Newspaper Page Text
KffW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, THURSDAY; MARCH 20; 1902. THE CONVENTION. DISCVSSIQX Of THE TRIAL JiS TUJIT. Waller Amendment Extending Jury Trlsli to Action for Dniifgea at He quest of Either Party, Defeated. Hartford, March 19. The Waller amendment to the bill of Hunts ex tending jury trials to actions for dam ages at 'the request of eivr.'er party wai defeated In committee of the whole of the constitutional convention to-day, 63 to GO. The feeling of many delegates seemed to be that a change of this sort carried out by the legislature and not by the convention. When the convention resumed busi ness this morning Mr. Osborn of New Haven presented a petition signed by forty lawyers of New Haven, protest ing against the passage of the Waller amendment. Mr. Perry of Fairfield urged that the convention should use the utmost dili gence hereafter in the dispatch of bus iness, and to test the feeling of the del egates he movedf that when the con vention adiourns to-morrow it be until 12:30 on Monday instead of on Tues day, as the custom has been heretofore. This motion was carried. In committee of the whole Mr. Wal ler resumed his unfinished speech of yesterday in favor of his amendment. He declared that the amendment was favored by three-fourths of the lawyers of the state and three-fourths of the people also. He replied to arguments made yesterday against the amendment by Messrs. Sperry and Phelps, and cloak ed, with an eloquent plea in behalf of the proposed change. A vote was then taken on the amendment with the fol lowing result: Whole number of votes cast 125 Necessary for a choice G3 Those voting yes ; EO Whole number of votes cast 113 Necessary for a choice 57 Those voting yes CO Those voting no 63 After the defeat of the Waller amend ment as to jury trials of damage suits an amendment offered by Delegate Davenport of Bridgeport was taken up which provided that civil cases might be decided by not less than nine of a jury. This was defeated. Then Dele gate Maltbie of Granby offered an amendment providing that in damage cases where the defendant defaults', the Judge shall pass only on the amount of damages to be assesed. This was de feated. Then the committee of the whole adopted the section No. 21 of the bill of rlght3 Just as it now stands in the con stitution. Delegate Davenport then brought up a resolution for an addition al section of the bill of rights forbidding the legislature from limiting the amount recoverable in cases of death. This was under discussion when ad journment took place. At the usual conference of the small town delegates before the constitutional convention opened thia morning there was some consideration of the probable time' of sine die adjournment of the convention. Afterward Delegate Warner of Rails bury informed the reporter that he did not think it possible to adjourn before the middle of April. Mr. Warner spoke of several matters which are likely to come up and which he believed would give rise to considerable debate. Among these matters are the questions of spec ial legislation, the governor's veto, the pay of legislators and the eligibility of appointment of members of the legisla ture to civil offices. REAL ESTATE RECORD. THE ANSONIA BRANCH OPENED. The Ansonia branch of the Consoli dated railroad, between this city and Ansonia, was thrown open yesterday. A washout occurred on it a few days ago. One of the breaks has been filled in and a trestle built over the other. The fii'st train over the new route ar rived in the city yesterday morning. v A PLEASANT TRIP. Mrs. Charles P. Tuttle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Tuttle sailed yesterday x far Old Point Comfort. While there they will be the guests of