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Arizona Republican. VOL. I. PHOENIX, WEDNESDAY MORNING-, MAY 21. 1890. NO, 3 The If U ' mwi in Iowa Prohibitionists Make a Vigorous Fight. The Tariff Debate Growing Warmer. A Hard Struggle Over the Sugar Schedule McKinley Finally Curries His Point. .SENATE. Washington, May 20. Stanford in troduced a bill for loans on public lands nnd announced tlint ho would hereafter address the Senate on this subject. Tho Senate then proceeded to consider the original package bill. Wilson of Iowa, who introduced tho bill, nddrcfsed tho Senate in explanation and advocacy of it, stating that it was made necessary by the recent decision of the Supreme Court. It seems in rc-ponso to a sug gestion contained in that decision, that Congress could permit tho exercise of tho restraining power to n State, and it was for the purpose of gaining that per mission that the bill had been intro- duced and reported. The effect would be to leave each state to determine for itself what its policy should bo in re gard to traffic in intoxicating liquors. At the present time original package saloons were lcing organized in his State and it was to put a stop to such practice and to recognize in every State the power to regulate its own internal policy that the bill was re ported. Vest sa'ul he was not ablo to agree with the majority of tho coiumitteo in rej)orting the bill, because it would sweep away the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States over interstate commerce. The Supreme Court had decided sympathetically that alcoholic stimulants were articles of interstate commerce among the State-) and with foreign nations was an exclusive pow er vested in Congress by the constitution. The intimation that Congress might delegate to the State that power wns not .in consonace with that decision. He contended that it could not be done. The Supreme court had decided that tho power of Congress over interstate commerce was exclusive. If it could be delegated in regard as to one article of merchandise, alcohol, it could bo delegated as to any other articles, wheat, corn, rye, oleomargine, etc. Was the Senate going to make that new de parture? Was it on the mere dictum of the Supreme court to tear down the bar riers of the constitution? The real question, he said, was w hether Congress could delegate iower vested in it by the constitution to any State or any num ber of States. He believed it could not. To do so would bo to destroy the inter state clause of tho constitution and all purposes for which it was intended. So far from having nny uniformity, there would be in that caso deversity and hostility. If Missouri would shut out one article, Kansas another and so on thero would xs chaos from one end of the Union to the other. At 2 o'clock the silver bill came up as unfinished business, but was laid aside informally, and Vest continued. He Raid that if tho original package bill were not passed it would open up an oj portunitv for a successive series of such bills, just as emergencies or tho opinions of the different States might call for that sort of legislation. How long would it be, ho asked, until another demand was made upon Con gress to give permission to all tho states to excludo something else, tobacco for instance. Hoar agreed in favor of tho hill. Un less what was proposed in this bill, or something equivalent, could bo done it would Iks a law of tho United States for nil futuro time, unless a constitutional amendment were adopted, that any person living in another state or in a toreign country, could send intoxicating liquors into any state and dispose of it through their agents, and it would not i ins iwnirieiu iui nny euue nuiuuruy w prohibit it. Rdinunds remarked upon it as a curious and interesting circumstance that a condition of things had lieen reached when, according to debate and accord ing to the judgement of tho Supreme court, states had no power to deal with this subject and Congress had no power to deal witn it. The result was that there was in every man in ono state an inherent individual personal right to crrry into another state what that state might consider injurious to and there to sell it, that congress has no power to stop it, and that the states had no power to stop it unless congress gavo them that power. It was only necessary to state such a proposition