Newspaper Page Text
mW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 11902. .1 ItefasfopitS Beautiful Robe Dresses. Richer and more beautiful than ever aire the Robe Dresses we have gathered for this sea son's selling that is skirt patterns fashioned into shape and garnished ; with fabric included for bodice. The ef fects are close approach to the creations of Francis while the cost is quite modest. Materials include Grenadine, Pongee, Mistral Cloth, Batiste, Ivinen and China Silk ; also a very . fine showing of Lace Robes in Pt D'Esprit, all-over Lace, Ring Spot Net and sheer Lawns, suit able for bridal or commencement gowns, as well as for graduation and confirmation. Colors are black, white and all the evening shades with stunning effects in black-and-white. Price range $10.50 to $55.00 CENUINE LUTEN FOOD For those who are obliged to use only foods free from starch, those troubled with dyspepsia or any who desire the most perfect health food, GLUTEN FOODS will fill a long felt want. While we carry a full line of these goods, we would especially call atten tion to the Gluten Breakfast Cereal as the most nutritious and finely favored brealcfast food on Hie marlet. Rocommanriad by all Physicians. GLUTEN FLOUR, Packaga . . . 15o Same, 5-lb Saok . . . 70o GLUTEN CEREAL, Package , . , 20o Same, 5-lb Saok . . . SOo GLUTEN MACARONI, Package . . 20o GLUTEN CRACKERS, Package . . 25c GLUTEN FLOUR, Isolf raising) for Griddle Cakes, Gems eto Paokago . . 15o 3obn$on $ Brother, 411-413 Stats St., cor. Court. Tea Gowns and Kimonos. Our showing of new Tea Gowns and Kimonos cannot he equalled in this city. Throughout the stocks, the fabrics and color effects have been chosen to please women of refined taste in dress; and sewing and finishing is as carefully done as the best home work. Tea Gowns $5.00 to $29 50 Kimonos $2.95 to $12.50 "The Gibson" Tailored Suit. $11.95. Unquestionably the largest selling of Tailored Suits cen ters here. The Chas. Mon son Co's styles pass muster ; meet the exacting demands of New Haven's careful dressers. Here's a chance too good to miss : A tailored suit built on Gibson lines broad shoulders, pleats, se vere lines. In black, tan and gray basket cloth; beautifully finished. BIG RUGS. Room sized rugs. The kinds and qualities you are looking for. The best fabrics, the largest stock and the lowest prices; quality considered, to be found anywhere in the state. CARPETS. Our stock is varied and es pecially Btrong in medium priced fabrics. If you are in need of floor coverings ours will Interest you. Linoleums, Matting, Oil Oloth, etc. 75-81 ORANGE STREET, Foot of Cmltr St Cpen Saturday Even jf Lace Capes. Exquisite, these are French and delightfully fussy all lengths and for all purposes that a lace cape fills. Prices $14.50 to 37.50 Other capes, of course, in cloth and silk, from $6.75 up. wmrnw m DINING CHAIRS. Cane seats will wear out. Hardly pays to re place them when a solid oak chair with brace arms and cane seat can be had for Price for this week only. Usually sold for $1.25. Baby Ci triages and Go. Carts, $6.00 and upwardi. Refrigerators. $5.00 and upwardi. Household Ranges, $20.00 and upwards. Household Sewing Machines, $25.00 and upwards. Brown Complete House Furnishers. CASH OR CREDIT. ORANGE AND CENTER STREETS. For Mans Work '-;," The "finely appointed office,'-'"" Furniture- Wise is well taken care of here. Desks. Sectional Book Cases, Filing Devices, Letter Press Stands, Chairs, etc. THE BOWDITCH FURNITURE CO, 100-106 Orange St. WHILE THE MARCH WINDS ARE BLOWING OUR PILES Harvard. 1876) 175 Tremout Stre.-t, Bos ton. Sneclaliat for Twentv Years. Send for Painpulat. OHioe hourj 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. Sundays UTQTITI A and Holidays excepted. rlOl ULA Velvet Toilet Cream, Velvet Toilet Powder AND Skin Curative Soap Should be on every dressing table. For a few days as a special price, a package of each will cost you but sixty ce.nts. &co. Manufacturing and Prescription Druggists, 84 Church &. 