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Named by Indians P.nth Paraguay mid Uruguay are -Guarani Indian names. Uruguay means river of waters, referring to Hie numerous triliutaries; possibly from ury-guay, meaning a bird's (urn) tail (guny)—resembling a waterfall. Which spreads like a bird's tail. Para guay means the golden water, possibly fjwrn the water fowl called paragnu. Apex of Politeness G. H. L. writes: “Politeness reaches Its supreme test in the assumption of cheerful interest when an unwelcome guest tells a funny story.” Ancient Lore of Pearl* Pciirl.s have lieen found in the btirlfil places of ancient man. They assumed a progressively greater Im portance as civilization advanced to Is modern height. There is scarcely a people, past or present, which did or does not count pearls among the most valued of its possessions.—Nature Magazine. Tribute to Laughter I like the laughter that opens the lips and the heart, that shows at the game time pearls and the soul.—Vic tor Hugo. aiimtiiiimitiiiifiMitii ltltlflllllltlflltlll«IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll||||||||||||||||K|||||||||tt|||||i||||||,t|||l||ffl|||||l||lll|t|||t|||iril|lfllll|||lll||||||t|nt|1|t|||fV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Phone 1448 Cliffsidc Phone 2002 Cliff tide — RATE — First Insertion 2c Per Word Each Subsequent Insertion, lc Per Word Minimum Charge, First Insertion 30c. Subsequent Insertions ISc.' Payable in Advance—Billing Charge 5c. viiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHHiiiiiHiiinmmHHMg iHmiiiiimmimiiiiitiHii Automobiles AUTOMOBILE INSUHANCE-- AH formH; policies quickly burnished; reliable com panies, satisfactory t. settlements; lowest rates. Nelson Neumann, 574 Palisade nve., Grantwood. Phone ClifTside>207.S. 4-30-3 mo. USED CAR BARGAINS— Packard club sedan Packard 5 passenger sedan Packard roadster Nash sedan . Chandler sednn » Moon touring 1 * Jewett, touring Twi ford touring . ,l Mnimon touring Lexington touring * •‘IF YOU BUY IT FROM ADAMS IT’S A BARGAIN/* FRED H. ADAMS Day and Night (i a nitre. Palisade ave., (near Kdgewater road), Cl I If side, N. J., Phone 760 ClifTside. AUTOMOBILES COMPARE THESE PRICES AND SAVE MONEY 1920 Essex Coach Bergain 1919 Cadillac 6 passenger $176. Late 1924 Blue bird Overland $175. 1920 Ford Coupe $335. 1*922 Buirk touring 0 passenger $106. 1-922 4 eyclinder touring $136. ' 1924 Ford coupe $175 1922 BIk 0 studehakcr Touring $150,« and many others Private Dealer DALHEIM ANDERSON AND KNOX AVENUES GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffaide 2710 For Sale FOR SALE—-Living room and dining room furniture. 512 Palisade avenue. Grant Wood, N. J. Phone ClifTside M59-W. 9-24-2t FOR SALE a victrolu ami a large assortment of records, $25. S. B. Richmond, 804 And erson avenue, Palisade, *9-1 0-41 FOR SALE — Kitchen range in good condition Will sell cheap. Phone Clilfside 862M. * , 8-20-comp. BEFORE buying or Helling in Grantwood, Palisade or Cliff aide, consult Arthur J. Rooney, 965 Broadway, Woodrlitf-on Mudsun, N. J. Phone Palisade 4000. 3-22-lyr. FOR SALE House with four lots, east of Palisade avenue,_all modern Improvements,' ow,premises, cun' l>e"seeif T>y 'a-)»fVolnt jnent. fi. Siegrir.t, 90 Crescent avenue, Grantwood. Phone 4 24 Cliffside. 9-2-81 FOR SALE—GRANTWOOD BAR GAIN. 2 BRICK STORES (LEAS — ZO ED TO GOVERNMENT FOR FiVF Vo<; pop po^T OFFICE). FRAME tNEr.~ "• (CORNER) BUILDING. WITH 3 STORES & 3 APARTMENTS NF.TS 10 PER CENT. ADDRESS CHARLES SMITH. OWNER. 408 MOUNTAIN VIE WRD.. ENGLEWOOD. N. J.. OR PHONE 152 ENGLEWOOD. 10-l-3t. FOR SALE—GRANTWOOD BAR GAIN-ESTABLISHED CANDY & ^IGAB STORE.. .— LOCATED NEXT JO NEW TO NEW P. O. BUILDING. MUST SELL OWING TO HUS BA- - - _ JAND’S DEATH MRS. SUTTON. P. O. BUILDING. GRANTWOOD. N. J. 10-l-3t. POR SAIF—RF.AF FSTATE—MOD , HOUSE. 