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GENERAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY X x AUTO ACCESSORIES ‘ Grantwood Auto Supply Co. 653 Palisade Ave. MOTOR BEARINGS BENDIK SPRINGS BRAKE LINING PISTON RINGS PISTON PINS l-’AN BELTS Phone Cliff side 1412 M. R. ROBBINS V. C. FRANKE AUTO REPAIRING F. SOSNICKI AND SON Automobile & Truck BODY BUILDERS Alto Repairs and Painting 228 Palisade Ave., Cliffside Phone Cliffside 1439W TELEPHONE CLIFFSIDE 1520 J. ATHENAS EXPERT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRING ALSO RADIO REPAIRING 225 ANDERSON AVENUE. FAIRVIEW. N. J. BAKERIES E. RAPPE Bakery . Bread, Cakes and Pies G'raham &Wholc Wheat Bread 35 W. Palisade ave. Englewood PHONE ENGLEWOOD 1760 NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PALISADE JUNCTION BAKERY & LUNCH ROOM Orders taken for weddings and parties TABLES FOR LUNCHES ABBOTT BOULEVARD, PALISADE (Opposite Grant-Lee Theatre) GRANTWOOD BAKERY BREAD, CAKE and PIES Sanitary* Bakinj? Department Orders taken for Special Birthday, Wedding Cakes and Holiday Pies 718 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 131)8 Gus Hesser, Prop. BATTERY SERVICE Grantwood Battery and Electric Station All makes of Batteries, Recharged, Repaired and Renewed Generators, Starters and Magnetos Repaired ANDERSON & LAWTON AVES. GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffside 192 Fairview Battery Service Station and Garage Agent Chevrolet Car* Ignition Work-- Batteries Repaired Agents for the Prestolite Batteries Storing — Accessories 365 FAIRVIEW AVE. FAIRVIEW Phone Cliffside 1070K Grantwood Auto Supply Co. M. R. Robbins V. C. Frank, BATTERIES RECHARGED—REPAIRED FOR SALE 653 Palisade Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1412 BEAUTY PARLORS VANITY BEAUTY SHOP All Work Done By The Moet Efficient Beauty Culture Experts Palisade Junction, Palisade, N. J. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF BUEHLER and HOWARD CLIFFSIDE PARK BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel and Permanent Wavlnf 440 Palisade Ave. Cliff side Park Between (Jiff Terrace and Edgewater Road Golf's Dangcri A man who lia<1 grown suddenly rich was going around the Walton Health golf course, accompanied by his wife, tie got Into a bunker, mid after ffls forty-seventh shot his wife said: “If yer go on like this, every, one’ll think ye’re workin’ ’ere.”—I,ory don Express. Windowless Blocks Talked Because windows are costly to In clude In office buildings and especial ly where they look out on Inclosed courts prominent building architects are considering the’ proposal to build such buildings without windows on a plun for providing ventilation and light by modern means. CLEANING & DYEING Grantwood Cleaning and Tailoring Ladies & Gents Suits made to order Pressing and Repairing Furs remodeled and repaired 659 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 2987 We call for and deliver orders Bluebird Cleaners & Dyers LADIES’ and GENTS’ TAILORS Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Repairing Furs Remodelled and Glazed Palisade Junction (Next to P. O.) COAL West New York Coal Company No Coal? Well you won’t n^ed as much if you put Storm Sasn where your your window screens are. We carry them in stock and they are not expensive. Ask for our our price list. Brewster & Son Telephone 1400 Ridgefield Park CONTRACTORS See Page 5 DENTISTS See Professional Directory DRY GOODS TEL. 2826W CLIFFSIDE J. PEISER —EVERYTHING IN DRY GOODS— Also Hemstiching Done on the ‘premises. PalUade Junction Palisade N. J. OPEN EVENINGS DELICATESSENS CHARLES ORTMANN DELICATESSEN Groceries, Tens* Coffees and Spices “EAT THE BEST— WE SELL IT” 691 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Free deliveries—Phone Cliffside 1129-J DELICACIES and FANCY GROCERIES The Town’s Finest Store HENRY MUCK Schugel Building 659 PalUade Av*„ Grantwood New Jersey R. INSCOE Quality and Quantity GROCERY STORE Handling a complete stork of Therapeutic Foods 617 PalUade Ave., Grantwood, N. J. Phone Cliffside 82R CHARLES STEPHANS Imported delicatessen goods and Staple groceries. Bread, Cakes & home-cooked salads. 