61 Center Sts Security Insurance Co. of New Haven. OFFICE 87 CENTER STREET. Caall AlMB Ju. 1, ItfU, $l,OMT,'40g.6B DIRECTORS: Charles S. Leete, Chas. E. Curtis, James LI. Dewell, U. Mason, Joel A. Sperry, E. G. Stoddard. 8. E. Merwln, William 11. Tyler. John W. Alliug, T. Attvrater Barnes, Chas. n. Sheldon. CHARLES 8. LEETE. H. MASON. President. Secretary. J. D. PBWELL. H. C. FULLER, .Vice President. Asa t Secretarf. - SOME PHONE OBSTACLKS TO COMPETITION. In Los Angeles a new telephone com pany is striving to displace the old Pa. oillc States Telephone Company. While the citizens and business people gen erally are delighted with the idea ot are JUSt One of the competition, and would willingly do . . , j jj ... anything to "down the monopoly,- they ; one hundred and one odd things are fearful to a degree of encouraging a ; here, Only awaiting an introduction new company, as it might necessitate . .. (;or.rtc 1U 11IHUW pvi iiimiivu awih) oyans them subscribing to two companies in order to have all their friends and cus tomers on their line. When Abram Goldenstein, who runs a grocery store in Los Angeles, was ap proached by a solicitor for the new company and asked to sign a contract to have a new telephone put in, he said: "Vhy I shoult do ut yes? Vhy I shoult git me anutlder telephone?" The solicitor told him that the new company was prepared to supply a ser vice much cheaper than the rates now charged for telephones. "I shoult do ut to safe money maybe yes?" said Goldenstein with dangerous sweetness. The solicitor told him that he had just hit the idea exactly. Whereupon Goldenstein gnashed his teeth. . "Yes, I safe me moneys. Yes, that is preety goot vay for to safe me moneys. If I haf von telephone vich costs too mooch money, den I shout git two telephones and make sheepness, yes?" The solicitor ventured to suggest that he needn't have but one telephone i that, of course, the new one. I "Yes, dat is a pretty goot smartness," I said. Gildensteln withevingly. "You are a preety smart young man, yes? I shout haf von telephone, yes? Den Jacobson or eome odder grocer haf two j telephone unt I shout as besser haf no telephone at all. Yes? Maybe ot iss some feller vant some groceries unt he haf in his house der olt telephone unt he cand comt down to der store cause he is sick. Den vat you spose he do, yes? He telephones to Jacobson, who has two telephones, unt if Jacobson vonce gits him mit his grip in, I don see um no more. Dat iss de ent of my customer, because Jacobson hat a. coople of telephones unt I don't. Dot la der sheepness, yes? - "I tell vat you do," added Goldenstein "You put de people vat don pay der pills on der new telephone altogedder, unt I pay you for telephone, but I don haf one in der shop. No, you bettcha nit." The solicitor suggested that It would be a fine idea even to have both tele phones, for there would not be so much chance then of the line being busy. He said telephone rates would be so much lower that two telephones could be put in for what one costs now. "Dat voult pe gread, yes," said Gold enstein, contemptuously. "Yes, dat vould be pretty goot. Maybe I am In tny store, and I hear der telephone bell ring himself, unt den I shoomp preety qvick, unt I say 'Hello, hello, hello!' unt der alnd no answer. Unt I ring oop der chief sassy girl, and she say she don know nottlngs aboud it, unt she didn't ring der pell, Den I know vat iss der trouble mit. I been hearing mit der wrong telephone. I choomp preety quick to der odder telephone, den, bud der telephone Is stopped, unt it Is nil rung oud and de people is mat unt may pe gone to Jacobson to drade. Yes; unt maybe I got me customer No. 222, one of dem clups where dey play penuchle unt drink per, unt I haf got me to telephone to dem. Unt on de odder tele phone I haf got me odder vlch Is de president of de temperunce society, un har noomper is main 222 on der odder telephone. How you tink he voult sound if I get me twvlsted some dey and ring oop de wrong 222 unt tell do temperunce vomans dat I can't sent oop der bottle beer ti'l de poy Beds