8 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. JN & SLEEPING PORCHFS. HOT ATER. FINE LOCATION. BFAIJTI PHON E152. MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. ENGLEWOOD. N. J. 10-1-31. Wanted HOMES ami Lots, send your listings to Frank O'Connfell, 204 Main st.. Fort Lee, N. J., Phone 113 Fort Lee 6-11-tf For Rent FURNISHED ROOMAlso 2 rooms for lif^ht housekeeping. 1050 Anderson ave : _____ 9-24-lt 1’OR RENT Room for rent with or with* I out board. Franklin avenue, Grantwood. Reasonable. Phone 314-R ClifTside. 0-24-tf. I’ORE RENT - Nice large furnished room, near Junction and Ferry. 80 Warren avenue. Phone 1044 ClilVhide. I’OR RENT - Sunshine Apartment! Flre l*la<;e, screened piazza, large beautiful grounds, Five rooms, furnished, unfurnished, heated. Attractive surround* i jugs, convenient to everything; refined res ident owner, desires similar tenants. Edge water Heights. Phone (10 ClifTside. 9-17-tf FOR RENT - one large well furnished sun ny room for one or two. All modern con veniences. Near all car lines and ferries. Call 184 Cl i If side, Address 225 Franklin ave nue, (Jrnnlwood, N. J. 10-1-It. \ FOR RENT— upper floor of 2-family house (» rooms, all conveniences, separate en trances on Columbia avenue, (1 rant wood. Phone ClifTside 1020. 10-1 -2t ., FOR RENT —Furnished room and kitchen ette for light. house-keeping. References exchanged. Apply to Mrs. Delnfolie, 3 De lafoiie lane, Fort Lee, N. J. M0-l-4t FOR RENT—1064 Abbott boulevard, fur nished room, hoard optional. Phone Cliff side 1280. Von Valhiberg. lo-l-2t. FOR RENT— for light manufacturing or storage purposes. Daylight basement with over 3000 square feet of floor space on County highway in ClifTside Park Palisades Printing Corp., 647 Gorge road, Grantwood, Phone 2002 ClifTside. 6-lfl-tf c. FOR RENT—Two large connecting rooms with private bath, light) housekeeping privileges, also two single bed rooms, all modern conveniences, near ferry and car line. Mrs. C. Carlson, 225 Franklin avenue, Grantwood, N. J. Cali 184 Cliffside. 9-3-4t Help Wanted WANTED, assistant janitor for school No. 4 Grantwood. Salary $1,450 Per Annum. The Hoard of Education of the Borough of ClifTside Park, N. J., will receive applica tions for this position at a meeting to be held on Friday, October. 8, 1026 at 8:30 o'clock P. M. JOHN F. KELLY, District Clerk. 10-1-lt HELP WANTED—A young girl to do light housework. Call Clitfside 1881. Mrs. Boter 670 Grove avenue, Grantwood. ■10-1-lt. • WANTED n housekeeper for general house work in small family, steady. References required. Apply evenings, 804 Anderson avenue, Pulisade. *9-10-4t IN NEW JERSEY IN BERGEN “ ^ IS __ UP _ _ ... COUNTY. THIS FACTORY IS BE ING MOVED ‘ FROM NEW YORK. PERMANENT CONNECTION. FI NANCIAL INTEREST RFOUIRFD PLUS CAPABILITY AND DE SIRE TO WORK. EX-.. OPPORTUNITY FOR “ MAN. Write Box 18. Pal isac*'3. N. J. 10-1-lt. AND Ot alisadian. Pul Miscellaneous PROPERTY OWNERS - Who require in Hurance of any kind, mortgage loans, or who wish to buy, sell or rent, see Nelson Neumann. 574 Pnlisade avenue, Grantwood. N. J. Phone ClifTisde 2078. 3-19-12t CHAIR CANING—All kinds of caning and weaving: Albert J. Derfus, Second Street Coytesville. Phone Fort Lee 4 30 \ 6-19-13t FOR RENT FINE UP TO DATE OFFICES IN NEW BANK BUILDING Suitable for Lawyer, Dentist or any profes sional purpose. READY FOR OCCUPANCY OCTOBER 1st. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 41 ANDERSON AVENUE FAIRVIEW, NEW JERSEY Legal Advertisement* Legal Advertisements Borough Of Cliffside Park NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Ordinance entitled. "AN ORD INANCE AUTHORIZING THE: ISSUANCE OF .