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12 NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, Till fUS DAY, APRIL 24, 1902 Times Months, $1.50; Onb Month, 50 Cents; One Week, 15 Cents, Single Copies, SCksw. Thursday, April 24, 1902. ASW ADVMSUXlliEMlSlilS JO-UAY. Applications Liquor Licenses. naKeiiaii tavin uock oriiiiniis. Lxpanslon The Koston Grocery Co. Financial Ohio & fal. Rcliulug Oil Co. For Kent Top I-ioor .'10 Church Street "If I Were King"--Hyperion. Notice to Contractors C. W, Kelly. Postum At Grocers'. . Ititilion Sale Howe & Stetson. Special Hale The Ciius. Munson Co. More News E. E. Hall i, Son. (Stylish Things-The'Edw. -Mulley Co. Underwear The. (iambic-Desmond Co. L'needa Biscuit At. Grocers'. Wanted Position 772 State Street. rage 12 111 hit 1CLCUUU. Washington, D. C, April 2::. 1WI2, S p. in. Forelast for Thursday and Friday For New England: Fair Thursday; cooler except on north coast; Friday fair, fresh southwest to west winds. For Eastern New York: Fair Thursday and Friday; much cooler on the coast lhursduy; fresh to brisk northwest winds. Lucul VVetilhor Ktijiori. New Haven, April 21!. I 8 a. m. 8 p. m. an. m Ilarometor Temperature... Wind Direction. Wind Velocity Precipitation Weather llln. Teniperature... max. Temperature... i L. M. TARR, Observer. CO Cloudy 2.n sw 21 Clear HOTEL CLERK DOES CATCH IT ItlS IKOS SUFFMl- flrlef Itleisitou. High water at noon. Mrs. Prances Regan of South Main Street, Branford, la confined to her home with a painful illness. The fine supper to be served by the ladies' aid society of Christ church West Haven, this evening will be fol lowed by a fine entertainment. George Voelker of West Main street. Branford, ia very ill with pneumonia. Tuesday a consultation of doctors was held. Strong hopes for his recovery are felt. Francis J. Hamilton, jr., will sing at the entertainment to be given this ev . ening by the Faithful circle of King's Daughters of the West Haven Congre gational church. All of the arrangements for the social to be given by the members of the clan to-morrow evening to the Daughters of Scotia, Victoria lodge, No. 1, has been completed and a very interesting programme has been prepared. Arbor and bird day will be observed In the public schools on the afternoon of Friday, May 2, with appropriate ex ercises. There will be music, speaking and original papers by the pupils, on trees and their planting, birds, etc. Frank Tone, a machinist living at 229 Portsea street, and employed at the car shops, was painfully injured yester i day morning. A piece of iron dropped on his leg. He was taken to the New "Haven hospital and will be discharged in a day or two. The social committee of the Ethel 'chapter, O. E. S., of Westvllle held a special meeting at the home of Ms. Watson on Ramsdell street last even ing to arrange for the reception of the grand officers of the grand lodge in Masonic hall, May 7. Otis R. Pickett, proof reader on the Boston Globe, well remembered and popular with many friends in this city, his former home, arrived in town last evening, coining to attend the funeral of his attn, Mrs. Jehlel W. Pickett, who died on Tuesday in the sixty-sixth year of her age. 'The fourth lecture of the special course on missions open to all was glv en last evening in Center church chap el by Rev. Dr. Mutch. The subject was "The Crusades." The next two Iec tures are "The Period of Luther" by Rev. G. L. Parker and "Missions in the Eighteenth Century" by Rev. J. T. Stocking. The course is a very inter esting one. i A meeting of the executive committee of the Royal Arcanum was held last evening In the office of the grand sec retary. The committee consists of Grand Regent E. H. Judd, Vice Grand Regent W. H. H. Hatfield of East Bridgeport, Grand Secretary- C. E. Hoadley, Grand Orator T. H. Pattison of Branford, and H. F. Matthewson, past grand regent, of Milford. Germanla Bicycle club has elected the following officers for the ensuing term: M. Pfelffer, president; Adam Zelgler, vice president; John 'Reiss, secretary; Reinhold Hlle, treasurer; Carl Yentsch, collector. The first run of the season of this club will take place next Sunday. Miss Mary Williams of Branford was called to New York Tuesday by the ill ness of her brother, Dr. John G. Wil liams of St. Mary's hospital. On June 1 the board of aldermen will appoint two representatives to the board of finance. Heretofore this board has had one member on the board of finance. The extra member will fill the place vacated by the representative from the board of councilmen, which board is permanently abolished on June 1. Mayor Studley will appoint one new citizen member before June 1 to take the place of William H. Atwood, who retires on that date. From Chronic Kicker. Ileal Hud Keen The Water Kleker Drummer With Grievances