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THE DELAWABEANf, Established 1859. WILLIAM SAULSBURY, Editor and Proprietor OHtee South State Street, Opposite Court House. Telephone, No. 36. The Delawarean is published each Satur day and Wednesday- Subscription price, $1.00 per annum, strictly in advance Advertising rates furnished Correspondence solicited, but it. must ai- 1 ways be aocouipaniod by the name of the writer,) •■not for publication, but for our information- The \ proprietor disclaims ail responsibility for the opiti- j o ns of correspondents. ! _ application YE ADMIRAL'S BOOM. Nothing that has thus tar oc curred in the preliminary cam paign canvass, stirred things up more radically or more univer sally than did the announcement made last week that the hero of Manilla had suddenly discovered "it was his duty to seek a Presi dential nomination." There was considerable conjecture at first as to which of the two great parties the doughty Admiral wa ious to lead, or whether he'plan ned to construct a little personal party of his own for campaigning purposes; but the Admiral on Friday last set these conjectures at rest by announcing that he was a Democrat, "or at least," to quote his own woids, "I came near voting for Cleveland once." This announcement from the man who only a few short months ago claimed he knew nothing of politics, and under no circumstances could be induced r nx to accept a political nomination, gave rise to a well-grounded suspicion that Admiral George Dewey was being used as a tool by some political manipulators, who were perhaps, not exactly satisfied with the direction in which public sentiment was plainly drifting. So palpable did this aspect of the affair seem, that it took less than forty-eight hours for the leading editorial opinion of the country, without regard to party lines, to give ex- of pression to it in no uncertain w language. The clearly expressed 1 desire of the Admiral to be con- i' sidered by the National Demo -1 cratic Convention dential possibility, would indi -1 cate that the object was to injure, t * it possible, the chances of Mr. j Bryan, the chosen leader of the j who form the Democratic ! t - j a Presi -1 I men party. In au interview on Saturday j last the Admiral used the hack neyed statement, "I ant in the hands of my friends," but if pub lic opinion already expressed, be be taken as a criterion, he is certainly mistaken in the character of the individuals who induced him to air his Presi dential aspiiations, especially this particular time. They are no friends of his. as they have I already robbed him of much of the respect and honor so freely accorded him by the American | people. They are his enemies, and we repeat, would simply use him as a tool to serve their own ends. It is difficult to ascertain whether they are professedly Re publican or Democratic. They might, with equal reasonable ness, be either. Were they Re publicans the attempt to foist the Admiral upon the Democratic National Convention would, of course, be with the intent to create a division in the senti ment which is so wonderfully crystallizing the Democratic is at S. to can party. Under such conditions, this might be considered politics. Were these "friends, ever, "professedly" Democrats, the conditions would be entirely different. The intent would be just as plain, and would be, in a measure, the same. But coming from such a source it would be and is the cowardly effort of certain individuals, who fear to openly attempt to stem the Dem ocratic tidal wave, to thus un derhandedly, if possible, weaken n how it. Under such conditions the af fair would not be politics, but cowardly treachery. But no matter from what source the incentive which led Admiral George Dewey to take this ill advised step came, the effect has been the same as far, at least, as the Democratic party is concerned. It has but made 1 stronger the determination of the . . \ P^fty to llOllllliate clS their baillief j bearer William Tennings Bryan. ! ^ ° ^ it has done more than this—it has forced from men who were considered at least lukewarm in his support and in the support of the avowed principles of the party, pledges of fealty that might not have been drawn from them at this stage of the cam paign in any other way. The hero of Manilla has suf fered in prestige from the epi sode. For this he can but thank his professed friends. The Dem ocratic party has not in the least suffered from it, nor has that party's candidate, have but been drawn closer, and the intent of the party more clearly and emphatically defined. The lines The New Castle