Newspaper Page Text
iimiimiitmiiinimiiiii, REAL ESTATE, BUILDING - ALLIED TRADES :<ii>iummuumiitiiiuin BUILDERS J. GULLIKSEN Builder—Contractor Cor. Lawton and Hillside avee. GRANTWOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1888 Member of the Builders* Association of , the Palisades E. HOLMDALE Builder and Contractor CRANTWOOD. N. J. Phone Cliffslde 1111 Member of Builder* Asa’n. ol Palisaded ' GEORGE BOVE Builder and Contractor Bergen Boulevard and Trolley PALISADE, N. J. Phone Cliffslde 1749 Phone Cliffslde 3146 P. O. Box 25 ALEX DOBROWOLNY CONTRACTOR * CONTRACTORS A Plans and Loans 456 Bagley Place BUILDER BUILDERS Furnished , Grantwood Phone Cliffslde 1661 GEORGE OLSEN Carpenter and Builder Estimates Furnished 456 Nelson Ave. Grantwood, N. J PETER KNUTSEN Building Contractor 451 Nelson Ave., Grantwood, N. J. Phone 267 Cllffsfcle Sigvartsen & Anderson General Contractors Carpenters and Builders Office: 406 Lafayette Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffslde 1S30W PATRICK H. OATES BUILDER AND APPRAISER Houses for Sale and Built to Suit Garages built for $220. and up 16 Myrtle Ave., Edgewater 1 Phone Cliffslde 1424M PHILIP LEO BUILDER AND CARPENTER Alterations and Repairs Porches Enclosed Office: Ridgefield, N. J. Phone Morsemere 69SM A. LOCKWOOD 1Builder and Contractor Jobbing and Repairs Porch Enclosures, Etc. 1589 Anderson Ave., Fort f<ee Phojie: Fort Lee 465 BUILDING MATERIAL Gardner Lumber Supply Co. LUMBER Sole Distributors for Nelson Slab Shingles 515-525 49TH STREET. UNION CITY Phone Union 1427 Charles S. Shultz & Son Dealers in Mason’s and Builders* Materials 1721 Willow Ave. HOBOKEN Phones Hoboken 995-2971 Patrick McClelland Dealer in Mason and Builders* Materials Brick* Lime, Cement, Lath* Plaster, Etc. FORT LEE, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 470 CONTRACTORS (GENERAL) John J. McGarry CONTRACTOR OFFICE: EDGEWATER, N. J. > CONTRACTORS (Genera!) Richard C. Pagliughi General Contractor Formerly Chief Inspector of Construction of Highways and Bridges of Bergen Co. 2041 LEMOINE AVENUE FORT LEE N. J. Phone Fort Lee 93W FELIPE DEI.LOS A General Contractor Excavating - Sewers - Improvements 257 CRESCENT LANE GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffside 82J Phone Fort Lee 370M C. Maceri and D. Cutrupi GENERAL CONTRACTORS Sewejrs - Blasting CONCRETE WORK Hudson St. Fort Lee. N. J. FRANK CAVALIERE Rock Excavation and Concrete CONTRACTOR 2050 Hoyt Ave., Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 392 Louis DiSciascio, President M. Fcrretjans, Secretary Bergen Contracting Co., Inc. Phone 2006 Cliffside 360 Palisade ave., CLIFFSIDE, N. J. RICHARD Jr FOX, Jr. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 367 Pleasant Ave. Grantwood New Jersey Phone Cliffside 48 Frank Battaglia & Sons CONTRACTORS Excavations—Sewers—Roads ANDERSON AVE. FAIRVIEW Phone Cliffside 1186 • PERTICARI & RENDA CONTRACTING CO. Dealers in Concrete Rock Excavating 879 Cliff’Street, Fairview, N. J. JOSEPH PAGANESSI GENERAL MASON & CONTRACTOR' Stucco work a specialty; estimates cheer fully given; jobbing promptly attended to. 305 32nd St., Woodciiff, N. J. UNION 806 TEL. CLIFFSIDE 373M PETER O’ HAR General Contractor and Builder 220 SIXTH ST. CLIFFSIDE N. J. Pres., Sam Linardi Set* y. John Vedeili SAM LINARDI & Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cellars Excavated, Foundations Built* Cement Walks ..Laid 253 Crescent Lane Grantwood* N. J. Phone Cliffside 267 M Phone Cliffside 396 CAPORALE BROTHERS Contractors Fairview, N. J. Anderson Ave. and Kamena St. Phone Union 611 • Notary Public J. J. SCHNEIDER and SONS Realtors Contractors & Builders 528 17th St., West New York, N. J. Property