pack? "Hoy you tlnk that vas, yes? I tink dey poth get mad preety qvick unt go to Jacobson to drade. "Maybe I like to drop a nickel in der slot unt find it oud dat I haf de wrong telephone got, yes? "Vhen you der new telephone got, you vill nod ask like dts: 'Is dls main 222?' but you vill haf to say 'is de Sunset telephone, dls?' "Maype I eome into my store some day unt. I fint a note from de poy to gfty dat I vas to call oop No. 223, unt de man vish ta say somethings to me aboud a pill. Unt maype it iss dat on von off der 223s I haf me a man vlch is owing me a big pill, lint on de odder 223 is der wholesale house vlch I am owing a pig pill. Unt if It der wrong 22.1 I don't vawnt to ring um oop, yes? "How I shoult know vhtch it Is, yes? "Maype I like to know if Chones haf a telephone. Unt vent der new tele phone coomes in I haf me got to look through two books to find out. "Unt, say, where I got me to put um, yes? Maype a rent me a store for to take oop all de room mit telephone poxes, yes? "Unt dat makes der cily look pretty nice, yes? Vhen der new telephones ged der streets all eobwebbed oop. "I don't vawnt me no new telephones not. if you giffer me ut es sheeper as noddlngs. I tlnk it iss preety good vhen ve leaf bat enough py himself." They're little fish, just Sardines, in fact; but packed and processed in an odd way. The tins contain (besides olive oil) little bits of Pimientos, Olives, Mushrooms and Pickles in a particularly piquant sauce, which combination gives an attractive and appetizing flavor to the fish. Expensive ? No. 18 cents a can. A HOUSE THE W. H. GRAHAM CO., UNDERTAKERS, No. ioq6 Chapel Street. DEATHS. SIPMAX-In this city, at 11.20 p. in. Tuesday. April 1, Mrs. Elizabeth Fair rbtld-Shipnian. Funeral ut 83 Lake Place, Thursday, at : p. in. Friends Invited. a2 Up FIELDS In Denver, Col., March 20, Wal ter It. Fields, son of the late Robert Fields, of 112 Asylum Street. Funeral servlees In the Church of the As censlou, Friday afternoon, 2.30. Friends are Invited to attend. n2.'Sli BUOOKS In this city; April 1, Susan Hall, wire or John ii. Hrooks, aire 07 years. Funeral services will ie held nt her Into residence, 49 Salem Street, Friday, April 4, nt half-past, I wo p. in. n2 It SCOTT At his home in' Walllngford, Conn on Faster morning. In the Kith year of Mm life, the Key.- Jhmes I.. Scott. The funeral services will he lield at St. Paul's Church, Wallluirford, Thursday, April 3. at 2 n. in. 'o'clock. The clerity are Invited to he present without further nonce, l'lease iirmg 'surplices. aa MINIATURE ALMANAC. APRIL 2. Sun Rises, 5:35 I Moon ltlses High Water Sun Sets, 0:1T 1:48 0:07 p. m. MARINE LIST. POttT OB" NHW 11AVH.1 ARRIVED. Seh Rebecca, Lain, Norfolk. Hell P. E. Wharton, Smllh, Norfolk. Sell Llllle Ernestine, Hallock. CLEARED. Sell Express, Culvert, New York. Sch Expedite, Martin, New York. AN IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE. I WILL sell my elegant home, 718 Orange Street, with every known up-to-date Im provement, that cost me $17,1100. Make an offer. Or will rent. JOHN E. HEAi.i B2t Grand Avenue. a2tf FOR RENT, $23.00 HOt'SK 7-1 Edgwood Avenue, eleven rooms, improvements. litM CHAI'KL. a2 tf ASIC DRUGGIST for 10 Cent Trial Size. Ely's Cream Balm CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought :atarrh IPS Olvea relief at once. It cleanses, soothes and lie us (he dls nsed membrane. It cures catarrh and l'urthe he"ady,,uicJkl.v COLD 'N HEAD It is absorbed. ileum und protects the Memlirane. Restores the Senses of Tasle and Smell. Full size Wlc; Trial Size 10c: at Druggists or hy mull. ELY BROTHERS, BH Warren Street, sll WFMKw mm New York. Bears the Signature COMPRESSED AIR Carpet Cleaning Works, No. 106 Court Strjt. larpetu called for and dcllvtred. Carpets cleaned and laid, also made over; In fact, everything don Id tbe Carpet Una. All work aatlafactorUy and promntlr don. Telephone call, 1314-2. Give us a calL Brio wil r. kjiapp co. MILL WORK AND LUMBER OF Ali KINDS. Sash, Doors and Hlln H, etc. The Elm City Lumber Co., .WATca bt roor of ouva. District, of New Haven, ss. Prohate Court. April 1, lito-J. ESTATE of ANN CASSIDY, late of New Haven, in said District, deceased. The Court of Prohate for the District of New Haven hath limited and appointed six months from the date hereof for the credi tors of said deeenaed to bring in their claims iiKnlust said estate. Those who neglect to exhibit their claims within said time will he debarred. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pavinent to EARLLISS P. A It VINE, a2 lit Administrator eta. PROPOSALS. Department of Police Ser- Ileailounrters vice. iNo. 1, t'once uunainfr. New Haven, Conn., April 2, 1902. Sealed bids will he received by the Com mittee on Supplies of the Board of Police Commissioners up to 4 o'clock p. iu., Satur day, April 5, 1002, Jit Room No. 1, Police liuilding, For putting up election booths in the Hfteeil wards of the city for the election la be held Apr'! 1" 1'" s3!d l'ds shall Include the removal of said booths from Fitch street, AVestvllle, the eartuge to and from the fifteen wards of the city, (he nutting up, taking down, and return of said booths In good condition to Filch street, Westvllle. and the storage of same in pro per shape in building pruvKled by the Director -of Public Works and to the com plete satisfaction of the Hoard of Police Commissioners;' the furnishing of said booths, and the putling In proper repair of same if ncccessary. The above proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Supplies of the Hoard of Police Commissioners and endorsed "Bids for Election." The Committee on Supplies of the Board of Police Commissioners re serve the right to either accept or reject anv and all bids. I!v order of the Board of rolice Com missioners. F. A. SOUTHWOUTH, a2 at Clerk. ON ha II cy Avenue. A brick house of ten rooms having hot air heat, and all improvements modern plumbing. The location is in the pleasantest part of the avenue, near Winthrop Ave., and the house is very convenient in its housekeeping arrangements, and in perfect repair. Full particulars, and appointment for inspeotion may be had at the office. FOR RENT. $.15 from May 1st, the elegant flat of seven rooms, H51 Crown Street. Enquire at 349 CROWN. m22 tf STORE 1325 Apply at 1323 C FOR RENT, Chanel Street ,'IIAI corner Day APEL STREET. m27 tf FOK KENX' OK SALE. DESHtABLB brown atone front realdence, 662 CHAPJSIL STREET, opposite the park. inquire at THIS OFFICE!. Jy20 tf FOR RENT, FURNISHED front room, with board. References. 1306 CHAPEL. ni2 7tp FOR SALE, CHEAP, BRICK house.three stories, two families, gas ana wuter closets, Eighth Ward, near Mate. Hiick barn, accommodation for live horses. Enquire 60 I'EAKL. m25 tf FOR SALE OR RENT, HOUSE with barn ut 238 Orchard Street House ha eleven rooma conveniently ar ranged, with modern conveniences. En quire on the premises of A. J. HAii- A1UUJNT. 11128 tf FOR RENT. AFTER April 1, atone house 60 Wall Street. with or without stable. Inquire at office vi iv hum, uiuunrr & riLSU., Church Street. inl8 till 24 TO Jjlfil, FROM May 1st, Chapel, corner of State Street, entire suite o very desirable cor uer offices, 12-3-4 connecting. Now occu pied by the Fair Haven & Westvllle Rail way Compaujr. Located on the seeond floor, easy of access, good light, steam heat, toilet, suitable and sightly for In surance otfice, large corporation, brokers, or any Important business requiring at tractive, commodious and comfortable quarters, such as are seldom offered. Favorable terms, long lease. Apply, THE GEORGE H. FORD COMPANY. f6 FREDERIC BROWN WELLS Real Estate Broker, Room 27 Benedict Building, 82 CHURCH STREET. For Sale, Fine house and lot on Pros pect Street, at about two- thirds the valuation. FOR SALE, 15 Acres, Morris Cove. Shore Lots. Gas, Water, Electric oar frontage. 25 Acres, Peach Orchard. MAiJN ttOAU, near raai jiAVjyn, Fine location country home. 60 Acres, Montowese. Farm land. High, dry, level. 30 minutes by trolley. Klectrlc cars pass property. 