Village Gossip
—All school children who will take
part in the parade and patriotic ex
ercises are requested to meet at the
Whiteman street school, Fort Lee, at
8:45 a. m., on Monday, July 4.
_Mrs. Charles Jacknowitz, of Bluff
road, entertained at a lawn party this
past week for her little daughter,
Leanore. The lawn of the Jacknowitz
home was very prettily decorated and
games and delicious refreshment
made the afternoon one that will long
be remembered by the little guests and
many of the parents who also shared
Mrs. Jacknowitz’s hospitality. Those
present included Clement and Bobby
Littauer, Paul Loeshe, Svlvia Bohr,
Chester Screpp, Leonard Lipkc, Ar
line Drake, Eleanor Finding, Mary
McFarland, Milton Rosenkrantz. Ter
ry Limonfeld, Muriel Brand, Claire
Cohen. Eleanor Lerner, Helene Mal
sin, Margaret Frank, Rhoda Morris,
Miss Beatrice Brand, Miss Sylvia Ro
senkrnnz and a number of the parents.
Mrs. Jacknowitz was assisted at serv
ing by Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Peach
man, of New York, and Mrs. Littauer,
of Woodcliff.
—The spring dance of the Zeta Chap
ter of the Phi Delta Epsilon Fratern
ity, held in the new ballroom of tin
Villa Richard, in Coytcsville, on Sat
urday evening of last week was an
outstanding success and throughly en
joyed by the thirty-two young couples
in attendance.
—Dr. Floyd Curry has returned to his
dental offices in the Grant-Lee theatre
building after a very pleasant time
spent in Boston attending a reunion
of his class at Harvard.
—Through error in last week s issue
the name of D. H. Valentine, of Dear
born road, was mentioned as one ol
the guests from Palisade at an outing
given by Captain Guy Seaver, of Clilf
side Park. Mr. Valentine was not a
member of the party.
—Mrs. Charles T. Logan, of Cumber
mede road, who underwent an opera
tion at the Fifth avenue hospital in
New York city last week, is now at
home convalescing and making a rap
id recovery.
—Mr. and Mrs. William J. Eypper,
of Anderson avenue, leave tomorrow
for their summer home on Long Is
land. Mrs. Eypper and her little son,
Paul, will stay the remainder of the
summer. Mr. Eypper will spend the
■week-ends with them.
—Doug Lang, of Warrcnton, Virginia,
has been a house guest at the Sibley
home on Edgewood lane this past
week. He is a school chum of Ernest,
Jr. Mrs. Sibley’s niece, Mrs. Ross N.
Lilian!, of Oklahoma city, Oklahoma,
has also been a guest together with a
friend, Mrs. M. Burriss. Mrs. Lilian!
has many friends and acquaintances in
this section having once been a resi
dent of Morscmcrc during the war
when her husband, Captain Lillard,
was serving in France with tho 42nd
•—Captain Harry Elkan, of Edgewood
lane, has returned from camp and will
'take a very active part in the Fourth
of July celebration in Fort Lee on
Monday. Captain Elkan’s little son
$njoyed the several weeks at camp
with his father this year.
—Miss Josephine Bliss leaves on Sat
urday for a vacation in Buffalo, New
—Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sharp and
their son, Stanley, leave on Saturday
for Ocean Grove, where they will re
main over the 4th of July.
—Mrs. Kern and her daughter, Bar
bara have left for Vermont where they
will spend the summer.
—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gellner, of
Edgewood lane, celebrated their fifth
wedding anniversary this past week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burdett and
family, of Anderson avenue, will spend
the remainder of the summer at Lake
—Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Brady, of
Cleveland, were guests this past week
at the home of Mr. Brady’s parents
on Palisade avenue.
—Miss Betty St. John is visiting her
grandmother in New York state. Fred
die St. John, in the company of a
school chum, Jack Evans, is motoring
to Canada in his trick roadster. They
have had five flats so far according to
wireless dispatches.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins, their
daughter, Mildred, and son, Charles,
sail Saturday for Europe. They will
tour the continent before returning in
the fall. >
—The Feuerbach family, of Cumber
mede road are enjoying the summer at
Brielle. Briellc seems to be a favorite
haven for Palisadians, the Beckmanns,
the Grulichs, the. Flages, the Magees
and the Feuerbachs arc all there.