Bought and Sold in Hudson and Bergen Counties Jack Martini Co. General Contracting TRUCK AND CATERPILLAR TRACTOR FOR HIRE Specializing in Grading and Driveways Telephone Englewood 2768 26 Mahan St., Tenafly, N. J. Estimates Cheerfully Given iitimimmiimimMiiiumifMimiiimiiHmiimiiiiimimmimiJi CONTRACTORS’ SUPPLIES The White Supply Co. Contractors’ Equipment Concrete Mixers unit I’mn/js 767 Fairview Ave. F’airviow PIIONE CLIFF’S!DE 1086 ELECTRICIANS BERGEN ELECTRIC and APPLIANCE CO. EI.ECTR AGISTS LIGHTING FIXTURES Edison Mazda Lamps 243 Lawton Avo. Granlwood, N. J. Cor. Palisade Trolley Line Tel. ClifThido 1905 FERD. A. WEIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Wiring for Light. Heat, Power Motors, Fixtures, Supplies 806-308 Palisade Avenue CLIFFS IDE, N. J. Phone Cliffside 1314 R IRON WORKERS Telephone Cliffside 1G22 CLIFFSIDE IRON WORKS E. PINOTT1, Prop. —Structural and Ornamental— 313-315 SECOND STREET Pot. Walker ami ('lilt Sts. CLIFFSIDE NORTH HUDSON WIRE FENCE MFG. CO. Wire Fences of Every Description 63 and 65 ADAMS ST., GUTTENBERG Phone Unton 6387 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating of the better kind OTTO HANSEN 457 Washington Ave. GRANT WOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffisde 1915M R. F. STAEHLE & SON PAINTERS AND DECORATORS —-PAPER! IANGING— 4114 Unileidiir Avenue Edgewnter EhUiuhIch Cheerfully Furnished Phone Cliffside 2591 PLUMBERS NICHOLAS R. CREAN PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 2 29th St., Wood cliff, N. J. PHONES: Union 8858—Murray Hill 4078 ROBERT S. DAVIDSON Plumbing and Heating Office—Granlwood Phone Cliffside 7U4J Member of Master plumbers Ass’n. of Bergen County « ROBERT M. BERNARD' Sanitary Plumbing - Heating New Work an<l Jobbing OFFICE—RIDGEFIELD, N. J. Phone Moiscmere 22S4 FREDERICK SCOTT Plumbing & Heating Expert Wcstvicw Avc„ Ridgefield I'hone Moiscmere 2225 Membci National Association of Master Plumbers C. LEECER & CO. MERCHANT PLUMBERS AND HEATING CONTRACTORS All kinils of slate and asbestos roofing sheet melul work, gutters and leaders Lawton Avenue and Trolley Phone: Clillsido 2il Grantwood REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE CADIEN and PETERS Real Estate and Builders 695 Anderson ave Cor, Grant ave, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES PllONE CLIFFSIDE 766 “Own your own home by all meani" “Wo build for your, sell for you and buy for you** - Educational "It Is a fact,” says raw Hoptoad, “that I am having my daughter In structed in many old-fashioned things. For Instance, the art of con versation—over the telephone."— Louisville Courier-Journal. I '"'"in.. REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE “Investments With Safety” CONSULT A. H. Lueders & Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ANDERSON AND KNOX AVES. GRANTWOOD. N. J. PHONE CLIFFSIDE 158 and 1593 HARRY BARBER Real Estate and Insurance Cor, Anderson A Greenmount Aves, GRANTWOOD, N. J. PHONES: Cliffside 1693 Union 6962 M. J. RYAN REALTOR Bergen County Properties Bought—Sold—Exchanged Phone Cliffside 367 673 Palisade Ave. Grantwood Member Real Estate Board of the Palisades P. Lo Bello and Son^ Inc. BUILDERS Realtors Insurance Mortgage Loans 622 Palisade Ave. 404 Anderson Ave. Grantwood Cliffside Park Phones: Cliffside 1634—366 BEIRNE and BOHM REALTORS 253 Grant Ave., Cor. Trolley Lina GRANTWOOD, N. J. Members Real Estate Board of the Palisades Phone Cliffside 416 IN GRANTWOOD SINCE 1899 1 j P. J. CARNEY —REALTOR - Real Estate Grantwood, N. J. I Member Real Estate Board of the Palisades j PHONE FORT ( EE 40 Fidelity & Casualty, American Alliance, Sun indemnity,New Jersey Niagara, Sun GEORGE H. SCHLOSSER rrt L ESTATE AND