80 Acres, Westville. Five cent rare. wooden lanfl, near Donald a. Mitchell place. ' BUY OF THH OWNER. EDWARD M. C LA flX, 39 Churob St, WASHINGTON BUILDING. For Sale, BUIIDING LOT on MAPLE STREET, 40x142. $1,000.00 JOHN C. PUNDERFORO, 110 CHURCH STREET. For Sale, 230 ORANGE STREET. 31 AUDUBON STREET. CHARLES H. WEBS, 1 850 Chapel Strsjt. APRIL INVESTMENTS. Conn. Railway & Lighting 4g. United Illuminating Co. 4s. N. H. & Centervllle St. Ry Ba. Southern New England Tel. 5s. Middlesex Banking Co. (Is. j Portland Electric Light Stock. Fair Haven & Westvllle Stock. National New Haven Bank Stock. I'Ou SALK BY m w The Chas. W. Scranton Co. 103 Orange Street. KOU 1th, NT, A NEWLY built house. 12 Miami, hnrdnrnnil floors, up-to-date plumbing, lighted by gas nun oiecuiciiy, commodious veranaas, uu ousu-uetea view, netug adjacent to term and well kept grounds of th owner: prub- aoiy tne miest house for rent In the city rent ouu. is now occupied, but will t rcauy iar a new tenant January ut. Ad dress (nlB tf) P, 0. BOX 1B3. For Rent, THE desirable dwelling housft. HSS Ch.n.1 street. Lower corner bouse la the browa toue front block oCDOilte Weoatar Square. Inquire at this office or at office T mrS tf John t. sloan, 828 Chapel street. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE and commodious house on Humphrey Street. The house has 15 rooms and la suitable for two families. The lot Is 00 feet front and 210 feet deep, so that one couiu Duna a Darn on tne lot. Well stocked with fruit, and the house' Is In excellent order throughout. Price will be reasonable. Inquire of Merwin's Real Estate Office, 740 CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, No. 63 and B5 WINTER STREET; houses In good repair; closets connected with sewer; houses well adapted for two fam ilies each; and on account of the advance age of the owner will be sold very cheap. W. D. JUDSON. Room S, 808 CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, House on Trumbull Street. House on Bradley Street. House on iild btreet. House on Lawrence Street. Hcmse on Livingston Street. House on St. Ronan Street. George F. Newcomb, Real Blstate and Loans. Room No. 322, Exchange Building, corner Chapel and Church Streets. 851 CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, House and Lot 247 St. Ronan Street, 80x175. Lot on St. Ronan Street. 80x160. Lot on Mansfield Street. 100x180. FOR SALE, Tho manufacturing property formerly owned by The Halsted, Harmount Co. This is an extremely vaiuanie piece or renirv. having a frontage of 200 feet on Water Street, and running back 1.000 feet to the Cbaunel, with dock and large brick factory. Money to loan In sums to suit. L. G. HOADLEY, Room 2, Hondley Building, 49 Church Street. Office Open Evenings. um WLxuts. One cent a word for each Insertion; five cants a word for a full week, aevea tlmea. WANTED. FIRST-CLASS non-union linotype machljia operators by NEW XOS.K COMMKKC1AU Wages $a7 to $30. 2 It WANTED. OntL for general housework. Middle aged woman preferred. Good home to the right pan.. UiU JJl.VVVJJ.lyJj AVlijiNUW. IrtB a31tp . 11 OUT. WANTED. GERMAN girls and several other glrla want o.i.iaiiwua jvn Jieuerm UOUSOWOrK. JllKS. .SEBALi), 52 Court Street. a2 ltp WANTED, BOYS wanted. Inquire factory STARCH CO,, iti Fair Street BEATTY il2 2t WANTED. SITUATION .by experienced woman as cook apd laundress. Uuod refereuecs. Addrusa, Courier oiitoe. u2 ltp WANTED. SITUATION to do general WOOLBKY HTKKJbiT. housework. 03 ; a2 2tp WANTED, SITUATION hv . 1 --- . w.A,...WM vir .iwustcr wSf.k ."i second-work. lOu. FltANivL13 SXltliiKT. a2 ltp WANTED, SITUATION hy au experienced seamstress and chambermaid. Good references. In. quire at ltu j: hANjvl.j.V aiixjiiii, to un;.. a2 ltp WANTED, BEST Swedish and German servants arj all secured here. EmBloyuient Agency. au4tf N. SLIiEMAN, 775 Chapel St! WANTED, EXPERIENCED operators on gore work. Also, hand lace trimmers and boners. STROUSE, ADLER & CO., 00 Corns Street. . al tf WANTED, SECOND girl. Must have BISHOP STREET. reference. 