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I REAL ESTATE, BUILDING •«' ALLIED TRADES i i qllllllirillllllllllllHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|llll|lllll|lirmillllIIIII|||HIIIIIUIIIIII|||||||||IU||||||||||||||||||HI|||||||||||||I||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||H||||ltll|l|||||lllll||l||,lllllll|l„,lll,ll,lll,|lll,||,,ll,lllllll,llllll|lli: BUILDERS J. GULLIKSEN Builder—Contractor Cor. Lawton and Hillside aves. GRANTWOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1888 Member of the Builders’ Association of the Palisades E. HOLMDALE Builder and Contractor GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliff side 1111 Member of Builders Ass’n. of Palisades GEORGE BOVE Builder and Contractor Bergen Boulevard and Trolley PALISADE, N. J. Phono ClilTsido 1749 Phone Cliffside 20S2W P. O. Box 25 ALEX DOBROWOLNY & CARL ZECHMEISTER CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Plans and Loans Furnished 456 Bagley Place Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1661 GEORGE OLSEN Carpenter and Builder Estimate* 'Furnished 456 Nelson Ave. Grantwood, N. J. PETER KNUTSEN Building Contractor 451 Nelson Ave., Grantwood, N. J. Phone 267 Cliffside Sigvartsen & Anderson General Contractors Carpenters and Builders Office: 406 Lafayette Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1530W PATRICK H. OATES BUILDER AND APPRAISER Houses for Sale and Built to Suit Garages built for $220. and up 16 Myrtle Ave., Edgewater Phone Cliffside 1424M PHILIP LEO BUILDER AND CARPENTER Alterations and Repairs i Porches Enclosed Office: Ridgefield, N. J. Phone Morsemere 695M A. LOCKWOOD Builder and Contractor Jobbing and Repairs Porch Enclosures, Etc, 1639 Anderson Ave., Fort Lee Phone* Fort Lee 465 BUILDING MATERIAL Gardner Lumber Supply Co. LUMBER Sole Distributors for Nelson Slab Shingles 515-525 49TH STREET. UNION CITY Phone Union 1427 Charles S. Shultz & Son. Dealers in Mason’s and Builders* Materials 1721 Willow Aye. HOBOKEN Phones Hoboken 995-2971 Patrick McClelland Dealer in Mason and Builders* Materials Brick, Lime, Cement, Lath* Plaster, Etc, FORT LEE, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 470 CONTRACTORS (GENERAL) John J. McGarry CONTRACTOR OFFICE: EDGEWATER, N. J. CONTRACTORS (General) G. W. Van Valkenburgh Builder and Contractor Alterations a Specialty 1064 Abbott Blv’d. PALISADE, N. J. Phone Cliffsidc 1239 Richard C. Pagliughi General Contractor Formerly Chief Inspector of Construction of Highways and Bridges of Bergen Co. 2041 LEMOINE AVENUE FORT LEE N. J. Phone Fort Lee 93W FELIPE DELLOSA General Contractor Excavating - Sewers - Improvements 257 CRESCENT LANE GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffsidc 82J Phone Fort Lee 370M C. Maceri and D. Cutrupi GENERAL CONTRACTORS Sewers - Blasting CONCRETE WORK Hudson St. Fort Lee, N. J. Echo Contracting Company Cementing, Conereteing and Excavat ing, general contractors MAIN STREET, FORT LEE Phone Fort Lee 412W FRANK CAVALIERE Rock Excavation and Concrete CONTRACTOR 2050 Hoyt Avc., Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 302 Louis DiSciascio, President M. Ferretjans, Secretary Bergen Contracting Co., Inc. TEL. CLII'TSIOE 798 - 1 iGU-M 385 LAWTON AVENUE GRANTWOOD, N. J. RICHARD J. FOX, Jr. * GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3G7 Pleasant Ave. Granlwood New Jersey Phone Clifryide 48 ■ EDWIN D. NEW GENERAL CONTRACTOR Excavating, Sidewalks, Sewer Con nections, Rockwotk a Specialty 94 MAIN ST. FORT LEE, N. J. Telephone Fort Lee 257 Frank Battaglia & Sons ' CONTRACTORS Excavations—Sewers—Roads ANDERSON AVE. FAIRVIEVy Phone ClifTside 1186 PERTICARI & RENDA CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in Concrete Rock Excavating 379 ClifT Street, Fair view, N. J. JOSEPH PAGANESSI GENERAL MASON & CONTRACTOR” Stucco work