News has been enlarged. The paper has wonderfully improved under its present management. Columbus, Ohio, which nsu ally gives about 25,000 Republi can majority, went Democratic last week by 800. Kinley is hearing from home. Mr. Mc ism aud is to assume the agement of the Evening Journal of Wilmington, will be hailed w * t ^ 1 pleasure by members of the cra ^ ad over l ' le State. George i' s au honor to the profession. Ex-Governor Robert E. Patti son of Pennsylvania, is spoken of as the possible Democratic Vice Presidential nominee. Bryan and Pattison would make a combi nation very difficult to defeat. The news that George Carter has returned to Delaware joumal maii Washin g to » re P°rts, has decided t * lat l * 1e trusts °T the '^ust furnish $6,200,000 as their contribution to the Republican t - a, t'paigD fund. A circular let— ter to this effect has been sent to the officials of the great monopo lies. The trusts must pay for the aid this administration has given them. The American voter will make a memorandum note of this demand. Mark A. Hanna, according to country j British are certa?nl y ,nak ing a reputation for brutality and in linmanit y in the Transvaa 1 r ' ^ av ' s was an eye-witness of ; the scenes , he de P'cts, and he as serts t ' iat ' n severa ' instances he If the stories told by ex-As sistant Secretary of the Interior Webster Davis be true, and there is no reason to doubt them, the war. ! pro-Boer saw all the usages of civilized warfare violated by the British. The enthusiastic meeting at the Academy of Music on Monday evening, is , another exemplification of the wonderful influence a well-con ducted journal may wield in . atm : moulding public sentiment. The credit for this assemblage which was addressed by such men as Webster Davis, W. BourkeCoch ran, Edwin Markham and George S. Graham, belongs entirely to the North American of Phila delphia. The management of this paper first urged the school boys to give an expression of their opinion on the subject of the Transvaal war arranged, for message of sympathy from them to President Kruger, and the monster demonstration of Mon day night is but the result of these efforts. The North Ameri can is a great paper. a Subscribe for "The Delawarean," $1.00 The court of last resort of the State of Kentucky, Monday de cided that Beckham, the Demo cratic claimant, is the legally elected Governor of Kentucky. Taylor, the Republican usurper, will be forced to abdicate. But this is not all of Mr. Taylor's misfortunes. Evidence is being adduced connecting him very closely with the assassination of Governor Goebel, and he is likely to face a jury on this charge. The bullet has not supplanted the ballot yet as a decision of freemen's will, even in Ken tucky. The brotherly affection which exists between the Republican factions overflows on all occasions, whether great or small. The latest question of moment be tween them is as to which faction paid the janitor the largest amount for his trouble in ar ranging for their respective State Conventions. So warm became the discussion that the janitor himself has been compelled to certify to the amounts collected. There's a difference of a few cents, but which faction is en titled to the belt for liberality is not thus far made very clear. From Beattie, Kansas, comes news that will fill the heart of the new woman with sadness. A year ago the citizens of Beattie elected a woman mayor of the city, under a pledge from the women of the city that gambling, which was rampant, should be suppressed, and the streets of the city should be improved and cleaned as they had never been before. The newly-elected may oress surrounded herself with ap pointees of her own sex, but somehow the promised reforms failed to materalize, and last week at the municipal election the lords of creation deposed all the women from official position and woman's rights severe blow. j received a I COMMUNICATED. Mr. Editor:—The "Every Evening" on Saturday la«t contained the follow ing: j "The Delawarean," in to-day's issue, breaks loose in a flood of abuse of the Sound Money Democrats of 1896, and practically says that the Democratic party does not wish their support this year. Wonder where it expects to find votes to looks as if the office trying his hand at editing "The Dela warean'' during the absence of Editor William Saulsbury in California. you permit me to word In reply to the above. "The Delawarean" last week did take the ground that those persons w r ho left the party four years ago without cause and who aided in putting William McKinley in the Presidential office had