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Personal and Social Cliffside Park Mrs. G. F. Hall, attended the lec ture in Palisade, on Monday of last week, as the guest of Mrs. Littwin. Mrs. William Clark, entertained her father, Mr. Kronenbitter on Tuesday of last week, who came from the Bronx for the day. Dr. and Mrs. Julius Mason of New York City, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson on Satur day, February 27. Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenworthy, entertained a large group of local and New York City friends, Saturday of last week, in honor of their thirty third wedding anniversary. Dancing and games were enjoyed and a dclic ’ \ous repast was enjoyed m the Ken worthy home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Thayer had their cousins, Mr. and Miss Heath, of Orient, Long Island, as house guests last week. Mr. Joseph Baker of New York was a house guest for several days last week, of Mr. and Mrs. George Donald son. Cards have been received from Mrs. Vendeweghe of Edgcwater Heights, and Mrs. W. P. Ahearn, who are en joying a vacation in Florida. Paul Schneider has returned to his home on Washington avenue, after spending several weeks in Caldwell, Kansas. Mrs. Schneider will remain there for several weeks. Mrs. Frank Bahville, of Edjgewater Heights, Was entertained at dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hotel, New York last week, the occasion being the birthday celebration of Mrs. Banville. Mrs. Alberts of Lincoln avenue, is critically ill. Mrs. Edward Shultz, who has been seriously ill from pneumonia at her home on Palisade avenue, Grantwood, is convalescing. •uip-iag -saiv puu ‘uiajsuaiiBM Mrs. Byrne, who has been ill from scarlet fever, has returned home from the Isolation Hospital. Miss Emily Scott of New York, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stannck of Lincoln avenue. Miss Audrey Lucas, formerly of Grantwood, is teaching in the Grant wood school. Miss Florence Agnes, teacher in the ClifFsidc Park school, who has been ill for several weeks in Englewood Hos pital, has returned to her home in Bridgeton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Boris entertained at dinner recently, Miss Mary Brain erd and Miss Edwards of Hackensack. The wedding of Miss Lavelle Coysh of Grantwood and Michael Keating of Jersey City, is announced for Sunday, April 24. Mrs. John MacDonald of Lincoln avenue, Grantwood, is recovering from her recent attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Reed E. Carpenter of Knox avenue, had as their guest, re cently, Mrs. H. P. Hiller of Yonkers. Halcyon Club of girls were enter tained at the home of Mrs. Raymond Hefley, Palisade avenue, on Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Lou Jens entertained at bridge, Saturday afternoon of last week, at her home in Edgewater Heights. Miss E. G. Weigmann of Edgewood lane, Grantwood, entertained the Re liable Coffee Club at her home on Fri day afternoon of last week. The host ess served a luncheon. The club mem bers present were, Mrs. Turk, Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. Davidson, Miss Schultz, Mrs. Hey, Mrs. Falk, and Mzs. Weis senborn. Mr. and Mrs. O. Heuer, Jr., of Grant avenue, entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, and son, Mrs. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. A. Klor. Mrs. O. Schultz, wife of Dr. Schultz of West Grantwood, has been confined to her home by a broken ankle. Miss Lillian Gozzo, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Gozzo, was entertained at her home on Gorge road, Cliffside, by her girl friends, last week. Miss Goz zo will leave this week to enter Berea Christian College in Kentucky, where she will study music, social and reli gious work. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stockwell, Mr. and Mrs. P. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Michaels, Mrs. Studer us, Jay and Alice Nash, Lawrence Becker, and Grace and Alice Nash. Mr. and Mrs. John Alge recently entertained at a dinner and dance at their home on Everett place, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruesch of Woodcliff, Mr. and Mrs. G. Zellweger of Grantwood, Mr. and Mrs. Kaelin, Mr. and Mrs. Stud erus, Mr. and Mrs. Docrig Miss Dora Achmcr of Palisade, E. Ruesch of Union City, Mr. Werner of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Wickser, Victor Anger, and Mr. and Mrs. Ogle of Edgewater Heights. Miss Vera Noon of 92 Anderson avenue, Cliffside, entertained several class mates from the law school at Newark, at cards, ionowea Dy danc ing and a luncheon last week. Among the guests were, Miss Margaret May lath, Miss Angeline Coppoletta, Miss Julia De Losa, Miss Rose De Losa, Miss Mary Coppoletta, A. J. Coppolet ta, Joe Dinah, Charles Saverion, Max Boxer, William Thomasso, Lou Cron son, Mick Littauer, and Carl Cardas co. Miss Margaret Murtagh, teacher in the high school, is now up and around again. Supervising Principal George F. Hall of the borough schools of Cliff side Park returned Sunday evening from attending the annual Convention held at Dallas, Texas, last week, at which school superintendents from all over the country, numbering 12,000, were present. William de Bar of Grantwood is recovering slowly following a lengthy illness. Mr. and Mrs. Heath, cousins of Mrs. Thayer of Lafayette avenue, who have been visiting her for a week, re turned to Orient, Long Island, last Friday. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Best, Mrs. Thayer and her cousins, spent Friday in New York city, together, attending the Grand Central Palace exhibit, and lunching in town. A group of local women attended the annual dinner of the Book dug, last Thursday evening at the McAlpin Hotel, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Emr of 124 Edgewater road, are receiving con gratulations on the birth 'of a son. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Members and friends of the In-A Circle card club of Cliffside, were en tertained at the home of Mrs. Harry Benda, on Clark terrace. The even ing was spent in playing bridge. A collation was served by the hostess. Harold Pawson of 84 Anderson ave nue, Junior past matron of White head Lodge, F. A. M., is ill at his home, in Grantwood. Mrs. Marie Youngs of 235 River view place is in Greenville hospital having gone under a major operation, Mrs. H. E. Jake of 29 Shaler ave nue, Fairvicw, entertained Thursday afternoon at a roffee party at hei home. Miss Marjorie Sammis of Edgewat er Heights, and Miss Hanah Mandel, have sailed for a three-week’s trip to New Orleans. /V sui jnrst: party wa& given tu i r>. John Sharp at her home, in Edgewood line, in honor of her birthday. The evening was spent in playing cards. A delicious collation was served. Doris Siegrist, little dancer of Grantwood, on Thursday, was given a surprise birthday party at her home at 635 Anderson avenue, in honor of her ninth birthday. The home was prettily decorated in green and white. Liberty Corriston, dancing partner of Doris, gave several toe dancing num bers. Miss Eleanor Hoffmann, of New York, also gave fancy dances. A luncheon was served by Mrs. Siegrist. The table was decorated in green and white, with a large Jack Horner pic, filled with pretty favors as the center piece. A large birthday cake with nine flaming candles was most heart ily enjoyed. The guests included: Beatrice Bohn, Eleanor Hottmann, Lila Wegman, Lucile Winkler and the Misses Hazel Miller, Helen Reilly, Katherine Grogan, Josephine Lind, Grace Miller and the litle guest of honor’s teachers* from the Grantwood school, Mrs. Sperling, and Miss E. Morris. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Sie grist entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fisk, Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cor riston, Miss Grace Kiefhle, P. Burns, and Miss Alice and Liberty Corris ton. Mr. and Mrs. Adiel Vandcweghc of Edgewatcr Heights, have returned from Florida. Dr. and Mrs. Hellstcrn of Hudson Heights are spending the week at At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Havcrstock of 245 Wilfred terrace, entertained Friday evening, in honor of Mrs. F. Lesieur of Woodcliff, who left Saturday when she joined her husband in Pitsburgh and will remain there permanently. Mrs. Lesieur was presented with a sterling silver atomizer, the gift of the Ladies’ Afternoon Card club. Bridge was played and a collation served at midnight. A number of ladies from Cliffsidc Park, attended the dance Friday even ing given by the Fidelity Guild of Union City Elks. In the party were, Mrs. William Hickey, a member of the guild; Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. P .Mur phy, Mrs. M. Mahar, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. M. Murphy, Mrs. Corcoran. A beautiful embroidered linen luncheon set was presented to Mrs. Corcoran. Mrs. C. H. Hauch of 266 Walker street, Cliffside, entertained at a cof fee party at her home. Cards were played during the afternoon. Re freshments were served by the host ess. The guests were, Mrs. E. Kell ner, Mrs. A. Quigley, Mrs. I. Zimmer man, Mrs. C. Hall, Mrs. W. Hickey Mrs. Marchesano and Mrs. C. H Hauck. The teachers of school No.3,sent basket of fruit and several bouquet, of flowers to Miss Mansfield, a teacher in the school, who was severly burned She is reported to be resting comfort ably in the Holy Name Hospital at Teaneck. A pretty twin party was tendered to little Robert and Jane Lynn, of 27 Lincoln avenue, Grantwood, on Sat urday, the occasion being their fifth anniversary. Many little guests were present to enjoy