Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Phone —Phono 1448 Cllffside RATE 1448 Cllffside First Insertion, 2c Per Word Each Subsequent Insertion, 1c Per Word Minimum Charge, First Insertion 30c. Subsequent Insertions 15c. Payable in Advance—Billing Charge 5c. For Rent UPSTAIRS apartment, parage included. 801 -Edgewood lane. Palisade. * CUffside 1784. *3-19-2t ONE or two furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent, all improvements. 1000 Edgewood lane. Palisade. 3-19-It FURNISHED ROOM for refined gentle man ; private family ; reference. Phone Cliffside 1909. *3-26-It FURNISHED ROOM on first floor. 282 . Lafayette Ave., Grantwood. 3-26-2t BRISTOL COURT—High class elevator apartment overlooking Hudson river. Beautiful 3 and 5 rooms to rent. Apply 1385 Boulevard East. Cor. 19th Street, West New York. N. J. Call Union 9939. Ten minutes to 42nd St. ferry. 3-26-2t UNUSUAL apartment and place, fur nished, unfurnished, 5 rooms, bath, fireplaces, piazza: heat; large beautiful grounds. Edgewater Heights. Refined adults dosira similar tenants. Phone Cliffside 66. FIVE rooms, steam heated apartment, all improvements. 252 Grant ave.. Grant wood, N. J. Phone Cliffside 1092. Rent $60. *3-5-4t Wanted THRKB room apartment, furnished. suitable for light housekeeping. Phone Cliffside 1675 VV. *3-19-2t . Busy Young Man The busiest young man in Concor dia has three girls oil the string, re pairs his own motor cars, belongs to a Miscellaneous PROPERTY OWNERS—Who require in surance of any kind, mortgage loans, or who wish to buy, sell or rent, see Nelson Neumann, 574 Palisade avenue. Grant wood. N. J. Phone Cliffside 2078. 3-19-l2t CHAIR CANING—All kinds of caning and weaving. Albert J. Derfus, Second street, Coytesville. Phone Fort Lee 430. 6-19-13t * For Sale PIANO in excellent condition, verv Rood make. Write Box 2, Palisadian, Pali sade, N. J. 3-19-Comp. SMALL SAFE, household furniture, Bohn Sy phone ice box and other articles. Phone 1615 Cliffside. *3-26-2t CADILLAC Limousine, in perfect running condition; good rubber; ideal for taxi service. 3-2«-4t BEFORE buying or selling in Grantwood, Palisade or Cliffside. consult Arthur J. Rooney, 965 Broadway, vVoodcliff-on Hudson, N. J. Phone Palisade 4000. _ 3-22-lyr. I SIX lots, facing Anderson avenue, in i borough of Fort Lee; also two lots on Crescent avenue, Grantwood. In-1 quire of owner, 90 Crescent avenue, ! Grantwood, or phone Cliffside 424. 3-12-10t ! new lodge, is one of the champion pool j players, and has twenty-three cred-! itors to dodge.—Concordia (Kan.) j Blade. Professional Directory Accountants A. GEO. L. BAINES Certified Public Accountant (N. J. and N. Y.) Registered Municipal Accountant Audits—Income Taxes—Investigations 213 Main St., Hackensack, N. J. Telephone Hackensack 5347 i i1 i " i'i ■ "far .—- i. " — Architects Ernest Sibley Architect Edgewood Lana and Bluff Road Palisade, New Jersey T. W. JARDINE Architect—Blue Printing 177 WEST ST.. ENGLEWOOD PHONE ENGLEWOOD 2126 • Attorneys Mackay and Mackay ATTORNEYS 236 Main St. Hackensack, N. J. Phone 815 Hackensack Clarence Mabie ATTORNEY 173 Main Street, Hackeneack Phone Hackeneack 3800 Cornelius Doremus Counsellor at Law Ridgewood, N. J. * NEW YORK OFFICE 66 BROADWAY Chiropractors DR. G. C. WEIERSHAUSLN Chiropractor Palmer Graduate Licensed by the State Board 2017 Centre Ave. Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 483-W 208 31st St. North Bergen Phone Union 984-M Chiropractic Health Home Phone Fort Lee 340 Engineers Telephone 1250 Cliffside M’CLAVE & M’CLAVE Civic and Consulting Engineers Lot Surreys . EDGEWATER RD. AND ANDER SON AVE., CLIFFSIDE PARK Title companies will not guarantee search without a survey or property.— See Thourot & Dunham CIVIL ENGINEERS a SURVEYORS 108 BERGENLINE AVENUE . Manhattan Bldg. UNION CITY, N. J. Telephone Palisade 1306 Engineers MYRON HENDEE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER LAND SURVEYS 325 Broad Ave., Palisades Park Bank of Bogota Bldg., Bogota Phone: Hackensack 5639 I___ PHOTOGRAPHERS J. B. FRANKO Photo Portraitist Studio, Palisade Junction Palisade, N. J. Phone 331 Cliffside HOME PORTRAITS AND SITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT Physicians For appointments phone 1960 Dr. Arthur S. Barrett OSTEOPATH 243 State Street, Hackensack _Undertakers__ Charles Darke Funeral Director and Embalmer Corner T7th St. and Bergenline Ave.. . West New York Phones* Union 668 and Union 6052 THE ESTATE OF JAMES F. McNALLY Undertaker 211 Main St. Fort Lee, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 16 Night Phone Fort Lee 258 Thomas McNally, Manager JAMES A. HUNT Funeral Director 184 MAIN ST. FORT LEE Phone Fort Lee 1611 Residence and Night Phone 273-R IVINS D. APPLEGATE FUNERAL DIRECTOR 225 Washington St. Hoboken, N. J. Phone: Hoboken 442 That Your Beloved Ones may receive a fitting final tribute truat the funeral arrangements to William Schlemm,Inc. General Directors Cor. Bergentln^ Ave. and High point Ave. WEST HOBOKEN When death occurs phone Union 1000 Phone, Union 820 Ambulance '*De Luxe” U S. R. SHARPE CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 191 Bergenline Avenue LADY ATTENDANT ^ ^ UNION HILL, N.J. Window Shades We arc Hudson County's recog nized leaders in this line. We have equipped some of the largest com mercial and public institutions with shades that are the utmost in serv ice and satisfaction. No job is too large for us to handle quickly and efficiently. We are also specialists in PICTURE FRAMES. Chas. Braun 612 Washington Street 1BOKEN Hoboken V983 Union 7254 GOAL West New York Coal Co. Cheap Mutton Sheep could be purchased for eight cents each in England in the Twelfth century. First National Bank of Fort Lee Every Banking Service 4% Paid on Saving Accounts Main St. and Palisade Ave„ Ft. Lee, N. J. The Bergen Laundry, Inc. will call and make deliveries any where in Bergen County. Phone and our representative will call. Office and Laundry 138-140 Kansas Street Hackensack Phone Hackensack 2859 Metal Buildings of Every Description Garages, Filling Stations, Outdoor Workhouses and Homes Time Payments or Cash Send for particulars. Ask for Mr. Tolford Metal Building Engineering Corporation Main St. and Hudson Terrace, Ft. Lee PHONE FT. LEE 174-W BETTER AND SAFER BUS : SERVICE ON ANDERSON AVE. (Continued from page 1) —i ! decided to help the projects in every way possible. Property owners representing foot age of 618 front feet on Columbus place in Hudson Heights petitioned for I a permanent street and sidewalk im provement. Property »wners on St. Paul avenue. Olympia and Oreen tnount avenues also petitioned for street improvements. The proper or dinances will be drawn and the im provements made. The various assessment hearings that had been advertised for last eve ning were all postponed until April 7. 