* Personal and Social
CliffsTde Park
Mr. and Mr;;. Frfcd J. von Dohren
anil daughter, Lucille, of 2.‘54 Grant
avenue, and Mrs. Martin Meder, of
Union city, have returned after spend
ing a wee]; at their bungalow situated
at East Durham in the Catskills.
Miss Flora Fiala of Grantwood, was
graduated last week from the Savage
school for physical education in New
York city.
■ Mrs. Croteau recently entertained at
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Henokcr,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kraft, Miss A.
Lueders, William D. Hartman, and
Oscar Lueders.
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J. Leeger, of Lawton avenue, attend
ed the graduation exercises at the Wo
men’s State College at New Brunswick
^ where Miss Helen Leeger is a student,
i, Mr. Joseph Moreng, of Knox avenue,
a student at New York University,
left for camp last week.
<• Mrs. Fred von Dohren entertained
at a bridge and pinochle party at her
home last week. The guests included
Mrs. James Swanson, Mrs. Walter
Mehl, Mrs. Henry Iliercks, as well a;
out-of-town friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Banta celebrat
ed their wedding anniversary last Sat
urday evening with a theatrc-dinne.
party in New York city after whirl
they attended the Alviene school, Ne\
York, while their little daughter, Ev
elyn, appeared in a solo dance and two
•group dances.
Mrs. Richard E. Reels, had as her
guest over the week-end, Miss Mar
garet Miller, a‘ history teacher in the
State Normal school at Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeStcphano,
formerly of Lorraine Courts, Knox
avenue, are now residing in their new
home on Pleasant avenue.
* Mr. and Mrs. Willet Roger, of Grove
avenue, recently entertained Harry
Jaquard, of Staten Island.
! During the latter part of last week,
Miss Helen Maguire underwent an op
eration for appendicitis, and is recov
ering rapidly.
Mr. Greenhall, of Edgewater, was
the .winner of a Five-dollar gold piece
given to the holder of the lucky num
ber in a recent contest, sponsored by
the Mohawk A. C. of Grantwood.
Miss Alice Lueders, of Anderson
avenue, and William D. Hartman,
were: the iguests of Mrs. Henry Rau
man, of West New York, recently.
Mrs. J. R. Franklin entertained the
Five Hundred club at her home on
Clark terrace/ Thursday last. 1 >v
Werner lleer, of Pittsburg, was the
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. William |
E. Limouzc. ]
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore and
son, Jack, of Rronxville, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Clark,
of Palisade avenue, recently.
p. Stanley Stetlca and Lawrence Han
sen, left last week for a trans-conti
nental trip in their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Griener and son, Ted
dy, recently returned from a trip to
their summer camp in Pennsylvania,
.' Mr. and Mrs. Emr, and their child
ren, Florence, Margaret and George,
of-Anderson avenue, recently spent a
few days with relatives in Connecti
* cut. - *
Joseph Rambone, of Gorge road,
and Nellie Tyborski, of River road,
Edgewater, were married last week at
the home of Rev. B. C. Weinlaeder,
pastor of the ’ Fort Lee Lutheran
church, * * .
'Reichev and sons, of
have returned from a
short stay at Arena, N. V. '
, Mr. and Mrs. Franz, of Commerical
avenue, recently enjoyed a sojourn at
Kingston, N. Y.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kenney,
of Lafayette avenue, recently enter- '
tained Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose McCall,
of New York.
Mn and Mrs. Frank Foley, for- '
merly of Lawton avenue, West Grant- 1
wood, have moved into tlicir new res- ■
idence on Lawton avenue, east Grant
Miss Marguerite Murtagh, of the
Cliffside Park high school faculty, re- '
ceived her degree on the completion
of her course in secondary education
at Columbia University, last week.
^ Mrs. Richard E. Berls entertained
%iss Brainerd and Miss Edwards, of
Hackensack, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark enter
tained at their home on Palisade nve- ;
nue, Mrs. Clark’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Krononbitter, of Loonia,
and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore
and son, Jack, of Bronxville, recently.
