Cliffside Park
Troop one of Cliffside Park took an
active part in the Annual Outdoor
Rdlly held by the North Bergen Coun
cil, B. S. A., at Oritani Field, Hack
ensack. The rally was the occasion
of keen competition in scouting activi
ties by the 8fi troops in the council.
Recent moving pictures shown at
the Oritani Theatre were taken of the
principal events.
The rally was won by Troop 1, of
Morsemere, an old and seasoned outfit.
Troop 1 of Cliffside Park, although
participating for the first time, had
entries in every event, and finished
in fifth place. Scout William Pcter
,4>n won first place in fire by friction
in the snappy time of 22 seconds.
Scouts Bjerke ' and Peterson with
(Sulicksen as victim placed third in
first aid. In the chariot race, Troop
1 made the best time but was disquali
fied on a technicality.
The closing meeting for this sea
son, of the Cliffside Park Parent
Teacher Association, was held Wed.,
evening, in the Cliffside Park High
School with a fuir attendance of
teachers and'parents.
Much routine business was trans
acted, payments of delegate expenses,
secretary, etc., and upon the recom
mendation of Mr. E. Manahan, ten
dollars was voted to the local Troop
of Boy Scouts, making the Parcnt
Jeaclier body a “Daddy” as are other
similar organizations.
; Miss Krout, Secretary, gave a re
port of the recent Parent-Teacher
Association convention in Midland
iWk, which Miss Krout and Miss Col
lins had atended as delegates.
As two teachers are not available
for the Parent-Teacher training
course in the Summer School of
Teachers College, for which the lo
cal organization was to pay the ex
pense, an amendment was made to the
previous motion, that a teacher and a
'parent or if even one teacher is not
available then two parents should be
sent to take the course fit the expense
of the local body.
’■* The feature of the program was the
demonstration in the first grade in
struction, given by Miss Korb and
Miss Perry, to twenty-eight children
aji interesting and well performed
! Mrs. Harry Bajita, the recently
elected president of tfre association
jRefSpfhinSp|sj¥|«r5.serYc<t tfter the
program, ana a social hour was en
jOyedi^O V *'
!. Fort Lee
' *' b6y scouts
' The combined party at which th(
Girl Scouts, Troop No. 1, celebrated
their first anniversary, and the Boj
Scouts, Troop No. 1, their second an
riiversary, was held at the Paris!
House last Saturday evening, anc
proved a delightful success.
'■ One hundred twenty guests were
served at the supper given last Fri
day night at the Parish House of thi
Church of the Good Shepherd undei
the auspices of the American Churcl
Club, and from every point of view
the affair was a great success. Everj
ope ate as much as he liked and every
thing tasted delicious. The Rev. 1)
Lnweth presided at the dinner un<
Mr. W. S. B. Dana took charge ol
tlje entertainment.
i -
Everyone is invited to the “Jitnej
Supper” to be given by the Eastern
Star Chapter, to-night, at yie Mason
ic Temple.
i ______
The Coytsville Community Clul
held its final meeting last Tuesdaj
evening in the Coytesville school
house. After the minutes of the last
meeting wer.e read by Mr. Merrier
secretary, the president of the ass’n.
culled for a discussion of matters that
been held over from the last meeting
because of an absence of replies tc
letters which had been sent out bj
the Club. Because of the adjournment
for the summer vacation it was decid
_ ed that these matters should be left
over' until 'the next meeting which
wdl be held in September.
W general discussion was held after
a '.statement by Mr. Van Bemel, to
thf effect that, at a recent Council
mooting he hud suggested that some
thing should be done about sending
out the bills on Dead BrcJok sewer,
which has been completed for three
years, without having the bills sent
OUt, so far. Large amounts of int
erest are being paid by the Borough
Window Shades and
Mattresses of All
Mtltrcllci Made Over Equal To New
846 Broad Ave., Leonia
Phone Leonie 1430
on notes issued against this improve
Catholic Daughters
The Koast Beef and Spaghetti
; dinner held last Tuesday night at the
Knights of Columbus club house, and
I under the auspices of the Catholic
Daughters of America, of Coytesville,
was enjoyed heartily by all who at-1
tended. Great honor is due to those I
excellent chefs, Mrs. H. Mascola and
Mrs. J. Setzer, who took entire charge
of the preparation and cooking of the
dinner, assisted by Mesdames Atkins,
Sessi, Bowdin, Stenton, Wadlow, Dar
mody, K oh berg, and the Misses Alice
York and Margaret Kearney.
