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GENERAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY iintmtimmimi.’nrtr liiiiiiiiiiiimiiiinmimmiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiinmmiiiiiiuii AUTO ACCESSORIES Grantwood Auto Supply Co. 653 Palisade Ave. MOTOR BEARINGS • BENDTX SPRINGS BRAKE LINING PISTON RINGS PISTON PINS FAN BELTS Phohe Cliff side 1412 M. R. ROBBINS V. C. FRANRE AUTO REPAIRING F. SOSNICKI AND SON Automobile & Truck BODY BUILDERS Alto Repairs and Painting 228 Palisade Ave., Cliffside Phone Cliffside 1439W TELEPHONE CONNECTION J. ATHENAS EXPERT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRING ALSO RADIO REPAIRING 123 CROSS STREET FORT LEE. N. J. ‘ BAKERIES GRANTWOOD BAKERY BREAD, CAKE and PIES Sanitary Bnklng Department Orders taken for Special Birthday, Wedding Cakes, and Holiday Pies 710 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Phone Cliffside 1398 Gus Heist;r, Prop. BATTERY SERVICE Grantwood Battery and Electric Station All makes of Batteries, Recharged, Repaired and Renewed Generators, Starters and Magnetos Rehaired ANDERSON & LAWTON AVES. GRANTWOOD, N. J. f .Phone Cliffside 192 Grantwood Auto Supply Co. M. B. Babkins i ■ • V. C. Frank* k '{'/ batteries RECHARGEb—REPAIRED - !, /» .... .FOB,SALE * 6ES Palisade Ave., Grantwood Phone C It Aside 1412 CLEANING & DYEING Phone Cllffside 2987 We call for and deliver orders Bluebird Cleaners & Dyers LADIES’ and GENTS’ TAILORS Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Repairing Furs Remodelled and Glared Palisade Junction (Next to P« O.) COAL wmammmtmmmmmmmsmMamammtmmamm West New York Coal Company Phone Hack. 6565 COAL Quality and Service Prossen&Flood,Inc. Ridgefield Park, N. J. No Coal ? Well you won’t need as much if you put Storm Sash where your window screens are. We carry them in stock and they , are not expensive. Ask for our ■ our price list. Brewster & Son Telephone 1400 Ridgefield Park I Diet for Mentally III Because mental Illness Is a disorder of the entire Individual and not mere ly bf the mind, the diet should be pre-, scribed with the same care concern ing proper balance and vitamlne con tent as in physical Illness, declares Dr. L. D. Hubbard In Ilygela Maga zine. Mental detectives, even Idiots, do not appear to suffer greatly front dietary errors. English Shot Towert London has two of the five shot towers, where leaden shot are made by propping molten metal from vari ous!- heights, In the country; the oth ersare at Newcastle, Chester and Bristol. imiiHmmummiiiiiiiiiiiimimmimHiiui'iiiiiiii DELICATESSENS CHARLES ORTMANN DELICATESSEN Groceries, Teas Coffees and Spices "EAT THE BEST— WE SELL IT” 691 Anderson Ave., Grantwood Free deliveries—Phone Cliffgide 1129-J DELICACIES and FANCY GROCERIES The Town’s Finest Stove HENRY MUCK Schugel Building 659 Paliaade Ave., Grantwood New Jertey CHARLES STEPHANS Imported delicatessen goods and Staple groceries. Bread, Cakes & home-cooked salads. 412 Anderson ave., Cliffside Fridays, Clam Chowder, Fish cakes Special Sunday—Roast Chicken CHARLES BECK | ELECTRICAL I iCXDNTRAOORs i LIGHTING FIXTURSS j ^APPllXHCEJ* 572 GORGt TO GRANTVfcS)D a CHONS CLWFSiM I4W FLORISTS HANS ROSSMERKEL Floral Pieces, Wedding Designs, Cut Flowers and Plants “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” Greenhouses mid Office: De Soto Place and Hamilton Ave. HUDSON HEIGHTS Phone 737M ilCffside GARAGES ARTHUR J. KERWltfN GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIRING Tires, Tubes, Oils, Casolind and Accessories t 1 Lemnine Ave., near Main St. FORT LEE, N. J. PHONE FORT LEE 84 GLAZIERS JOHN LUETHKE! i GLAZING 686 Anderson Ave., Clr&ntwQpd All kinds of glass for windows, au tomobiles, sun parlors, porches, etc. Mirrors, Picture frames. Class table Tops Manufacturers of leaded glass windows. 