Number Craukl lid Folks With Memorle. Who Fear Spooks lint Women Are Worst of All, Says Suavlljr In the Hotel Of fice. "That was an all-right narrative in last Sunday's Sun about the snags that the hotel manager runs into in the course of a day's work. But the day of the hotel manager Is one long dream of hammock-swinging, hours and jugs be neath the bough, compared with the diurnal whizz of the average man be hind the desk." said a New York hotel clerk who is famed over the land for his patience and suavity. "The hotel manager can get away. The man behind the desk can't. When things begin to gel a. little too swift for the manager, he can point both hands to the zenith and mentally declare ev erything oft', clap on his hat and rush out into the air to cool off. Hut the man behind the desk has got to stay right there and fight 'em until the end of his watch. "If there's any known job that's cal culated to cause the man holding it down to long hundreds of times over to be sitting alongside t,ome little old creek a-fishin', that job's the hotel clerk's. "Come up to my fiat some day and I'll give you a copy of my little brochure entitled 'Eighteen Thousand Immemorial Kicks of Hotel Guests.' For the next edition I'm going to am plify the treatise and make it 80,000 kicks. I'm taking over-doses of nerve tonic right now for the purpose f haul ing myself together from the effects of a kick that spread all over the house only yesterday. "It all fell on me. The manager saw the impending simoom, and he passed me the vindictive smile and went out for a drive on the Speedway until he knew it would be all over. It was about the water. "Every drop of water used in this house Is filtered. Yesterday morning the filtering apparatus curled up'on us and had to be taken aprt for repairs. . It just happened that eofncldentally , with the temporary suspension of busi- ; ness of the filtering layout the water , was turned off on us for an hour owing ' to ab reak in the pipe caused by a sub- I way blast. "Well, for about an hour after the j water was turned nn again ihe fluid was , of about the color of a passe blood or ange and the consistency of maple syrup end. of course, this had to hap pen When our filtering plant was being , against dogs cf all desree?, high nr low, tinkered with in sections by tired ; coo.rse nr refined. But the women plumbers. guests smuggle the dogs in on us, all "You ought to have heard them pile the same. into me. They came flocking from all Once the dogs are got In, they caret over the house, and they all but ac- be got out by any means short of ordcr cuserl me of maliciously making my ing the women guests out, and this Is of 'em dislike having the wind taken out o ftheir sails in this fashion. "Then there is the tribe of men who have prejudices against certain num bers for individual reasons. There Is one man who always comes to this houe he's postmaster of a big western city now who has a violent detestation for the number 17. " Last lime he was here the only room, that suited his require mentsfront, second floor, with bath was 17. He came near falling down when we handed him the key, and he took another roo mthta didn't at all stilt his requirements. When he went away the cashier cooked up a little job on mm and made his bill an even $17 the bill really amounted to $17.25. "When the postmaster saw the bill he turned white and gave a clutch at his forehead, he Fpent half an hour with the cashier crying to figure the bill eith er over or under $17, but the thing couldn't be done, and so he missed his train by go'.ng into the dining room and eating another dinner, which made his bill $l.f.0. But he went away with a contented smile. "Back in the 'SOs we had ft suicide in this house. It happened in one of the best rooms. The room was completely refurnished, but people who stop at ho tels read the newspapers despatches about these affairs, and. they had us pat. about that room until we abandon ed the number. But there still remain about a dozen old-time guets of the house who remember that, suicide and you couldn't drive one of 'em into that room with a pack of mastiffs. "Many of the elderly ladies who come here make It a practice to turn down the bed covering when they are shown a room. They want to make sure that the bed linen is bleached, I suppose. Jf it doesn't measure up to the'r idea of whiteness, the man behind the desk is the boy Who hears from them. It al ways makes the bellboy very tired to see the fussy old persons turning over the bed coverings. We were compelled to fire, on complaint one bellboy who when old lady did this, said to 'ur, when an old li'dy did this, said to her, as tarpaulins, lady?' "On the subject of beds, here's anoth er one touehin' on an' appertain!!!' thereto. About eight yeirs ago the pro prietor of this