. MONDAY, JULY 28, 1SC2.
glxe goimtaX and Gouxlcv
Thbeb Moxths, $1.50; One Month, 59
' Cents; One Week. 15 Cents, Single
. Copies, SCestj.
... Saturday, July 26. 1902.
jg-WH. Special private lessons if -desired. ,
f jfj t . - SOCRATIC METHOD. No classes. Each
Speclals-Camble-Desmond Co.
ftoe Talk E. Mulley Co.
Busy Suit Boom Clias. Mouson Co.
lisconnt Sale Browu & Durham.
Grape Nuts Grocers.
Baseball Savin Hock.
Bicycle Race Coliseum.
The Great Sale Lambert.
Why Not? P. J. Kelly & Co.
Cuainpatfuo J. Gilbert Ac Son.
Seifccl's Syrup DruKKists.
License Martin lialloran.
Auction Sale It. U. Mallory.
Chatelaine Bags liurant.
Important Sale Howe Ac Stetson.
Family Away Hof-Iirau Haus.
Theater Savin Hock.
For New England: Showers Monday and
Tuesday, rising temperature, tresh soutU
For Eastern New York: Fair and warmer
in the south; showers and warmer in north
portion Monday and Tuesday; fresh south
IiOoal Weather Ucporl.
July 27. 1902.
8 a. m.
8 p. m.
Rnrnmpter ....
.... 30.11
Temnerature H
"Wind direction SE
IWlnd velocity 4
Precipitation .. ... .05
Weather Cloudy.
Min. temperature .. .iO
Max. temperature . .70
i , L. M. TARIt. Observer.
If you are going away, for a short or
long period, the Journal and Courier
will be sent to you by mail without
extra charge. The address may be
changed as often as desired.
Brief Mention.
High water to-day, 4:47 p. m.
' The Century Magazine and Munsey's
Magazine for August at the Pease-Lewis
Miss Mabel Canada, 'of Blake street,
.Westville, has gone to Boston, where
she will be the guest of friends for a
Rev. A. J. Gammack, of West Haven,
conducted the service at the Oriental
Park pier yesterday afternoon at four
An excursion by the Hartford Ma
chine Screw Company Mutual Benefit
association nicnicked at Savin Rock
. .Tames O'Connor, who is quite ill at
his home on Blake street, is reported as
being about the same. Mr. O'Connor Is
suffering from a severe case of blood
George Flannigan, of New Britain,
Spent Sunday with friends on Edwards
street, this city. Mr; Flannigan holds a
responsible position with the New Brit
ain Knitting company.
'" Rev. George H. Hubbard, of West
Haven, has srone to Silver Bay, Lake
George, to attend the meetings of the
forward movement of the Congrega
tional churches in the United States and
Canada -
Captain J. H. Lanfare, of West Ha
ven, has built a new boat which Is
twenty-eight feet long and equipped for
safety in every way. Many parties are
enioying the pleasure of a sail in the
; 'Tbe Boston Asphalt company Is rap
idly getting the West Chapel street
pavement into shape. It has twelve
men here working on the pavement
; which has become broken along the
" Street car tracks nearly the entire
length of the thoroughfare.
Colored Cyclist Will bo Seen at the Coll.
ri.''V.;;"-'' aenm Hnces.
, Major Taylor, the colored cyclist, who
is booked to appear at the grand cir
cult races at the New Haven Coliseum
to-morrow night in conjunction with
Champion Frank Kramer, George Col
lett, Iver Lawson and about fifty other
stars, is one of the most marvelous rid
ers that, ever bestrode a wheel. De
spite the combinations that are formed
- to beat the major, the latter continually
forces his fellow riders and the public
; to acknowledge his superior speed and
. headwork in a race.
