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iimiimnmiii JiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii GENERAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY ■•■••■•■IHilllitIII!■1111(11111111■1111111*tttllllllff>t ii iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiif if mu tiimitii 11111111111111111111 ii min i if it ii i iif ii AUTO ACCESSORIES Grantwood Auto Supply Co. 653 Palisade Ave. , MOTOR BEARINGS BENUIX SPRINGS BRAKE LINING PISTON RINGS PISTON PINS FAN BELTS . Phone Cliff side 1412 M. R. ROBBINS V. C. FRANKE AUTO REPAIRING F. SOSNICKI AND SON Automobile & Truck BbDY BUILDERS Also Repairs and Painting 228 Palisade Ave., Cliffside Phone Cliffside 1439W TELEPHONE CONNECTION J. ATHENAS EXPERT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRING ALSO RADIO REPAIRING 123 CROSS STREET FORT LF.E, N. J. BAKERIES E. RAPPE Bakery Bread, Cakes and Pies Graham &1 Vhole Wheat Bread 35 W. Palisade avo. Englewood PHONE ENGLEWOOD 17C0 NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PALISADE JUNCTION BAKERY & LUNCH ROOM Orders taken for weddings and parties TABLES FOR LUNCHES ABBOTT BOULEVARD, PALISADE (Opposite Grant-Lee Theatre) GRANTWOOD BAKERY BREAD, CAKE and PIES Sanitary Bakins Department Orders taken for Special Birthday, Wedding Cakes and Holiday Pies 718' Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone CiiHside 1398 Gus Hesocr, Prop. BATTERY SERVICE Grantwood Battery and Electric Station All makes of Batteries. Recharged, Repaired and Renewed Generators, Starters anti Magnetos Repaired ANDERSON & LAWTON AVES. GRANT WOOD, N. J. l'hotie Cliffside 192 Fairview Battery Service Station and' Garage Agent Chevrolet Cars Ignition Work—Batteries Repaired Agents for the Prestolite Batteries Storing — Accessories 365 FAIRVIEW AVE. FAIRVIEW Phone Cliffside 1070R Grant wood Auto Supply Co. M. R. Robbins V. C. Franks BATTERIES RECHARGED—REPAIRED FOR SALE 653 Palisade Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1412 BEAUTY PARLORS VANITY BEAUTY SHOP All Work Done By The Most Efficient Beauty Culture Experts Palisade Junction. Palisade, N. J. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF BUEllLEK and HOWARD CLIFFSIDE PARK BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel and Permanent Waving 410 Palisade Ave. ClilTside Park Between {Jiff Terrace and Edgowater Road CLEANING & DYEING Grantwood Cleaning and Tailoring Ladies & Gents Suits made to order Pressing and Repairing Film remodeled and repaired G59 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 2987 We call for and deliver order* .Bluebird Cleaners & Dyers LADIES’ and GENTS’ TAILORS Cleaning, Dyeftig, Pieatting, Repairing Fura Remodelled and Glazed Palisade Junction (Next to P* O.) COAL West New York Coal Company No Coal? Well you won’t need as much if you put Storm Sasn where your your window screens are. We carry them in stock and they are not expensive. Ask for our our price list. Brewster & Son Telephone 1400 Kidgefield Park DRY GOODS TEL. 2S2GW CLIFFSIDE J. PEISER —EVERYTHING IN DRY GOODS— Also Hemstiehing Done on the premises. Palisade Junction Palisade N. J. OPEN EVENINGS DELICATESSENS CHARLES ORTMANN DELICATESSEN Groceries, Teas Coffees anil Spices "EAT THE BEST— WE SELL IT” 691 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Flee deliveries—Phone Cliffside 1129-J DELICA CIES and FANCY GROCERIES The Town’s Finest Store HENRY MUCK Schugel Building 659 Palisade Ave., Grantwood New Jersey R. INSCOE Quality and Quantity GROCERY STORE Handling a complete stock of Therapeutic Foods 617 Palisade Ave., Grantwood, N. J. Phono Cliffside 82R CHARLES STEPHANS Imported delicatessen goods and Staple groceries. Bread, Cakes & home-cooked salads. 