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Organizations •* HELPING HAND SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the Helping Hand Society was held at the < hrlstian Orphan Home at Fort Lee on last Thursday afternoon. .Sixteen new members were re ceived into the society and much In teresting business was transacted. Among the new standing commit tees appointed for the coming year was a hostess committee, consisting of Mrs. John A. Sharp, Palisade; Mrs. Anna Monk. (1 rant wood; Mrs. 1). V. Holmgren, Englewood, and Mrs. .1. O. VOsburgh, Grantwood. 'Hie duties of this committee shall he to welcome a"l] visitors and new comers at regular meetings, teas and special entertainments given by the society, dispense information, invite them to inspect the Home and be come 'members of the Helping Hand Society. .\Jrs. William It. Goodman of Pali satje. was made chairman of a re search committee, whose duties shall be to ..keep in touch, through news-i papers and other periodicals, with other .children's homes and activities relating to them, to discover individ uals anil organizations through which help for the Home might come, and to suggest ways and means to secure variety and improvement in the con duct of the Helping Hand Society. One thousand sheets and envelopes of official stationery has been donated to the society by Mrs. Charles T. Lo gan of Palisade. Monthly Tea Mrs. ,'D. P. Holmgren of 290 Grand avenue, Englewood, will he hostess to all friends of the Home on Tuesday afternoon, May 18. Everyone is most cordially invited. Take Englewood car to Forest and Grand avenues, Englewood. ' , Cliffside Park y . COMMUNITY PLAYERS A meeting of the Community Play ers has been called by the president, Miss. Calm Hoke, for Tuesday, May li, at her home, to make final ar rangements for the coming plays. 'These are to be presented on Tues day, May 25, in Carney Hall, and will consist of three one-act plays, “The Mouse Trap,” “Suppressed Desires,” two; humorous and excellent produc tions, and' "The Valiant," a very new and 'mere serious play, the first one under the direction of Mrs. ,1. C. Vos burgli and Mrs. George Beckmann and the lar-.t two coached bv Mr. Joseph Scott. GIRL SCOUTS PuYote Pansy Troop, Girl Scouts of St. John's parish, Cliffside, opened its meeting with twenty-eight scouts an swering the roll call. A new patrol was formed and desig nated as Patrol 4. The members are as follows:' Patrol leader, Dorothy Bergman: scouts, Gertrude Brunner, Emma Hoppe, Marie/fooley, Christine Zullo, Catherine Germaine, Adele Ziel man. Theodora Betz. scouts were much enthused over the purchase of a new bugle. The scout who will be come troop .bugler will be announced later! Miss Mary Cassidy, captain of Purple Pansy Troop, will resign from 1 office May 27 and will be succeeded 1 by Miss Margaret Garrity. Miss Cas- 1 sidy will remain with the troop in the capacity of adviser and teacher in first aid work. HOLY NAME AUXILIARY 1 Cliffside.Park Auxiliary of the Holy 1 Name hospital, Teaneck, held a spe- j cial meeting Wednesday evening at St. John’s hall, Cliffside, and was pre- 1 sided over by Rev. John E. Klernan, c and it was decided to have a candy 1 and flower booth at the carnival to 1 be held on June 10. 11 and 12 on 1 the hospital grounds in Teaneck. 1 Officers were elected for the coming * year, Mrs. Francis Banville, presi dent; Mrs. J. B. Franklin, vice presi dent: Mrs. J. Curran, secretary and i Mrs. J. A. Haverstock, treasurer. This auxiliary is non-sectarian and every body interested is asked to co-operate and make this carnival a success. A special meeting will be called for Wednesday, May 12 at 8:30, to ar range committees to take charge of ' the candy booth and make final ar rangements for the fair. There will' be dancing every evening, with plenty of good music. Every community in Bergen county will have a booth on the fair grounds. i Fort Lee ROTARY club * On May 8 at the Herllagraph Studio, on liemoine avenue, the Rotary Club will hold a smoker and boxing bout. More than 200 tickets have been sold so tar. COURT CORONATION, C. D. OF A. Court Coronation, Catholic Daugh ters of America, No. 165. held a well attended meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall, on Main street, on Tuesday. Final plans were made for the card party to be held this eve ning. Mrs. H. Maseola is chairman and Thomas Collum sub-chairman of the committee in charge of the affair. Coytesville INDIAN HEAD COUNCIL A meeting of Indian Head Council, No. 132, was held last Monday eve ning in the Coytesville Fire House. Plans were discussed for a dance to be given in the early summer. PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION On Thursday, May 13, the Coytes ville Parent-Teacher Association will • I hold Its annual election of officers anc payment of dues for the year. Th< meeting will start at 8:15 in