Newspaper Page Text
REAL EST BUILDING m ALLIED TRADES ^ - BUILDERS William H. Hanna Carpenter and Contractor 245 LAWTON AVENUE GRANTWOOD . Phone: Qiffade 1505 M Estimates on all Carpenter and Construction Work cheerfully given ALBERT HABEDANK Builder end Carpenter Jobbing and Repairing, Alteration* 105 MAPLE ST., WEEHAWKEN Phone Union 1594 Porch Inclosure a Specialty George Bove Builder and Contractor Bergen Boulevard and Trolley PALISADE, N. J. Phone Cliffside 1749 Phone Cliffside 2062W P. O. Box 25 Alex Dobrowolny & Carl Zechmeister CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Plans and Loans Furnished 466 Bagley Place Grantwood Fostvedt and Anderson Builders of Quality Homes AH improvements on Improved streets Stucco with Tile Roofs Groenmount Ave. - Grantwood (1 block west ot Busses and Trolleys) Phone Union 8542 or inquire 1182.1134 Fifth Ave. . North Bergen A THE STEENLAND CON STRUCTION COMPANY Have made "Steenland Built Homes" the standard in New Jersey 319 Broad Ave., Leonla Phone Leonia 1230 Knutsen 8C Johnson Building Contractors 481 N«lson Ave., Qrantwood, N. J. -- Phone 323 W ClitiMde *%. **■ Sigrartsen & Anderson General Contraetora Carpentera and Buildera Office 406 Lafayette Ave., Grantwood Phone CllfTslde 1630 W ' . « i _L. PATRICK H. OATES BUILDER AND APPRAISER Boueea tor Sale and Built to Suit Garage Built for $220 and Up 18 Myrtle Ave.t Edgewater Phono Cliffeide 1424 M. PHILLIP LEO BUILDER AND CARPENTER Alterations and Repelra Porches Inclosed Office Ridgefield, N. J. Phone Morsemere 693M BUILDING MATERIAL Cresskill Lumber and Supply Co. Cresskill, N. J. Dealers In Lumbar and Timber, Builders' Supplies, Building Materials. Phone Englewood 1229 For Service—Telephone Ua. Charles S. Shultz & Son . Dealers In Meson’s and Builders* Materials 1721 Willow Avs. HOBOKEN ■Phones Hoboken <95-2971 i Patrick McClelland Dealer In Mason and Builders Materials ■rick, Lime, Cement, Lath, Plaster, Eto. FORT LEE, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 470 CABINETMAKERS f Telephone Hack. 4284 i * We do all kinds of cabinet work. If you have the four walls The Store & Office Fixture Co. will make a city store of them. We make show windows Also do alteration Reasonable prices and easy payments if desired. We also buy, sell and ex change. [ CONTRACTORS (GENERAL) G. W. Van Valkenburgh Builder and Contractor Alterations a Specialty 1064 Abbott Blvd. PAL.ISADE, N. J Phone Cllffside 1239 J. Trischitta MASON CONTRACTOR 392 Murray St., Cliffside PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1357 Langan Construction Co. Builders—Contractors 63 Roosevelt Ave., Jersey City Pbone Bergen 1793 O. F. LANGAN, Pres. ELECTRICIANS Bergen Electric and Appliance Company ELECTR AGISTS Lighting Fixtures Edison Mazda Lamps 243 Lawton Ave. Grantwood, N. J. Cor. Palisade Trolley Line | Tel Cliffside 1906 W J. C. VON DER LINDEN Electrical Contractor Expert on Installation of Electrical Equipment House wiring and Fixtures a Specialty Motor Work Radio Installation 1082 Fifth Avenue North Bergen, N. J. Tel. 8349 Union J. PILS Electrical Contractor Wiring and Installation 371 GARFIELD AVE. FAIRVIEW "Wire for me and I'll wire your home’* Phone Cliffside 2035 CHARLES BECK Electrical Contractor 717 JASSAMINE WAY ORANTWOOD, N. J. Phone 1454 Cliffside FERD. A. WEIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Wiring for Light, Heat, Power Motors, Fixtures, Supplies 304-308 Palisade Avenue Cliffside, N. J. Phone, Cliffside 1214-R CLIFFSIDE ELECTRIC SHOP Radio Electrical - Supplies _ Appliances •' Repairs House Wiring P. Winter, Prop. 350 Palisade Avenue ^ Corner Jersey Avenue Cliffside, N. J. FLOORING H. G. Richardson PARQUET FLOORS Floors Scraped Cleaned and Shellacked 2079 Hoyt Ave. Fort Leo Phone Fort Lee 2 IRON WORKERS Telephone Cllffalde 104S-R CLIFFSIDE IRON WORKS K. PINOTTI. Prop. STRUCTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL 811-315 SECOND STREET BaL Walker and Cliff Sta. Cllffslda NORTH HUDSON WIRE * FENCE MFG. Co. Wire Fences of Every Description ADAMS ST., GUTTENBERG Phons Union 6387 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Phons Ctiffside 1145 WILLIAM METZLER PAINTING CONTRACTOR AND DECORATOR PAPER HANGING / Painting in All Its Branches 270 Lafayette Ave., Grantwood, N. J. Orville W. Smith Painter and Paper Hanger Interior and Exterior 1670 Mapls St, Fort Las Phone Fort Loo 1614-J Tel. Cliffs!da 2078 j Notary NELSON NEUMANN Successor to August E. Neumann General Insurance Real Estate S74 Palisade Ave. GRANTWOOD, N. J. --P Francis A. Banville REALTOR AND INSURANCE Office 347 Palisade Ave.. Cllffslde . (Next to .Borough,Hall) Phone Cllffslde 36S J Secretary’s Office, of Cllffslde Building and Loan Ass’n. MAHONEY REALTOR CUFFSIDE 1700 Nick Acdardi Realtor and Builder 14S BERGENLINE AVE. UNION CITY Phone Union 311 PLUMBING E. P. MANFREDI Plumbing and Heating National Rotary Oil Burner Installed Office: West Fort Lee and Ryan's Real Estate Office Have Tour Heating Done On the Instalment Plan. One Year to Pay. Phone: Fort Lee 296-J Robert S. Davidson Plumbing and Heating Office—Qrantwood Phone Cliffside 704-J Member of Master Plumbers Ass’n of Bergen County North Jersey Title Insurance Company Guaranteed Mortgage Investment! Titles to Real Estate Insured Capital Funds. .