Newspaper Page Text
In the Churches Cliffside Park ITALIAN CONGREGA TIONA L CHURCH (COMM UNITY) —Corner Jersey avenue and car line, Cliffside, Reverend S. C. Gozzo, Pastor. Miss Mareie Pendlenton and Miss Cora Hart Missionaries and Social workers. Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Adults Bible class, 11 a. m.; afternoon service with sermon (in Italian), 4 p .m,; evening service (in English), 8 p. m. Religious educational center every Thursday, 4 p. ni. under auspices of Protestant Teachers Association of New York Teachers Association of New York, Young People’s Christian Endeavor, meets every Sunday evening, in the church, 7:80 p. m.; Miss Crabtree, Leader; Reverend Gozzo, Secretary. Mazzini Men’s Club meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the church hall, 8 p. m.; Joseph Surnmcr ano, President; Joseph Esposito, Sec retary. Mothers’ Club meets v third Wednesday of each month in church hall, 3 p. m.; Miss Cora Hart, Leader. The organizations and services of the Congregational Italian Mission, of Cliffside, are closed for the summer, with the exception of the Sunday school in the morning and the church service at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The Daily Vacation Bible school will open its sessions on Tuesday, July 5, from 9 to 12 each day, under the care of competent teachers, and for children of all ages. There will be Bible stories, and teaching, instruction in arts and crafts, music with outings at inter vals. CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, (R. C.)—-Anderson avenue and Walker street, Cliffside. Reverend Father John E. Kicrnan, pastor; Rev. Father E. A. Burhard, assistant. Sun day masses at 7, 8 and 9 a. m.; high services, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. and 8 p. mass with sermon, 10:80 a. m.; Ros ary and benediction, 4 p. m.; The Holy Name Society holds meetings the first Tuesday after fourth Sun day of each month, church auditorium, 8:30 p. m.; John F. O’Toole, presi dent, Albert McDonald, secretary. Rosary Society meets the first Sunday of each month, church auditorium, 4 p. m.,; Mrs. James Dunn, president, Mrs. Mary Curran, secretary. Child ren of Mary meet the first Monday after the fourth Sunday of each month, church auditorium, 8 p. m.; Miss Marie Bolick, president, Miss L. Fox, secretary; Boy Scouts meet every Monday, church auditorium, at 7:80 p. m.; James F. Strakcy, Scout master; Girl Scouts meet every Tues day, church auditorium, 7:45 p. m.; Miss Margaret F. Garrety, captain. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH—Law ton avenue and Palisade Trolley, Grantwood. Rev. Carl O. Morong, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; morning worship with sermon, 11 a. m.; the young people’s devotional ser vice, 7:45; evening evangelistic ser vice, 8 p. m.; mid-week service, Thurs 8:45 p. m.; choir practice, Friday, 7:45 p. m.; Ladies’ Auxiliary meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at homes of members. Mrs. II. Peters, president, Miss Alice Lueders, secretary. , TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTH ER AN CHURCH—Columbia avenue and the Trolley line, Grantwood. The Reverend Fiank J. Schwarz, pastor. Sunday services with sermon, 11 a. m.; Bible school, 9:30 a. m.; no even ing service; mid-week sei’vice, Wed nesdays, 8:15 p. m.; Ladies’ Aid Soc iety meets first Wednesday of each month, church pallors, 2:30 p. m.; Mrs. M. Anderson, president, Mrs. K. Cadien, Jr., secretary; Boy Scout meet every Tuesday, church parlors, 7:30 p. m.; William Kahis, Scoutmas ter; Church Council meets first Mon day of ^ach month, church parlors, 8 p. m., A. Haddon, president. Organizations and regular services are closed for the summer, except for the Sunday school and the morning service on Sundays. Union Sunday evening services, each week in the West New York church. Pastor Schwarz of the Grantwood church is expected back from the west this week and will again be in his pulpit, on Sunday, July 3. TRINITY EPISCOPAL The Sunday .school of the Grantwood Episcopal church closed last