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NEW HAVEN MORNING JOURNAL AND COURIER, MONDAY. APRIL 2&, 1902. DEMOCRATS CAUCUS TO-NIGHT. fTo Nominate Officers of the Court of Common Council. The democratic members of the now. court of common council, whlehl Is to organize June 2, will caucus this even ing at city hall for the purpose o nomi nating candidates for assistant city clerk, president of the board of alder men, which will hereafter constitute the common council, and for two members of the board of finance. The indications are that James B. Martin, who has ably filled the office of assistant city clerk for several terms will be renominated by the caucus. There is some opposi tion which cannot, it is believed how ever, defeat Mr. Martin for renomlna- ' tion. The opposition candidate is E. J. Maher. There will be eighteen votes in the caucus and it is said that Mr. Mar tin will receive at least eleven of these. He has a host of personal friends who will support him regardless of any other political affiliations. For the nomination for president of the board there are two avowed candi dates, Alderman James Logan of the Seventh ward and Alderman George Wallace of the Eleventh ward. Both are able men and popular and the con test will doubtless be a close one. Mr. Logan's friends claimed last night that enough votes were pledged to him to eecure for him the nomination. On the other hand the friends of Mr. Wallace claim that he will be nominated if hard work avails anything:. For member of the board of finance the only democrat thus far mentioned is Alderman E. G. Frederick, who has- very creditably served on the finance board during the past year as the couneilinanio member of the board. Mr. Frederick is familiar with, the duties and his friends say that he ia entitled to a re-election by the common council. ORGANIZED YESTERDAY. Zion Lutheran Church Schuldentilg ungs Society Officers Elected. A meeting of the members of the Zion German Lutheran church, corner Ward street and Davenport avenue, was held yesterday afternoon to organize a Schuldentiigungs society to liquidate the debt of the church. There were about fifty present. After the constitu tion had been adopted officers were elected for the ensuing year, as follows: President, Rev. Frederick A. Ottmann; vice president, Miss Martha Huber; secretary, Mrs. Max Dressier, and treasurer, , Frederick Lendroth. The society commences business , with a membership of about one hundred and fifty, many of those in attendance handing in the names of members of their families and those who were un able to attend. The collectors and auditors Will be named by the presi dent. , It Is expected that the member- . ship of the society will be increased to between two and three hundred within a short time. The next meeting of the society will be held the third Sunday in August, the society meeting as a body every three months. The an nual meeting will be held in May, 1903. CONNECTICUT PENSIONS. Connecticut pensions were issued Sat urday as follows: Original to Orrin D. Perry of Putnam. $6 per month; to Plumb B. Nichols of Trumbull, $6 per month; to John Van Deusen of West Norwalk, $6 per month: to George R. Bill of New Haven, $12 per month: to Frederick Freeman of Winsted, $6 per ' month, and to Ernest J. Monseau of Thompsonvllle, $6 per month. In creases to Aldnzo Taylor of Hebron, $8 per month, and to Alonzo B. Robinson . of Middletown $1Q per month. Original , widows to Caroline E. Perkins of East Lyme, $8 per month. ILLNESS OF STEPHEN WHITNEY, i . Many will regret to learn of the ill ness of Stephen Whitney, who was tak en ill with pneumonia last Saturday night. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS. 65c 75c. 85c The experienced shopper who is apt to expect cabbage head rose designs in these carpets will meet with a sur prise. They have been care fully culled from the stock of three of the best makers in the country and there is not a bad design among them, and they are suitable for your Hall, Dining or Living Room A new surprise is bping prepared for you. Look for it In this space and he prepared to be one of fhe lirst. , The Thompson Shop, 68-70 Orange Street. Flannel Suits. We have put in a complete line of tart and smart flannel suits of the very highest character clean cut, well tailored garments with swing and dash direct from our New York Store. Repre senting clothing in a class by itself. Prices from $9.76 to $12.00. Hats Haberdashery and Shoes. Now nt 854 CHAPEL STREET. Formerly at 820 Chapel St. L" K. I. Store, S3-11 Cortlandt Street, Expett Chiropodist 2d Floor. and C Store News eminent. HERE is beginning to be a strong flavor of "out-of-doors" in the store news and in the demands of the people who come in ashopping. tu Ctino- Goods Store is ar its busiest. 1 lie kjpw '"it. , witPr vnn mav want in Tennis, Golf. Base Ball or Photno-ra is here, waiting for you. 1 hat s all the advertising the Sporting Goods need at present. , ti,. rle nf the new home are crooDing up noticeably. Nnt axxrr- of Iron Bedsteads, today. Learn also of the attractions in Mattings and Carpets, by coming in; we don't print them this morning. Rpnrl tl1P third item under the Lace Curtain Heading wiui tdtc. . Hartford Bicycle Tires, 1.89. These are called "seconds," but they are taken eagerly at $2.50 by bicyclists who know a good thing when they see it. W e have never known tnese goods to sen iur less than that price before. 