Newspaper Page Text
NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, TUESDAY. MARCH 18; 1902. New England Beaumont Oil Company. STOCK 20c PER SHAREFULL PAID NON-ASSESSABLE, PAR VALUE $1.00. To the New Haven Public: In publishing this telegram, -which is self explanatory, I do not wish it understood that everybody who buys stock in this company is immediately going to become rich, but I wish to state that all who purchase stock in the New England Beaumont Oil Company can feel assured that their investment therein is perfectly safe and that very large dividends will be paid by this company. The New England-Beaumont Oil Company is fortunate in having as its president and general manager the Hon. J. B. Orooker, who has had charge of the extensive business interests of Mr. John D. Rockefeller on the Pacific coast for the past seven years. Mr, Orooker is a man of exceptional ability as a manager and will be able to market this company's product to the best advantage. In the well which has just been brought in we will have a daily production of about 80,000 barrels of oil. This we can reasonably expect under his management will find a ready market. We will at once commence to drive a second well, in order to bring our production up to 125,000 barrels per day. I can safely advise my friends to purchase this stock now while it can be had at 20c. per share, full paid and non-assess. able, par value, $1.00. The'price of the stock will advance as our market for the oil extends and the dividends increase. For the next few days,Jor untilmy allotment of stock is placed, I will enter all subscriptions at 20c. per share. Make all checks and drafts payable to John W. Schroeder, 315 Washington Building, 39 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. For the accomodation of those who cannot call in the day time, office will be open Friday, Saturday and Monday even ings until 9 pt m, Yours truly, ' John W, Schroeder. I I 1 POSTAL TELEGRWBIBLE CdPM " iTHE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPAHY. 1IRFRT ft flUNHIFR P,.fenl. i, 0. 6TEVENS; Seclv, WM. H, BAKER, V, P', & C M. . JOHN W., MHPK4V. .PMiinMil. AlBtflT BECK, Sec'y, ' ' GEO, (lABP. V.f , tt'ft Ml ', ..'I'hffl'i'is'tal Telograpli-'lal1 (,'uiunnv t ransniits aiidHiV.prs "iglit MessAgo's fcubjetfl to tli(iei;jtii.ann iUiVtlitrii.ii jo'iiinil Hn tit- lolclvoi ilii Ijfank. 94 Hy Be B 41 Paid night n:si Pn X Fxtra St., New Haven, conn. 1n tit; NTlitff hearer -khi Beaumont Texas March 15 1902. John . w , Schroeder , 315. Washington Building, tfew'Haven, Connecticut; Final tests of "our-well made to-day show a six inoh gushr trngwrassorl: in amount and quality of oil produced by any six inch well in the Beaumont Oil Field. Daily product wao est inated ateightythousanl barrels, pressure, normal. J,. B. Orooker, President. nmniw iww!,m) 11 DEMAND. The consumption la regulated largely by supply and transportation facilities. All locomotive and stationary engines could be equipped to bu.rv. oil in a very short time. A saving of 59 ver cent, over the expenditure of coal is given as a conservative estimate after many experimental tests by railroad compan ies and mill owners. The market is world-wide. Transportation companies are at work day and night building tank cars In -order that this vast pro duct may be moved to the waiting con sumer. , SUPPLY. The history of The neVvspaper reader. " mound, about five ml con county, Texas, h continents. It is sup crude oil located abo first gusher was dis of fortune hunters