$650,000.00 LEGAL Borough of Cliffside Park ORDINANCE (VN ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDI NANCE TO PROVIDE FOR ESTAB LISHING THE GRADE OF, AND GRADING AND IMPROVING OF NEL SON AVENUE BETWEEN ANDER SON AVENUE AND THE WESTER LY BOROUGH LINE, IN THE BOR OUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK, AND FOR PAVING WITH BITUMINOUS MACADAM THE ROADWAY IN SAID STREET, FROM CURB LINE TO CURB LINE, AND FOR THE CON STRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS ON EACH SIDE OF SAID STREET, WHERE SAME DO NOT NOW EX IST, AND FOR ORDERING AND IN STALLING SERVICE CONNECTIONS WITH THE WATER, GAS AND SEWER MAINS IN SAID STREET, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAY MENT OF THE COST THEREOF,” Approved August 10, 1925. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park: Section 1. That there is hereby appro priated in addition to the sum appropri ated in the ordinance to which this is a supplement the further sum of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the ?ost of the improvement provided in the ordinance to which this is a supplement, which sum shall be raised by the issuance :>f temporary improvement bonds or notes, from time to time, as may be re quired, in an amount not exceeding said sum of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 r>f Chapter 252 of the Laws of 1916 of New Jersey, as amended, which bonds or notes shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. All other matters in respect to such tem porary bonds or notes shall be deter mined by the Mayor, Borough Collector and Borough Clerk, who are hereby au thorized to execute and issue said tem porary bonds or notes. Section 2. This ordinance shall take ef fect upon its publication and as required by law. Approved December 28. 1925. JOSEPH W. MARINI, Mayor. Attest: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the- fore going ordinance was given its third and final reading at a regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Cliff side Park and was approved bv ARTHUR H. ABRAMS, Borough Clerk. ORDINANCE Borough of Cliffside Park AN ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDI NANCE TO PROVIDE FOR ESTAB LISHING THE GRADE OF. AND GRADING. CURBING AND CUTTER 1NG OF OAKWOOD AVENUE, FROM r-— PROSPECT AVENUE TO COLUMBUS PLACE. IN THE BOROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK. AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST THEREOF.” approved Tune 22, 1925. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of CllfTslde Park: Section X. That there is hereby appro-' priated in addition to the sum appropri ated in the ordinance to which this is a supplement the further sum of four hun dred dollars ($400.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost of the improvement provided In the ordi nance to which this is a supplement, which sum shall be raised by the issu ance of temporary improvement bonds or notes, from time to time, as may be re quired, in an amount not exceeding said sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00). pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 of Chapter 252 of the Laws of 1916 of New Jersey, as amended, which bonds or notes shall bear interest .at .a rate not to exceed six per centsim (6%) per annum. All other matters in respect to. such tem porary bonds or notes shall be deter mined by the Mayor, Borough Collector and Borough Clerk, who are hereby au thorized to execute and issue said tempo rary bonds or notes. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication and as re quired by law. Approved December 28. 