INSURANCE T'6 Main Street Fort Lee CLIFF REALTY CO. Houses, Acreage and Lots Bought and Sold J. H. BORD Lemoine Ave., & Washington Ava. COYTESVILLE Phone. Fort Lee 1670—1671 FRANCIS A. BANVILLE REALTOR AND INSURANCE Office: 319 Palisade Ave., ClifTside (Old P. O. Building) Phone Cliffside 365J Secretary’s Ofliee of Cliffside Building and Loan Ass’n. MAHONEY REALTOR CLIFFSIDE 1700 P. W. Limouzc & Associates Real Estate—Insurance 558 Anderson ave., Grantwood ' PHONE Cliffside 1819 or Union 4000 GENERAL INSURANCE *Tj*A-IZE 239 Main st., FORT LEE PHONE FORT LEE 1621 Joseph Burgard Agency, Inc. North Jersey Title Insurance Co. Guaranteed Mortgage Investments Titles to Real Estate Insured Capital Funds.... $1,000,000 Hackensack Morristown Park View Restaurant Italian-American 1 >i*hc:i Ideal family anti luisi ness men's dinnei : and luncheons nerved daily. A la Carle and suppers at all hours. 793 Palisade avc. Grantwood Phone Cliff side 1070 Old Floors Renovated To c(|ual new; 20 years’ experience, parquet and hardwood floors laid, .craped, finished. W. F. Bernard, 217 41th St., Union City I’honc Palisade 2282 E. SCHUMANN & SON’S Roofing - Shed Metal Works Telephone Union 607 Modern Vcntillaling, also, by Experts. For practical roofing of every description 113-115 38th street, Union City, N. J. u GEORGE KASTLER Metal Wratlior Stripping on I>uurs and Windows. ('h:uinents a Specialty Work done year round 513 Twrniy-diiril SI reel* Wt*Ht Now \»rk I’honc Union 8G5ti HERMAN MARTIN Contractor Improvements and road work 395 Broad ave., LEONIA 1 Phone Leonia 1965 West New York Coal Company N. MANNING CONTRACTING AND JOBBING Screens and Storm Sash Made to Order 777 EDGEWOOD LANE, GRANTWOOD Phone ClifTside 744 COPPOLETTA BROS., INC. BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 452 Palisade Avenue Cl iff side Park, N. J. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu. Dengue. Bilious Fever and Malaria. It kills the germs. JOHN YAWORSKI Builder and Contractor Real Estate—Notary Public 308 SECOND ST. CLIFFSIDE PIIONE CLIFFSIDE 78 PRINCESS PAT ORCHESTRA Phone 2018 Cliffside Citizens Finance Corp. AUTOMOBILE LOANS $300.00 and over You can keep the car in use every day Privacy Guaranteed Office open from ‘J to 5 2 7 Banla Place Hackensack PHONE HACKENSACK 1509 Clinton Asphalt & Road Oiling Co. Performance and Maintenance of High ways, Roads and Streets 308 16th st., Union City Phone Union 9200 Palisade Barber Shop P. Trapani, Prop. Palisade Junction C. CHIANDUSSE Builder—Plasterer Phone ClifFside 2786 MASONRY and STUCCO WORK TJ2 MURRAY ST. Cliffside, N. J. HANDWERK BROTHERS Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers 4 PALISADE AVENUE, Cliffside & 141 25th street, Guttenberg rbone: PALISADE 231G ARTHUR J.ROONEY REAL ESTATE G-* INSURANCE Broadway At Thirty-first Street, Woodcliff-on-Hudson, N. J. Phone Palisade 4000 Fort Lee Bridge Realty Corporation Specializing in Acreage and Houses in the Bridge Zone Selling Agents H. D. Schall and Associates Palisade Junction Phone Cliffside 890 iT^- '■■■ 1 ============.- ' ==h Telephone Cliifside 31 Notary Public C. RICHARD REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 356 Palisade Ave. Cliffisde Park, N. J. Member of (Jratitwood-Palisade Real Estate Board C. RICHARD President Telephone Cliffside 31 A. BACHETTI Treasurer Cliffside Park Construction Co. Contracts Taken for Buildings of All Kinds Houses, Apartmentst Factories, Theatres, Churches, Stores OFFICE: 356 PALISADE AVENUE, CLIFFSIDE PARK, N. J. Drainage Problems SATISFACTORILY AND PERMANENTLY SOLVED BY USING THE RAPID DRAIN PIPE Manufactured by Herman Walker Realty Company Main Office: 72 24th St., Guttenberg. Phone Union 245 Factory: Little