Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, PHOENIX,, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1890. r -MEMORIAL DAY.- Its Observance Ycslordav in Phffiiiix. An Elaborate Turnout in the Day's Honor. Business Houses Very Generally Close Their Doors The Oration by Governor Towers. For tho second time in lier history, Fhronix yesterday observed Memorial Day. The business houses, ns a rule, closed early in the day and all the citizens Joined in tho beautiful observance of a holiday that is now recognized ns national in character. In this land of flowers the memorial service in honor of tho soldier dead acquires a new significance in that the tributes offered are fresher and more abundant than is possible in climes not so favored by nature as is this. There was an abundant display of bunting on tho streets, many of tho business houses being elaborately decor ated, and some of them showing very great artistic skill in construction. To tho Grand Army men, of course, tho greatest honor was shown, and tho Q. A. It. practically assumed entire charge of the day's otaervance. Tho procession formed on Washington street, right, resting opposite tho Irvine building, promptly at 4 p. m., and moved down Washington toward the city cemetery, wliero tho graves of the voterans buried there had previously been designated. The advance guard was made up of the firemen of tho Phcenix Hose com pany No. 1, Phoenix IIoso No. 2 and of tho Hook and Ladder company, these being followed by tho Pluenix band, .the membcrsof which organization acquitted themselves so well as to draw forth plaudits from the people assembled all along the line of march. J. W. Owens Post. G. A. It., came next, headed by Department Com mander George F. Coats and staff, es corted by Company 15., N. G. A., under command of Captain Andre. The boys marched with reversed arms and ac quitted themsolves admirably upon their first pubHc appearance. John A. Logan Post, G. A. R.of Tempe, was next in line, followed by the three companies of the fire depart ment, all making a good showing, and the parade was closed by a large num ber of citizens in carriages. The marchers took the cars that had been ordered out to await thorn in front of tho court house, on AVashington street, and upon their arrival at tho cemetery tho band boys confirmed the good impression that they had already made by their excellent rendition of the following programmo : "Rest to tho ilravc"8tubblebiiie (on entering cemetery). Celestial Overture, rrcndlvllle "Nearer Mr Ood to Thee." "America." Return march, "The Star" Southn oil. Following tho firbt number on the programme, Governor Powers was in troduced as the orator of the day, and spoke in substance as follows : Commander, Comrades and Ladies andOen. tlemen We meet, not on an occasion of fur row to mourn for the dead, but with thankful hearts, to commemorate tho deeds of an arm) of fallen heroes that fought tho battle of the Union against its foes, freed four million slave and established foundations decer than they had ever been laid before by human agency for an Indestructible government of a free and en lightened people. And in the conflict that re sulted in the achievement of an end so glorious, six hundred thousand men sacrificed their lives. Of that vast army that went forth in tho strength of rigorous manhood 1th banners Hy ing and drums beating, to return no more for ever, ono-half of them were our comrades, and all were our countrymen. Their bodies now Ho burled on two hundred battle-fields or In cetuo tcrles scattered all over this broad land. And today their graves have been decked with flowers by the beauty and chivalry of tho grandest nation upon the earth. It is fitting, fellow citizens, that while wo con template the past and survey the blood-stained ground where victories that count most for man kind have been won, that wo pay tribute to that other army of patriots long since passed away, that won independence from the Drltlsh crown. Although the star of emplro has pushed uefct ward until we, on this Pacific slope, hare to look across a continent to view tho narrow field of their operations, we do not forget the trials they endured or underestimate the taluo of their great achievements. To them e ouo our liberty and our right to the Star Spangled ltanner. It Is a satisfaction for us to know that their graves are kept green, and many of them today have been covered with flowers. And now while we aro gathered here, from every grave, whether of Revolutionary sire, or of Union or Confederate dead, sweet incense rises heavenward ami calls blessings down upon the land we lore, made inestimably dear by tho sacrifices of blood and treasury It has cost to make and preserve its institutions forever free. Urand and beautiful as Is the (.cremony of strewing tlowers over soldiers' graves, tho sig nificance of the day would lie lost If it failed to assist in Implanting in the hearts of the youth of the land a deep and sincere patriotism. The soth of May will become a day of sorrow, rather than of thankfulness, if, for any cause, from selfishness or greed, from want of moral prin ciple, from corrupting motives and Intlucnccs, or from superstition and ignorance, devotion to the government and lovo for the flag that repre sents its power, shall ever occupy a placo In the hearts of the iieonlv second to