412 Anderson ave., Cliff side Fridays, Clam Chowder, Fish cakes Special Sunday—Boast Chicken EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Specializing in Domestic Help Scandinavian Employment Agency MRS. O. H. LANQUIST 21 East Palisade Avenue Telephone 1390 Englewood, N. J. FLORISTS HANS ROSSMERKEL Floral Pieces, Wedding Designs, Cut Flowers and Plants “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” Greenhouses and Office j Do Soto Place and Hamilton Av«« HUDSON HEIGHTS PLone 737M ilCffside Robert F. Waidmann 1598 Anderson ave, Fort Lee Landscape Gardener Pruning of trees a specialty “A home U hot a home until It’s planted" TREES, EVERGREENS AND HEDGES PHONE FORT LEE 1656 _ FLOORING SEVERIN SALVESEN Parauet Floors Old floors made to look like new 569 DEWEY AVE. Grantwood PHONE CLIFFSIDE 2574 GARAGES ARTHUR J. KERWIEN GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIRING Tires* Tubes, Oils, Gasoline and Accessories Lemoine Ave., near Main St. FORT LEE, N. J. PHONE FORT LEE 34 F. Carughi T. Coombs C. & C. GARAGE Storing - Accessories - Repairing • Jet. of Anderson Av« and Gorge Rd. Phone Cliffside 1234 Crantwood, N. J. GLAZIERS JOHN LUETHKE GLAZING 686 Anderson Ave., Grantwood All kinds of glass for windows, au tomobiles, sun parlors, porches, etc. Mirrors, Picture frames, Glass table Tops Manufacturers of leaded art glass windows. Phone Cliffside 1984 Union City Glass Company's Glass You Want—See us Jobbing of all kinds Glazing estimates cherfully given MIRRORS RESILVERKI) PICTURES FRAMED 552 Hackensack Plank Road Union City, N. J. Telephone Union 6209 HARDWARE DEALERS C. SCHNEIDER Ilousefurnishings - Hardware Next to Grant-Lee Theatre 809 ABBOTT BOULEVARD PALISADE PHONK CLIFFSIDE 2067 MARBLE WORKERS Telephone 1275 Union Ideal Marble Mosaic Co. JoROiih Scodellaro, Prop. Tile, Marble, Mosaic, Terrazzo & Slate Artificial Granite, Stone A Stucco Work 269 Park Ave., Union City, N. J. MASONS H. B. BURNET MASON CONTRACTOR Seventh St., Englewood Cliffs Phone Fort Lee 1871 MONUMENTS Mark Every Grave —MEMORIALS— Erected in all cemeteries John Faller Monumental Co. 432-6 Harding PI., FAIRVIEW PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1401 MOVERS CHARLES A. HEFT, Jr. Pianos and Furniture MOVING Loral and Long Distance Phone. Fort Lee 177 PAINTERS & DECORATORS W. SCHMIDT Painter & Decorator 2G0 BROAD ST. Cliffside FHONE CLIFFSIDE 1887 H. MULLER &SON Artistic Painters and Decorators filch Class Interior Work for Homes. Artistic Decorating and Fine Wall Hangings 746 Jassamine Waj GRANTWOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE 3I9S B. E. WRIGHT PAINTER. DECORATOR * PAPER i HANCER 336 Anderson Avenue Cliffside, N. J. PHARMACIES H. F. GOEMANN’S Grantwood Pharmacy LAWTON AVENUE GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone ClilTside 1216 PALISADE DRUG STORE AT THE JUNCTION PALISADE, N. J. TELEPHONE 921 CLIFFSIDE NIGHT TEL. 1205 CLIFFSIDE PLUMBERS FREDERICK J. DYER SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR GRANTWOOD Sanitary expert licensed by State Hoard of Health Phone Cliff side 1903 M PRINTERS GOOD PRINTING SERVICE Standard Prices Dependable Service Palisades Printing Corp. Formerly Cl iff side Park Press, Inc. 547 Corge Hoad CHANT WOOD. N. J. Phone 2002 Cliffside REALTORS See Page 5 RADIO 120 volt Edison Element