Newspaper Page Text
'ÎHH OXYGENATED BITTERS. Sabjoincd are few tributes ; from Well-known physicians: MansfieM), Tioga Co.,Th, Aug. 26,1858. I have used the Oxygenated Bit ter* in my practice with decided suc in debility and general prostra te., and confidently recom tion, mend it in General Debility, and disease* of the digestivo organs. F. II. WHITE, M. D. Auburn-, N. Y., Sept, 6, 1858. Gentlemen: ~rl have been in the :,. drug b usine-.» the last fifteen years, and; have never sold a medicine which has given such great sutisfac „ tion in bases of Dyspepsia as the Oxygenated Bitters, and in this disease I always recommend it. H. G. FOWLER. Buri.ingion, Yl, Nov. 12, 1854. (jjrtVÜcmen : —I am pleased to . state, that I have tried the Oxyge nated Bitters for Indigestion and Debility, anil found immediate re f from using only a part of a bot I have the greatest confidence in ;|t as a eure fox Dyspepsia and General Lability, and recommend it with much.pleasure. Yours. Ac.. Iames Lewis, m. d. Prepared by SETH XV. FOWLE & Co, Boston, ami for sale by John S, I.aCey, Georgetown; John Ponder t> Son, Milton, Robt. West, and J. B. Lyons & Co,. Lewes; T. S. Johnson. Millsboro; John!'. Irfing &'Co , Frank , ford; George H. Phillips, Concord; T. HrRiggin, Laurel; James Pretlyman, Bridgeville; J. L. Willoughby, Scaford and by dealers everywhere. No. 2.4t. lit tie Special Notices. GENU1EE HELMBOLD.S PREPARATION for Nervous *nd Debilitated Sufferers. list received, t lot ijl Patent Wheel _ GreBse, and saponifier for making soap also superior Burning Fluid. •* . WILLIN & MORRIS. • JUST RECEIVED—A fresh «apply of Cod Liver Oil, At WILLIN & MORRIS'. II V' tf ■' JUST ARRIVED, a large lot ol Hâta and Caps, of every style, very cheap'. WILLtN & MORU SI , Advertisements . r NO TIC E. Uhe firm of P. O. Jones ijr Son is étSwàrèM by mutual consent. The business will he settled by Wm. F. Jonep, who is authorized to close up the old accounts. Persons indebted to'said firm are requested to come forward and make settlement on or before the first day of January next, or. She nocounts will be placed in the haqds of an officer for collection. P. C. JONES ft SON. Mi B. The business will be contin ued at the old stand, by P. C. Jones f Op., who are thankful to the old eustbmers of the late firm for their fjbefal patronage, and would solfeit a coutmuunoe of the same. 44—oia. Stent of Ready Made Clothing for sale cheap for cash or country produce, at the 'store of P, C. JONES k CO. Georgetown, Del. Great Variety OF BOOTS AND SHOES At all prices, for sale at P. C. JONES# CO's. ' LAftGE STOCK OF DRY of all kind«, at the lowest prices, at ,ŸSÎMf TIIE BEST GROCERIES may be had at remarkably low prices, at P. C. JONES & CO's. Bb-gr A supply of Buffalo Robes for sale cheap at JONES # CO's. •■■-..suB jbMbD searT t j0Éÿ-AU kinds of Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Drugs, Dye Staffs, &c., cheap, at £. G. JONES & CO's. Highest Prices Paid for Corn and other country produoe, at the cheap store of f PS C. JONES * CO. JONES & CO's. n go of TIJEOQORE W. PARKER. GROCER AND COMMON MERCHANT, Corner èine mL, I Vharf, PSILADSIjPHIA No. ¥. tf. I Annual Meeting i- . Of Ulft JUNCTION & BREAKWATER NOTICE is hereby eivgn, that the ANNUAL MEET ING of the Stockholders ofthe Junction & Breakwater Rail Road Company, will be held in the office of the Company, at Milford, on Monday the 9th day of January, 1860, that being the seecmd Monday in said month, at which .time an election will held for the purpose of electing Directors,* pud. (or the transac tion of other business. By Order . H. jfr. Me.COKLEY, See. Office'o'fj. 4* B. It, ft. Cit>. Milford, Dec. 7, 1859. to S, t> B. T. JAMES P. BARKER, Georgetown , Del. Is now prppared to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and administer to the wants of every person in this commu He lias the best assortment of Goods ever offered for sale iu this county, at prices to suit the times, such as black, blue, brown, olive, and dahlia Cloths, for dress, and frock, Goats; black, bitte and broivit Beaver Cloths for Over Coats; Cassimeresof various styles and patients for Pants; plain, black and fan cy Grenadines; fauoy Cashmeres; plain and fancy Velvels and Silks, of every description, for Vestsj all of widely Can he made in the néatest style at short tice. rut no Groceries^ Consisting of Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Bnckwlieat, Butter, Cheese. So da sud water Crackers, Soap, Fluid, I andles, (Salt, Pepper, Mustard, Soda, Jffet*. Nutmegs, Ac., also Powder, Shot and Gun Caps. ©©a32 , a0Ea©3J<±.