to show that some where, either in the Supremo Court or in congress, had been taken tho largest step ever taken within onu hundred years in this Republic towards tho cen tralization of power. Ho did not be lieve in this centralization of power. Shaking of the importation of intoxi cating liquors into a State, Kdmunds claimed that onco got there, thoy were, whether in the hands of natives or not, subject to State laws.and that was what the Supreme Court would come to within the next twenty years. After some fur ther discussion tho bill went over with out action and the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the resolutions of fered by Cameron in respect to tho memory of the Into Repre sentative Kelly, of Pennsylvania. At the closo of tho eulogies tho Senate, as a further mark of respect to tho mem ory of Mr. Kellcy, adjourned. HOUSE. Washington, May 20. Tho ways and means committee this morning gave short hearings to representatives of sev eral industries which seek to have amendments made to tho tariff bill. In coiumitteo of tho whole on tho tariff bill Cowles, of North Carolina, offered an amendment repealing the tobacco tax. Rejected. MeKennn.California, moved an amend ment to tho sugar schedule reducing tno existing sciienuio iij per cent., and retaining the dividing lino at 13 instead of 15, as in the present bill. McKonna said that tho pending bill in nil its particulars, except tho sugar, schedule, was brave and strong. In tho sugar schedule it was timid, time-serving nnd weak. In other sched ules tho bill cairied out tho Republican principle; in the sugar schedulo tho bill refused to ono industry tho bcncli of Republican principles. It might bo well for tho Republicans to pause nnd consider what they were doing. As to its practical and political effect, if not to its moral effect. Tho Chicago plat form had enumerated tho ways and means of reducing the revenue, nnd declared that tho internal revenuo sys tem should bo destroyed rather than that any part of tho protective system should be surrendered. Tho sugar in dustry was n part of tho protective sys tem that was surrenderee! by the bill. Tho sugar schedulo pointed as directly us ever free trader iointed to tho benelit of buying in tho cheapest market. (Democratic applause.) Tho Republi can party could not make sugar a scapegoat' for the surplus without in volving tho protective system itself. MeKenna was frequently applauded by tho Democrats. His sugar amendment was defeated, 115 to 131. On motion of MeKinlev, a number of amendments were adopted reducing the duty on certain building material used as ornaments for stores, except marble ; changing the eluty on steel ingots valued above 10 cents per pound, from -15 per cent, ad valoroin to 7 cents a pound; placing on the freo list fish from Ameri can fisheries and fresh or frozen fish caught in fre.h waters except salmon. McKinley also offered an amendment fixing the duty on shot guns valued at not more than $12 at ulS per cent., more than if 12 -10 per cent, and pistols and re volving pistols 33 per cent. Waller of Mississippi protested vigorously. If the amendment was adopted, ho sa'id, with in live years the business of manufactur ing firo arms in this country would be destroyed. Tho amcn.lmeiit was finally agrecel to. GLADSTONE'S VOICE. Hit ItaUes It In lUliair at Liberty ami .Itittlfe. London, May 20. Gladstone spoke to a large audience to-day at Lincoln on the political situation. In the discussion of tho Irish question he said the hope of Ireland could not Ins expected to find realization through the peers and privi leged classes. Where it looked was to the generous heart and sympathy, sense of justice and Iovo of liberty which ever characterized the Rritish people. Ho w as confident tho people would declare Ireland's rights at the first opportunity they might have to mnkc their voice heard. Not In Contempt. Rifkai.o, N. Y., May 20. Judge Cor lett to-day denied tho motion to ad judge the National Trotting Association in contempt for its action in the Noble Nelson case. Severe Knliintorm. Somiueiianna, May 20. This place and vicinity was to-day visited by one of the most severe rain storms in its history. Rnscincuts were flooeled, roads cut up, gardens destroyed, railroad tracks submerged and bridges carried away. The damage will bo great. Sam Itnndnll'H Sneers. Philadelphia, l'a., May 