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iiuiiiimiiin gHuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiimniiiiiiiiniiiiiiHHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiimiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiminmiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimniiHiiiiiiiiniiiniimimmiimiiiiiiiiiimmiimi,MiiHiiimiiiiiiitiiinniiiiiiiimiimiiiiiit£ REAL ESTATE, BUILDING - ALLIED TRADES iiiiimmiiiiiiiMmiiiiiiimmimiiiiimmimiiim BUILDERS J. GULLIKSEN Builder—Contractor Cor. Lawton and Hillside aves. GRANTWOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1888 Member of the Builders’ Association of the Palisades E. HOLMDALE Builder and Contractor GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone CUffside 1111 Member of Builders Ass'n. of P&lis&des GEORGE BOYE Builder and Contractor Bergen Boulevard and Trolley PALISADE, N. J. Phone CUffside 1749 Phone Cliffsido 2082W P. O. Box 26 ALEX DOBROWOLNY & CARL ZECHMEISTER CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PlanB and Loans Furnished 456 Bagley Place Crantwood Phone Cliffside 1661 GEORGE OLSEN Carpenter and Builder Estimates Furnished 456 Nelson Ave. Grantwood, N. J. PETER KNUTSEN Building Contractor 451 Nelson Ave., Grantwood, N, J. Phone 267 Cliffside Sigvartsen & Anderson General Contractor* Carpenter* and Builder* Office: 406 Lafayette Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1S30W PATRICK H. OATES BUILDER AND APPRAISER Houses for Sale and Built to Suit Garages built for 6220. and up 16 Myrtle Ave., Edgewater Phone Cliffside 1424M miiimmimmimmmmmiiimmiiiimiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii CONTRACTORS (General) G. W. Van Valkenburgh Builder and Contractor Alterations a Specialty 1064 Abbott Blv’d. PALISADE, N. J. Phone Cliffsidc 1239 Richard C. Pagliughi General Contractor Formerly Chief Inspector of Construction of Highways and Bridges of Bergen Co. 2041 LEMOINE AVENUE FORT LEE N. J. Phone Fort Lee 93W FELIPE DELLOSA General Contractor Excavating - Sewers - Improvements 257 CRESCENT LANE GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffside 82J Phone Fort Lee 370M C. Maceri and D. Cutrupi GENERAL CONTRACTORS Sewers - Blasting CONCRETE WORK Hudson St. Fort Lee, N. J. NUNZIO SCALO Trucking Contractor Excavations Removal FAIRVIEW, N. J. Phone Cliffside 467 FRANK CAVALIERE Rock Excavation and Concrete CONTRACTOR 2050 Hoyt 4Avc., Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 392 Louis DiSciascio, President M. Ferretjahs, Secretary Bergen Contracting Co., Inc. TEL. CLIFFSIDE 703 - 1160-M 385 LAWTON AVENUE GRANTWOOD, N. J. RICHARD J. FOX, Jr. CENERAL CONTRACTOR 367 Pleasant Ave. Grantwood New Jersey Phone Clilfsitle 48 EDWIN D. NEW GENERAL CONTRACTOR Excavating:, Sidewalks, Sewer Con nections, Rockwork a Specialty 94 MAIN ST. FORT LEE, N. J. Telephone Fort Lee 257 Frank Battaglia & Sons CONTRACTORS Excavations—Sewers—Roads ANDERSON AVE. FAIRVIEW Phono ClilFnide 1186 ■ . - - PERTICARI & RENDA CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in Concrete Rock Excavating 879 Cliir Street, Fail-view. N. J. JOSEPH PAGANESSI GENERAL MASON & CONTRACTOR* Stucco work a specialty; estimates cheer fully given; jobbing promptly attended to. 305 32nd St., Woodcliff, N. J. UNION 806 TEL. CLIFFSIDE 373M PETER O’ HAR General Contractor and Builder 220 SIXTH ST. CLIFFSIDE N. J. Pres., Sam Llnardi Sec’y. John Vedelli SAM LINARDI & Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cellars Excavated, Foundations Built, Cement Walks Laid 253 Crescent Lane Grantwood, N. J. Phone Cliffside 267 M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS NICHOLAS R. CREAN PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 2 29tli St., Woodcliff, N. J« PHONES: Union 8858—Murray Hill 4078 ROBERT S. DAVIDSON Plumbing and Heating Office—Grantwood Phone Cliff side 704 J Member of Master Plumbers Asa'n. of Bergen County ROBERT M. BERNARD Sanitary Plumbing - Heating New Work and Jobbing OFFICE—RIDGEFIELD, N. J. Phone Morsemere 2284 FREDERICK SCOTT Plumbing & Heating Expert Westview Ave., Ridgefield Phone Morsemere 2225 Membci National Association of Master Plumbers C. LEEGER & CO. MERCHANT PLUMBERS AND HEATING CONTRACTORS