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I 5 Tte(jyopi$ lefcfoiisoiiS fepfcop New Foulard SilScs And Some Bargains. The silk section is attracting an increased clientele of par ticular people. Our broad guarantee of all silks makes buying here very safe. To-day's story is of the beautiful new Foulards so popular this spring. ' So to-day, lightning streak Foulards; peppered-with-dots Foulards (dots are in demand) Pompadour Foulards and Foulards with the added beauty of Faconne patterns in the weave in fact not a thing in the Foulard family that you won't find here 'tis a brilliant showing and one that we're proud of. Your inspection invited, Prices 39c, 49c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 a yd These Bargains for Thursday. SECOND LOT OF COLORED TAFFETAS a rich lustrous quality, that would be good - value at 85 cents 48c yd , These will be snapped up in a twinkling they're unusual bargains. ALL WOOL FRENCH CHALLIS regular 50 cent goods s5c yd BLACK TAFFETAS-- 36 in. the kind that sells regularly for $1.15 yard 85c yd BEST QUALITY IMPORTED WASH SILKS heavy white cords on colored grounds 20 in. Everyday price 49c , 39c yd New Goods at Thursday Bargain Prices. At the Linen Department. Forgot the linen rnanlast Satur day, so here's extra good bargains to make up BROWN SHEETING 4-4 Brown Sheeting, regular price 6 cents, 4cyd COTTON DIAPER 1 8 in. the regu ... lar 50c quality, 38c for piece of 10 yards DOMET FLANNEL in cream white excellent value at 7 cents, 4cyd LININGS Extra heavy cross bar linen in black uc quality, 7c yd MEN'S WEAR, These prices in themselves don't mean much, unless you see the quality of the goods 'Twill pay you to become acquainted with this Men's Furnishing Department of ours. Men's 38c all-linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, 25c , Men's 25c Neckwear,. 19c Men's !2,c tan and black cotton Hose, " ' 9c $5.00 WALKING SKIRTS $3.75 Very smart Walking Skirts of covert cloth, homespun, basket cloth, and cheviot; in blue, hrown. erav. tan and black : pretty serpentine style that fits snugly to knee, flaring at loot ; straight and graduated flounces effectively finished with rows of ' cording. WOMEN'S $2.00 MUSLIN SKIRTS $1.19 These skirts are the talk of the town have you seen them ? Generous full skirts of Lons dale cambric or muslin, with 18 in. flounce of all-over tuck ing, cluster tucks, lace and embroidered ruffles they're wonderfully cheap at the regular price. WOMEN'S $1.00 GLOVES 79c pr Unusually good value at this price. They're in Mocha and ' Suede in the new Spring shades and are 2 clasp ; self and con trasting embroideries. $1. 25 MERCERIZED SATEEN PETTICOATS 77c CENT A clear saving of 48 e'nts by buying to-day. They re of splendid quality sateen, in black; made with deep flounce finished with single or double ruffles, tucked, corded and hemstitched. Only a limited number to offer at this price. TAILORED SUITS $11.95 Extremely stylish suits in black, tan and gray basket cloth and blue and black serge. Both in the popular " Gibson " style and the jaunty collarless Eton and blouse effects. Skirts have graduated flounce with strappings of taffeta, also per fectly plain . gored style. Ex ceptional values these are. CHILDREN'S 25c MUSLIN DRAWERS 19c Sizes 1 to 10 years. Of good strong muslin, made with nar row hemstitched ruffle, : a few embroidery trimmed slightly soiled. ioc SATIN GARICORDS 7c yd Lovely sheer muslins, with white satin bars white grounds i with small black figures. PLAIN AND FANCY TAFFETA RIBBONS iixtra good quality, in a splendid line of colors, also black and white. 