Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MORNING JOUHNAL AND COURIER, THURSDAYS, FEBRUARY 27, HWl KhW HAVKS, (JOSS. TUK ULUU'l' UAIL.Y WPH PUIS LIMHKU IS CO.NAIKCTICUT. THE CARniNGTON PUBLISHING CO Office 400 State Stiikkt. 1UH WUKKLY JOVUSAI., Iuued, Ou Dollar a Yr. Deuvmd bv Carriers is the City 15 Cents a Week, 50 Cent's a Month, 43 for Six Months, to a Year. Tub " Same Terms bv Ma ii ADVERTISING KATES. situations, arjvertisenio nu'tion. Kive (Miven times), .DVEItTISING RATES. , Wai.U, Itent. unU o ber sman tints, ouc Cent a '''XLck ive Cents a Word for a full wecK cellcnt condition unrl excellent spirits, IiuniiiPES is thriving, notwithHtuiiding the unfavorable weather, and mer chants and farmers look forward to an other creat year. Display advertlKPiuf-nts, per Inc-i. one in rtlou, 1.20; each "bciuent nsertli.n ,U, UU i - 15 $8.'. verse, vert I cnuta; one week, wanr .11 Obituary Notices, In oross ,"' cents per line. Notices or Kr"'"Vj each, RK, Deaths, and Kimerals, 00 centJ tm-.i, Uir-Hl Notices, IS per line. ,, lr Vearly advertisers are Hmltcfl to v ni own immediate business (all f,r A0 t nnohlectlotiiihle). and their contracts ao Inrlntln Want. To Let, Kor Sale, etc. Charles Payne, of Wichita, Kansas, has presented to the Zoological Gardens of St. Louis a pure white quail caught recently in southern Oklahoma. He ex presses the opinion that of every two million quails not more than one is an albino, A l-nOFVKHEO II A M. Prince Henry didn't come over here solely to have a good time, though he will have that' if he can stand the racket. At the big banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria last night he spoke defi nitely of "the nature of his mission." He sald:s "His majesty the Emperor has minutely studied the recent and rapid development of the United States, and his majesty Is well aware of the fact that yours is a fast-moving nation. His sending me to this country may therefore be looked upon as an act of riendshlp and courtesy with the one esire of promoting the friendlier rela tions between Germany ana tne unueu States. Should you be willing to grasp a proffered hand you win nnu euni a one on the other side of the Atlantic ocean." This utterance will give some of the Europeans the shivers. In this coun try It will be regarded as a tactful com pliment to our greatness and power. Incidentally, 1 may say, remarks 'Arnold White in . his London letter, "that the United States Is held to gain immensely by the Anglo-Japanese al liance. Once more, it is urged, Ameri- can chestnuts are being extracted with feline docility by Britannia from the firs in the Far East." ' ; The Paris Matin says that ex-Captain """" Treyfus recently engaged a flat in the Boulevard Haussman, in a house of which Baron Rothschold is the owner, and that the baron, -who is in Australia, cabled to his representatives in Paris to cancel the lease at any cost. Dreyfus agreed to abandon the flat on condition that the expenses which he had con ''" tractea were paid by Baron Rothschild. ' A white-haired assistant in the li brary of congress is quoted as saying that only twice in forty-two years has ; a national legislator sent for a copy of the Bible. The second application for the sacred book was made only a few days ago by Dr. Galllnger of New Hampshire. Perhaps the national leg- ' islators know the Bible so well that they don't need to look at it. The London county council street rail road experts have drawn up an inter esting table setting forth the number of ' passengers using per year some of the most important termini in the world. Here it is: Grand Central, New York, -'I,000,000; South Union, Boston, 21,000, 000; North Union, Boston, 23,108,000; Broad street, London, 27,000,000; Park er street subway, Boston, 27,400,000; - Waterloo, London, ?8,659,000; St. Laz- are, Paris, 43,062,000; Liverpool street, London, 44,377,000. The butter dealers of Boston are ask ing the Massachusetts .legislature to repeal the aw which requires renovated .butter to be stamped so that every purchaser shall know its quality. They "claim that renovtaed butter is eupe rlor to much of the butter which cornea from the farms. They say it is made ur of "odds andf ends" which cannot ho onlr! in that form, and that no harmful substances are put into it They also say that the placing of the word "renovated" on every package de tracts from its ealability. Postmaster General Payne has