2 I Phone Cliffside 3226 f HARDWARE DEALERS C. SCHNEIDER Hourefill'll ishiiigs - Hardware Next to Clrant-I.iCe Theatre 809 ABBOTT BOULEVARD PALISADE PHONE CLIFFSIDE 2057 MASONS --y H. B. BURNET MASON CONTRACTOR Seventh St., Englewood Cliffs Phone Fort Lee 1871 MONUMENTS Mark Every Grave —MEMORIALS— Erected in all cemeteries John Faller Monumental Co. 432-G Harding PI., FAIUVIEW PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1401 MOVERS CHARLES A. HEFT, Jr. Pianos and Furniture MOVING £ocaI and Lon? Distune* Phone, Fort Lee 177 PAINTERS & DECORATORS W. SCHMIDT Painter & Decorator SCO BROAD ST. Cliffside PHONE CLIFFSIDE 1887 H. MULLER &SON ArtUtic Painters and Decorators High Class Interior Work for Homes, Artistic Decorating and Fine Wall Hangings 746 Jassamine Way GRANTWOOD PHONE CLIFFSIDE SIM J PHARMACIES ■HMMttMBntaBSWaHHHMBEOtti* H. F. GOEMANN’S Grantwood Pharmacy LAWTON AVENUE GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone ClilTside 1216 PALISADE DRUG STORE AT THE JUNCTION PALISADE, N. J. TELEPHONE 931 CLIFFSIDE NIGHT TEL. 1395 CLIFFSIDE Phone Cliffside 2G53, 1628 —HOFFMANN’S— Prescription Pharmacy 428 Palisade Ave., Cliffside Park, N. J. PLUMBERS FREDERICK J. DYER SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR GRANTWOOD Sanitary expert licensed by State Board of Health Pbone Cliffside 1903 M PRINTERS GOOD PRINTING SERVICE Standard Prices—Dependable Service Palisades Printing Corp. Formerly Cliffside Park Press, Inc, 64 7 Gorge Road GRANTWOOD, N. J. Phone 2002 Cliffside aeae RADIO Spilger fQr Sefv^ce Buy your i radio , here where you caii get the best at a fair price and WILL- get .SERVICE. Peter Spilger I, (Bcdcmeitf)*' i434—13th St WEST NEW YORK I Nb&7#nliiie Avt'ime M fN in fc T U REM vpF.) * High-Gnrae Radios and Stdragfe “B” Batteries Sell* Direct to You, Saving the Jobbe»r&’ and Dealers’ Profits. nrut jnim—f-— SIGN PA1NT1JMG PHONE FORT LEE 200W H. WHITE —SIGN PAINTER— COYTESVILLE N. J. O’MEALIA OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COMPANY HARRY F. O’MEALIA, Prc. Poster Advertising, Electric Signs and Painted Outdoor Advertising 372-4-6-8 Johnston Ave., Jersey City Phones Montgomery 6854*6855 STEAMSHIP TICKETS WHITE and BRUDIE TRAVEL AGENTS Real Estate — Insurance 452 Palisade ave. Cliffside Park PHONE CLIFFSIDE 2010 STEAMSHIP TICKETS Make Reservations Now For All Leading Lines. JOHN GLUECK AGENCY PASSENGER AGENTS, 13G 4th St., UNION CITY Phone Union 5417 mi HI i TAILORS ■MflnMMBBHNMMMMMUSKai Telephone Cliffside 1814 W Clothing for sale Suits made to order S. SILVERMAN Ladies’ and Gents’ Tailor Cleaning, Dyeing Pleasing & Repairing Furs Remodeled and dazed 702 Anderson Ave. Grantwood Between Grant & Knox Aves. TINSMITHS EDWARD A. BLIOUEZ Roofer and Tinsmith Copper, Shingle & Tar Hoofing Sheet, Metal Work Window Glass Put In 400 Main St. FORT LEE I^ine Fort Lee 2099 Phan* Cliff (id* 1968 Grantwood Roofing & Sheet* Metal Works - WILLIAM CRASSMAN, Prop. Gutter,, Leader*, Furnace*, Range* 6113 Hillside Avenue. GRANTWOOD, NEW JERSEY L'iirnuumiuuiimuM: .MiumimiiiiiiitiiiiiimuiimimmiiimiimiiiuiiiimHimiiiiiiiiimiiiuniimtiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiifiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiimiiiiiiiiii PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY | Architect* mamummimKitammaassamKa ERNEST SIBLEY A rchitect EDCEWOOD LANE and BLUFF ROAD Palisade, New Jersey wnm'&WAir* Attorneys MORRISON, LLOYD and MORRISON Counsellors-A t-Law 272 Main St., Ridgefield Park, N. J. PHONE HACKENSACK 2060 173 Main