Newspaper Page Text
KE1V HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1902 7 Absolutely Pure and Wholesome Baking Always Gives Perfect Satisfaction AT THE TIERNAN GALLERIES. Foreign Countries and Cities Shown in the Cosmos Pictures. It is an almost universal custom to bring home from foreign travel e, quan tity of unmounted photographs, which without fail begin to crack and roll long before the convenient moment for mounting them comes. Very often these pictures are unsatisfactory, but, being purchased on the spot, possess a certain charm which glamours over the plain and undeniable faults of the pictures. A number of returned travelers have said at the exhibition of Cosmos pic tures now being given at the Tiernan art galleries, S27 Chapel street, that if they had known of these they would not have taken the bother to select views abroad. They find all that they want fn the Cosmos lists and find them per fectly satisfactory. All the important cities of Italy are represented Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples, Pisa, Paestum, Pompeii. Among the French cities Paris, Versailles, Nice, Amiens and Nimes are pictured. In Germany Cologne and Heidelberg are conspicu ous; in Spain Grenada, Seville and Cor dova show their famous buildings, while Greece, Switzerland, Egypt, Pal estine, Syria, India and Turkey bring up the tail of the procession. These views of foreign countries and cities are all printed -with the perfection for which the Cosmos pictures are not ed, and as they come In series already assorted they are readily had. Those who wish to make their own selections are welcome to do so, and can make up their own combinations and groups en tirely independent of those chosen by the Cosmos people and put up in con venient portfolios, indexed on the outside.. YALE'S NEW LAUNCH. Will Greatly Facilitate Development of the Crew. The new coaching launch, which, it is expected, will greatly facilitate the development of the university crew this year, is almost ready for delivery. Tha launch will be fifty feet long and eight feet beam. It will be double planked, the outer plank being of mahogany. It is guaranteed to attain a speed of nine teen miles an hour, and it is hoped that it will be capable of making even better time than this. All the latest appliances in references to its stearing GLADSTONE ON CHAMBERLAIN. The Former's Prediction of Trouble Bomeness Recalled by Mr. Godkin, London, Feb. 21. E. L Godkin, for mer editor of the Evening Post of New York, writing to the 'Westminster Ga zette with reference to Joseph Cham berlain, the colonial secretary, says that when Jlr. Chamberlain deserted the liberals he (Mr. Godkin) asked Mr. Gladstone, through a correspondent, for information concerning Mr. Chamber lain. Mr. Gladstone's reply was: "Chamberlain is the first politician we have had of the American type, and he is destined to give a great deal of trouble." North American ........ Pnelue Mall H. 8. Co . . . IVmisylvmiia ii. H Pitts., On., Chic. & tit. " " Pf Pressed Steel Car Pi COMING UP THE COAST. Worst of the Storm Yet Expected by the Weather Observer. It was stated at the local weather bu reau last night that there was a proba bility that the storm would continue for two days longer. The center of the storm area yesterday was at Charles ton, S. C.,. and it was moving north- Western Union Telegraph Co . 92 . 4tt'i . 84 .ll.'i . !Mtf Pnllcan l'nlncc Car Co yis Heading fHi " " 1st pf 8l-: I " " ad f US Hep. Iron & Stral Co n " " pt Southern Railway com 32 " " Pf ''"' Southern Pai'itlo tH3 St. I.ouls & Kan KnuiHsco 1:014 St. Louis & Southwestern 251,4 " Pf 57i Tennessee Coal & Jnm HT.j Third Avenue? 