have since been paid proven district. The or more gushers at that the supply is pr Beaumont Oil Field la known to every Spindle Top," a slight elevation, or lea from the town of Beaumont, In Jef as become famous throughout two posed to form the cover of a great lake ut 9"i0 feet below the surface. The covered about a year ago. A stampede naturally followed. Fabaulous sums for fractions of an acre of land In the tremendous pressure of the hundred Spindle Top would seem to Indicate actlcally Inexhaustible. PROFITS. NEW ENGLAND BEAUMONT OIL COMPANY owns In fee simple a tract of land frontirig on "Spindle Top" Ave nue In Block 38, and ' will ha'e two gushers In full operation' this spring. The Company also expect to have Its own tank cars with which' to transport a part of the output at an early day. The minimum producing capacity of the two wells will be 100,000 barrels per ' day, or 38,500,000 barrel In a year. Oil Is now selling at Beaumont at from 30 to B0 cents per barrel. The pToflta can easily be figured. gelling, and little support was accorded It. At an extreme decline o 3 the &tock touched 61, only about a point above the lowest recorded price. The last price was a fraction higher. The last prices were generally below the best owing to a movement to take profits In the final hour, but the closing was steady. Wabash debenture Bs were active and strong, but the bond market gen erally was rather quiet and irregular. Total sales par value $3,330,000. United States bonds were all un changed .on the last call. AVW YORK STOCK MARKET, I ... . .. Ifitwuxial. i. .. - ' Adams Express Amalgamated Copper .... American Cur Foundry ... Do nfd American Cotton Oil ..2.02 ... 02 ... 31 ... H'a Closing Price. Following are tlie closing prices reported by Prince & Whltely. llaukers and Broken, 62 Broadway, New Hoik, aud ID Ccut.r t kew Haven. Bid. Asked. 213 Vl H2 80 4'1 05 ZiQ 1894 (10 24 07H 4 mfs 128 118 K 140 30 TO'i 97 lOfitf 04 9i OT Do nfd 04 American Express L'.'IO American Ice lH'i Do nfd r0 American Linseed 24Vi Do pfd : 67y4 American Smelting 40 4, Do pfd OHVi American Sugar Refining 128:)i Do pfd 118 American Tobacco pfd .145 Anaconda Copper Mining 30 1& Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe... 70 Do pfd 90 Baltimore & Ohio 108 Do pfd 94 Bay State Gas Brooklyn Ranld Transit fifftt Brooklyn Luilon Uas l'iy 228 Brunswick Co 10 11 Canada Southern 87 8Vj Cnnadlnn Pacific 115(4 H'r Central of New .Tersey 188 102 Chesapeake & Ohio 4a 48 Chicago & East Illinois 180 1H1.J4 Chicago Great Western 21 24Va Do A pfd 87V4 88 ! Chi., I ml. & Louisville 02 (12 Chi.. Mil. & St. Paul 10414 104'A Do pfd 100 191 Chicago & Northwestern 231 23214 Chicago, It. I. & Pacific 172 172W Chicago, St. I, M. & Omaha. .IBS 158 Cleveland, C, C. & St. Louis 100-11 lOlti Col., oHrklcg V. & Toledo 704 70 Colorado Fuel and Iron 95 9514 Colorado Southern 28 27 Consolidated Gas, 228 228 Continental Tobacco pfd 121 121 Delaware & Hudson Canal 171 171 Del., Lack. & Western 280 2So Deliver & Itlo Grande pfd....... 91 91 Erie 38 38 Do 1st pfd 68 68i Do 2d Pfd 54 54V. General Miectric .no an Great Northern pfd 185 188 Illinois Central 14(W4 140 International Paper 21 21 Do ptd IWYi 70 International Silver 10 .10 Do nfd 00 52 Iowa Central 494 40 Laclede Ous 90 Lake Erie & Western 87 88 Do nfd 129 133 Louisville & Nashville 104 104 Manhattan Elevated 134-i 135 Metropolitan St. Railway 108 . 