20. Richard Vaux, Democrat, was to-day chosen to bo Randall's suecessorj tho Prohibition candidate only appearing against him. The latter receiveel forty-seven votes out of 8,591. Train netting There. Chicago, May 20. George Francis Train arrived at Chicago this evening and left at once for Omaha en route to Tacoma. I'relgliM In Collision. Amoona, Pa, May 20. A collision be tween a freight and a stock train occur red late to-night near Elizabeth fur nace. Roth trains were badly wrecked, one engineer being killed nnd his fire man fatally injured nnd mnny iiend of stock killed. It was also reported that two brakemen were missing, but reli ablo details will not bo obtainable until morning. NEVADA F0H SILVER. sun stands riiniLY METALLISM. rem ni- Scrles of lteaolutlona That A'olco the Sentiment) iif tho liuhllcant of tlin Country. win it- VntoiNA, Nov., May 20. At a meeting tho Republican Stato Contrnl Com mittee to-day, Hon. Thomas Fitch in troduced the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. IIeholvkd, That thW convention affirms tho Plato nnd National Republican platform of '8, Including tho declaration that the Republican party Is In favor of the no of both gold and Mlvcr as money, and that It eondomns all efforts lodcmoimtlze tllvcr. ItEsOLVKD, That the persistent neglect of Secretary Wlndom to Increase tho coinage of silver to the maximum of 1 1,000,000 por month, coupled with his attempt to In fluence Congressional legislation so as to per petuate silver deinonatlzatlon, Is a shameless violation of the silver plan of tho National Re publican platform, an attack upon the rights nnd Interests of miners, farmers and workers of land, and an act of party perfidy that should call for his retirement from tho councils of an administration which Is pledged to help the remonctlzation of siher. Rf.soi.ved, That the Republican party of this State Is In favor of tho free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver; that it holds to this principle) as a trust of party faith and a test of party allegiance; that it will permit of no abandonment or modification of this doc trine; that, let whosoever will, prove recreant to the principle of bi-metalllsm, It will remain steadfast thereto, nnd that It Invites all voters In Nevada who favor the repeal of the In lquttous lnterllneated law of '73, by which sliver was demonetized, and who desire the es tablishment of free and unlimited coinage as the law of tho United States of America, to Join In electing n delegation to tho Republican Stato convention to bo held In Virginia on Sep tember 1. ltoii Enters a Plea of Self Defense. It Was Necessary for Him to Kill Hem Disastrous Floods in the Sacramento Valley A Murderer Sciitcnceel California Democrats, San Fkantlsco, May 20. In the trial of John Naughton to-day for the killing of Marcus Ilerr, Marry J. Rreeder testi fied that Ilerr, upon the evening of the 3rd of February had attacked him anil wanted to drive him out of the office of tho Guarantee Reneficial Association, and that defendant Naughton had come to his assistance and endeavored to avoid trouble. Witness described the attempt Ilerr made with a seal upon Kaughton, nnd was positivo that if Naughton had not Intel a pistol al tho tune this occur red he vrould undoubtedly have been killed bv Ilerr. rindlnc Still All p. San Fkancisco, May 20. Edward Flailing, whose wife was shot and killed last night and who was mortally wounded, is still alive this mornjng, but is elelirious most of the time. llnthei it Light Hose. San Francisco, May 20. J. S. Ken nedy, Cashier of the Foreign .Money Or- eler Department of the Pan Francisco Postoflice, who w as convicted of embez zling $10,000, was this afternoon sen tenced to six years in San Quentin. the death koll. Tlio Grim Hiirwslrr lliislly :it Work On the Cimt. OutiviM.n, Cai.., May 20. Hon. L. C. Granger, of this city, died at home thin evening. The cause of death was pneu monia and a complication of eliscases. lie was born in Ohio in 1S21. lie came to California in 1840. lie wasa prominent democrat and served two terms in tne legislature from Ruttc county. He was district attorney of Los Angeles in 1S51 and ran for Attorney-General in 1S0I!. Ho was receiver of the Marysville land office, which jioiitiou is made vacant by his elemise. New Yokk, Moy 20. Lawyer Clinton Reynolds died this morning from the wound received a few days ago at the hands of Alphon.