12! Teaxa & Pucitlc 4i i Twin City Rapid Transit It Union Hag & Paper Co luu " " pf ; 7-f Union Pnclflc , 101 " Iff fS!l'i U. S. Express Co , 114 U. S. Leatiiw Co 3.1 14 " " Pf HVk V. 8. It nbber Co 4 J " " pf 57 V. S. Steel 4S " " pf IM14 Wabash zm ... ." " Pf vveiis-liargo express y-o lyo ward. There is a possibility that it will pass out to sea before reaching this sec tion, but if it continues on up the coast the worst of the storm Is yet to come. f How An Tow Kldneyi 1 Pr. HoMs' Bnarasaii Pills euro all kidney Ills, gam Wheeling & Liiice Erie t pf OO'a 82V4 01 47 ll!l;s ST 40 h; 221 t ii'i XI l. 581 711 ti-i-'js ifi Tf8;4 tiT'i'a i:u 41 i ltf 80 ltn 'i 117 U'Xt 8114 3 Mi &8' 44 1)4 M 42 W) IJl) 20 a2 ffhmuctitl. C'overiimont Bourlu. Bid. Aslicl. fTimttictal. T1IK STOCK MA11K&T. Recover from Thursday'! Slmck-Ilu-mon Abont morgan. New York, Feb. 21. The action of the stock market this morning demonstrat ed rirettv nonnlnslvelv thnt fcnpnnlatlvft gear will, be used, its engines 1 win oe sen(iment and overcome the shock o. Klinuur 11 ' muse ui. luw xuie. xue tt-eei runs only two-thirds of its length, al lowing it to turn very quickly. The boat will draw but three feet. The ! the Northern agreement stipulates March, 1 as the day of delivery. PATRIOTIC ENTERTAINMENT. CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB. Meeting of the Governing Board New Members. At a meeting of the governing board of the Corinthian Yacht club at Yale, held Thursday-night, the following men were elected members:. From 1903 F. J. O. Alsop, C. C. Auch incloss, C. R. Auchincloss, M. C. Fitch, R. K. Clark, W. Frew, W. S. Fulton', R. Lyons, A. K. Oliver, G. F. Porter, L. A. Sayre, W. Sullivan, W. D. Waldroru From 1904 F. C. Baldwin, T. II . Beardsley, F. T. Dodge, W. L. Mitchell, N. N. Rupp, C. H. Snell and H. M. Tut tle. 'From 1904 S. W. H. Barnum, P. H. Cunningham, R. F. Darsie, H. L. Fer guson, H., B. Fisher, G. S, Hasbrouck, O. A. Lewishon, E. S. Moore. F. G. No ble, J. E. Owsley, W. V. Peck, E. H. Putnam, W. L. Studley, H. A. Watson, H. K. Welch. From 1905 C. J. Chapman. F. P. Fra iler, S. FiHh, jr., C. N. Fowler, B. Hol lister, C. L. Lawrence, F. B. Lord, jr., 8. L. Mather, J. W. Minturn, F. B. Por ter, H. A. Raymond, A. Reld, G. P. Rogers, E. E. Spalding, H. B. Spalding, R. H. Thomas, G. Thompson, D. M. Wishard, E. S. Whitehouse. New dories have been ordered by S. L. Mather, 1905 S. Whitehouse and R. H. Thomas, 1905, S. Fish and B. Hollis ter, 1905. Any others who desire new boats should order them at once in or der to have them delivered before the lacing season begins. Orders should be left with R. H. I. Goddard, jr., at 30 Vanderbilt. Boys and Girls Over Eight Years Old. Invited. The ladies committee of the Histori cal society invite boys and girls over eight years old to a patriotic entertain ment to be given to-day at 3 o'clock at the Historical society building, 144 Grove street. There will be a hort address on Na than Hale, some good music, several negro dialect stories and one or two humorous recitations. Admission free. THE ART OF THE AMERIND. A class is being formed at the Young Women's Christian association for the study of the art of basketry. This very useful art is soon to be in troduced in the courses of the public schools. Special instruction given to teachers. All interested in this industry of the Amerind are invited to call at the Young Women's Christian association, 568 Chapel street, where an exhibition of this work is being given afternoons and evenings by the instructor. YALE FORESTRY STUDENTS To Mark Our Mr. Harrlman's Wood lands. E. H. Harriman, the railroad capital ist, who owns 15,000 acres of woodland near Tuxedo Park, N. Y., has arranged with the Yale forest school for an ex amination and markingout of the prop erty. Professor Graves, head of the school, with a body of its students, will undertake the work during the coming spring. Bears the A Ttlfi Kind Villi HilVB Always BOIIgM ADMIRAL FOOTE RELIEF