Mr. Carl Carlson, of Franklin ave- '
nue, has returned home from Lehigh '
University this past week to his
Grantwood home for the summer va- 1
i Mrs. Joseph. Le Bert I>e Bar and
son, Joseph, have returned to their
home on Lincoln avenue, after a two
months’ sojourn in Miami, Florida.
Miss Irene Whelan returned to her
home on Palisade avenue, after com
pleting her third college year, last
■ • Mr..Harry Accomando, a graduate
' of the Cliffside Park High School, has’
completed his law school training and
will receive his degree this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Stannek, en
tertained at their home on Lincoln
avenue last week, Miss Agnes Dick
man, of Bradford, 111.
Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Cole, of Lin
coln avenue, entertained Miss Edith
Cole and Mrs. Edward Perry, of Jer
sey city, recently.
The Sunday school picnic of the
Grantwood Congregational Church has
been postponed until June 25, at the
Grantwood playgrounds.
Mrs. Gustav Zellweger held a bridge
party at her home on Lawton avenue,
last Tuesday evening.
Tomorrow afternoon at 4:BO p. m.,
the marriage of Miss Gertrude Mar
tens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Martens, of Lafayette avenue, will be
celebrated at St. Paul’s Lutheran
church, New York,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winkler, spent
the week-end at their bungalow on
Lake Mombasha, New York, and had
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Sexton
and daughter, Miss Ethel Sexton, of
Rochelle Park.
Mrs. William P. Ahearn entertained
the trustees and members of the house
committee of Court Grantwood, Catho
lic Daughters of America, at luncheon
at her home on Grant avenue on Tues
day. Mrs. Ahearn is grand regent of
the court.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryei'son and little son,
Harold, of the Bronx, and Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin LeCato, Jr., and little
daughter, Dorothy Jane, were the
guests at dinner at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Kenworthy, of Col
umbia avenue.
Mr. Kenneth Clark, was graduated
from law school recently.
Arthur Abrams, of Lawton avenue,
will return to his home shortly after
completing two years at Brown Uni
versity, Providence, R. I.
Mr. and Mrs. Nutt, and daughter,
Miss Rachel Nutt, have returned to
their home after spending the winter
in Florida.
Mrs. O. M. Burns and daughter,
Miss Lucy Burns, have returned to
their home in Chicago last Monday,
after spending several weeks'at the
home of Miss Lucy Madden, of Grant
Mrs. Frank Merritt, of Lincoln ave
nue, entertained on Tuesday at lunch
eon, Mrs. Charles H. Borg, Mrs. Fer
ens, Mrs. Marie Haldenwang and Mrs.
Emerson, all of Woodcliff.
i The seniors of Clilfside Park high
school left Monday morning for their
long waited Washington trip,-and re
turned this morning. Their chaper
ons were Miss Emily Kruck, class ad
visor; Mrs. Robert L. Burns, Mrs. J.
Long and Mr. John Long,
i Miss Kathleen Hourigan is home
from Barnard college for summer va
cation and has as guests, two class
mates, Miss Helen Mayer and Miss
Janet Provin.
Miss Ruth Dyer, of Lincoln avenue,
is confined to her home with an ill
Mrs. W. Fox, of Lincoln avenue, re
cently returned from then Englewood
hospital. ' < - 1 - •>;
Mrs. Herbert Everett, of Lincoln
avenue, has as her guest this week,
Miss Mae Lillis, of New York.
Mr. Fiank Dickinson, of Knox ave
nue, has returned from Union college
for the summer vacation.
Mrs. S. Hofmayer entertained at a
bridge party at her home on Wednes
William LaPetria and Nathan Coop
er are home from Washington and
Lee University, Lexington, Virginia,
for the summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kenney, of
Lafayette avenue, entertained Dr. Sa
>odia, of New York city, recently.
The closing exercises of the -Irma
Walton kindergarten were held on last
Mrs. Lembke, of Lincoln avenue, is
onfined to her home With an illness.
Friendship Social
A Friendship Social was held at the
ionic of Mrs. H. Konunz, 428 Lafay
■tte avenue, Grantwood, on Saturday,
I une 4. All pi'esent were required to
nove their friendship by a display of
vhatever talents they possessed. The
lonors went to Miss Katherine Ben
:eke, of Fort Lee, for her recitation,
‘Life’s Canvas," which was loudly ap
plauded. A Mr. Koenig delighted all
with vocal selections.
