Newspaper Page Text
KEW HAVEN MOBKTKQ JOURNAL AND COURIER. MONDAY. JULY 28, 1902. LOCAL FINANCIAL NOTES FEATURES OF INTEREST FOR LOCAL INVESTORS. Consolidated Railroad Stock Diamond Matob-Neu Haven Gu Stock Rtgbta New Haven Banks-Dividend Mat. New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad stock advanced during the middle of last week from 240 to 242, but declined on Friday to 235 on small sales. No sales of the convertible fours are re ported. Diamond Match advanced from 136 to 137. Tne rights to the new convertible bonds of the New Haven Gas Light company will accrue on Friday, Au gust 1. Payments are one-half No vember J, 1902, one-half May 1, 1903. Opinions as to the value of these rights varies greatly. Different holders have estimated them anywhere from $10 to $16 on each old snare; the new bonds have five years to run, not ten years, as have been erroneously stated in print. The clearings and balances of the New Haven banks for the six days end ing July 26 and for the corresponding days of last yead were as follows: 1902. Balances JP1. July 21 .. $257,825. 7T$46,74il8 $224,701.33 July 22 .. 288,883.97 51,925.20 237,946.09 July 23 .. 254,975.52 61.868.53 188,042.95 July 24 .. 217,676.63 53,263.32 217,376.23 July 25 .. 254,580.63 58,040.75 219.225.45 July 26 .. 222,882.57 48,799.96 185,921.66 $1,516,805.26 $320,457.24 $1,273,213.71 Increase week of 1902, $243,591.55. Balances week of 1901, $281,804.11. Difference In balances, $38,653.13. Clearings week of 1900, $1,138,166.54. . Dividends soon due are: American Car Foundry, pf., 1, pay able August 1; books closed July 10. American Tobacco Co., pf., 2, Au gust 1; books closed July 15. -American Tobacco com., 2, August 1; books closed July 15. Amalgamated Copper, , August 25; books closed July 24. Atchison pf., 2, August 1; books closed June 30. ' Canada 'Southern, 1, August 1; books closed June 30. Central of New Jersey, 2, August 1; books closed July 19. Colorado Fuel, pf., 4, August 20; books clpse July 31. Edison Electric, Boston, 2, August 1; books closed July 15. Erie Railroad 1st pf., 1, August 30; books close August 1. Great Northern pf., 1, August 1; books closed July 18. Illinois Central, 3, August 20; books close August 1. International Pump, 1, August 1; books closed July 18. Louisville & Nashville, 2, August 11; books closed July 21. Omaha com., 3, August 20; books close August 4. Pullman, 2, August 15; books close August 1. Rock island, 1, August 1; books closed June 20. Tennessee Coal pf., 2, August 1; books closed July 21. U. S. Steel pf., 1, August 15; books closed July 18. IT. S. Steel com., i,' September 30; books clpse September 6. IMPORTANT MEETING. Strike Committee to Decide Something at a Session This Afternoon. The executive committee of the Sar gent factory stalkers will meet this af ternoon in the Insurance building and something definite about the strike will be transacted. The ultimatum posted by the Sargent officials Saturday to the effect that the men must come to work by to-morrow morning or lose their Jobs has been seriously considered by the strikers and the meeting this afternoon Will be held to take action on it. They have no fear apparently but It has caused the committee to send for Fifth Vice President Flynn of the Interna tional organization and he will advise the men at the session to-day. Mr. Flynn has been present at several con ferences of the committee heretofore, and the men have great .faith in his opinions. Some of the men were seen yesterday and they, still want it under stood that they will hold firm and that the strike cannot be broken unless the company recognizes their demands. Yesterday afternoon Thomas F. Hare, the local representative of the Federa tion of Labor, went to Springfield to at tend a meetings of the New England board and the matter of the Sargent strike was taken