decld ed on a new stamp, particularly design ed for the foreign mail service. It is to be of a denomination new to the postal service 13 cents. At present it i impossible to send a registered letter through the foreign mails without using two stamps, one of five cents, to pay the postage, and one of eight cents, to pay the cost of registration. When the 13-cent stamp is on sale this will, of course, be obviated by the use of one stamp. The design of the stamp pro videa for a portrait of President Harrl son, which is an excellent likeness. Mr, Harrison is shown seated at his desk in the Executive Mansion. A curious suit is on in-Hardinsburg Kentucky, the seat of a fashionable eeminary for girts. Four fair students escaped from their rooms after night fall 'by means of a ladder of ropes and partook of a supper with four young men. The girls were expelled and the fathers of three of them, refusing to pay the bills for their tuition, have brought action to recover damages from the seminary on the ground that the Institution failed to exert and ex erclse the proper care over and failed to Rive proper moral inclination to the of tenners, uieieby permitting thcrr. commit indiscretions whereby their good names and reputations have been Injured. Without" fHem we Would" know very -lit. -.f -Moicico -liave not yet been closed, and .!.. of the world about us. Lacking the most tempting opportunities remain. t- xr,t vew lit- U if, therefore, reasonable to expcci c"' , , , T. ,.th that the next decade will witness unti tle of the world about him. But wltn gua) progresg m Mexlcall industrial lift-, them we have come to know a great ln mjnlng( 8ystematie methods of pro deul. We have come, for one thing, to epecting and surveying are being em see that our senses give us reports only ployed; water-power is being investiga. see mat our s n numbero ted and developed; and the railway of a comparatively, bm.ll numbei o ; syatem of the cuntrv is receiving im comparatively gross stimuli. i portant additions, opening up promis It is fortunate that we are able to ng regions that were hitherto almost make up for some of our deficiencies by inaccessible, and thus giving an impe inventing thingsand the ability to do tus to the development of the 'Ich ogri invemitifa b , cultural lands of southern Mexico. In that must be counted In considering our dcationB of progresa aiong these lines construction. It is also to be remem- Bre afforded by the formation of large bered that there are many people who prospecting companies backed by the rR nhlR tn think that they are made , moBt conservative American and Euro- ; Change in Business about right. 'Oil, I'toiulie Mel ' AGAISST llVliliT SFKCVLAlOltS. People all over the country who have been victimized by New York specula tors In theatre tickets will be interested in and pleased by a decision by Judge Scott of the Supereme court in Manhat tan. The suit was brought by a specu lator whose tickets had been refused by Manager Hayman at the door of the Knickerbocker Theatre. The court re affirmed former decisions that a theatre ticket is a license which is not trans ferable without the consent of the licensor and that it may be revoked even in the hands of the original pur chaser for cause. This means that any manager can drive speculators away from his house whenever he wishes to do so. It has been more than suspected that the big speculators in theatre ticKeis in New York were sometimes simply agents of the houses. The decision of Judge Scott makes the situation clear, and hereafter managers of theatres who really want and mean to fitor specula tion in tickets can do it. The public can also do it by declining to be "easy marks" for speculators. Ob, promise me that yon will not forget; I kiinw you say you will not, but 1 doubt As women ever must doubt men, and yet I cannot let you leave me now without Aiisnrunce new. Oh, say It tlieu once more! You'll not forget, loll know my bitter need. , , I know what men are. Ever 1 forbore To burden you. Hut j-ou must not, In di cd. Ob, promise me! The whirl ot pleasure and the nctive strife You will cngago in yes, you shako your bead, , Hut aU, my dear, do I not know man e life.' You will remember some time what 1 said, I think, but will It not then be too lateV 1 may not be with you I must not fret; I must resign myself to chance and fate, But, dear one, once more say you'll not forget, Oh, promise me! pean