house fitted up about about half of the rooms In the hotel with fine folding beds, at an average cost of about $125 per bed. He was a strong advocate of the folding bed Mea, and he wanted to be up to date. "Now. after the beds were nicely In stalled, there bgan an epidemic "f folding-bed accidents throughout the Country, and the newspapt.3 made a great deal of these accidents, That vir tually sealed the doom of the bote fold. Ing bed. about five years ago. On' pro prietor had to have 'em ci.?'ed dmvn to the auction room, and he was out about $10,000 on his little folding-bed transac tion. "The women guests who are not n'.t-and-out. kickists hav- dtbr little pera liarites that keen the man behind the desk busy being snd V.ith himse'f. on account of the other kicks Hint these peculiarities produce, '"or evanm'e. we've a-ot an i-on-clad rula in Ihls house listen to the wails of arisulBh tnat the guests situated around the piafiisl's room fetch to him. "The clerk also has to deal with the cranks whoi don't want running water in their rooms, for fear of sewer gas. Likewise the folks who wouldn't think of taking rooms that weren't right along side the lire escapes. These people are all from Missouri obviously, and they want the man behind the desk to show 'em the fire escapes the bellboy won't serve. "The--jealousies' of the ladies who take rooms for the reason have also to be assuaged by the clerk. A couple of weeks ago a dressy old lady, who has been with us for the season, for a num ber of years visited the room of a young married woman. In the latter's mom she saw a chiffonier that had a side glass reaching to the fionr. The old lady came to me with an instant demand for one of those chiffoniers. I told her that the one In the young married woman's room was the only one In the house. " 'Very well, vou may give me that license Notices. license Notices. T6 the Hoard of County Commissioners tor New Huven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer, Rhine Wine and Cider, lit alii oak street, town of New Haven. My place of business is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice, of Public School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any any Post Office, Public Li brary, or Cemetery. Haled at .New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D., 1002, JAMES E. McNAMARA, Applicant. We. the lindersiL'ued. electors ana tax payers, us dclined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby To the Board of County Commissioners for New Huven Comity: I hereby apply for u license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer, Ithlne Wine aud Cider, at Ho Broad way, town or Aew naven. My place or business is not located within 2UO teet In n direct line of a Church Edlllcc, or Public School house or the premises pertaining theeto, or any l'ost Olllce, Public Library or Cemetery. Haled at Xew Haven, this 21st day of April, A. D., 1002. It. H. WRIGHT, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as detincd by law. of the Town of ndorse the application ?sew Haven, liereoy endorse, the application or me anove named ror sucn license. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. I)., 1002. It. C. Light bourne, P. N. Corbel t, E. M. Kiniberly, Coo. It. Doollttle, Herman E. Smith. ;3ewelev3. of of the above named for such license. Haled at Xew Haven, this 23d day April, A. !., 1002. William Darrv. James Mead, Pal lick Egan, Edward. Fitzgerald, Michael Cuasick. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager lleer, Ithlne Wine and Cider, at 4-13 Grand avenue, town of New Haven. My place ot business Is, not located within K feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice, Public pertaining School-house or the nremlses one,' she said, tossing her nice old white therein, or any Post Office, Public Library ringlets, and I spent half an hour try ing to convince her that we couldn't take furniture out of one guest's room to give It to another. I couldn't get away with it. though, apd she had mov ed over the way to the rival hotel be fore sunset that evening. "Urn, ye-es," wo.tnd up the hotel clerk with the reputation for patience and suavity "the house manager rams into a partially-submerged rock or two in the course of his day. but If you want to see the hotel, olllctal who's all., the time on the lee shoals In a typhoon, and no chance to scud away even under n jury rig, all you've got to do is to take a look at the man behind the deck." New York Sun. TESTIMONIALS OF CURE. of Take a wine glass JOHAM HOFF'S EXTRACT with your dinner, and 'then the whole ,bill of fare. Johann Hoff's Extract Is the plor.oer and standard has been sold since 1847. iVware of imitations, which are merely extracts In name and have nothing but their cheap ness to recommend them. Insist upon Johann