i i At Vailsburg Saturday Taylor was
, opposed In the final heat by Champion
; Kramer, Kimble and Lawson, and thesa
V three riders seemingly rode Taylor in a
pocket and kept him there. The affair
seemed so palpably unfair to the col
ored rider that Kimble, who offended
i the most, was hissed from the track
' The race, unfortunately, could not be
ridden over, and the major had to stand
a victim or a toui nae. ie was very
wroth over the treatment and declared
i that he would abandon the circuit if he
r got any more such deals from his white
'Moving like the wind these days, the
major has shown himself nearly Kra
mer's equal, and if these two, with
v Lawson, Collett, Fisher, Kimble or
Bald, get in the final heat of the half
i mile championship to-morrow night,
there will be some of the liveliest "do
ings" ever seen on the little eight-lap
i track.
;: ' Besides the championship event there
are four other races, two of which are
.for professionals. One is a five-mile
; dash, with prizes at every mile. This
!WUl be one of the most electrifying con
tests of the year. There will be a fast
bunch of amateurs, including several
speedy riders.
Reserved spaces on the grandstand on
, sale' at S. Goodman & Co.'s, 820 Chapel
street, and at Beck's drug store, 339
Howard avenue, and are selling like hot
The secret service guards stopped a
suspicious' looking colored man dn the
pike last night. The man carried a
large watermelon under his arm. To
satisfy themselves that all was right
; the secret service men ate the melon.
, The colored man refused to tell where
; he got It, and is being kept under sur
veillance, as It was of fine flavor. Bal-
; timore American.
Tis no more a point in question
Ready Bits improves digestion.
Packages 15c. All grocers.
CAxf- ft T7y i My fijW LT'y )m5h3A OrthognipbyP' Grmaj611!!!11"11? etlC'
2 VTT'r' 'V4. X69 ifffx S .fi WWXS I HTV. VTl V" J ,SS' '" " YKyA spoudence. Shorthand, TypewrltTng, Bust
l& ( Lf'jiM BB ' 1 jj"'" 4'' I li 1 nesa Methods aodXominarcIaFormfc
I ifiS Jr 'LSJ5' yL DJIoasMWtdea. Graduates assisted to
5 lVSv'' m. a . . yiltfLtSlfSi T A A Toll sound business education are'cordfally0 iij
? IV-V riolfnSkfo 4WSmyM iisintlfSl TMS vitea to call on. or address PKOF. J. M.
1 I V- LeilCaie VT 77 I LEE. 42 Church Street, Room 213. First
V rf kf'ff tcmP'!" 7 H I K National Bank. New Haven, Conn.-
' HinUto MmY "Summer Giriy jrM 3g$gg
We address you
tage or hotel, and with
to conquest and comfort;
Everything; to wear, and, (whisper) face-powders and cosmetics if you
sent you by mail express
If not, send stamps for little purchases (under a
We are developing and
mer-places of Connecticut.
Silk Remn&nts.
Scores of Styles.
HdJf Prices.
The remnant counter is al
ways the post of honor. The
best-selling styles get there
Lengths that are remnants
for us, are just the lengths
that you would buy for ordi
nary use. Consequently,
remnant bargains of this kind
are pure savings, with no
draw-backs of any kind.
We offer you on Monday,
a cnoice trom more tnan 100
styles of plain and
fancy silks, in lengths of
from one-yard to four-and a
half. The prices are less than
HALF what the silks would
cost you if cut out from full
Shoe Bargain s;-Malley Kinds.
When we say that we sell, for example, a "regular $2
shoe" for $1.50, you must take the statement literally. Don't
you KNOW that we could not afford to deceive you, even
a nickel's worth ?
Shoe news here is true news like every other item on
any point that we print.
The best $1-50 Oxford Shoe for women in Connecticut is the one we
sell for that price. Vici Kidskin and Velour Calfskin; kid or patent
leather tips, Jl.50.
Women's $2. 50 Goodyear Oxfords, in Vici Kid, for $2.
Women's $2 dark tan Vici Kid Oxfords, $1.17.
Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes, worth $3, at $1.98.
Held by Harmony Glee Club at Morris
Cove Hotel.
The first annual banquet given by the
Harmony Glee club of this city occurred
last Thursday evening. The event was
held at the Morris Cove hotel and was
a very successful affair. There was a
good attendance of members and the
evening was most thoroughly enjoyed
by all. An excellent menu was served,
and the post-prandial exercises were the
feature of the evening. George W. Cory
was the toastmaster and the following
programme was carried out:
Our First Annual Banquet, Frank
Van Dyck; selection by Glee club; Our
Past, Present and Future, Alfred Hall;
Our First Tenors, Frank O. Hutchings;
selection by Glee club; Our Second Ten
ors, Henry Winchell; Our First Basses,
James Hall: Duett by Alfred Hall and
Frank O. Hutchings; Our Second
basses, Harry It. Wood; selections by
Glee club.
Regarding Young Girl and Alleged Ille
gal Operation.
The following is from the Grace hos
pital authorities:
"The Grace hospital authorities desire
to correct a statement, made by the
New Haven Union in its Sunday issue,
concerning an alleged criminal case re
ported to be under treatment there. No
such case wanting to hide identity or
suffering from an illegal operations has
anplied for or been admitted to Grace
hospital, and the entire statement is in
correct." In an interview yesterday morning
Coroner Mix was as much surprised as
were the hospital authorities regarding
the matter.
Ready Bits between your teeth
Will guide you to a victor's wreath.
Packages 15c. All grocers.
& To Her Exquisite Highness, the "Summer Girl" of New Haven and Vicinity; Dominant fff J I FOPfll !)
To Her Exquisite Highness,
Mistress of Art in Dress, Ruler of Piazzas, Regal on many
with due respect and only to
due respect and only to proffer our allegiance
no more trouble than the
Shirt-Waist fewelry Soaps and
within an hour of the time your letter reaches us.
perfecting our mail-order stystem, and we seem
Aftermath of a China Sale
Here is what is left of the sensational China offers printed Friday night. If you
noted and wanted them, you have this chance left. Of the $25 Dinner Sets (reduced
from $49.50) there are but two left. Worth advertising, however, so loug even as two
people can be made happy.
DINNER SETS, in Haviland China, 112 pieces, and in the beautiful deco
rations characteristic of
$49.50 down to
DINNER SETS in English Porcelain, in exquisite decorations. A
few only, reduced from $20.49 down to a ridiculous price,
TEA SETS, 56 pieces, in fancy shapes and decorations. The
set complete at Of j .
Umbrella Stands, worth 75c, for 29c.
Bon-Bon Boxes, French China, worth
$1.79, for 49c.
Do You Et In Thu- Weather?
The Palm Tea Room serves exactly the right .kind of light but satisfying lunches for
this muggy weather when eating is a burden. At the ice cream tables, besides icecream,
are served Bisques and frozen sweets in individual portions.
Have a Call Issued for This Evening
Which is Claimed to be Illegal.
Chairman Bartlett, of the democratic
town committee of the town of Orange,
stated last evening that the call for the
democratic primary to be held in the
West Haven town hall this evening is
Illegal. Mr. Bartlett also said that two
years ago the democrats voted to hold
no more primaries, but to have in their
stead open caucuses. The call for the
met tine: for this evening has been issued
contrary to the vote passed two years
ago. Chairman Bartlett and the otrer
members of the town committee will
issue a call shortly for the open and in
dependent caucuses for the purpose of
electing delegates to the county, state
and senatorial conventions.
At the primary to-night delegates will
be elected. So when the town conven
tions are held the democrats will have
contesting delegates In the field.
"Do you know what happens to little
boy ft who smoke?"
"Yep. Dev gits bothered by fool
cranks." Lif?.
"She has just refused a man worth a
"Is it possible? Any rational explan
ation of her act?"