—Mrs. Adele Oman has as her guest
for several weeks, her mother, Mrs.
H. A. Hull, of Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs.
Oman plans to return home with her
mother in July, accompanied by her
children, Virginia and Fred, making
the trip by motor.
—Services in the Union Church of
Palisade have been discontinued for
the summer.
Mrs. Miller and family are leaving
this week for their summer home in
J'le’w Hampshire,
L:.- v.;
CliflFside Park
ing—Thirty members of the Helping
Hand Society of the Christian Orphan
Home, enjoyed an outing last Thurs
day, at the Edwin Gould foundation
in Pelham Parkway.
Mr. Gould sent two busses to the
Fort Lee ferry to transport the group
at 10 :-‘J0 a. m., to his cottages.
There they were shown all the little
colony of seven or eight cottages, de
signated alphabetically, the first for
cleaning and examination, the next for
contagious diseases, the others for
The children are received here on
their way to Homes, as a clearing
house, and kept for three weeks, to
insure health and other outfitting.
During their stay they are taught
in their respective grades, by a public
school teacher maintained there by the
N. Y. Board of Education.
They arc dressed in attractive khaki
suits and the visitors were enthusias
tic over their good looks and prepos
sessing appearance. ,
The big store room was filled with
pretty suits and dainty lace trimmed
underwear, everything of the best
quality as indeed all the other things
arc in this place, for the cottages are
beautifully furnished, and with five
Chinese rugs on the floor. Nature
study is an important part of the
children’s education.
A trained nurse is in charge, and
for each cottage is a house mother,
everyone receiving commendation from
the visitors for their appearance and
pleasant manners.
In the i “mess house,” used by the
Boy Scouts for their camp, the visitors
enjoyed their luncheon, each bringing
her own, which, however, was supple
mented by other additions through
Mr. Gould’s hospitality.
Members from WoodclifF, Palisade,
Leonia, Cliffside Park, Edgewater and
other towns represented in the Help
ing Hand, formed the visiting group,
and returned toward evening after a
wonderful day.
AMERICA—Members of the Grant
wood court of the Catholic Daughters
of America, Mrs. F. Banville, Miss
Loretta O’Neill, Miss Mac Brandes
and Miss Frances Scharff, attended
the initiation of Court Manhattan, at
the Knight of Columbus club house
and afterward were the guests of Mrs. |
O’Neill, Regent of Court Manhattan,1
at their banquet.
The Court Grantwood Daughters
gave a card party on Wednesday even
ing at the home of Mrs. George Brown
in Edgewater Heights Park, for the
benefit of the parochial school fund.
Prizes ana refresnments aided to
the enjoyment. The hostess was as
sisted by Mrs. J. Preston, Mrs. M.
Sutley and by Mrs. Broderick, chair
man of the committee for the fund.
The Junior Catholic Daughters of
America recently held an iniation in
Epiphany Hall.
Those administering the degree were
Miss Peggy Stewart, Miss Margaret
Vroman, Miss Florence Flood, and
Miss Peggy Gorey.
Five new members were admitted
j into the organization, Miss Helen
Yoost, Miss Vera Rcnaldi, Miss Ther
esa Renedetti and Miss Katherine Pet
News Of The
Women’s Club
Cliff side Park
Due to incorrect information given
in by the reporter, the wrong date was
published, for the Garden party to be
given by the Fine Arts department of
Woman’s club, of Cliffsidc Park. The
date is Saturday afternoon, September
24, on the lawns of Mrs. George Blake,
of Edgcwatcr Heights Park.
The closing and extremely enjoyable
event of the season for the Woman’,
club of Palisade, was a motor trip to
"Greystonc,” the home of Samuel Un
termeyer, on Tuesday, June 27, undei
the auspices of the Home department.
There were about fifteen in the par
ty. Each one had packed a luncheon,
and not the least enjoyable feature of
the day’s outing was the eating there
of in Interstate Park.
The tramp through the beautiful,
spacious gardens at “Greystonc.” was
one long to be remembered and worth
Police Committee To Think
Over Parking Ordinance
Before Its Introduction
Attorney Arthur M. Agnew report
ed to the Mayor and Council of Clilf
side Park on Monday evening that he
had prepared an ordinance to prohibit
parking on certain sections of Pali
sade avenue and that he had also pre
pared a general ordinance that would
invest in the police committee power to
regulate parking on any street or part
thereof for any length of time provid
ing that such street or part thereof
was properly marked.