$22:1,000 ASSESSMENT BONDS OF THE ROROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY,” was introduced and read at a meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park, held on the twen ty-seventh day of September, 1020, and that the said Ordinance will be con sidered by the Mayor and Council at a meeting to be held at the Borough Hall, on the Eleventh day of October, 1920, at 8:00 o’clock P. M., at which time a hearing on such Ordinance will be given to all persons interested therein The above mentioned Ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $220,000 ASSESSMENT BONDS OF THE BOROUGH OF CLIFFSIDE PARK, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY. WHEREAS, the Borough Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park, in the County of* Bergen, has completed the several local improvements des cribed in the Scheudle hereinafter set forth, and there are now outstanding and unpaid special assessments heretofore levied and confirmed on account of each of said improvements, in not less than the respective amount shown by said Schedule; and WHEREAS, the Borough Council has ascertained that the last install ment of said spfccial assessments levied on account of said improvements will become delinquent in the case of each improvement not more than two years prior to the respective date appearing in said Schedule: SCHEDULE $ 543.07 2,084.18 442-40 3,442.44 1,005.89 27,570.00 1,894.09 3,128-23 Date Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15,- 1937 A. Construction of sidewalks in the following portions of streets in said Borough: i Improvement Kssments (1) Cliff street from Anderson avenue to Public Service right of way (2) Dewey avenue from Edgewater ave nue to Oakdene avenue (3) Greenmount avenue from Anderson avenue to Oregon avenue (4) Lawton avenue from Anderson ave nue to Palisade avenue (5) Main street from Palisade avenue to the Public Service right of way (0) Paliftade avenue from the North Borough Line to the South Borough Line (7) Jefferson avenue from Lawton ave nue to Lafayette avenue (8) Nelson avenue from Anderson ave nue to West Borough Line B. Grading, paving, curbing or otherwise improving the following por tions of streets in said Borough: (1) Cliff street from Anderson avenue to Public Service light of way (2) Dewey avenue from Edgewater ave nue to Oakdene avenue (3) Greenmount avenue from Anderson avenue to Olympia avenue (4) Gorge road from Laird avenue to Palisade avenue (5) Gorge road from' Laird avenue to South Borough Line (f») Kamena street from Public Service right of way to West Borough Line (7) Lawton avenue from Anderson ave nue to Palisade avenue (8) Anderson avenue from Cliff street to North Borough Line „ (9) Dewey avenue from Edgewater ave nue to Oakdene avenue (10) Greenmount avenue from Anderson avenue to Olympia avenue (11) Oakwood avenue from Prospect ave nue to Columbus place (12) Bender place from Laird avenue to the east end (13) Main street from Palisade avenue to Public Service right of way (14) Lincoln avenue from Anderson ave nue to West Borough Line (15) Jefferson avenue from* Lawton ave nut to Lafayette avenue C. Installation of lateral sewers in the following ^portions of streets in said Borough: • • ,.. (1) Greenmount avenue from^Gorge road. to Olympia avenue (2) Oakdene avenue from Anderson ave nue to Dewey avenue and Dewey avenue from Oakdene avenue to 100 feet north of Edge water road (3) Walker street from Palisade avenue to Gorge Bond . $10,951.44 4,708.04 1,455.93 38,300.71 0,470.24 9,171.31 $17,249.20 20,084.19 12,037.99 5,047.19 3,332.24 5,400.30 3,089.50 14,305.31 5,030.07 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 19.37 Oct- 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1037 Oct. 15, 1937 Oct- 15, 1937 Oct. 15, 1937 $0,887.04 Oct. 15, 1930 7,803.28 2,900.31 Oct. 15, 1930 Oct. 15, 1930 