a specialty; estimates cheer fully given; jobbing promptly attended to. 305 32nd St., Woodcliff, N. J. UNION 806 * f TEL. CLIFFSIDE 373M PETER O’ HAR General Contractor and Builder 220 SIXTH ST. CLIFFSIDE N. J. Pres., Sam Linardi Sec’y. John Vedelli | SAM L INARDI & Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cellars Excavated, Foundations Built, Cement Walks Laid 253 Crescent Lane Grantwood, N. J. '•* Phone Cliffside 267 M --- ELECTRICIANS BERGEN ELECTRIC and APPLIANCE CO. ELECTR AGISTS LIGHTING FIXTURES Edison Mazda Lamps 243 Lawton Ave. Grant wood, N. J. Cor. Palisade Trolley Lino Tel. Cl ill-.side 1905 FERD. A. WEIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR "Wiring for Light, Heat, Power Motors, Fixtures, Supplies 306-308 Palisade Avenue CLIFFSIDE, N. J. Phone Clilfside 1214R EDWARD J. NOLAN Electrical Contractor 408 HIGHPOINT AVE. UNION CITY Phone Union 7380 IRON WORKERS Telephone Cliffside 1622 CLIFFSIDE IRON WORKS E. PINOTTI, Prop. —Structural and Ornamental— * 313-31S SECOND STREET Bet. Walker and Cliff Sis. CLIFFSIDE FREDERICK SCOTT Plumbing & Heating Expert Westvicw Ave., Ridgefield Phone Morsemere 2225 Membei National Association of Master Plumbers C. LEEGER & CO. • MERCHANT PLUMBERS AND HEATING CONTRACTORS All kinds of slate and asbestos roofing sheet metal work, gutters and leaders Lawton Avenue and Trolley Phone: ClifTsid.e 221 Grantwood REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE CADIEN and PETERS Real Estate and Builders 695 Anderson ave Cor. Grant ave. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES PHONE CLIFFSIDE 766 “Own your own home by all mean*" “We build for your, sell for you and buy for you" REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE “Investments With Safety” CONSULT A. H. Lueders & Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ANDERSON AND KNOX AVES. GRANTWOOD, N. J. PHONE CLIFFSIDE 158 and 1593 HARRY BARBER Real Estate and Insurance Cor. Anderson & Grccnmount Avcs. GRANTWOOD, N. J. PHONES: ClifTside 1693 Union 5962 DUFFY AND THOMAS Inc. REALTORS • Bergen County Properties Bought—Sold— Exchanged 673 Palisade Ave., fJrantwood, N. J. Phone ClifTside 111)6 356-368 Ocean Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Phones Bergen 7076-7077 P. Lo Bello and Son, Inc. BUILDERS Realtors Insurance Mortgage Loans 622 Palisade Ave. 404 Anderson Ave. Grantwood Cliffside Park Phones: Cliff side 1634—366 BEIRNE and BOHM REALTORS 253 Grant Ave., Cor. Trolley Line GRANTWOOD, N. J. Members Real Estate Board, Grant wood —Palisade Phono ClifTside 416 IN GRANTWOOD SINCE 1899 P. J. CARNEY # •—REALTOR— Real Estate Grantwood, N. J. Member Real Estate Board Grant wood—Palisade PHONE FORT LEE 40 Fidelity & Casualty, American Alliance, Sun Indemnity,New Jersey Niagara, Sun GEORGE H. SCHLOSSER - REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 206 Main Street Fort Lee CLIFF REALTY CO. Houses, Acreage and Lots Bought and Sold J. H. BORD Lcmoine Ave., & WjishiiiKton Ave. COYTESV1LLE Phones Fort Lee 1670—1671 FRANCIS A. BANVILLE REALTOR AND INSURANCE Office: 319 Palisade Ave.,. Cliffside (Old P. O. Building) Phone Cliffside 365J Secretary's OHiee of Cliffside Building and Loan Ass’n. MAHONEY REALTOR CLIFFSIDE 1700 IF IT’S REAL ESTATE, SEE Gerrity and Bloomberg Insurance in All It's Branches 205 JERSEY AVE., CLIFFSIDE, N. J. Phone Clirr.ide 2070 North Jersey Title Insurance Co. Guaranteed Mortgage Investments Titles to Real Estate Insured Capital Funds....$700,000.00 Hackensack Morristown JOSEPH STRADA CONCRETER Sidewalks, driveways and curbs 431 Tenth street, West New York, N. J. PHONE UNION 3337 Choice Lots Acreage And Houses In BERGEN COUNTY CONSULT F. J. LEULY — REALTOR — 609 Anderson avenue Grantwood, N. J. Phone Cliffside 2764 ARTHUR J.ROONEY BEALE JTATE G-'INJ’URANCE Broadway At Thirty-first Street, Woodcliff-on-Hudson, N. J. Phone Palisade 4000 Fort Lee Bridge Realty Corporation , Specializing in Acreage and Houses in the Bridge Zone Selling Agents H. D. Schall and Associates Palisade Junction Phone Cliffside 890 Arthur M. Agnew Jasper S. Allard, Jr. Agnew &. Allard, Associates REALTORS and INSURORS MORTGAGE LOANS Van Valen Bldg. (Opp. Court House) Hackensack , Telephone 2500 C. RICHARD President Telephone Cliffside 31 A. BACHETTI Treasurer Cliffside Park Construction Co. Contracts Taken for Buildings of All Kinds Houses, Apartments, Factories, Theatres, Churches, Stores OFFICE: 356 PALISADE AVENUE, CLIFFSIDE PARK, N. J. Drainage Problems . SATISFACTORILY AND PERMANENTLY SOLVED BY USING THE RAPID DRAIN PIPE Manufactured by Herman Walker Realty Company Main Office: 72 24th St., Guttenberg. Phone Union 245 Factory: Little Ferry Phone Hackensack 650W Also walker concrete bricks and blocks in any shade. Walker roofing Tile in Spanish and French Designs in any color I Former Mayor And Otto Peters Form Partnership Former Mayor John C. Cadien of Clilfside Park ami Otto Peters, two well known men in Bergen County have opened a real estate and insur ance office at 095 Anderson avenue, (Corner Grant avenue), Grantwood. Mr. Cadien has been in the reality business for several years, and Mr. Peters is a builder of many years ex perience. Both men have years of practical business training behind them. Their knowledge of values, and the building problems will-prove a val uable asset to those who wish to buy, sell or invest in real estate or have a home built. Their offices at the above address have just been completely renovated and are now open to the public. Attractive Window Display At The C. Leeger Company A number of improvements have been made in the showroom and win dows of the C. Leeger Company on Lawton avenue and the trolley line in Grantwood. Each evening several baby spots shed their colored light on an Orr Si lent Automatic Oil Burner that the Leeger Company is agent for. It is said to be one of the best types of old burners on the market and is in operation all the time. The Leeger Company cordially Invites the public to inspect the machine without obliga tion. Li f/iil Advertisements Borough of Cliffside Park ORDINANCE “AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR ES TABLISHING THE (JADE OF AND GRAD ING AND IMPROVING OP' PLEASANT AVENUE TO FLORENCE PLACE: WIL LIAMS PLACE FROM PLEASANT AVENUE TO THE NORTHERLY END OF WILLIAMS PLACE: AND FLORENCE PLACE FROM PLEEASANT AVENUE TO AURORA AVE NUE. IN TH BOROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK AND FOR PAVING WITH MACA DAM THE.ROADWAY IN SAID STREETS FROM CURB LINE TO CURB LINE. AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS ON EACH SIDE OF SAID STREETS, AND FOR ORDERING AND INSTALLING SERVICE CONNECTIONS WITH THE WATER, GAS AND SEWER MAINS IN SAID STREETS. AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OP' THE COST THERE OF.* * BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of ClifLside Park: •Section 1. That the grade of Pleasant avenue from Anderson avenue to Florence place; Williams place from Pleasant avenue to the northerly and of Williams place; and P’lorence place from Pleasant avenue to Aurora avenue, be and the same are hereby fixed and established as laid down on a certain map now on file in the Office of fixed and established as laid down on a the Borough Clerk, entitled, “Grade Map of Pleasant avenue from Anderson avenue to P'lorence place: Williams place from Pleasant avenue to the northerly end of Williams* place: and Florence place from Pleasant avenue to Aurora avenue. Borough of Cliff side Park, Bergen County, N. J.. 1926“ pre pared by McClave & McClave, Borough En gineers. Section 2. That Pleasant avenue from Anderson avenue to P’lorence place: Williams place from Pleasant avenue to the northerly end of Williams place: and P’lorence place from Pleasant avenue to Aurora avenue, be graded for their full width accoiding to the grade established therefor. Section 3, That said streets shall be improved by the construction of a Tar Macadam base with Topeka Top from curb line to curb line, and that such drains, catch basins and basin connections which may be necessary for storm water drainage be con structed therein, all in accordance with the plans ami specifications prepared by the Borough Engineers, and now on file in the Borough Clerk’s Office. Section 4. * That a concrete curb shall be constructed on both sides of said streets as shown on the plans therefor, prepared by McClave & McClave. Borough Engineers, and now on file in the Borough Clerk's Office. Section 5. That a concrete header curb be constructed at intersecting streets, and that all manholes, water boxes, water gates, be reset to proper grades, where necessary. Section C. That Pleasant avenue from Anderson avenue to Florence place; Williams place from Pleasant avenue to the northerly end of Williams place;’ and • Florence place from Pleasant avenue to Aurora avenue, be improved by the installation of water, gas ami sewer mains in said streets, in accord ance with the plans and specifications made by McClave & McClave, Borough Engineers, and now on file with the Borough Clerk. Section 7. That said water, gas and sewer connections shall be installed by the owners of all land or lands on the line of said improvement within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance. Section 8. That in case the owner or owners of any land or lands in front of which said connections are to be made, shall not comply with the directions contained in this ordinance within the time herein speci fied, the Borough will make and cause said connections to be made and pay the expense thereof, which cost and exepense shall he assessed upon the lands henefitted thereby. Section 9. That the said improve ments shall he undertaken as local improve ments and the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the lands in the vicinity thereof bene fitted thereby to the extent of the benefits, pursuant to the provisions of Articlt XX of Chapter 152 of the Laws of 1917, of New Jersey, as amended. If the amount of such assessments shall not equal the amount of the cost of the improvements, the difference between the cost of the improvements and the amount of the assessements shall be paid by the Borough. Sect'nn 1<>. That, the sum of Twentv Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) is here by appropriated to pay the cost of said im provements, and for the purpose of meeting said appropriation and temporarily fnanc injr said improvements, temporary bonds or notes shall be Issued from time to time in an amount not to exceed Twenty Five Thou sand Dollars ($25,000.00) pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 of Chapter 252 of the Laws of 11*16 of New Jersey, as amended, which bonds or notes shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum (6 per cent) per annum. All other matters in respect to such temporary bonds or iiotes, shall bo determined by the Mayor, Borough Collector and Borough Clerk, who are hereby authorized to execute ami issue said temporary bonds or notes. _ Section 11. That this ordinance shall take etTect upon its publication and as re quired by law. Approved September 1'L 1>‘26. JOSE I'H W. M AKINI, Mayor. Attest: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the fore going ordinance was given its third and final reading at a regular meeting of the 1 In rough Council of tin- Dotoilgh of Cl ilTsidc I‘ark anti was approved by the Mayor on S«-pt',iub«,r 13. H»2t>. AETHER H. ADR AMS, Ibirough Clerk. 0-17-lt. NUNZIO SCALO Trucking Contractor Excavations Removal FA1RVIEW, N. J. Phone Cliffside 467