supply tha deficiency? It boy were ; Will say a no right to dictate the policy of the party at this time. T think your posi tion correct. These men left the par ty, met in National Convention and nominated -another ticket on another platform. They became a distinct and separate organization and waged a re ! lentl-ess warfare upon the time-bnnor ed old party. Such being tlhe case can these men claim by any kind of reason that they have a right to par ticipate in the councils of ;the party un til they pledge the party their support. The "Every Evening" might as well say that Addicks and the Union Re publican party could with honor help to nominate a ticket for the Democrats , t0 TOte Assont to this prop , sItlf>n , and it would enable the enemies of the party to dictait« its policy, nominate j ite camlMia| t«s and control its action. | : To °P[> os e euch a course as the "Every Eveoln *» may be abuse according to the ethics of such b,It *t is founded on reason and good se,nse ' aTlt1 H is t1ie <ynly safety fOT t*e men. Your correspondent is young in political business. He has not rived at the age yet when "senile de mentia" sets In; neither is he so de void of reason or principle as to wish to sail under false colors or attempt to deceive the people. It Is all things to all people on all sides of all questions criticising all persons and all parties who do not bow down and worship at the shrine of gold and despotism. Mr. Editor, hereafter I should put forward the "office calt" to attend to the old fos sil and back number. ar 9 0. B. I EEGsmarmæE " 0UR£S WHEHE All IlSitAiLS Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ■ In time CONSUMPTION What Imperialism Really Means. Now that the policy of the McKinley administration with regard to our newly acquired possessions has been definitely fixed by its attitude on the Porto Rican tariff bill, the country can see how radi cal a departure it'is from the principles which have hitherto governed all our acquisitions of territory, leaders admit that Porto Rico is to be dealt with not on exceptional grounds intended to be applied to that island only, but as a deliberate precedent to be applied later to the Philippines, frankly avowed purpose of the Republi can party is to commit the United States to the new and absolutely revolutionary policy of acquiring new territory, vast in area and population, to which the flag is to be carried without the Constitution. We are henceforward to buy with our money and conquer with our armies and navies any number of islands in Asiatic or Other waters, peopled, as Mr. says, by "half-dressed vagabonds," or, in the language of Speaker Hender son, by "millions of savages." bought and conquered peoples we are to hold not as fellow-citizens, with rights of representation in our government, but vassals, subjects of our power, but not sharers in our liberties, vassal millions we are to impose such laws and levy such taxes as we see fit and compel them to obey and pay them by the same rule of the strongest under which India is ruled by Great Britain, Algeria by Prance and the Khanates of Central Asia by Russia. This is, as we have said, an absolutely revolutionary policy, sanction of the American people at the next national election it is no exagger ation to say that the Republic, so far at least as its foreign policy is concerned, will be transformed into an empire.— Baltimore Sun. Republican The Gros venor These And upon these If it receives the Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism. Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which fined her to her bed for over a month and .rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mr. S. Maddox insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchas ed a fifty-cent bottle and used it ac cording to the directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast with out assistance in any manner, and she has not had a similar attack since.— A. B. Parsons. For sale by Starling & Beck amd Howard M. Wilkinson. con Mr. George Waldman has purchased Mr E. H. Walker's mill at Kenton for $600 and will move same to Felton.Del. Forest fires, supposed to be of incen diary origin, have been raging in the neighborhood of North East, Md. DISCOVERED A T LAST! A QUICK AND SURE CURE FOR Sick=Headache Dizziness, Malaria AND La Grippe SS „■•JOHNSON* iOlACHTABLlB One Grots Relief— ëMzke s Sick People Well, No puTYivi*, j» .in or iuconve lienee, clear the complexion, i::. reuse the appetite, tone the entire system. A sure cure for depression of Spirits Nervousness and all »Stomach, Liver and Howe! Bon. 10 CENTS, (25 Tablets) By mail lor live s-cent stamps. For sale by all druggists. \ Troubles, i Arlington house, I434 Harket St., Phila. OPPOSITE BROAD STREET STATION. 