Mrs. Edwin T. Woodward, widow of the late Commander Woodward of the United States navy. On their return they will visit Charleston and Atlantic City. Deeds Filed in the Town Clerks' Offlce Yesterday. The following deeds were filed for rec ord in the town clerk's offlce yester day : Warranty deeds-Robert F. Mitchell to George H. Mitchell, 50 feet Alden avenue; Mary E. Gill to Harry V. San try, 28 feet Lloyd street; Harris Levy et ux to Georgene A. Ives, 100 feet Co lumbus avenue. Quit claim deeds New Haven Sav ings bank to Henrietta K. Wynne, 345 feet Emerson street; Elizabeth V. Blake to Henry T. Blake, 50 feet Elm street; James T. Moran to William O'Brien, 50 feet White street; Oliver S. White, executor, to Edward A. Prince, 50 feet Howard avenue; O. A. Humis ton, truwtee, to Rose Levy, 100 feet Co lumbus avenue. ' DEATH OF CHARLES A. NETTLE-TON. One of New Haven's Oldest Residents Was Fire Chief Forty Years Ago. Charles A. Nettleton, one of New Haven's oldest residents, died at his home, 91 William street, last night at about 10 o'clock. He was in the ninety-fifth year of his age. For a long period in the ..days of his activity he was one of New Haven's well known master builders, and dver forty years ago he was chief engineer of, New Ha ven's fire department, which was then a volunteer department. Those were the days of the hand fire engine and of many contests for the supremacy in public trials of the merits of the re spective machines. Mi'. Nettleton lov ed to recall the contests and triumphs of those contests and the great public interest they always aroused. The de ceased was also a prominent member of the Odd Fellows' fraternity. He was a wonderfully preserved man for one of his great age, and only last sum mer was able to get out of doors and visit friends and public officials at the city hall and elsewhere. He began to fall a few months ago and had since been confined to his bed much of the time, and was under the care of a trained nurse. The deceased leaves a son, George E. Nettleton, in one of the leading insurance offices on Church street, and residing at 73 William street, and Mrs. Coe, wife of George H. Coe, with whom the deceased resided. Mr. Coe was for several years manager of the Skiff opera house. NEW HAVEN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCI-ATION. Monthly Meeting of the Hoard of Directors Yesterday Afternoon. At n meeting of the board of directors of the New Haven Business Men's association held yesterday afternoon Tynor & Booth, the attorneys who have charge of the col lection department, reported that amounting to $li,0t!3 had heen sent them ion collection during the month of February, and that they had collected for different members of the association the sum of ,12(1.21 during said month. . If. wns voted to hold a general meeting of the association In April, and arrangement of time, place and programme wns referred to the entertainment committee. Twenty-two members wore elected ns fol lows: Russian Kur ami Cloak company, I.onls L. Hassett. A. Basseriuan. Sanford & Treadwuy. Ueorge W. Dean, Weed & Co.v Ernst Wndewltz, John B. Richards, Herman E. Smith, H. Krankenherser, Edward J. Duggan. H. Broadhent. Frank Rrnzna, Joln Wolf, William W. Hull. .1. William Nleder pnien. Hammond Typewriter company. Wil liam lileesou, Frank A. Warner, G. Edward Osborn and Butler Drug and Chemical company. Hnw to Cure the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as direct ed, and a quick recovery is sure to fol low. That remedy counteracts any ten dency of the grip to result in pneumo nia, which Is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by all druggists. Educate Tour Bowels With Cnscnrot. On-nrty Cathartic, euro consfipnilon forever. IJUtituciul. 