108 Mexican Central 30 30 Mexican National 20 20V& Missouri, Kansas & Texas '24 25 Do nfd 53 54 Missouri Pacific 101 101 National lilscutt Ol'fc olVi National Lead 20 20 Do nfd ..88 S7 New York Air Brake 148 150 New York Central Hudson. . .182 16.1 New York. Chicago & St. L 50 51 New York & New Hnveu... 214 215 New York, Ontario & Western.. 32 32 Norfolk Western 58 57 Do pfd 90 J. L. McLEAN & CO., COMMISSION BROKERS, 25 Broai Streat, NewVort MEMBERS N, Y. Consolidated Stock Exehango, N. Y. Produce Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Slocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton Bought and Sold for Cash or carried on margin. NEW HAVEN OFFICE, 84 Chap! Stmt, Hubiner Bldg. NORMAN A. TANNKK, Mgr, Direct Private Wires. 'Phone 1043. nl tf gittevtitittmrnts.. Bath (N. Y.) Electric & Gas Light Co. $j4 per cent. First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated Dec, 1900. Duo Dec, 1925. R definable at 110 oftor Dec. 1, 1910. A sink ing fund baa been provided for la the mort gage sufficient to redeem the bonds, at maturity. The Company showa net earn ings of nearly S times the interest charges. Franchise la perpetual. Population about 7,000. Price 108, and interest netting 5" per cent, per annum. L0MAS 4 NETTLET0N, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 850 Chapel Street. - Prince & WMtely, 315 Washington Building, ore 39 Church Street. M) II munMWa ii ii i ii uu I .ill awwu"nn lf!mw iuwj B THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PATRICK (Continued from Fifth Page.) of Irish Descent," and his toast was a grand one. The next speaker was to have neen Colonel Nonls G. Osborn, hut a tele gram announced that he was unRble to be present. His toast, "The State of Connecticut," was taken by Augustus! F. Maher, of the Register, who spoke in a strong and Interesting manner. This fine toast was followed by a speech by Colonel Pickett, who respond ed to the toa'st "The Press." The large number present listened to a few more speeches and songs, and the banquet came to a brilliant close short ly after 2 o'clock. The following present: At the head, table were: Dennis B. Martin, president; Mayor J.-P. Studley, ex-Grovernnr Thomas M. Waller, Dr. F. W. Robinson, Rev. John D. Kennedy, Rev. Edward Downes, John E. McPartland, Colonel Charles W. Pickett, Dr. M. C. O'Connor, Dr. W. J. Sheehan, James A. Howarth, James Wrinn, Dr. John F. Luby, James E. Mn Gann, J. J. Lane, Hon. J. P. Bree, Mi chael Dillon, E. J. Moriarty. Others present were: Dr. Monahan, TV. J. Dugan, Dr. H. A. Spang, John J. McPartland, M. F. Shanley, Thomas Shanley, M. F. Walker, S. II. Moore, F. W. TIernan, John J. Kennedy, William C. Ray, James J. Kennedy. T. M. Ca hlll, A. W. Flynn, John J. Brennan, Frank Cronan. John Carroll, Dr. James Flynn, Uncle Dan (Silver King), Ed ward P. Keating, Thomas Menns, Rob- I ert F TOntlnfr Aimustn ,1 AT onp-nr, William O'Keefe, Captain Lawrence O'Brien, P. J. Kelly, Bernard Clark, Harry Farrell, William Sullivan, Ber nard Shnnley, Thomas P. Rourke, Dr. Stephen J. Maher, James T. Moran. Dr. E. M. MeCahe, Edward T. Kennedy, Thomas I. Kinney, Matthew W. Leahy, Pierce M. Mahsr. A. F. Maher. Daniel F. Kelly, E. T. McOann, Cornelius F. Shanley, A. E. Le Brun, James M. J. Reilly. M. J. Maglnn. T, F. Dlnnan, D. J. Maloney, James Reilly, William J. Sheehan, F. W. Sheehan. Edward O. Sheehan, Thomas J. Coffey, Thomas Brennan. Joseph Whelnn, Thomas Cun ningham,' F. A. McKiernan, William Geary, Peter Reynolds, John Cox, WU- that the surplus) reserve would be en liam Hyland, John E. Healy, P. J. Cro nan, Daniel M. Sheehan, -John H. Plff