Mirror of the Times , Ö General Advertiser ;
' With friendly hand we hold the glass,
To all, promiscuous as they pass ;
Should folly here her likeness view,
We fret not that the Mikror's true;
If the fantastic form offend,
We make it not, but would amend.'
'SO. 4^3 r
VOL. 5.
Printed, at the Franklin Press, Wednesdays it? Saturdays, by James Wir son. Sign of Shake spear, Market-Street, Wilmington, Delaware.
Intelligence, Essays, Communications, ac. (posj-pa.u) wi.i t>e gratefully received,and promptly attended to.—Advertisements inserted on the most moderate terms.
WEDNESDAY, 29 th February, 1804 ,
[two dollars in advance.]
'THE fubferiber feels grateful tor the
1 encouragement he has received in the line of
hi, business, since be established bis Siage between
Wilmington and Newcastle. While he thus makes
ku îwledgtient for Favors received, he in
forms bis friends and the puhl-c, that hereafter the
e.rs must he paid at the place ofstart
this ac!
fare iif pai scn
vcmeuce» of opening
A in
small accounts, •
iv well a» the l isses be h.ts suuain
J him I'I establish the foregoing as a
; which be hopes no reasonable ;i
ed, has ohlt
c '
.1 be offended.
440 4
17th Feb.
Extract from the Minutes
hebt agrerably to
0: the Agricultural Assoc-atio*
Mrs. Huggms'
.ington, Del, Feb. 8, 1804.
having met,
public notice. ;
Number of gentlemen
Henry Latimer, was chosen Chairman, aiuj
William Young, Secretary :
It was then unanimously agree 1, to e
A-iicultursI Association. Dr James I .lion, Jacob
Broom and William Young, were a,.painteda Com
rim.e to psepare a draft of a constitution tobe laid
before tbt next
into an
Thosecretary w -s ..joined to continue the invi
tation, u all persons di .po.ed .0 unite with an.l to
Mtnote the objeri» of the Association.
Adjourned, to mt-.-t again at Mrs Huggins
the id Wednesday of March, at 2 o'clock r. M.
îr-ler of the Assoc.anon.
Puhl I died hy
440 8 tf
nucrmiin^ to decline
•is, offer f<
'Hlb lubscnners
the GROCERY bus
jnt stock of Goods, comprising a general as
A considerable part of those roo
d will be sold on
-ale their
purchased for cash a
»enable terms.
They will also d.spos
House they at present
the apparatus urn ssary
Whisky. Apply to
the most rea
of the lease of the Still
Dtcupy, toputhcr
for the distillation of Rum
•lili all
410 4
Wilmington, 18th Feb.
To Ter, f'jT one or more year* %
Story Brick ii Ö U S K,
ELL calculated for a Store, the
v kind of
A Th
m In.mg large will answer
business. There aïe g tod accommodations fora
Lmii ., be.ng live r-oms and a good kitchen, with a
hole. The situation is very plea
! and healthy, the Stand for business is one of the
High stre
cellar under ihe
first i
from the Bank of Delaware,
tl.u ßorough, be I hr
äihI opposite th« old
further information en
upper market house,
quite of
W lirai
8 .
440 9
lgton, Fob
it Public sale ,
O N fifth day (Thtirf.lav) the fit U day
of the third month (M ac t.) next .1 not t.re
de, at the Qn:
it tlic afie^.i"
For sal.
viuu.ly sold
private sa
a o'clock .
, the fo|.
lowing described housts and lots situated in the
Borough of Wilmington, v.x
No. 1. A red frame house and lot fronting
•en Hanover and (^.ice
eru, at
Kir.; street, bet
N ». 2. A vacant lut fronting on Kir»^ street, ad
joining No. 1.
3. A frame bouse and lot
King street, adjoin
mg No. 2.
4 Two frarnft houses, and lots on French street,
in the same sauare with the above.
5. A lot with a frame building, iuiuble for a
Chair house.
All the -above property is delightfully situated
an» will be sold together or separate, to suit pur
elia^ers, and the terms made ea .y.
For further information apply to
436 8
Wilmington, 2d mo. 4rh
Valuable FARM adjoining Chrif
tiana Ferry, formerly the property of Capt.
?• Jaquett. For terms enquire of the subscriber in
the town of Newcastle.