1 ake em Monday at 1.89. Hartford No. 70, $2.69. Hartford No. 77, $3.09. Hartford No. 80, $3.39- What About Gloves? We have on sale some of the best Glove bargains we have ever had in this store. Haven't said much about them, either; it's time we did. First, here's a lot of Lisle Gloves at 75c that are really and truly the best assorted lot we have ever carried. We have all sizes and all the varieties in shade, you will be likely to ask for. Next, these 59c Gloves, that is, the 75c Gloves that we are selling for $gc. All shades, all sizes and a clear saving every time you buy a pair. No dollar glove looks any better that these; some stores call them dollar gloves Then we have a tableful of gloves at 23c a pair. This is a regular gold mine for you, if you can find your size. The saving is plenty big enough to pay for spending some time in trying. As big a value as there is in the store is our REGU LAR $.jo glove, the Chevrette. And you know, we are the sole selling agents for the JOUVIN, the world's best glove Altogether, this is a pretty good place to buy gloves. The "Pencoyd" and Other Shoes. No shoe fits so snugly, yet so easily as the "Pencoyd." Shoes for children ought to be fitted with extreme care, and no roughly made, stiff, awkward shoe should ever be put on their feet, at any price. The Pencoyd is as good in wear as in looks. Next time the little daughter or the active young son needs footwear, try the "Pencoyd." and see how long it will be before you have to buy again. All leathers and all sizes in boots and Oxfords. Also; Women's patent leather and vici kid Oxfords, in Goodyear welt make. Latest shape lasts. 7-8 military heels. A shoe made for street wear. All sizes and widths $2.00 Women's velour calfskin Oxfords in Goodyear welts. Medium exten sion soles, also vici kid hand turn ed oxfords, with patent tips. All sizes and widths. At $2.50 Women's patent vici kid oxfords, with matt kid tops, Goodyear welt, 10 8 military heel. A nobbv dress shoe at . $3.00 Women's Colonial Ties with patent leather vam is and kid quar ters. The very latest novelty in footwear. We have them in all sizes. At . . Women's hand turned Juliets for street or house wear. Nothing equals the Juliets for foot comfort. Plain toes or with patent tips. $1.25 tO $2. Women's house slippers in serge or kid. All styles. Medium or low heels, 50c, 75c and $1. Some New Veilings. Du Barry in polka-dot Chiffon, hemstitched edges, in black and white; . . . . , . 6jjc In plain Chiffon, lace-trimmed, black and white combina naf ions; price ... . . . , 59c You will see these styles in other stores, by-and by. They are new. For The Table. We have several excellent "open stock" patterns in Eno-. lish Porcelain Dinner Ware, which are as cheap as they are attractive. . "Open stock" patterns, it may be needless to tell vou, are patterns in which you can buy single pieces at any time, to replace breakages. One of these is especially handsome an'd we make an es pecially low price on it for tomorrow. The set lias 112 pieces, the decoration is in blue, under glaze, the shapes arc new and dainty and the price is .... $9.89 It ought to be $t2 50. A Suit Case for $1.95. It's the best-lcoking and the strongest low-priced suit case we have ever seen. . . It will stand any kind of abuse. You can jump on it, load trunks on it;-do everything but run a train over it. and it will come up mislinsj aud unscratcheU. Welsbach Mantles. We sell all kinds-ioc up to Soc. Fine Blown thin glass Tumblers nicely decorated worth 6oc, a doz for . 33c Ping Pong Sets, 81.19 to Siz The Redfern Corset.. The Redfern Corset useSE is not onlv a comfort able one and built to last, it is also a figure1 maker. Some women have natu rally good figures; -such women wear the Redfern because it enhances and idealizes good figures; Out worn en with poor figures wear the Redfern also.because it gives them good b'nes" Dressmakers like the Redfern because it makes a smooth, close, perfect fit,' easy. We have all the latest ' Parisian mddels, and fhe most expert! fitters' ' in New Haven; Prices, $.50 to $io a pair. v Extraordinary Book Bar gain. Kipling's'Poems,-- the "Departmental Ditties," the "Barrack u Room Bal lads" and other verse; and the only edition of his collected poems that contains the "Recession al", at a price to make you gasp for surprise It is a magnificent piece of book-making printed on heavy calendered pa per in red and black; full' gilt edges, gilt stamping and a photogravure por trait. Each book in a box. Published at $2. and one of the few volumes worth that money. A(f Our price Monday!""' Also, several hundred volumes of fiction and standard classics, neatly . bound in cloth, at 10c a volume. . Lots of good things in the Art Embroidery Store to tempt the ar tistic fingers to new deeds. Lots of bargains, too. Hemstitched squares, stamped in the popular floral designs; regularly 15c and 17c, for o,c. All the- Head. Rests heretofore marked 19c, we offer Monday at 12c. Florence Twisted Wash Embroidery Silk, 2c a skein; 3 skeins for5. 