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Personal and Social Grantwood Reverend S. C. Gozzo, poormaster of the borough of Cliffside Park, wishes to emphatically deny all knowledge of any new Republican Club being formed in which he has any part, as has been circulated through several idaily newspapers. ” Mr. George Donaldson, as state ■chairman of the Educational Commit tee of the Non-Partisan League of Nations, called a meeting in Newark last week which brought out repre sentatives from Trenton, Plainfield, Newark, Montclair and other towns, and outlined the work for a successful program. Mrs. Wernert of Lafayette avenue returned this week to her home from the Hamilton Sanatorium, Union City, where she underwent a successful op eration. Mrs. William Clark attended a bridge farewell party given as a fare well by neighbors in the Bronx to her mother, Mrs. Kronenbitter, who is now visiting her in Grantwood. Mrs. Berkey entertained several guests at the Century Club dinner last week in New York, Miss Perry being among them. The Christian Orphan Home has had two cases of scarlet fever this month, but both were immediately sent to Oradell Hospital and the quar antine is up on Monday, February 1, and the house thoroughly fumigated. Mrs. Harriet Best, who has been ill with a bad cold since Christmas, is sufficiently well this week to be about the house for a while each day. Miss Vivien Donaldson and Miss Helen Donaldson played the harp and piano at a concert on Friday evening at the Hudson Heights Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Benda and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman in Bloomfield on Sat urday evening. The trip to Bloom field was made comfortably in the De Luxe bus from New York. Mrs. G. F. Hall, Miss M. C. Winter burn, Mrs. W. S. B. Dana and Mrs. ■George Donaldson attended the Au thors’ Matinee at the Waldorf-Astoria on Tuesday afternoon, remaining for dinner in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prina of Law ton court attended the dinner party of Mr. and Mrs. John Bourne of Wee hawken. Joseph Johnson is seriously ill at his home on Marion avenue. Dr. Poole of Grantwood is attending him. Mr. and Mrs. Harnup of Columbia avenue motored to Westwood on Sun day, where they were the guests of Mrs. G. Gnauck. Miss Minna Laterka of 754 Ander son avenue spent the week-end at home from New Jersey College for Women, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lane of Kings ton, formerly of Grantwood, were ^^visitors in town over the week-end. H^^^frs. C. Bohen of Jassamine way, Ins tiuBQ-oenflirad—to her-home with the grippe, is receiving the con gratulations of her friends on her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandies of Marion avenue entertained at their home on Sunday evening guests from Union * City and Cliffside Park, including Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eagen, Miss E. Rock, Mr. N. Carroll, Miss G. Hecker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Corriston, Miss A. Corriston, Mr. W. Brandies, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Banville. Little Harold Schlict, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schlict of Oakdene avenue, has been confined to his home with a severe cold. Antony Scarpino, June graduate of Cliffside Park High School, was a visitor at the High School on Wednes day afternoon. Mr. John Simpson of Washington avenue is in Allentown, Pa., where he is attending to business. Miss Hazel Elmendorf of 82 Cres cent avenue entertained at a bridge party at her home recently. After the games the hostess served some dainty refreshments. The guests in cluded Dorothy Westervelt, Katherine Elmendorf and Helen Boswick. Miss Mildred Jackier of Lincoln avenue witnessed the performance of “Sunny” in New York city last eve ning. Donald Linardi of Crescent lane has returned to his home after being con fined to the Newark Hospital for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Kasper of Nelson avenue has purchased the former home of Mrs. John Magelli on Nelson avenue, Grant wood. Miss Myrtle Wicks and Miss Claire Manheimer of Oakdene avenue en joyed the ‘‘Follies’’ in New York city, recently. Ellen May of Crescent avenue, Mil dred Winters of Jersey City and Evelyn Woodward of Leonla attended a performance of “Princess Flavia” recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohan and son of New York city were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephson of Knox avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson of Lafayette avenue entertained a few friends at their home Thursday eve ning. Miss Grace Zeberani is confined to her home on Lawton avenue by ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and son» Gerard, of Franklin avenue, were dinner guests of friends in Brooklyn , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fitzgerald of Lawton avenue were guests of rela tives in Cypress Hills, Sunday. Miss Esther Carlson of Franklin avenue recently spent several days with friends in New York city. Miss Mary Day of Lawton avenue, who has been ill, is reported on the road