404 ew tf 3p
Valuable team
gon, wi
for business, by
Mil f ord Paper Mill, >
January 23. 5
Oa. io.
of Horles, a Wag
ith gears, and all implements suitable
435 ew 8
For Sale,
A quantity of Peach & Apple BRANDY,
A few barrels fir(l quality CHERRY RUM,
Jertcy cured HAMS,
Well India RUM of different qualities,
A quantity of Cayenne PEPPER of fuperior
qu.litv, in large and (mall bottles,
American, Holland & Engltfl» battle POW
DER, a general affortment of SHOT,
Powder horns, (hot belts & bird bags, with
a general (upply of GROCERIES,bv
Wilmington, July 23.
This day is Published
And for sale at the Mirror Printing-office and Book
Comprising The FARMER'S BOt, and RURAL
T ALES &c. &c- prie* S 9 cerm.
Nov. 26 , 1
''Take NOTICE. All perfons hav- I "
^ ing any demands against the estate of WII«
LIAM WHANN, late of Pencaderhundred.de
e umts property attested for settlement To'thTsub- K
scriberi on or before the first day of May next, and
all those indebted to said estate are requested to
rn»** immediate payment, otherwite legal methods
will be taken to rcr.over the same, by
Samuel whann,
44a 4p
ceased, arc hereby requeued
Feb. 23.
A NY quantity of this article, fo fuc
ccssfully used as a manure, may be had r*ady
ground to suit farmers, and put up in casks if desi*
led, on application to Samuel Thomas, Cantwells
Bridge ; Kermard Sc Cummins, Duckcreek ; John
Sc William Torbert, Camden, or the subscribers at
Braudywine Mills.
2 Mo. 23d.
_ 44 a 10
All perfons indebted to the
estate of DAVID WEST, deceased, are re
quested to make in-«mediate payment, and those who
have demands afninst said estate, are desired to
produce their accounts legally attested for settle
ment, to
ANN WEST, Ex'rx.
Who offers for Sale
A Small Tract of Woodland,
C ONTAINING about 45 Acres, in
Appoquiuimiiik hundred, 3 miles i r mi Duck
.d term* of
creek landing, «1* whom pariitulais
sale may be known.
Wilmington, '2.1 Mo. 23.
OSHUA PKI IICK & Co. continu« the
at th- Factory formerly
occupied by David \V est. They manufacture all
kinds of Cur Nails and Brads, and h uve
a quantity of «ai h kind.
To the Printing Uufinefs will be txker.
if imn.etliate application is made at James Wil
son's Eriniirig-ofSce.
choicest laurels oft he Muse
" Hung with t.
And studed with the brightest t
r \V e have rare Ibeen more delighted, than witt.ii.e
g little allegory. Inc
i.h tl.e sv
ii: cl.a.
ing thu beauty of the thoughts,
it may well Ik* doubted, whe
ther it redefla most credit on the Auittur or the
Translator. It bas 'cache» u
um of the " Salem liegis er,'
ly ba;.py ... the selection of pi
o| J
chk of the numb.
• C ,1'ttll
paper particular
M It. FOX,
Qitawl l' Amon' nacquita Cytbcre, (S' c.
n Cythera's golden sands,
•as trorn on earth,
ubt what lostering hands
ar the glorious birth.
Fair Hebe claim'd the sweet employ.
Her cup, her thornless flowers, she said,
best with health anJ joy,
And cradle best his cherub head.
But anxious Venus fear'd
The tricks and changeful mind of youth j
Too mild the seraph P, ace appear d,
Too stern, too cold, the matron Truth.
Next Fancy claim'd him for her own,
But Prudence disallowed Iter right,
She deem'd her Iris pinions shone,
Too dazzling for his infant sight.
When first Tiue-I.ove
Long was the d
Should tend and
\Vould feed 111
To Hope awhile the charge was given,
ith » er the cherub throve,
And well
Till Innocence came down ft
Sole guardian, friend, and nurse of Love l
r mad with envious spite.
Pleasure gre
Wlitn a 1.1. ptefer'd to kiu she tc»mJ.
She vow'd full vengeance for the slight,
And soon success her purpose crown b.
itch'd a sultry hour,
en pillow'd on her biush-tose bed.