233 m31 7tp WANTED, FIRST-CLASS carriage trimmer on llirhs work. ROGERS CARRIAGE CO.. Km.lno-1 iu2uut held, Mass. BIDS for WANTED, removal of the building at 871 triegsou Street. For particulars Inquire Chapel Street. WARI MALLKY, niJJU tf WANTED, BEST help for anv klad of work can al. w?f J"?. erl here, with our long es tablished and largest business in the State. We can guarantee satlsfaetlou. Wei have more and better help than can ba found elsewhere. We know, and have dls. carded, most of the useless class; every body knows that this Is the most reliable; place in the State. N. SLEEMAN, Eml ployment Agency. 7T5 CHAPEL ST. t WANTiiU. FOR the U. S. Army, able-bodied, iinm.i-. lied men, between ages of 21 and 351 citizens of United States, of good char! acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In. m,?ilon'. 2pilly t0 Becruitlng Offlcer, 8IK) Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. MRS. S. A. GLADWIN'S I KmnlnVlliant- Ajrnnnv 102 ORANGE ST., Bowdltch Building, room 4-5. Headquarters for the best situations; 10 Tears' experience. Coachmen, farm hands, porters, girls for renere.1 house vnik waitresses, gardeners, cooks, laundresses. housekeepers, etc. Germans. Flwerioa nn.l others needing situations, should apply, aud those reoutrlnir snnArlnr hcin nan 1 furnished at the above office. German and ungnsii aponen. o27 R. B. MALLORY. AUCTIONEER and Appraiser, 141 Orange jaousenoia sales a specialty. jy3 tf , Patent Stove Brick fit any stove. MARY J. WRIGHT. M. D. MEDICAL and Clairvoyant, 27 High street. yieuicwons reiaiing to business, health, matters In general. Hours: J)ai and Evenings. Consultation, $1.00. : B - Patent Stove Brick are Cheapest. MASSAGE AND ELBCTRICITY. SATISFACTORT treatment given by Mlaa uncuxm, wacaace (j. x. a. Massaga taught. Take Sylvan Avenue car to Asy, lum Street. No. 112 ASYLUM. ml8 tf -- Pstent Stove Brick Bake Best. FOR SALE-1,000 set Patent Stove HrlrH' every set warranted one vear. HrHera rl celved 763 8TATE STREET. LOST, GOLD buckle in St. Paul's Chnrch on vicinity. Reward at 178 WOOSTEIt STREET. a!2tp Moles, Pimples, Blotches, Ulcers, and all affections of the Blood and Skin cured painlessly ano) permanently. DR. KELLY. ROOM 10, HOADLEY BUILDING, COR. CHURCH and CROWN STREETS, New Haven, Conn.. $15,000 Madison County, N. Y., ' Gas & Electric Co. First Mortgage 5 per cent.,' 30 year, Gold cond. " To net better than five per cent. James B. Smithy J; 130 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN, CONN, REFRIGERATORS Oil and G-aaolme Stove AT REDUCED PRICES. T. W. CORBETT'S, ta ad U Broadway, , 1 TWO-FAMILY HOUSE With Barn at Howard Ave. COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. The Committee on Claims will hold a meeting iu Rooms 10 aud 11, City Wall, Friday evening, April 4th, 1902, at eigne o'clock p. m., when the following petitions will bo considered: Petition of Dillon and O'Brien for return ,. of money paid lu excess of assessment for Ashinun Street pavement. Petition of Thomas J. Turbert for com pensation for damuges sustained by th lulling of a limb of tree. Petition of Peter McUuire for compensa tion for personal Injuries received by fall ing on au icy and defective walk. Petition of John J. Carney for coinpensa. tlou for dumages received by falling on Icj, sidewalk. J.'eliuuu oi luitiil Jjuiite Uu.,..... . tton for Injuries received by falling on Icy) aud defective walk. Petition of Mrs. Bernard Klernan foij compensation for injuries received hy full, ing on un icy and defective sidewalk. Petition of Thomas O'Donnell for com pensation for injuries received hy falling on an icy and defective sidewalk. Tetltion of Nathan S. Bronson for dam ages occasioned by an overflow of water. Petition of PhillipPond for compensation for damages occasioned by un overflew ot water. Petition of William H. Lawrence for cora pensatiou for Injuries to person. All persons Interested In the foreolng ai'9 hereby notified to be present and be hearol thereon, without further notice. Per order of WILLIAM BEBCHEIt. Chairman. : Attest: JAMES B. MARTIN, a2 3t Ass't City ClerkV, ,