A meeting of the Central Auxiliary
was held on Wednesday at the Holy
Name Hospital which was attended
by Mrs. A. Wadlow, Mrs. C.. Moeser
and Mrs. M. Carney. At this meeting
the final plans for the Hospital’s June
Fair were discussed and arranged.
The Fair will take place on the
grounds of the Holy Name Hospital
on June 10, 11 and 12.
Don’t forget to attend the Engle
wood Hospital Auxiliary Lawn Party
to be held at the home of Mrs. F. N.
Webster, of Hudson Terrace, to-mor
row afternoon. '
The regular monthly meeting of the
Society was held at the Home last
Tuesday afternoon.
The meeting was largely attended
and the Treasurer reported receipts
amounting to $170.70 for the month
of May.
Interesting reports from numerous
committees on the forth-coming Festi
val, Dinner and Sale at the Home on
Saturday, June 12th', occupied much
of the session, and the Society ad
journed until the first Tuesday in
The Englewood members have
called a meeting for Thursday after
To Destroy Old House
The house which is said to be the
oldest in Grantwood, located in the
rear of the A. & P. store corner
Palisade and Lawton avenues will be
torn down and the property used for
2 - 16 family apartments.
The whole block was known years
ago-as the Lawsen Estate.
Title Companies Ass’n.
Hear Of Prosperous Times
The regular quarterly meeting of
the New Jersey State Title Associa
tion was held at the Robert Treat
Hotel in Newark on Wednesday, May
26, at 4:.10 p. m.
There was a decided increase in
membership. Sixteen applications
were received from Title Companies
throughout the State. The member
ship is practically 100% of all the
Title Companies and Trust Companies
doing title business in this State.
In his address, Judge Cornelius
IJoremus of Ridgewood, President of
the Association, alluded to the fact
that because of the. great activity in
! Rergen County the business of loan
■ ing money for building purposes, ap
plications for title policies and the
business of title companies in con
nection with the subdivision of proper
ty, had increased to a much larger
extent than in any other County in
the State. ' Vice President Casselman
of Camden called attention to the in
crease of business in Camden and ad
joining Counties brought about by the
Delaware Bridge between Camden and
Philadelphia. Reports from all over
the State showed a healthy increase
in this class of business which was
an evidence of much prosperity.
Cliffs Health Board Orders
Mosquito Ditchers Cleaned
A regular meting of the Englewood
Sliffs Board of Health was held Tues
day, June 2, at the schoolhouse. It
was decided to have the mosquito ex
termination ditches thru-out the Boro
cleaned out at once, and the secretary
was directed to have Mr. John Wunsch
do the work as soon as possible. The
Secetary was autbroized to issue per
mits for temporary cesspools to Mrs.
Lynch and to Mr. John Corring.
A communication from the State
Board of Health was received, stat
ing that where china or glassware
recepticals are used at Public stands,
either holing water or steam under
pressure must be available for three
minutes sterilization between ser
vices. However, sanitary paper cups!
may be used as heretofore.
A complaint was received regard
ing a barking dog and was held for
further investigation by the sanitary
Prisoner— Your honor— I am
not guilty for all that I had was beer
that was not intoxicating in fact, beer
declared so by the Hedge Act. I admit
I was drunk under the old Volstead
Act but not legally drunk under the
Hedge Act. I want to be honest Judge
and will admit I was practically
In the Churches ‘
CiifFside Park
In the Grantwood Congregationa
Church, the Rev. Samuel Millar o:
Paterson Congregational Church, wil
occupy the pulpit on Sunday Morninj
June 6, at 11 o’clock. Mr. Mille
comes highly recommended by the Re'
Dr, Carroll, superintendent of th
Atlantic States Congregationa
The evening meetings are discon
tinued for the summer season.
A very-'attractive luncheon appeal
ing in various ways to the group o
one hundred who are expected to b
present, is the Heinz Demdnstratioi
to be given on Wednesday, June t
in the Grantwood Congregationa
Church at 1 o’clock.
After the luncheon, motion picture
will be shown and the speaker is rc
commended as a specially interestinj
one. It promises to be a special!;
profitable and enjoyable occasion an
from interested to come, an offerin,
will be accepted, the‘ proceeds, as i
usual with the June luncheon, bein;
devoted to the Missionary Auxiliar
of the church which sends out muci
needed aid to the various branches o
the church in general all over thi
and other countries.