street Hackensack PHONE HACKENSACK 2441 MACKAY and MACKAY ATTORNEYS 236 MAIN ST. HACKENSACK N. J. PHONE 815 HACKENSACK CLARENCE MABIE —ATTORNEY— 173 MAIN ST., HACKENSACK Phone Hackensack 3800 CORNELIUS DOREMUS Counsellor at Law Ridgewood, N. J. New York Office— 66 Broadway Chiropractors martinmaimmaaramamm DR. G. C. WEIERSHAUSEN Ohiro praetor Palmer Graduate Licensed by the State Board 2017 Centre Ave. Fort Lee Phone Fort Lee 4R3W t20$ aflst St \ North Bergen %■ ppion $84jd Chiropmctfi* Health Home v Fhone Fort Lee 840 ENGINEERS Title companies will not guarantee penrfth without a Burvey or property.— SEE— THOUROT &DUNHAM CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 108 BERGKNLINE AVENUE Manhattan Bld’g. Union City, N. J. Telephone Palisade 1806 Frank J. Oleri, C. E. Civil F.ngineer and Surveyor First National Bk. Bldg. Fairview 650 Bergenline ave. West N. Y. Phone Union 8014 Optometrists Pardo ■hiiX iTlfiN 1 441-16™ Sr. West New York; N.J. Photographers J. B. FRANKO Photo Portraitist HOME PORTRAITS * SITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT Repps Bldg. Park F'lacp, En trie wood Phone Eng. 4114 The one thing you can give lhat other’s money can’t buy elsewhere is YOUR PHOTOGRAPH C. H. AUSTIN Palisade Junction, Palisade, N. J, associated with S. W. Nourse Phone Cliffside 331 — 1194 Scientific Photography for the Medical Profession, Hospitals, Col leges and Research Laboratories S. W. NOURSE Palisade Junction, Palisade, N. J. Phone Cliffside 331—1191 rnysicians IffUtllMH Palisade Tonsil Hospital Dr. N. J. Shapiro * EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 192 Palisade Ave., Union City, N. J. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENTS UNION 2797 j'..',' • ■ __ 1..Q.I_ Undertakers «E»:b AS CHARLES DARKE'u“r% Funeral Director and Embalmer\ Corner 17th St. and Jirrfrealine Ave. WEST NEW YORK •' ■ Phones Union GG8. an^ Union 6062 THE ESTATE OP JAMES F. McNALLY UNDERTAKER ail Main St. Fort LmjtN. J. PHONE FORT LEE 10 also 2024 Lemoine ave. Fort Lee JAMES A. HUNT Funeral Director 184 MAIN ST. FORT LEE Phone Fort Uee 1611 Residence and Night Phone 273-R Phone, Union 820 Ambulance f‘De Luxe? S. R. SHARPE CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS i . r • • • - • - \ 791 Bergenline Avenue LADY ATTENDANT UNION CITY, N. J. John F. O’Hara Jjhn J. O’Hara John F. O’Hara & Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS S’ 371 Broadway, Union City, N. J. 309 Washington Street x Hoboken PHONE HOBOKEN 129 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COR. STEVENS AND WEST STREETS V _ WEST HOBOKEN, N. J. Orchids of Africa There are gorgeous orchids, often two to three feet In height, and many “bullion.;” plants In Africa, says Nature Magazine, The glorious Kaf flrhoom has the bluest of skies as a background for Its crown of red bh>s sonis. The Capo chestnut Is clad In a mantle of pale inauve pink. Worthy of Monument Speaking of mote, Inglorious Mil tons—A machine Is said to have been devised to take the noise out of steel riveting and the Inventor's name i« not given. • . Tropical Food Procluci' Tapioca Is made of tapioca flour, which la made from the root of the cassava plant, which resembles our sweet potato plant In size anil appear ance, It Is grown for food purposes In practically ull tropical countries. Our muln supply comes from Java. Jameetown Settlement Beginning of the lirst English set tlement in America was at Jamestown on May 13, 1(107. ('apt. John Smith was the leader and his colony num bered 103 persons, all men. Onlj? 20 ; were mechanics or agriculturists. Improvement Ass’n. Passes Resolution On Death Of Former Member, A. Tams At the last regular