All kinds of slate and asbestos roofing sheet metal woj-k, gutters and leaders Lawton Avenue and Trolley Phone: Cliffside 221 Grantwood REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE CADIEN and PETERS Real Estate and Builders 695 Anderson ave Cor. Grant ave. i INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES PHONE CLIFFSIDE 766 “Own your own home by all means'* “We build for your, sell for you and buy for you’* BEIRNE and BOHM REALTORS 253 Grant Ave., Cor. Trolley Line GRANTWOOD, N. J. Members Real Estate Board, Grant* wood—Palisade Phone Cliifside 416 IN GRANTWOOD SINCE 1899 P. J. CARNEY —REALTOR— Real Estate Grantwood, N. J. Member Real Estate Board Grant wood—Palisade PHONE FORT LEE 40 Fidelity & Casualty, American Alliance, Sun Indemnity.New Jersey Niagara, Sun GEORGE H. SCHLOSSER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 206 Main Street Fort Lee UNION 7254 COAL West New York Coal Co. Tel. ClifTside 1080 Estimates Furnished N. MANNING CONTRACTING ANI> JOBBING Screens and Storm Sash Made to Order 777 EDGEWOOD LANE, GRANTWOOD 30 Lots on bridge line near river. Reasonable to quirk buyer WHITE and BRUDIE 452 PALISADE AVENUE, CLIFFSIDE PARK, N. J. Phone ClifTside 744 COPPOLETTA BROS., INC. BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 452 Palisade Avenue ClifFside Talk, N. J. JOSEPH STRADA CONCRETER Sidewalks, driveways and curbs 431 Tenth street, West New York, N. J. PHONE UNION 3337 Choice Lots Acreage And Houses In BERGEN COUNTY CONSULT F. J. LEULY — REALTOR — 609 Anderson avenue Grantwood, N. J. Phone Cliffside 2764 ARTHUR J.ROONEY REAL E/XAIE 6-> INSURANCE Broadway At Thirty-first Street, Woodcliff-on-Hudson, N. J. Phone Palisade 4000 Fort Lee Bridge Realty Corporation Specializing in Acreage and Houses in the Bridge Zone Selling Agents H. D. Schall and Associates Palisade Junction Phone Cliffside 890 Arthur M. Agnew Jasper S. Allard, Jr. Agnew & Allard, Associates REALTORS and INSURORS MORTGAGE LOANS Van Valcn Bldg. (Opp. Court House) Hackensack Telephone 2500 GEFRO SUPPLY CO. DEALERS AND JOBBERS Stoves, Ranges, Boilers and Heaters Gas and Electric Stoves and Heaters Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves WE CARRY IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF STOVE, BOILER AND HEATER REPAIRS 606 DERGENLINE AVENUE WEST NEW YORK, N. J. Telephones: Palisade 280 and 281 We make Deliveries to Suburban Towns Notary Public Telephone Cliffsidc 31 C. RICHARD REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 356 Palisade Ave. Cliffisde Park, N. J. Member of Granlwood-Palisade Real Estate Board C. RICHARD President Telephone Cliffside 31 A. BACHETTI Treasurer Cliffside Park Construction Co. Contracts Taken for Buildings of All Kinds Houses, Apartments, Factories, Theatres, Churches, Stores OFFICE: 356 PALISADE AVENUE, CLIFFSIDE PARK, N. J. Drainage Problems SATISFACTORILY AND PERMANENTLY SOLVED BY USING THE RAPID DRAIN PIPE Manufactured by Herman Walker Realty Company Main Office:-72 24th St., Guttenberg. Phone Union 245 Factory': Little Ferry Phone Hackensack 650W Also walker concrete bricks and blocks in any shade. Walker rooRng Tile in Spanish and French Designs in any color Another Auto Mishap At Dangerous Corner Last Saturday evening about eight o’clock one of those accidents occurred which happen frequently at the corner of Washington and Lemoine avenues, Coytesviile. Mr. and Mrs. Hilkman, of Short street, this town, turned west into Washington avenue and were struck by a car behind them driven by Fred Kohlberg, of West Fort Lee. Mrs. Hilkman was slightly injured and shaken up by the accident but was able to go home after medical attendance. The rest of the party went to. the Fort Lee police station to settle differences of opinion about the cause of the accident. To Attend Banquet Fort Lee baseball fans are planning to attend the third annual banquet of the North Jersey Baseball League, which will be staged at the Hotel As tor on October 9. At that time the trophy for the leadership of he league will be award ed to the winning team, and other for-J mal action will be consummated. There will be dancing following the dinner, which will be served at 7 p. m. Bobby Ros.scamp, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosscamp of Myrtle avenue, is seriously ill and has been removed to a New York Hospital. Miss Helen Webber spent the last week-end visiting friends at Port Washington, L. I. JACK MARTINI General Contractor Excavations and Street improvements > 26 Mahan st., Tenafly Phone Hackensack 2768 Legal Advertisements Borough of Cliffside Park ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT | AX ORDINANCE UNTITLED "AX OR 1 111XAN('E TO PROVIDE FOR EKTAB I MKill NO THE GRADE OE. AND ] GRADING. OUR RING AND IMPROV ING OF COLUMBIA AVENUE. FROM i PALISADE AVENUE TO ANDERSON AVENUE. IN THE HO ROUGH OK [GUI RESIDE PARK, AND FOR PAV ING WITH BITUMINOUS MACADAM THE ROADWAY IN SAID STREET. AND FOR ORDERING AND INSTALL ING SERVICE CONNECTIONS WITH [THE WATER. GAS AND SEWER mains in said street, and for PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF • THK COST THfsffiBOK." Approved jAu^ust 10th, 1D25. I 1U-; IT OKOAWED. by the Mayor land Council of the Borough of Cliff side Talk: Section 1. That there is hereby ap propriated, in addition to the sum ap j propriated in the Ordinance to which this is a supplement, the further sum of $2,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost of the improvement provided in the ordinance to which this is a supplement, which jfum shall be raised by the issuance of temporary improvement bonds or notes, from time to time, as may be required, in an amount not exceeding: said sum of $3,000.00, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 of Chapter 253 of the Laws of 1016 of New Jersey, as amended, which bonds or notes shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. All other matters in respect to such tem porary bonds or notes shall be deter mined by the Mayor, Borough Collec tor and Borough Clerk, who are here by* authorized to execute and issue I said temporary bonds or notes. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take I effect upon its publication and as re quired by law. Approved September 27. 1 2B JOSEPH W. MARINI Mayor. Attest: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the fore going ordinance was given its third and final reading at a regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of ClifTsida Park and was approved by the Mayor on September 27, 1026. ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. Borough Clerk iO-l-lt Borough of Cliffside Park ORDINANCE AN* OIUHSANCE TO SFPPEKMENT AN ORDINANCE ENTITHED "AN OR HINANi'K TO HtOVIDE FOR KSTAll HISHINO THE GRADE OK. AM) GRADING. iTIUMNG AND GUTTER. INC OK KKAKNEV AVENUE. FROM GDGEWATER AVENUE TO GREEN MOUNT AVENUE, IN THE ROROUGH OF CH1FFSIDK I'AUK, AND FRO VID1NC FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST THEREOF.” Approved Arntust 21th, 1P1!r.. RE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the llurough of Clift side l’;j.rk: ^Section 1. That them is hereby ap propriated, In addili-n to the sum ap propriated in the Ordinance to which this is a supplement, the further sum of JtiOO.Oii or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay tit*- cost of the improvement provided irt tire ordinance which this is a supplement to. and which sum shall be raised by tire is suance nf temporary improvement bonds or notes, from time to time, as may be required in an amount not to exceed said sum of $t',00.oo pursuant to the provisions of Section El of Chapter 252 of tiro Haws of P.llti of New Jersey, as amended, which bonds or notes shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum (6',{ ) per annum. AH other matters in respect to such temporary bonds or notes shall be determined by the Mayor, Rorouyh Collector and llorotiirh Clerk, who are hereby authorized to cxccuto and Is sue said temporary bonds or notes. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication and as re quired by law. Approved September 27, 1926 JOSEI’H W. MARINI Mayor. Attest: THIS IS TO CERTIFY thut the fore x'oinn ordinance was yiven its third and final icadiiur at a regular meetinir of the Borouph Council of the Borourrh of Cllirside Park and was approved by the Mayor on September 27. 1926. ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. Eiuuu^h Clerk HM-1L