Storage B Batteries . $15 RADIO SETS OF ALL TYPES AT REASONABLE PRICES A & B Storage Battery Charger.. Batteries charged, rented & repaired. All types of tubes in stock, also full line of Radio pails and a Radio repair dep't. PETER SPILGER Basement 434 13th Street Near Bergenline ave. WEST NEW YORK Phor.ea Union 611G-7G54 OPEN F.VENINGS SIGN PAINTING PHONE FORT LEE 2C0W H. WHITE —SIGN PAINTER— ■ COYTESVILLE N. J. J. REYNOLDS SIGNS 123 Central Ave„ Lronfa, N. J, LEON IA 675W Cold Leaf Bulletin Electrle Sign. O’MEALIA OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COMPANY HARRY F. O’MEALIA, Pree. Pouter Advertising, Electric Signs and Painted Outdoor Advertising 372-4-6-8 Johnston Ave., Jersey City Phones Montgomery C8S4-6855 bet‘.use it thoroajbly' cleanses. IU rcfrcihing, antiseptic lalber peae- --- (rates ike pares aal rtraeres piWMU matter. Yon will fiad it mest efficient far (I skin troubles. U use fee 71 jun.: Gouraud’* , Medicated Soap Send 10c. for Thai Stu %- 2 I FEW). T. HOPKINS & SON. New Twk City I Even Surface Before palntlnk a floor, fill the cracks with pujty. STEAMSHIP TICKETS •STEAM,SHIP TICKETS Make Reservations Now For All Leading Lines. JOHN CLEUCK & SONS, PASSENGER AGENTS, 136 4th St., UNION CITY Phone Union G4I7 WHITE and BRUDIE TRAVEL AGENTS Real Estate — Insurance 452 Palisade ave. CliflVide Park PHONE CLIFFSIDE 2910 TAILORS F. CORRADO Ladies’ & Gents’ Tailoring-*- Suits made to Order Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing & Repairing 657 Palisade Ave. Grantwood, N. J. Formerly with lion wit & Teller, N. Y. C. Phone Cliffsiile 1 11! DM Telephone Cliffaide 1814 W Clothing for sale Suits made to order S. SILVERMAN Ladies’ and Gents’ Tailor Cleaning, Dyeing Pressing & Repairing Furs Remodeled and Glazed 702 Anderson Ave. Grantwood Between Grant & Knox Aves. TINSMITHS IV ' A Wonderful Softness Renders a beautifully soft, velvety smoothness to the skin and com plexion, an appearance glowing with the freshness of youth. Chapped, rough and irritated skins are quickly soothed and relieved. Maxes an exceptional base for applying Face Powder. ORiENTAt ALMOND LOTION e Fcrd. T. Hopkins & Son New York Unprofitable, Too There Is mi colder job than nursing your wrath to keep it warm," thinks Kph Snow.—Harrisburg Telegraph. John F. O’Hava Jj>-n J. O’Hara John F. O’Hara & Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS 371 Broadway, Union City, N. J. 309 Washington Street Hoboken PHONE HOBOKEN 129 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COR. STEVENS AND WEST STREETS WEST HOBOKEN. N. J. Silver Fox Moat Valued The biological survey says that the silver fox Is the most valuable Indi vidual pelt. The r.mrten brings the highest price for the size of the pelt of nil North -American fur-bearing ani mals, while, 'taking Into consideration, the totnt annual catch, the muskrat brings the greatest returns. View 17-Year Locust The so-called “seventeen year” lo oust If not a special kind of locust at all, hut the common variety which changes Its form under certain comil Hons. The fact has been discovered by a scientist af work In Egypt, where the locust pest has been a problem for years. End of World’s Lifetime For a while, at least, says the Popu lar .Science .Magazine, we don't have to Worry about the world's coming to an (‘tid. After doing a hit of simple figuring with bewildering rows of ciphers, Prof. F. It. Moulton of the University of Chicago now assures us that our earth still has some 900, ODS.000,000,000' years to go on whirl ing around the sun. Babies “Snapped" Most I’hotograpll laboratories that re ceive* amateur films and plates to de velop have learned that babies are more often “snapped’’ by amateurs than all other subjects. In large