to recovery. Mrs. J. Newlands and daughter, Isabel, of Grantwood, were recent guests of friends in Edgewater. William Ackerman of Grantwood has returned from the west, where he spent several months. Mrs. George Day and son, Frank, of Port Jervis, are visitors at the home . of Mrs. Edna Day of Lawton avenue. Joseph Johnson is home from Miami, Fla., where he spent several months. Miss m Lillian Hokanson, Franklin avenue, recently entertained Miss L. Bell of New York city. Mrs. A. Moquist of Anderson ave nue is confin'ed to her home by grippe. Mrs. A. Carlson of Palisade avenue is seriously ill at her home. Dr. Schmidt is in attendance. Mrs. J. Vosters of Bogota was a re cent visitor in town. Afternoon Tea An afternoon tea was given as a farewell party to Miss Hannah Man del of Edgewater Heights Park and Miss Edna La Bey by Mrs. Anthony Callandro (nee Dorothy Donaldson) last week at her home on Boulevard East, West New York. The other guests were Miss Mar jorie Sammis, Miss Clarice Blake, Mrs. Bauman, Mrs. Cortlandt Donaldson and the Misses Helen and Vivien Don aldson. Each guest received, with the re freshments, a little suitcase of bon bons and a souvenir card with the pic ture of the steamship and the route, with places to be visited by the two guests of honor and they were pre sented with a large suitcase of bon bons and a book "containing pictures of many of the cities and places to be visited, which was arranged by the hostess’ husband, Reverend Mr. Cal landro. In-A-Circle Card Club The regular monthly meeting of the In A Circle Evening Card Club was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hall in Grantwood. Practically all the mem bers were present, including the newer ones, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Butolph. Mrs. M. Yaeger and Miss Helen Haage took the place of absent members. Entertain “Smiling Club’’ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Young of 62 Washington |avenue entertained the “Smiling Club” on Saturday evening at their home. During the evening the men enjoyed themselves in play ing cards, while the women chatted and enjoyed a radio program. At midnight a repast was served t>y the hostess. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Schulph, of Bergenfield; Mr. and Mrs. Jaggai of Union City; Mrs. F. Boecklin and daughter Helen of West New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. Faber, Mr. and Mrs. G. Schlict, Mr. and Mrs. Lorner, Mr. and Mrs. Inscoe and Mr. Lohje, all of Grantwood. Entertain Friends Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller of Pali sade avenue entertained several of their friends at their home on Satur day evening. The house was deco rated for the occasion in vari-colored streamers and was a scene of merry making. Dancing, singing and the re lating of interesting experiences proved very enjoyable. At midnight the guests adjourned to the dining room where they partook of dainty refreshments. As the guests departed they expressed delightful phrases to the host and hostess. The guests in cluded: Mr. and Mrs. William Stein metz of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Hickman of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith of Ridgefield; Mr. C. Daugherty of New Rochelle. Former Resident Weds Cards have been received announc ing the marriage of Leon Brown Lan don, known in France as the Marquis de Villebadin, and Mrs. Henrietta Gray Garrison, descendant of a dis tinguished Southern family. The Mar quis de Villebadin formerly resided in the Edgewater Heights section of Ciiffside Park, where he lived in par tial retirement, receiving only a few chosen friends at his home there. He moved to Leonia about two years ago, having purchased a beautiful home in the exclusive residential section of Paulin avenue, to which he has brought his bride. He is well known to the readers of the Nautilus Maga zine, to which he is a regular con tributor of articles on the psychology of success. Cliffside and Fairview Charles Schtnutz of 373 Broad street Is confined to his bed with rheumatism. . A missionary from India, dressed in native gown, will make her appear ance in Fairview on Sunday. She will speak in the First United Presbyterian Church Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber of Edge water road have purchased a ' new Rickenbacker. Mrs. Oscar Greiner, Sr., of Kearny avenue is planning to give a club luncheon at her home on Tuesday, February 2. The Misses Helen and Edna Menzie of Anderson avenue witnessed the per formance of “Is' Zat So” in New York City recently. Mrs. Bessie Wood, teacher in School No. 3, has returned to her classes after being confined to her home with an illness. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Dun can McClave of Edgpwater Heights are confined to their home with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Anderson avenue, Fairview, are the proud par ents of a baby girl. Miss Edna Wich of Edgewater road entertained several of her classmates at her home oh Friday afternoon. The little folks passed the afternoon in playing with their dollies. The little guests included Elvira Nagel, Char lotte Meisel and Elizabeth Ruebacker. Mrs. Stokes of Hamilton avenue is convalescing at her home after a se vere attack of grip. Mr. and Mrs. Ahrand Nagel of Fill ton Terrace, ClifTside, entertained at dinner on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. FTed Rangers and children, War ren, Chester and Carolyn, of River Edge. To Mr. and Mrs. William Acker mann of Anderson avenue a baby girl. Mrs. C. Adams of 257 Jersey avenue entertained at a coffee social at her home recently. The afternoon was pleasantly passed in sewing and chat ing. The guests Included Mrs. Mahr. Mrs. Lawlor, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Stuhr, Mrs. Erm, Mrs. Mehroff and Mrs. rhorne. The same party of women talks will be entertained at the home )f Mrs. Mehroff of Leonia in February. Mrs. William of Hancock ylace, Fairview, Is confined to her home by illness. Mrs. Brady of Edgewater road. Edgewater Heights, who has been ill at her home for several days, is now up and around again. Miss Anna Stettler of Palisade ave nue, Cliffside, entertained her friend, Miss Helen Ley of Union City, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt and family of Jersey avenue motored to Bear Mountain on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomberg of Palisade avenue motored to Grassy Point on Sunday, where they visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Benda of Clark Ter race, Cliffside, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson of Union City, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman of Bloomfield on Sat urday, who celebrated their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Whitman were formerly of Morningside avenue, Cliffside. Miss Fannie La Rose and Mr. Charles La Rose of New York were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Slight of 61 Fulton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Krudener of Fulton Terrace entertained at dinner on Monday evening Rev. and Mrs. H. Heck of Brooklyn. Miss Yera Noon was the week-end guest of a friend, Margaret Hilton of Kearny. Mr. Oscar Greiner, Sr., of Kearny avenue, who has been confined to his home for the past two months, is well on the road to recovery and is receiv ing the congratulations of his many friends. Michael Barrett of Fourth street is seriously ill at his home. Clarence Weeber of Englewood was a guest at dinner last evening at the home of his aunt of Edgewater road, Cliffside. Miss Grace Zerberani, teacher in the Cliffside Park Grammar School, is ill at her hame in Lawton Court, Lawton avenue, Grantwood, with diph theria. CELEBRATES birthday Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Hellstern of Co lumbus place, Hudson Heights, have returned to their home after spending some time at Lakewood. Dr. Hell stern celebrated his birthday at the Hotel Laurel in the Pines. The table had as its centerpiece a bouquet of American Beauties. Among those who helped in making merry were Mrs. A. Vanderweghe of Edgewater Heights, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mampe of Palisade and Mr. and Mrs. Heller of Weehawken; also Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Preston of Grantwood, who mo tored to Lakewood, where they visited Dr. and Mrs. Hellstern. Coytesville Mr. Samuel Gilchrist, who is spend ing the winter months in New York city with his family, is ill with in fluenza. Mr. Alex MacDonald of Sixth ave nue has purchased a new Packard touring car. Mr. John Burns of Seventh street is at work upon a reproduction of a Spanish galleon. Mr. Burns, who is a scenic artist by profession, is also a master hand at reproducing an tiques. The Reverend Dr. Kelder and Mrs. Kelder were among the guests of Mrs. Sage of Hudson terrace at the cele bration of her eighty-third birthday on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Stinemetz of Washington avenue were the guests at dinner of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomalin of New York city. Mr. Tomalin, who is managing editor of the Pictorial Re view, and Mrs. Tomalin accompanied their guests to a private showing of films at the Art Center. The enter tainment was under the direction of the Art Editors’ Club, of which Mr. Stinemetz is a member. Surprise Party Edward Gardener of Grand View place attended a surprise party last night which was arranged by his par ents in celebration of his birthday. After returning from the home of his friend, Tremworth Norcross, he was greeted by a large gathering of his friends, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hesse, Mr. and Mrs. Norcross, Mrs. Lila Mattice and Miss Carol Mattice, Dr. and Mrs. Kelder, Mr. and Mrs. Van Arsdale and Tremworth Norcross. The decorations were car ried out in yellow and two large birth day cakes were present among other refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, who are both talented musicians, en tertained their guests with musical selections and Mrs. Leland Shaffer played the piano. ' Fort Lee Former State Commander of the Ladies of the Maccabbees, Mrs. Laura A. Douglass, has tea on Sunday with Mrs. M. Vogel of Parker avenue. Miss Ida