193 kind 10c yd. 25c " 15c " WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Dainty embroidered and lace edged Handkerchiefs. 13c kind 10c 25c " 19c ioc TOILET SOAPS 6c CAKE Castile, Violet, Buttermilk, Lila, Bath, Oatmeal, Carnation, Tar Soap. 25c PERFUMES, 17c OZ. Italian, Wood and White Violet, La France and White Rose, Jasmine, Sweet Pink, Apple Blossom, Stepha notis Pansy blossom, New Mown-IIay and Jockey Club. POCKET BOOKS A varied assortment, all shapes and sizes, 25c kind 19c 50c " 39c New Spring Dress Goods. Three items to judge the store ful by three by which to prove the real economy of dress goods buying at the Chas. Monson Cos.' HOP-SACKING One of the season's most popular weaves for separate skirts and entire suits blue, castor, tan, red and brown 52 in. Worth fi-5 98c yd HEMSTITCHED ETAMINE Con noisseurs of fashion will appreciate this extremely modish material, which regularly sells at $1.50, at 89c yd In blue and black 46-in. BLACK CHEVIOT-54 in. regular fi.oo quality, 69c yd PAPETERIE In white and delicate tints. Half pound box, regularly 15c, 10c Pound box 60 sheets and 60 en velopeswhite only real value 17c 13c WOMEN'S 25c LISLE VESTS 17c Fine Richelieu ribbed light summer weight Lisle Vests, trimmed with lace yoke very elastic. WOMEN'S 25c LACE LISLE HOSE i2)Z These are big bargains dou'. ble heel and toe in very pretty lace patterns. CHILDREN'S 25c LISLE STOCKINGS 16c Plain black, fine ribbed Lisle Stockings, double knee, high spliced heel, double sole an excellent school stocking very serviceable. UPHOLSTERY CLEARANCE Delightful " finds " these days in our Upholstery Department. High-grade, seasonable goods going at a fraction of their real worth. Can't be helped though, we need the room. Your chance to profit. FIGURED DRAPERY SILKS-form-erly 45c, 75", $1,00, Thursday 39c yd FRENCH CRETONNES regular prices 25c to 37c, Thursday 15c yd FIGURED FURNITURE PLUSHES real value f 1.25, Thursday 50c yd For Mans Work wja. b finely appointed office, '" Furniture- Wise, Is well taken care of here. Desks. Sectional Book Cases, Filing Devices, Letter Press Stands, Chairs, etc. THE BOWDITCH FURNITURE CO., 100-106 Orange St. OA. STO H. ZA. Bears the Tto ou Have Always Bought Signature CENUINE GLUTEN FOODS For those who are obliged to use onh) foods free from starch, those troubled with dyspepsia or any who desire the most perfect health food, GLUTEI FOODS will fill a long felt want. While we carry a fall line of these goods, ice would especially call atten tion to the Gluten Breakfast Cereal as the most nvtritions and finely flavored breahfast food on the market. Recommended by all Physicians. GLUTEN FLOUR, Package . . . ISo Same, 6-ib Sac , . . 73o GLUTEN CEREAL, Package , . . 20o Same, S-lb Sack . . . 90o GLUTEN MACARONI, Package . . 20o GLUTEN CRACKERS, Package . . 25s GLUTEN FLOUR, (self raising) for friddie Cakes, Gems etc. Package . . 15o jobnson Brother. 