&1S. Fancy and plain Candies, Foreign Fruits, Cakes, Nuts. Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, and eVéry kind ol Fancy Goods for Christmas and New Year's ol presents. w . PEBFIJM RY. Every variety ol Fancy Soaps, tracts, Colognes, Bay Hum. Hair Dye, Whisker Grower, Hair Tonic, aud every article to complete the Toilet. Tobacco. Snuff, Segaro Shoe Btackiqg à superior article. Ex tttul. Lipos, FAMILY MEDICINES, is or All of Dr. D. Jayne's, Ayer's, Wright's, Rowand's. Perry Davis' Pair! Killer, ai d a choice lot of Drugs* Essences, &<•••, from the celebrated Drug Store of E. Bringhurst. In fact Barker has a halm for every wound, a cure for every ill. Call and see him; he wilt-do you good, and giver you the worth of your money. No. 46—tf. ; , Second Call „ . sîssssjsassir, Office of the Junction Breakwater Bail Road Co. Milford , £>el. r Dec.. 2d 1859. At a meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Junction & Breakwater Rail Road Company, held at Mnf'ord, this day, the following Resolution adopted: Resolved. That a call of FIVE DOLLARS per share be made upon the subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Junction and Breakwater Roil Aoad Company, for the extension of s-iid Rail Road, payable to the Treasurer, at the office of the Company, in Miliord, on or before the fifth day of January, next. on was The attentiop of the subscribers to, and compliance with the foregoing, is respectfully requested. H. W. MeCOLLEY, Treas. N. B. For the accommodation of the subscribers, I will meet them Georgetown, on Tuesday the 3d of January, anti at .Miljsboro', on Wednes day the 4th ol January. H- W-MeCOLLEY, Treas. MS LLÎNG . The snbXcribcrf Would announce to the public, that their Mill at middle ford, n in excellent order', ancT is prepared to grind wheat, corn, buckwheat, in the best order, at short notice. Tupy Keep on hand and forsaTe v a go od sup ply of Flour of the best quality. £38?" T I ley won 1 d i n form the citizens of Ueorgotown and viuiniiy, that they will continue to supply .diem* every Tilt «day,, .with superior home made FLOUR, a id also, superior BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. J. J. M. RAWLINS, No. 45—tf. I SJJLU J*. NOTARY PUBLIC. GEOH.GEXO WN , DEL-, •/ . JoV ' The new and large stock of Goode jusl received, and which are selling very fa*t, at tha cheap store P. C. JONES rf of in at & CO. * .4 AT FOULKS DRUG, PERFÜEERY, MUSIC AND VARIETY STORE, East side WtlnUt St., 3 doors be low Parvis' Hotel, iiJttfij to <t MILFORD, DEL. «1 5 May be fcmhil a large and well se lected Stock of Pure Drugs, Medi cines and Chemicals, together with a varied assortment of Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Pjaoo Mu?ic, Musi cal Merchandise and musical Insttb tiifcii'ts. such as Violins, ac from T5 eta. to $10; Accordéons, Flutes, Fla geolets, Fifes, Uatijcs, Tauiboriues, Time Forks, &c. Ac. My stock of Perfumery is very large, consisting of Extracts for the handkerchief, of over 60 kinds and styles, at from 6 cts. to .$1 50 per bottle; also Toilet and Cologne Wa ters. the at and fan Can Toilet Powders, Meen Fun and Mecn Fun Balls, a new and fine ar ticle fqr a lolly's toilet; Vinegar Rogue and Rogue Bolls. Soap* of every kind and variety, Camphor and Elyerine Soap, to pre vent hands Horn chopping. Ladies' Cabas and travelling Bags, Port Folios, from 50 cts. to $3 each. Ladies' and gentlemen's Port Monnaies and Pocket Books. Tooth, hair, bat, cloth,- Crumb, nail, infant, lather, and other Brush Buffalo, India rubber and horn tuck, side, puff, bonnett, pocket, dressing and other Combs, Diaries for 1860, Ledger, Memo randum and other blank Books. Fancy and plain Letter Paper and Envelopes, cap, drawing, and tissue Paper. Pocket