1 Councilman Meyer announced that an error had been made in advertising for bids on the new Grant wood tire house, as the building itstelf, the plumbing, etc., should have been bid on separately. It was voted to re advertise for bids. The purchase of a Dodge touring car for use by the Police Department was voted on favorably. A resolution expressing the council's sympathy for the family of Mrs. Mary E. Weis, mother of Councilman Kerri Weis, was passed and a copy will be sent to each of her children. The following were appointed as marshals: John Diggio, Joseph Bor rell and George Risser. A Correction The Palisadian, Palisade, N. J. Gentlemen: In last week's issue a statement was made that Miss Marie Krebs is now Mrs. Ray Miller. 1 wish to state that no marriage has taken place be tween Miss Marie Krebs and Mr. Ray Miller, and wish to have correction published in your next issue if pos sible. I realize that this error was not made by your paper hut by the per son who put in the time. But I would like to have the above truth known; that is why I am asking you to pub lish the correction. Thanking you in advance. Respectfully, RAY MILLER. Locating the Trouble Practical Youngster—Mother, this is th' fifth time I've asked God f’r a new first baseman’s mitt—an’ I haven’t got it yet! D'ya s'pose my wave length's wrong? BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 ^.. ' ._______ Accountants See Professional Directory ARCHITECTS See Professional Directory Attorneys See Professional Directory AUTO ACCESSORIES Grantwood Auto Supply 653 PALISADE AVE. MOTOR BEARINGS BENDIX SPRINGS BRAKE LINING PISTON RINGS PISTON PINS FAN BELTS PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1412 M. R. Robbins V. E. Franke AUTO PAINTING Nordhoff Auto Painting And Trimming Our Specialty All Work Guaranteed—Expert Work JOHN TURKIEVIC, Prop. Granci and Phelps Aves., Englewood Phone Englewood 2840 BAKERIES GRANT WOOD BAKERY Bread, Cake and Pies Sanitary Baking Department Orders taken for Special Birthday and Wedding Cakes and Holiday .Plea 718 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1398 Gus Hesser, Prop. BATTERY SERVICE Grantwood Battery and Electric Station All Makes of Batteries, Recharged. Repaired and Renewed Generators, Starters and Magnetos Repaired ANDERSON & LAWTON AYES. GRANTWOOD. N. J. Phone ClifCaide 192 Fairview Battery Service Station and Garage Agent Chevrolet Cars Ignition Work—Batteries Repaired Agents for the Prestolite Battery.. Storing—Accessories 365 FAIRVIEW AVE. FAIRVIEW Phone Cliffside 1070-R Grantwood Auto Supply Co. M. R. Robbins V. C. Franke BATTERIES RECHARGED—REPAIRED FOR SALE 653 Palisade Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1412 BEAUTY PARLORS Anna Marie Beauty Parlor Facial Mud Packs, Scalp Treatments, Hair Bobbing, Waving APPOINTMENTS BY PHONE 656 Anderson Ave., Grantwood BUILDERS See Page 5 CARPET CLEANERS ClifFside Carpet Cleaning Co. CLEANING and SCOURING : Shampooing—Dry Cleaning Oriental Ruga a Specialty Goods called for anywhere in Bergen • County Office 10 West St., Englewood Phone Englewood 1907R "Give us a trial" CHIROPRACTORS See Professional Directory CLEANING AND DYEING GIESEN-SHANKMAN CLEANING WORKS, Inc. Edgewater, N. J. Cleaning in all Branches from a Lady's Glove to Carpets and Rugs Cleaning of Women’s and Gents* Garments a Specialty Goods called for and delivered anywhere In Bergen County Phone. Cliff side J5R - .