ott, Dr. John F. Sullivan. T. F. Flanna gan, Joseph F. Flynn, William Bohen, Joseph Fltzpntrick, Thomas Smith, Dr. J. A. Monro, James B. Martin, John W. Gilson, John F. McNamara, John M. T-iurge, W. A. T. Smith, Thomas J. Fleming, John P. Kilfeather, Frank A. Maloney, John D. Desmond, George H. Johnson, William Neely. M. C. W. Mc Grath, Matthew Reilly, William J. Ma her, John A. Dillon, D. S. Gamble, jr., John Maloney,. Frank M. Carroll, Wil liam M. Geary, Eugene T. McGrall, Mi chael F. Sullivan, Daniel Colwell, Tim othy Cohane, Thomas F. Fitzslmmons, Thomas F. Maxwell, Edward G. Con- Ian, Joseph L. Ward. Edward G. Lnflin, W. M. Kenna, James R. Maxwell, Rich ard E. Carroll, Joseph H. Lynch. John L. Kennedy, J. B. Dunn. P. H. Kerwln, J. C. Cronnn, T. J. Leddy, Police Com missioner James P. Manning, Edward Tobin, John J. Reilly, James H. Doody, Thomas C. McPartland, Daniel H. Mc Will'ams, Eugene P. MoKenna, C. F. Brennan, William R. Carroll, John J. Corbott. R. F. Murray, W. H. Donnelly, James A. Murray, Michael F. Camp bell, M. J. O'Mara, Peter McKiernan, Louis P. Hurley, jr., Mark Ryder and Frank J. nigging. TO STUDY AMERICAN ANTIQUI TIES. SERIOUSLY ILL. Colonel Louis F. Heublein of Hart ford is seriously ill with appendicitis at Palm Beach, Fla. Saturday night his brother, Gilbert F. Heublein, received a telegram stating the seriousness of his brother, and he left Hartford Sunday for Florida. He telegraphed Dr. Mor ris of New York 'a onn of th" Int" Gov ernor Luzon B Morris, to be in readi- ness to accompany him to Palm Beach, j Convince youreelf that Ely's Cream I Balm deserves all that has been said of j it as a means of quick relief and final cure in obstinate cases of nasal ca- mini arm nay rever. A trial size costs but ten cents. Full size, 50 cents. Sold by druggists or mailed by Ely Bros., 06 Warren Street, New York. Mt. Olive, Ark., May 17, 1901. Messrs. Ely Bros.: Please send me one bottle of Cream Balm, family size. I think it is the best medicine for ca tarrh in the world. Very respectfully, J. M. Scholtz, Objects of a Paris Professorship Found ed by the Duke of Loubat. Parif, March 17. The Duke of Lou bat, who was recently elected to be a corresponding member of the Academy of Belles Lettres, has offered the Col lege of France an annuity of 6.000 francs to found and maintain a profes sorship for the study of American an tiquities. The college met this after noon and voted Its acceptance of the annuity and an addres-n of gratitude to the duke. The Duke of Loubat was born In New York city on January 21, 1R31. He In herited a large fortune, and was a member of many of the leading clubs here, and also belonged to several his torical and geographical societies In the United States, Europe and South Amer ica. He gave large sums to the Catho lio church, and the pope In 18S3 confer red on him the rank of count; and, in 1893, made him a. duke. In 1898 he gave Columbia university a piece of real es tate, estimated as worth $1,000,000, con tingent, upon the trustees of the univer sity granting to him an annuity of $60, 000 for the remainder of his life. In September, 1899, he founded a professor ship In the University of Berlin for Americans, at a cost of 300,000 marks. Take One Of Dr. Agnew's Liver rills after dinner. It will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of too hearty entlng. Snfe, prompt, active, pnlules and pleasant. This effective little pill is supplanting nil llie old school nauseous purgntives. 40 doses, 10 centH. Sold hy W. H. Hull, K. Hewitt 7. 