capital; by the establishment ol the great water-power plants of Mexi co City and Orizaba; by the opening of scores of tropical plantations; and by the movement of railway consolidation and ' construction now In progress. Thus, the National. and International railways are to be united ho as to form a single broad-gauge line between the northern boundary and the City of Mex. ico; while the railway known as "the Mason Line" will connect the Mexican systems with the Isthmus of Tehuante pec and open up the way to the Central American republics. Professor Taul S. Jteinsch in the Forum. Oh See now, tills thread I promise me! About your finger. What a great, bis fist! It may lie that wi.l keep It in your mind. The cloth to match, and then three spools of twist, , , ,. Two dozen buttons like this one-don t frown; Three and a quarter yards of sarcenet. I can't go, and you've got it wmten apwn. At II (lie stores will close. . forget, Oh, promise me! Chicago News. r lass an. K031ISATIOX HT POST. An Interesting citizens' movement Is moving in the town of Scituate, Massa chusetts. There are 650 voters in Scit uate. Many of them live at some dist ance from the place where the town meeting at which officers are elected is hld. The date of 'this meeting is in March, and that of the usua nominat ing meeting or caucus in February. Frequently the roads are bad In March and worse in the month before, so that attendance upon a caucus often causes a deal of inconvenience and loss of timiv. It was decided to give the voters a chance to express men- incieicia for nominees to the town offices else where than in the usual caucus. A bal lot was sent to each franchise-holder with a list of the aspirants for nomina tion. The ballot was secret, each .voter being asked to return his ballot with the designation of his choice either marked or written in under the seal of the envelopes which accompanied the ballots sent out. More than a majority of the citizens replied, and it is now thought beyond doubt that the ticket so nnmiimtpri will be presented at the town meeting next mortth. Presenta tion of an opposition ticket is not ex cluded by this action, nor is It impossi ble that some other than the ticket al ready named will be the meeting's v,i. There prists no authority for such a procedure in Massachusetts law, but It is regarded as doubtful whether the method could be rejected as plainly contrary to any law. CORSF.TS Made to Order. New Paris Shapes Straight Frost Low Bust, Long Hip HENRY H.TODD 282-284 York St. Elastic Stockings, cto DISCOUNT SALE. Artistic and Valuable Articles in Gold, Sil ver, Bronze, China and Porcelain. ' 20 per cent, to 50 per cent. Discount. El H. Fori Co. 9HXttLtUXL. LEOPOLD VOICE BUILDER.. It dosen't make a , bit of difference to the baby Prince or Peasant! or an American so'long as he may enjoy ridingout on a Heywood Bros, and Wake field Co. Carriage or Go-Cart A special sale of them here -newest styles-lowest prices --easy-payments. P. J. Kelly & Co. FURNITURE FUBNISHEKS, .V Carpets, ltauges, Stoves, 36-38 Church Street, 8 1 7-823 Grand Avenue. District 'of New Haven, sr. Probate Crt v . February 2. KSTATfe of T. AT-rWATKB BAIINE8, late of New Haven, in said District, de ceased. ' .. ' The Court of Probate for the uisirwi " ew Haven hatu limited nnu appmuii. ... oaths from t lie. tlal thereof for t ho creat ors ot snid ueuHiwea- 10 u"" lulms nuiilnst td estate. i nose n u neglect to exhibit tneir- claims wiumi time will be debarred. All persons in debted to said estate ntw requested to mane mniedlate payment to ,.,,..,, THli NEW HAVKN TRUST f!OMPANi, , :t Administrator. f'BUt Mv Edv. A. Bowers, v.-i'. , INr.SKl'KETATIUN, liUFEUTOUtli. FORMERLY INSTRUCTOR, DRICSDHN. ST UDIO, 65 INSURANCE! BU1UHNQ. TllJfci JJESSAUEJuVTUOOSTWIE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 7WJChapal atrooc, will reopen on THURSDAY, September 7th. Office hours dally from 12 to 1 and 4 to 5 p. in. a tf . we Hee For ate A Criticism. Mrs. Stiles "I thought she sang much better In the second act than she did in the first didn't you?" Mrs. Patterns "Oh, yes! After she put that lovely white silk dress on. Brooklyn Life. He fDlanninc an elopement) "And at 12 you sneak out of the house and meet me at the corner. I won't have a car riage, as we must be as economical as possible." She "Oh, I've made papa promise to pay for the carriage." Tit Bits. Emnlover (fiercely) "See here, I told