any other, save " only that ol the Supreme Itulcr of the universe, Jle who watches over the dentlnles of nations and raises up friends to fight tho battles of freedom. - The youth of the country are the patrimony bequeathed by heat en to each generation; and no nation can nourish that neglects to train them properly, and no education from which patriotism is eliminated Is worthy of support. Patriotism Is not a principle or facult) that is born with tho child, boy or girl, but It Is a virtue that can M taught and acquired. A patriot is one who loves his country with a pure undying lore; one who stands always and everywhere for Us honor, integrity, roperlty.and glory. A man to lie a patriot need not necessarily lie a soldier, for "Peace hath her victories, ctcn greater than war." llut, let me tell you this, my countrymen, a mau who, when occasion re quires It, will not forsake father and mother, brothers and sisters, wife and children, and bo willing to lay down his life for his country, Is not a patriot, Patriotism calls for sacrifices as well as for hue and pride of country. I Iio-hj tho time Is near wheupratriotlsm shall receive paramount consideration in all our schools, when our boys will declaim patriotic speeches and our ouug ladles shall find their best themes for composition ami recitations In subjects relating to the progress, power, purity and glory of our country. Thou shall el able to antlci-mte the time not far reunited, when Arltona will lie entitled to be considered the cradlool lltierty.the .Switzerland of America; when her citizens plntiug with exultant pride at the grandeur of her mountains and tho rich lnagnltlseiice of her valleys, shall lie estimated not by their number alone, but by their worth and patriotism; and when measured by this rule every country shall le esteemed to have population enough to constitute a. State. When every Arizona boy shall raise his hat whenever he passes uuder the American flag, and In his heart tho dominant thought tdiall bo "This Is my flag, and this is my country." And now comrades of tho Orand Army of the Republic, a parting word to you. It was our proud privilege to particiate in the struggles that gave permanence to this government. The Revolutionary war of 177C, gave our country freedom from foreign Interference, and gained recognition of Us Independence from all the nations ol tho earth. The war of tho rebell!6u that ended in 1W, demonstrated our ability to eopo'surtrssrullyw-ith Internal e nentlwand It was the supreme test of endurance. Henceforth, neither foes from without or enamlel within dare .dispute tho power "and stability of tho goiermdent. And the time Is forever past when any Individual, Htato or Na tion can Insult its flag-ami escape puUnment. The sacrifices of American soldiers hare not been inado In vain, but they have been sancti fied by heaven, and are the harbingers of free- uom roino woria. The Declaration of Independence Is tho com mon heritage of all citizens of the Republic, whether native or foreign born. Hunker Hill, Lexington and Yorktown; Chlcamauga, Gettysburg and Appomattox and all other battle-fields baptised with the blood of American soldiers belong to no class or people, nor to any particular section, but they aro the Nation's Inheritance, and along with tho Constitution and Star Spangled Hau lier, constitute the priceless legacy that will descend to posterity from generation to genera tion. And now what shall lie said of the future of the 30th of May? It, too, belongs to the Ameri can tieoide. and must share the Nation's clorv and immortality, Conceived in patriotic lore, born of affection and sympathy, devoted to sacred memories and clothed i in uuwers, u win gather new attractiveness as tlmo advances, and generations alter tho last remnants of the Orand Army shall have ceased to participate in its ob servance upon the earth, it will continue to be celebrated by American patriots with becoming raverence. The KErunucAN is issued every day in the year and tho subscription price is Tl a month, or $10 n year. WANTS. The quickest returntfor the leait money are to be obtiiined from the REPUBLI CAN'S Want Columns. Situations iranfrcl, Help Wanted, ForJient, For Sale, Tu Let, To hxchange, one cent a word each insertion, or by the month at Jive cents per line a day. F : OR BAt.K AT A IIARQAIN, LOTS IN COL lint' addition. Apply at this ofllce. FR 8ALK-A PAIR OK HAMI1LKTONIAN horses. Well matched and well broken to carriage or w agon. 8. D. LOUNT. ProfVHHlonut CrtrclH. WA. HYDE, M. I)., HOMEOPATHIC . physician. Diseases of women and children and chronic diseases a specialty. Office and residence opposite Phoenix Hotel, Washing ton street, PhuinU, Arizona. HP. ROIIINSON. SURVEYOR AND .draughtsman. All work done promptly, correctly and neatly. Oftlee with the Arizona Canal Co. D R. SCOTT HELM. PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. OBlce, Fry building. C1LARK HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. J Ofllce in Porter block, I'liu-nlx, A. T. iMCOllimPOUM. GO TO THE FASHION rAkIIEK SHOP FOR shaving, hair cutting, shampooing, bath ing, hair singing. Ladles w ork done at trie shon or residence. Prices to suit the times. Opposite the Opera House. FRANK SHIRLEY, pro prietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, CORNER CENTER Vyand Jellerson streets. Only houe employ ing white help throughout. HERRICK A LUIIKS, proprietors. T OST-LEFT BY THE OWNER AT SOME Ijplace where sho called on Monday, 19th Inst, a black tllk parasol with golden handle engraved "Addle Klnsie." Finder will please leave the same at this ofllce. 