Sunday, for the .summer, with a Corporate Communion service. Their picnic will be held in the fall. /The Penny-a-Day society of the church has also closed. Its last meet ing for this season was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Buschell. The Sunday school teachers held a committee meeting at the home of Miss Mabel Hattemer, last week, to make plans for the picnic of the teach ers. Young People's Conference—The Young People’s Conference of the Pal isades opened its session last Saturday afternoon, in the Grantwood church, with a representative attendance from the parishes of Fort Lee, Coytesville, Erigcwater, Ridgefield, Grandview, Fairvicw, Leonia, Palisades Park, Woodcliff and Grantwood. The Grantwod rector, the Reverend R. P. Pressey called the conference and opened it with an address of wel come, followed by the address of the chairman, William Hay, of the Fort Lee church. Chancey L. Lewan, president of the Young Peoples’ Fellowship of the dio cese of Newark, spoke on “Young Peo ple and Their Relation ot the Church." J. H. Wendt, president of the Bro therhood of St. Andrew, also spoke. The organization followed preceding the supper in the Parish House. I>r. Sidney Cooke, of St. James church, New York, gave an address, , after supper, on “The Great Adven ture." Duneing followed up to 11 o’clock then came the preparatory service for the corporate communion which was held at 8 a. m., closing the conference. The Reverend Mr. Lowcth of the Fort Lee church was the celebrant, as isted by the Reverend Mr. Kelly of the Lconia church and the Grantwood lector. The Reverend Mr. Phillips of the Kdgewater church delivered the ser mon. CONGliEGA 'FIONA L CHURCH— Columbia avenue, Grantwood. Rever end Silas Rees, I). I)., pastor. Sun day school, 9:45 a. m.; regular morn ing service with sermon, 11 a. m., and in the evening, 7:45 p. m.; Junior Christian Endeavor meets every Tues day, in the church, 7 p. m.; C. J. Lcc ger, director, Miss L. Weiss, presi dent, Walter Dictler, secretary. Sen ior Christian Endeavor meets every Tuesday in the church, 8 p. m.; Miss Ethel Sears, president; Miss Rose Manahan, secretary. Choir practice every Thursday in the church, 8 p. m.; director Mrs. A. Gurtner; Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Societies meet jointly second Tuesday of each month, in the church, 2:80 p. m.; Mrs. W. E. Kaolin, president of Ladies’ Aid; Mrs. George Donaldson, chairman Mission ary Auxiliary; Board of Deacons meet last Tuesday before the first Sunday of each month in the church, 8 p. m.; Rev. Rees, chairman; Mrs. M. A. Yea ger, secretary; Board of Trustees meets first Friday of each month in the church, 8:80 p. m.; J. E. VanWag ncr, chairman; E. H. Wcsp, secretary. The subject for the sermon at the Sunday morning service, July 3 will be “Reverence.” In the Sunday school, Mr. Willis Mileharrt' has been elected secretary, a faithful attendant in the school, re placing Mr. Raymond Duerr who has given faithful service for the past two years but has found it necessary to re sign on account of his business. The Sunday school closed its ses sions, for the summer vacation with Children’s Day exercises last Sunday. These took the place of the regular church service and did it very effect ively, under the leadership of Miss Edith Van Wagner. The Sunday school will resume its sessions the second Sunday in Sept ember. It is hoped that a Teachers’ Train ing class will be formed, in September, the Sunday school teachers and others interested, meeting once a week to con sider the best means of presenting the lesson the coming Sunday, and it is suggested that this study of the Bible take place on Wednesday evenings, making this service more closely re lated to the needs of the Sunday school. The pastor of the church makes the following announcement: A prize of $10 for the best essay on the subject “What part can I play in the building up of Grantwood Congregational Church?” Competition is opened to all connect ed with the church, except Sunday school pupils. Each essay limited to 1,000 words, to be handed in with