1 11 ; A TO C K . A It K I. r. Series of Bpectacolnr and Pelisnttonnl Movements New York. March 1'.). It is not often that the stock market witnesses such a series of spectacular and sensational movements ns ' cures ' ' jJ 4 cures '' COLDS OMW UGRIPPE IN 24 HOURS. IN 3 DAYS. NO BETTER REMEDY KNOWN FOR HEADACHE 35 TABLETS FOR 25 CENTS. BE SURE TO GET HILL'S. IT IS THE ONLY GENUINE. SEND FOR LIST AND PRICES OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. A. B. CLINTON, 37 Church St. This signature in on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet yyytV'tlie remedy that cares cold in one ! It was treated to to-day, and In rather a dull marko at that. The usual favorites among the Industrials had a larger share In the trading, both Amalgamated Coppepr and Sugar occupying fairly prominent places. Hut it was among the stocks which are traded In only at Intervals of weeks 114 a rule that the speculation was fierce 11 mi the price movement violent. There was nothing in the way of news to explain why buying orders for 4,500 shares of Colorado Kite! should make a wido opening iu that stock all the way from par to 107, compared with OS last night. Activity was revived iu Now York Air Drake with a jump of 10 in price and 11 subsequent relapse of fully half that. .North American suffered, from realising ufier thu opening udviiuce, but forged upwards again to d'4 above last night and fluctuated wild ly. Trise of it'j iu General Electric and of 3 iu Westlughouse was due to rumors of consolidation, hut both of theoo reacted sharply. American lee rebounded 2. In the railroad list Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville wus rushed up on distinctly formulated rumors that it was to he placed 1111 a 4 per cent, dividend basis. Late in the day St. Louis and Baa Francisco sprung i 111 o uciivtiy and strength with an advance of nearly 4 points, due to published report, I that the company contemplated an exten sion to the 1'ucitic coast. There was some late .strength also In Atchison. There wan considerable demand for Baltimore and Ohio. The rise of 2 iu Sugar was due to the agreement reached at Washington upon tile question of the Cuban sugar tariff and also to the certificate of condition filed with the Massachusetts secretary showing large increuse iu resources. Several stocks lost strength. Among these, were losses of 4 points each in Chicago and Northwestern preferred and lilucose prefer red. trust receipts, 3 In Kvanaville and Terre Haute and a point or more In various others. Wells-Fargo dipped 74 Or one transaction and rallied U'i on another. Anxiety was renewed regarding thu imme diate future of the money market, which showed it hardening teudcucy to-day. The bond market was rather dull and Ir regular. Total sales, par value, aggregated iflVilo.OOO. United States houds were unchanged on last cull. ginauciitt. j "" 1 Closing Prices. Following me the closlug prices reported by l'liuce & Wbltuly, lluukets and brokers, rj2 lima Jwuy, .New I01L, aud 10 Center St., New tlaveu. Hid. Asked. Adams Express 200 Anialganiuled Copper tt;i Amer,cuu Cur Foundry 8l'.4 Do pl'd ,. BO'd American. Cotton OH 4l Do.ptd i.. IU American Ice ...... 20 Do ptd 01 Amcrlcau Linseed 24 Do pfd v.. B American Smelting -10' i Do pfd OH'sj American Sugar Itetinlng I-; American Tobacco pfd 143 Auacouda Copper Mining SO'A Atctilson. Topika & Sama Ee... 77 Do pfd 07'j Baltimore & Ohio 100(4 Do pfd Ui Bay State (las ..... Urooklyn Itapid Transit 6(s Brooklyn I uion Gas 221 Brunswick Co lo Canada. Southern 87'j Canadian 1'aclflc 113 Central of New Jersey WO Chesapeake & Ohio 45 Chicago & East Illinois lSliyj Do pfd 135 Chicago Great Western 2114 Do A pfd 87 CM., luu. Si Louisville 6(0,4 Do pfd 711 Cht., -Mil. & St. I'aul 1UI