Knives, Razors, and Razor Strops. no So es. aud I'A [iTICULAR ATTENTION is called to my superior article of GOAL OIL which fot-cheapness and brilliancy of light surpasses every other illum inator yet discovered. There is no more danger in using it than the common whale oil. I have a good supply of coal oil aud fluid Lamps, Shades, &c. Fluid lamps altered to burn coal oil, at a reasonable price. Pure Spices always on hand, and any article in the above line. The beet Segars in town are to be had at rriy store. Orders by marl or otherwise, promptly attended to. Persons ordering goods by mail will please state the price, aud I will send them as good an srticle for the money as can be had anywhere. gt®" Conn try Btores supplied With Oils, ISé3eneos, J-c., at the lowest prices. 44—tf. of a of JACOB Y. FOULK. COSMOPOLITAN AST ASSOCIATION. Any porsou out hacorne a member by subscribing S3 which will entitle him to. 1st.—The beautiful Ntcel Engraviug, "Ahakspear and liis Friends." 2d.—A Ropy of the elegantly Illustra ted Aart Journal,, one year. 3d.—A Free treason Admission to the Galleries, 618 Broadway, New York. In addition to which, 4 hundred, val ttable Works of Art are given to sub scribers as Premiums, romprisimr choice Paintings, Sculptures, Outlines, dm , bv die first Ataeneau and Foreign Artists. The .superb Engraving, which every subscriber will receive immediately receipt of snbscrip speare and his fr large size, being printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 inches, making a most superb ornament suitable for the walls of either the library, parlor or office. It can be sent to any part of the coun try, by mail, with safety, being packed iu a cylinder, postage pre-paid. Subscriptions wiil Le received tmtil the Evening of Tuesday the 31st of Jamnrrarv, 1800, at Which time the books will closo and the Premiums be given tty subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription. Those romittihg $15 are entitled to six memberships. Address on lion, entitled '-Shake* riends," is of a very C. L. DERnY, Actuary C. A. A. 54ô and oftf Broadway, New-York. Subscriptions atso received by C. RodnCy Layton, flon Sec., for George town and- 'rtJteMy. •m • I Everybody Wants. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER And Counsellor in Business, by Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia Bar. It Idlls Yon How to djaw up Part nership Pape lis and gives gen eral forms for AoRBEMONtsofall kinds, bills of sale, leases and petitions. It Tells You How to driw np bonds and Mortgages, Affidavits, Pow ers of Attorney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts and It Tells you The Law* for the Collec tion of Debts, with the Stvitcs of Limitation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells You How to make an As signment property, With forms forCompositien with Creditors, and die. Insolvent Laws of every » . "rTTState. It Tells You The legal relations exist ing between Guardian and ward, Master and A0retutce, and Landlord and Tenant. It T41s Yoe What constitutes Libel and Slander, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Property. Divorce and Allimony. It Tefls You The Law for Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. ou 1 lie law concerning Pen sions and to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption Laws to Public Lands. It Telk You The Law for Patents, with mode of procedure in ob ti iidng one, with Interferences, Asoigiuneiits and Table of Fees. Tel.* You How to make your Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof iu every Slate. It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and ex plains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and Slate Governments. It Tells You How to keep hut ofLaw, by showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of properly, and vexatious litigation, by its time ly cousultalion. Single copies « ill be sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechnrvc, F very Man <.f Business, and Kv v - jt*t mi Every Nu»ie, on receipt $1 1)1» or in law style of binding St 91.25 SI 000 A YEAR can he made by en ter'prisil g men everywhere, in selling the