you yesterday morning when you came in half an hour late that you would have to get down earlier!" Clerk "Well, I'm only twenty-nine minutes late this morning." Chicago Daily News. It's an 111 Wind," etc. "Hello, Tom- . , A- 1 ,.nn" my! JNot gone oach. iu Btui "No; I'm in luck. Sis Is going in for measles! But how is it you haven't gone?" "Oh, I'm In luck, top! Our baby Is having whooping cough!" Punch. Willing to Keep It Blewblud "It isn't generally known, but my ances tors came over on the Mayflower." Numskull "Oh, that's all right, old man; don't be afraid of me telling any body, because you can't help what your ancestors did." Chicago State Journal. Up to Date, "I suppose," said Mrs. Gabble, whose husband had been dead scarcely a month, "If I were to go to that five-o'clock tea it would cause a lot of talk." "Naturally,' replied Mrs. Spyte, "unless you should happen to, los your voice." Philadelphia Press. "You can't imagine," said the musical young woman, "how distressing It is when a singer realizes that she has lost her voice." "Perhaps not," replied the man, "but I've got a fair idea of how distressing it is when she doesn't realize it." Bos ton Transcript. Ground for Suspicion. "Laura, these biscuits of yours are unusually fine this morning. I think I never tasted better." "George Ferguson!" here she looked at him' suspiciously "what are you up to now? Are you going to tell me you can't pare the money for those rugs I wanted to buy to-day?" Chicago Tribune. OPENING OF A NEW ERA IN MEX ICO. XTntil quite recently Mexico was not regarded as a eafe place for commer cial and industrial investments. Its potential wealth was recognized, and the possibility of unusually large re turns from Mexican investments was well known; but the political conditions were too unsettled. It was difficult to find men of character and standing who had long experience in lueximu affairs; and the methods of the ordinary Mexican promoters were so untrust worthy that Mexico became in the minds of most people the home of wild cat schemes and South Sea bubbles a view which there was much to justify The Best Scissors ....and Shears. We've been selling recently some steel scissors at JS cts. a pair, and they were worth it. Nickeled cast iron scissors (some times called steel) are worthless at any price so we don't sell them. But the shears and scissors we like to sell are those we call our best. No other store in towri keeps these goods they are too high priced but we have some customers who want the best. - Our best Solid Meet Scissors, 60 cents to $1.80. Oiir best Solid Si eel Shears, $1.00 to $135. r- And the A are worth the money We have several other good, grades at lower prices. V V V Not to see bow cheap we can sell a poor article. But t( to koen a clean, attractive store. worthy of the location: to faithfully serve the customers wbo have patron iacd us liberally for many years, aud to make additions to the number o( those who appreciate good goods and good service. JOHN B. JUDSON, 856 CHAPEL STREET. ! The Kansas City Journal says: The Kansas City Commercial Club has re turned from its excursion through northern Kansas and southern Nabras ka and reports one of the most pleas ant and profitable tours the club has yet made. It was hospitably welcomed wherever it went and found trade con ditions most encouraging. The era of prosperity is still doing business on the svestern prairies. .The people are in. ex- yfOSDKHVVl , BUT SOT fKRFKCT. It is still admitted that we are fear fully and wonderfully made, but some of the scientific gentlemen are discov ering that we are not perfectly made. For instance, in Harper's Magazine for March Mr. Carl Snyder points out that while the eye and ear have long been Tne promoters whom the Mexicans regarded as marvels of mechanism, compared with the implements of a present-day laboratory the sensitive ness of all human organs is gross enough. A photographic plate, coupled with a telescope, will reveal the pres ence of millions of stars whose light does not affect the retina in the least. The microscope too, with Its revela tions of the world of the infinitely small, tells us how crude, after all, is this most delicate of the senses. In deed, we may liken it to a piano where only a single octave, toward the mid dle, sounds. From the ultra violet to the lowest reaches of the spectrum is a range of some nine octaves of light, vi brations, of which, save