A delightful affair, most satisfy
ing in its artistic musical presentatio
of talent of high order, was the con
cert last week, given by the choir 0
the Grantwood Cong. Church.
The program included five choru
numbers by the large choir, and solo
by Mrs. E. Manahan, Mr. II. Melville
Mrs. Miller Sears and Mr. J. C. Goeh
ran who gave that old favorite o
years ago, “The Grandfathers IClock’
Variety in the program was intro
duced, further, by violin solos playei
by Miss Victoria De Trapani am
readings were given by Mrs. Edna A
Dettmer of Woodcliff, the whole per
formance being truly professions
smoothness and perfection.
Sunday, June 6 will be the fifteenti
anniversary of the Congregations)
Italian mission of Cliffside and Grant
wood and the occasion will be flttingl;
commemorated both at the four'o*do'c1
Italian service and at ■ the' i eigh
o’clock English Community, service
at which latter, stereopticon views o
the various phases of the life and pro
gross of the mission will be presente
from its beginning.
Decoration Day was observed by th
Men’s Club of the church, who as
sembled at 10 o’clock, then went t
the Fairview cemetery and place
wreaths of flowers orr the graves o
Thomas Dignaccio an old and honorei
deacon of the church, and Adolf Yiqssil
lo, a member of the church arid b
the club. „ - 1
The pastor, the Rev. S. C. Gozz
preached appropriate sermons o
Memorial Day.
A religious center was inaugurate
last Thursday in the church, unde
the auspices of the Protestant Tea
f ilers’ Association, which will be cor
linued for the benefit of the ydunge
and older people of all the neighbor
hood churches.
Trinity Episcopal Church of Grant
wood, is rejoicing in the acquisitief
of a new rector, the Rev. Richai
Tressy of the St. Paul’s church o
Fiatbush, who has served there a
curate under the Rev. Dr. Gardner
Mr. tPressy will occupy the pulpi
of the Grantwood church, next Sunda
June 0, and a reception in his hopoi
and his installation will occur in th
near future.
The Women’s Guild held its las
meeting for this season, in the Guil
Hall, on Wednesday afternoon. Be
sides the routine business, the matte
of the rectors’ reception was arrange*
and also the food sale for next Wed
June 9, in the Guild Hall, of whie
Mrs. Fred Dyer and Mrs. Safforc
will be in charge, and Mrs. Reevt
the president^of the Guild will hav
the care of the ice cream and straw
berries which will take the place o
the usual tea table, the social cente
:t the afternoon.
The Girls Friendly Society gave i
successful dance on Wednesday even
tag. .1.
The Food Sale for the benefit o
the Epiphany Parish Parochial schoo
fund, was held at the home of Mrs
George DopslofT, 72 Columbia avenu
and was largely attended. All kind
of home cooked food was on sale. Mrs
DopslofT was assisted by Mrs. Josepi
Pamental and Mrs. Anna Glynn,
Fort Lee
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Service
at 11 a. m., and 7:45 p. m. » , ,
Prayer meetings on Wednesda
i-evening -a.t»-8 o’clock.
Bethany Methodist Episcopal
Ch'urchf’ ’Sunday School at 10 a. m.
| Church service at 8 p. m.
| The regular meeting of the Para
1 i dyne Club will be held this evening.
I The Madonna “Roman Catholic .
!; Churclr Confessionals on Sat., at the
' | church from 4 to G p. m. and from
• I 7:00 to !) p. m., at both the church
:! and school. Masses on Sunday at the
I j’cHureh at 8 and JO: "0 a. m., and at
the school at l) a. m. only.
The fair and social under the aus- ■
- pices of the Holy Rosary Socity will |
- be held on Monday evening, June 7. j
j St. John’s ‘Lutheran Church. Sun- j
day School-.at .0:110 a. m. Church j
. ‘service at 10:45 a. m.
' - .The sermon topic for the morning
service on Sunday will be “The Holy
’ Trinity.”
i At 5 p. m., the Iley. Fi-ank Jena of
St. Paul’s Church, West New York,
’ will be the speaker at the special ser
vice celebrating the tenth anniversary
’ of the Rev. B. C. Weinlader’s pastor
\ ate in Fort Lee. There has been a
J slow but steady growth in all branches
of the Church’s work, and this special
* service is an expression of the cong
regation’s appreciation of Mr. Wein
- liwder’s-untiring efforts. Miss Lillian
~[Walters will render a solp, and they
L (w>ill be special music by the choir.