412 Anderson ave., Cliffside Fridays, Clam Chowder, Fish cakes Special Sunday—Roast Chicken ELECTRICIANS Telephone Cliffside 127G BONATZ BROS. Electrical Contractors Fixtures, Supplies, Appliances Lighting Fixtures Battery Service Radios 430 Anderson Ave. Cliffside Park, N. J. Batteries called for and delivered CHARLES BECK | ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR I LIGHTING FIXTURES | K APPLIANCE S 572 GORGE RB GRANTWOOD V, phone airrsnx I'm gj EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Specializing in Domestic Help Scandinavian Employment Agency MRS. O. H. LANQUIST 21 East Palicade Avenue Telephone 1390 Englewood, N. J. FLORISTS HANS ROSSMERKEL Floral Pieces, Wedding Design*, Cut Flowers and Plants “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Greenhouses and Office: Do Soto Place and Hamilton Ave. HUDSON HEIGHTS 1’Lcne 737M ilCffside Robert F. Waidmann 1S98 Anderson ave, Fort Leo Landscape Gardener Pruning of trees a specialty “A home ie not a home until it's planted" TREES, EVERGREENS AND HEDGES PHONE FORT LEE 1G56 GARAGES ARTHUR J. KERWIEN GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIRING Tires, Tubes, Oils, Gasoline and Accessories Lemoine Avc^ near Main St. FORT LEE, N. J. PIIONE FORT LEE 34 F. Carughi T. Coombs C. & C. GARAGE Storing - Accessories - Repairing Jet. of Anderson Avo and Gorge Rd. Phone Cliffside 1234 Grant wood, N. J. GLAZIERS JOHN LUETHKE GLAZING 686 Anderson Ave., Grantwood All kinds of glass for windows, au tomobiles, sun parlors, porches, etc. Mirrors, Picture frames. Glass table Tops Manufacturers of leaded art glass windows. Phone Cliffside 1984 HARDWARE DEALERS c7~schneider Ilousefurnishings - Hardware Next to Grant-Lee Theatre 809 ABBOTT BOULEVARD PALISADE PHONE CLIFFSIDE 2057 MARBLE WORKERS Telephone 1275 Union Ideal Marble Mosaic Co. Joseph Scodellaro, Prop. Tile, Marble, Mosaic, Terrazzo & Slate Artificial Granite, Stone & Stucco Work | 269 Park Ave.f Union City, N. J, MASONS H. B. BURNET MASON CONTRACTOR Seventh St., Englewood Cliffs Phone Fort Lee 1871 MONUMENTS Mark Every Grave —MEMORIALS— Erected in all ccmc.lcrics John Fallcr Monumental Co. 4G2 G Harding PL, FAIItVIEW PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1401 MOVERS, CHARLES A. HEFT, Jr. Pianos and Furniture MOVING Local and Long Distance Phone, Fort Lee 177 x PAINTERS & DECORATORS W. SCHMIDT Painter & Decorator 3f>0 BROAD ST. Cliffside rilONE CLIFFSIDE 18S7 H. MULLER &SON Artistic Painters and Decorators High CIrbp Interior Work for Homes, Artistic Deroratinjt and Fine Wall , liRinjinas 746 Jassainine Way GRANTWOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE 3196 B. E. WRIGHT PAINTER, DECORATOR & PAPER HANGER 336 Anderson Avenue Cliffside, N. J. Andrew Jackson's Politics Andrew Jackson Is popularly sup posed to have started the moderi Democratic party. It was to a larg< extent the successor of the Jeffer sonlans. But Old Hickory himself die not apply the name “Democratic” tc his followers. During his Presidency and after his retirement to the Her milage. In all his correspondence he called himself a Republican and spoke . )t his party as the Republican party.— Pathfinder Magazine. Fairly Warned A small coster child entered tin operating room at a hospital, looke< up at the sutseon, and said, “If yoi urts me I’ll tell my dad—and ’e’s t perllcemau.*’—London Tit-Bit9. \ PHARMACIES H. F. GOEMANN’S Grantwood Pharmacy LAWTON AVENUE GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone Cliffside 1216 PALISADE DRUG STORE AT THE JUNCTION PALISADE, N. J. TELEPHONE 921 CLTFFSIDE NIGHT TEL. 1295 CLIFFSIDE PLUMBERS FREDERICK J. DYER SANITARY PLUMBING AN1) IIEATiNO CONTRACTOR CRANTWOOD Sanitary expert licensed by Stnto Board of Health Phone Ctiffside 1903 M PRINTERS GOOD PRINTING SERVICE Standard Prices—Dependable Service Palisadc-s Printing Corp. Formerly ClifTside Park Press, Inc. 5*17 (Jorge Road CRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone 2002 C'liffsido REALTORS See Page 5 RADIO 120 volt Edison Element, Storage B Batteries . RADIO SETS OF ALL TYPES AT REASONABLE PRICES A & B Storage Battery Chargers. Batteries charged, rented & repaired. All types of tubes in stock, also full line of Radio parts and a Radio repair dep’t. PETER SPILGER Basement 434 13th Street Near