Hirliaman, who has been ill with pneumonia, has recovered and is able to be out again. Miss f'rancis Lathberry, with sev eral of her school chums, freshmen at Trenton State Normal School, passed the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lathberry of Hoyt avenue. Several ladies from town visited Mrs. Carl Kaiser on Wednesday at Englewood Hospital and reported that she is doing very nicely and ex pects to be home on Sunday. Miss Signa Lindstrom of North street has gone to Florida, and ex pects to be away a month. Miss Brier of Center avenue will leave on Tuesday to spend the rest of the winter with the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bond and family of Sayville, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bernard of Summit avenue, whose house was damaged by fire last week, are having it repaired. Miss Sylvia Abbott of Center ave nue is home from her visit to the Richards, of Virginia. ‘ On Saturday the Rev. B. C. Wein lader of St. John’s Lutheran Church performed the marriage ceremony uniting Miss Johanna Schildt and Mr. William Ritter, both of Edge water. Englewood Cliffs Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Johnson and Miss Bertha Rutter, of Newark, were the guests over the week-end ot Mrs. Margaret Itutter of Second avenue. Mrs. Emma Conover of Sylvan ave nue has been spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Peter R. Decken bach, of Belleville, but will return in time to entertain her coterie of friends, Mrs. George Gebhardt, Mrs. Porst, Mrs.' Partridge and Mrs. Herr mann, at luncheon today. At dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. Hayden Hamilton of Edgemont had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. John Slattery, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hamil ton and Miss Claire Morrison. Miss Morrison spent the week-end at Edge mont. Dr. and Mrs. Imhofs, Miss Viden mann and Mr. Holt of New York were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Otti ker of Hudson terrace at the opera “Tristam and Isolde,” on Monday night. After the performance the party enjoyed a supper and dance. Louden Haaker of Bayview avenue has reached Los Angeles and is stay ing with his grandmother, Mrs. Mar garet Wflson. He has enjoyed his trip so thoroughly that he will ex tend his visit and attend the high school there. Miss Anne Robinson is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Langdon at their home on the Cliff. The younger set of the borough were invited to a party given by Mr. and Mrs. G. Burns of First street In honor of their daughter, Ruth. Those present included the Misses Betty and Kathryn Burns, Marie Brennan, Jos ephine Cecchini, Josephine Alonzi, Lois Enger, Anita Johns, Isabel La Raia, Marguerite Waeffel, Emma Weiss, and Francis Deshusses, Kemp ton Beatty, Victor Emanuel, George Hafner, Elwood Markham, George Moeser, Philip Martin, Charles Sharpe, John Schaeffer, Jack Vybor ny and W'illiam Wood. After playing games and dancing the guests en joyed a most attractively served supper. Miss Agnes Levonian of Union City had luncheon on Monday with Mrs. Leon Levonian of Seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Clendinen and daughter, Virginia, of Hudson terrace, have returned home from Florida. On their trip they visited Baltimore, Washington, D. C., West Palm Beach, Palm Beach and Miami Beach. The only unpleasant feature was the heavy storm that they encountered on their return and Mrs. Clendinen says that she is obliged to admit that Mr. Clen dinen is a better sailor than she. Lit tle Virginia was delighted to be able to show her classmates a large shell and a bean from the royal poincianna palm. Miss Helen Houghtaling, of Irving avenue, has been honored by member ship in the "DramatitS’ and has been chosep to work on the constitution of the society. Mr. and Mrs. Letienne and Mr. Mar celle Scherer of New York were the guests of Mr .and Mrs. Jules Fournier of Seventh street, on Sunday. To Mr. and Mrs. George Corring of Irving avenue, a son, Robert Henry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herrmann of Syl van avenue entertained at cards on Tuesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Reid; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeBall and daughter Elea nor of Palisade, and Mr. Charles John son, Mr. A. M. Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wakeman and daughter Sophia, of the Cliffs. Dr. Crandall is attending Mrs. Ernest Graw of Bayview avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Waterbury of Irving avenue will have as their guests on Saturday Mr. Waterbury’s two sisters, Miss Waterbury of New ark, and Miss Waterbury of Weehaw ken. Celebrates 84th Birthday Mrs. A. G. Sage of Hudson terrace celebrated her eighty-fourth birthday on Tuesday, January 26. Many of her friends and neighbors came to wish her good luck and happiness, among them Mrs. George Gebhardt, Mrs. Rit ter, Mrs. Blackhall, Mrs. F. N. Web ster, Mrs. Ada Dobbelaar of Engle wood, and Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ropes of Tenafly. Rev. and Mrs. Kelder were unable to be present, but sent the wonderful horseshoe cake that Mrs. Kelder always bakes for Mrs. Sage’s birthday. Entertain With Dinner-Dance On Saturday at their home on Syl van avenue Chief Kenlon and Mrs. Kenlon gave a dinner and dance for Judge and Mrs. Mullen of Park ave nue, Dr. H. M. Archer, chief surgeon of the New York lire department, and Mrs. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Morell, of West avenue, Mr. Barrett, first vice president of the City Na tional Bank, Mrs. Barrett and Mr. Walter Kenlon. The party was In the nature of a re-union as those present had been the guests during the sum mer of Mr. and Mrs. Morell at Camp Janet, ’their beautiful estate in the Adirondacks. After the dinner they talked over the many happy times they had spent boating and golfing, and so added another never-to-be-for gotten evening to their list. To Entertain Auxiliary Mrs. F. N. Webster of Hudson ter race will entertain the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Englewood Hospital at her home on Wednesday, Febru ary 3. The Cliff branch has been but recently organized, but membership is open to everyone and it is sincerely hoped that before long the list of members will include the name of every woman in the bo,rough. Those who wish to help this very worthy cause are asked to communicate with Mrs. Webster. Up to date two petitions have been circulated for candidates for election to the Board of Education, one for Jeremiah Moeser of First street and the other for Aloys Florchinger, pres ent member of the board. There are three places to be filled. Mr. Frank Wakeham of Irving avenue, who has so faithfully served in this capacity for the past six years, will not run again. Edward Groll Dead Mr. Edward Groll, brother of Mrs. Charles Btjhler of Irving avenue, En glewood Cliffs, died suddenly on Thursday morning. Now Open for Business “Banking in All Its Branches” CLIFFSIDE PARK TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Comer Columbia Ave. and Trolley Line GRANTWOOD There Is Satisfaction In Possessing The Best From hundreds of □J grades of Diamonds we select the choicest. JTTOurs is an unexcelled jJ sales policy. We vouch for Merit and Value. L.J,Rad DIAMONDS “Jewelry of the Better Kind” 639 Bergenline Avenue (Between 16th and 17th Streets) West New York,’N. J. Union 7254 COAL West New York Coal Co. EDWARD GRIFFITH Wood floors of all descriptions laid, scraped and finished by dustless elec tric machine. Old floors made equal to new. Office: 200 Columbia Ave., Morsemere Phone—Morsemere 2257 & 55° MORTGAGES on Lots and Houses from $100 up Mortgages also bought and taken in trade on real estate transactions. If you want real quick action see me Alfred E. Adler New York Office 206 Broadway New Jersey Office 747 Bergen Blvd. (Near Lafayette Ave.) West Grantwood Evenings, Sundays, and Holidays by Previous Appointment Phone 2375 Morsemere Metal Buildings of Every Description Garages, Filling Stations, Outdoor Workhouses and Homes Time Payments or Cash Send for particulars Ask for Mr. Tolford Metal Building Engineer* ing Corporation Main St. and Hudson Terrace, Fort Lee Phones Montgomery 2117 Ft. Lee 174W INSTITUTE OF HOLY ANGELS, FORT LEE, NEW JERSEY -Conducted by the School Sisters of Notre Dame HIGH SCHOOL registered by the University of New York and the New Jersey State Beard of Education SECRETARIAL DEPARTMENT, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Special advantages in Music and Art. Location at Fort Lee on Palisades of the Hudson, picturesque and healthful. Extensive campus, field hockey, basketball, tennis, etc. For catalogue and particulars address Secretary! P. Lo Bello & Son, Inc. Builders Realtors Insurance Mortgage Loans 622 Palisade Ave. 404 Anderson Ave. Grantwood Cliffside Park Phones: Cliffside 1634—366 CHARLES A. HEFT, Jr. Pianos and Furniture Moving Local and Long Distance Phone Fort Lee 177 120 volt Edison Element Storage B Batteries. $15 RADIO SETS OF ALL TYPES AT REASONABLE PRTCES A A B Storage Battery Chargers. Batteries charged, rented A repaired. All types of tubes In stock, also full line of Radio parts and a Radio repair dept. PETER SPILGER Basement 434 13th Street Near Bergenline Ave. WEST NEW YORK Phones Union 611C-7654 OPEN EVENINGS ffp Phone Cliff side 1157 JOE’S RESTAURANT Good Food A La Carte at All Hours Steaks a Specialty Private Dining Rooms for Auto Parties 785 Palisade Ave. (Corner Marion Ave.) Grantwood, N. J. [coal COAL EDGEWATER COAL CO., Inc. Tel. Cliffside 117-J 1050 RIVER ROAD Edgewater, N. J. We are in a position to supply you with clean, screened COAL in Egg or Nut and Stove mixed sizes at $14 per ton. Carrying extra. This coal is an excellent burning and heating fuel and can be burned with anthracite coal on a 50-50 basis, or can be burned independently. We can only accept a limited number of orders for this coal and orders will be filled in rotation as they are received. Under existing conditions we are unable to check credits or extend time payments. All orders will be taken on a C. O. D. basis only. For further information telephone us, or better yet, come in to see us. EDGEWATER COAL CO., Inc. | COAL COAL