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In the Churches Women Feel Church Bazaars, Etc., Dwarf The Spiritual Life Of Church No bazaars, cake sales, candy sales, church fairs, apron sales, shows or the like will be permitted by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Grantwood Baptist Church, which held its first meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. August Luedcrs, in Grantwood. These things are strictly prohibited in the by-laws and consti tution adopted. It is the contention of the society life of the church, and that they have no place in connection with divine worship. Furthermore, the Ladies’ Aid So ciety is unique in another point— it will be supported by the payment of dues. It is the intention of the so ciety to finance its work and meet all requirements by free will offerings. At the meeting Wednesday after noon the following officers were elected: Mrs. Florence Swanson, pres ident; Mrs. Helen. Peters, vice-presi dent; Miss Alice Lueders, secretary; Miss Ella Hartman, treasurer. Cliff side Park ITALIAN MISSION AND COM MUNITY CHURCH Italian Mission and Community) Church (Congregational), Jersey and Commercial avenues, Cliffside, Rev. S. C. Gozzo, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Ital ian Church Service at 4 p. m., every Sunday. Sunday, Oct. 3 will be Rally Day in both the Sunday school and the Church service, the Sunday school ral ly at 9:45 a. m., and both organiza tions meeting together at the after noon service at which the pastor will have a special service and for which he has secured special and very at tractive music. Professor Robcrti and Madame Nun giato, professional musicians who have removed their studio from New York to West New York will give an at tractive program of violin and vocal selections, and much may be anticip ated from these world travelers and accomplished artists. A large atten dance is expected. The Men’s Club will meet Friday evening this week and the Sunday evening meetings will reopen on the second Sunday in October. LUTHERAN CHURCH Trinity Lutheran Church, Columbia avenue and Trolley, Grantwood. Bible school at 9:30 a. m., Divine service at 10:45 a. m. every Sunday. v : Boy Scouts, Tuesday evenings. On the first Monday in October a confirmation class will be organized for the coming year. All children should be enrolled at the fii'st meeting. On October 6 the first mid-week service will be held. These meetings have been arranged for our members so that they may attend as many as possible and to afford them opportuni ty to invite their friends. The Ladies' Aid will meet on that day also, Wednesday, October G, at 2:30 p. m., in the church room. On Monday, October 4 the church council will hold its meeting at 8 p. m., in the church. Holy Communion will be administer ed next Sunday morning, October 3. Kindly announce your intentions to the pastor, Rev. Frank J. Schwarz. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Congregational Church, Columbia and Anderson avenues, Grantwood. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., Morn ing service at 11 a. m., every Sunday. Christian Endeavor meetings Tufcsday evening. On Sunday, October 3 the new pas tor of the church, the Rev. Silas Rees, will occupy the pulpit. On Thursday evening, October 7 the Bazaar will be opened at 8 o’clock immediately after the Cafeteria sup per to be served from 6 to 8 o’clock in the church parlor, all home cooking by some of the best cooks in the county. On Friday evening “Aunt Dinah" and her three daughters,-Topsey, Din ah-and Jcmfna will serve hot waffles, syrup and coffee. The Bazaar will be open early on Friday afternoon, as well as evening and will offer fancy and useful arti cles, novelties, aprons, stationery, flowers, plants, hardware, aluminum ware, Christmas cards, groceries and many others. A playroom with toys and sand box will be furnished with some one in charge to entertain the children so every one is invited to come out and not stay home on account of the little ones. Trinity Episcopal Church—Services at Trinity Episcopal