf 828 Chapel street. First, the story-teller seleoW soma ! as a rule, they are bare from the knees comparatively sheltered nook in the ,l...n..L,. .1 I .... .... prepaid to any address on receipt ot , ,' 1 hlmeelf, by yelling, over and over, at price. SOLD BY 1 1 mum & co. Prescription Druggists, 84 Churc"! ail 61 Gsntir Sts. 20 Per Cent Cash Discount 0 $ We will alloYr a cash discount of 20 per cent this week onourenti e $ stock of Furniture, & pets, Stoves, Ranges and $ & house furnishings gener- & f ft f This sale includes the $ goods especially suitable S ft for Holiday Gifts just as ft much as the staple furni. $ ture, the discount being given on every article in the store. Make your Christmas selections this week ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft thus saving 20 per cent and have them deliv. ered when wanted. Brown k Mm, Oonplot Usui PuralsbonL ORANGE AND CENTER STREETS. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftft$ HOLIDAY VALUES in Oriental and Domestic Rugs just the goods you are looking for, at popular prices. Small sized Ori j ental Rugs from $G.G0 each, up. Covered Down Pillows in Satins, Velours, Tapes, trie?, and Orientals, over 150 new styles, 75c up. Tabourets, Palm Stands, Screens. They make pretty and useful gifts. T5-81 ORANGE STREET, foot of Center St Open Sat Evening!. the top of his lungs, some euch an nouncement as tMs: "In the name of the Prophet! Blessed be Allah!" The greatest story-teller in the whole earth will now begin a wonderful tale of mystery, enchantment and deeds of valor. Neglect him not, Oh ye true be lievers, for he hath marvels to unfold." When a crowd ha gathered the cor ners squatting in a circle, the later ones standing behind he first takes up a col lection, and if the amount of money do nated does not come up to his expecta tions, refuses to tell a word until more is contributed. He is conspicuously at tired, in a tattered brown Jellab,. (a woolen cloak, round and hooded), san daled feet and a camera-hair cord tightly bound around his ehaven and wrinkled , skull. Waving bars arms and sinewy legs, wild keen features, ekin the color of an ancient pock-snd-dle, and flashing eyes complete his por trait. Nobody believes word of the monstrous fictions he relates, yet they accept it all with child-like credulity and the absorbing interest with which some other people devouh yellow-covered literature of the "blood and thun der" order. The motly audience gazes open-mouthed, every eye riveted upon the realistic semi-acting of the perfor mer, who punctuates his harsh and gut teral Maghreb by pounding his drum or scraping upon the violin. According to the best of Moorish belief, ho le the one man in the world of whom to learn of love and life, of beautiful women and deeds of valor, of charms and miracles and hair-breadth escapes. Suddenly, at the most entrancing point of the narra tive, when everybody's interest is exci ted to a nerve-straining pitch, the story-teller ceases his wild gesticulations and his words together. Half a dozen words more one step further for liber ty one blow of the sword and the bat tle would be won, the hero freed and the charming houri in the possession of her adorer. Instead is the rasping in vltatlon of etrlnged instruments, the melancholy insistence of the drum, as the turban is passed for more contrlbU' tlons. The hands of the eager listeners instinctively spek their pockets for the day's earnings; and when the chief per. former Is satisfied that not another cop per is to be glenned in that field, his story is resumed and brought to a eneedy conclusion. Then, with another pious reference to "Our Iodr Moham medthe prayers of Ood be on him and peace," the audienco Is dismissed Each man arouses reluctantly from hip trainee and tums away with deep- 1 drawn breath to untether his mule or I camel end be?m the journey home. In two or three of Morocco's larger cities you may find a species of enter tainment which goes by the name of "circus," but which would hardly be re cognized as such by any promoter ot the ring in America. It takes place anywhere In. the open generally In the market-square, as affording more room The audience forma In a large circle, several rows defcp. the first two rows squatting on their heels, the rest stand Ing. In the open space within are two performers, who first relate a history