Ferry Phone Hackentack 650W Alto walker concrete bricks and blocks in any shade. Walker roofing Tile in Spanish and French Designs in any colon Bergen Grand Jury Fails To Indict McCabe Brothers Following a hearing of friends of both Michael J. McDonough, anti-Wis sel force spokesman, and the McCabe brothers, John and Thomas, as well as the stories of newspaper men, the Bergen County Grand Jury decided to dismiss the charges of assault and battery preferred against the Mc Cabes. McDonough and Charles Todd, an other member of the party who had , claimed ill treatment the night of Feb ruary 15, when the minicpal council meeting ended in a riot, both told their stories to the Grand Jury. They had claimed maltreatment, , contrary to the opinions of others that there were few of the five hundred persons jammed into the hall who did not experience pushes and other dis orderly acts as the crowd forced its way out of the crowded quarters. One of the McCabe brothers was charged with punching McDonough in the face when the latter accosted him and with pointed finger declared “I wasn’t sent here by the Public Service like you were.” Legal Advertisements Borough of Cliffside Park Notice To Contractors SEALED PROPOSALS endorsed “Propo sal for the grading paving and construc tion of concrete curbs and sidewalks and otherwise improving (Jreenmount Avenue*’ betweent Olympia avenue, and the westerly Borough Line, will be received by the May or and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park at a meeting to be held in the Bor ough Hall on Monday, March 14, 11)27 from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m., and no bids will be considered that are presented before or after said stated time. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check on a National Bank or Trust Company in the State of New Jersey in the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dol lars ($2,500.00) or a like amount in cash. Upon the award of the contract the cer tified check or cash will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders and the successful bid der will be required to furnish a bond from a surety company acceptable to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park, equal to the full amount of the bid. Plans and specifications and proposals may be obtained at the office of McClave and McClave, Borough Engineers, Cliffside. N. J., upon deposit of the sum of five dollars ($5.00) refundable upon the return of plans and specifications. Each bidder will be required to give the name of the surety company he will offer in the bid presented. No bids will be accepted unless submit ted on forms furnished by the Engineer. The Mayor ami Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. Borough Clerk. 3-4-2t. Borough of Cliffside Park Notice To Contractors SEALED PROPOSALS endorsed “Proposal for the grading, paving, construction of con crete curbs and otherwise improving Olym pia Avenue” between Crenmount Avenue and Oakdene Avenue, will be received by the Mayor ami Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park at a meeting to be held in the Borough Hall on Monday, March 14, 1927 from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m.. and no bids will be considered, that are presented before or after shid ' s'tated tittle.1 * 1 '+'* ' Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check on a National Bank or Trust Company in the Slate of New Jersey in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or a like amount in cash. Upon the award of the contract the cer i tilled check or cash will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders and the successful bid | der will be required to furnish