Thos present included Mr. and Mrs.
I. Eberle, of Clitfside Park, ML and
VIrs. W. Koenig, of Bergenfield, Mr.
iVilliam Devlin, of New York city, Mr.
ind Mrs. F. Paechel, of Palisade, and
Vfiss Katherine Benecke, of Fort Lee.
Fort Lee
Mr. and Mrs. J, Cummins, of Wash
ngton, D. C., are the guests of Coun
■ilman and Mrs. Petor Grieb, of Park
;r avenue. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Charles King, of Le
>nia, were the guests of Mrs. Robert
Scott, of Summit avenue, on Sunday.
Miss Frances Lathberry, of Hoyt
ivenue, a student at the Trenton Nor
mal school, passed the week-end with
lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lath
berry. Miss Lathberry will gradu
ate on June 24 and has already been
engaged as sixth grade teacher in Pal
isade Park. Miss Lathberry will be
gin actual teaching in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darrel, of
Center avenue, have returned from a
month’s vacationing in Bermuda.
• Mrs. George Lahm, of Main street,
was tendered a surprise birthday
party by her sister, Mrs. Peter Grieb,
on Saturday evening. Games, dancing
and singing were enjoyed by ali. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. George
Lahm, Mr. and Mrs. Petei1 Grieb, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Kronewitter, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lahm,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kronewitter. Miss B.
Kronewitter, Miss Helen Becker and
Miss Helen Fischer.
The ladies G. G. Club were enter
tained by Mrs. Dana Riley, of Center
avenue, on Tuesday afternoon. Those
present were, Mrs. I). Westervelt, Mrs.
Ritter and Mrs. F. Lozier, of Coytes
ville; Mrs. Arthur E. Kerwjen, ^Mrs.
John C. Abbott, Jr., Mrs. John Abbott,
Sr., Mrs. Sarah DuBois and Mrs. D.
Riley, of Fort Lee. •
> Mrs. Richard Ford, 6f Walnut
street, sailed for Ireland on Saturday.
Mrs. Ford will visit relatives for sev
eral months.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beed
enbender, of Linwood avenue, a
daughter. Mrs. Beedenbendcr was
formerly Miss Della Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenstengle,
of Anderson avenue, had as their
guest, Mr. Warner, of New York city,
on Saturday.
Miss Harriet Meeker, of the English
department of the Fort Lee high
school was absent several'days during
the past week due to illness. ■
John E. Lange, of Jane street, who
is away to Dayton, Ohio, on business,
will return on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lang, Mrs. I.
McConnell and Charles Perrin, motor
ed to Beacon Hill Camp, L. I., on
Lester Lang is away on business to
Black Island.
Mrs. Louis Smolin and daughter,
of Main street, visited relatives in
New York, on Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Sifferlin and children, of
Long Island, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Muller, of Whiteman
street, on Sunday.
Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. Benet, of
Woodcliff, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Muller, of Whitman street on
Mrs. M. Dunn, of Teaneck, was the
guest of Mrs. A. Muller on Saturday.
Several Fort Lee folks motored to
Nyack, on Sunday, where they visited
Mrs. F. Watson. They were Mrs. C.
Brannigan, Mrs. F. Schwab, Jr., Mrs.
J. Cahill, Mrs. C. Brannigan and Mrs.
J. Lynch.
Englewood Cliffs
Mrs. Randall, of New York was the
guest of Mrs. Caesar Impemba, of
Third street, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Houghtaling
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Maeser, attended
the P.-T. A. dinner at the Swiss Cha
let last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Webster and
Mr. and Mrs. C. Impemba will spend
the week-end motoring along the shore
of the Long Island Sound.
Mrs. Susskind with Sophia Wake
ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Wakeham, of Englewood Cliffs, and
Elizabeth Dunn, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Dunn, of Englewood,
formerly residents of the Cliffs, will
be presented to Bishop Stearly for
confirmation on Sunday at St. Steph
en’s church, Coytesville at 9:15 a. m.
Miss Catherine Burns, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Burns, was among
those who joined the Reformed church
of tho Palisades, last week, at the
special annual service.