the different games played during the afternoon, and a dainty luncheon was served by Mrs. Robert Lynn, mother of the little guests of honor. The table was pret tily arranged in shaded green, with ft large Jack Homer pie filled with pretty favors, and a birthday cake with candles as a centerpiece. Mr. and Mrs. Zellweger entertained on Friday at their home, on Lawton avenue at bridge. Mrs. Casper- Kraemcr of 43 Wash ington avenue, Grantwood, will hold a benefit tea at her home on Friday afternoon, March 25, for the Orphan’s Home in Fort Lee. Miss Adeline Thomas of Wilfred terrace, and Misses Lillian and Elise Grueninger of Fulton terrace,* mem bers of the Lambda Sigma Delta Sor ority, attended a bridge at the Ritz Carlton, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Hafley entertained the Halcyon Girls of Cliffside Park, at her home on Palisade avenue, on Monday afternoon. Cards have been received irom Mr. and Mrs. Luigi DiSciascio and Mr. and Mrs. M. Ferretjans that they are enjoying their stay in balmy Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stein of Knox avenue, are now located in their new home on Lafayette avenue. Robert Krudener of Fulton terrace, who has been ill for the past two weeks with scarlet fever, is improv ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lucht of Fulton terrace, and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Fort Lee, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Meyer, at their home in Queens Village, Long Island. Mrs. H. E. Jerke of 89 Shaler ave nue, Fairview, entertained at a coffee party, Monday afternoon at her home, the Commonwealth Bowling Club and several Eastern Star members in hon or of her birthday.- Mrs. Jedke is past matron of Palisade Chapter of Eastern Star. Mrs. Charles I)eall of 97 Oakdenc avenue, presented a beautiful com munion cloth # to Trinity Reformed Chapel, Edgewater road. The cloth was presented as a memorial to Chas. Deall. Mrs. Goelz and daughters, Louise and Charlotte, formerly of Washing ton avenue, have moved to Lincoln avenue, where they have bought the home of Mrs. Melville. Mrs. L&uer of 371 Lincoln avenue, entertained the Sextette Sewing circle at her home on Thursday evening. A pretty surprise shower was given to Miss Anna Philips by Miss Marlon Dell, and Miss Eleanor Korsgen at the home of Mrs. Korsgen in Palisade. Many beautiful gifts were showered on the bride-to-be. Music and danc ing were the features of the evening. Miss Marie Knipping entertained with several recitations. Solos were given by Miss Pauline Eisman. Luncheon was served at midnight. The table decorations were yellow and white. The centerpiece was a ship with rib bons and streamers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sehnicder of 1 DEvorett place, entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Pigman of Astoria, L. I., for the past week. Miss Mary Herzog of Lawton ave nue, is leaving next week for Ruffalo, where she will spend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Coppoletta of 405 Cecelia avenue, have returned from Italy. Bridge Club me local Bridge ciud met with Mrs. Miller at her home on Franklin ave nue, preceding their game with a luncheon. Mrs. Thayer, Mrs. Venables, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. LcCato, Mrs. Blake, Miss Foringcr, Mrs. Koch, were the guests. During Lent, cards will be discon tinued but the members will continue to meet. Birthday Party On Sunday evening, February 27, a surprise party was tendered Kath leen McKenna of Fourth street, in honor of her birthday. Games and dancing were enjoyed and at midnight a supper was served. Among those present were the Mis ses May and Kitty Gomez, Anna Spence, Mildred Marchcsano, Marcella Rielly, Ann O’Connor, Mary, Eleanor, Betty and Kathleen McKenna, Mess ers Jack Kelly, James Romano, Phil Dunn, Francis Munley, Bill Tronkin, Fred Linskey, John Hanck, Roy Mun de and Bill Ott. Party At Yoost Home An enjoyable party was given at the home of Mrs. Alice Yoost, 44 Washington avenue, Grantwood, re cently. The program for the even ing’s entertainment was furnished by Miss Helen Yoost, daughter of the hostess, who entertained with fancy dances and vocal selections. At mid night a luncheon was served. The guests were, Mrs. and Mr. Wallace McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sperling, Mr. and Mrs. C. Reinder, Miss Edna Reinder, Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Pearce, Mrs. Ryran, Mr. and Mrs. J. Flood, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Muller, Captain Guy Seaver, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dillion, Mayor J. W. Marini, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanna, H. Vonderscck, Thomas Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. Gaffney, Robert Ruerk, Miss Mary Tillot, Miss Mary Pearce, C. Pearse, Misses Alice and Helen Flood, Mrs. M. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Swenney, Miss Lacey, Mr. Hannah, N. Mahoney, Miss Helen Yoost and Jeff Yoost. Fort Lee Miss Helen Deihl of New York city, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corker of Gerome ave nue. Miss Ruth Zion of Main street, vis ited relatives in Brooklyn on Sunday. Miss Rose Geiger of Flushing was the week-end guest of Miss Lethia Harris of Lcmoine avenue. Miss Mary Manfredi of Edwin ave nue, was tendered a surprise shower, at her home, on Tuesday evening. She received many pretty gifts. Her fi ance is Mr. Henry Napoli of Hudson street. Those present were, Miss Mae Moeller of Co}Hesville; Mrs. S. Camp bell of Englewood; Mrs. G. Rosen stengel, Mrs. D. Devlin, Mrs. M. Nap oli, Mrs. J. Stenglein, Mrs. J. Titter essi, Miss Carrie Hook, Miss Ida Ev ander, Miss Alma Evander. Miss An na Corker, Miss Bertha Napoli, Mrs. E. P. Manfredi, Miss Jennie Manfredi, Miss Ada Manfredi, Mr. Henry Nap oli, Mr. George Manfredi, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Manfredi and Miss Mary Manfredi. Mrs. Catherine Scheurer of Jones road, was tendered a surprise birth day party by Mrs. William Scheurer on Wednesday afternoon. She receiv ed many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments were served. Those pre sent were, Mrs. Martha Beyer of Maple street, Mrs. Mary Shaw, Sum mit avenue, Mrs. Susan Ruckenbrod, Lemoine avenue, Mrs. E. Lowe, Mrs. L. Trank of Englewood, Mrs. K. Trank, Miss Dorothy Trank, Miss Lil lian Trank, Miss Angelina Scheurer and Miss Ruth McGloin. Mrs. George E. Abbott of Lemoine' avenue, entertained several friends at luncheon on Wednesday. The guests were, Miss Gladys Abbott, Miss Mar tha Abbott, Mrs. Leon Klingburg of Lemoine avenue, Mrs. Harry Beeden bender, Linwood avenue and Mrs. C. Metcalf of Center avenue. Miss Charlotte Rosenstengle, And erson avenue, was the week-end guest of relatives in New York City. Mrs. George Philip of Alden, Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corker of Gerome avenue on Sunday. Mrs. Ernest L. Abbott of Center avenue who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Oc Vestry of Naversink. for several days, has returned home. Mrs. M. Bergen and daughter of New York, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Richman of Main street on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smolin of Main street, entertained as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William Ben son of the Bronx. Mr. Ernest L. Abbott of Center ave nue, has recovered from a severe cold Coytesville ; Mrs. George Atkins of Fifth street, Coytesville, was operated on February 28, at the Englewood Hospital. She is doihg as well as can be expected, but it is hoped she will soon be about again. c.ngiewoua vomits Miss Helen Houghtaling, Miss Meta Sawallisch, and Mr. Louden Haaker, and members of the dramtic society of Englewood High School, attended a matinee performance of “Tommy” or Saturday of last week. Mrs. John Kearney of Second stree* entertained Mrs. M. Kruman of West wood on Friday of last week. Dorothy Zimmerman was given a party in honor of her tenth birthday, on February 28. The decorations were pale blue and white. Those present were Carrie and Alda Paresi, Cath erine Burns, Charlotte Houghtaling Lillian and Laura Dyson, Mary and James Rice, William Martin, Anton Alonzi, and Robert and Bruce Woods. The Englewood Hospital Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Webster of Hudson terrace, recently. The meet ing could not be held at the home of Mrs. H. Houghtaling as planned on account of her illness. Saturday night, February 26, and Mrs. T. Clendenin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lutz, and Mrs. and Miss Houghtaling attended a bridge party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lutz of the Bronx. The younger set have been giving many parties lately. Miss Virginia Clendenin celebrated her birthday on Wednesday of last week. Her home was attractively decorated with pink crepe paper and each child was pre sented with a string of beads as a favor. Gladys Hahns, Louise John son, Margaret Haaker, R. Wool son, Eleanor Whittaker, Lucile Mich aelsen, Charlotte Houghtaling, Muriel Ranges, Doris Michaelsen, Alphonse Rrisson and William. Hamilton, were the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haaker are occupying their new home on Sixth street, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wunsch formerly of Irving avenue, have rent ed one of the apartments in the Haak er house on Bayview avenue. Mrs. S. Stanton of Second street, attended a dinner and card party on Saturday evening last, at the home of her niece, Mrs. Louis Daspossos, of Park avenue, New York. Mrs. Stan ton, as