TOTAL • $222,949.91 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Council .of the Borough of Cliffside Park, in the County of Bergen, New Jersey, as fol lows: " Section 1. Pursuant to Chapter 252 of the Laws of 1910 of New Jer sey, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, negotiable bonds of the Borough of Cliffside Park, in the County of Bergen, to be known as “Assessment Bonds”, and to be dated October 15, 1920, are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $223,000, lor the purposes hereinafter stated, for which purposes the sum of $228,000 is necessary to be raised Section 2, The money to be raised by the issuance of said bonds shall be applied to the payment of that part of the cost of the local improvements described -in the preambles hereof which has been specially assessed on property specially benefited, in the respective amounts specified in said pre ambles, and to the estimated costs of tha issuance of said bonds in the amount of $50.09 Section 3. In the event that there is any outstanding temporary in debtedness, incurred for the portion of the cost of said local improvements’ hereinabove described, the money herein authorized to be applied to the cost of such improvenihnts shall be applied to the payment of said indebt edness. Any authority heretofore given for the issuance of temporary bonds or notes for said portion of the cost of said local improvements in excess of the amount of bonds hereby authorized is rescinded and revoked. Section 4. The following matters are hereby determined and declared nursuant to the requirements of said Chapter 252 of the Laws of 1919, as amended: (a) TRe facts stated in the above Schedule are true. (b) All special assessments upon property specially benefited by the several local improvements described in the above Schedule have been levied ami confirmed. (c) The period within which the bonds to be issued on account of each of said improvements should be paid, computed from October 15, 1926, i» a period ending on the respective date set forth in said Schedule. (d) The average of the said different periods (taking into considera tion the amount of bonds to be issued on account of the several improve ments in connection with which said periods are determined), is a period beginning October 15, 1920, and ending October 15, 1956. (e) The average assessed valuation of the taxable i-eal property (including improvements) of the said Borough of Cliffside Park, in the County of Bergen, computed upon the next preceding three valuations there of, in the manner provided in Section 12 of said Chapter 252 of the Laws of 1910, as amended, is $5,299,770. (f) The net debt of the said Borough, computed in the manner provided in said Section 12, as amended, is $570,940.80. (g) The statements required by said Section 12 (showing the said net debt, etc.), have been made and filed with the Borough Clerk as therein required. Section 4- This ordinance shall take effect in the manner provided by law. ARTHUR H. ABRAMS, Borough Clerk. 10-l-2t Two Children Hurt Two Fort Lee school children have met with minor accidents recently. Helen Reisner, of Palisade avenue and Whiteman street fell on the side walk of No. 1 school and dislocated her right shoulder. Edward Eagan, of Edwin avenue, met with a similar accident while roller skating near his home. An X-ray photo revealed a broken left wrist bone. Both children are being treated at their homes. The girls use a lot of paint these days. Some of them even make up their minds.—Our Navy. Qualified Praise ■ “So that college professor spoke fa vorably of our sou?'' said the foml toother. “Sort of favorably,” un svrercd the father. “He said there was no danger of his growing up to be one of those pedants who never know' anything except what they get in books.”