1 II Ii STOCK M 4 R II lit. Prices tteimrnlly Advance butAmalgn tinted Copper Drops. New York, March 17. The general speculative sentiment in Wall street was a good deal encouraged by the im proved condition of the money outlook as disclosed by the Saturday bank statement. There was no absolute im provement in the condition of the banks disclosed by that document, but there had been more or less dread last week tlrely wiped out by the many drains up on the cash reserves. The large loan contraction effected as an offset to this drain and1 the absence of disturbance in the market while this was being done dissipated a good deat of the anxiety felt over the money outlook. It was this consideration thnt prompted the professional truders to bid up the open ing prices for stocks. It developed, how ever, during the course of the day thnt the professional contingent still make up the market to a large extent and very little following was attracted by the advancing tendency of the market. The principal operations also were In clined to revert to the industrials and specialties. This was partly due to the fact that no relaxation was apparent In the Interest rates. Call loans ruled at 4 per cent, and over. This was rather convincing corroboration of the suppo sition that the showing of the banks on Saturday was due to a shifting of loans to other Institutions rather than to their cancellation. It was seen also that the total of the loan contraction was accounted for by the decreased loans of less than half a dozen of the large New York banks. Among the Gould stocks and the southwesterns generally there was some agreement In a show of strength. A hopeful feeling in regard to the winter wheat crop, a reported increase in earnings by Wa bash for the second week in March and the prevalent gossip over the acquisi tion of the Western Maryland railroad all conduced to this strength. There was some profit-taking in Manhattan, but It continued to show strength on large dealings In common with the oth er local tractions. Baltimore and Ohio and its related soft coal carriers show ed strength, uuisiue ul tms the ad vances In the railroad list seemed to be of a special hcaracter as were those by the industrials. Sugar showed in creasing strength during the day and rose late 24 over Saturday. Other striking gains were In the local gas companies, the Electrical companies, Continental Tobacco prf., Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie pfd. and Rutland pfd. On the other hand there were a number of sharp relnpses from recent high prices among obscure rail road and industrial stocks. The liqui dation in Amalgamated Copper contin ued very heavy, that stock leading the list in point of activity, Doubt oyer the maintenance of dividends caused the 01 North American IO.'Pj 104 I'aoiflc Mull 47V 49 Pennsylvania Railroad 130 ini People's tins 10oya 101 fitts., t in., LIU. HC. bOlll.... HI Do pfd 115 I'resned Kteel Cor -to 40U; no piM Pnllmnn I'alnce fur 2M SIS RrailltiK 5514 ii514 Do 1st pfd 80 l Do Sit pfd IVTM, 07 Republic Iron mid Hteel 17; IS Do nfd 74 7414 Soul hern Railway W' Xi Do pfd 'M !W Southern Pacific 6T"4 00 St. Louis & 81111 Francisco. !24 S3 St. Louis & Southwestern 20 27 Do pfd iKU.i rennessi'o on! ana iron wvfc i rtilrd Avenue 120 i:(2 Texan Pacific 40 Twin Cily Rapid Transit .114t(, llrtij T'nlon Hag nnd Paper 15 14 i: I'nlnn Pacific 90 90! Do pfd !i:i'8 !'