% -JfZ .JWdfW Clothes Poles Tel. Palisade 1159 E. B. NICHOLS successor to H. HUNDEVADT Flag Poles and Clothes Poles Old Poles Reset 50 Paterson Plankroad North Bergen, N. J. CONTRACTORS See Page 5 DENTISTS See Professional Directory DRY GOODS Tel. 980-M Cliffside J. PEISER Everything in Dry Goods Also Hemstitching Done on the Premises. Palisade Junction Palisade, N. J. OPEN EVENINGS DELICATESSENS ONLY THE BEST HERE Leads Grantwood in , Delicacies and Fancy Groceries The Town’s Finest Store HENRY MUCK Schugel Building 689 Palisade Aye., Grantwoed New Jersey R. INSCOE Quality and Quantity GROCERY STORE Handling a Complete Stock of Therapeutic Foods 617 Palisade Avenue, Grantwood, N, J, Phone Cliffside 82 R CHARLES ORTMANN DELICATESSEN GROCERIES, TEAS, COFFEES. SPICES "Eat the best—we sell it” 691 Anderson Ave„ Grantwood Free deliveries—Phone Cliffside 1129J DRESSMAKERS Mrs. W. Longnecker DRESSMAKER * 65 OAKDENE AVE. GRANTWOOD, N. J. Bet. Palisade Ave. & Hudson Terrace Hemstitching Telephone Cliffside 33D-W ELECTRICIANS ENGINEERS See Page 5 FLORISTS HANS ROSSMERKEL Floral Pieces, Wedding Designs, Cut Flowers and Plants "Bay It With Plotters" Greenhouses and Office Ds Soto Place ar.d Hamilton Avs. HUDSON HEIGHTS Phone 737 M Cliffsido THE GRANTWOOD FLOWER SHOP “THE ROSEBUD”' Walter J. Steinhoffr Prop. Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs 728 Anderson Grantwood Phone 1973 Cliffside FISHING TACKLE JOHN BAUMANN FISHING TACKLE AND BAIT BIRDS AND BIRD SUPPLIES 301 West 125th Street, New York (Bet. Eighth and Mornlngslds AVes.l • Phone Morningside 751* GARAGES ARTHUR J. KERWIEN OARAGE AND AUTO REPAIRING Tires, Tubes. Oils, Gasoline and Accessories Lemolne Ave„ near Main St. FORT lEE, N. J. PHONE FORT LEE 34 F. Carughi T. Coombs C. & C. GARAGE ■ Storing . Accessories - Repairing Jet. of Anderson Ave and Gorge Rd. Phone Cliffside 1234 Grantwood, N. J. FULTON GARAGE 990-994 River Road, Edgewater, N. J. PARKING .25 Authorized Ford Service Station, Prest- o L#ite. Batteries, Gas and Appliances Zenith Carburetors Telephone Cliffside 932 Charles H. Mowry Edward A. Turnei Charles A. Ludowicy Auto Service Station Distributor for Lincoln and Ford Cars Agent for Michelin Tires 1300 Palisade Ave., Fort Lee Repairs, Accessories and Supplies Phone Fort Lee 1665 WELLBANK’S GARAGE JOHN WELLBANK, Prop. Distributors of Chevrolet Automobile Supplies and Accessories Garage and Service Station Batteries Repaired and Recharged 228 PALISADE AVE., CLIFFSIDE Phone Cliffside 1439J GLAZIERS JOHN LUETHKE GLAZING > 686 Anderson Ave. Grantwood All kinds of glass for windows, au- j tomobiles. sun parlors, porches, etc. Mirrors, Picture Frames. Glass Table Tops. Manufacturers of leaded art glass windows. Phone Cliffside 1984 Union City Glass Company If It’s Glass You Want—See Us Jobbing of All Kinds Glazing Estimates Cheerfully Given MIRRORS RESILVERED PICTURES FRAMED 552 Hackensack Plank Road Union City, N. J. Telephone Union r>209 HALLS (For Rent) CARRELLI’S HALL Walker Street and Trolley Line Cliffside Hail for Balls, Parties, Receptions. INQUIRE NICK CARRELLI 242 WALKER ST., CLIFFSIDE THE MOOSE HALL AND BOWLING