Tir'd Innocence to slumbei's power
One moment bow'd her virgin head ;
The traitor
the tiiouglvless child
Then pleasure on
Her tovs and sugard poisons !>'"'>
Drunk with new joy, he Iteav d, he smil d,
l^ ee Pil_sunk—anti died upon her breast .
<a> & < 3 . ®
Uirtb that wrinkled Care derides,
And Limsbter holding buth his side».
Judge Burnet. Being once applied
... old farmer in hi* neighboihood
for hi* advice in a law fitir, he heard his
cafe with great patience, and then aiked
hint, whether he ever ?ut into a lottery . -
" No, Sif," lays th« farmer," I hope I
have too much prudence to run fucii
rilks." " Why then take my advice, my
K UOtl fliend ' * nd fuflcr in inconvenience
looner than go to la w, a« the chances are
more againlt you there than in any lotte
mit © r.t-0'
The following Advertifement is copi
ed from the A r evi-Jersey Journal :
"To bo fold, on the 81it of July, 13 1
Suits in Law, the property of an eminent
Attorney, about to retir# from Buli
"The Clients are rich and
obliinate 1"
Wax Take.
We have rend an inter
afling memoir on the Wax Tree of Lou
ifuna, by Châties Luuis Cadet, of the
college of Pharmacy, at Pari»,
lowing arc his oblervalimis on the utili
of the wax which the tree affords.
The fol
Tiie w.x, favi he, is fufliciently a
bundant to compenfate the care and ei
penfe of cultivating it ; for a bulli in full
bearing yields from fix to feven pounds of
kernels, one fourth of which may be ob
tained in wax. It is fuperior in quality
to beelwaX.
The »llringent principal of the my
rica extracted in the large way, may be
very ufcful in medicine, and in the art»,
it may to a certain extent bn l'ubftituted
Hilfead ol gall nut» in dying, hat making,
and piitbably in certain pruceffc* ef tan
coloring pr'ncijde appear*
fufficietuly to deierve fome attention ; and
if it be true that fome tine cakes hive
been obtained from it in Louiliana, why
may vve not expeft to find advantage»
from it in painting.
When this wax (hall have become plen
tiful and cheap tu th« market, it pro
miles great advantages in the fabrication
of f.iap.
Ti.v travelkr Thalnt, fays, that the
loan f it wall.es linen prrftélly white.
Canif s it, ade of it atfo.i a wi.it: flame,
a good light, without l'inoke, and da not
gutter i tltey endt when quite freflt a
l.alfjinic .dor, which the inhabitants of
Louiliai.a cuniidsr a» extremely whole
lotne for perlons in ill health.
Mr. AlcxjnJct', lurecon, lays, that the
liquor in which the grain has been boil
ed, and front whence the wax is procur
ed, having been poured out and evapor
ated to the confidence of an extraéf,
checks the moil obliinate dylentaries.
There txill» at Orleans and at Ram
bouillet, two orchards of the wax tr«e,
which contain mort titan four hundred
The Louiftana wax tree, Mr. Cadet
obletves, is not the fame fpecies that
grows in Pennfylvania, Carolina and Vir
ginia. It rife» higher, and its grains are
In fonte places it is as large as a cher
ry, and i:s grains of the fize of coriander.
Its botanical name is ntyrica, cerifera,
- ngustsfolio . That witichgrows in Penn
iylvania, 8cc. is called myrica cerifera
latifolia — Plebeian.
An account rfthe extent, population,
commerce and military force of the Aus
trian Monarchy, lately publifhed, prefents
the following refult : the (urface of the
States of Aullria ii eitimated at 1200 ge
ographical miles, there are 1200 cities,
2090 boroughs, and more than 60,000 vil
lagers. The population amount* to 25,
800.000 inhabitants. Of that number
6.360.000 are Gernuns; 12,300.000 be
long to tile Efcalvonia nation* (inhabi
tant* of Bohemia. Poland, fcc.) Hungary
furniflte* 3,340,000 ; the other» are Ita
lians, Valaguc», Cro»t*, &c. The army
he ptace elHblifliment is tompofed of
All that conflitutea the
on t
300,000 men.
military flat«, including weinen and chiL
drrn.is computed at 800,000 individual».