a bond from a surety company acceptable to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside I Park, equal to the full amount of the bid. Plans and specifications and proposals may be obtained at the office of McClave and McClave, Borough Engineers, Cliffside, N. J., upon deposit of the sum of fivfi dol lars ($5.oo) refundable upon the return of plans and specifications. Each bidder will be required to give the name of the surety company he will offer in the bid presented. No bids will be acceptable unless sub mitted on forms furnished by the Engineer. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. Borough Clerk. 3-4-2t. Borough of Cliffside Park Notice To Contractors SEALED PROPOSALS endorsed “Propo sal for the grading, paring and construc tion of concrete curbs and sidewalks and otherwise improving Oregon Avenue” be tween Edgewater road anti Oakdene avenue, will be received by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of'Cliffside Park at a meet ing to be held in the Borough Hall on Mon ' day, March 11, 1927 from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. I anti no bills will be considered that are pre i sen ted before or after said stated time. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer i titled check on a National Bank or Trust | Company in the State of New Jersey in | the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred ; Dollars ($1,500.00) or a like amount in j cash. | Upon the award of the contract the cer ; lifted check or cash will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders ami the successful bid der will be required to furnish a bond from a surety company acceptable to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cliffside Park, equal to the full amount of the bid. Plans and specifications and proposals may be obtained at the office of McClave and McClave. Borough Engineers, Cliffside, N. J., upon deposit of the sum of five dol lars ($5.«»u) refundable upon the return of plans and specifications. Each bidder will be required to give the name of the surety company he will offer in the bit! presented. No bids will be acceptable unless sub mitted on forms furnished by the Engineer. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. ARTHUR H. ABRAMS. Borough Clerk. 3-4-2t. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Between Robert VV. Thompson, complainant, and Charles A. Williams, his heirs, devi sees and personal representatives, and Mrs. Charles A. Williams, defendants. Fi. fa. Returnable May 4. A. I>. 1927. FRANK MERY, Sol’r. By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered. I have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff's office in the City of Hack ensack, on Wednesday, March 9, 1927 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, all those certain lots, •pieces or parcels of land and premises, situate, ly ink* and be ink at Pali sade. in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, known and designated as lots numbered 2500, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2505, 25OH, 2507, 250S, 2509, 25 lo, 2511, 2512. 2513, 2 514, 2515, 2516, 2517, 2518, 2519, 2520. 2521. 252*2. 2523. 2524. and 2525 all on or according to a certain map on file in the Celrk’s office of Bergen County entitled “Hitchcock’s revised map of Pali ,sades Park anti Palisades Heights, Bergen County, N. J., resurveyed by Willard Cams, C. E.’’ Together with all and singular the right, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining he sold to pay and satisfy in the first place unto the said complainant the sum of $9,732.67, with lawful interest thereon. REDUCE P. NIMMO. Sheriff, Ber Eve Red-Pal. Feb. Ur— Fe«i> $lti.<io. *