-e Stephanie. CHANGED HIS MINI). Goiemor Waterman May Ilo a Candidato After All. Lew Angeles, May 20. It is stated that Gov. 'Waterman lias reconsidered his recent determination not to be a candidate for Governor and will enter the race for nomination. This informa tion conies from one very near the Gov ernor, and understood to bo acquainted with his plans. .HAUAIt ALTHEA. Sho Will Not Dlo nnil Apparently 'Will Nut Unit. San Francisco, May 20. Sarah Althea Terry made her appearance in Judge Shaffer's court this morning, ac companied by Attorney Raggett, who asked that the case of Sharon vs Sharon be postponed. He said the ap peal in tho Federal court had not been perfected. W. T. Ilerrin opposed the motion. lie said the case had bsen pending tex) long and it should be set for trial. Judge Shatter said he woulel continue tho case until July 15 to give Attorney Raggett an opportunity to ap peal before Judge Sawyer. THE COOLIE KILLED. Ono of the llestllls of .lumping u Mine. In California. Sacramento, May 20. The Sheriff and assistant District Attorney have re turned from Michigan Rar, whero they went to inquire into the death of a Chinaman who died Saturelay from tho effects of a gun shot wound. The in quest developed the fact that the shoot ing was done by an old man naineel Joseph Jordan, who owns a gravel min ing claim a short distance from Michi gan Bar. Jordan was injured several weeks ago ami tno umnaman jumpeet his mine, and-when able todosoordorcel the Celestial to leave. The latter than attacked him, nnd Jordan shot him. Jordan was acquittcil. Water Worka Association. CnicAtio, May 20. The tenth annual meeting of the American Water Works Association began hero to-day, a num ber papers being read. The associa tion deferred fixing nny standard list for water pipe. L. J. Laconbe, of Oakland, California, was among tho delegates. No Had Management. Li:avi:nwohth, Kas., May 20. the G. A, R. committee appointed for tho pur pose of investigating tho management of tho National Home lias prepared a re port finding that there are no legal th" grounds ior coiupiauu against management. l'KAISKS I'tlll PA. Curhntono inthcrln;s Where Hoys Eulogize- Their Fatliern. Chlcngo Herald. Have you ever overheard tho conver sation of a number of smnll boys who, tiring of "peel away" and "frting goal" havo seated themselves upon a curbstone to cool off? It is a stuely. Thoy invnriarably talk of their respective fathers, and the evielent desire ofj each is to place his own particular paternal parent on the highest pinnacle. "My father knows more than yours," says ono boy to another, " 'cause he's a newspaper man ho writes for the paper." The other boy snuffs con temptuously nnd eays : "Huh 1 ho dont' write nny ho gets advertisements. That's what my pa says." Then the first boy gets back with: "Maylte he does, but ho gets freo tickets to the theater, just the same." This is usunlly a crusher, ns boys do not usually see anything above free theater tickets. A third lxv boasts that his pa is on the Roard of Trado and that no lias often accompanied him there, while a fourth liov's pa is in a rnilroael office and can lieie without paying. So the youngsters go on, while their fathers hustle for them, and the "old gents" would all feel proud if they knew what enthu siastic curbstone champions they had. Dumas' Mnxliiis. Man is tho only thing that causesdoubt of God. Man was created to utilize everything, even sorrow. It is not wickedness that does the most harm, it is stupidity. 1 prefer the wicked to the imbecile, because they sometimes rest. Those whom we love and have lost are no longer whero they were, but they nre wherever we are. The presentiment that man feels of eternity in another world arises from his despair at not being eternal in this. Men are so cowardly and servile that if their tyrants should order them to' love each other, they would adore each other. Let women engrave this deep in their memory, "He alone is worthy of their love who has deemed them worthy of his respect." What is a coquette? A woman who causes one or seeral men to suffer with out giving them anything. What is a man who can be made to suffer bv a woman from whom he receives nothing? lie is a simpleton. Whv, then, despise coquettes, and where is the harm when a heartless woman elestrovs a headless