411-413 State St., cor. Court. OASTOHIA. Bears the i M Kind VU hB AlWVS D0!I!l' BigKaturo ' of COLLEGE OPENS TO-DAY. Students Flocked Back to New Haven on the Late Trains Last Night. Yale will open with chapel exercises this morning- at the 'regular time for the last term of the college year. This is the term that is most looked for ward to by the college men, for there are more attractions in it than any other of the year. The Yale men flocked to New Haven on all of the late trains last night, but when chapel opens this morning- there will be many vacant seats. The stu dents are always tardy in reporting af ter the Easter vacation and this year will be no exception to the rule. Professor Willlem Tynn Thnlpo nt Virginia Beach and will not return to college until Monday. GOOD CLOTHING. Do you want good clothing? If you do I will guarantee to sell you such at less price than any house in this city. WALTER LEIGH, 759 Chapel Street. GOOD CLOTHING. Do you want good clothing? If you do I will guarantee to sell you such at less price than any house in this city. WALTER LEIGH, 7S9 Chapel Street. THE IDEA OF Brown Bread IN A CAN will strike the old fashioned Housewife as ridiculous until she tries it. Then the laugh is on her, for its simon pure, extra good, "home-made" qualities would fool even "Foxy Grandpa" himself. No baker's Brown Bread sold hereabouts can touch it. DIRECTIONS 1 required bol. place the can in hailing water for minutes. If cnlti, iimplv open the can, cutting cntirctv around the outside edge to allow the loaf to come out whole. Try it sliced and slightly toasted it's a real breakfast treat. 18 cents a tin. 3SI S-taZl Str THE W. H. GRAHAM GO., UNDERTAKERS, No. ioq6 Chapel Street. DEATHS. SMYTUE In this city, April 2, Ellen Louise, wife of J. 1'ark sniytno, ageci tin VGJll-S. Funeral services will be held nt her lute residence, No. 1(1 Woolsey Street, Friday, April i, at 3 o'clock. Friends Invited. Burial at the convenience of Hie family. Itp HIOKS-In this city, April 1, 1002, Cather ine, infant daughter of Henry 11. and Kinma T. Hicks, aged is montnsi Funeral services will ,-be held at No. 4:17 Orchard Street, on Thursday afternoon. nt two o'clock. - Friends are Invited to attend. . a!l it COKGROVE-In this city, April 2, 1002, Margaret Gosgrove, widow of the lnte Bernard Coserove. Funeral will tuke plnct from the residence or Mrs. jsewuian, 4i: Artiznn street, r 11 day morning, at S.I'.O o'clock. Solemn high mass at St. ' Mary's Church, at 0 o clock. nu it FIELDS In Denver, 'i'.nl, March 29, Wal ter It. Fields, son of the late Robert Fields, of 112, Asylum Street. Funeral services In the Church of the As cension, Friday afternoon, 2.30. Friends are inviteu 10 attend. az arp SCOTT At his home In Wnlllngfnrd, Conu., on Easter morning, in the with year of his life, the Kev. James L. Scott. The funeral services will lie held at St. Faid's Church, Wnlllngfnrd, Thursday, Anrll 3. at 2 t. m. o'clock. The clergy are Invited to be present without further notice, J'lenss bring surplices. uj a MINIATURE ALMANAC. APRIL 3. Sun Ulses, 5:3,1 I Moon Rises High Water Sun Sets, :H 2:25 7:03 p. in. MARINE LIST. j$& PORT OF NEW H AVH.1 1$$ ARRIVED. Srh Emma MeAdam, Nichols, Calais, Me. Sen Howard B. Peck, Dodd, Savannah, Gu. CLEARED. Sell Nan! Huh, Bishop, New York. Sell I'hoenlx, Carlton, New York. Sell Onward, Miller, Providence. SWEDISH Employment Agency, 145 ST. JOHN STREET, rear of Church, MRS. EllICKSON. a8 31p LOST, A DIAMOND ring wilh two diamonds. Reward If returned. 12 OLIVE ST. u3 ltp FOR RENT, SECOND floor seven room flat, with nil Improvements, on Humphrey Street; also ten room brick house 28 Iyon Street. Particulars at 268 HUMPHREY STREET. u3 tf PURE WATER. A11TISIAN MINERAL WATER-B bottles, V4 gallon, 30c, 5 gallons in demijohn, 33c. DISTILLED ARTESIAN WATER -n bot tles, 40c, 5 gallons In demijohn, We. The Stillman Water Co;, lot COURT STREET. Telephone, 1422 3. ti3eodlm NOTICE. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Hulled States Pin Company, duly warned for that purpose and held on the day of March. 11)02, II was "VOTED: To terminate the corporate ex istence of the United States Pin Company and to tuke the steps required by the statute iu such case provided." All persons having claims against said corporation are hereby warned to foitliwllh present, them to I lie undersigned, nt his olllce, No. Hlio Chapel Street., New llaven, Conn. Dated at New Haven, the 2nd of April, 11102, LOUIS II. BRISTOL, a.'i It Secretary. COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS AND BRIDGES. The Committee on Railroads and Bridges will meet In Rooms 10 and II, City Hall. Thuisduy. April 3, 1002, at 8 p. in., when vlllc Railroad Company for the change of layout of tracks, curves nnd tiirnoutd at the corner of State and Chapel .Streets will be considered and a pulill h'-arlng given thereon. All persons futeivsred in the fore going are untitled to attend witliotil further notice. ' Per order, JOHN II. ADAMS. Chairman. Attest: JAMES B. 'MARTIN. a3 It Ass't City Clerk. $cal Estate. gloat Estate. CABINET AND HARDWOOD WORK, ALSO SAWING,' TURNING! And JOBblNL. IN WuOD ul all kinds, KPW'AUD P. BRETT, Builder, 16 ARTISAN STKEJBT. Telephone 2& A House on Whitney Avenue Atput seven minutes ride from the center of the city. The house con tains ten good sized though not large rooms; is modern in its ap pointments, pleasantly located and well worth considering. One of the very few houses for rent in this part of the city. T FOR RENT, $115 from May 1st, the elegant flat of seven rooms, HOI Crown Street. Enquire nt 84U CROWN. Ui22 tf FOR RENT, STORE 132."i Chapel Street, corner Day. Apply at 1323 CHAPEL STREET. m27 tf FOR BENT, ! FURNISHED front room, with board. References. 1305 CHAPEL. ui2() 7tp FOR SALE, CHEAP, BRICK house, three stories, two families, gas and water closets, Eighth Wurd, near Stuto. llrlck baru, accommodation for five horses. Enquire tiO PEARL. ni2o tf FOR SALE OB BENT, HOUSE with barn at 238 Orchard Street. House has eleven rooms conveniently ar ranged, with modern conveniences. En quire on the premises of A. J. 11AU 11UUNT. m28tf TO BENT, SECOND floor, 1(1 Dwight Street, 0 rooms, all Improvements, hot water heat. 8. II. O VI ATT, 87 Church Street. ni20 eod7t FOB RENT. HOUSE 220 Orange Street, 13 rooms, all Improvements. S. Si. OVIATT, Church Street, al eod 7tp AN IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE. I WILL sell my elegant home, 718 Orange Street, with every known up-to-date im provement, that cost me $17,000. Make an offer. Or will rent. JOHN E. HEALY,, 521 Grand Avenue. u2 tf FOB RENT, .$23.00 HOUSE; 74 Edgewood Avenue, elevn rooms. Improvements. 1354 CHAPEL. a2 tf TO LWf, FROM May 1st, Chapel, corner of Stnto Street, entire suite of very desirable cor ner oilices, 12 3-4 connecting. Now occu pied by the Fair Haven & Westvllle Rail way Company. Located on the second floor, easy of access, good light, steam heat, toilet. Suitable niid sightly for In surance office, large corporation, brokers, or any iinportnnt business requiring at tractive, commodious and comfortable quarters, such as arc seldom offered. Ii'avoranio terms, long lease. Apply, THE GEORGE H. FORD COMPANY. FREDERIC BROWN WELLS Real Estate Broker, Room 27 Benedict Building, 82 CHURCH STREET. ' For Sale, Fine house and lot on Pros pect Street, at abolit two thirds the valuation. FOR SALE, 15 Acres, Morris Cove. Shore Lots. Gas, Water, Electric car frontage. 