Do pfd ...1 10O Chicago & Northwestern l!;ill& Chicago, It. I. & Pacitle, 171 Chicago, St. 1'., M. & Omnha. . .1.11 Cleveland, C, C. & St. Louis. .. .10114 Col., Hocking V. & Toledo 70-fi Colorado Fuel and Iron 102 Colorado Southern '-I'A Consolidated Gas 22 Continental Tobacco ptd 121 Delaware fc Hudson Canal Ii2y4 Del., Lack. & Western, 2S1 Denver & Kin Grnnde pfd Ulli Erie 7 Do 1st pfd 00 Do 2d pfd 55t,jj General Electric 1HS Great Northern pfd Illinois Centra! UU Intel national Taper 2:t Do ptd 710 'j I'.iteri'atloiial Silver 11 Do pfd ; 51 lown Central 40 Laclede Gas Lake Erie & Western (17 tj Do pfd 132 Louisville k Nashville lot .Manhattan Elevated 134(4 Metropolitan St. Hallway luxt-j .Mexican Central 2!t .Mexican National 20 Missouri, Kansas & Texas 24 Do pfd 51 Missouri l'aclilc I0W4 National Biscuit 02', National Lead li'vi Do pfd 85 New York Air H.rnke 155 New York Central & Hudson x..- New York, Chicago fc St. L 52 New York Ar New Haven 2131, New York, Ontario & Western.. 33 Norfolk & Western 50 Do pfd Pacific Mall 45 Pennsylvania Iiallroad 15D4 People's Gas .101 Pitts., Cln., CM. & St. Louis... 85 Do pl'il 112 Pressed Steel Car 4'i Do pfd 3 Pullman Palace Car ., 23H Heading 5ti Do 1st pfd 81 Do 2d pfd 07 Uentiblie Iron and Steel 18 Do ptd 74 '4 Southern Hallway 32 Do pfd 00 .Southern Pacific s. 05 St.. Louis &. Sun Francisco ISO St. Louis & Southwestern 2-IHi Do pl'd 581:, Tennessee Coal and Iron 7104 Third Avenue 130 Texas r Pacific 40 l.'nloii Bag and Paper 15 Do pfd 781,4 L'nloii Pacific M Do pfd 87V4 I'nlted States Express United States Leather 1l"a Do pfd 81 It lilted States Rubber 15 '4 Do pfd 50V4 United States Steel 4214 Do pl'd 05 W11 hash 23 Do plil 4314 Wells-l'iirgo Express Bl5 Western 1'nlon Telegraph 0114 Whee.lng tt Lake Erie 11)14 Do 2d pfd 31 215 03'4 31";d So 40 05 20- Olii, &7'4 08 ft 120 (s 150 M 77Ja 07 107 1)5 07 225 ll'i 88 "5 103 40 101 150 24 88 0014 710,1 lOl'i lUvi 155 102 71 102 '4 27 2241a 1211, 1,2; j 280 02 37U 11014 55 U 320 180 110 2314 77 J Lis V iii'i 00 on 131 10114 13 J U 108-.t 30 2014 , 2l"s 5114 lot 03 10 SOla 157 1031 i 52 !i 215 HK'.S 5714 ox 40 15114 102' 87 1 15 40 83:4 238 50 '4 8114 08 1814 741s.. (;:, 110(4 2714 5!,i 70' 132 4104 10 701, 00 8714 lit 11 811,. 10 5714 42tN 0,-y 23 43', 200 Pi'!, .t,i'4 32 THE IVES INVESTMENT CO First Mortgage 6 per cent. Loans. CONSERVATIVE MINING INVESTMENTS. 157 Church Street. Mini New Hara Baii. ESTABLISHED 1792. NEW HAVEN, Jan. 14, 1002. At the Aunuul Meeting of the. Stockhold ers of lMi liauk, held this day, the follow ing ihuuied Directors were chosen to serve tor the ensuing year, viz.: WILBUk F. DAY, HENKY L.HUTCHKISS, LOUIS U. UltJSTuL. TIMOTHY DWiaUT, GEOUGE II. TOVVNSEND. ' THEODOIiE S. WOOLSEY, HAYES QU1NCY TKOWBHIDOTC. Attest: ROUF.RT I. COUCH, Cashier. WILBUR F. DAY. President, Jal ti J. L. McLEAN & CO., COMMISSION BROKERS, 25 BroaJ Steel, New hri MEMBERS N. Y. Consolidated Stock Exchange, N. Y. Produce Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade.. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton Bought nd Sold for Cnah or carried on margin. NEW HAVEN OFFICE, 84) Chap3l Strjst, Mwjr BMg. NOUMAJf A. TANNIC, Mrr, Direct Private, Wires. 