Port's. EISNKR & MENDELSON CO. Swsle Agents, New York. way to the reservoir and hurling a half a ton of ochre or sneiinc into it. rney wouldn't listen to any explanation of any kind. The manager, as T say, fore seeing the wrath to come, had ducked, and I got it ail. One old Englishman yelled at me that hew as going to write to the Times London Times, y'knaw about the infamy, and so I've got a first-rate, even money chance of being held up to odium in the pages of the Thunderer before the gaze of my friends of the American colony In Lon don. There's an amiable litle fiction, uni versally current, that commercial trav ellers are a jolly, happv-go-luckv lot. and as easy to get on with as shaking the Jelly of a piece of lemon meringue pie with a fork. There are few dream ier notions than this. The drummers have got a kick coming for every hour of the dial and few of them ever per mit a chance to make a kick to get away from them. "Most of them posses a rooted Idea, amounting to an obsession, that they've got perpetual and perennial mortgages on certain rorns in the hote's they pa tronize on their rounds. They wire ahead a couple of days, as a rule, for 'my room,' and when the drummer who does this arrives at his hotel and finds that 'his' room is occupied he invariably puts up a snort that would make any thing of that kind in a Mexican bull ring sound like the sneeze of a snail. "He isn't mollified a. little bit. when the clerk tells him that the individual occupying 'his' room is going to give it, up In a few hours, and he mumbles dark foreoastings as to what would probably happen to the hotel supposing that he (the drummer) should take it into his head to pack his sr'p across the wav 'to the other house.' "Then, the drummers are nearly al ways In fl. state of grouch about their mall and telegrams. If. when they ar rive, they don't find waiting for them In the rack a stack of letters and de spatches from their firms thev give vou the meaningful g'ze which plafvlv hints their suspicion that you've withheld these communlcfl.tions from them for designing, If not criminal, purposes of your own. "Then, the superstitions about num bers gives us many a bad quarter of an hour per annum. There's no No. 13 room in this house. The room that, for merly had that number was renumber ed years ago because everybody side stepped It n.nd wouldn't have it on any consideration. And yet. every once In a while, some crank drifts along and de mands that he be given room 13 says that that's his lucky, win-out. number. When we tell him thRt we haven't any room 13 on the chart he asks us why we don't sell out nd start a tavern no In Skaeway. whore the conditions would suit us better. A few years ago the number idiots sprang n new one. They wouldn't have any room the number of which was di visible by 13. It didn't take this bunch long to Increase so largely th'it now we haven't any 2(5. 39. 52. 65, 78, (11. 104, 117, or 130 rooms. AVhenever a m.n walks in now and hands me that list of num bers, all written out. on a little card like policy slip.' and tells me that he can't under any circumstances accept a room with any one of those numbers tacked on the door, it's pleasint to be ab'e to smile cheerfully in his teeth and tell him that u-f ain't pot nn stpVi' niiwil-fo I on the chart of the house. And some not often practicable or possible. The j mutts are all right in the rooms while j their mistresses are with them, but when they are deserted for shopping ,' tours or the like they set up their plain- j tive wailing and howling. Then the i man behind the desk has to stand for hot moans from guests located in rooma within half a block of the room con taining the querulous canine. "Then there's the piano. From day it is installed In her room (Continued from Tenth Page,) I got to Corning In the middle of the afternoon after a long and tiresome ride. As I walked into the hotel I no ticed a funeral procession coming up the street. "I see you're having a fun eral," I observed to the clerk with the airy facetiousness of a man who is used to hotel clerks. "Yes," said the clerk, "they're bury ing David Templin one of the big men here." They sent me to Toledo once to get a testimonial from a bishop. Of what church he was a bishop Is immaterial at this time, but it was a Protestant de nomination. I didn't fancy the Job be cause it looked hard to me. I made up my mind to get through with it as quickly as possible, and as soon as I had fortified myself' with some supper went out to the ecclesiastical residence. He tvas an oldish man with a kindly face and a warm hand-clasp. I made known uy. errand as soon as propriety pevmit(-rd. ' Of c-urse we will, won't we, Pally?" he said enthusiastically to his wife. "Why, I believe we both would have been In our graves had it not been for