CORPS. To Attend Divine Service at the First M. E. Church. The ladies of Admiral Foote Relief corps No. 3 have received a cordial in vitation of the First Methodist Episco pal church to attend service on Febru ary 23 at 7:30 p. m. Something That 1 (II IJo Von Good. We know of no way in which we can be of more service to our readers than to tell them of something that will be real good to them. 1 For this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of the very best remedies on the market for coughs, colds and that alarming complaint, croup. . We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it with such good re sults in our family so long that It has become a household necessity. By its prompt use we haven't any doubt but that it has time and again prevented croup. The testimony is given upon our own experience, and we suggest that our readers, especially those who have small children, always keep it In their homes as a safeguard against croup. Camden fS. C.) Messenger. For sale by all druggists. fered by yesterday's unexpected an nouncement of the proceedings against Securities j company. Stock held on margin and by timid hold ers had been sold out yesterday appar ently and the forced liquidation com pleted. There was very little need for supporting' orders in the market this morning. It . was generally supposed that stocks bought yesterday, for sup port had been unloaded on the rally as insiders gained confidence that no seri ous break In prices was impending. By the second hour the selling had fallen to such small proportion that the mark et was practically stagnant, and a few stocks gained additional strength as the day progressed and led a substantial rally, which placed prices quite gener ally above last night's close. The issu ance of the bank statement seemed to be the turning point of the market. The cash item was practically unchanged. And the restriction of the loan expan sion to less than $5,000,000 reassured the uneasy sentiment that credit resources were being taken up at too headlong a lace. The call money rate eased off to 2 per cent., under the showing of the bank statement and the reduoed re quirements for speculative purposes'. The cessation of forced liquidation and the development of strength in a num ber of stocks drove the shorts to cover. It was at this period of the day that ex pressions began to be heard that It would be well after all to have a judi cial pronouncement upon the status of the Northern Securities company and clear the title not only of its securities but of others concerned in mergers. It was also reported that J. P. Morgan had gone to Washington to confer with President Roosevelt and room traders turned to the bull side, gave each other comforting assurances that Mr. Morgan was going to put stocks up. Amalga mated Copper was erratic, rising at one time over a point, but closing practic ally unchanged. Manhattan also failed to hold its full gain of 1. American Snuff rose 5 and the preferred 2. Unit ed States rubber stocks were strong. Outside of these the striking gains were in less prominent stocks. Renewed strength in the exchange market cor roborated the expectation that more gold will be exported next week. Bonds were rather irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,385,000. Closing Pt-tcca. Following are the closing prices reported by t'liuce & Wliltely, :uuEera ami BroKerj, D2 Broadway, Muiv iork, uud -5 Center fit.. New lluvei'. A . Bid. Asked. 2s, reg., 1930 .... 2a, coup., lO.'iO .. 3s, reg., 1908 ... 3s, coup., 1008 .. 3s, small bonds 4s, coup., 1H07 .. 4s, reg., 1925 4s, coup., 1925 . , 6s, reg., 1904 5s, coup., 1904 .. I). C. 8, 65s ...109 moO'i ...109 UllMVt ...WSVi&lODtt ...108i2(ai0914 ...108VaCal()l14 ..412112 ...v.mmisw ...139'A130 .. . JffU'2(ltff ...10HVitOT ...vmm .. 