'Phone 1043. ol tf Bath (N. Y.) Electric & Gas , Light Co. SXA Per cent First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated Dec, 1000. Doc Dec, 1025. Re deeuiahle at 110 ofter Dec. 1, 1010. A sink ing fund lias heen provided for Iu the mort gage mifllciont to redeem the bonds at maturity. The Company shows net earn ings of nearly 3 times the interest charges. Franchise is perpetual. Population aliout 7,000. Price 10,'t'4, and Interest netting 514 per cent, per annum. LOMAS "NETTLETON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 850 Chapel Street. Securities for Sale. Winchester Arms Co. South. New Euglnud Telephone. Fair Haveu & VVestvllle It. R. National New Haven Bank. Second National Bank. Illinois Central Leased Line. Rome, Watcrtown & Ogdcusburg R, It. International Silver C's. United Illuminating 4's. Swift. & Co. 5's. Middlesex Hank Co. Debenture (Vs. N. Y., N. II. & H. R. R. Debentures. KIMBERLY, ROOT & DAY. Private Wires to N. Y. aud Boston. This is the season to secure Safe Deposit fioxes. The Safe, Deposit Vault of our Company is equal to any in the State, being of modern construction and having all the most approved appliances. Boxes can be rented at $5 per annum. Storage for bullion and valuable articles in fire proof vaults according to the space occupied. 42 Church Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. NEWTON 4 PARISH, Investment Bankers, DEALERS IN Investment Securities, Foreign Exchange. Agents for the Lending European Steamship Lines. 86 Orange Street. THE w III UUllUlt i UJI UVSli Investment Brokers, 103 OUAtfGE STREET. List of offerings upon application. $10,000 First Mortgage, 6 per cent., HO year Gold Bonds of the PORT JERVIS ELKCTRIC LIGHT TOW Eft GAS AND RAILROAD COMPANY. Consolidated. TORT ,J Eli VIS, NEW YORK. Dated Jar. 1st, 1002. Due Jan. 1, 1IV12. A First-class 5 per cent. Investment. James B. Smith, 1H0 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN, CONN. II. C. WARREH & CO., BANKERS, DEALERS IN INFESi 1080range Street. THE National Tradesmens Bank NEW HAVEN, CONN. Capital mid Undivided Profits $370,000. William T. Fields, president, Robert A. lirown, Vice-President, Robert Koote, Cashier, H. W. Thompson, Ass't Cashier, W. Perry Ciirtlss, 2d Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS: it. A. Brown, K. Henry Barnes, A, H. Kluiberly, Win. T. Elelds, Lvnde Harrison, Geo. 'j Bradlev. Henry Ereseiilns, II. W. Thompson, S. 11. Shouluser. ACCOUNTS INVITED. SECOND REGIMENT, C. N. G. . In-Door Athletic Tournament gtttcvtitimncuts. - - t i--nt TO BE HELD AT THE ARMORY, Meadow Street, New IIavt.ii, Conn. Saturday Eve 'g, March 22, 1902, Commencing at S o'clock sharp. EVENTS. OPEN. BO YARDS HANDICAP. D6 YARDS HURDLE-HANDICAP. 440 YARDS HANDICAP. S80 YARDS HANDICAP. ONH MILE HANDICAP. PUTTING 18-LB. SHOT HANDICAP. RUNNING HIGH JUMP HANDICAP. Open to Members of C. N. G. Only. 50 YARDS. 440 YARDS. 880 YARDS. COMPANY RELAY RACE.ONE MILE OBSTACLE RACE. WALL SCALING CONTEST, TEAMS 8 MEN. BAYONET RACE. SPECIAL OPEN EVENTS. Intercollegiate Relay Race. Interscholastic Relay Race. Y. M. C. A. Relay Race. Open Relay Race. TUG OF WAR. Troop A New Haven vs. Battery A 2nd Platoon $ 5fiOO--Seatiiig Capacity 5,000 $ 800 Reserved Seats 800 $ General Admission, . . 50c Reserved Seats, . . 25c CONCERT SECOND REGIMENT BAND. INVESTORS. The Kaasan Bay Mining Co.'s Stock is now selling for 50 cents per share par value $r.oo. The Company owns large tracts of Timber Land, Copper Mines, Trading Post, Hotel, Sawmill, and Shingle Mill, and is now erecting a large Salmon Packing Plant with capacity of 50,000 cases. Investors may reasonably expect large dividends soon, and the advance of stock to par. The Ives Investment Co., 157 CHURCH STREET, Telephone 1408-6. NEW HAVEN, CONN. THERE IS NO RISK CONNECTED WITH BUYING ANY STOCK THAT I OFFER. Stocks that I'have sold as future dividend payers Are Now Paying Dividends. The stocks that I am now offering WILL Pay Dividends in the near future. And if you buy them at present prices you will make a Safe Investment and a Handsome Profit. JOHN W. SCHROEDER, CONSERVATIVE MINING AND OIL INVESTMENTS. 