cities hundreds of bags similar to mail bags are filled with film rolls and collected every Monday morning from the devel oping ngents. Canton, China’s Open Door Since 17S0 Canton has been rite "open door” in Chinn and a Chinese statesman has written: “What Can ton thinks today, China thinks tomor row.” It was at Canton a century and a half ago that the clipper ships sent by Stephen fiirard and John Jacob Astor lirst developed Ameri can trade with tin* Orient. For Perfect Life every dawn of morning he to you as the beginning of life and every setting sun tie to you as its close; ‘.hen let every one of these short lives leave its sure record of some kindly tiling done for others, some goodly strength of knowledge gained for vourselves.- John Huskin/ •'tlllllllUltlllllllllllllllllllilllillllUIllJllllllilliilJlIIIIIIIMIUlllilllIJMIIIIIIIliillllUlllililllllillllllllillllllilKiillilllllllllllllllM 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 'iiiiiimuiniiHiiumil Accountants A. GEO. L. BAINES Certified Public Accountant (N. J. an.1 N. Y.) Registered Municipal Accountant Audits — Income Taxes — Investigations 213 Main St., Hacftensack, N. J. , Telephone Hackensack 5347 Architects ERNEST SIBLEY Architect EDCEWOOD LANE and BLUFF ROAD PalUada, New Jaraey T. W. JARDINE Architect—Blue Printing 177 WEST ST., ENCLEWOOD PHONE ENCLEWOOD 2126 Attorneys MORRISON. LLOYD and MORRISON Counsellors-At-Law 272 Main St.. Ridgefield Tart, N. J. PHONE HACKENSACK 2060 17.1 Main street Ha<Uensnek PHONE HACKENSACK 2441 MACKAY and MACKAY ATTORNEYS 236 MAIN ST. HACKENSACK N. J. PHONE 815 HACKENSACK CLARENCE MABIE —ATTORNEY— 173 MAIN ST., HACKENSACK Phone Hackensack 3800 CORNELIUS DOREMUS Counsellor at Law Ridgewood, N. J. New York Office— 66 Broadway Chiropractors DR. G. C. WEIERSHAUSEN Chiropractor Palmer Graduate Licensed by the State Board 2017 Centre Ave. Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 483W L’08 31st St. North Bergen Phone Union 984M Chiropractic Health Home Phone Fort Lee 340 ENGINEERS Telephopc 1250 Cliffside McClave & McClave CIVIC and CONSULTING ENGINEERS s Lot Surveys Edgewater Road & Anderson Aves. CLIFFSIDE PARK Titl. companies will not guarantee * search without a survey or property.— SEE— THOUROT &DUNHAM CIVIL ENGINEERS « SURVEYORS 108 BERGENUNE AVENUE Manhattan Bid's. Union City. N. J. Telephone Palisade 1308 A. J. MAHNKEN Civil Engineer - Surveyor 14.r> Anderson Avenue, Faiiview PIIONE CLIFFS1DE 1953 Frank J. Oleri, C. E. Civil Engineer and Surveyor First National Bk. Bldg. Fairview 650 Bergenline ave. West N. Y. Phone Union 8014 Optometrists 441-16™ St. WestNewYork.N.J.: Photographers J. B. FRANKO Photo Portraitist Studio, Palisade Junction [ HOME PORTItAITS & SITTIN$& BY APPOINTMENT t Physicians Palisade Tonsil Hospital Dr. N. J. Shapiro EVE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 192 Palisade Ave., Union City, N. J. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENTS UNION 2797 Undertakers CHARLES DARKE Funeral Director and Embalmcr | Corner 17 th St. and Bergen line Ave. WEST NEW YORK l. Phones Union 668 and Union 6062 THE ESTATE OF JAMES F. McNALLY UNDERTAKER 211 Main St. Fort Lee, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 16 Night Phone Fort Lee 268 Thomas McNally, Manager JAMES A. HUNT Funeral Director 184 MAIN ST. FORT LEE Phone Fort Lee IS 11 Residence and Night Phone 273-R IVINS D. APPLEGATE FUNERAL DIRECTOR 225 Washington St. Hoboken, N. J. Phone: Hoboken 442 GEORGE E. BURGER Funeral Director 325 Fortv-Eight St. UNION CITY PHONE UNION 1093 Has Many Fine Meanings Tin* Hawaiian "aloha” may be translated in ninny ways, as welcome, greeting, friendship, love, brotherhood, mutual understanding and good-by until we meet again. 5 e ' -