man?" CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS. HTATK CONVENTION TO HE AT SAN JOSE. HELD The Test nt the PrlinarleH To lie n Sewre tlno Orange County Get Kepresfiita tlon. San Fkancisco, May 20. The Demo cratic State Central Committee this afternon selected San Jose as the place for holding the next State Convention. The vote was, Sacramento, 23; San Jose, 10; San Francisco, 20. The Convention will be helil on August lit. Geary, of Sonoma, introduced n reso lution providing that delegates to tho Convention should be elected at either open or club primaries, or by County Conventions selected for that purpose. Tho resolution was adopted. A resolution cmjioweriiig delegates to the State Convention to meet in Dis trict Convention to nominate Congress men, Rnilroad Commissioners and Members of the State Roard of Equali zation was unanimously carried. It was eleeided that the test at the primaries should be, "Will you vote for the Dem ocratic state ticket nominated nt the State Convention at San Jose on Tues day, August 1(1, 1800?" It was decided to give Orange county n elelegate-at-large. The new cemnty was overlooked in making the former apportionment. The committee then adjourned to meet at the call of the chair. On motion of Georgo W. Pcckhnm, the basis of representation was fixed nt one delegate for each 200 votes cast for Cleveland Thnrinan ; ono for every frac tion of over 200 votes, nnd one for each county at large. This will make the Convention consist of C18 delegates. Clilengn rroiliiee. Chicago, May 20. Rye, quiet, 52c; barley, steady ; w hisky, 2c ; shoulders, 5.10(?20; short clear, 5.75085 : short 52(335. A FENIAN GONE WRONG. SENSATION AMONfl NEW IKISIIMEN. YOKK Pntrlck lllnes In Four Thousand Dollar! Short In IIIh AecollnlH llellewd to Ilnvu Gone, to Australia. New Yoiik, May 20. The disappear ance and rumored defalcation of Patrick Hines, of Brooklyn, is now fully con firmetl, and has caused u sensation in Irish-American circles. Hines was high in the Ancient Order of Hibernians, having been president nnd treasurer of the division of this State, and delegate and national treasurer for years. Two weeks ago Hines disappeared. His short age is variously reported from $1500 to $4000. It is feared tho accounts of the division nre not straight and a commit tee is examining them. It is undor stood that the matter of his disappear ance was up before a recent Hartford meeting of Hibernians nnel caused a big row. His friends are trying to smooth things over. It is repo'rteel Hines has gone to Australia. ins accounts shout. A Democratic City Treasurer U Sua riemleri. Kansas City, May 20. City Treas urer Peakc was suspended from his office this evening, a shortage of be tween $-17,000 and $20,000 having been discovered in his accounts. Peake was elected to the office as a Democrat two years ago, and was re-elected this spring. It is tho custom upon the in stallment of a new city council to ap point a committee to examine into the condition of the e'ity treasury, and the result of this examination is the sus pension of Peake. TAN MB. How Money is to be Loaned on Land. A New Bureau in the Treas ury Department. All lien to be Supplied With Ready Money How the Loans nre to be Repaid. Was hinoton, May 20. Stanford's bill, introduced in the Senate to-day, for loans on land, provides for the estab lishment of a Land Loan Rurcau in tho Treasury Department. Tho Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to prepare United States circulation legal tender notes, not to be placed to the credit of tho Land Rurcau, but to be loaned by the Rureau to any citizen owning land free of incumbrance, or from which a mortgage is to bo lifted. Any citizen owning agricultural land may apply to the Rureau for a loan, to be secureel by a lien on his land, such loan not to ex ceed one-half the assessed value of the land. No loan will be inailo upon land of less than $500 value, nor in sums of less than $250, nor for a longer time than twenty years. The loans will bear interest at the rate of two per cent, per annum, payable annually, nnel may be paid at any time in Finns of not less than 25 per cent, of the whole amount, the Secretary of the Tieasury to cancel and retire notes equal to the payments made on the loans. In case of default on the payment of interest or principal, the Chief of the Rureau may order a foreclosure