!y, t'nlted States Express 110 J15 t nited States Leather HHJ 11 .Do pfd ftl'4 81V. United States Rubber 11 15 Do pfd 50 57 Hniled Slates Steel 42'ij 42 Do pfd 0.114 05 Wahash , 2;P4 2.'Hi Do ufd 4.114 Welts-Fnriro Express 105 Western Union Telegraph 0114 Wheeling & Uike Krio IflWj Do 2d pfd :ili 43 201 1014 BANKERS AND BROKERS. N. 52 Broadway, Now Tiri, AND 15 Contor Strait, (taw Haven Members N. Y. Stock Exchange, Produce uxenange, sua mii-ago coara or xraae, C. B. BOLMER, Manager Now Ha run Branch. ALL CLASSES OF RAILWAY STOCKS and BONDS, alao URAIN, PROVISIONS ana luituh, tuiuuiii. iu suuu um COMMISSION. Connected by Private Wire with New Tort, Boston and Chicago. Investment Securities. TU1SSDA1, MARCH 18. Bargain Matinee and Night. J" THE KILTIES. Seats now on sale. Prloug, Bargain Mat. inee, 25c, 50e, Night, $1.00, 76c, 50o, 30o, 2Sc , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19. RETURN DATS Y DENMAN THOMPSON Himself In The Old Homestead. Seats on aala Monday. Price. 11,00. 75c. 50c, 85c, 25c. ' ' MAY FESTIVAL, Hyperion, May 5, 6, 7. - Admission to 12 Events, $1.30. , Tickets now on (ale at the Muaie Stores. ml4 lut Securities for Sale. Winchester Arras Co. South. New England Telephone. Fair Haven & Westvllle it It. National New Haven Bank, Second National Bank. Illinois Central Leased Line. Rome, Watertown & Ojdensburg R. B. IuLeruatioual Silver C's. United Illuminating 4's. Swift & Co. 5'a. Middlesex Bank Co. Debenture 6'. N. Y.. N. H. & H. R. R, Debentures. KIMBERLY, ROOT St DAY. Private Wirea to N. Y. and Boston. This is the season to secure Safe Deposit Boxes. The Safe Deposit Vault of our Company is equal to any in the State, being of modern construction and having all the most approved appliances. Boxes can be rented at $5 per annum. Storage for bullion and valuable articles in fire proof vaults according to the space occupied. tii to Ham Tnsl Co,, 42 Church Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Hyperion Theatre. . : i Wednesday Evening, April 3 EIGHT O'CLOCK. CONCERT Boston Symphony, Orchestra. Mr. WM. GERICKE, Conductor. - Prof. S. S. KANrirnnn tt-i-, : Solo-Plaulst. . For the benefit of the Conn. Teachers'-. Annuity. Guild. Tickets are now In the hands of members of the Guild aud teachers of the City fo. sale, also at the Pease-Lewis bookstore, 103 Church Street. Prices, 2.00t (.1.60, $1.00, Exchangeable at the Hyperion for reserve) seats on and after March 27. Tickets not told before will be placed on sale at tus. Hyperion box office Monday, March 31. m 18-22 20-30 a2 6t ' , MON TUBS., WED., MARCH 17, 18, 19w Robert B. Mantell. Monday Night "Hamlet." ' 3 Tuesday Night "Lady of Lyons.' , , , Wednesday Nignt Richelieu." Wednesday Matinee "Romeo and Juliet." THUHS., FBI., SAT., "BIS HOPKINS.' WEEK OF MARCH 17, v TEN ICHI TROUPE, A Marvel of Oriental Maxia aad Mystery. . Surpassing all Precedents. ,' j BIG VAUDEVILLE OLIO. (J, 1 .. I sis. o. Vfr. 1fA nnA Ofirt. 1 t- n 1s HM and 30c. Ladles at Mat., 10c. P O L I S gut. Warner Hall Apartments 1044 OHAPEL STREET. Now open for Families and Transient under, new management. Eleeant rooms, suiirle and en suite., fur nished or unfurnished. Safe construction' modern enulpment, elevator, heat, etc. American plan at low rates. Apply to J. T. MATTOON, Manager. ml7 Otp . , 1 HOTEL GARDE Opposite Union Depot! NEW HAVEN, CT. ' Connecticut's Largest Hotel American Plan. ,1, J' STRICTLY TRANSIENT. , J MAI.COM & COOMBE. 