aboie work ae our inducements to all such ar< very liberal. For s ngle copies of the Book, or for terms tc agents, with other information, apply to or address JOH V E. POTTER, Publisher, No. ßl'jlSansom St., Philadelphia Pa. •/ be se a T5 Fla the and per Wa t and ar pre and It Te)s Y It no the to be the tie! UNIVERSITY'S FABIILY REMEDIES* Issued ni der the seal, sanction and au thority of 1 HE UNIVERSITY OF -'REE MEDICINE AND POP ILAR KNOWLEDGE, Charteret] by the A tale of Pennsylva n a, April 29tli. 1853, WlTlj A OAPI I AL of 9100,000, Mainly far the purpose of arresting the evils of Ipurious ;>ud worthless nos trums; alsii, for supplying (he commit uity with RELIABLE A'EMEDlpS Whereverp competent Physician not or will not be employed. V stitutiou, ocated in Philadelpl Home Di pcqsary and Office, 322 Youth sccttud street, where application for new aceneies must he made to . JOHII P. REEY, Rowakds celebrated Tonic Mixture, known for upwards of iweenly-flve years ns th only sure anti safe cûre for EEV£R,AND AGUE, qe., and his inestimable remedy for Bowel Complaints. Rowand's Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root, which highly improv ed anti popular remedies, together with the University's Remedy lor COM PLAINTS of the Legs, Bronchial af fections; The University's Remedy for Dispep sia or Indigestion, Coetivo-Bowels, •Sore Eves, Ear-Ach or Deafness, Tooth Ache, Fever and Ague (in Pills ) These Remedies are not like the nos trums of the day, hut depend upon their intrinsic merit for popular favor. Also for sate at die Home Dispen sary, 822 south second street. PUila. phia, Dr. Gallon's celebrated Italian Vegetable Panacea, for the cure of scrofula, mercurial diseases and ail other im'pmities ol the Blood, ami kis other Remedied 1 For suie b f Druggist» and others oan This In by iia— jSf list received, a fresh supply of Pa && tent Wheel Grease, and also Fence Nails of various sizes, at I for G. W. WILLIN'» New store. a St throughout the Ümted Niâtes, Canada, &c., and for sale by Jas. P. Barker, Georgetown; Dr. D, H. Hoystorf Lew dst T. A: Johnson, Milleboto; Joli»i Rodney, Lewes;.!. J. Jenkins, Neaford; E. J. Pnsèy, W. T. Waller, E. J. Richardson, Laurel; Lazarus 7'oruor, near Laurel; Wm. Parkhurst, Dagaboro; Martin & Conwell, Milton; Wsples tf Hickman, Baltimore Mills; Dr, J. R. Layton, Georgetowu; Jas. W. Morgan, Cocornd. N3.— ly Great Attraction / AlIWmffiMB vH W MJF fzi • WILLIN & MORR'S, SUCCESSORS to G. W. WILLIN Hare just received from Phila delphia, a splendid stock of new and desirable FALL & WINTER GOODS, which they ars wing at Awful Low Prices for Cash OR READY PAY. Their stock consists of thing that is usually kept country store. They have a large aud splendid sto :k of eveiy in u BET GOODS, Ready Made CLOTHING!!! Hats $ Caps!! Hn-d-ware, Queens-ware, Sta tionery; &c., with a large lot ol choice GROCERIES. The public is respectfully iicited to call and <ve are determined to sell ats cheap or cheaper than anybody else for Cash or ready pay. Come and see us, and "wc will do you good." WILLIN & MORRIS, apposite the Messenger Office. SO examine, as CANVASSERS WANTED Liberal Inducements to Agents! T7:/•*.__ ta 11 »s ' . .. y Dollars a Month anti all Expenses Paid! We wish to engage an active A gent in every County throughout the United States and Canadas, to tra vel and introduce our New Twenty Dollar Double Thread Lock StitcL Sewing Machine. This Excelsior Machine is just patented, with valu able improvements, which make it the cheapest and most popular fna chine in éxistcnce, and acknowled ged to be unsurpassed for gonornl utility. A limited number of re sponsible agents are wanted to licit orders by sample, to whom a salary of §50 por month and expen ses will he paid. For conditions and full particulars • address, with stamp for return postage, J. XV. HARRIS & CO. No. 13 Shoe & Leather Exchange, 40—8t Bobton,- Muss. so GET A GOOD LIKENESS. The undersigned announces to die citizens of Georgetown gnd vicinity, that ho has taken a roont in the COURT HOUSE, and is prepared to take all kind's of LIKENESSES in the best Style, fi orn 50 cents tvn hand all kind* of gilt Frames for the parlor, and fine Gold LOCKETS. Persons desiring a good likeness, at a low price, shonld not fail to embrace this opportunity. Gall soon as mv stay will be shou. up He hah J. S. GRAHAM. §200 REWARD. Runaway from the subscriber in Georgetown on the 1st inst., a negro man named Solomon, aged about 27 years, about 5 feet, 9 inches high, spâro built, dark eomploxiob, what bald, he given to arty person securing said negro, so that 1 get him again. JOHN WINDSOR. somc Tho above reward will WOOD!?! Good, sound oak or maplo wood, for th# Jail and Court House, want ed-at WILLIN'S. THE GR È A T J. tf R. ÀM8ASSADGR OF HEALTH. To all Mankind; t M A v m mm m VY / Holloway's pills. A BOON tt) THE PtCKl Thfe Want of k sterling medicinal U$ meet ike ills and necessities of ihc.sqf faring portion of humanity, and one en tirely free from mineral and oilier dele terious particles, was severely felt til) this all powerful medicine iris nshticJ into the world; Holloway's Invalu able Pills have become tlife house hold remedy of all nations. Their at tribute is to preserve as 'Veil a« to cure; they attack the radix Or root of the complaint, and thus by re/hovlng the hidden cause of disease rcinvigcrai and restore the drooping energies o; the system, assisting nature in her task of vital and functionary reformation 1 DŸfePEPSfA. The great scourge of this continent yields quickly toa course «1 these anti septic Pills, and the digestive organs are restored to iheir proper tone; no inat'er in tvhat hideons shiijte thii fhdrb of disease exhibits itself, this searcl ,ng and unerring rhtuedy disperse* it from (he patient's system. GENERAL DEBILITY ANB WEAKNESS • of a u From whatever cause, lowness or spirits, and all signs of a diseased liver, aiitt other disorganization of the system vanish uqder the eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic arid deter gent remedy; BILIOUS DISORDERS; ol The proper quantum anti right con flition of the hile is nf momentous irn portance to the health of the human, (ramé, this anti-bilious medicine oxpetf the hidden sçeds of the complaint, and renders all the fluids and secretions; pure and fluent, cleansing and resusita ting thé vital functions of the, body. SICKLY FEMALES'. ats SO as Should lose no time in trying à text doses of this ragulating and renovating remedy, whatever màÿ be (heir com plaint, it can be taken with safety in all periodical and other disorganizations its effects is all hut miraculous. UN REFUTED PROOF. The testimony of Natrons is unani mously borne to the health-giving vir-t TjL Z r - r< T dy ' a, 'f cèr,i . fl ; .. Fates in every liviiijjlangtiaire bear wif ness to the untlefruiabl^netrs of their ii trinsic worth. A- Holloway's Pi/ts are the best remedy ^uovm in the world for the following , diseases: „ , a ,', , Hianhma, Dropsy, Golds, Fever and Ague, Oliei't Diseases, Female Complaint*/ CöstiVeness, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Influenza, Inflamation, Inward Weakness, Liver Complaints, Lowness of Spirits Piles, tv Stone and Grr Vel, Yèèontlary Svflip Veneral Affection^, Worms ofall kinds. it a Wins, EeyCAUTIONl—None are genu ine unless the words '' Holloway. Neib lork and Bondon," are discernible as a wuler hitir/c in evefy leal ofthe book of direction* around each pot or h. -c; the same may be plainly seen by hell ing the leaf to the light.' reward will he given to ally One render Ing auc'i information as mm lead to lliç detection of any party or parties coun terfeiting the medicine* or vending the same, knew ing them to lié épurions. * * *3ohl at the ManufartOflV nf Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine' throughout the United States and tho' civilized world, in boxes at 2» cents', 03 cents anti $1 eàcli. £Xei*r"Thcre is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for thé guidance of patients in every disorder ate affixed tô éacli box. No. 21—ly. A handsome! Corn Shelters. The subscriber has for sale/ a lot of Grier & Stanion's im proved Coru Shellers, which will be #jld at the turer's nninufac priees. They arc tile best shelle'rs ever brought ntd thts county. Call at the ' Mes* songer Office,'' Georgetown/ Del. D. DODD