in the United Ltates Circuit Cour! . AlchUon Reaching Out. New Yokk, May 19. The principal owners of the St. Louis and San Fran cisco rnilroad stated this afternoon that the control of the company had lx?en absolutely sold to the Atchison, Topeka nnd Santa Fe railway. This (leal adds 1400 miles to the AtchNon system, be sides giving it absolute control of the Atlantic and Pacilic railway. IIASE BALI, GAMES. Whnt Whh AeeomplUheil on the Illamond Yesterday. Chicago, May 20. The Rrotherhood games at New York and Roston, Na tional at New York, Rroeiklyn and Ron ton and All-America games postponed on account of rain. Piiii.Anci.i'iii.v, May 20. GlenFon pitched n great ball for the Philadelphia League club this afternoon, holding the Chicngosdown to three hits. Attenel ance, 800. Chlenco 0 2 I) 0 1 0 0 0 O- 3 l'hllnileliihla . ...1010310129 Hate hits Chicago 3. Philadelphia 13. Errors Chicago 3, Philadelphia 4. llattcrles Sullivan and Ragle, Uleason anil Clements. Umpire McQuald. IlulTnln llentcn. Rrooklyn, May 20. Only eighty peo ple went to the Rrotherhood ball grounds this nfternoon to e the home team defent the Ruffalos. Score: llrooklyn 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 S llutralo 0 0 110 0 10 03 Hlts-llrooklyn 13, llullalo 11. Krrors Brooklyn C, Iluiralo s. liattcrles Sanders and Cook, Ferion and Mack. Umpires Fergucson nnd Holbert. YESTEUIIAY'S ItACES. What the Horses Did nt e'.raiesenrt nnd I,oulsllle. Gkavi:si:n, Ivy., May 20. Five eighths mile Civil Service won, RIuo Rock second, Chieftain third. Time 1 :03'4. Three-fourths mile Sorronto Philander second, Carnegie won, third. Time 1 :18, Five-eighths mile Correction won, Limnzrond third. Time 1 :0(!?4. Mile sixteenths Erie won, Castaway second, Otter withdrew. Time 1 :52: Five-eighths mile Evangeline won, Servitor second, Wooelcuttcr third. Time 1 :07. Mile and sixteenth Golden Rooel won, Eleve second, Kemplnnd and Lotcon dead heat for third. Time 1:55. Louisville, May 20. Mile and one liu ndred yards Castaway won, Clamor second, Mary H. third. Time 1:59. Mile Crookfull won, Semaphore second, Morelields third. Time 1:52. Mile and eighth Glockner won, Jojo secoud, Hypocrite third. Time; 2:20jj. THEY WOULD IU.KED THEM. How tho New York Democracy .11 liked tho Ilo s. New Yohk, May 20. The Fassett committee to-elay began an investigation of the health department. Several milk dealers swore that the health inspectors of milk demanded money for immunity from inspection, nnel when the demands were refuseel the denlers were arrested, their milk dcstroycel nnd that they were continually harrasseel by "strikers." KASTEUN MAKKETS. Stocks Steady With an Upwnril Tend ency. New Yokk, May 20. The stock mar ket was quite irregular to-day in its movements, nnd while the general tone of the list is drooping, there were a few specially strong spots which served to give character to the dealings. Atchison was the strong feature all the way out. The prospects of its securing complc control of tho Atlantic and Pacific, together with the late handsome earnings of the road created a demand for the stock. Sugar was also Etrong and nt the close showed an advance of 3gC. The close was active and strong at about the best figures in most of tho list, the final changes being insignificant as a rule, though a few stocks recovered their opening declines and a majority of the list is lower tonight. Govern ments are steady. Petroleum opened irregular, spot steady and June strong at 94. After a slight decline the market became strong and advanced to OGj-sCc. Then it reacted and closed spot, 95c, and June, 94c. The closing prices of stock were: United States 4's, registered, 22; United Strtes 4 and one-half registered, 2? ; United States 4 and one-half coupon Z Pacific Cs, 10; American Express, 18; Canada Pacific, )u ; Canada Southern, OOJjJ ; Central Pacific, !i0; Burlington, S. ; Lakawniina, 47)b ; Denver nnd Rio Grande, 19; Erie, 29?if; Lake Shore, ll?4j Ixmtaville and Nashville, itljjj Michigan Central, 99c. ; Missouri Pacific, Ql4; Northern Pacific, :!7?g; preferreel, 85; North Western, 15!; preferred, 45 ; Svw York Central, 01J4 ; Oregon Improvement, company, 51 ; Oregon Navigation company, 0'; Short Line, 515; Transcontinental, 47; Pacilic Mail, 45, ; Rending, 47M ; Rock Islnnd,95!f ; St. Paul, 70; St. Paul and Omaha, 35j ; Texas Pacific, 23; Un ion Pacific, Gf; Wells