19c Chocolates, I4c lb. And thy are as fresh as fresh can be. We might almost call them 30c Chocolates for less than half price, for you can find few 30c Chocolates any better. Our igc price is very "special" This offer is "TSf Monday " and Tuesday shipments only. Amazing News of a Sale of ' Women's Lace Hose. Women's Lace Hose and Me scarce in the market and get ting scarce. The prices have begun to advance and assort ments are generally slim and varieties limited. , , IN THE FACE OF THIS we begin Monday next, a sale of an assortment of Lace Hose, covering all varieties and a wide ra,nge of prices. AT MORE THAN ONE-THIRD REDUCTION from the lowest price.' prevailing in the retail market. Details Monday night. Meanwhile, see window display and come in Monday if you poyibly can. Want Any Awnings Maale ? If you will want any awnings, furniture slips or window shades made, the best time to have them under way is right now. We are getting busier in this work every day, and later on will be rushed. In order to spread the work' out more evenly, we will make special prices for orders given now. Write; a man will call. Medium Priced RugV. Sharp demand for these just now, and we are filling it. N If you have a place where you want a rug that will wear like sheet iron, and don't mind a little roughness in appear ance, get one of these "Trial" rugs They are the very best of the Smyrna quality, but they are unfinished. Their price is about one-half what a finished rug of the same quali ty would cost you. ' ' Japanese Tokio Rugs, in Oriental effects;' the clever Japs are imitating the Persians and Turks as well as ever the Yankees did it for 50c and up to $12. The large sizes in these rugs are remarkably effective and cheap. All wool Smyrna Rugs in a variety. Ours are the lowest prices in town shop around and see if they are not. Curtains-Very Important ! These offers are good for Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. We dislike to limit you in time, but the goods won't .ast any longer and we can't get any more at these prices. NOTTINGHAM LACE CUR TAINS, in four of the best patterns we have seen this season. Full width, 31-3 yards long. You have never got any better goods for $2 a pair. These, for EOBBINET LACE CURTAINS; two patterns. A fine net, with high-class laceedgeand insertlngs. If you ever beat these goods at $2 as you must have had a regular Malley bargain. Take these at $144 BRIS-BRIS SASH CURTAINS. These are in Scotch Lace, and in very pretty patterns. Made 30 inches long;-takes two for a win dow. Imported to sell at 49c;-- wnue tney last, I9c ea. RUFFLED SWISS SASH CUR TAINING, imported goods, very fine sheer cloth, with small dots. Thirty-five cent goods 25c About Bedsteads and Bed.. You spena more than one third of your entire life in bed; ever think , of that? The bed is really the most important piece of furniture in the house. We have never been so well equipped to supply your fancy and your purse in bed steads. Nowadays, as per haps you know, the enameled iron bedsteads are made in tints of enamel to harmonize with the wall paper. We have a fine assortment in shades and can match any color scheme. Price.-are from $2.45 to $48. Renovating Bedding. We will call for and return nmmntlv anv mattresses or l r--J j n - . J ---- - , ows which are entrusted to us ior renovation, and will do the work under the best methods known to day The bedding will come back to you nearly, or quite as good as new. Prices moderate, of course. Spring Beds. Good woven wire ones from $1,95 up as high as you care to go. Meutresses. Soft top Mattresses for $1.95 Reversib e Combination Mattresses for $2.95. All. Cotton, for $3. 75. We have the best cotton-felt Mattress that we have ever seen for $11.25. It is fully equal, if not somewhat superior, to the widely advertised ones that sell at $i5- Office Hints;- There's a Roof Gar den at the top of" the n..:l J: L iviaiiey uunumg, iu uc arranged as a rest spot during the hot months. Maybe that's a thing you personally would not care for, but it shows how much thought the architects have given for your convenience and comfort, if you decide to become a tenant. Ice-water is piped to every floor, and there is a fountain of it at your office door; if you are a tenant of the Malley Building. Your janitor service costs you nothing in the Malley Building. Your offices will be kept like wax, for nothing. Your lights cost you nothing in the Malley Building. They are electric lights and there are plenty of them. The offices ; in the Malley Building are large and light and airy and clean and well-ar ranged. Each is equip ped with a lavatory, funning water and a dressing-case. And the rents are low;--very low. The building if filling up;--better make inquiries and investiga t i on promptly. . , : . - ' .-"' " '! i K' ' Edward Malley, 928 Chapel Street. The Hot Waye -From the West Will call for Low Shoes. Don't buy until you have seen pur Ladies' Oxfords in the following : The Walk-Over, $3.50 The Jenness Miller, $3.00 The La France, $2.50 The Boardman, $2.0G and other good style Ox fords at $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and 85c, The above fine goods come in all leathers and styles. COSGROVE'S FAMILY SHOE STORE Church and Crown Sts. PHILADELPHIA. DENTAL EQQIS, 781 Chapel Street, NBW HAVIin, tun leieDliooe. Best Set of Teeth on RubDar Plate, $8.00 Ttiere caa b NO btU made, no matter bow much Is paid eleewhert. Those llvlug at a distance caa come 1b the morning and wear their new teeth home the same dav. L. D. MONKS D. D. & Office opts ttem 8 a, u. te s at, Hi ,