up. It was understood that steps were taken to prevent men from taking the places of the strikers in New. Haven. Yesterday afternoon th brass work ers and metal polishers held a meeting and a representation of the strikers at tended it. The polishers voted to stay out until after the meeting this after noon at least. Rev. A. F. Irvije of the Pilgrim church of Fair Haven called on Mr. Sargent Saturday afternoon with the in tention of settling the strike by arbi tration, If possible. Rev. Mr. Irvine stated that Mr. Sargent was not willing to make any further concessions. HAD AN APOPLECTIC FIT. Henry Gains Fell and Cut His Head " Yesterday Afternoon. At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the police ambulance was called to State and Chapel streets to carry a man to the hospital. He was Henry Gains and he fell during an apoplectic fit, cutting the back of his head severely. He was unable to get up and was hurried to the hospital where the wound was dressed. The man is not seriously injured. WORSHIPPERS AT THE PLOW. Ground was broken for a Methodist church in Stratford Thursday evening by a hundred eager men, women and children, who pulled a long rope attached to a plow while the Rev. Royal V. Raymond guided the plow. The original plan to have Lewis Curtis, aged ninety, break ground, whs abandoned, owing to the illness of Mr. Cur tis. This venerable church member broke ground for the present Methodist church sixty-three years ago, and it was thought appropriate to have him do the same tor the new building. MORE SMLLPOX. Two cases of smallpox were discovered Saturday noon in the mirantlned house at Nik 90 Grove street, New Britain. Mrs. Henry Johnson and her baby girl are slrk with the disease. They were taken to the pest house. Ready Bia. you may have guesstd it, Ev'ry stomach will digest it. Packages 15c. All grocers. LAST SATURDAY'S GAMES. New Haven Won Other First Division Teams Were Defeated. At New London New London 2, New Haven 4. At Springfield Springfield 1, Meri den 2. At Norwich Norwich 2, Hartford 7. At Waterbury Waterbury 7, Bridge port 3. CONNECTICUT LEAGUE STANDING Won. Lost. p.c. New Haven 41 26 .612 Bridgeport 38 29 .567 Springfield 39 '30 .565 New London 36 32 .529 Norwich 34 33 .493 Meriden 29 3S .433 Hartford 28 37 .431 Waterbury 25 43 .368 LOCAL GAMES. At Yale field Eclectics 8, Milford 4. At Savin Rock Edgewood 6, Bran ford 2. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 5, New York At St. Louis Pittsburg 5, St Louis 1. At Chicago Chicago 2, Cincinnati 3. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 1. In Boston Boston 4, Detroit 1. At Baltimore Baltimore 9, Cleveland 8. At Washington Washington 9, Chi cago 10. THREE HOME GAMES. Scheduled for the New Haven Team This Week The Other qmes. Three home games for the Blues this week and three out of towns Is the schedule arrangement. At 3:45 this af ternoon the Waterbury team will play on Savin Rock grounds. To-morrow af ternoon the league leaders will play In Bridgeport On Wednesday the Nor wich team will again appear in this city and on Thursday the Blues will play in Springfield. New Haven will play in Hartford on Friday and the week will conclude with a game between the Blues and Hartford on the Savin Rock grounds Saturday afternoon. GEORGE T. HEWLETT APPOINTED. Succeeds Horace Day as Secretary of the Board of Education. The board of education has appointed George T. Hewlett, clerk of the board, to succeed Horace Day as secretary of the board. The appointment takes ef fect at once. Mr. Hewlett has been an employe of the department of schools for about nineteen years and has been capable and faithful In the performance of his duties during that period. He was first employed as clerk to former Superintendent Samuel T. Dutton, and upon the resignation of Horace Day as clerk of the board Mr. Hewlett was