2C Acres, Peach Orchard. MAIN ROAD, near EAST HAVEN. - Fine location country home. 60 Acres, Montowese. Farm land. High, dry, level. 30 minutes by trolley. Electric cars pass property. 80 Acres, Westville. Five cent fare. Wooded land, near Donald O. Mitchell place. IlUy OF THE OWNER. ' EDWARD M. CLAM, 33 Church St., WASHINGTON BUILDING, For Sale, BUIL-DING LOT on MAPLE STREET, 40x142. $1,000.00 JOHN C. PUNDERFORO, 116 CHORCII STREET. For Sale, 230 ORANGE STREET. 31 AUDUBON STREET. CHARLES H. WEBB, rt c r t, . . , 1 . CHAS. A. BALDWIN, 6,1 CHURCH STREET, HAS FOR SALE House and about 2 ucres of land. Valuable house and lot, Wooster Street. Sixteen tenement house, well rented. Two-faiully house, Division Street: irooil bargain. House anu ior, .-aie nrrecr, near Bradley. Farms and flue homea iu Country. Other city houses uud building lota. fO eod CASTOTtlA. Bearj the p 1,3 TOU Havfl Always Bougtt BJgnatnjs 1 FOR HKUT OK SALE, , DESIRABLE brown (ton front residence, B62 CHAPEL STREET, opposite the perk. Inquire et THIS OFteiCB. Jy20 tt FOR KENT, A NEWLY built house, 12 rooms, hardwood floors, up-to-date plumbing, lighted by gas and electricity, commodious verandas, un obstructed view, being adjacent to large and well kept grounds of the owner; prob ably the finest house for rent In the city; rent D00. Is now occupied, but will be ready for a new tenant January 1st. Ad dresa n!3 tf) P. 0. BOX 1842. For Rent, THE desirable dwelling house, 652 Chapel etreet. Lower corner house In the brown stone front block opposite Wooster Square. Inquire at this office or at otDce JOHN T. SLOAN. my8 tf 828 Chapel street. FOE SALE, A VALUABLE and commodious house on Humphrey Street. The house has 15 rooms and is suitable for two families. The lot Is 50 feet front and 210 feet deep, so that one could build a barn on the lot. Well stocked with fruit, and the house is In excellent order throughout. Price will be reasonable, inquire of Merwin's Real Estate Office, 746 CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, No. 53 and 55 WINTER STREET; houses In good repair; closets connected with sewer; houses well adapted for two fam ilies each; and on account of the advance 'age of the owner will be sold very cheap, W. D. JUDSON, Room S, 80S CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, House on Trumbull Street. House on Bradley Street. House on Eld Street. ' House on Lawrence Street. House on Livingston Street. House on St. Ronan Street. George F. Newcomb, Real Estate nnd Loans. Room No. 322, Exchange Building, corner Chapel and Church Streets. ft 851 CHAPEL STREET. FOR SALE, House and Lot 247 St. Ronan Street, 80x175. Lot on St. Ronan Street, 80x160. Lot on Mansfield Street, 100x180. ; FOR SALE, nil .... i.nln rr fnmnB.l. J IIP IlinillUtlVlUlU'S liy.... .v.. .uci.J owned hy The Halsted, Hnrmount Co. This IS an extremely vuiimuie piec 01 realty, having a frontage of 200 feet on Water Street, and running back 1,000 feet to the Channel, with dock and large brick factory. Money to loan In sums to snlt. L.G. HOADLEY, Room 2, Hoadley Building, 49 Church Street. Office Open Evenings. , TWO-FAMILY HOUSE With Barn at Howard Ave. One oent a word for eaoh Insertion; five cents a word for full week, anvea tlmea. WANTED, MODERN flat, seren looms, betweea Whit ney Avenue and State Street. Al, B L Union. . all ltp WANTED, . SMALL rent, two or threo rooms. Not over $5 a month. For two adults. Address. B.B., this office. . aailu WANTED " SITUATION by experienced woman as oook and laundress. Retereucos. Address. COOK, this office. . aa ltu WANTED, COMPETENT girl for general housework. Must be good cook and laundress and have good references. Apply 72H ORANtiK STREET before 12 of after 8 o'clock. u3 2c WANTED, BOYS wanted. Inquire factory BIDATTY STARCH CO., 4U Fair Street. a2 2t WANTED, ) SITUATION to do general housework. 