of ti,PTnelves end their glorious achieve ments, before crowned Sultans and dis tinguished audience elsewhere, com posed entirely of magi and other Illus trious personages, if their statements are to be relied upon. Then follow va rious acrobatic performances, such as turning somersaults, standing upon their own heads and upon each other'e, plaving tg, tripping one another and constantly tumbling heels over head. Tho spectators are never enthusiastic, and the wily performers watch for such favorable moments to pass the hat aa whpii some surprising tumble has tem porarily dispelled the reigning melan choly of the faces. Boys may some times laugh and applaud, but the ut most sign of approval on the part of their elders is a distortion of the fea tures into grim smiles. The real center of every town is its market-place, where caravans arrive and whence they depart, where the peo ple meet and mingle and the great reli gious and political movements are fanned and (ted which from time to, time down, exhibiting huge splay feet like the claws of some unclean beast. Hun dreds of these slaves may always be seen in the market place, either as help ers, or on errands for their masters, or buying the fowls to be beheaded In the I revolting "Negress sacrifices." It is j with difficulty that they are kept with in the bounds of even African Ideas of dfcfmrv. Whon tint RlmHn&r wild snnna of the jungles, they are generally Fght ing one another, often J'teraliy making the wool fly In their Jealous rages. Moorish soldiers scurjy by bare footed, bare-legged, poverty-stricken and hungry, but always; Qn the rush, and commanding respect by reason of their long guns. Genuine Bedouins of the desert, on eklnny steeds magnifi cently caparisoned, dash, recklessly through the thickest of the1 throng, un mindful of whom they may trample. Khabylcs, with leather aprons and shaven heads, present a1 study of Afri can hill-men. They are the artisans of the country and are always accom pan'ed by their hardy wives, who work at everything beelde their husbands. Khabyle women wear but a single gar menta straight scant chemise reach ing to the bare feet, girded at the waist with a brlghtly-colred aah. Tall, pow erfully built Reefans, wjfh brutal, for bidding faces, stand In silent groups, al ways by themselves, regarding the world with pfoud, fearless eyes. They are the mountaineers of Morocco, aa well as tne pirates whose "day" Is not altogether past. Like mountaineers th world over the race has proved uncon querflrable and for a thousand years those that hold the rocky fastnesses of the cost have defied successive Sultans. No contrast can be more striking than that between thpir aspect and the deprecating, timid manner of the per secuted Jews, and the dreamy, passive, Indifferent air of the Moors, who are merely lndurlng the ills of this l!fe while waiting for the better life as Al lah's paradise. Above everything eiso in the markPt place you are constantly aware of the lll-smel!ing, mangy, moth- eaten camels, evidently poorly fed and badly treated, but all,' even when at rest, wearing the bright hued, nurlous-ly-woven trappings to which their driv ers attach the loads. Some of them are standing, some kneeling, others lying down with legs stretched out In every body's way; but all are chewing their cuds with n funny, sldevvay motion of the jnws.and wear expression of unut terable weariness and misery on their wrinkled faces. FANNIE B. WARD. THE W. H. GRAHAM CO UNDERTAKERS, No. 1096 Chapel Street. Telephone No. 1667-12. UKATIIS. MITCIIELLAt her home at few Haven, December 5, Mnrv .wife of Donald tiraut Mitchell, 71st year. , Fiinenil Saturday, uf the iuu rnmiiy. Edgewood, iTinoie, In her convenience of (10 2t CARJIOM,. Iu this clrr, December 5, Iter. Jumes Monroe Carroll, aged 7:1 years, 7 iiioutlm, 14 .days. Funeral services will he held at his lata residence, 22 Maple Street, Saturday morning, December 7. at 10.1S. Relative's and frlvuds are invltod to attend. Ser vices will also he held In the Methodist Church at New Canaan, Cons., at 2 p. in. MAKKIAGKS. LIXNKLL-BUNN13LL. - On Wednesday, December 4. hv th Rnv. r-ewullv,, pmtV Mrs. Adellu Arthur Bunnell, of New York City, to Dr. Kdward Horatio Llnncll. of rvorwicn, conn. d8 ltp FOH SAtiTC VT A BROAIW. Two Houses with a Lot on Perkins street of 78 feet front: will sell the above