1925. JOSEPH W. MARINI. Mayol-. Attest: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the, fore going ordinance was given its third and final reading at a regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Cliff side Park and was approved by 'ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. Borough Clerk. Borough of Cliffside Park ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDI NANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONCRETE SIDEWALK ALONG BOTH SIDES OF MAIN STREET. FROM PALISADE AVENUE TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE RIGHT-OF-WAY. IN THE BOROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK, AND PRO VIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST THEREOF.” approved June 22, 1925. - BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park: Section 1. That there is appropriated in addition to the sum appropriated in the ordinance, to which this is a supple ment, the further sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost of the improvement provided in the ordinance to which this is a supplement, which sum shall be raised by the issuance of tem porary improvement bonds or notes, from time to time, as may be required, in an amount not exceeding said sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00), pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 of Chap ter 252 of the Laws of 1916 of New Jer , sey. as amended, which bonds or notes 1 Removal Notice The Cliffside Park Title Insurance Company Is Nojj^ocated in Their NEW OFFICE <J ; in the Carney Building Columbia Aye. and Trolley Line in Grantwood ARTHUR J.ROONEY BEALEJTAIE G-'XKJDRANCE ■ROADWAY AT THIRTY-FIRST STREET, WOODCLIFF-ON-HUDSON, N. J. PHONE PALISADE 4000 Telephone Cllffeide SI * Notary Public C. RICHARD Real Estate and Insurance 356 PALISADE AVE. CLIFFSIDE PARK, N. J. Member GrantwoodPallaada Roll Eetato Board Telephone CllfTalda SI O. RICHARD A. BACHRTTI Preeldant Traaaurar CMside Park Construction Co. Contracts Taken for Buildings of all Kinds. Maim* Apartment#, Factorial The a tram, Churehaa, Store# Office: SSS PALISADR AVENUE, CLIFFSIDE PARK. N. J. J Drainage Problems SATISFACTORILY AND PERMANENTLY SOLVED BY USING THE RAPID DRAIN PIPE Manufactured by HERMAN WALKER REALTY COMPANY Main Office: 72 24th St, Guttenberg. Phone Union 240 Factory: Little Ferry Phono Hackensack MOW ALSO WALKER CONCRETE BRICKS AND BLOCKS IN ANY i SHADE. WALKER ROOFING TILE IN 8PANI8H AND FRENCH [ DE8IGN8 IN ANY COLOR. 4*. jhall bear interest at a rate not to ex ceed six per centum (6%) per annum. '*• All other matters In respect to such tem porary bonds or notes shall be deter mined by the Mayor. Borough Collector and Borough Clerk, who are hereby au thorized to execute and issue Bald tem porary bonds or notes. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication and as re quired by law. Approved December 28, 1925. JOSEPH W. MARlNf, Mayor. Attest: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that tho fore going ordinance was given its third and final reading at a regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Cliff side Park and was approved bv ARTHUR H. ABRAMS, Borough Clerk. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Between Amanda La Badie, complainant, and Joseph A. Rudolf, defendant, Fi. fa. Returnable March 15. A. D. 1926. „ , Marinus Contant. Sol’r. By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff's office in the village of Hackensack, on Wednesday, January 27, 1926, at two o'clock in the afternoon, all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter partlcularlv de scribed, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Palisades Park, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, known and designated as lot No. thirty-seven CL) of block No. fifty (50) on a map en titled. "Section 2. Palisade," made by Paul McLoud, and filed in the Clerk's office of the County of Bergen, N. J., De cember 14, 1906, as Map No. 936. Said lot Is sixty (60) feet front on Morning side Lane, extending back on the south erly line, seventy-seven and seventy nine hundredths (77.79) feet and on the northerly line ninety-five and thirty-five hundredths (95.35) feet, being sixty-two and fifty-two hundredths (62.52) feet in the rear, according to said map. Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining be sold, to pay and satisfy in the first place unto the said complainant, the sum of $4,204.69. together with lawful interest thereon; and In the second place unto the said Anianda La Badle. the sum of $1,036.67, with lawful interest thereon. GEORGE P. NIMMO, _ „ Sheriff. Ber Eve Red-Palsdn Dec. 30-Jan. 6-13-20—Fees $18.48. Cliffside Park Title Guarantee &, Trust Company, Cliffside Park, N. J. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Cliffside Park Title Guarantee & Trust Company for the election of Direc tors and the transaction of such other business that may be brought before it will be held at the office of the Company, Cliffside Park, N. J., on Tuesday, Janu ary 12, 1926, at eight o’clock P. M. WILLIAM FRANZ, Jr., l-l-2t Secretary NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING To the Stockholders of the Fort Lee Trust Company: The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fort Lee Trust Compiny will be held at the principal place of business of such Company, Main Street aid Lemoine Avenue, Fort Lee, N. J., on Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 1926. at 4:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come properly' before the meeting. Dated, Fort Lee, N. J.. Dec. 20. 1925. JAMES G. ROSS. Secretary. STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND INSURANCE Certificate of Authority WHEREAS, The CLIFFS IDE PARK TITLE GURANTEE AND TRUST COM PANY of the Borough of Cliffside Park in the County of Bergen has complied with all the provisions of an act of the Legislature of this State, entitled “An Act concerning trust companies (Revision of 1899)," approved March 24, 1899, and the supplements thereto and acts amend atory thereof, required to be complied with before receiving authority to com mence business; therefore I, EDWARD MAXSON, Commissioner of Banking and Insurance of the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the said CLIFFSIDE PARK TITLE GUAR ANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY is duly and legally organized under said act as a trust company, and authorized to trans act business as such in this State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto setravhand end afiH^^hmy official his 12th Decem ^z5. EDWARD MAXSON. Commissioner of Banking and Insurance. 12-18-4t BERGEN COUNTY COMMON PLEA8 COURT Larkin Lumber Company, a corporation, vs. John B. Dunn and Catherine Dunn. Fi. fa. Execution on Docketed Judg ment. Returnable December 22, A. D. 1926. By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff's office in the vil lage of Hackensack, on Wednesday, January 13, 1926, at two o’clock in the afternoon, ail that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter particularly de scribed. situate, lying and being in the Borough of Ridgefield, in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, shown and designated on a Map entitled "Sec tion Two, Palisade, Property of Hudson River Realty Co., Bergen County, N. J.,“ made by Paul McLoud. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, filed in the office of the Clerk of Bergen County on December 14. 1906, as Map No. 936, as Lot numbered Sixteen (16), in Block numbered Eight een (18). Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, be sold, to pay and satisfy in the first place unto the said complainant, the sum of 3500.00, with lawful interest thereon. GEORGE P. NIMBO. „ „ Sheriff. Ber Eve Rcd-Palsd'n Dec. 16-23-30-Jan 6-^-Fees $15.96 Bergen County common Plea* Court. Grantwood Moulding & Trim Co., a Cor poration of New Jersey, vs. Joseph Aman, Jr. Fi. fa. Execution. Return able December 22, A. D. 1925. C. Edward Stewart, Att’y. By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, 1 have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff’s office, in the vil lage of Hackensack, on Wednesday, January 6, 1926, at two o'clock in the afternoon, all the right, title and interest of Joseph Aman. also knpwn as Joseph Amann, in and to all those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Cliffside Park, in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, which on a certain map en titled Map No. 4 (formerly designated Map No. 3) of property of Herman Walker, Cliffside Park, Bergen County, N. J.. Alfred W. Williams. C. E. and Sur veyor, Hackensack, 1900, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ber gen, N. J., are known, distinguished and laid down on said map as lots numbered ninety-one (91) and ninety-two (92) in block numbered nineteen (19) fronting and facing on the westerly side or line of I Second Street as shown on said map, ! each lot being twenty-five (25) feet wide in front and rear and one hundred (100) feet deep on each side as by reference to said map will more fully appear. Said premises being known by the house numbers 313-315 Second Street, Cliffside Park, New Jersey. Subject to any and all taxes, assess ments and uncanceled sales therefor and any and all mortgages. Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywlBe appertaining be sold, to pay and satisfy in the first place unto the said complainant the sum of $99.63, with lawful interest thereon. GEORGE P. N1MMO, Sheriff. Ber Eve Rcd-Pal'dn Dec. 9 16-23-30—Fees $22.68 Union 7254 Anthracite West New York Coal Co. PEDIGREED Airedale dog, very gentle, fine watch dog; sacrifice, $50. Stem Edgewater road and Bergen blvd., Ridge field. l-l-2t. r