M's j ......
’ A large delegation from the Fort
3 Lee Branch of the Walther League
3 .Unit attended the'play at Union City
, "High. School on Wednesday evening.
F • The Lmlies’ Aid Society will hold a
jneeting- directly after the anniversary
. Service on Sunday* afternoon.
St. Stephen’s Protestant Episcopal
1 Church.
Morning prayer and Communion at
9 a. m. Sunday School at 10:.*?() a. m.
There will be special music by the
choir at the morning service. 1
Mr. and Mrs; -'Moranof Fifth Street
jgave a “spaghetti supper” for the
ichoir on Wednesday evening. This
was the last'choir rehearsal for the
-seasoh, so the members decided to cele
jbrate. Those present were; Mr. and
M>s.-A. Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
•ald Buckles, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wake
jh£hi;'Mr. and Mrs. F. La Grand, Mrs.
'A. Cooper, Mf: krid Mrs. Tl. Harvey,
jaift MVs." Duckies, Sr.
J: TnwmE *. •
The. monthly meeting of the Sunday
S< hool ((Keaclng’o i vri[l be held tonight
at* the home of Mrs. Johnson.
- Sunday - morning’s service at the
Church of the Good Shepherd, Fort
Lee, will be ^q^ieciujly observed in
honor of the recently confirmed class
of candidates, who will be received at
that time at their first communion.
The hour of the communion service
will be rendered as usual at eleven
o’clock. Special music will be render
ed by a double vested choir.
Dutch Reform Church
Church service at 11 a. m. Commun
ion, Confirmation, and reception of
nem mebers will be held at this time.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. There will
'' Jpejno evening service on June 0. On
thfc evening of June 13 Children’s day
t, :$ctvices will be held at 8 p. m. Fri
I day evening, June 11, will be the occa
' Sicjn of the thirteenth annual banquet
of jthe Men’s Club.
' •
| Holy Trinity Church
Devotions, anti a Triduum will
held at Holy Trinity next Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings in
honoy oY the Sacred Heart Devotions
on Friday. The Rev. F. VV. Reilly,
S. J., of Wodstock College, Mil., will
preach the sermons on these evenings,
assisted by the pastor, Father Mulli
Arguing with a policeman is about
as effective as turning on an electric
light in the daytime.
Gardner Lumber Supply Co..
. Sole Dlstiibiitoi'K for Nelson Slab
! Shingles
1545-525 49TH fTREET, UNION CITY
• 'Rhone Union 1427
jkngle Auto.Body & Radiator
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i D. BLACKMAN, Prop.
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Straightening of Bodies a Specialty
All work guaranteed at reasonable prices
James St., Corner Palisade Ave.
Englewood, N. J. Tel. 897M Englewood
Office: Paliradc, New Jersey
r* Phone Cliffside 915 ,H
UNION 7254
West New York Coal Co.
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is a prescription for
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it kills the germs
UNION 7254
West New York Coal Co.
322 Palisade Ave., Cliffsidc
No Coal?
Well you won’t need as much
if you put Storm Sash where your
your window screens are.
We carry them in stock and they
are not expensive. Ask for our
our price list.
Brewster & Son
Telephone 1400 Ridgefield Park
Willys-Knight and Overland
Phone Hackensack 4833
“His many friends will be delighted
o learn that Mr. Leander Smith, who
vas bitten by a mad dog week before
ast, will not have babies.”
Rockwell (Ky.) Reg.
New Jersey Fruit <?c Vegetable Market
Wholesale ami Retail
G91 Anderson Ave.f Grantwood, N. J.
Orders Called for & Promptly Delivered
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Wo have served
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115 BLUM ST.
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Try us and b<
Union City, N. J
After 6 P. M.
Union 5386
Palisade Barber Shop
P. Trapani, Prop.
Palisade Junction
' H. F. LUFF’S
—The favorite drink in Pal. Amus. Park—
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berries. Healthful and pure;"
Homes, stores and Parks supplied.
Garford continually provides econom
ical fulfillment of every hauling need.
One to Sever: and onc-half Tons
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Every Description
We can refer you to many of our
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schools i n your vicinty.
Union City
Shade Shoppe
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