—Washington Star. Loser's “Waterloo" When Napoleon fought-, the battle, of Waterloo he met l|!s greatest de feat. It was a decisive one, which marked the beginning of tjie' end of his career. From this circumstance we use tlie word “Waterloo” to signify that one has met defeat in so. decisive a way as to preclude the hope of fu ture success. “Ye Good Old Days” "Ve" in this expression is merely the Anglo-Saxon or old Knglish metli od of printing the nrlielo “tlie.” The j pronunciation of “i he" does not change | when it Is printed “ye." However, frequently it is incorrectly or humor ously pronounced, “yee" like the old pronoun “yp.”—Pathfinder Magazine. Ancients Used Umbrellas 1'mbrellns are said to have boon known as far back ns the early days of \inevah and I’ersepolis, for repre sentations of them appear l'reqnentl.v In the sculptures of those early (lays. The women of ancient Home and Greece carried them, but the nipn never did. Hr.ra in Sunday School Some commotion was caused at the Ho ford (Wales) Methodist. Sunday school recently when a hare dashed into the schoolroom, sfiys the Cardiff Times. Tile unusual visitor was cap tured l>.v the secretary after an excit in'' chase. No one knows where the animal came from. landau-sedan "895 •ODT »? FISHER Power is one reason for | Pontiac Six popularity* Powered by the largest six-cylin- permanent source of power too. I der engine used in any car costing Beauty, comfort, economy and | less than $1000, the Pontiac Six ex- roadability—in all these qualities the i hibits a performance range entirely Pontiac Six represents a decisive de- i new in its field. Power to soar up parture among low-priced sixes. Yet, j unis* rower 10 lug smootmy and steadily through mud and sand. More poiver than ftny other six at its price—and a on the basis of power in relation to wheelbase, weight and price, ! it ranks as the one outstanding i 'engineering triumph of the day*), ! J PonrtocSte, Sedan or Coupe, $S2S. Oakland Six, companion to Pontiac SI*, fl 1025 «• AUpric** at factory. Easy to pay on the liberal General Motor* Tim* Payment Plan. OAKLAND AND PONTIAC AGENCIES ARROW GARAGE and REPAIR CO., Armory street, (Off Palisade ave.) ENGLEWOOD, N. J. Tel. Englewood 1822 Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings FRELOND MOTOR SALES CO., 961 Bergenline ave., (Nr. 31st st.,) WOODCLIFF, N. J. Tely Union 1548 Open 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. “Buy RUUD” She Says MAMMY has to “live” with the water heater you buy. She uses it for washing clothes, washing dishes and scrub bing floors. Mammy says, “Buy RUUD” and so will the rest of your family. RUUD costs but little more than ordinary water heaters and is worth a great deal more. Its ten quality features make RUUD a permanent investment in hot i water comfort and contentment. RUUD is automatic, not semi automatic. It answers every hot , water call. Its battle-ship con struction makes for low mainten ance cost. Its proved design gives you more hot water per dollar than any other method. Buy now, while bed-rock prices j'lfcnd terms are effective. lit tewn-il months to tor jroar old water heater—30 Doy* Free Trial Wise buyers are buy ing NOW. Prices and terms are at bed-rock. The small down payment in stalls your RUUD now. Enjoy it as you pay the balance monthly. Ten Reasons Why RUUD Is Worth More 1. Proved design since 1889. 2. Battle-ship construction. 3. All-metal “gas-saving” thermostatic moment valve. 4. High—efficiency granu lated cork insulation. 5. Super-weight and super value tank. 6. “Premium” copper tub ing of 17 and 18 gauge. 7. Water circulators of cop per with brass fittings. 8. “Easy to clean” two piece burners. 9. Non-corrosive pilot burner. 10. Heater shell of heavy cast iron liner. X