for our new mechanical senses, we should never have been conscious of but one. The ear hears little of what is going on around us. By means of a microphone the tread of a fly sounds like the tr.imp of cavalry. Our heat sense is very vague; we need a variation of a degree on a thermometer to realize any differ ence in temperature. Professor Lang ley's little bolometer will note the dif ference of a millionth of a degree. Wherever we turn We shall find instru ments which surpass each and all of our senses ia a most humiliating way. eignifloantly call flllbusteres de banco- were doubly unscrupulous, as iney knew the general unfamlliarity ot the nubile with things Mexican, and there fore engaged readily in unsound enter prises without fear of speedy dlscove- ry. riaroia rieuenc, m m ni.j, Market Place," recounts the history of an undertaking of this kind an actual venture which came to Its ignominious end only a short time ago. But things have changed and a new era has begun. In political affairs a re gime of security and etabllity has been gradually established by the group of able men who are controlling the gov ernment. Under the leadership of the veteran president they form a powerful, well-organized party within which per sonal ambitions are loyally subordina te to public ends, and the eventunl successor to President Uiaz is already practically determined upon; so that the fear sometimes expressed lest upon the death of that great ruler the coun try should be in danger of a revolution has no reasonable foundation in fact. With respect to the security of titles and the protection of life and property, Mexico at present leaves little to be de sired. Moreover, conservative business methods are being adopted, and men of the soundest financial standing are be ginning to interest themselves exten sively in Mexican industry. Enough experience has been gathered so that the investor may avoid costly mistakes, while the avenues to great success In the exploitation of the natural wealth Shower IJatli Spray, WITH RUBBER BULBS, TO FIT ANT SIZE FAUCET3. Towel Bars. Sponge Holders. Tumbler Holder). Bath Seats. Soap DIshM. Paper lloidon. Match Holclorj. Robe Hooks. Shower Hath Sprayi. A MOST COMPLETE LINK. THE BRADLEY CO. 158 Orange Street. Plumbing and Heating Contractors Nasal j J The Opportunity of purchasing at $9.00 and $.10.00 respectively a 16 inch or 18 inch oven gas range of last L, year s maice , . Will Soon be gone. I Ladies , Don't fail to attend "the practical cooking demonstrat ions at Warner Hall by Ar,r,.f-; Pt-1-iplvn Knmn- mjfinv- j son, graduate of Boston Normal School of Do 'mestic Science. Instructive and Entertaining. ADMISSIOJf FMEE. (See amusement column.) THE NEW HAVEN Salesroom, 93 Crown St. Telephone 144. TO In all its stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold In the head Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils. spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is lm mediate and a cure follows. It is not .drying-docs not produce sneezing. UirgeJSize, 50 cents at Drag gists or by mai". ; Trial Size, 1" cents. ELY BROTHERS, 86 Warren Street, New York I I tl f I KOAL' OKT03Z! TJSE3X ' ALWAYS ' TJ J3 13 3?. W. F. Gilbert & Co., 66 Church Street -Opposite Postoilice. 11111 -T- Distriet' of NcVWawiu,, ss. Probate Court. ESTATE of M. HOBEKT HETbf.JJ,jV DAVID HKILLY and (JUOItUE -( lil'.lLLY, U .New Haven, in hmi Dis trict; minors. ' The O iHrdlnu having ninde written appli cation for ait -opdm- atrrnorlim? win- em- powering hiin to sell aud comey certain renl estate of suld wardu, (is by said appli cation on tilo lu this court more fully heard and determined at a Court of Pro bate to be held' at New Haven, iu said Dis trict, on tlm 'J7tb duy of February, I WW, at. ten ooiock in niu lorenuuu, lui public nottc of the pendency of said npp!l- utlon, and pt tne time nnu puce ui tuo iearlng thereon, be given by publishing this order tnree tunes in boimh ui;m:siuijci unnus a circulation in eald District. IilVINtiBtUiH VV. UMHWni". . f25 3t ' Judge. District of New Haven, ss. Probate tawrt. reunia.j K STATE of HENRY W. MAOG. late of New Mavpu, in sumi insirii, mi... 4i,i l. Mnirir nf New Haven, having made written application praying that ad ministration of said estate may be grunted, as by snid application on file In this Court more fully nonpars, It is ORDEHHD, That said "application bo heard and determined at a Court