th< schoolhouse, and all members an urged to attend. COYTESVILLE COMMUNITY CLUt At a meeting of the.Coytesville Com munity Club held in the schoolhousi last Tuesday the members decidet that prompt action upon the qyestioi of road repairs was most desirable A delegation of twelve members at tended the borough council meetinj on Wednesday night and put the casi before the mayor and council. HOLY NAME AUXILIARY Mrs. A. Wadlow, Mrs. M. Carne; and Mrs. Moeser attended the centra auxiliary meeting at the Holy Nairn HospitaL'on May 5. Plans for the fair which will be held in the hospita grounds on June 11, 12 and 12, wen discussed. The Coytesville Auxiliarj will give a roast beef and spagliett dinner in the auditorium of Holy Trin ity church on May 19. The proceeds front this dinner will be used to pur chase the aluminum for the booth which the Coytesville and Edgewater Auxiliaries will have at the fair. Englewood Cliffs PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION First of the many events scheduled for May is t lie Parent-Teacher Associ ation card party to be held tonight at the sehoolhouse. Bridge, euchre and pinochle will be played, and many lovely prizes will be awarded. It Is a foregone conclusion that at a P.-T. A. party everyone lias a delightful time, so a cordial invitation is extend ed to all. CIVIC CLUB DINNER The Civic'Club dinner will be held at Fort Richard on Monday. May 10, at X p. m. Randolph Perkins, mem ber of the house of representatives from this district; candidate for the Republican nomination for member of the house, B. Duncan McClave; Mayor White of Fort Dee, Mayor Thomson of Englewood, Mayor Jenkins of Engle wood Cliffs, Fire Chief Kenlon of New York and Judge Seufert have been in vited as guests of honor. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION On May 1 the Alumni Association, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. A. Lutz and Mr. H. Houghtaling, held a party in the sehoolhouse for their friends anti themselves. Everyone had a de lightful time. The regular meeting of the associa tion was held on Tuesday. The cast of the play, “Kicked Out of College,’’ which will be given in June, was cho sen. t-ouden Haaker is to be the he ro and Marie Debus the heroine. They will be supported by other well known amateurs. Miss Cruser has kindly consented to act. as coach. BOARD OF HEALTH On Tuesday evening. May 4, the Board of Health met in the school liouse. In the absence of the presi ient, Mr. F. C. Rose, Mr. E. A. Haak ?r took the chair. Mr. Carney was iworn in as a member of the board, rile appointment of Mr. George F. Schafer as sanitary inspector for the mailing year was confirmed. After j he hills were audited and ordered laid the meeting adjourned. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY A very well attended meeting of the 'Inglewood Hospital Auxiliary was leld on Wednesday afternoon. The nenibers completed the year's sewing ii»d turned in all the finished work, i'lie plans for the lawn party to be eld at the residence of the presi ent, Mrs. F. N. Webster, on June 4 t’ere then discussed. Everyone is sked to make this garden party a ihenomenal success. Besides refresh nents, cakes, jellies and grabs will be old. There will also be a lucky num ier prize Dliffside Library in Feb. Broke Record by Issuing 366 Books a Day The local library in the Cliffside ichool attained the highest average ■ver reached, in February, when it sailed "fifi books a day, achieving a ligh speed record, too. for the libra dans are there only that many min ites, and are also receiving books at he same rate! A great number of new books for •very taste and in every line have >een recently purchased, most of hem ready for distribution now, ex cept those intended for the Orantwood minch, which is not yet opened to he public. The library committee has ieen endeavoring to secure the state ibrariun, Miss Sarah Askew, for that •eremonv and for one of her famous uldressts. but she is practically tin nailable for this month. Clean-Up Week May 10 In Englewood Cliffs The Mayor of Knglawood Cliffs has lesignated the week beginning May in and ending May Id. as Clean-up IVeek, and asks the co-operation of jvery resident in a general clean-up if the borough. If each householder starts today, part of the transforma tion will take place before the collec tion on Monday and flie rest of the work can be done on Tuesday. Wed nesday and Thursday. Cleaning attics and cellars is a fire prevention pre caution as well as a sanitary measure, and it is hoped that the good work will cover not only bouses, private grounds and streets, but will be ex tended to nearby vacant lots as well. Collections will be made as usual. FREE DEMONSTRATION! in Your Own Home of the Singer Electric Portable Sewing Machine Your Old Machine Taken in Part Payment REPAIRS—SUPPLIES—HEMSTITCHING SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Tel. Cliff