meeting of the Palisade Improvement association the following resolution was presented and passed: WHERE AS in the passing of our neighbor and fellow member, Mr. Ar thur W. Tams, we have lost a pioneer member who was first and foremost in every thing which he believed to bi tor the welfare of Palisade, and whose counsel was of unquestioned value and who supported with his time and means every purpose advanced for the good of the community. AND WHEREAS, through the sup port and energetic leadership of Mr. Tams the community restrictions have in fact been maintained for over twen ty years without substancial viola tion. AND WHEREAS Mr. Tams was a man absolutely straight forward and out spoken in what he conceived to be right and open and above board in relation to-those with whom he differ ed. AND WHEREAS Mr. Tams believ ed in and practiced a high type of Americanism in his social relations and in the support of all public insti tutions including schools, churches, and neighborhood entertainments. THEREFORE RESOLVED that the members of the Palisade Improve ment Association assembled in their regular monthly meeting wish to ex press for themselves personally and for the association, sorrow and be reavement in the loss of a member and friend, and they also wi,sh to ex press their feelings of gratitude that they have been permitted for so many years to have close relationship with a man of such outsanding and diver Lsified talents. RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this association and that copies be sent to public press and to the family of Mr. Tams. July 7, 1927. Real Estate and Building Francis A. Danville, Cliffside Real tor, reports the sale of four homes in Cliffside Park between July 1 and July 7. The total involved is $50, 700.00. Mr. Danville sees a renewed inter est in homes in this section and pre dicts that the house market which ex perienced a slight slump will soon be back to normal. Puzzled Margaret “Funny our hats should have cost more than pianos,” said little Mar garet ns they walked along. “They don’t, dear,” said her mother. “Whut made you think so?” “Well, that sign in the window says: ‘Huts, $10 up,’ and just now 1 saw a sign in another window, ‘Pianos, $10 down.* ’’—Path finder Magazine. Congressmen "Officer4* Anyone who Is legally civtsen or appointed to fill a public office, civil or military, whether legislative, ju dicial, executive or diplomatic, is an officer. The dictionary definitions of “officer” embruce members of con gress. Legal Advertisements Legal Advertisements Charter No. 12497 Reserve District No. 2 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Palisade National Bank Of Fort Lee AT PALISADE IN THE STATE OF NF.W JERSEY AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON JUNE 30, 1927 Resources Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances of other tanks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank .^ U.'S. (iovernment securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) All other United States Government securities ( in cluding premiums, if any) ... .... <0* »e>i* bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned . Banning House, $£»,000t Furniture and Fixtures, $G,000; Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank . Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection Cash in vault and amount due from national banks .... Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer ,. Otjier assets, if any ......*... n'‘! ..Liabilities. Capital stock paid pi .. Surplus fund .*.-. Undivided profits ..-. Circulating notes outstanding ....... Certified chebks outstanding .;...... Cashier’s checks outstanding .... Individual deposits subject to check . Dividends unpaid ...A.. Savings deposits ..'