name and address to the pastor before the second Sun day in September. The winner can gain his “ten tal ents,” in this way in the campaign. A prize of $5 is offered to the Sun day school scholar for the best essay on “IIow can our Sunday school be improved, and what can I do to im prove it?” Essays must not exceed 300 words and should be sent to Miss Edith Van Wagner before the second Sunday in September. * EPIPHANY CHURCH (R. C.) — Knox avenue and car line, Grantwood. Reverend Father A. J. Ferretti, Pastor Reverend Father John Banks, Assist ant Pastor. Masses Sunday, 7, 8, 9 a. m.; High Mass and sermon 10:30 a. m.; no evening service, confession Sat urday, 8 to 10 p. m. Catholic Daugh ters of America meet the second Mon day of each month in clubhouse, Grant avenue and car line, 8 p. m.; Grand Regent, Mrs. Margaret Aheurn; His torian, Miss Lucy Madden. Hoiy Name Society, meets at call of President: Joseph Josephs, President. Epiphany Circle meets first Monday of each month, 8 p. m., church basement; Mrs. G. Dopslaff, President; Miss Lucy Madden, Secretary. Fort Lee 1NTERDEN0M1NATIONAL MIS* SION—(Non-Sectarian)—110 East Main street, Fort Lee. Reverend W. McBride, pastor. Bible school, 10 a. m.; morning worship with sermon, 11 a. m.; evangelistic service, 8 p. m.; secretary. prayer meeting, Wednesday evenings, 8 p. m.; Young People’s Society meets every Sunday evening in the church, H:4f> p. m.; William Thompson, presi il'-nt; Caroline Kirschbaum, secretary; Trustees meet at call of president; H. W. Ortlip, president, James Knupp, ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL l. UTHERAN CHURCH—Anderson avenue and Jane street, Fort Lee. The Lev. B. C. Wcinlaeder, pastor. Sun day school, 0:00 a. m.; Divine Wor -liip with sermon, 10:45 a. m.; no evening service. The Ladies’ Aid Society meets first Wednesday of each month, homes of members, 2 p. m. ; Mrs. B. C. Weinlaeder, president and Secretary; Walther League meets every Friday, 8 p. m.; Chas. Brandt, president, Rosina Walter, secretary. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD (EPISCQPA L) —Palisade avenue at Monument Square, Fort Lee. Reverend Douglas H. Loweth, rector. Church school, 0:45 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.; celebration of the Holy Communion the first Sunday of each month at the morning service, also 0 a. m., every third Sunday; no evening or vesper service. Choir practice every Thurs., in the church, 8:30 p. m.; American church club meets first Wednesday of each month, Parish house, 8:30 p. m.; Reverend Loweth, president; Mrs. G» Diehl, secretary; Junior League meets first and third Mondays of each month in Parish House, 8:30 p. m.; William Hay, president; Miss Josephine Web er, secretary; Girl Scouts meet every Wednesday, Parish house, 7:30 p. m.; Miss Nancy Smith, captain; Vestry meets second Monday of each month, Parish house, 8:30 p. m.; William Highham, Warden; Lawrence Duckies the secretary. Coytesville FIRST REFORMED CHURCH— Lemoine avenue, Coytesville. Rever end Edward Kelder, pastor; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning service with sermon, 11 a. m.; no evening service; communion service first Sunday in March, June, September, December; Bible classes, Monday evenings, 8 p. m.; Reverend Kelder, leader. Or ion club meets every Monday, Sunday school room, 8 p. m.; Boy Scouts meet every Thursday, 7:30 p. m.; Edward Gardiner, Scoutmaster: Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Society meet at call of president, Mrs. Edward Kelder, president; Mrs. A. E. Kcrwien, sec retary; Girl's,, club meets every Fri day, homes of members, 8 p. in.; Mar garet Weiss, president, Edith Hewitt, secretary. The Dutch Reformed church, Rev. Edward Kelder, pastor, held its regu lar Sunday services, Sunday school at 10 o’clock, morning services at 11 o’clock. Services at these hours will be continued during the month of July. The Senior Bible class has adjourn ed for the next two weeks owing to the absence of the leader, Mr. Sage. The Junior Bible class has disbanded for the summer. On July 9 at eleven o’clock the cel ebration of the Lord’s Supper and ad mission to the church will take place. The Sunday school picnic will take place in July. During the month of August, the Sunday school will disband but the church services will continue as usual. ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH—St. Stephen’s Episcopal church held its regular Sunday morn ing prayer and sermon at 9 o’clock with Reverend D. H. Lowcth, rector, in the pulpit. This was Mr. Loweth’s last meeting with this parish until he returns from his trip from England. During his absence Mr. Paton of Scot land will be the lay-reader and the ser vices will be the same as usual. Morn ing prayer and sermon at 9 o’clock. But there will be no Sunday school until the fall. At last Sunday’s school services, prizes were awarded to those who took the examinations on the year’s work. Miss Sophia Wakeham won the prize for highest average, from Mrs. Wakeham’s class and Miss Laura Dyson, from Miss Duckle’s class. Miss Martha Harvey won the prize for the best attendance in her grade, and little Anna Moran and Brodie Moran won prizes for best at tendance in their grade. The Girl’s Friendly Society—On Saturday afternoon last, the Girl’s Friendly society, met at the house of Mrs.’A. H. Herrmann, with Miss ■Sophia Wakeham, as hostess. After their regular business meeting, re freshments and a social hour followed, then some of the girls chaperoned by their president, Mrs. J. Flavcllc, went on to the conference at Trinity church, Grantwood. The girls are planning for a trip to Coney Island; a cake and apron sale in July, mingled with some trips to the Holiday House, at Dela ware Water Gap, this summer. HOLY TRINITY II. C. CHURCH— The Holy Trinity R. C. church held its regular masses on Sunday, but not during the week as Reverend Father Mulligan is making a retreat. The regular Sunday services and mid-week mass will be held this week as usual. The Holy Name society is preparing for a picnic to be held on July 10, at East Madison. B,adges Of Office Given O’Connell And Daly At A Testimonial Last Week Gold badges of office were presented to Sheriff O’Connell and Under-Sheriff James Daly, of Fort Lee, at a testi monial dinner given in their honor by friends at the Swiss Chalet last week. Many prominet men from all over Bergen County were among the 200 present and one of the speakers stated that he thought it would be possible for the Democrats to continue Mr. O’Connell in office at the next election. The committee of arrangements con sisted of: Judge James D. Moore, Hon. Samuel Densen, Hon. David R. Smith and Hon. Fred Van Wetering. Among the guests were Mayor Edward A. White, James D. Moore, ^Fulton R. Hardman, all of Fort Lee, John Cla han, Sr., Dr. Vincent Poole, Judge Preston, Judge Arthur M. Agnew and Mayor Coner, of Ridgefield. John McGarry Awarded Contract For Lemoine Ave. Extension, Starts July 1 The Board of Freeholders has awarded to John McGarry, of Edge water, the contract for the Lemoine avenue extension in Fort Lee which will connect this important highway with Palisade avenue. Mr. McGarry’s bid was $t>5,01)7.510, the lowest bid of five submitted. Work on the improvement will start on July 1 and it is hoped to complete the road before winter weather sets in. Plans For July 4th In Cliffside Park Continued from Page 1 Frank Yaeger, Carl Muller, and the Exchange Club of Cliffside Park. The Exchange club committee con sists of the following: Erwin Goemann, General chairman; Charles J. Leeger, Robert J. Cadien, Jr., John S. Diehl, Frank ft. Safino, Henry Gubler, Jr., August Hansch, Nicholas F. Mahoney, Nelson Neu mann, and Richard J. Fox, Ex-oflkio. The program will be as follows: At 10:30 a. m.—parade of all decor ated automobiles, headed by band of music, to leave High School grounds. 11:00 a. m.—start of games and ath letic events. Volley ball for men and women. Boy’s events, under the di rection of R. Cadien and J. Diehl. Girl’s events, unde* the direction of Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Lauer. At 2:30 p. m.