715 ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK OPEN ALL NIGHT. Meals at all hours at Reasonable Rates Harry Shutts, Prop. • - «at are In a tive found . A along i» e all 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE H S Trade Marks ' > Designs ht" Copyrights 4c. Anyone «pmtlng a eketrh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly eomidentia]. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive #pedal notice , without c harg e, in the Scientific American. A hands» culatlon nely illustrated weekly. I.arpest elr t any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36 '"»y.New York Branch Office. 626 F 8 t.. W*"htnutton. D. C. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. CAMDEN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD In effect Jan. 16,19o0. —FOR ATLANTIC CITY— Leave Broad Street Station via Delaware Rivet Bndjre, Express, 9.40 A.M., 7.05 P.M. week-davs. Sundays. 6.20 A. M„ 7.05 P. M. Leave Market Street Wharf, Express 9 00 A. M. 2.00, 4.00, and 5.00 P. M. week-days. Sundays. 9 00 and 10.00 A. M. (Accommodation, 4.30 and 5.00 F M.) FOR CAPE MAY. SEA ISLE CITY AND OCEAN CITY. ,,Ay al S, n ' Slone Habor, Angleei, Wildwood and Holly Beach—Express, 9 ». m- and 4 p. m.week days. Sundays. 9a- m For Somers Point—Express,9a.m.,2,4 and 5p. m. week days. Sundays, 9 and 10 a, m. $5 $2 The Union Transfer Company will soli 1er and shook baggage from hotels and residonooe. J. B. HUTCHINSON. General Manager. J. R. WOOD, Genera! Paeseng rAgt THE SAV€ RAMBLER <JAS 1900 MODEL. •I» m V v/, 4 > di\ 1\^ Having been appointed agent for "The Rambler" for this section I am now prepared to sell Bicycles, either 'fècadsiers or jQacers, At Lowest Prices Be Sure to Consult Me Before Purchasing, Can Save You Money. A LARGE LOT OF Hardware —AT— BURRSVILLE HARDWARE STORE. Cook Stoves $8 to $22; Coal Stove« $3.50 to $18. Stoves suitable for Bed rooims, Sitting rooms, Parlors, Churdh es, Schools and Office $2 up to $28. Oii Heating Stoves $2.25 up to $4.50. Oil Cook Stoves 50c to $8.50. RANGES $19.00 to $30.00. DOUBLE HEATERS $18 TO $27 When you want grates, fire bricks pieces for Stoves, bring name, length and breadth. REPAIRS FOR MORE and cross THAN 4* KINDS OF COOK STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps and Drive Well Supplies. Building, Wheelwright and Black smith Material. Galvanized Iron aad I Tarred Felt Roofing. Washing Machines,Sewing Machine«. Furniture, Carpet«, Matting«, Rugs. CLOVER SEED and TIMOTHY SEED Paints, Ready-mixed, 37c, 50c, 90c, $1.15, $1.30, $1.40 and $1.50 per gallon. Headquarters for Grub Plows, Oliver and South Bend Chilled Plows, Bark Wire, Plain Wire. Buckthorn and Rib bon Fencing, Poultry Netting, Heavy Wire Netting for Lawns and Cemeter ies, Harness and Shoe Leather, Steam Packing, Tinware, Butter Tubs, Buckets, etc. Churns 14 ROOMS FILLED WITH GOODS! T. HARVEY, BURRSVILLE, MD. O cel W er, es B L. es a and and REMEMBER THE NAME for it will positively eure EPILEPSY, St 'bus Dance, FITS, Spasms, CON \ l LSIONS, Insomnia, and ALL kindred disease This being stricty a '''"Kctal'le (iretiaration it will not cause 'BROM ISM" or other bad after effects. Price, per bottle, $2 Sold by all drug gists everywhere, or write for full part iculars direct to us. Weanswerall ques tions. "HOME CURE COMPANY, 715 13TH ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. Atlanta &New Orleans SHORT LINE. ATLANTA and WEST POINT RAILWAY COMPANY. —AND— THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALA THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS. Operate Magnificent Vestibulod Trains between Atlanta and Montgomery. Mobile and NowOrlean «at which latter point closo and direct connections are made tor ALL TEXAS, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA POINTS. In Addition to this Excellent Through Train and Car Service. These Railroads offer most favorable accommo dations and inducements to their patrons and resident« along their line. Any one contemplating a change ot homo can lind no locution more attrac tive nor more conducive to prosperity than is to be found ou the line of these roads. "THE HEART OF THE SOUTH." . A beautifully illustrated book giving detailed information tut to the industries aud attractions along these lines, can bo had upon application to i» e undorsogned, who will take pleasure in giving all desired information. the ern St. 8. the St., B. F. WYLY, JR., Gen.Pass.