Church, Palisade avenue, opposite high school,; the Reverend Mr. Pressy, rector. Service arc as follows: Sunday School 9:30. Morning service 11 o’clock Sunday. Confirmation classes Tuesday, 5 and 7 P. M. Last Friday afternoon the rector addressed the women of his parish, who gathered at his invitation in the Guild Hall. His address included the accomplishments of the past and out lined work to be done this year. The Women’s Guild will hold it: opening meeting for this season next Wednesday afternoon, October C, in the Guild Hall and sewing for the orphan children of the House of th; Good Shepherd, Hallowell, Maine, will be taken up at each regular meeting. A euchre party is to be given each month in the Guild Hall in charge of Miss Marie Nichaus, beginning Tues day, October 19, the proceeds to In for the new addition to the church Under auspices of the newly or ganized “Fleur de Lis” club of girls the first fall dance will bc( held Fri day, October 8, in the Guild Hall. Epiphany Church—The card mod ley, given by Mrs. Ahearn and Mrs Fox last Monday evening for tin benefit of the “Sunshine fund” of the Catholic Daughters of America, of Grantwood Epiphany Church, wa: held in Epiphany Hall, instead of or the hostesses’ lawns, owing to the cold weather. It was well attended and really so cial, this being more the object than financial gain. About sixty goo< prizes were awarded, Mrs. Ubricl and Mrs. Byrne being among tin winners. Euchre, pinochle, Bridge and “500’ were the games and several non-play ers’ prizes were given as well as door prizes. The hostesses were assisted by Mrs. Glynn, Mrs. Horan and Miss Lucy Madden. Fort Lee MAUUJNNA (K. U.) CJrlUKCli— Masses at the Madonna Church on Sunday will be as usual at 8 and 10: 30 a. m., and at the school on Lemoine avenue at 9 a. m. This will be Holy Rosary Sunday. BETHANY METHODIST EPIS COPAL CHURCH—Morning service at 11 a. m., and Sunday school at 10 a. m. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH—At the morning service at St. John’s Lutheran Church, the Rev. B. C. Weinlaeder, pastor, will preach on the topic, “The Greatest Question of the Law, and “What Think Ye of Christ—Whose Son Is He?” Sunday School will be at 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATIONAL MIS SION—Services at the Interdenomina tional Mission will be at 11 a. m., and 7:45 p. m., and Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Coytesviltc ST. STEPHEN’S PHOTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH—Sunday school at 10:30 a. m., evening prayer and sermon at 8 o’clock. After service on Sunday evening tho vestry held its regular monthly meeting at which the action taken at the Parish meeting was ratified. The warden, Mr. A. M. Herrmann will present the plans for the proposed al terations and additions to the Bishops and after consent has been obtained, the Building Committee will proceed with its work. It is expected that no mortgage or loans will be necessary as there is approximately $0,000 in cash for the project. , Convention October 15 “One of tho best arranged and most comprehensive programs ever offered to a Bergen County audience” is the comment made by a prominent church man when referring to the Conven tion to be held on Friday, October 15, 192(1 in the First Presbyterian Church, Rutherford, New Jersey. This is the Sencond Annual Conven tion of the Bergen County Council of Religious Education formerly known as the Bergen County Sunday School Association of which E. J. Brookins is President. There will be three ses sions; morning 9:45; afternoon 1:50; and evening 7:50. Miss Doris Sehlege, of Morningside avenue, ClifFside, who has been con fined to her home for the past week with an attack of the grippe, is now up and around again. Mrs. J. Hattemer, of Clark terrace, ClifFside, who has been very ill af her home for the past two weeks, is low convalescing. ———■- ----- There With The Goods! Growing every day, making new friends and holding old ones. That’s the record we have been making these last 23 years. It’s really surprising how many have en listed in