Commenting on the general ordi
nance the attorney said he was not al
together sure that it would stand a
court test because it was not as speci
fic as most parking ordinances arc.
It was decided to defer action on
both ordinances until htc police com
mittee has the time to examine them
very carefully and make a recommen
Public Service Statement
A comparative statement of com
bined results of operation for the
twelve months ending May 31, 1927
issued by Public Service Corporation
of New Jersey shows gross earnings
of $109,712,628.75 as against $99,925,
9J>7.30 for the twelve months ending
May 31, 1926 an increase of $9,786,
Operating expenses, maintenance,
taxes and depreciation for the period
were $79,374,190.27 an increase of $7,
187,862.35 leaving a net income from
operations of $30,336,438.48 as against
$27,739,629.38 for the twelve months
ending May 31, 1926 an increase of
Other net income amounted to $1,
069, 849.99 an income deductions to
$18,798,421,97, the balance for divi
dends and surplus being $12,609,866.
50 as compared to $12,524,257.68 for
the twelve months ending May 31,
1926 an increase of $85,608.82.
It is entirely fitting that the historic Borough of Fort Lee
should celebrate the natal day of American Independence
and for this purpose the town fathers have appropriated the
sum of One Thousand dollars, to provide for the expense
thereof; and I, by virtue of the authority vested in me as
Mayor, have appointed a committee to complete the neces
sary details for this great event.
The committee, having worked hard nad conscientiously,
are prepared to present a Fourth of July program unprece
dented in the annals of our town, and it is my desire that all
our citizens participate in and enjoy the day’s events with
an understanding of their true significance and with a feel
ing of deep patriotism in their hearts and love one for an
other—fellow citizens in a great country.
I do, therefore, designate July 4, 1927, as a day of local
rejoicing and thanksgiving for the manifold blessings we
now enjoy through the sacrifice of those noble men in the
earlier days of American history.
‘ Mayor of the Borough of Fort Lee.
Emely Millinery Shop
Straw and Felt hats, small, medium and large
720 Anderson ave. (Between Knox & Lafayette aves.)
One Flight up Granlwood
Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.
Phone Cliffside 1021
Lawton Beauty Shoppe
Lawton Ave. & Palisade Trolley Grantwood, N. J.
Marcelling, Haircutting, Permanent Waving, etc.
Mon. Wed. and Thurs.,—10 a. in. to 6:30 p. m.
Tues. Fri. and Sat.,—10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.
West New York Coal
Sixth st., Iloboken, N. J.
Thoroughly prepares boys for the
leading' colleges. Small classes. Ath
li tics. Catalogue on request.
Insure Your
Public Liabilty $26.10
Property damage 11.70
574 Palisade ave. Grantwood
—Tel. Cliffsidc 2078—
Day and Night
Cadillac Sedans with Meters
691 Anderson ave.
Grantwood, N. J.
A Wonderful Softness
Renders a beautifully soft, velvety
smoothness to the skin and com
plexion, an appearance glowing
with the freshness of youth.
Chapped, rough and irritated skins
are quickly soothed and relieved.
Makes an exceptional base for
applying Face Powder.
Fard. T. Hopkina A Sra
Near Yark
Your money draws
4 °/c interest
Deposits made on or before
July fifteenth draw interest
from July first.
- - - every mcdern banking, trust and title service.
Jbt Economical Tromportofiom j
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Low Prices!
1-Ton Truck $£QA
with Stake Body00^
1-Ton Truck *7C(£
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1-Ton Truck
1-Ton Truck 1QC
*A*Ton Truck 1QC
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All prices f. <*. b. Flint, Mick
Balloon tire* atandard equip*
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Check Chevrolet
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In every section of the country
Chevrolet Truck sales are break*
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This decisive preference for Chev
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Chevrolet dependability under
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provements in the powerful Chev
rolet valve-in-head motor — im
provements typified by a new AC
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With a cab inclosure that matches
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the handsomest haulage-units on
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If you use trucks in your business
—come in! Learn for yourself why
Chevrolet performance has proved
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604 Anderson Avenue Grantwood, N. J.
Phone Cliff side 840 For A Demonstration