30 Center Street, Members New York Stock ExehanRe. New York, March 17. Hid. Asked. American Potion Oil 4V.... Adams Express 4s Atchison general 4s Atchison a (11 4s BiiHImore .t Ohio 4s Hall morn & Ohio con 4s Bultiinoro & Ohio S dv Colorado Southern 1st 4s Central of fSeoraln 1st Inc... Chicago Railroad 4s Canada Southern st. 5s Chesapeake. & Ohio 4Ms Con Too 4s Chicago & Alton .'Is 84 Erie prior L 4s W'i Erie general 4s S7Vi Hocking Valley 4V. IO714 Metropolitan St. Hy. rs 1.101,4 Manhattan Flevatcd 4s 107 M., K. T. 1st 4s 00 M., K. T. 2d 4s -.82 Mexican Central 4s 824 Missouri Paclde tr 5s 1017 10'H4 N. Y. C. I,. S. eon ;U4 Oo'i N. X- h. m. c aoi errs.. .iM'i .100 . 101 .im . iw;, .10WJ .100 . iw, . 04'i . 78 .112 .IlKi .107, Northern PiicIHc 4s Rdg general 4s Southern Pacific 4s .... Texas & Pacific 1st 5s. . Third Avenue con 4s... Tlnlou Pacific 1st 4s.. 10014 IO.V4 04 10-m 107V1 01 0.") "0 1 10(11, .108 ti0'4 84-4 008 8714 108 120 108 00 8X 8.'! 107 Oft 210 MiWtoMi But ESTABLISHED 1 792. NEW HAVEN, Jan. 14, 1902. At the Annual Meeting lt the Stockhold ers of this Bunk, held this day, the follow ing named Directors were chosen to serve for the ensuing year, via.: W1LHUK F. DAY, HENRY L.HOTL'HKISS, LOUIS H. BRISTOL. TIMOTHY DWIOHT. GEORGE H. TO WNSHJND. THEODORE S. WOOLSEY, HAYES QUINCY TROWBRIDGE, attest: ROBERT I. COUCH, Cashier. WILBUR F. DAY, President. Jal tf ..105 im no . 04 .120 .101 ...10514 Union Paclllc con 4s 1057ii Wabash debenture H's 74" Western Union tr 5s ...Ill Wisconsin Centarl gen 4s 90 90 Vi 04 121 101!4 106 100 75 113 0K Securities for Sale. New Haven Water Co. Stock. New Haven Gas Light Co. Stock. Southern New England Telephone Co. Stock. Cons. Elec. Light of Portland, Me., Stock. Winchester Ave, R. R. Co. Stock. United Illuminating Co. 4 p. c. Bonds. Conn. Lighting & Power 5's. New Haven St. Ry. IS's (Edgewoods). Rldgefleld Water Supply Co. IS's. Evansvllle Electric Ry. 4's. C. E. THOMPSON & SONS, Investment Brokers. 102 Oranga Street Tontine Hotel. Have von seen White's new rathskeller! Chops, Steaks, Game a specialty. . ..: ,: COR. CHURCH AND COURT STS. White's New Tontine Hotel. DUNCAN HALL, J, 1151 CHAPEL STREET. Choice Furnished Rooms, single and suite. Private Baths, Steam Heat, and Electric Light. Elevator and Janitor serr Ice. Now open to the public. With o( without board. i t FRANK PERRIN, Mgr. Telephone 1 1567. t , Celebrated WURZBURGER HOFBRAU AND PILSNER Genossenchaft's-Brau - always on draught at Cafe Heublein, Court and Church 3t. NANCY GOLD MINES AND TUNNEL COMPANY OF BOULDER CO., COLORADO. StocK Fifty Cents Per Share Full Paid. Non-assessatle. Par Value One Dollar. hmce oiiermg the stock of this Company to the public some two weeks ago, it has lieen taken so rapidly that mv entire nllotment will probably lie exhausted in a few days. OVER .'10,000 SHARES HAVING BEEN TAKEN YESTERDAY, us this investment Is an unusual one which I shall not be able to duplicate in ninnv months, If ever. I desire to give nil my friends fair warning that if they wish any of the stock they should put In their application at once. It will probably prove one of the best paying investments that has ever been offered to the New Hnveu Public. Stock SO cents per share, full paid and non-assessable. Par value, $1 per share. JOHN W. SCHROEDER, 315 Washington Building, 39 Church Street. Ifiimtxtat. MALCOM COOMBE, BanKers, 100 Broadway, New York, Members New York Stock Exchange. Execute commission orders In Stocks, Bonds and Investment Securities. List of current Investment offerings sent on application, NEW HAVEN BRANCH: 36 CENTER STREET WILLARD C. PITCH,,r. HERBERT J. FITCH, Managers. , Private wire to New York and Chicago,