side 1790 309 Knox Avenue, Cor. Anderson Avenue, Grantwood MRS. H. RHINEHART 01 GRANTW00D BRING! SEPARATION SUI1 1 Charges Fort Lee Man Witl Cruelty—Couple Were Mar ried on Oct. 16, 1922. | . . Mrs. Henrietta Rhinehart of 62 j Palisade avenue, Grantwood, lia ■ brought suit l'or separation in Chai eery Court against her husband, Wai ren A. Rhinehart of Fort Lee. Th marriage of the couple occurred o: October 16, 1!)22, and the petitione declares that she was forced to leav her husband on January 16 last. Shortly after their marriage, he complaint alleges, her husband begai to treat her cruelly, but as she was o a forgiving nature she became recon ciled with him time and again. The; lived at that time in various parts o Bergen county. in April, lai't, Milt* nd.iu, sno wa: j forced to take up housekeeping at th< home of the defendant’s parents, an< when she objected he beat her witt his fist and flmiK her heavily aKainsi the wall, finally telling her to get 0111 of the house. One child was horn Jast December and Mrs. Hhinehart says that she b ill and requires medical attention am: money for the support of herself ant: her child. Through Leveuson, Comet: & Levenson of Hoboken she asks maintenance for herself and child anti counsel fees. She also demands tliai her husband he compelled to give se curity for the proper support ant maintenance of his family. The affidavits setting forth tin charges are lengthy and have beer filed with the sheriff of Bergen conn ty. Legal Advertisements Borough of Cliffside Park NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOT I (MO IS HKRKBY (11V ION that th» Mayor and Council of tin* Borough of Cliffside Bark will at a meeting to he held in the Borough Hall, Cliffside. on Mon day. evening. May 10, 1926, at 8:30 p. m. (Daylight Savins Time, 7:30 p. m. Stand ard Time), receive sealed htds for the col lection and disposal of ashes and gar bage and the collection and disposal of refuse and waste material during clean up week. The contractor shall between May 15th and October 15th make daily collections of ashes and garbage as follows: Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays in the southerly section of Hudson Heights and Cliffside. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in | the northerly section of Kdgewater Heights and C.rantwood. The collector shall between October 15th and May 15th make two collections weekly in each section as follows: Mondays and Thursdays: Cliffside, Day avenue to Kdgewater road. Tuesdays and Fridays: Day avenue to south Borough Line. Anderson avenue to west Borough Line, north of Kdgewater road. * Wednesdays and Saturdays: Anderson avenue east to cliff north of Kdgewater road. Refuse and waste material during the week designated by the Mayor and Coun cil as “Clean-up Week” t«» be collected and disposed of according to the schedule furnished by the Mayor and Council. Bidders shall submit their bids in the alternative—namely, one bid to be for the collection of ashes and garbage together and one bid for the collection of ashes and garbage providing that they are col lected separately from each other and dumped separately. A certified check for $100.00 or a like amount in cash must accompany the bids. No bids will be received before or after the above stated time. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a surety bond acceptable to the Mayor and Council for the full amount of his1-contract. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a suitable dump in which to dispose of the ashes and garbage. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated, May 1st. 1920. ARTHCR H. ABRAMS. 5-7-11 Borough Clerk., BOROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK Notice NOTICK IS HKKEBY OIVKX. that an ordinance entitled, “An ordinance to pro vide for the construction of a sanitary sewer along the Kasterly side of Ander son Avenue from a point twenty-five (25) feet South of Jersey Avenue, and running thence in a Northerly direction two hundred and fifty (250) feet more or leas in the Borough of Cliffside Park and mividing for the payment of the cost hereof,” was introduced and read at a meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park, held on Mon day. the 26th day of April, 1926, and that the said ordinance will be considered by the Mayor and Council at a meeting to be held at the Borough Ilall on Mon lav. the 10th day of May, 1926. at 8.30 o’clock P. M. Daylight Saving Time, 7.30 o'clock P. M. Standard Time, at which time a hearing on such ordinance will be given to all persons interested therein. The above mentioned ordinance is as full flU'S • AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANI TARY SEWER ALONG THE EAST ERLY SIDE OF AXDERSOX AVE NUE. FROM A POINT TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET SOUTH OF JERSEY AVENUE AND RUNNING THENCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY (250) FEET MORE OR LESS IN THE BOROUGH OF CLIFFS IDE PARK? AND PRO VIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor ami Council of the Borough of Cliff side Park: Section 1. That a sanitary sewer be •onstrueted along the Easterly side of Anderson Avenue from a point twenty five (25) feet south of Jersey Avenue j ind running thence in a northerly di | ection Two,Hundred and Fifty (250) feet | more or less, with an eight (S) inch vitri ied pipe; together with necessary man I holes and appurtenances as shown on the I dans therefor prepared by McClave & j McClave. Borough Engineers and now j m tile in the*'Borough Clerk's Office, j Section 2. That the said sanitary sewer | «hall be constructed as a local improve | ment and the cost thereof shall be as i tossed upon lands in the vicinity thereof, I benefit ted thereby to the extent of the | benefits, pursuant to the provisions of j Article XX of Chapter 152 of the Laws I >f 1917, of New Jersey, as amended. If I the amount of such assessments shall not ?qual the amount of the cost of said mprovement, the difference between the ‘ost of the improvement and the amount if the assessments shall be paid by tht Borough. Section .1. That the sum of TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOL LARS ($2,700), be and the same is hereb> appropriated to pay the cost of sale sanitary sewer. For the purpose ol meeting said appropriation and tempo rarily financing said improvement, tem porary improvement bonds or notes art hereby authorized to be issued from tinn to time in an amount not exceeding the said sum of TWO THOUSANl SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,700) pursuant to the provisions of Sect lot 13 of Chapter 252 of the Laws of 19b and the Acts supplemental thereto am amendatory thereof, which bonds or note shall bear interest at a rate not exceed ing six per centum (63r) per annum All other matters in respect to sucl temporary bonds or notes shall be de termined by the Mayor, Borough Col lector and Borough Clerk, who are hereb; authorized to execute and issue sail II temporary bonds or notes. Section 4. This ordinance shall take er j feet upon Us publication and as re I! quired by law. I ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. ^ Borough Clerk ' | Grain Alcohol Valued at j $800,000 Found on Coal ! I Barges in Edgewater ■ Grain alcohol valued at SSOO.OOO was seized aboard, two coal barges at j a pier in Edgewater on Tuesday. Sergeant John P. Fitzgerald, com manding a launch of the Marine Di * vision of the New York police depart ment, made the raid. One man was found on each barge. They gave their names as James El lis, 60. of 63 Canal street, Jersey City, and Robert C. Anderson, 31,. of 70 3 West Forty-sixth street. New York. They were locked up at the Reach street, New York city, station, charg 3 ed with illegal possession. ' The two barges, ordinary coal .. boats that have been carrying coal , about the harbor for years, were ab solutely empty of coal, though tarpau . lins were stretched across from gun i wale to gunwale to give the appear r ance of a full cargo, but instead of “black diamonds” the crafts contained . 4,000 cases in each barge, and each - case contained two live gallon tins of alcohol. Plenty of Room We have plenty of room in our classified column for householders to advertise rooms for rent. There is a demand for rooms at this time. Take advantage of it. Phone Cliffside 2002 ; or 144S. r-5-7-tf j Stand on your rights and you can’t j be told where to get off. : I, ('(/a 1 A drcrt isem cn ts IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY j Ren .1. Mnntnnrto. complainant j and Happy Home Huitdors. Inc., C0f- I fold r». Rcebe and Mrs. Clifford D. j Hectic (Maud C. Hectic), bis wife, de fendants. Fi fa. Kcturnaldc June 21st. a. r>. mm. I >■' Turck & West. Rol'rs. Notice is hereby given that the Sheriff's sale of the premises described in tile 1>ill of complaint 'in the above entitled cause has been adjourned by me until Wednesday, June 2nd, 1321! at the Sheriff's office in the Village of Hacken sack at 2 o'clock in the. afternoon, stand ard time. • Ft >IK1K I*. NI.MMti 1 Sheriff. I May 5, 132k | May 7-14-21-2X H. hep. Pal. Fees .