Miss Miriam Moeser, of First street,
will entertain the Kappa Phi Sigma
on Monday.
West New York Coal
The following cars have
been taken in trade as part
payment on new-^
autombiles and are offered
to you
Without Profit
Lowest time payment plan
extended on these cars.
Harry A.Schwarz Co.
202C Lemoine avenue
4 West Palisade avenue
Open evenings and Sunday
Mrs. A. Herrmann, of Sylvan ave
nue, will have as her luncheon guests
today, Mrs. H. Stuhrmann, Mrs. _J.
Gebhardt, Mrs. C. Partridge, and Mrs.
E. Conover.
The Cliffs’ school will close on June
17, and the Englewood high school
on June 2.'i. The Graduation Exer
cises of the Cliffs’ school will be held
on June 16.
The school children have had a fine
time gathering wild flowers. Satur
day was the last day on which they
Notlee !■ given of a now offering of
dated Juno 1$, 1927, and bearing interest
from that date at the rato of 3% per
cent. The bonds will mature in twenty
years, but may called for redemption
after sixteen years.
Second Liberty Loan bonds will be ac
cepted in exchange at par. Accrued in
terest on the Second Liberty bonds of
fered for exchange will be paid as of
June 15, 1927.
Second Liberty Loan bonds have been
called for payment on November 15, 1927,
and will cease to bear interest on that
date. Holders of such bonds who desire
to take advantage of the exchange offer
should consult their bank or trust com
pany at once. The exchange privilege
will be available for a limited period only,
and may expire about June 15th.
Further information may be obtained
from banks or trust companies, or from
any Federal Reserve Bank.
1 * Secretary of the Treasury.
Washington, May 31, 1927. r
might pick them, and on Monday the
mounted specimens were brought to
school by their proud owners. Some
very beautiful and artistically arrang
ed collections have been submitted and
the awards will be made in the near
future. There will be four prizes,
1st, ten dollars; 2nd, five dollars, and
two of two dollars and fifty cents
It’s His Way of Advertising
Whenever yu spe a dokter who nl
wus travels on the run you kan bet
he iz out ov a job.—.Tosh Hillings.
Finest Dahlias
I beg to offer the best lot of fine
dahlia roots to be found in Bergem
county. Some are prize winners
at the Englewood Dahlia show.
For late summer and fall, no
flower is so decorative as the dah
Prices range from 15 cents to
$.'> each.
Try our .$2 collection, 25 different
kinds assorted.
Robert Haussener
Price list with names sent. .
•’ i' •;. . . - • ’ . '
1 l t
'■ ;• ^ Established 1906 '<
Civil and Consulting Engineers
C L I F F S I D E,
Gasoline should not
he lop-sided,good
in some ways ,poor
in others.ltmust
TJ \ - |
Making for Happiness
There is no happiness In having
and getting, but only In giving; hall
the world is on the wrong scent in the
pursuit of happiness.—Henry Drum
mond. ._
Scots Early Builders
The first concrete pavement known
was built In 1865 in Inverness, Scot
land. The ojdest one In America is in
Bellefontaine, Ohio. It wns built In
1892, and is still in use.
Uncle Eben
••It costs mo’ to live dan it used to,”
said Uncle Eben, “but dar’s mo’ enjoy
ment in life.’’—Washington Star.
Fort Lee Nursery and
Landscape Service
Foundation Planting* a Specialty
Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses. Fruit, Shade,
and Ornamental Trees.
Experts at pruning and spraying trees.
Call for estimate and let us beautify
your home grounds
Robert F. Waidmann, Prop,
i ’
1598 Anderson Avenue
Phone Fort Lee 1656
Summer time ¥*■ /
is New Car time- .
Enjoy a Buick
This is the logical time of year to buy a car at die
beginning of the period of greatest enjoyment. And
Buick is the logical car to buy, because it will pro-j
vide the greatest usefulness with the greatest!,
, economy.!_^ __
Buick is a beautiful car—in design coloring and I
in appointment.j|ItJs powerful/speedy and'
dependable*^' __
Enjoy your summer'driving. Buy sBmck
A <54$
* •’ M ■■ *. «uuui
Chestnut and Engle Sts. Eriglewood, N. J,
Phone Englewood 242