our ranks of GOOD DRESSERS and how many are signing up to satisfac tion every day. Avail ing themselves of the Dignified Credit Service extended you at this truly great store. If you are one of the ex ceptions who haven't as yet responded to the many great in ducements offered you the fault is no doubt ours —We’ve simply not been forceful enough in driving home the fact that you NEVER PAY MORE—but HAVE MORE TIME TO PAY Why not come in to day and open a “Charge Account?” Open Monday and Saturday Evenings * Kramer & Co. 213 Newark Ave. Jersey City, N. J. A THOUGHTFUL, capable organization makes such a service as ours possible. Each detail is arranged with the tact that suggests the interest of a loving care. (tgfi SENLEY M.MONROE funeral director**1" 2579 GRANTWOOD. N.J. ME- „ PETER HEFT BUILDER & CONTRACTOR FORT LEE, N. J. PHONE FORT LEE 1823 SHAMROCK 6 ONE DIAL Distance Guaranteed at 8 P. M. Loud as Local Stations. Real Selectivity. EASY TERMS ATWATER KENT FREED-EISEMAN STROMBERG RCA ZOLLER’S MUSIC HOUSE 983 Bergenlinc ave., Union City _Opp. 48th st. The Grant-Lee Delicatessen John J. Clark, Prop. Imported and Domestic Delicacies Standard Brand of Groceries 807 ABBOTT BOULEVARD, PALISADE Home Made Salads Fresh Daily UNION 7254 COAL West New York Coal Co. CARL ROTTACH, Inc. :t:t HAST Iar.tli ST.. V A. Surgical Appliances Halter of TIMSSKS. AIIDOHIWL n\\i)\<;i:s, f.lastic iiosiukt, L’ltl TCIII'lS, i:tc. riiOXU HAUliKM G1 10 The Excellent RESTAURANT OFFERS AN UNUSUAL ■ Table D’Hote Dinner WEEK-DAYS AND SUNDAYS Served from Ndon until Closing Club Breakfasts EVERY MORNING Various Combinations with Excellent Suggestions COMPLETE A LA CARTE SERVICE IF PREFERRED COOL, COMFORTABLE DINING ROOM, EXCELLENT SERVICE AND PERFECT APPOINTMENT — AND THE BEST FOOD THE MARKET AFFORDS. . *. 10 WEST PALISADE AVENUE ENGLEWOOD Opposite City Hall Phone Englewood 11)75 SHORTHAND SECRETARIAL BUSINESS AND j ENGLISH COURSES Actual Business Experience is of fered in our Hank. Railroad and Rost Office Departments. RICHMOND BUSINESS COLLEGE I 10 IS!h Street t or. Dcnfj- Avo. In ion City, IV. J. Phone Union 3768 A SERVICE OF SINCERITY i .'ie Original Mrs. Wm. NECKER Co. Funeral Directors 515-43rd St. Union City (Formerly Main St., Union Hill) DIRECT } UNION 120-121 Lady Attendant. Open Day & Night Out of town calls prompty attended to without additional charges Use of Our New Funeral Home Free = New Low Prices on Both the “WHIPPET” and the “OVERLAND SIX”] = The Reductions Range From $40.00 to $120.00 5 New Delivered Prices = Whippet Touring, $715—Whippet Coupe, $760—Whippet Sedan, $770] H Overland Six Touring, $905—Overland Six Coupe, $905 [ : Overland Six Sedan, $915—Overland Six Sedan De Luxe, $1065] 1 WILLYS-KNIGHT and OVERLAND MOTOR CARS | E. V. DONALD, Dealer Phone Cliffside 467 | 168-170 Palisade avenue Cliffside, N. J. Real Cliff Lots atop the Palisades 120 Business Apartment House SITES SOI) FEET ABOVE THE HUDSON RIVER NEAR DR. BATE UNO'S PALISADE AVE. HOLDINGS AND ONLY 2000 FEET FROM THE PROPOSED FORT LEE BRIDGE PLAZA On Sylvan Avenue (a continuation of Lcmoine Ave.) Hudson Terrace,' Van Nostrand Ave. and intersecting streets ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N. J. To be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION - This Saturday, October 2nd To dose out the hold inns of WID REALTY CO., Inc. at 2 I\ M., in large tent, on the premises, rain or shine These lots have their main frontage on two state highways: Churches, Schools and stores are nearby. The largest apartment house in New Jersey is being erected in Englewood not far from these lots. WATER, GAS AND ELECTRICITY AT THE PROPERTY 70% on installment contract Representative on property Title guaranteed Send for booktnap PERRIN & GARDNER, Agents LOUIS A. FINKELSTEIN, Esq., Attorney 210 Main Street* Fort Lee, N. J. Tel. It'S!) Fort Lee 156 Market Street, Newark, N. J. FREE TITLE POLICY WILLIAM KENNELLY REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER 149 Broadway, New York '_JF; Incorporated Real Estate Auction Specialists for 80 Years Telephone Hanover 1020