DroD- erty for $3,500. A Lo on Mansfield street of 63 feet front; will Bull for $18 per foot, A Lot on Tllton street of 40 feet front; will sell for $13 per foot. Thene must he sold within a few days If sold at thene prices. Morwii's Rm! FWi Offbv 748 CHAPEL 8TBEET. AN American years of age, for au uuiuB ami wages. STREET. housekeeper, from 40 to CI elderly lady. Goe 1 Apply 60 PAMu. flB 2tp i . . ., VVA.M t'.iio. . Ip for ial klnd ' work can w s&iL" Uei4 l'"1 lai'ge8t business lu t State. We can guarantee satlnfactlon, , have more and better, help than can i 1 found elsewhere. We inow, and have d carded, most of the useless class; e"ei, body knows that this Is the most riilabV . ployment Agency. 77S CHAPEL ST. . WAKTlfitV Bf JfL..8 'S" ui Qenn ereiite 'i U secured here. Employment Acener 1 au4 tf N. BLKKMAN, 775 Chip.? MRS. S. A. GLADWIN'S , Ernployment Agency, - i i 108 ORANGE ST., Bowditch Bulliln., 4-5. Headquarters for the beat ituaUt 10 years' ; For Sale, ONE-FAMILY BRICK HOCSIC, and BARN, HOWARD AVENUE. Modem Improvements. $8,500. JOHN CPUNDERFOUD, 110 CHURCH STREET. For Sale. A DESIRABLE ONE-FAMILY HOTJR75 ON MAPLE STREET, $5,000. Gcorffo F. Newcomb, Room 822, Exchange Building, corner Chapel and Church streets. FOR SALIC. A Whitney ATenue Corner Lot. 23 per cent. Lower than Assessed Valua tlon. EDWARD M.CLARK, 39 CHURCH STREET. For Rent, 787 WHITNEY AVENUE Whole House, 10 Rooms. All modern Improvements. $35. 1 . CHARLES H. WEBB, 850 Chapel Strast. MINIATURE ALMANAC. DECEMBER 8. Sun Rises, 7:0,1 1 Moon Rises, High Water ohh oeia, :zo z:og 8:21 MA KINK LIST. PORT OB" NEW HAVUIt ygfjPfc ARRIVED. . Sell E. M. Duffleld, Duffy, Providence. Hen A. G. Pease, Alby. Keb Rev. John Fletcher, Newman. Sch Sarah Ann, Owens, Providence. Kch Emma Jane, Lewis. Hch Myrtle, Collins, New York. Sch Express, Culver, New York. Sch Neptune, Hnlbrook.'New York. CLEARED. Sch CIiuh. Noble, Simmons, Green, New port News. Sch Eva Lewis, Lewis, New York. Sell Siirnh Qnlnn, James, New York. Si Throe Slaters, Miller. THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. Xmns opening will bo held Thursday and Friday. December 6 and 0. All are nnrdl. ally invited to inspect tho display of novel ana attractive articles. no at riOli HUNT, FURNISHED front room for Rc.nrlemnn or gentleman and wife, with board. Ref erences. MRS. SANFOUI), 1305 Chapel Street tl4 7tp OncbotllcoritnrnrICa Vanllln Kxtrnrt is better than three of the doubtful kind. ThoiiKh cnHtlriR a few cents more per bottle Its purity nml strength make It the most economical brand. PIANOS FOR THANKSGIVING. Best line at A. B. Clinton's, .37 Church street. THE BRADLEY HOUSE. 018 STATE STREET, recently ehnnped hands and has been remodeled and renovated anew. Hleum heated room, hot and cold water, fruni $1.50 1111. With or without board. , Also ineal tickets at; reasonable rates upnu application. 18 ltp Dissolution of Partnership. ARE YOU THINKING OF BUYING A PIANO? If so, v.-e recommend you to coll upon Charles IT. Loomls, Temple of Music, ) 813 Chapel St., lilue (Signs, tne oldest and most reliable music house In New Haven Mr. Loomls sells the Emerson and other hlsh grade pianos, nnd Is n conscientious, straiBhtforwnrd, honest, dealing business man, In whom you can have the greatest confidence. cIS.St The co-paitnersliln heretofore existing between Jumes II. Maelionnld, Samuel Mae Lunch lan. and Robert W. MacLauchlan, and known as the Mac Printing Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, .lames H. Maelionnld having withdrawn from the firm. JAMES H. MACDONALD, ROBERT W. MACLAUCHLAN. SAMUEL MACLAUCHLAN. New Haven, December 2, 1901. The lius'ness will be carried on at 12(1 Unlun Htreet under the name of The Mac Printing corporation. d(J at For Sale. A two-family house situated on Kim berly avenue. Price J4,00O. This is bargain and must be sold on account of owner leaving the city. FOR PENT. The store No. 69 Lamberton street, suitable for Grocery, Meat, or Drug business. ' Nlmey to Loan in Sons ta Suit L.G. HOADLEY, ROOM 2, HOADLET BUILDING, 49 CHURCH STREET. Office Open Evenings. No. 314 Crown Street, FOR Snle. this flue piece of property, con sisting or nnnusome nricK residence ana lot 50 z 35 feet. Is offered for sale at a low price. A rare opportunity for some one. For terms apply to W. D. JUDSON. Boom S, 808 CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, The Colburn Residence, No. 246 Church Street. 