"Oh, yes. She had just accepted
another man worth a million." Brook
lyn Life.
The Young Pacific baseball club
would liko to make arrangements to
meet any p.mateur team In a game of
baseball. Address H. Maley, 809" State
Beare the tou Have Always Bought
8isnr ggp7
A morning wash, a dish or so
Of Ready Bits, and 'way we go.
Packages 15c. All grocers.
the "Summer Girl" of New Haven and Vicinity; Dominant
writing of a letter, you
Toilet Goods More Neckwear Gloves Ribbons
Stationerv Things to Read.
dollar) and money order or
Haviland goods. Reduced from a low price,
Want a Book ?
We offer you a
choice from 250 titles
of interesting and high
ly popular fiction,
At 7c each
That is cheap read
ing. The best of it is
though, it is good read
Delightful Sailing Trip of a New Haven
A pnrty that sailed from New Haven
two weeks ago to-morrow and arrived
home last Friday had a line sail and
the sail eastward was all that could be
desired as to pleasure and speed. They
made the trip from this port to Cutty
hunk, Mass., in only eleven hours. Of
course they had a favoring gale and an
expert skipper. Last year some of the
We nre studying your Interests as wo
never have bpforo, and the alterations
In the store that are now beinK made
are only apart rtf the work of prepara
tion for the Fall. We shall then have
some new surprises for you in the way
of inexpensive effects. Just now it is
a special lot of
They are one yard, wide, both
sides alike, and have been
selling at SO cents. Excellent
ground work for riiss.
The Thompson Shop,
68-70 Orange Street.
Ready Bits, we all agree.
Will strength strenuosity.
Packages 15c. All gi.'ocers.
Beaches, of Hearts, Queen,
and service. Without 'leaving
can call upon us for any
use them. The things
If you have a charge
check for large amounts.
to be supplying the wants of half
Tea Pots, Decorated English China,
were 39c and 49c, now 25c.
Umbrella Stands, (wrought iron), 59c.
Discovered in Inventory-Taking'.
Some Brilliant B&rg&ins in Summer Fabrics-.
White Goods.
Imported Mercericed Lace
striped and embroidered
French Lawns, fine grade.
Have been all season, 50c.
Now 29c
Also a 39c grade at 25c.
party wore on a trip when It took them
eleven hours to make half that distance
and doing their best at that. The
party of last week visited Edgartown,
Cottage City, New Benford, Newport,
New London, and Greenport. They sail
ed on the schooner Lizzie Godfrey of
Northport, L. I.
On board besides others were John K.
Murphy of Killam's Point, below Short
Beach, and his sister. Miss Alice, Miss
Kathorine Brown, daughter of Robert
A. Brown, treasurer of the New Ha
ven Savings bank; William Scranton,
son of Charles W. Scranton, the invest
ment broker; Miss Clara Corey, daugh
ter of Police Commissioner Corey; L.
Moulthrop, son and daughter; Miss
Barnett, daughter of Vice President
Barnett of the Consolidated railroad;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stanley, prominent
people of New Britain. The schooner
was sailed by Captain O. K. Smith o
Having disposed of the balance of our stock of Carpets,
Draperies, etc., we still retain a large and beautiful assort
ment of fine WALL PAPERS which we shall close out at
one-half of the former price.
Also our WINDOW SHADE Department contains a
beautiful stock, and we will continue to make up and hang
Shades at COST until the entire stock is disposed of.
We have just (50) pieces of Choice China and Japan
Matting which must be sold AT ONCE at COST or less.
One large Safe and Desk for sale, or any part of all our
Remember our store will close on August 1st.
H. B. PERRY, 914 Chapel St.
aids of the
Bits of Lace
you write
for will be
just write.
Blue Ser&'e Suitr
at $10.
Men who look in our Chapel
Temple St. window will have an
object lesson in P. B. Q. medium
priced tailoring.
The window is full of blue serge
suits and the price is . $10
The difference between these F.