Fargo, 45; Western Union, 80; American Cotton Oil, 33; money on call, G10; pure mercantile paper, 57; sixty-elay bills, 4S3J; demand, 485l; bar silver, 103 104. New York Produce. Nnw Yohk, May 20. Hops are firmer. Coffee, options, eloed steady, 520, points up, sales 31,250 bags; May 10.25 0J40; June, 10.10(515; July 101.10; August, 15.85(el; spot, rio, steady; Four cargees, 19; flat beam, 173. Sugar, raw, steady; sales, 5089 bags. Centrifugals, 90; best, 5; refined ipiiet. Copper dull. Lead strong and in finest domestic nt 4.30. Tin steady. Chicago Wheat. Chicago, May 20. Wheat opened J4e lower, but prices steadily ad vanccel 2,le for July alwvc early inside figures, closing firm ami lic higher than yesterday. The advance was grad ual and there was no excitement to speak of until the prices reached the higher figures, when ojierators began to show some uneasiness. Receipts, 300,000 bushels; shipments, 184,000 bushels. Clitcacu Llic Sloek. Ciiicaoo, May 20. Cattle receipts, 95,000; dull and 10(.tl5 lower liecvcs 5C?5.15; stockers and feeders, 2.80(34.10; steers, 3.50(U4.00: Texas grass steers 2.40(s4.25. Hogs receipts 20,000. Strong and 5c higher; heavy, $4.05(34.30; light, $4.004.25. Sheep receipts, 3000. Steady. Nntives, $4.00 e?0.10; western, $4".50(a0.50; Texas, 1(5.37(35.40. I.Uerpool Grain. LivnnrooL, May 20. Wheat quiet. Holders offer moderately red western spring at 7s and 3d per cental ; reel we.-tcrn winter 7s jd ; corn dull and lower. New mixeel western 3 O'el per cental. A ltlow nt Trusts. Ni:w Yoiik, May 20. Judge Ingraham, in the Supreme Court special term, to day decided that Receiver Henry Win throp Grant, of the North River Sugar Refining company, has no right to a share in the profits of the illegal com bination known as the Sugar Trust. In it Iturnliifr Mine. Siiamokin, Pa., May 20. The work of turning the creek into the burning Neilson shaft has not yet been complet eel. A numlier of men went down to the 75-foot level today, and were over come by gas. A volunteer squad got them out just in time to save their lives. (oneAeoss tho I.aLes. Indianapolis, May 20. A special from Logansport, Indiana, says that Henry Winklebleck, a large lumber dealer and saw mill operator, has fled and is le licveel to 1 in Canada. He has re cently peipetrateel extensive forgeries nnd !fl0,000 in fraudulent paper has al ready come to light. A JEALOUS DEMON ATTEMPTS Tt KII.I. HIS WIVE AND THEN SUICIDES. Tho Mud Crime of a adelphLi Artlat Live. Well-Known PhlU Tho Woman Will Philadelphia, May 20. Ludwig Mar guart, an artist, this evening attempted to murder his wife Frederica, by shewt ing her several times, nnd died shortly afterward, evidently from the effect of poison he had taken. Mrs. Marguart is a.clerk in the fur department of Wana maker's store, and had separated from her husband several times on account of his insane jealousy. This afternoon, on going home, he was waiting in her room and opened lire as soon as she en tered, wounding her in the foce ami arm. Physicians think she will recover. Parnell Turns Prophet. London, May 20. Parnell made n speech to-day u Inch was mainly devoted to showing the urgent necessity of plac ing every possible Irishman in Great Britain upon the voting register, lie said that a general election might come at any moment. Wllkesharro Get a Done. WiLKnsiiAiiiiE, Pa., May 20. The un usually heavy rain that has been pouring down in tiiis valley for the past two days caused a great deal of damage in this city and throughout the country All tho railroad tracks along the foot lulls here nnd nt other places were washed out and covered with dirt and sand, and trains nre delayetl on all roads. A dispatch from Plymouth sny mai an tno couenes nave ueen uungcei to shut down. JIM Holdover Officials Begin to Lose Their Grip. Three Allow the Matter to Go By Default. Continuation of the Argument in the Insane Asylum Cases Uehan's Fight. The official torcdo's are on the run. In fact, some of them have concluded that it is better to let go gracefully than tei be "flreel," and yesterday in the Dis trict court judgment by default was en tered in the enses of the Territory on the motion of the Attorney-General againstJFred. J. Fleishman, treasurer of the Ixiard of asylum directors, and Ren Goldman and Frank Raxter, directors of the Territorial Normal school. For the rest argument was continued