68, Higginson & Co., 44 State Street, Boston. Investment Securities. Circular Sent on Application. n3 8a tl fftuatictitl THE IVES INVESTMENT 00 First Mortgage 6 per cent. Loans. CONSERVATIVE MINING INVESTMENTS. 157 Church Street. KM M HaTBn Ml ESTABLISHED 1792. NEW HAVEN, Jan. 14, 1902. At the Anuual Meetltag of the Stockhold ers of tale Buuk, bulil tuls day, the follow ing named Directors were cuoseu to gecyt for tbe ensuing year, via.: WILBUR P. DAT. HENHY L.HOTCHKISS, LOUIS H. BRISTOL. TIMOTHY DVVIOHT, GEORGE II. iTOWNSEND, THEODORE S. WOOLSEY, HAYES QUINCY TROWBRIDGE. Attenf. ROBERT I. COUCH, Cashier. WILBUR F. DAY. President Ul tt NFIREISURANCE. Large and small lines writ ten in old and reliable com panies. ; 1U BANKERS AND BROKERS, 850 Chapel. Street. YOUR PIANO At short notice and at a small cost. A. B. CLINTON, 37 Church St. IT PIANOS OF ESTABLISHED BIT t STEIiffS 777 CHAPEL Finest and largest list of PIANOS starting with Steinway. Buying for forty stores, we offer inducements a leser business can not command. Low est prices. Easiest terms. Adams Exnress Co 103 Amalgamated Copper tUlii American Car Foundry Co 'Jsi4 pr i at American Cotton. Oil Co a.ljfc " " pt 88 American Express Co 22!i American lee Co 27 , " ' pt -ttCffc American Linseed Co 22 " " pf 48 Am. Sugar Hefluing Co " " pf 118'4 Am. Tobacco Co. pf I KS Auaconda Copper Mining Co ... '121 Atch.. Top. A- Stuita Fe 75 " ' pf fHHt Baltb. & Olno li " " Pf 1)8 Bay State fins Co Brooklyn Rapid Transit 01 Brooklyn Union Uas Co 217 Brunswick Co 11 Canada Southern 85 Canadian Pnclflc 114 Central of New Jersey Ufa Chesapeake & Ohio 45'i Chic. & East lllnols 140(1 " " pf i;i7 Chicago Ureut Western 23 " A pf 841, Chic., Ind. & Louisville 4 " " pf 80 Chle., Mil. & Bt. Taiil. 111:114 " " Pf .1Wj Chic & N. W. Lig Chic, It. L & Pac 1H) Chic, St. P., M. & Omnlia ....1:15 Cleveland. C, C. 4- St. I. KKIU Col., Hocking V. & Toledo 87 Colorado Fuel & Iron 81(14 Colorado Southern U014 Consolidated Uas Co Continental Tobacco Co p 110 Del. & Hudson Canal Co 1 7 Mi He!., Lackawanna & W i!82 " Denver & Rio Grande pf HHi Erie 1st pf Hi,f, " " 2d pf r.r. Ccneral Electric Co 88!fVi Glucose Sugar Refinery '4:1 " " Pf 103 Great Northern iff 184 jtnnois f enrrai Internnlirfnal Paner Co ,' " Iff 75. International Silver Co " " Pf Iowa Central ......... Laclede tlas Co Luke Erie & Western . Pf Manhattan Elevated .. Metropolitan St. Ry ... Mexican Central Mexican National This signature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative RromnOuminf Tahlntu V V'iS00'th9 remedy tljat enrt-B cold In quo Ottf. .... fi',i , ... 4W.4 :::: 07 ,...1111 .... PL-US , .... 2SV4 . ... Iip.4 Mo.. Kan. & Texas 24'a Iff 54 Missouri Pacific 102'', National Biscuit 47i,i National Lead Co 17G " pf 80 X. Y. Air Brake 151 N. Y. Cent. & Hudson ...1H2 X. Y., Chic. vV St. Louis 49 X. Y. & New Haven 211 N. Y.. Ontario & Western :i!l Norfolk & Western till " " pf 00 215 !) 20 88 31 2;io 27V8 ui.i 221,4 4!) 120 It!) 152 mi 07 103 0414 02 220 101.4 Hi ll.-f 105 4514 141 l-IO 2i'a 85 II I 80 Mt 1IH) 217 14.t 100 118 811(4 20'-!s 221 11(1(4 H2 38 14 08 50 211014 45 108 .185 i:w 75 47(4 47 no til) :i4 11 lf8.yi 28 K04 24 54 102 "a 47 1H Sli 157 , 1H3 4H14 212 :i4 nt'M S)2 Securities for Sale. New Haven Water Co. Stock. New Haven Gas Light; Co. Stock. Southern New England Telephone Co. Stock. Cons. Elec. Light of Portland, Me., Stocfc. Winchester Ave. It. R. Co. Stock. United Illuminating Co. 4 p. c. Bonds. Conn. Lighting & Power fi's. 5 New Haven St. Ry. fi's (Kdgewoods). Rldgcfleld Water Supply Co. 5"s. Evansvllle Electric Ry. 4's. C. E. 'THOMPSON J SONS, Investment Brokers. 