your medicine." And they both started off on a pane gyric to its virtue that should have had phonographic reproduction. The bishop sat down and wrote a gentle, dignified and efl'citlve testimonial that was worth ten taousand dollars to the house, and "Polly" went into the parlor and got photographs of each. I tucked the things 'vay in my overcoat pocket and after a .iecent lapse of time got ready to maks my adleux. . "Won't you stay with us for a word of ptsyev before you go?" said the bish op, i wasn't used to it, but I stayed. And that kindly, warm-hearted old man the ' fi'ot dcwti on his knees and prayed for she 1 long lite and happiness for the man in- ( 'niiiitliirt Hated al New Haven, this 23d day ot April, A. 1)., Ift02. THOMAS NOLAN, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, us dclined bv law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Haled at New Haven, this 23d day of April. A. D 11102. Kou l'ekarc, Ccorge Herpich. Leonhard Fasscr, Charles Ott, Oeorge Treiber. To the Hoard of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer, Hblne Wine nnd Cider, at 71(1 Chapel sin M. town of New Haven. .My place ut business Is not located within 200 feet. In a (Unci line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises thereto, or any l'ost Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Hated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. I)., 1002. WM. F. EUEULK, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as tiffined by law, of the Town of New Unveii, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Haled at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. O., 1IM12. ('has. H. Pond. John M. Pietters. John Stlers, Daniel S. Uilhuly, John C. Miles. drums on it incessantly, uing it in ad dition as an aid to her vocal l-snns. Then the man behind the desk hfl.s to who made the medicine, and for the un bidden guest temporarily abiding under his roof. Toneka Daily Oopltal. Looking Backward ! WHEN FIRST Wis GAVE THE WORLD no article ever met with such its-itant success the suppi "$ not equal to the demand. In the home, at the office, i.J the workshop, every where, everybody tried a pack age, tie universal verdict was The second year found the supply equal to the demand and the demand continued to grow daily. The greatest bakeries in the world devoted their entire time to sup plying the ever growing call for this most popular food. They have continued to grow better and better, but the price remains 5 cents. The third year finds e erybody saying To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and' intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer, Khine M ine and Cider, at 98 Hudson street, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 2ou feet In n direct line of a Church Hdlllee, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Offices, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D., 1002. KATE HLEINMETZ, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax nnvers. as defined by law. of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above nninea ror sucn license. Dated tit New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D., 1002. John IT. Adams, Jr., James E. Kclley, David O'Keefe, Daniel Flynn, Thomas Doiiierty. To the Hoard of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Ale. Lager Heer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 445 Oraiid nve., town of New Haven. My place of business is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 17th day of April, A. D 11103. FKANK ANGEL. Applicant. .e, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as dell ned by law, or ttie town or New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D., 1002. John Nagel, Abram E. Mack. Patrick Hlg glus, Kred. L. Lohr, Charles J. Henze. To the Hoard of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer, Ithlne Wine aud Cider, at Kill Stale street, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any l'ost Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D.. 1002. JOHN H. MIXAHAN, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and lax payers, as dclined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 1002. Hubert Eusko, Edward J. Ryan, J. H. Buckley, Ph. Schultafer, Edward I. Barrett. ITthe Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: T herehv nonlv for a license to sell Snlrlt- noiis and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Ithlne wine and i.iocr, at Hudson street, town of New Haven. .My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or ( einetery. Dated a I New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D 11X12. BKliNARD BARON, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as dclined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of Ihe above nained for such license. Dated at. New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D.. 1002. John M. Richards. Edward Relche, U, Win. Hesselmiieir, John H. Adams, Jr., C, It. Niehlas. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven county: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Reer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 140 Dlxwell avenue, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within J.W reet In a direct line of a Church Edlllce, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 1002. - T. E. CAIIILL, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as denned by law, of the Town of New Haven, uereny ennorsc tue application of ihe above named for such llceuse. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 11102. Joseph H. Pohlman, V. Klrchhuff, Michael Cuaslck, W. F. Muran, Edward J.Curey. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lngci' Beer, Rhine Wine aud Cider, at 254 Wooster street, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church' L'dlttce, or Public School limuse or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Olllce, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 1802. FREDERICK BRILL, Applicant. We,, the undersigned, electors and tax payer's, as defined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Hnven, this 22d day of April. A. D., 11102. William Mayer, Karl Hertler, J. W. Pie pen Celnk, Christopher Rothhaar, , Herman Ertell. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer Rhine Wine and Cider, at 380 Orchard (Street, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 1002. JOHN A.MINELL, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Hnven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 1002. John H. Adams, Jr., James E. Kelley, David O'Keefe, Daniel Flynn, Thomas Dorherty. WO! Jwslar and Op tic: a 1, 857-859 Chapel St. ESTABLISHED 1843. French Grey Silver. Our Belt Pins and Buckles of Sterling Silver, in the charming French Grey Finish, are of new and exclusive designs. Ladles' and Gent's Watches and new patterns in Lorgnette Chains invoiced this week. Should your old watch need repairing, our Watchmaker is first class; also, Jewelry manufactured anj repaired on the premises. GIVE US A TRIAL. ' John H. G. Durant, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER, 71 Church Street, opposite Post Office. Old Gold and Silver Bought. I Bplyneeda Biscuit This signature ii on every box ot the genalaa Laxative Bromo-Ouinine Tweu ytnnthB remedy that curea m cold In ana dW To the Board of County Commissioners for Now Hnven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Inloxlcatiny Liquors, Ale, Lnxer Beer, Rhine VVino und Cider, at 09 Charles street, town of New Haven. My place of business is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Hnven, this 23d day of April, A. V 1002. CHAS. LTITJ5. Applicant. Wo, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Hnven, hereby endorse the application of the above mimed for such license. Hated at New Haven, this 2M day of April, A. D., 30O2. William , Hawterty, I.. Pnlzel, Ernest Itaschc, Jacob Egg, Wni. J. Kouald. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and lutoxlcatlng Liquors, Ale, Lacr Heer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 102 Meadow slreul. town of New Hnveu. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet In a direct Hue of a Ciiurch Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at sew Haven, mis iza day or April, A. P., 1902. JACOB RTPERT, Applicant. Per Chas. Zapp. We. the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as denneri oy law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the annllcation of the above nained for such license. Dated at New Haven, this l'2d day of April, A. D.. 1002. .lonn it. iiurr. .ionn app. naries Scnle gel, John N. Leonard, Fred. L. Lehr. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County : I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and tutoxlcaflng Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer, Rhine Wine aud Cider, at 280 Elm street, town of New Haven. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A P., 1U02. B. T. McQUEENEY. Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Da led at New Haven, this 22d dav of April. A. P., 1002. William Mayer, Edward J. Casey. Michael McUuirc, Ueoi'Ke C. Schuesslcr, Thus. J Turbert. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wiue and Cider, at 8 Washing ton Avenue, town of New Haven. My place or Dusiness is not located wnnin am reer. In a direct, line of a Church Edifice, or Pub lic School-house or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D., 1002. JOHN COLUMBUS, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the. town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. P., 1 (102. Daniel S. Gllhuly, Hugh J. Flnnlgan, Michael J. Fahy, Oeorge Jacob, John Stars. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 1511 Dlxwell Avenue, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet In n direct line of a 'Church Politico or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D., 1002. SARAH B. DUNN, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. D., 1002. John Nngel, Hugh liunkett, William Mayer, Herman Ouldbauui, Ellas L. Housam. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby annly for a license to sell Suli'it- 110119 anil Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and cider, at 08 Klmber ly Avenue, town of New Haven. My nlaco business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church 'Edifice or Public School-house, or the premises pertnlnlnir thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or i emeiery. Dated at New Haven, tins iM day of April, A. P., 1002. william clakixson, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the iinPlicatiou of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 22d day of April, A. D 1002. Byron N. iiosicy, James Mason, Geo. w. Wltherell, Thomas Brcnnau, Edward J. Carey. Watcta. Wattles. Walcta Wells & Gunde, The Old Reliable Jewelers, 788 Chapel Street. Igtluattimt. LEOPOLD VOICE BUILD KR. INTERPRETATION, KEPEKTOIUM. FORMERLY INSTRUCTOR, DRESDEN. STUDIO, 55 INSURANCE BUILDING. Till: DESHA ER-TKOOSTWrK SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 7 63 Ohpel Street, will reopen on THURSDA V, September 7tn. Office boun daily from 13 to 1 and 4 to 1 PILLS To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer.Rhine Wine and Cider, at R00 Congress Avenue, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet in a, direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Otilce, Public Library, jr Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this 21st day of April, A. D., 11)02. HENRY WERWAiSS, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such u llceuse. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April. A. P., 1002. John T. Cox, ('has. J. Henze. Kon Pckarc, Herman Waller, John F. Rcllly. To the Board of County Commissioners for New Haven County: I hereby apply for a hotel llceuse to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale. Liger Beer, Rhine Wine aud ider at 78 Fallen Avenue, town of New Huven. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, or Public School-house, or the premises per taining thereto, nr any Post Oiliee, Public Library or Cemetery. Dnled at New Haven, this 23d day of April. A. p., 10O2. HERMAN J. ELSMANN. Applicant. Wo. Ihe undersigned, electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of N- ii.ien. h-Uu. clidolao the a iqiiicullou of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 23d day of April, A. P., 11)02. Geo. W. Martin. Murray M. Hughes, Al fred Magson, M. S. Doohan, James Daly. OHvln.T nd Onlv Oennlnft. SAFE. Alway reliable. Ladle, alk Drunlrt for CHICHESTER'S KNtil.lSM in KKI and Uold nieullio boxes, sealed vitli blue ribbon. Take no other. Beftiie Ionfxcrou. Siibfitltuttons and Imita tion . Buj of your Druggist, or Bend 4c io eiampa for Pnrtlculnra, Testimonial, and "Relief for Ladle." teller, by re. turn Mall. 1 0.AOO Testimonials. Sold by all nrmretai. rliUhat Chemloal Co.. Mention thla paper. Modlaon Square, PHILA.. PA. Established 1850. BEERS' PHOTO STUDIO. 7H0 CHAPEL ST. Fine photos at low and uniform prices is what makes our studio a uni versal favorite. Our latest slvle large size cabinets nr in'lv $2.00 and $2.50 per dozen are very popular Sittings every evening by: Hectric light. 24W Yoor Fortune Told Free RV THF Tnnilfi A BtroIoBT reveals your Uf. We tns of yoor life and a most Iiitereatlnu Rook nn ah. tro.OHTi If you send the date of your Mrth and stamp for return postage. Onr readinm hare made people liappy and full or hope and suocau. Address MAOAZIWC Of HTBTEaiXa, 38 H. Wlllltm 9t., MX City. Mi To the Board of County Comiuissioueis lo New Haven Couuty: s I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirit uous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Heer. Rhine Wine aud Cider, nt 0.1 and (to Water Street, town of New Haven. My place of business Is not located within 20(1 feet In a direct line of a Church edifice or Public School-house or the premises pertain. ing thereto, or any Post Office, Public Li bay or Cemetery. Dated at New Haven, this lth day of. Ami, A. D.. 11)02. MICHAEL LEE. Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors und tax pavers, as defined by law, of the Town of New Haven, hereby endorse the application of the above named for such license. Dated at New Haven, this 17th day of April. A. P.. 1002. Win Splltler, Philip Mayland, James W Coyne, Edward X. Stuiford, Thomas Coyne,