6,000, less than assessment. &.BDNBR MORSE & SOI 851 CHAPEL STREET. FREDERICBROWN WELLS Heal Estate Broker, Room 27 Benedict Building, feStChureiidtreet. For Rent. Only SHEET MUSIC Be. per copy. A. B. Clintrm, 37 Church street. DON'T OFT TN TTTR WRONO PT.AfR If vou are looking for Loomls' Music is the store with the Blue Signs, 833 Chapel St. IT COSTS NOTHING To inspect the pianos at A. B. Clinton's, 37 Church street. d2 Ot $2.00. TUNE TOUR PIANO? A. B. Clinton, 37 Church street. IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST PIANO, there is only one best, and that is the Emerson, sold only at Jjoomls', 833 Chapel St. Blue Signs. Don't get in the wrong place... . v.. . ' Eln house In block overlooking Ornnttc Htreet, No. 3H THUMP.ULL BTHFR'T. Attractive Interior. All modern Im provements. Heated by steam. Apply, N. ALBERT HOOKER, dD 7t No. 600 STATE STREET. Move than half n century apo KEN. NUDY 8 name stood for the best baking In New England. The same name stands to day for the best Putter Thin Biscuit. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICH IS HKIlKBi' C.I VEX, Tiut I'uu partnership heretofore exiallug between tho undersigned under the partnership name of O. V. Hcubleln, Bro. A Co., is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. The busbies will be continued by the J. V. Niederpruem Company, Incorporated, aud all accounts due to said partnership Hliould be nald to said Company, and all debts of the said partnership will be paid by said Company. New Havon, Conn., December 2, 1(101. OTLRKRT F. IIKURLTOIN. LOUIS F. HEUBLEIN, Partners as G. K. Hcubleln Rm. J. WILLIAM NIEDERPRUEM. ' d4 lit NEW MILLINERY PARLORS. LADIES' own material used when desired. Ladies' Dress Caps. MRS. K. R. MULLOT, n4 3m 218 Orange street For Sale, Fine house and lot on Pros pect street at about two-thirds the valuation. 54 Wall Street. hands, porters, girls for seneral hoiiMtm,. waitresses, gurdeners, cooks, laundrea, housekeepers, etc. Germans, Swedes. others needing situations, should r . and those requlriutf superior help eai't ' furnished at the above office. German . English spoken. . 0 " 3$U8cellxttears. B. II. MVILOKY AUCTIONEER and Appraleor, 141 Orav Household galea a specialty. jyg ij Patent 8tnre llrlelr Innf lnner. VOit SALK, FINE six sent family slelch. In nerf order. CItUTTENDEN & CO.. d5,J WOll 8ALJ-1,000 set fatent Stove Hit every set warrauted one yeur. Ordure 1 reived 7W HTATK 8THBKT. lo$i ,v : BOSTON terrier puppy. Femal. Col biindlc, with white breast. Liberal t ward If returned to 200 ORCHAI STREET. . - dfl it t'aleut bio ye Urtuk Hi nny aiure. los r, - ... ' A MALE bull terrier p'uppy, 10 months o' Pure white, with yellow spots around I eye. Answers to name of "Billy." " ward if returned to 28 ELM STREET. do 3t . . : :. HAZEL'S Mentha Cures ulgla, and Asthma. Headache, N dl 1. Patent Store Brick are Cheapen. M A t Y J. W Itl i HT. M. Da MEDICAL and Clairvoyant. 27 High gtrr Correct predictions relating to buait health, (natters in general. Hours: 1 and Evenings. Consultation, $1.00.: JOHN J. OSBORN. Insurance and Real Estc 828 Chapel Street. Office d4 et With JOHN T. SLOAN. ASK your Druggist for HAZEL'S Mer cure. ........ ,. fl4 j MASSAGE and Electricity. SatlsfaO treatments given by Miss Lecke, grs of C. T. S. Facial massage One Den Electricity with uiassHKa Induces al, restores strength, relieves rheums and paralysis. 112 ASYLUM STRKEx, Take Sylvan Avenue Qar. . . . n30 tf Patent Store Brick Baka Beak Holiday Seaso; BLUB POINT OYSTERS -" on the half shell, smothered In ice, d. livered whenever you say U Veady t serve. . ' .. . choice nsH. - : . Salmon, White, Halibut, Smelt, P Bass, Striped Bass, Black Fish, Tffli Lake White and Flounders. . " Live Lobsters, Hard Crabs, Sdollot Round and Long; Clams and Finn J Haddle. A. FdDlfi C' 353 State St., or Tel. Z: G HOLIDAY FURNITURE CHOICE, -ODD ArO EXCLUSIVE Many odd and choice pieces of Fine Fnrnltnre snitablQ for Holiday Presents ready. Beautiful designs that ant exclusive, showina; as a; whole extraordinarily artis tic and attractive values. NOTE Goods secured now re- served for future delivery. n tic DftUlflllflrl UUIfUllbif furniture Co. : 100 to 106 Orange SJ. Established 1824. OASTOHIA. t i ty:J i; ... H il. aV- Basra the I ln" MVI m ""''""E 6.-. Blgaatara of