102 Orange Street. $10,000 First Mortgage, R per cent., SO year Gold Bonds of the PORT JERVIS ELECTRIC LIGHT POWEIt GAS AND RAILROAD COMPANY, Consolidated PORT JERVIS, NEW YORK. Dated Jnn. 1st, 1902. Due Jan. 1, 1932. A First-class 5 per cent. Investment. James B. Smith, 130 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN, CONN. INVESTMENTS. New Haven Water Stock. S N. B. Telephone Mlook. V. II. A- "Westville Slock. Second National Bank Stock. National N. H. Bank Stock. S. jN. K. Telephone 5'r. . Housalonie Consul. ,Vs. Int'i Silver Co.'s fi's. Middlesex Banking Co. 6's. FOE BALE BY The Ghas. W. Scranton Co. Investment Broker., 103 Orange Street. Securities for Sale. $5,000 Internut'l Silver Co.'s 0's. $5,OUU Norwich St. K.v. 1st Mtg. 5's. $5,000 Huusatouic K. R. Co. B's of ll);i7. 15.000 Swift & Co.'s 1st Mtg. 5's. $5,000 Conn. H. R. & Llght'g 4(4's. $5,000 SI 11 ni ford, Ct., Gold 3Va's of 1021. $1,500 Guilford, Ct., Water Co.'s B's. $5,000 Lynn & Boston R. R. B's 1024. 35 shs. Winchester Ave. U. H. stock. 20 shs. Detroit & Hillsdale Old Stock. 50 shs. Sharon Railway II p. e. Gtd Stock. 50 shs. I'eck. Stow & Wilcox Co.'s Stock. 88 shs. Southern N. E. Tel. Stock. FOR SALE BY NEWTON & PARISH. Investment Bankers, No, 8G Orange St. Securities for Sale. South. New England Telephone 6's. Boston & N. Y. Air Line R. R. B's. International Silver 0's. St. Lawrence & Adirondack R. R. 6's (N, Y. Central & Hudson System), Swift & Co. 5's. Middlesex Bank Co. Dob, 6's. Hartford Street R. R. 1st 4's. Winchester Avenue R. R. New Haven Gas Light Co. "gnttvtxiVLtntuts. Business Mens Carnival, Feb. 26 and 27. Sale of seats begin Monday at Hyperion. Tickets, 50 Cents. f20-22-24-25 4t gttteYtxttttttruts. NEW HAVEN PAINT AID CLAY GLOB. FEBRUARY 18 to MARCH, 8, ,703 CHAPEL STREKT. ' OIL PAINTINGS. WATER COLORS. MINIATURES, STAINED GLASS, etc. Open dally, 10 a. in. to 5.30 p. mT Saturday Evenings from 7.30 to 10 o'clock. Admission 20 cents, Season tickets i!5 cents. flM-20-22-25-27 ml 6tp P o L I S Pr nnd WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24. THE JOSCARYS. GBNARO nnd BAILEY. LBROY and WOODFORD. LITTLE and PRITZKOW. Many Others. lees, Mat., 10c and 20c. Ere., 10c, 20c, owe jnit.'n ni i.wii., jia-. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, Matinee and Nlcht. " ? Return Engagement of - MY ANTOINETTE. '.,sat5,.on S!lIe Thursday. Prices, $1.60. ' fl.OO, 75 cents. . . MONDAY NIGHT, FEBRTJART 21. FRANK KEENAN IN The Hon. John Grigsby. Seats on sale Friday. Prices, $1.60, $1.00. 75 cents. . . ffttiatixtat TUESDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 2S. ' The Chinese-English Musical Comedy . ' SAN TOY ANGUSTIN DAT.Y MTisrrir. m ' Seats on sala Satnrdnr. Prlr.oo 1 ka ",. $1.00, 75 cents. ' Yi,W K1MSERLY, ROOT & DAY. Private Wires to N. Y. and Boston. This is the season to secure Safe Deposit Boxes. The Safe Deposit Vault of our Company is equal to any in the State, being of modern construction and having all the most approved appliances. Boxes can be rented at $5 per annum. Storage for bullion and valuable articles in fire proof vaults according to the space occupied. Tto.Mif'flamTmt Co, 42 Church Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. J.L. McLEAN & C0., COMMISSION BROKERS, ' 25 Broad Street, New York. MEMBERS N. Y. Consolidated Stock Exchange, N. Y. Produce Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Stocks, Bonds, Crain and Cotton Bought and Sold for Cash or carried on - margin. NEW HAVEN OFFICE, 843 Chapel Street, Hubinger B!dg. NORMAN A. . TAN N Kit, Mgr. Direct Private Wires. 