of filver ar« ratfed art
—250,000 marc*
nuallyfrom Hungary; front different pro
vinces 60,000 quintals of copper ; from
Idria, 5000 quintal* of quick-ftlver. The
valu« of metals and other unwrought
mineral* is 47 ,coo.oeo florin», from which,
however, muff be deduSled th« expencr»
attending thefe works, which does not a
mount to two-thirds of that fu
yearly exportation of merchandize is a
b»ut 21,000,000 florins, and the importa
tion amounts to 22,500,000.—14,000 ves
lels ofall fines enterth« ports of the Houfa
of Auftria annually-; 1200 of them are
national. The journal from which weex
trail thefe, particularly add, that the Au
ftrian Moriarchy can boaft of pofleffing 90»
authors, of whom 720 are Germans.
o<*>CX» 3 S"J
Invention,, Discoveries, and Improvements.
Profeffor Zimmerman, of Brunfwtck,
in a late latter to Dr. Barton, communi
cates fome account of a very curious dil
covery which has been made by Mr.
Lichtenffein, Profeffor of Divinity ac
Helmffadt, in Germany. This gentle
man lias found, " that the fungi* anti
other Cryptogamij are Zoopltyta." "t
can (fays Mr. Zimmerman) atttft that I
mylelf have feen thele new Polypi, more
than twenty times, moving after iunfec
and before the rifing of the Sun, their
braebia, exafllv like the Hydra f of Lin
nreus, or the Brachionus.J The fpeci
mens of his new Air-Polypi, or rather
Terrulhial Polypi which I law, all re
quired a simple magnifying glais (utt
loupe.) Ic is a moil furptifing Ipeilaclc
to behold the tn a'lling in the air, exatd
ly like the frdlt water Polvpi in the wa
ter , and I venture to fay, that they
catch fome linall animals, invifible to us,
that float in the air, as t he other Polypi
hunt after their prey in the water. Buc
you muff not undertake the obfervation
except when the dew falls. How far this
new difeovery will advance us in the
Phyfiology of animals and plant*, time
luuit decide. I faw thefe Polypi in only
three different fpecies of Cryptogamia,
not of the great Fungous plants."
not great Fungous plants."
• PUnts of the Mushroom kind, &c.
•f A genus of Polyphua of winch there are se
veral species, one of which is the Animal Flower
Calendula) described by Hughes in hi»
History of Barbsdoes.
J A genus comprehending a number of small a
quatic animals, or " Infusory animals," a3 they
ate sometimes named.
( Hy J
FARMER. No. 69.
The original Seed, imported by a fer
vantofihe late T. Wiialey, Esq. on that
Gentleman's Jertilalem expedition, was as
find taken notice of by a Mr. Doran, of
Francis-llreet, London, an eminent ex
perimental Farmer and Diftiller. That
gentleman's account of the various bran
che* of an experiment, as communicated
to the numerous crowds of admiring
fpedlators of the l'ample he produced
the exhibition at the Duke of Leinlters,
Rand* critical as follows :—He fowed a
bout two (lone and a half of what he calls
Jerufalem Wheat, i 11 a l'pace cf an Hag
gard, about Auguft lall, after a previous
crop of Vetches ; this feed he had dibbled
by two men and four ch.ldren, the whole
expence of labour amounting to no more
than 7s. Bntiflt ; in the laR reaping feafort
it exhibited flalks of iev«n feet in length
bent confiderabiv at top by the weight-—
a bunch of ears, on an average from 42
to 45 in number to each ftalk, and each
ear containing generally from 150 to 190
large round grains of wheat, almoR
tranfparent through a film, refembling a
(kin or Itufk ; its Loior only approached
the lands wheat, fo well known in this
country. The llalk, formed into reeds
filled with a white pulp, from their
ftrength towards the root, were forced to
have been cut about two feet from the
lurface of the foil.—The draw, or rather
reed, Mr. Dorm got cut with a machine,
and lerved to horfes as a fubftitute for
oats, on which they greedily fed, anti
fettmed to thrive on it as well as on their
ufual food. The general produce of the
Wheat, refpefting the Seed, was ten bar
rels wanting fix pounds ; on grinding the
proportion of Bran, refpebling the flour,
was three pounds of the forw.er, to one
barrel of the latter.
LANK BONDS—For sale at the Mir.
rur Printing office und Book store.