$3.12. BOROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK BOARD OF HEALTH ORDINANCE AX ORDINANCE TO SIT PPLKMKXT TMIO SANITARY (TOOK OF THE HOARD OF HEARTH OF THK BOR OUGH OF CBIFFSIDK PA UK. The Board of Health of the Borough of Cliffside Park. In the County of Ber gen. and Stato of New Jersey, hereby ordains as follows: SUCTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the busi ness of preparing live fowl for sale or soiling live fowl or slaughtering live fowl or poultry in the Borough of Cliffside Park without first having obtained from the Board of Health of said Borough of Cliffside Park, a permit for that purpose. Such permit may be issued by said Board of Health upon the payment of a fee of five dollars ($5) and said permit shall expire on tin* thirty-first day of Decem ber of each and every year, or prior j thereto, if tin* premises licensed shall be j c inverted to a use other than than that provided for in this cause. The building in which such business is conducted shall be used for the keeping, slaughtering and sale of Doultrv only. SECTION 2. Before a permit is granted the ap plicant shall submit to the Board of Health his application for the permit to gether with a description stating loca tion and character of the building where in he expects to conduct such live poul try market or poultry slaughter-house and in said application shall also state what building or buildings, if any. are located within a distance of 50 feet on ! each side of his premises. SECTION 15. No application for a permit will be approved by the Board of Health where the proposed site is located within a resi dential district. No application for a permit will be approved by the Board of Health where a church, library, hospital, sanitarium or other public institution is located within 200 feet of the boundary line of the proposed site. No application for a permit will be approved by the Board of Health if the proposed site is not suitable or proper in the opinion of the Board of Health for the establish ment and maintenance of a live poultry market, or poultry slaughter-house. SECTION 4 No permit to conduct a live poultry i market or poultry slaughter-house will ; be issued by the Board of Health unless the premises wherein the keeping or j slaughtering of tile poultry is to be con ducted comply with all the requirements of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health am! unless in the judg ment of the Borough of Cliffside Park Board of Health, the said premises or building is so located and constructed in a cleanly manner and without creat ing a nuisance. SECTIORN 5. All buildings or places in which poul try slaughtering or the sale of live poul try is conducted as a business in the Borough of Cliffside Park, shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Such business shall be conducted on the ground tloor only. 2. The floors thereof shall be paved with material impervious to moisture and shall be properly sloped to a well trapped inlet having direct connection with a sewer. The walls of the room in which will lltrl, lu tlutiioll.r , ...... ..1 on ulvill I I be covered to a height of six feet with smooth, moisture-proof material and the remainder of the walls and ceilings shall be finished with a smooth, hard surface. 3. Plucking shall not be carried on in a room used for slaughtering. Water tight receptacles shall be provided for all refuse and shall be properly covered and removed daily. 4. All rooms or space used for the pur pose of slaughtering poultry shall be ventilated directly to the open air. No such ventilation shall in any way enter a ventilating shaft which is used in con nection with the living apartments of any building. 5. All coops shall be macle ot heavy wire and of uniform size. All stands or counters shall be built substantially and covered with marble, slate, zinc or tin. Stands, counters and coops shall be raised from the floor in such a way as to permit hushing underneath the same. A plentiful supply of water shall be pro vided. Stands and counters for the sale of poultry shall be arranged to allow a clear passageway to the public. 6. The sale of diseased fowl is strictly prohibited. 7. All parts of such poultry slaughter ing-houses shall be at all times kept in a sanitary condition. SECTION 6 / At any time after the granting of the license or permit the Board of Health I of the Borough of Cliffside Park may in I the exercise of its judgment and after ‘ ten days written notice revoke said li cense ot* permit, even though the site has been previously approveu bv it. SECTION 7 Any person, persons, firm or corpora- i tion that shall violate any of the provi sions of this ordinance shall, as a pun ishment therefor, be subjected to a pen alty oi not less man ten dollars and not more than one hundred dollars ($100) in the discretion of the magistrate, recorder of justice having proper juris diction of the violation. SECTION 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days after its first pub lication. Approved Wednesday, Mav 5, 1928 EDWARD S.^ FARRAR, ... . President. Attest: The foregoing ordinance was given its final reading and passed at a meeting of the Board of Health of Cliffside Park on Wednesday, May 5, 1926. i > 4V R -WEE WAIN. '• • . ’ Secretary.. ICOYTESVILLE STREETS IN “TERRIBLE” SHAPE, WOMEN SAY IN PROTEST Week of May 16 Named as Clean Up and Paint Up , Week in Ft. Lee. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Agnes Shannon ; of Coytesville were the main spokes men for a group representing the Coytesville Community Club who were present at last night’s meeting of the Fort Lee Mayor and Council to protest against the condition of Westview place and other streets in Coytesville. The women registered a vigorous protest, claiming that the streets were entirely unfit for pedestrians, to say nothing of vehicular traffic. They con tended that the present method of road repair was not only incompetent but an absolute waste, of money. Im mediate action to remedy what they termed a “terrible condition” was urged. Mayor White gave the protest every form of consideration and arranged for a meeting of the Road Committee and the womteii present on Sunday at 11 A. M. at Washington street and ^emoine avenue in Coytesville. The committee will personally inspect the streets and make a recommendation to the council. A letter from Richard Pagliughi was read, complimenting Sergeant McDer mott on his good work in capturing the driver of the bus which struck Mr. Celia of Fort Lee, causing his death. Five hundred dollars was turned over to the Council for deposit in the police pension fund, this amount be ing the sum realized from the recent police ball. Mr. Venino, representing a number of property holders, who have prop erty on Anderson avenue and there abouts, asked the Council to find a new place to dump refuse. The mat 'ter was referred to the Finance Com mittee. Only one bid was received for the repair of lire engine No. 1 and the same was accepted. The week of May 16 was decided upon as “Clean Up and Paint Up Week" and Mayor White stated he would issue a proclamation. Strickland Writing Songs Charley St-ickland, leader of the 1 truly excellent orchestra at Palisades j Amusement Park, has written two | song hits Unit before the Park season j is well under way are bound to prove ' sensations. The first is “You’re Ail Wet If You’re Dry,” and the second “Over the River to Jersey and Under the River to Home." Johnny Amendt. the very popular banjoist of the or chestra collaborated with Hon. Strick land on both the timely subjects that j have been put into song. j Let Us Do Your Dirty Work at the Crossroads! If so, in less than three minutes you can have the crank case cleaned and filled with fresh oil at ANDERSON AVE. and ROUTE NO. 10, PALISADE, N. J. We are the exclusive distribu tors for KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRES. UNIVERSAL, AUTO LAUNDRY & BATTERY SERVICE STATION Phone, Cliffside 932 FULTON GARAGE RIVER ROAD, EDGE WATER, N. J. Autos Washed and Greased by "Speed Spra” system at popular prices. Bat teries recharged, 75c. Free use of our battery. Batteries called for and delivered. PALISADE AVENUE PET SHOP DOGS, BIRDS. FISH SUPPLIES POULTRY FOOD 322 Palisade Ave., Cliffside GARFORD Dependable Transportation Garford continually provides econom ical fulfillment of every hauling need. Manufacturers of Motor Trucks 1 to 7!4 tons R. G. Dreyf uss Bergen County Distributor South Moore Street, Hackensack, N. J. Phone Hackensack 3629 NUNZIO SCALO Trucking Contractor Excavations Removal Faijview, N. J. Phone Cliffside 467 He Wanted a Lot He wanted a lot cheap, and he got it after advertising in the classified column. Call Cliffside 2002 or 1448. r-5-7-tf A Wonderful Softness » Renders a beautifully soft, velvety | smoothness to the skin aqd com- | plexion, an appearance glowing " with the freshness of youth. |« Chapped, rough and irritated skins are quickly soothed and relieved. Makes an exceptional base for applying Face Powder. oriental ALMOND LOTION Ford. T. Hopkins & Son New York : Union 7254 COAL West New York Coal Co. IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC SERVICE State-wide distribution of Gas, NUMBER FIVE Electricity and Transit to a pop ulation of 3,000,000 people. ' CAMDEN NEW JERSEY Camden with a population of approximately 130,000 people is the center of a remarkable industrial, commercial and residential development which has been stimulated by the construction of the Delaware River bridge that ties it to Philadelphia and opens up to the third city of the cou ntry new area for expan sion. A city of homes and factories Camden has entered upon an era of progress and prosperity. Public Service provides it with gas, electricity and transit. Your Savings! YOUR savings are your protection against poverty and possible distress. It is the part of wisdom to find for them a safe investment that pays a fair return. Under our Popular Ownership Plan, you can invest them as they accu mulate in an enterprise that has established itself in the confidence of thou * sands of investors, large and small. Buy (z/j Cumulativelrekrred Stock. RiLlic Service Corporation of New<ilersey The price per Share is $100 and accrued dividend. The terms are $10 a month, with ' interest paid you on installments. ASK ANY PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYE.... i; U,