B. Q. suits at $10 and other blue
serge suits at the same price or a
little higher, is the same difference
that exists between F. B. Q
clothing and most other ready-to-wear
Part of that difference is that
the F. B. Q. wearer gets a dressi
ness, a distinctiveness, an effect
of nattiness and elegance for $10
that less carefully cut and made
clothing cannot give at any price.-
Another difference is that the
F. B. Q. clothing gives more
wear for each dollar than any
other. Its makers are the largest
buyers of all. wool fabrics in: Amer
ica;---of course they can give bet
ter goods for the money.
Wash Goods.
Pretty Dimities and Bat
istes; choice designs and col
orings. All have sold during
the season at i2cand 15c.
Now 8 I-2C.
Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, who was taken
to the Grace hospital Friday suffering
greatly from the loss of blood, was re
ported better last night and the chances
for her recovery are good. She will
probably be at the hospital for the rest
of the week.
S. G. Pease, proprietor of Pease's bool
store for many years, is in Austria on
a visit to his brother, Captain William
B. Pease, who has made his home in
Austria and Germany for many years.
His children received their education in
Germany. One of them was on a visit
to his uncle here last year.
If tlio linby la flatting Teetb
Be sure and ub that old aud well-tried
remedy, Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup,
fur children'! teetUlne. It soothes the child,
softens the sums, allays all palu, cures'
wind colic, and Is the bent remedy for diar
rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
lis Baokrypt Sidpk
AT r-.- . '7..V
45 Church Street,
28,000 PAIRS
Fine Boots, Sloes
anil Rubbers .
Wfiirtay, JHly 23.
Unparalleled Bargains.
Wait for this Sale.
.... .- ,'. ,
Its the largest gallery oa
one floor in this city. '
Always the finest work at
tho lowest prices.
Electr'c Photos every. '
, evening. -. .
The subscriber gives notice to all persons
ttniiio for taxe in New-Haven on Ubt- of
1001 and payable July 1st, 1002, for the City .
And WCStVUIO OCUOOl uisuto, mni. lie ivm
commence to receive taxes on said lists ou
Julv 1st, Iwk, at nis uuice, o, unn,.
Church Street. Regular office hours, 8 a. in
to 4 P- . '
Collector of Above Named Taxes'.-",
Jfew Haven, Conn. . ju2122t
The Great Sale
of Stylish Flannel Suits is now
i 1 1 j-i, x-.ii,.
on. JBvery oneoi tueiu wujliu iuixjr
$12 or $15. Smart, well made and
perfectly tailored at the. extraor
dinary price of $6.90.
Our regular Mid-Summer Sale continues. ,
Negligee Shirts ...-.now
1 s P. ..... pi r.n d'O IMt ...,4 TCA
U'ovmuiiy $x.ou( .uu :flw.
This Includes the faniou Man- i'i
Imttan and 'Varsity umkeSi-
Negligee Shirts -Oo
Straw Hats .now 1.00
Formerly $1.80, $2.30, $2.80 and $3.80. .
$3 80 and $4.80 Porto Itican Panamas, 2.50 .
$12 Flannel Suits 9.00
$12 Flannel Suits. 1
$4.75 Flannel Trousers ...
Lot No. 1. 50c Neckwear
Lot No. 2. noc, 7lic, $1.00 Neeli
Neclswear.v.. .
25e and Sac Hosiery 13
ROc n (OC Hosiery ,y ;,
50c Ralbrigsnn Underwear. 3.1.
fiile French Bnlbrissan Underwent;. ,48
!2 97 and $3.07 Shoes and Oxfords. ... 2.fi5
Wfi7 and $4.07 Shoes and 'Oxfords...... 3.30
V4 97 Shoes and Oxfords.....;;. 3.00
Hats, llaberdashory and shoes.
Formerly at 829 Chapel St.-r - .; ;
S. Store. U9-11 Cortlonut Street. '