yesterday morning in the cases against Secretary Alexander ,of the board of asylum directors, and Dr. Titus, su perintendent of the asylum, upon the point upon which Judge Kibb desired further enlightenment, namely as to whether these men were public officers or merely employes of the board of asylum directors. Attorney Alexander spoke for the defendants upon his plea in nbatement, Attorney General Churchill following for the plaintiff, and the Judge took the matter under advisement promising to render n elecision at 9 o'clock this morning. The Stato prison ca-es were then taken up. Judge Rarnes anncarim! for the elefense to argue a plea in abatement upon sub stantially the same grounds as that in terposed'in the other cases, and Attorney-General Churchill for the Territory. The argument was confined exclusively to the cae of Rehan, Judge Rarnes taking substantially the same ground on behalf of his client' that bad been taken by .Mr. Alexander in speaking of Alex ander and Titus on Monday. He argued that Rehan was not in any sense a Ter ritorial official. He owed his appoint ment solely to the Roard of Stato Prison Commissions s, to whom only he was accountable for hi acts in office and by whom only he could be removed. He was not. therefore, in any sense in truding upon or usurping an oflie-e. Mr. Churchill re.'plieel to this by pointing out that the position of Superintendent of the Territorial Prison was emphatically a public office. The Superintendent oc cupied a most responsible position, hav ing under his control the lives and liberties of the occupants of the prison with no one, entirely, to question his authority. Of course the Prison Com missioners exerci-e a certain supervis ion, but they could not lx; present nil the time ami the Superintendent was intircly the iuler of the Prison. At the conclusion of the Attorney General's remarks the Rehan case was also taken under advisement with per mission to file points ami authorities. AMUSEMENTS. NorrlKEijuine Pnradoxaltliu Opera Houae Tliurmlay Night. Summer is hardly the season of the year for amusements in Pheenix, but there will lc an attraction at Pntton's Opera Home Thursday evening that will draw a large audience. Prof. O. Norris with his wonderful group of twenty-five trained dogs will hold the boards for the evening. Prof. Noiris gave one of his novel entertainments here about fifteen months ago gfving general satisfaction to a large audience and ins success tnen promises to be more than duplicated this time. An Idea Submitted. The Nesales Herald. The Tucson Star remarks: "Arizona demanded home rulo in the selection of its fedeml oH'.tiais. Her demand was complied with." That is very true, but to be candiel, we are fast elrifting to the conclusion that home rule is responsible for a great deal of the lack of harmony that exists to-elay in the Republican partyof the territory. The It est lly and Ily. From The Solid Muldoon. The House has passetl a bill pension ing Mr. Parnell's mother. Mrs. O'Shea and the descendants of St. Patrick will be subsidized later on. A Machine to liutter 1 1 rend. Analyst. The latest an most unique invention is a machine for buttering bread. It is used in connection with a great patent bread-cutter, and is intended for use in prisons, workhouses and other reforma tory institutions. There is n cylindrical shapped bruh which is fed with butter, and lays a thin layer on the bread as it comes from the ciitter. The machine e'an be worked by hand steam or electri city nnd has a capacity of cutting and but tering 750 loaves of bread an hour. The saving of butter nnel bread and the de crease in the quantity of crumbs is said to be very large. GnoduliiH Company ftafe. A Rutte, Mont, special says: "The report of an accident to the train carry ing the Nat Goodwinn company was not correct. Miss Mac Durfee, the soubrette of the company, died at Missoula on the 14th inst, and the company remained there longer than was expected ; henco the rumor." The youg lady was in this city three weeks ago, anil played the ingenue role of Tena Foxwood, the banker's daughter in Goodin's play "A Gold Mine," at the California -Theater. This was her first season with the comedian. Sho was a bright anil promising young actress. She hail been on the stage about four years, and was at one time with James O'Neil. Her real name, was Miss Maggie Duffy. f