'Phone 1043. nl tf THE National Tradesmens Bank NEW HAVEN, CONN. Capital and Undivided Profits $570,000. William T. Fields, President, itouen ilji Xfiywu, v lue- ieameuL, Robert Foote, Cashier, H. W. Thompson, Ass't Cashier, DIRECTORS: K. A. Drown, K. Henry Barnes, A. II. KImberlT. - Win. T. Fields. Lynde Hnrrisoui Geo. T. Bradley, Henry Presenilis, II. W. Thompson, S. B. Shoninger. ACCOUNTS INVITED. PriBce&WWtelT, BANKERS AND BROKERS, h. 62 Broadway, New Yirk, AND 15 Center Strsst. Ntw Haven Members N. Y. Stock Exchange, Prodnco exchange, ana cnicago Boara oi xraae. C. B. BOLMER. Manager New Haven Branch. ALL CLASSES OF RAILWAY STOCKS and BONDS, also GRAIN, PROVISIONS ana cuitun, bhuumt au huijU um COMMISSION. Connected by Private Wire with New York, Boston una cmcago. Investment' Securities. HYPERION. MATINEE AND NIGHT. SATURDAY, FEB. 22. Washington's Birthday, . TUB ALFRED E. AARON S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY : IN THE , LATEST LONDON SUCCESS, ' " MY ANTOINETTE. By George Dance and Ivan Caryll, Aim thors of the "Girl From Paris," "Lady Slavey," etc, . I WITH -V' JOSEPHINE HALL BILLY B. VAN, HARRY CORSON CLARKE, GILBERT GREGORY. FRANK SMITHSONJ4 NELLIE O'NEIL. DO CHORUS 60 . , "A PEEP BEHIND THE SCENES." H. C. WARREN & CO., BANKERS, DEALERS IN Seats now on sale. Prices, $1.60,' Jl.OOj i 750, 60c. :. ' ... vfi HYPERION. Monday, February 24, 1080range Street. A CAREFUL MAN, trying to thaw out his water Dines, suddenly finds his house on tire, iso water to use pipes rrozen solid -and soon no nonse nna no nirniturc. A WISH MAN would have his house and furniture insured, and soon have house and furniture restored. MORAL Insure at North's, n8 tt 70 CHURCH STREET. Established 1H4. I can recommend this stock for investment, it is a regular monthly dividend payer and will continue to be for a lifetime. There are two large properties, Gold and Copper covered by the one stock. COPPER-INDEPENDENT CONSOLIDATED MINING CO. DIVIDEND NOTICE. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 15th Inst, the regular monthly dividend of one-half cent per share was1 declared, and will be paid from the office of M. V. Little & Co., . 61 Court. Street, Boston, Mass., on February 27th to all stockhold ers of record at the close of business on February 25th, 1902, W. P. BLAKE, Treasurer. Its earning capacity and dividends will be Increased three-fold inside of five months, when the copper property ia developed and 800 ton concentrator completed. The dividends being paid now are entirely from the earnings of the gold mine. Call or address for particulars JOHN W. SOHROEDER, 315 Washington Building, 39 Church St. ATTRACTION OF POSITIVE MERIT, One of the Best Things of the Season, The Distinguished Doctor MR FRANK s KEENAN; "With Cast, Scenery, Properties, Furnl ture a,nd every Accessory direct from a triumphant season at , The Manhattan Theatre New YorK, In the Refreshing American Charactei , Comedy, ; ( Hon. John Grigsby By Charles Klein. "Too much praise cannot be girej Mr. Keenan." - ALLAN DALE, in N, T. Journal. "The great American play for whiclf we have all been waiting." TOWN TOPICS, New York. , Seats now on sale. Prices, $1.60, ll.OGj 75 cents. " j INVESTORS. The Kaasan Bay Mining Co.'s Stock is now selling for 50 cents per share par value $1.00. The Company owns large tracts of Timber Land, Copper Mines, Trading Post, Hotel, Sawmill, and Shingle Mill, and is now erecting a large Salmon Packing Plant with capacity of 50,000 cases. Investors may reasonably expect large dividends soon, and the advance of stock, to par. The Ives Investment Co., 157 CHURCH STREET, Telephone 1408-6. NEW HAVEN, CONN. THURS., FBI., SAT., VBB. 20, 21, 22. HOLIDAY MATINEE SATURDAY. T. W. DINKINS' Own Company, The Innocent Maids. Week Feb. 24., Bennett-Moultou Co. WARNER'S HALL, .1044 CHAPEL STREET. SIX COOKING LECTURES By Mvriie Ethslyn Robinson, (Graduate ' of Boston .Normal School at Domestic Science.) FEBRUARY 24-25-t-27-28, at 2.30 r.. m., and FEBRUARY 20, at 10 o'clock a. m. All I-adles cordially Invited. Souvenir Honk to tlvst 100 la the Hall Monday, at 2.30 p. m. Admission Free, Took Books Free. Rrlnij Fork and Spoon f21 3tg BE SURE TO SEE THE Cosmos Pictures ART OF THB WORLD. Tiernan's Art Galleries, ! 827 CHAPEL, STREET. met .:. ;