Usual, won first prize. Mrs. F. N. Webster was a guest at the meeting of the Fort Lee branch of the Englewood Hospital Auxiliary held on Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. E. Kelder of Coytesville. The Ladies’ Club attended a mat inee performance of "Trelawncy of the ‘Wells’ ” and then enjoyed a din ner at Gufonti’s. Mr. and Mrs. William Wunsch, Jr., are now occupying their new home on Sylvan avenue. *T ■ ■ - • - - - Martin Frank is convalescing at the Englewood Hospital. Reports from the hospital indicate that he is getting along very nicely. Mrs. Emma Conover is at St. Barn abas Hospital, Newark. On Monday, Mrs. Gebhard, Mrs. Stuhrmann and Mrs. Herrmann visited her there. Robert Ostermcier has recovered from his attack of appendicitis and is out playing again. Mr. Emory Bronte, Sr., of Seventh street, the very popular former presi dent of the Civic club is also on the road to health. His many friends were pleased to see him outdoors once more. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunn and daughters, Elizabeth and Jean, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herrmann and Mi-. A. M. Herrmann were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Reid, of Pal isade, on Friday last. Famous-P lay ers-Lasky Corp. To Move To Cal. The decision of Famous-I’layers Lasky Corporation to move their plant from Long Island to Los Angeles will effect a large number of Fort peo ple who are employed at the Long Is land studios. . PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIA TION—Unit No. 2—Parent-Teacher Association, Unit No. 2, met in school No. 2 ,on Jones road, on Tuesday aft ernoon. President Mrs. John Elliot presnded. Supervising principal Arthur E. Chase, the speaker, spoke on the pos sibilty of forming a unit of the as sociation in the High School. Englewood Cliffs School Board Holds Regular Meeting A short meeting of the Englewood Cliffs’ Board of Education was held in Tuesday evening. The bill now pending at Trenton giving power tc Mayors in municipalities of over 10, 100 population, to appoint their own ■ichool boards, was discussed. Mrs. Sprague was appointed to write to the Assemblyman who is fighting the bill md advise him that the Englewood Cliffs’ Board approves of his stand or the matter and as a body, disapprove )f the bill. A very complimentary letter was received from the visiting nurse. She praised the teachers and parents foi their high standing in health routine, md stated that it was a pleasure tc work with such a splendid class of 'hildren. The next meeting will be the reor ganization meeting on the first Mon day in April. At that time, the newly elected member, Mrs. Caesar Impem sa, will take her place. Mr. Paul Sawallisch is the retiring member. Truth la Mighty Truth Is a very deadly thing at last when It. confronts the clever liar at a place where he ennnot escape. If he tries the air Instead of the sea. the bizarre anil fascinating little struc ture which was meant to defy the uni verse hursts Into flame and perishes at contact with a flush of truth.—Dr. Lynn Hough. The Palisadian’s Classified Ad Col imn BRINGS RESULTS! ANDREW KRAMER ' w Designer and maker of delicate In struments for 34 year*, Andrew Kramer of the Smithsonian Institution staff in Washington occupies a unique position In scientific Inquiry. Ho toots existed for making some of the Instru ments Mr. Kramer has had to make, and so he also designed and made his own tools. The most difficult Instru ment he ever made was the wafer-flow pyrhellometer Invented by Or. C. 0. Abbot. ■* , : OUR Classified Ada Bring Results. Pack a rd Reduces *335 THE prices of three of the most popular Packard Six models have been reduced $335. The Packard Six Five-Passenger Sedan now costs but $2250 at the factory —the Five-Passenger Phaeton $2250 —the Four-Passenger Runabout $2350. Seven years ago these models were introduced as America’s first fine small cars. Seven years have seen the public accept these cars to an extent that now makes it possible to offer the sedan for less than half its original price. Seven years have s?en each car developed to meet the needs of the most discriminating fine car owner. Today’s Packard Six is with one exception—the Packard Eight—the finest car Packard has ever built. You can safely follow it in its Seventh Year of Success. Eighty horse power and 126 inches of wheel base as sure performance and riding comfort. Those who act now may have early deliveries. May we tell you about our monthly payment plan, and the ease with which you may have a Packard by ap plying the value of your present car against the cast of the new one ? FRED H. ADAMS Packard and Nash Sales and Service PHONE 750 CL1FFSIDE Palisade ave. and Edgewater road, Cliffside, N. J. PACKARD ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE