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[ummiiuiHiutHiiMiinu*: .'■iihHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiitii REAL ESTATE, BUILDING - ALLIED TRADES ..jiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? BUILDERS J. GULLIKSEN Builder—Contractor Cor. Lawton and Hillside aves. GRANTVVOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1888 Member' of the Builders’ Association of the Palisades E. HOLMDALE Builder and Contractor CRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Ciiffside 1111 Member of Builders Ass’n. of Palisades GEORGE BOVE Builder and Contractor Bergen Boulevard and Trolley PALISADE, N. J. Phone ClilTslde 1749 riione Cliffside 3110 P. O. Pox 20 ALEX DOBROWOLNY CONTRACTOR & BUILDER* CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Plans anil Loans Furnished 456 Bagley Place . Crantwood Phone Cliffside 1661 GEORGE OLSEN Carpenter and Builder F.stimate* Furnished 4.00 Nelson Ave. Crantwood, N. J. PETER KNUTSEN Building Contractor 401 Nelson Ave., Crantwood, N. J. Phone 267 Cliffside Sigvartsen & Anderson , General Contractors Carpenters and Builders Office: 406 Lafayette Ave., Crantwood Phone Cliffside 1530W PATRICK H. OATES BUILDER AND APPRAISER Houses for Sale and Built, to Suit (iarages built for^ $220. and up 10 Myrtle Ave.f Edgewater Phone Cliffside 1424M PHILIP LEO BUILDER AND CARPENTER Alterations and Repairs Torches Enclosed * OITice: Ridgefield, N. J. Phone Morsemere 695M A. LOCKWOOD Builder and Contractor Jobbing and Repairs Porch Enclosures, Etc. 1530 Anderson Ave., Fort Les Phone: Fort Lee 465 BUILDING MATERIAL Gardner Lumber Supply Co. LUMBER Sole Distributors for Nelson Slab Shingles 515-525 49TH STREET, UNION CITY Phone Union 1427 Charles S. Shultz & Son Dealers in Mason's and Builder.’ Materials 1721 Willow Ave. HOBOKEN Phones Hoboken 995-2971 Patrick McClelland Dealer In Mason and Builders' Materials Brick, Lime, Cement, Lath, Plaster, Etc. FORT LEE, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 470 CONTRACTORS (GENERAL) John J. McGarry CONTRACTOR OFFICE f ' • EDGEWATER, N. J. >• • ft CONTRACTORS (General) Richard C. Pagliughi General Contractor Formerly .Chief Inspector of Construction of Highways and Bridges of Bergen Co. 2041 LF.MOINE AVENUE FORT LEE N. J. Phone Fort Lee 03W FELIPE DELLOSA General Contractor Excavating - Sewers - Improvements 2r,7 CRESCENT LANE CRANTWOOD, N. J. ** Phone Cliffside 82J Frank Battaglia & Sons CONTRACTORS Excavations—Sewers—Roads ANDERSON AVE. FAIRVIEW Phone Cliffslde 11SG PERTICARI & RENDA CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in Concrete Rock Excavating 379 Cliff Street, Fairview, N. J. JOSEPH PAGANESSI GENERAL MASON & CONTRACTOR' Siu(‘co work a specialty; estimates cheer fully given; jobbing promptly attended to. 305 32nd St„ Woodcliff, N. J. UNION 800 TEL, CLIFFSIDE 373M ’ PETER O’ HAR General Contractor and Builder 220 SIXTH ST. CLIFFSIDE N. J. Pres., Sam T.inardi Seo'y. John Vedelli SAM LINARDI & Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cellars Excavated, Foundations Built., Cement Walks Laid 253 Creecent Lane Grantwood, N. J. Phone Cliff side 267 M Phone Cliffaitle 396 ^ , CAPORALE BROTHERS Contractors Fairview, N. J. Anderson Ave. and Katnena St. ■. ■ ■ . ''' ELECTRICIANS BERGEN ELECTRIC and APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRAGISTS RIGHTING IIXTUREH Edison Msiv.ilst Lamp* 243 Lawton Avt*. Oran t wood, N. J. Cor. Palisade Trolley I.ine 'I’el. ( Iill side I HOT* FERD. A. WEIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Wirinyr for Liyht, Heat, Power Motors, Fixtures, Supplier SOC-BOS Palisade Avenue CLIFFSIDE, N. J. Ph%>e ClifTside 121-1R EDWARD J. NOLAN Electrical Contractor 408 HIGHPOINT AVE. UNION CITY Phone Union 7380 IRON WORKERS Telephone Cliffside 1622 CLIFFSIDE IRON WORKS E. PINOTT1, Prop. —Structural and Ornamental— 313-315 SECOND STREET Uet. Walker and Cliir Sla. CLIFFSIDE NORTH HUDSON WIRE FENCE MFC. CO. Wire Femes of Every Description 03 ami 05 ADAMS ST., GUTTF.NBERG Phone UiHon 0387 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating of the better hind OTTO HANSEN 417 Wnshinyton Ave. (iUANTWOOD. N. J. Phone 1DI5M CARL L. MUTZE Interior Decorations Screens find Paintings --Flowers a Specialty — 740 Anderson Ave., Grant wo od Phone Cliffside 218 R. F. STAEHLE & SON PAINTERS AND DECORATORS — PAPKRIiANC.INC— 1.11 Undeicliir Avenue Edjrewnter Eslimnles Cheerfully Furnished Phone Cliffside 2501 PLUMBERS NICHOLAS R. CREAN j PLUMBING CONTRACTOR \ 2 2!)tlr St., Woodtliff, N. J. PHONES: Union 8SG8—Murray Hill 4078 CADIEN and PETERS I Real Estate and Builders : C95 Anderson ave Cor. Grant ave. | INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES PHONE CLIFFSIDE 7(30 , •'Own your own home by all means" "We build fur your, sell for you and j buy for you" j REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE “Investments With Safety” CONSULT A. H. Lucders & Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ANDERSON AND KNOX AVF3. CRANTWOOD, N. J. PHONE CLIFFS1DE 15S ami 1593 HARRY BARBER Real Estate and Insurance (.'or. Anderson & Greenmotint Avra. CRANTWOOD. N. J. PHONES: Cliffsifle 1G03 Union 59C2 M. J. RYAN REALTOR Herzen County Properties Pon^li t— iSohl—Kk< hftnged Phone Cliffside 14!)<i 673 Palisade Ave. Grantwood Member Real Fstate Hoard of the Palisades P. Lo Bello and Son, Inc. BUILDERS Realtor* Insurant* Mortgage l.oans r.:>2 Palisade Ave. 4 04 Anderson Ave. 0 ran I wood Cliffside Park Phones: Cl iff side 1634—3fi6 BEIRNE and BOHM REALTORS 2H3 Ornnt Ave., C-or. Trolley Lina grantwood, n. j. Members Real Relate Board of the Palisades Phone CliiTairie 410 _IN GftANTWOOTl SINCE 1809 P. J. CARNEY —REALTOR— Real Estate Crantwood, N. J. Member RcrI R.Hnle Hoard nt the Paliaades PHONE FORT LEE 40 Fidelity & Casualty, American Alliance. Sun Indemnity.New Jersey Niagara, Run GEORGE H. SCHLOSSER HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 305 Main Street Fort Lee CLIFF REALTY CO. Houses, Acreage and Lota Bought and Sold J. H. BORD ■ Lemnine Ave.. 4- Wnjdiinqtnn Ava. tOVTE.SVH.LE Phone* Fort Lee 1670—I6T1 FRANCIS A. BANVILLE REALTOR AND INSURANCE Office: 319 Palisade Ave., OifUlda (Old P. O. Building)' Phone (liffside 36SJ Secretary’* Office of ClifTtlrie Building and Loan Asu’ii. MAHONEY REALTOR CLIFFSIDE 1700 IF IT’S REAL ESTATE, SEE Gerrity and Bloomberg Inauranra in All It’D Branch** 205 JERSEY AVE., CLIFFSIDE, N. J. Phone Cliffiide 2070 North Jersey Title Insurance Co. Guaranteed Mortgage Investment* Title* to Real Estate Insured Capital Funds.... $1,000,000 Hackensack Morristown ' I . . w s ■ ■ J '■■■■■■■■■ill. ... . 1 • • - HERMAN MARTIN Contractor Improvements and road work .".Or, Rrnad five., J.T'ONIA Phone Leonia 1965 ' West New York Coal Company N. MANNING CONTRACTING AND JORRINC. Screens ant) Storm Sash Mad* to Order 777 f.DGF.WOOD LAN)', GRANT WOOD Phone PliflVide 714 COPPOLETTA BROS,, INC. BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 4 52 Palisade Avenue OliAside Paik, N. J. 1*. NAPOLI AND SONS -Jewelers I linmonds, Clocks, Silverware, Optical Goods • Expert repairing-Work Guaranteed Dianianils art while yon wait Two S to I'OS 7?,6 ANDERSON AVE., (I rant, wood 1 r>r, M A IN STREET FORT LEE E. SCHUMANN & SON'S Roofing - Sheet Metal Works Telephone Union 607 Modern VentilUtfnjr, also, by Expert*, f or prattle*! roofing of every description 113-115 38tli street. Union City, N. J. HANDWF.RK BROTHERS Painters, Decorators and Paper Hungers 4 PAI/TRADR AVRNUR, Cliffside A- 141 Until -tnet, Guttculierjf J’iione: 1‘A I .IR A.RE 241ti ARTHUR J.ROONEY REAL £ J'TA'VE & INSURANCE Broadway At rhii-ty-fir&l Street, Wocdiliffon-Hudson, N. J. Phone Palisade 4000 Fort Lee Bridge Realty Corporation Specializing in Acreage and Houses in the Bridge Zone Selling Agents H. D. Sehall and Associates Palisade Junction Phone Cliffside 890 Arthur M. Agnc-w Jasper S. Allard, Jr. Agnew & Allard, Associates REALTORS and INSURORS MORTGAGE LOANS Van Valen Bldg. (Opp. Court House) Hackensack Telephone 2500 GEFRO SUPPLY CO. DEALERS AND JOBBERS Stoves, Ranges, Bond's and Heaters Gas and Electric Stoves and Heaters Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves WF. CARRY IN STOCK A FlJli I.INF. OF STOVE, BOILER AND HEATER REPAIRS 60G; avf.nuf. WEST NF.W YORK, N. J. Telephones: Palisade 280 and 281 We make Uelioeries to Suburban Townt 3=-- --- ' ' - I | Telephone Cljffside 31 Notary Public a* C. RICHARD REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 356 Palisade Ave. Cliffisde Park, N. J. Member of Cranlwoad- Palisade Real Estate Board Drainage Problems jj SATISFACTORILY AND PERMANENTLY SOLVED P>Y USING THE RAPID DRAIN PIPE M.i nu factored Jiy Herman Walker Realty Company Main Office: 72 2tlh St., Cottenherg. Phone Union 245 Factory: Little Ferry Phone Hackeniack 650W Alga walker concrete bricks and blocks in any shade. Walker roofing Tile In Spanish and Trench Daiigns in any color 'News Story On Exact Bridge Approach Not Confirmed By Leary Newark Paper Said Approach Would Start At Lemoine Avenue, No Statement Made By Port Authority. The Newark News on Wednesday of last week stated that the Hudson Itiver It ridge approach on the Jersey side would come out oil Lemoine ave nue but apparently there ha? Iteen no official statement hy any of the Port Authority officers to substantiate thjs statement. William Leary of the Port of New York Authority has said that as far as lie knew the Port of New York Authority did not issue any authorita live-statement regarding-the location of the Hudson River Hridge. “Of course, 1 cannot discuss flic matter to any extent not knowing the full contents of the Newark Evening News’ story,” he said. "I know that it was announced three weeks ago, that the probable lo cation on the New York side would |bo between 178 and 170th streets, j Where on the New Jersey side I can ! | not say. “I never heard of Lemoine avenue j I before. ■i “Of course you understand the Inw j; provides that we may place the bridge j, between a much wider section than jjihat between 178 and 170th streets.' “If any statement lias been issued .by this office concerning the location of the bridge I do not know anything about it.” Pressed further, Mr. Leary intimat ed that had such a statement been is sued he would have known it as a member. j Mrs. Fred Stohl Opens New |; Dining Room In Ridgefield - 11 Mrs. Prod .Stohl, too well known in this section to need further introduc tion, has opened,_an eating place of jexceptional merit called “The F.ittle ! Dining Room,” on t.he corner of VigiL and Abbott avenues, in Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Stohl conducted the Marion restaurant at afi Marion ave . one in Grantwood for a number of years coming here from West Hobo* | ken. I.ater they opened a restaurant 'on Sylvan avenue in Englewood Cliffs land the last of their restaurant ven !turps was the “Old Homestead,” near ! Tuppan, N. Y. j Mr. Stohl is still leading a fanner’s 'life in the upper part of the County land Mrs. Stohl has come to Ridgefield.. Rig’s knuckles and sauerkraut are j still on the menu for Saturday nights jand she invites all her old patrons in ‘anil around Cliffside Park to pay a ivisit to her new establishment. i _ Di Sciascio To Head Bergen Contracting Co. j At the meeting of the stock hold ers of the Bergen Contracting Com Jpuny, of Grantwood, the officers for the. year were elected as follows: Lui gi Disciascio, president, re-elected: Philip Disciascio, vice-president; Mi chael Ferretjans, secretary and treas urer. The company ,. has j purchased a j StuilebaW ear-.Us^ (-^r^tinas gifU.tW* A. Clark, fot^ierly’asSOtiatied wilh fiS^ firm of MeCJave and McClave, The .alaries have been fixed for the pre sent year, and it was decided to huve j:t temporary office at tlliO Palisade ave . j rme, while the new office building' is 11 being erected. It is expected the new 11 building will be started early in ijlhe spring and that it will be ready | i for use by next fall. Auction Sale Saturday To close out the holdings of the N. and H. Holding Corporation, William Kennedy, auctioneer, will sell 47 lots located on Sylvan boulevard, Engle wood Cliffs, N. J., on next Saturday, lanunry 2d, at 2 p. in., in the Iliria graph Studio on Lemoine avenue, Fort Fee, N. J. These lots are only two blocks from Palisade avenue, a well known tho roughfare which goes directly through the community of Englewood. It is at the intersection of Sylvan boule vard and Palisade avenue that Dr. C. V. Pate'rno, the prominent apartment house builder of Manhattan, has pur chased u large tract of land for fu ture development. The new Hudson Iliver Bridge Pla /.■i is only about one mile south of these Englewood Cliirs lots and they are also within the zone of activity which will 1r> created with the opening of the new vehicular tunnel in the early part of this year. Gilvan, Inc., of Lemoine avenue, Fort. Lee, N. J., are the agents for this Englewood • dill’s sale. Among the young folk who attended tho Delta Sal dance in New York City, on Saturday evening were, Miss Geraldine Stunnek of Lincoln avenue, and Joseph Vandeweghe of Edgewater Heights, Cliffside. « • \ t \