ALLEYS For Rent to Private Parties Weddings—Parties—Dances Apply F. DAMIS, Moose Club House ANDERSON AVENUE (Near Lafayette Ave., Grantwood) INSURANCE See Page 5 LAUNDRIES Hudson Wet Wash Laundry We call and deliver In any part of Bergen County TELEPHONE FORT LEE 3S0R LAWYERS See Professional Directory MILLWORK and LUMBER See Page S MASON’S MATERIALS See Page 5 MOVERS MANNINGS EXPRESS COYTESVILLE, N. J. Dally Trips to and From New York Alio to Any Part of Bergen County PHONE FORT LEE 338-R New York Office 372 Canal St. Phone Walker 8323 PAINTER & DECORATORS B. E. WRIGHT PAINTING AND DECORATING Estimates Cheerfully Given $88 ANDERSON AVE. uRANTWOOD. N. J. Phone Cliffslde 977 H. MULLER & SON Artistic Painters and Decorators High Class Interior Work fpr Homes, I Artistic Decorating on Fine Wall Hangings , 746 Jassamine Way GRANTWOOD Pnone Cliffside 1113-M _k_ PHARMACIES H. F. Goemann’s Grantwood Pharmacy LAWTON AVENUE Grantwood, New Jersey Palisade Drug Store j AT THE JUNCTION PALISADE, N. J. i TELEPHONE 931 CLIFFSIDE , NIGHT TEL. 1395 CLIFFSIDE For Coughs that are tight, or colds that are loose—take ANTO-KOF—not a dope. At all druggists or direct from PEERLESS DRUG STORE Cor. Main and Schlosser Sts. Fort Lee F. J. ANTON INI. Prop. Phone Connection PIANO TUNERS JOHN LIPPE Now Is the Time to have your Piano or Player Tuned. Used Pianos Bought and Sold. Phone, Cliffside 879-M 844 RIVER ROAD, Edgewater, N. J. PLUMBERS C. LEEGER & CO. MERCHANT PLUMBERS AND HEATING CONTRACTORS All kinds of slate and asbestos roofing: sheet metal work, gutters and leaders Lawton Avenue and Trolley Phone: Cliffside 221 Grantwood FREDERICK J. DYER . SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR GRANTWOOD Sanitary expert licensed by State Board of Health Phone Cliffside 290 M PRINTERS GOOD PRINTING Standard Prices—Dependable Service Palisades Printing Corp. Formerly Cliffside Park Press, Inc. 547 GORGE ROAD GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone 2002 Cliffside --- REALTORS See Page 5 RADIO FOR SICK RADIOS and prompt efficient service write* phone or call on Bernard Stahl 740 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 218 Light Spread Before Him My spirits, d'you see, were catched up in a high, solemn exaltation, and I saw all earth's vanities, foreshort ened and little, laid out below me like a town from a cathedral scaffolding.— Kipling. re •* 4. RESTAURANTS Celia's Park Restaurant Pure Food, Good Cooking and Congenial Environment*. Special Sunday Dinner* Whitman St. and Trolley Lin* FORT LEE Phone Fort Lee 6 Joseph G. Schlosser Restaurant and Lunch Room Cigars, Candy, Tobacco Pool and Bllilarda * Carte Meals at All Hours Cur. Main and Schlosser Sts. Fort Lee, N. J. Phone 167 Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 83 or 332 Villa Richard Hotel and Restaurant (Under New Management) Coytesville, N. J. “Overlooking the Hudson1* BENNY ROSSI Proprietor SIGN PAINTING Joseph Luks Artistic Sign Painting and Lettering Ridgefield New Jersey Phone Morsemere 520 PHONE FORT LEE 260W H. WHITE SIGN PAINTER COYTESVILLE NEW JERSEY J. REYNOLDS SIGNS 123 Central Ave., Leonla, N. J. Phone 1064J Gold Leaf Bulletin , Electric Slgne Steamship Tickets STEAMSHIP TICKETS Make Reservations Now For All Leading Lines. JOHN GLUECK & SONS, PASSENGER AGENTS, 136 4TH ST., UNION CITY Phone Union 5417 TAILORS