of Probate i,o hold at Npw Hiiven. lu said District, on the Jth day of March, 1M02, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, ana unit miouc the pendency of said application, and ot tho tlnie and place of the hearing thereo,-; be given to all parries m ohi oaui.c, By publishing this order three times i : n nJwsnaner having-, a circulation In sud District. . ' , , f2(18t ' - - - in.,.. ni Maw TTiiven. s. Probatt' . C February 25, Jim ESTATE of EMILY- G. FITC , late Kiv en, In said District, d-;eased. The fiVicutor havlu eihlb ted, V niluistrtru in account wt" sum tb s Court lor iS;' ' nunv.nmi Thatrfhe titU da" Cout of Probate totJESaeld In New- Hs In said District, rne same pointed for a hearing vi! the I said account, aud this Court ,.f tin. tlnm and nlace o in ivaii hv niiblishlntr this i , - t uio nowannner hnvlnir a Cl tion ill said District. , ' f2B3tp . , -oun mows r direc if sal jrd Kf meetme 'Ji. Friday,- JViruary 28, when thl f ollowiuii ''xSiHnn rffr Tim irs J. Fa: ffMMlTTEH ON CLAftV The Committee on Claims WM t IIOOIUB JO UUU H lVtWl-rflt. eigni p. petkhjlis fwilb bjf I. ?.Va .. '.K return of taxes ,i .-paid. ; Petition of O'luylen Robert pensatiou for 'services , lender"! 1 r,iin& nf Irtish,!?.. Mn-Jr ,...Dtimi fur ocs r:r- y f Vha Committer on. ..4- Petition ot MlchuV lien Dlacert Petition 01 aumuu i ,, - burseuient of money -sV interest fie - !",.,, Petition of Hartuolemrw- Mulct! funding tho money paid by hini t Petition of H. Bins' ,'lu for J for Injury to property. . jfT Petition of Janics B.-Maiyr on account of ft'Uuie otjf Contagious DlieriW HP f, Petition preseutea,My . for return or jeen w dances, balls or fulls. ii..UMf.n I.llPV A. are hereby notified tor appear .before salt committee auu un . -v. , j Urererorde0rUoef AlderinIECHEB. nnNT TOBACCO SPIT aid SMOKE Your Liieawayl Paint Your House In good taste is an art. Our com . blnntlon color card will assist yon, and will be sent free of charge on application. THOMPSON & BBLDBH 398-393-402-434 STATE ST. PHILADELPHIA. DENTAL EOOIS, 781 Chapel Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN, Telephone. Best Set of Teeth on Rubasr Plate, $8.00 Tnere can be NO better made, no matter bow much Is paid elsewhere. Those living at a distance can come in the moraine and wear their new teeth borne the same dav. L.D. MONKS, D. D. S Office open from 8 . n. to 8 p. nj. aJ3 Irnn Couch Beds. w jfe The only perfect couch jfe bed made.' Frame is all & iron with removable mat. jfe tress. Comfortable, san. jfe itary, indestructable. We have them in thre9 styles, at $14.00, $16.00 and $18. Attest: f!26 3t i-Siniboat Lina, Parlor Suit Bargains. To make room for Spring goods we offer five suits as follows : w Former Tapestry covered, Brocatelle covered, W 4 pes. Price. 50.00 Now 35.00 m m Carpets at $1.00 yd. York, the South, ,and West. , '.. coniinission. ,' 111. w Plush covered, 5 pes. Tpestry covered, 5 pes. Turkish suit, 70.00 75.00 45,00 55.00 : cured ot any fcrtuof ,'obacco using made well, strong magnetic, fiill ot nd vigor by taking MO -TO-BAU, You can be easilr. be mad 1. ... -I- m,n trnnar. MlllY ?'lin ten pounds in ten days. Over 600,000 curel AU druggists. Cure guariuiee.l. Book, let and adrtco FREE. Adnre-9 STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New Voric OPEN FOR BUSINESS i wttt? A TJ A TVT & GROARK. Practical Hsatiij hymn Practisi! Pium'isrs an J Gai Fittsri Tin, Shsat Iroi, Coppjr Wirkjri (ialvanizsJ Inn Gin's ) Manofactarsrs - 285-287 Stats Street, 125.00 5.00 5 pes. 125.00 95 00 Rroun U1UTTH W Rxcentionai valuesr includ- ing the well- known Bigelow. Lowell anoT H irtford goods, not remnants but patterns of which we hae sufficient for from one to twd rooms. - Keg 1.35 yard. . .. 4 ' - - Tapestry JJarpets,; v; 78c. 'a ywd:i.:$ZM s r& 9 Mondays, Wedne- 'lysi the GLHN-TSLA';.- Made, 1' uw". large stofek to select from. tkso o-ftrtdfT' are" 'Sanfords rionhlrt Extra 10 wire. Can you equal them at the price? 75-81 ORANGE STREET, Fool of Center St Open Saturday Even'gt n . V r.nlt Haua ruraUhm jfc CASH OR CREDIT. ORANGE AND CENTER STREETS. REFRIGERATORS, Oil and (rasoliue Stoves, AT REDUCED PRICES. T. W. CORBETT'S. Celebrated WURZBURGER HOFBRAU AND T1TT OWtlB Genossenchaft'sBrau always oh.- draught at y GafHeublein,' Co 'ft and Church Sts. - .MILL WORK AND i UL'U LUMDIiR 1 . - '4 -K' OV ALL KINDS. Sash, Ooors and Blln-fJ The Elm City 'lurp WATKR SI, JFQ03 CC PUT n