315 Washington Building, 39 Church Street. SATUKDAY MUHT, MAKCH 1!2. Miss Kathryn Kidder In Glon McDonough'a piny MOLLY PITCHER. Scats oil snlo Thursday. Prices. $1,511". $1.00, 75c, COc, 25c. f FIS &BIC1I, BANKERS AND BROKERS. m, a n.n.J...... u..H vu AND 15 Gentsr Stmt. Naw Haven Mcmhprs N. Y. Stork Kxohsnge, Produce Exchange, and Chicago Board of Trade. C. 8. BOLMER. Manager New Haven Branch. ALL CLASSES Of IlAILiWAX STOCKS and BONDS, also GRAIN. PROVISIONS aud COTTON, BOUUUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Connected hy Private Wire with New York. Boston and Chicago. Investment Securities. NiiW. HAVEN. CHARTERED ujr iha State of Connecti cut with authority to act aa Executor, A4. xiu.'strBtor, (liinirtlau, Receiver or Trusree under will or deei. ' la a legal depoatorr of money paid Into Court and ail Public TruBt Funds. Acta at Trustee for Municipalities, Corporation and Individuals, and administers trusts of ail kinds. Empowered to act as registrar of atocks, bonds, or other evidences of Indebt edness, manage sinking funds, and do all business such as is usually done by Trust Companies. It also does a general Bonking business, collecting checks, notes, coupons, and re ceives deposits. The principal of each Trust is Invested by Itself and kept separate and apart from the general asset of the Com pany. This Company Is by law regularly exam, tned by the Bank Examiner of the State uf Connecticut. HENHY L. HOTCHKISS. President. BUUSNE B. BRISTOL. Treasurer, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, (it 8.1 ONE SONG RECITAL. Mme. Lillian Nordica. E. Romayna Simmons at the Tiano. r Spats ou sale Friday. Prices, 7tic, Sl.Oflk $1.50, .$2.00; Gallery ,50c. , . THUHS., Fill., SAT., MARCH 20, 21, 24 Matinee Saturday. ROSE MELVILLE, In " SIS HOPKINS." Mon., Tues., Wed., next week, The Village Postmaster. ; MAY FESTIVA L, Hyperion, May 5, 6,7. Admission to 12 Events, $1.30. Tickets now on sale at the Music Stores. ' mU tot . P o L I Pr! and WEEK OF MARCH 17. TEN ICHI TROUPE, A Marvel of Oriental Made and Mystery. " j Surpassing all Precedents. , BIG VAUDEVILLE OLIO. ' ,.r, Afn inn n., Oft. I?.rn 111. OH : 30c. Ladles at Mat., 10c. Warner Hall Apartments, lod CHAPEL STREET. ' ' Now open for Families and Transient undo? : new management;. , Elegant rooms, single and en suite, fuM nlshcd or unfurnished. Safe construction,, modern equipment, elevator, ncnt, etc American plan at low rates. - a,- Apply to J. T. MATTOON, Manager, mlT 6tp ' HOTEL GARDE Opposite Union Depot, NEW HAVEN, CT. Connecticut's Largest Hotel American Plan. ( j STRICTLY TRANSIENT. ' Tontine Hotel Have yon seen White's new rathskeller! Chops, Steaks, Game a specialty. COR. CHURCH AND COURT STS. White's New Tontine Hotel. DUNCAN HALL, It5l CHAPEL STREET. Choice Furnished Rooms, single and a smite. Private Baths. Steam Heat, and Electric Light. Elevator and Janitor ser4 Ice. Now open to the public. , With of. without board. , , FRANK PERRIN, Mgr. Telephone 1607. tt Celebrated WURZ BURGER HOFBRAU AND PILSNER Genossenchaf t 's-Brau always on draught at i , ' Cafe Heublein, Court and Church Sta. ' 1 'gimwti&X.i MALC0M 4 C00MBE, . Bankers, ' 100 Broadway, New York, Members New York Stock Exchange. Execute commission orders In Stocks, Bonds and Investment Securities. List of current Investment offerings sent on application. r y: NEW HAVEN BRANCH! 36 CENTER STREET, Trlvnte wire to New Torlc and Chicago Securities for Sale. 1 New Haven Water Co. Stock. New Haven Gas Light Co. Stock. ' Southern New England Telephone Co Stock. r"r. pioo T.lMit nf PoTtlnnn. Me., Rtoolt, Winchester Ave. It. R. Co. Stock. United Illuminating Co. 4 p. c. Bonds. Conn. Lighting & Power 5's. I New Haven St. Ry. 5's (Edgewoods). , 1 nidgpflclrt Water Supply Co. 5'9. I : Evan8vllle Electric Ry. 4's. '1 C. E. THOMPSON & SONS, Investment Brokers. ) 102 Orange Street. OA,8rOTlXA. Rt)i iiiu Miiu iuu nw iimare Signature Jt