.. Other time deposits ...... Liabilities other than those above stated . $30,1)00.00 3,175.00 $315,445.91 38.175.00 . , 842,725.25 11,000.00 22,221.54 • ■ no *'•'-88,169.38 1.500.00 8,590.78 $671,540.55 | 50,000.00 25,000.00 6,811.67 28,100.00 6,923.97 4,089.72 265,047.98 1,000.00 269,843.53 13.578.74 1,144.94 State I. above -4 *671.540.55 of New Jersey. County of Bergen; sst Arthur J. Hughes, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ARTHUR J. HUGHES. Cashier. Subsetibed and sworn to before CORRECT ATTEST: me this 13th day of July, 1927. IRVING M. ROSENBLUM, GEORGE H. LIMBACH. HARRY D. SCHALL, Commissioner of Deeds, E. THORNTON KELLY, New Jersey. Directors Charter No. 11(118 Reserve District No. 2 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF : CLIFFSIDE PARK NATIONAL BANK J I at cliffside in the state of NEW JF.ERSEY ;. ; AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON JUNE 30, 1927 *T’( Resources , - . ^ 1. a Loans and disoouiltK, including rediscounts, accept ances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank (ex cept those shown in Item 1-b .«.*r.. 2. Overdrafts, unsecured, $1.75 .:. 3. U. S. Government securities owned: a Deposited to secure circulation (U> S. Bonds par value) ....... b All other United States Government securities (in cluding premiums, if any) ... TOTAL ... 4. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned . G. Banking House, $54,000.; Furniture and fixtures, $ 12,677.40 ... 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank . y. Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of col lection .. . 10. Cash in vault and amount due from national hanks.. 11. Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States (other than included In Items 8, 9, and 10) . Total of Items 0, lo, 11, 12, and 13 . 14. b Miscellaneous cash items . 15. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . 13. Other assets, if any . $1,082,341.76 $1,082,341.76 1.75 35,000.00 54,201.50 '89,201.50 1,649,866.65 €*,677.49 147.520.17 4,162.83 82.976.28 146,581.26 59.442.15 417.85 1,750.00 34.066.06 TOTAL $3,218,424.49 Liabilities 19. Capital stock paid In . Surplus fund . ill, a Undivided profits. $117,805.89 . ' 0 Less current expenses paid . 22. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc., accrued . ?3. Circulating notes outsanding . 77. Certified checks outstanding . 78. Cashier's checks outstanding . Total of Items 74, 25, 76. 77, and 78 . Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 31) days): 79. Individual deposits subject to check . 33. Dividends unpaid . 34. Uther demand deposits . Total of demand deposits (uther than bank de posits) subject to Reserve, Items 79, 30 31. 37. 3ft, and 34 . Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days or subject to 30 days or more notire, and postal savings) : 35. Savings deposits . 38. Postal savings deposits . Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 35. 36. 37. and 38 . 43. Bills payable (including all obligations representing money borrowed other than rediscounts . 49. Liabilities other than those above stated ... TOTAL . • 117.805.89 59,777.08 21.486.70 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 58.028.81 257.18 32.600.00 6.672.23 14,813.97 865.642.48 1,61)0.00 » 64.76 867,197.18 2,082.766.11 260.13 2,083.026.44 60,000.00 6,833.68 33.218,424.49 State of New Jersey, County of Bergen, ssl ... I, F. W. Jacoby, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1927. t ANNA C. JENS, Notary Public COR R ECT—ATTEST: DENNIS J. MAHONEY. PAUL B STETKA, E. S. FRAGALI. Directors } i % ' '■'* .