Bergenlihc ave* WEST NEW YORK Phones Union G11G-7C54 OPEN EVENINGS SIGN PAINTING PIIONE FORT I,EE 200W H. WHITE — SIGN PAINTER— COYTESVILLE N. J. O’MEALIA OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COMPANY HARRY F. O’MEALIA. Pres. Poster Advertising, Electric Signs and Painted Outdoor Advertising 372-4-6-8 Johnston Avc., Jersey City Phones Montgomery 6854-6855 because it thorough!;' v cleanses. Its refreshing,' antiseptic tither pene-'^^^ trales the pores and removes peiaonons matter. Yon will find it most efficient NT W skin troubles. In use for 70 years. Gouraud’s Medicated Soap ' Send 10c. for Trial Stte . 2 I FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON. New York City 1 We’re Literary All Rick* The highbrow that argues that we are not a literary people any more should have seen that tat girl lying right smack on her tummy on a bench In Ihc Pennsylvania station the other night reading a vivid magazine. Guess he’d take back them cruel words!— Wilmington News-Journal. STEAMSHIP TICKETS STEAMSHIP TICKETS IicservationH Now For All Leading Lines. JOHN CLEUCK & SONS, PASSENGER . AGENTS, 18C 4th St., UNION CITY Phone Union G417 WHITE and BRUDIE THAVEL AGENTS Real Estate — Insurance 4~>2 Pali, arte ave. ClifT.rtrte Park PHONE CMFFSIDE 2010 TAILORS F. CORRADO Ladies’ Si Cents' Tailoring - Suita made to Order Cleaning, Dyeing. Prt*>dng & It**j>n*ri GG7 Palisade Avp. Grantwood, N. J. formerly with lion wit & Teller, N. Y. ('. Phone Cliffsidc 1120M' Telephone Cliffside 1814 W Clothing for sale Suita made to order S. SILVERMAN Ladies’ end Gents’ Tailor Cleaning, Dyeing Pressing Si Repairing Furs Remodeled and Glared 702 Anderson Ave. Grantwood Between Grant & Knox Aves. TINSMITHS EDWARD A. BLIQUEZ Roofer and Tinsmitk Copper, Shingle & Tar Roofing Shirt Mi-tal Work Window Glass Put In 400 Main St. FORT LEE Phone Fort Lee 2099 Phone Cliff side 19G8 Grantwood Roofing & Sheet Metal Works WILLIAM GRASSMAN, Prop. Glitters, Leaders, Furnaces, Ranges 603 Hillside Avenue GRANTWOOD, NEW JERSEY Metal Ceilings and Roofing SERVO & ULRICH Also Asbestos and Asphalt Shingles 175-9 Central Ave., Union City Phones: Palisade 1048, Webster 4284 THEO. HEINZF.R Metal Ceilings For Kit-hens, Ruth rooms, New Buildings and Old. Jobbing 415 24th St., GUTTENBERG Phone Union 3744 UPHOLSTERERS UPHOLSTERY WINDSOR SHOP Inc. Upholstering, ahademaking, draperies, slip eovers. 301 Fourth St. (on Pali sfido car line). Phone Union 8315, Union City, N. J. . A Wonderful Softness Renders a beautifully soft, velvety smoothness to the skin and coin- | plexion, an appearance glowing with the freshness of youth. • Chapped, rouph and irritated skins are quickly soothed and relieved. Maxes an exceptional base fur applying [nice Powder. ommmC ALMOND LOTION e Ford. T. Hopkins Si Son New York John F. O’Hara Jjii.n J. O’Hara j John F. O’Hara & Son j FUNERAL DIRECTORS "“371 Broadway, Union Cily, N. J. 309 Washington Street Hoboken PHONE HOBOKEN 129 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COU. STEVENS AND WEST STREETS \\VEST HOROKEN. N. J . t . 'V ' "1 Miss Stewart, Ridgefield, And “Teddy” Osmer Wed In Ridgefield Sat. Last Miss Margaret Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Stewart of Ridge field, and Theodore France Osmer, Jr., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs-. Theodore Osmer of Knox avenue, Grantwood, were wed in the Itutch Reformed church of Ridgefield at 4:30 o’clock last Saturday afternoon. Ina Stewart, sister of the bride was the bridesmaid and Charles Osmer, i brother of the groom, acted as best man. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. The ceremony was attended by the | members of the immediate famalies and a few friends. Immediately fol lowing the ceremony the bridal party left for New York, where they attend ed a theatre party. The newlyweds are now residing in New York city. The couple are prominent members of the local younger set and have been sweethearts for many years. Wild Oats There has been considerable dis pute as to when Is the best season in sow wild oats. To our mind it is not so much a question of when as how. And perhaps it isn’t so much a question of how as of where. When all is said and done, no doubt, it re mains a question of why. There's al ways an answer to the why, hut it generally comes too late to bo more than an explanation. Cliflfside Park H. S. Alumni To Present College Glee Concert And Dance Apr. 9 It is seldom that the residents of Cliflfside Park are given an opportuni ty to attend a real college club concert in their own town and probably many will desire to avail themselves of this privilege on Saturday evening, April 19, in the Cliflfside Park High School. The Glee club and Musical clubs of | Steven’;: college are giving this con cert, under the auspices of the Cliff side Park High school Alumni associa tion, to aid them in their good work for which funds are needed each year, [that of presenting a prize to the stu dent most deserving of recognition in | academic and athletic progress, and in leadership in general. Those who have heard the Steven’s jGlee and Musical clubs, speak most appreciatively of their excellence and the concert will please varied tastes in its vocal and instrumental numbers which will be followed by a dance and I jazz orchestra. The tickets are one dollar and the entertainment should receive strong support from the townspeople in this community. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. B. Weis of Oakdene avenue, Granlwood, announce the en gagement of their youngest daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Henry L. De Monie, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. De i Monie of Englewood. h'.& 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY | riiiiiiiiiiiiMminriniiiiiMiiTiniiiinmilimMiimimininufiinininiimflimf'iMimmtfimlirfmnMfffmniiminminininiiiH Chiropractors DR. G. C. WEIERSHAUSEN Chiropractor Palmer Graduate Licensed by the State Board 2017 Centre Ave. Fort Leo Phone Fort Lee 4S3W 205 31st St. North Bergen Phone Union 984M Chiropractic Health Home Phone Fort Lee 340 ENGINEERS A. J. MAHNKEN Civil Engineer - Surveyor 145 Anderson Avenue, Fairview PHONE CL1FFSIDE 1953 Frank J. Oleri, C. E. Civil Engineer and Surveyor First National Bk. Bldg. Fairview 650 Bergenline ave. West N. Y. Phone Union 8014 Title companies will not guarantee search without a eurvey or properly.— SEE— THOUROT &DUNHAM CIVIL ENGINEERS A SURVEYORS 108 BERGENLINE AVENUE y Manhattan Bld'sr. Union City. N. 3. Telephone 1'ulisuiie 1806 Optometrists Photographers J. B. FRANKO Photo Portraitist Studio, Palisade Junction HOME PORTRAITS & SITTINGS • - BY APPOINTMENTi i. »<*;•' -•> Physicians Palisade Tonsil Hospital Dr. N. J. Shapiro EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT J 02 Palisade Avp., Union City, N. J. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENTS UNION 2797 Undertakers CHARLES DARKE Funeral Director and Embalmer Corner 17 th St. and Bergen line Ave. WEST NEW YORK Phones Union 668 and Union 6062 THE ESTATE OF ,;« JAMES F. MCNALLY^- !. UNDERTAKER , c. i 211 Main St. Fort Lee, N. J. Phone Fort Lee 16 Night Phone Fort Lee 258 Thomas McNally, Manager JAMES A. HUNT Funeral Director 184 MAIN ST. FORT LEE Phone Fort I*ee 1611 Residence and Night Phone 278-R IVINS D. APPLEGATE FUNERAL DIRECTOR 225 Washington St. Hoboken, N. J. Phone: Hoboken 442 GEORGE E. BURGER Funeral Director 325 Forty-Eight St. UNION CITY PHONE UNION 1093 Old City Still Thrives Joppa, or JatTa, as It Is now usual ly tennot!, Is still an Important town, the terminus of the Jaffa ami Jerusa lem railway, as of yore the terminus of the ancient trade highway from Its harbor to the Far Fast. It has a population variously estimated ut from 10,000 to ,' of which well iver 5,000 are Christians. Dressing the Halibut It Is u universal custom to behead the halibut at point of landing, and ship tlsh dressed and beheaded. The heads are sometimes used for the manufacture of fertilizer, fish meal or glue.