ap pointed. Mr. Hewlett will assume the duties of secretary to the board in addition to his duties as clerk. RVILVINO NOTES. Attorney J. D. Dewell, Jr., has pur chased the pretty little place at No. 18 Lincoln street, formerly a part of the President Qlark property- orr Orange street. It is next to the corner of Brad ley street. Mr. Dewell is having the house and grounds put in fine condi tion preparatory to placing the proper ty on rental. New chimneys are being built, and Daniel M. Sheehan, the plumber, is putting in an entirely new plumbing equipment. It is rumored that the splendid barn on the former Clark property is to be converted into" a building for school purposes by the Catholic sisters who are conducting the school in the former Clark residence. Plans are in preparation by Architect Richard Williams for extensive altera tions and Improvements to be made by Thomas H. Sullivan in the Hotel Savoy on Church street, which he recently purchased. An entirely new front will replace the present ground floor front, the dining room is to be remodeled and the rooms on the upper floor are to be rearranged and improved, including new plumbing. The four-story brick building adjoin ing the First National bank building on Church street, which was sold recently to Benjamin R. English, has been transferred to the First National bank. T. H. Sullivan, who occupies the store next to the bank, will vacate as soon as the remodeling of the former Hotel Sa voy is completed, and the place will be fitted up for the New Haven Trust com pany, which will occupy it as soon as It can be made ready. The foundations have just been com pleted for the fine residence which Sperry & Treat are erecting for Wilbur F. Day on Prospect street. James A. Church has the carpenter work, T. W. Corbett the plumbing and the New England Engineering company the elec trical work. The painting has not yet been let. Grosvenor Atterbury, of New York, Is the architect. Architect W. E. Augur has prepared plans for an addition to Clarence Clarke's house in West Haven. L. I. Thomas has been awarded the contract, Thomas J. Groark has purchased the Robinson place on Ferry street and has had plans prepared for many changes and Improvements to be made to the house, which will be fitted up for his own occupancy. C. W. Warner has been given the contract for the mason work on Dr. Thomas H. Young's new house on Til ton street. C. W. Murdock has the carpenter work and Menzies & Menzles the plumbing and heating. C. W. Clark & Son have just com pleted the slating and James E. Kelley & Son the gravel roofing on Lewis S. Welch's new residence on Prospect street. Sperry & Treat, who have the mason worK, nave just commenced plastering the house. Contractor George W. Dean has Eu gene Buekman's two-family house on Lake place enclosed, and C. W. Clark & Son have been given the slate roofing. J. N. Ion.-.rd & Co. have the mason work, Sheahan & Groark the plumbing and Isaac Teasdale the heating. Rich ard Williams drew the' plans. When you are ready for Ready Bits, Ready Bits is ready for you Packages 15c. All grocers. RACES AT BRIDGEPORT. Horse Fanciers and Many Ladies in the Grand Stand Particulars in the Sum maries. Two harness races and a running race w-re decided at Xutmej park in East Bridgeport on Saturday afternoon before a fair but not very encouraging attendance. Many Park City girls in flying colors weie at the races to watch either the fast horses or the men present k both. Among the patrons were sevmal from New Hatvu and other nearby cities. Dr. T. V. Martin gave the word to the drivers while George W. Smith of Milford and several Bridgeport gentlemen acted as judges. 2:35 Class. Mary Tracy, b m, by Ber muda, T. Donovan Dandy L., eh g, by Cylinder, 1 4 1 1 a. s. uowiana i l 4 A i Walter S., b g, Bouulbelle 6 3 14 4 Prince ., br g, by Signal Wilkes, Stewart 5 2 3 3 3 Prince E., b g, L. Cone 7 5 5 d Beldeu Boy, g g. D. Jenks... 3 d Esperance, b in, by Fallls, E. Mead 4 d Time 2:29, 2:314, 2:3tH4, 2:32, 2:37M. In the second heat of the 2:20 class Dus kymont's driver fell out of the seat omni; to a collision when the horse went around the track with the other pacers but without a driver, until he was caught by Billy Mathews of this city. The runners were started by a prize fight er who didn't give the horses a good send off. Six horses started. Xojrwalk Boy, In dian Girl and Mabel K. won the thiee prizes In the order named. Time .5-4, .53. .51. This was the first race this season for M. C. Sc h wuner's Admiral, who finished sec ond in the fastest heat. 2:20 Class. John D., b g, by Pawnee, Wil liam Nelson 1 Chimes Bug, b m, by Chimes, T. McCauley 3 12 1 6 1 6 Etelka Maid, blk m; by Sable liurst. J. McLaughlin 7 2 Lunda, b m, by N orris, E. War ren 2 5 Elsie Card, b m, by Haldane, E. N. Card 5 3 Laura Bo, b in, by Omega, T. ytiiniau Daskymont, br g, by Egmont, Brouson & Keenau L. Rene, blk m, by J. H. L.. Dr. R. Martin ' 6 8 8 7 7 8 Time 2:27. 2:2UV4. 2:2tliA. 2:2Si. The racine Drocramme went so slowly that it was late when the last beat was finished. Dr. Martin, stated that In future he should favor having only two races lor an afternoon, which will undoubtedly be satisfactory to patrons. Owing to the late hour New Haven patrons missed convenient trains home and didn't arrive In this city until 10 o'clock. The weather in the even lug wus too cool for th eighteen mile trol ley ride from Bridgeport to this city. OFF FO REUROPE. Hon. Joseph L. Barbour and Daughters Will Ball To-morrow. The Hon. Joseph L. Barbour of Hartford and his two daughters will sail for Europe to-morrow morning on the new steamer Blucher of the Hamburg-American line. They expect to visit Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden In Germany, Amsterdam and The Hague in Holland, Antwerp, Paris and London, sailing from Southampton on the Augiiste Victoria, August 20, due in New York September 5. financial. NEW IORK STOCK MARKET. Opening, Highest, Lowest ' Quotation Following are the closing prices reported by Prince & Whltcly, bankers and brokers, 52 Broadway, New York, and 15 Center street street, New Haven: Open. High. Low. Last. Amal. Copper ...7. 65 " 6UV4 65i 06 Am. S. It. Co 132 134s 1324 133"s A. , T. & S. Fe 03ft 94 93 i 03ft do pfd 103',i 1034 103 103 B. & O 110U, llOVa lOSffo 109 do pfd 97 97 97 07 B. H. T. Co OOVi U0V4 COW (iiU Can. Southern 9Hi 9114 OlYi C. & O 04 54 53 54ft C. & A 42 42;i 41i 4iyt do pfd 77V(j 77H, 77 77 C, M. & St. P 188V4 1S0H 188 188ft C, R. I. & T 11)71 200 197V4 lUSii C. Gt. Wcsterni Hl 31 31Mi 8114 C, C, C. & 1 107 107 107 107 Col. Fuel 4t. Iron... OS 08 ' 07 07 Con. Gas 22-Hi 221 22414 224 Cou. Tobacco pfd.. 122 12216 122 122V4 D. & H 1075s 180 107 ISO L. & N 100 . 170 109 10 Man.. Elevated ...,145 145 144 144 Met. St. Ry 135 135 131 134 M., K. & T. pfd.. 15014 150Va 130 150 Mo. Pacific 63 6314 63 6314 N. Y. C. & H 117 118 110 117 N. Y., O. & W W7V4 107 16$ 186 N. & W 83 34 88 34 do pfd 61 62 61 61 Penn 16U4 161 1601.4 100 People's Gas 10514 10514 10514 JOSVj) Reading 67 67 60 66 do 1st sfd 87 87 87 87 South. Pacific ... 69 70 60 70 T. C. & 1 60 60 68 Union Pacific 110 110 100 100 do pfd P4 ' 94 94 94 17. S. Leather 13 13 13 13 Wabash pfd 46 47 404 4614 W. U. Tel. Co . WYi wiyj m soli W. & L. E 28 24 23 24 do 2d pfd ..... 37 87 V. S. 8teel 80 40 87 87 3 40 Closing Prices. Following are the closing price reported oy Prince White!, Bauitera and Brokers, C2 Broadway, Mew loik. and IS Center at., New Haven. Bid. . Atked. Adams Express Co 200 210 Amal. Copper . 60 66 Am. Car Foundry Co 32 83 do pfd 01 02 Am. Cotton Oil Co 51 52 do pfd 95 08 Am. Express Co 232 236 Am. Linseed Co 23 25 do pfd 52 56 Am. Smelt. & Refining Co 46 4014 do pfd 97 08 Am. Sugar Refining Co 133 133 do nfd 119 12ii Am. Tobacco pfd 145 150 Anncoudn Copper Mining Co. .103 10(i Ateh.. Timeka & Santa DC do nfd 10314 103 Baltimore & Ohio 110 110 oo piu , uu u Raj; State Gas Co.. 1 2 Brooklyn Rapid Transit'. 69 Hi Brooklyn Union 'ias Co 236 2-10 lrl',fw:rli Co Hi u4 Canada Southern 91 02 Canadian Pacific 138 138 C. of N. 3 185 ISO dies. & Ohio 54 54 Chicago & E. Illinois 215 21H do' nfd 146 148 Chicago Gt. Western 31 do A pfd 88 Chi., Ind. & Louisville 76 do Dfd 87 31 8S14 76 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 187V4 187 do pfd 105 106 Chicago & Northwestern 243 247 Chicago, Hock I. & Pacific 108 108 Chi., St. Paul, M. & Omaha 160 166 C, C, C. & St. L 107 108 Col., Hocking V. & To! 03 Col. Fuel & Iron 97 Col. Southern 33Vi 0714 34 Con. Gas Co 224;i 225 Con. Tobacco pfd 121 122 U. IV XI. L UUU1 CO Hi'Va I.MI 1., L. & W 278 louver & Ria Grande pfd.....'. 04 Erie 38 do 1st pfd 60 . do 2d pfd 52 2S6 04 38 69 General Electric Co 186 187 Gt. Northern pfd 101 103 Int. Paper Co 20 do pfd 73 Int. Sliver Co 13 do pfd 60 Iowa Central 48 Laclede Gas Co Lake Erie & Wesetrn 65 do pfd 125 10 15 65 49 80 07 J 33 Louisville &. Nashville 14414 m Man. Elevated .' 134 135 Met. St. Ry MO 150 mrjiiVHU .,1.1... m, Mexican National ir Mo., Kan. & Texas 311,4 do pfd (i3 ir: 1 i....ifl. - :? 30 10 31 OR 14 .117 117 National Biscuit National Lead Co 21 3 1 's 48 21 KSJ4 ISO ao nia N. Y. A'r Brake na N. Y. C. Ac Hudson iti7 N. Y., Chicago & St. Louis. ... . 55 5 JC. Y. & N. H ; 232 238 X. Y. O. & W 33 34 Norfolk & Western i ji do pfd 03 07 North American J2i 126 Pacific Mail S. S. Co 40 41 Penn. R. R ltS lti(i People's Gas Co., Chicago 105 10514 Pitts., Cin., Chi. & St. L agi, ion do pfd 116 " 125 Pressed Steel Car 47 48 do pfd 87 8S Pullman Palace Car Co 245 250 Reading 66 Oti do 1st pfd 80 S7 do 2d pfd 73 73 Rep. Iron & Steel Co mv iy do pfd 75 75 Southern Ry com 311- 3ji, do nfd 07 !7 Southern Pacific 70 70 St. Louis & Southwestern 37 31 do pt'd 70 71 Tenn. Coal is Iron 68 S Third Avenue 132 134 Texas & Pacific 46 46 Twin City Rapid Transit I2iu. 125 Union Bag & Paper Co u-'i do pfd 80 81 Union Pacific luit 100 do pfd 93 04 U. S. Express Co lis 121 U. S. Leather Co 13 13 do pfd 84 85 U. S. Rubber Co 141, 15 do pfd 55 " 57 U. S. Steel 4u 411 do pfd 8!) 90 Wahasli 3014 3o do pfd , 40 46 Wells-largo Express Co 212 220 W. U. Tel. Co 86 86 Wheeling & Lake Eric 23 24 do 2d pfd 37 37 Government Bond. Bid. Asked. 2s, reg., 1930 107rdl08 2s, coup., 1030 107108 3s, reg., 1008 105jtl06 3s, coup., 1008 lOOVi'n 10714 3s, small bonds 106 (&107 4s, reg., 1007 108 108 4s, coup.. 1007 lnsrn10:) 4s, reg., 1025 131132 4s, coup., 1025 133'al34 5s reg., 1004 , 103104 5s coup., 1904 , 105 (11 106 D. C. 3s, 65 124 a . . ffiiraucial. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. J. L. McLEAN & CO., 25 Broad Street. Kew Yort MEMBERS Chicago Board of Trade. New l'ork Produce Exchange. Consolidated Stock Exchange. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, and Investments. Orders . executed for Investment or mar gin. Send for cr new Eighty Page Illustrated WALL STREET GUIDE. Just published. Dally Letter on applies tloa. LOCAL OFFICE, 840 CHAPEL STREET. JM. A. kAHHisiU, Manager. MALC0M 4 C00MBE, BanKers, 100 Broadway, New York, MemberSew York Stock Eichange. Execute commiss'ou orders In Stock", Bonds and Investment Securities. List or current investment offerings sent on application. J ! NEW HAVEN BRANCHi 36 CENTER STREET. WILLARD C. FITCH, u . HERBERT J. FITCH. Monaeen. rtivata wire to Jfe S"orls and Chicago. We will " Send for your SILVER, upon receiving word from you by tele phone or mail, and store it for you in BURGLAR and FIREPROOF VAULT S during your absence from the city. The New Haven Trust Co., 42 Church Street. P&!itslf, BANKERS AND BROKBR8. Ho. 62 Broadway, Ksw Yar9c, - AND 15 Center Stmt. Kew Raven Members N. Y. Stock- Bxcbang, Produce Ezcbtnge, and Chicago Board of Trade, C. B. BOLMER, Manager New Haven Branch. ALL CLASSES OP RAILWAY STOCKS and BONUS, alao GRAIN, PROVISIONS and COTTON, BOUGHT AND SOLD OH COMMISSION. Connected by Private Wire with New Tort Boston and Chicago. Investment Securities. $10,000 Minneapolis St. Ry. 5's. $?,ooo Chesapeake Transit S's. $2,000 Madison County Gas & Elec 5's."' $5,000 United Illuminating Co. 4's. James B. Smith, 130 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN. CONN. INVESTMENTS. Fair Haven & Westvllle R. n. stock. Housatonic Consol. 5's of 1937. Swift & Co. 5 per cent. Bonds. Conn. Railway & Lighting 4 pcr cent. Bonds. FOR SALE BY The Chas. W. Scranton Co. Investment Brokers, 103 Orange Street Ninety-seven per cent of the mines in the Tombstone Mining District of Arizona have been merged into a single Company The Tombstone Consolidated Mines Company, Ltd., under the supervision of The Development Company of America. These mines have produced from the surface to an average depth of 500 feet over $30,000,000. Twenty-four hundred feet of still richer deposits remain to be mined, as demonstrated by the reports of such eminent mining engineers as Prof. John A. Church, Wm. A. Farish, Prof. VV. P. Blake and W. F. Staunton. We offer, at par, in denomi nations to suit the purchaser, $3,000,000, of 6 per cent Special Contract Bonds of The Tombstone Consolidated Mines Company, Ltd., accompanied ljy a like amount of Capital Stock. Bonds are to perfect purchase, equip and further develop the properties. The Consolidated Company should earn operating expenses, interest charges, retire the Bonds in four years and pay 4 on the Capital Stock during the retire ment period. Ujjder less favor able conditions these properties have earned as high as $250,000, net, per month. For full particulars address American Finance and Securities- Company, 13-21 Park Row, New York. or E. E. LAMSOIT, New Haven Representative, First National Bank Building. July Investments. B0 shs New Haven Water Stock. 25 shs Detrolt-Hillsilale Gtd Stock. ' elis American Bunk Note Stock. 20 she Sharon Railway (S p. c. Gtd Stock, 25 bus Hartford & Ct. West Gtd Stock, 50 bus Swift & Co. Stock. $5,000 New Haven St. R. B. 1st S's. $5,000 Willimnntic Gas & Electric 1st 5's, $3,000 Montvllle St. 11. It. 1st 5's. $2,000 Milford, Holl. & Fram. It. It. 1st 58 FOB SALE BY NEWTON 4 PARISH, Investment Uankers, 80 ORANGE STREET, NEW HAVEN. Copper-Independent Consolidated Mining Company. DIVIDEND NOTICE At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on tbe ltttli Inst., the regular monthly dividend of one-half cent per share was declared and will be paid from the office of M. V. Little & Co., 01 Court St., Boston, Mass., on July 31, to all- stockholders of record at the close of- business on July 28. W. P. BLAKE. Treasurer. New HavenV I ' New York, 39 Church St., 1 1 Madison Ave, Wash. Buiidlng. Met. Life Building-. FIRST MORTGAGE 6 Per Cent. Loans. Conservative Mining Investments. 157 Church Street. H. C. WARREN 4 CO., BanKers. Foreign Drafts, Letters of Credit. Agents for Ameri can Express Co. Checks, payable in any part ofrEurope. Investment Securities. 108 Orange Street. 6 feJfaiB WASHINGTON BUILOINO. We have on hand a line of high-grade loans, secured by first mortgages on Some of the finest irrigated farms in the fertile valleys of Colorado. Bearing interest at 6 per cent., pay able semi-annually (both interest and principal being payable at our office in New Haven), they are the best and surest securities we know of. We ia vite your personal investigation. The Ives Investment Co.1 157 CHURCH ST., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 6 gartttrsiotts. FINEST DAY RESORT ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. l'HK STEAMER John H. Starin, captain McAllister, Will commence her regular trips to this beautiful Island Tuesday, July 8, and EVERY TUESDAY IB THURSDAY during the season, leaving New Haven, from Brown Street Dock, at 8:30 a. m., sharp, and Glen Island at 4 p. in. Tbe at tractions at the Island are well known, but we still mention those superior din ners, .Glen Island clambakes. Little Ger many, Boating, Bathing, Mexican' Colony, and educated seals. Daily Concerts at the Grand Pavilion, and other attractions that go to make up a first class pleasure resort. Fare, round trip, 75 ents; single, trip, 50 cents; Children, between ages 5 and 12, 40e; Music for dancing on the boat. No Hqnor allowed on the boat, which Is a sufficient guarantee that ladies and children . need not fear molestation. . . O. H. FISHER. Agent 550 from Chicago Out and back August 2 to 10 Official train Connecticut Knlghta Pythias' leaves tiver the Santa Fe Aug 6 Send for itinerary - . . ( Quick and cool way to go Harvey Meal Service See Grand Canyon of Arizona and Tosemite Address, S. W. Manning, G. N. E. A.. A. T. & S. P. Ry., 332 Washington St., Boston Santa Fe 1ul812t INSURE WITH NORTH. That's Alt. The National Tradesmens Bank l Orange Street, With Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits of over $500,000.00 Deposits of about $1,000,000.00 Extends to its clients every modert facility for the prompt and propel transaction of their banking business WILLIAM T. FIELDS, President 2 PER CENT. A MONTH ON INVESTMENT. June Dividend checks, issued on the- 15th to New Haven investors by the Ohio & California Refining Oil Company, have just arrived and, as usual with checks, make things look brighter. - T. E. DAVIES, Agent, 848 Chapel, St., New Haven. 6 6 in Summer gtttcrtaittttwnis. Sffi THIS WEEK. THEATRE ALL THE WEEK. Afternoons and Evenings. i CHAS. B. UWLOR and DAUiiHTEBS, The Wonderful "HELLMAN." . GKKVE AND GREEN. " BARONESS MARIE VON ZIEBER. JACKSON AND CO. . Special SILBON'S THREE NONPARIELS.' ' MOMAUGUIN WEDNESDAY NIGHT. JULX 30. ' c SECOND REGIMENT BAND. Frank FIchtl. Conductor. FireworK Display. Coliseum IrYcf. To-Morrow Night, 8 P. M. Championship of America ALL THE BIG STAB "PROS." ' MAJOR TAYLOR. FRANK KRAMER. IVER LAWSON. GEORGE COLLETT. AND 30 OTHERS. Admission, only 25ci Reserved seats on sale at S. Goodman Co.. 820 Chapel Street, Beck's Dnijf Store, m Howard Avenue. , - ' BASEBALL TO-DAY, SAVIN ROCK GROUNDS. - Waterbury vs New Haven.v GAME CALLED AT 3.45. Admission, 25 Cents. BRANFORD UECHAIIICS FAIR , BOSTON., ' ' ! Sept. 22 to Nov. f, 1902 first Fair Held In Four Tears. ' I M CHwKGE FOR SPACE.I V . : ADMISSION, -25c. Special Attractions , of Interesting Mechanical and Scientific Exhibits. All cheap and t akish displays have been n-Jected.. . .: . .., . . , MOMAUGUIN Season Open. Jas. P. Toole, Propr. HOTEL GARDE Opposite Union Depot, NEW HAVEN, CT. , Connecticut's Largest Hotel 1 American Flan. STRICTLY TRANSIENT. DUNCAN HALL. 1151 Chapel Street. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FLAX. Modern In all Appointments. JAMES F. TOOLE, Mgr; Telephone 1537. tf Tontine Hotel. Have you seen White's new ratbskellerl Chops, Steaks, Game a specialty. COR. CHURCH AND COURT STS. White's New Tontine Hotel. Celebrated v. WURZBLfRGER, HOPBRAU 4 and ' PILSNER Genossenchaft's-Brau always on draught at Cafe Heublein, . Court and Church Sts. Ipiratxcial. Securities for Sale. Fair Haven AYWeBtvIlIe R. B.. Rock Island R. R. "Rights." New Haven Cast Lig-ht Co. "Rights. " National New Haven Bank, Waterbury Gas Light Co. Meriden Street R. R. 1st S'S ot 1924. -, International Silver C's. United Illuminating 4's. ' . " Middlesex Bunk Co. Debentnre 8's. r New Haven Street Ry: S's ot 1914. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. E. 3'S of 1MT. : KIMBERLY, ROOT & DAY. Private .Wires to N. X. and Boston. ' 1Mb II