—Band concert, patriotic songs, led by Mr. Charles Leeger. At 3:00 p. m.—Salute to the Flag, by all, Song, Star Spangled Banner, Address of Welcome, Mayor Joseph Marini, Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence, Rev. Scharret, Song, Am erica, Patriotic address, Rev. Rees, Presentation of prizes for all Athletic events competed for during morning, Joseph Marini, Mayor, R. J. Fox, president of Exchange Club; 4:00 p. m.—Fat Man’s Race, open class; Fat Woman’s Race, open class; Tug-of War, Exchange club vs. Councilmen; Wheel-barraw race for men; Wheel barrow race for women: 4:30 p. m.— Baseball game, Married men vs. Sin gle men. There are two Quoits’ Courts in front of the stands for those who wish to play during the afternoon. Refreshments served all day. Free to everybody, in charge of Mrs. Finu cane. Teachers of the Cliffside Park high school plan to spend the summer as follows: Miss Helen Turner, art teacher, will spend several months in Europe, pass ing the majority of the time in Paris, Florence and Rome. Principal Robert Burns will spend part of the time in Utica, N. Y., and also some of the time at their home on Columbia avenue, Palisade. Miss Emily L. Kruck will tour about the Great Lake section. Mr. Barker will spend the summer at his home in Coytesville, N. J. Miss Dorothy Baxter plans to spend considerable time in Canada and Iowa. Miss Lois Legg will, after complet ing a course at the New York City Teachers’ College, return to her home in Seattle, Mich. Miss F. Hornet, after completing a course at Cornell University, will re turn to her home in Wyalusing, Pa. Miss Rose O’Brien will return to her home in Pottsdam, N. Y. Miss Worden will spend the summer on Palisade avenue, Grantwood, at her home. Mr. Savage will pass his eighth con secutive summer at Asbury Park as a captain of the life guards. Mr. J. Burns will vacation at Os wego, N. Y. Mr. Hendrickson will spend the time on a tour to the Pacific coast and re turn. Miss Sophie Jaffe will spend part of the time in Palisade at her home, and also part of the time in the Ad irondack Mountains. Miss Johnson, after completing a course in Cornell University, will take a position to teach in South Orange. Mrs. Welsh will spend part of the time in Grantwood, and the remainder sojourning in Goshen, N. Y. John A. Long will spend the entire summer at Camp Ocschus, Hinsdale, Mass. Miss Odessa McClellan will leave shortly for Egypt, where she has signed a contract to teach in a college there. Miss Edna Kilmer will return to her home in Argyle, N. Y., where she will stay with her parents. Mrs. Jennie MacCulloch will be at home at the Lorraine Courts, Knox avenue, Grantwood. Miss Marguerite Murtagh will di vide the time between West Chazy, N. Y., and Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. H. B. Evans will summer in •Johnson City, Tenn. Glenn Snyder will tour through the western part of United States, ter minating at Los Angeles. Frank Ash will stay at Holyoke, Mass., until August 1, after which he will stay in Paterson. Thomas McCann will spend his va cation in Pennsylvania. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moreng, of Knox avenue, left on Wednesday morning for Winston, Conn., where they will visit their son, Joe. IVINS D. APPLEGATE FUNERAL DIRECTOR 225 Washington St. Hoboken, N. J. Phone; Hoboken 442 FREE TUBE FREE TUSE Special Offering ONLY July 1-2-3-4 ONLY During this sale each purchaser of a Michelin Tire, quoted below, will be given a FREE Mich elin red-rubber tube for the price of the tire ONLY. These prices arc the same that we have been quoting since January 1 this year. A small deposit will entitle you to take advantage of this sale and to reserve a tire and tube for future payment. Ballecm Cord3 PRICES 29x4.40 29x4.40 29x4.95 31x4.95 31x5.25 30x5.77 33x6 32x6.75 Universal Oversize $11.95 12.50 16.75 18.75 19.75 22.50 23.90 36.00 High Pressure Cords PRICES 30x3 Va 30x3 Va 31x4 32x4 33x4 32x4 Va 34x5.77 Regular Oversize S. S. $ 9.00 10.95 16.75 17.75 18.50 23.75 27.75 J “Service is our middle name” 603 Anderson Ave. Grantwood, N. J. Phone 1259 Cliffside