& Ticket Agent, Traffic Mgr., Atlanta, Ga. GEORGE C. SMITH, -R. E. LUTZ, M(mtgom«ry, Ala. Pres. & Gen. Manager. Atlanta, Ga. HUNT UP YOUR OLD THINGS Keep this for reference.—Wanted to complete a collection: An old Clawfoot Sofa or Chair, or old Sideboard with high legs and swell front, which from $5 to $10 will be paid. And from $1 to $2 for old Dark Blue Plates with the name of Dr. Syntax or the names of States on them. Write and describe what you have. Address to J. H. V., Box 322, Bristol, Pennsylvania. j If your (»as Flames are not the Correct Shape SEND US WORD. Poor burners replacedwith good ones free of charge. Headquarters for all kinds of Gas Appliances, YVelsbach Burners, Globes, Shades, Mantles, Chirn Phone 130. neys, etc. T. K. JONES & BRO. SW. HAMMOND, C amden, Del., DEALER IN CELLAR AND FIRE-BOARD HEATERS. Hardware, Willowware, Agateware' Lamps, Cutlery, Etc. Felt for cheap Rooting. Roofing and Spouting Promptly attended to. t3PGlVE HE A CALL I K. L. COWCIL WgWK8Bift Stem, Gas ai waier Fitting ubricating Oils Guttering, Spouting, Rooting Wind Mills, Pumps, Tanks, and Plumber's Supplies, Gas Fixtures. Globes and all Gas Appliances. K. I. COWGILL, DOVER, PEL 407 Liooekerman St., PHONE No, 94. OUKKIKF'S SALK. O By virtue of» writ of VenJitionti Exponas to the boni r«.r W !,f Ihn 'o>un'ty'' iluihuùg "" Sto lÄhtw'»™ ,VCr ,lum,re ' 1 ' K '"" ° 0Un * 4TURDAV, .„ . I APRIL, A. D.. 10 « Estate'tow it- " e , ' ullowi " e described Real All the right, titln, claim and intnrnst of Benja tmn I I ard in an, to all that certain tract or pir cel «(land situated in West Dover Hundred Koat County ami Mato n! Delaware, lying on the line nnÄUi 1 ", J'ffielaware and Maryland, anil n both sides ot the puhim road leading tram WiKin T U Ho"l"u t0 | W " r it" 11 ! 'Mhoining lands of W it am I. Hall, lands of the heirs of John Cleav er, deceased, lands orriiooas 0 . Culbreth, lands and ?tî£v'fonda 0 ' i!t nd - of . Jacob s. Nonnmnker «i f;?. ™ Beginning at a stake in the . State line a corner for Jacob S. .Nonamaker thenceextending N 0 r> E. 1.(2 4 perches !»>'• 'hence M .359 30 E- 5.5.6 „erÄ a point, 5»Î p S 'Æ , J0 ?' 4 P' rc hcsto a point thence N. * E. J » perches to a point, thenne S, 29° 15 E 116 porches to a point thence N. 53 ° 15 R 45 5 perches to a point thence N. 36° 15 W. « 75 perch es to a point, thence S.76° 4 E. 7.7 porches to a point, thence S, 6 u° E. 25 perch™ to a „oint B > 86 ®y ä 'p 2 4 K h 1!t '? perp hes to a point, thence h- 1 .4 porches to a point, thence S. 56 L. 22 perches to a point, thence S- 79° 15 E 17 4 perches to a point, thence S. 1° 45 E. 123 2 imreh' es to a ro ut thence S. 59 ° W. 49 perchestoapoint *v'T°» S i 9 Perches toapoint. thence S. 63° Hi perches to a point, thence S, 10° 45 W -, perches to a »oint, thence S. HG° 15 W* 23 porches to a point, thence 5° 30 E- 95 4 nernh«« to a point, thence S. 80° 30 W. 79.C perihw to a VimuirÜ'â G'r°. of .h^kninirg, containing Two Hundred and Forty nine Acres and One Hundred and Forty-three Square Perches of Land, bo the same more or less Tho improvements upon which uro n one and ono-hall-story dwelling fidus" with back building and poredos attached, barn stable, cnbs. carnage-house, wa,on-sheds, cow house and other small buildings, also pencil and apple orchards.and othor small fruits' «ether with all and singular the buildings i provenir, nts, ways woods, wators, water courses nglits liberties privileges. Imrèditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging appertaining and every part aud par „Soisod and taken in execution as tho nronertv of BENJAMIN F. F. UD, and will besoldfy dhiriff* soin ^n ^ n WHARTON, Sheriff, Fuel ill s olhee, Dovor, Del., April 2. li)00. ON THE 21st DAY ill to a 4 To FLORIDA. The direct -route to Florida atnd all Southern resorts, including Aiken, Augusta, Summerville, Aahville and the "Land of the Sky" is via -the South ern Railway. The New York and Florida Limited leaves Broad Street Station, Philadel phia daily except Sunday, at 3.14 This magnificent train is composed cteively of dining, -library, compart ment, observation and drawing-room sleeping cars between New York and St. Augiustlne, also carries Pullman drawing-room sleeping oars to Aiken, 8. C., Augusta, Oa., and Tampa, Fla. Three other through trains leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, daily for Florida and points south Vila the Southern Railway. -Dining service on all through -trains of the Southern Railway. Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828 Ohestmrt St., Philadelphia, will be pleased to furnish all Jnform&ntlom. P. m. ©x car