03 WOOLSEY STREET. a2 2tp WANTED, BEST Swedish and Qernmn servants arc all secured here. Employment Agency, au4 tf N. SLEEMAN, 775 Chapel St! WANTED, EXPERIENCED operators on gore work.' A,!?rt!u.llaDd ,ace trimmer and boners. , STROUSE, ADLER CO., 60 Court Street. 7 r al tf WANTED, SECOND girl. Must have reference. 285 BISHOP STREET. ' m3l 7tp WANTED, FIRST-CLASS carriage trimmer on light ' work. ROGERS CAKRIAUE CO., Spring, field, Mass. 'j jt ' WANTED, BIDS for removal of thu building n't 37 Gregson Street. For particulars Inqur at the offlco of EDWARD M ALLEY, uii Chapel Street. 29 tf WANTED.' -A ','-" EEST help for uuy kind of work can al. .w?7.BbeJ "'"red here, with our long es tablished and largest business In the Htnr Wo nan !........ .... ... have more and better help tlmu cun bs found elsewhere. We know, anil have dis carded, most of the useless class: every, body knows that this is tbe most reliable place In the State. N. SI.BEMAN, Em ploymeut Agency, 770 CHAPEL ST. tf MRS. S. A. GLADWIN'S Employment Agency, 102 ORANGE ST., Bowdttch Building, room 4-5. Headquarters for Hie best situations; 10 years experience. Coachmen, rat'in hands, porters, girls for g.neral housework, waitresses, gardeners, oooks, lauudresieX housekeepers, etc. German. Swedes, and others needing situations, should apply, and those requiring superior help can be furnished at the above office. German and English spoken. o27 R. B. MALLORY, AUCTIONEER and Appraiser, 141 Orangei Household sales a specialty. Jy3 tf Patent Stove Brick fit any stove? MARY .1. wmnHT " r" ' MEDICAL and Clnirvoyant, 27 High street.' health, matters in general. Hours: W and Evenings. Consultation, $1 00. s5 Patent Stove Brick are Cheapest.' MASSAGE AND ELECTRICITY. SATISFACTORY treatment given bv Miss PEEKB, Gradniite C. T. S. Massage taught. Take Sylvan Avenue car to Asy. him Street, No. 112 ASYLUM. mia tf v Patent Stovo Brick Bake Best. every set warranted one vear. Orders re celved 703 STATE STREET. FOR SALE. - .-!- ONE Demarest - brougham, one Ilookei univuuc, uuc yUBPlUU, OUO Set UOUlllQ harness, and other stable equipments. For particulars Inquire of EMIL LAKSEN. HO Mansfield Street. Telephone 35. ' in27-20 at3 4tp Moles, Pimples, Blotches, Ulcers, and all affections of the Blood' and Skin cured painlessly unuV permanently. , , DR. KELLY. ROOM 10, HOADLEY BUILDING, COR. CHURCH and CROWN STREETS, mw naven, conn. - SHEAHAN & GROARK, Practical Heating Enginssrs, Practical Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper Workers, Galvanized Iron Cornice Manufacturers, 285-287 State Street. LUMBER. Rough and dressed, of every description. Also, COAL. ' , LOUIS A. MANSFIELD Successor to Austin Mansfield A Soa. 505 GRAND AVENUE. - ANY MAN OR WOMAN who cannot see In our frnlt dlsnlav the hest variety and the finest nuallt'y is as obtuse as well, as a baok wood's delegate to the Constitutional Con vention. In this conection we remark that we ar buvlng 'STRAWBERRIES by the refrlger . ator and selling them at prices within. the reach of people with abbreviated Incomes. JOHN B. JUDSON, The Mirror Fruit Storey 56 CHAPEL STREET.