3t t h ro National Bank of Arizona, PJHKNIX, ARIZONA. M. W. KALES, President. SOL. LEWIS, Vice-President. GEO. W. HOADLEY, Cashier. Capital, Pajd Up, Surplus, - - - - 8100,000 25,000 DIRECTORS. M. W. Kales, J. Y. T. Smith, Bol. Lewis Goldman, Oeo. W, Hoadlky. CORRESPONDENTS. The Rank of California . . . .San Francisco Agency of Rank of California , New York The farmers' and Merchants Rank. Los Angeles. The Dank of Commerce ... St. Louis Consolidated Rank ... ... Tucson Hank of Arizona I'rescott N. M. Rothschilds Ji Sous .. ., London Proclamation of Reward, TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS MAY COME GREETING: Wiierkah: It has come to my knowledge that on tho Eleventh Day of April last W. W. LOWTIIEIt, Deputy Sheriff of Cochise county, In this Tertltory, while in tho discharge of his duty as such ofllcer, was brutally murdered by one JAMES DALY near the town of BIsbce. Said Daly is dcscrlltcd as a man apparent)' M years of age, although several years younger, about tW feet tu height, round face, slightly pockmarked, sandy complexion, and mous tache, blue eyes, about 1D0 pounds, scar on foot, talks w lth strong' Welsh accent, and; Wiikkkah, Said JAMES DALY thereupon, and after the (Oinmlsslon of said crime, did escape, and is still at large. NOW, THEREFORE, I, LEWIS WOLFLEY Governor of Arizona, by virtue of the authority within mo vested, do hereby offer a reward in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be paid by tho Treasurer of the Territory of Ari zona, for the arrest and conviction of the said James Daly. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused tho Great Seal of the Territory to be ulllxrd. Done at Phoenix, the Capital, this '.'lth day of of May, A. I). 18'JO. Ih'iunkdJ LEWIS WOLFLEY. JJy thcGotcmor. stoNKDj N. O. MURPnY, 7-9 . Secretory of Territory. ARTICLES T0F INCORPORATION THE REPUBLICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Wc, Charles O. Zlcgenfuss and Edwin S. QUI, desiring to Incorporate ourselves,under the pro visions of tho laws of the Territory of Arizona and especially an Act of the Legislative As tembly thereof, entitled, "An Act Concerning corporations," approved March 8, 1887, for the purpose of engaging in the lawful enterprises, business pursuit and occupation hereinafter specified, do make, subscrtba and acknowledge according to law,theso articles of Incorporation, and declare: 1. The name assumed by this corporation and by which It shall bo known Is "The Republican Publishing Company," and its principal placo of transacting business is tho City of Pluenix, County of Maricopa, Territory of Arizona; and tne time ol tho commencement of this corpora tion shall be tho day of tho tiling of these arti cles, iu tho ofllco of the County Recorder of the County of Maricopa, In the Territory of Ari zona, and tho termination thereof shall be Iwenty-flvo (il) years thereafter. 2. The cnterplses, business pursuit and occu pation in which ants corporation proposes io eugago is mai oi esiaDiisning anu puuusning a newspaper to be known ana called the Arizona republican, and such other newspapers as the Board ol Directors of this corporation shall hereafter de sire to publish; to carry on the business of publishers generally, to do a general Job print ing, engraving, lithographing and publication business, and toacqulre, possess, hold and enjoy and uso all kinds of property, Incidental or con venient, omecessary, In and about the carrying on of Bald buslnoss. and to buy and sell printing presses, types and all other kinds of apparatus, Implements, furniture, tools and other property convenient or useful or necessary In and about tho said business hereinabove named; to borrow money and contract to repay the same at such time or times and with such rate or rates of interest as its Board of Directors see lit; and to hypothe- rate, mortgage or pledge all or any pi of the property of this corporation, and all urt or any part of tho property which this corporation may hereafter acquire; to secure the payment of such money with interest, or to secure tho payment of any debt of this corporation with such Interest thereon as it may legally obligate Itself to pay. a. The place where this corporation w 111 have Its principal ofllce and place of business, Is the City of Phoenix, in tho County of Maricopa, Territory of Arizona. 4. The amount of tho capital slock of this corporation shall bo twenty-five thousand dol lars ($r,uJ), divided into ono thousand shares of the par value of twenty-five dollars (J.J3) each, and tho time when, and the conditions upon which it is to lie paid aro as follows, towlt: Fifty per-centum thereof Immediately upon making tho subscription therefor, and the luilanco whenever called for by the Board of Directors of this corporation. 5. Tho par value of each share of the capital stock of this corporation shall bo twenty-fire dollars (fi'O G. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability, direct or contingent, towhlch this cor poration at any time Is to be subjected, Is the sum of fifteen thousand dollars (15,(iu0.) 7. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself, is the sum of fifteen thousand dolbirs (13,ttJU.) . ine stot'Kiioiucrs in tnis corporation and their private property shall be exemnt from the corporate debts of this corporation. v. ine anairs oi mis corporation are to oe and they shall be. conducted by tho Hoard of Directors, consisting of two persons, who shall Is) elected annually by the Stockholders, at such tlmo and manner as shall be pre scribed by the By-Laws of this corpora tion, and all of whom shall bo sub scribers to the capital stock of this corporation, and hereafter no person shall be ellglbfo to the olllco of Director unless he Is a Stockholder In tho corporation; provided, that said Board of Directors may elect sucn otllcen and aonolnt such committees from their own number to aid in the management of tho business and the con ducting the affairs of the corporation as they mar see fit. anu vest m said officers and such committees all such powcrstts they may deem expedient. The following named persons who are subscribers to the capital stock of this cor- tioration man constitute tne uoard oi Directors of this coriHiratlon until the first Tuesday in the month of June, 1W0, and until their suc cessors duly qualified, shall be elected, to-wlt: Charles O Zlcgenfuss, Edwin S. GUI. Any per son ceasing to be a subscrilier shall cease to be a Director, and hereafter If any Director shall teaso to bo a Stockholder he shall cease to be a Director. Vacancies In the Board of Directors shall be filled by the remaining members of the Board, Immediately, or as soon as practicable, after the filing of these articles in tho ofllce of the County Recorder of the County of Maricopa, Territory of Arizona, the persons named herein as Directors to servo until tho first Tuesday in the month of June, A. D. 18'JO, and until their successors duly qualified shall be elected, shall meet and organize as a Board of Directors, adopt By-Laws, and prescribe in said By-Laws the method of calling meetings of the Board of Directors and Stockholders. A majority of said Directors shall lie a quorum for the transaction of the business of said Board. The Stockholders of the corporation are hereby authorized and empowered to increase or diminish the number of the members consti tuting tho Board of Dirccors of this cor lioration, by a vote of the majority of the sub scribed capital stock, and each share subscribed or held snail entitle the subscriber therefor or holder thereof to one vote at all meetings of tho subscribers to or holders of said stock, and Incase the said subscribers to or holders of the capital stock shall by rote increase the number oi memoers oi ine saiu noaru oi Directors, tne members of said Board thus created shall each have the same powers as each of the two mem bers of said Board created by these articles. 10. The Board of Directors of this corporation shall have power to establish bv-laws and make all rules and regulations deemed expe dient lor ine management oi ine anairs ot tnis corporation and the officers thereof, not incon sistent with tho Constitution and the laws of tho United States and the laws of the Territory, In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this third day of May, A. D. K'M. seal. Charles O.Zikoenfvss. seal. edwin s. gill. Territory of Arizona,? .. County op Maricopa. J ss Before me, Clarko Howard, a Notary Public in and for said County and Territory, duly com missioned and sworn and residing therein, on this day personally appeared Charles O. Zlcgen fuss and Edwin 8. Gill, known to me to be the persons whoo names are subscritied to the fore going instrument, and acknowledged to mo that they and each of them executed tho same for the purposo and consideration therein expresed. Git en under my hand and seal of office, this third day of May, A. D. 18'.X). " seal. Clarke Howard. Notary Public. endorsed. Filed and Recorded at request of Edwin S. Gill, May 20, lK'K), at 3:10 o'clock p. m. Nehi Osrorn, County Recorder, ByEBOENK Graham, Deputy Recorder. Territory or Arizona Territory or Arizona,) County op Maricopa. ) B' I, Nerl Osborn, County Recorder In and for the County and Territory aforesaid, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original Articles of Incorporation filed and recorded in my odlce on the twenty-sixth day of May, 1890, in book No. 1 of Articles of Incorporation, at pago'iSI, etc., and that the same Is a full, true and correct copy of such original and of the whole thereof. Witness whereof my hand and seal of ofllce this twenty-sixth day of May, 18'JO. PKAL. JJkri OSRORN, County Recorder. KED0ND0 ' HOTEL Redondo Beach, Cal. This new and magnificent hotel was opened to the public May 1st, It is the most thoroughly equipped and best furnished house on the I'a clilc Coast. Two hundred and seventy-fire rooms, repleto with every convenience: (ire place, hot and cold water, Incandescent lights, electric call and return sjstem. Standing in the center of a twenty-two-acre tract, under high cultivation, two hundred feet back from the ocean bluil'. Arc lights on the grounds. Fines! surf bathing in America. The house has a fine Otis elevator and by far tho handsomest rauslc and dancing hall In Calltornlu. The dining room is a perfect gem of artistic perfection, su perbly furnished and so arranged that every seat commands a view of the ocean. There is a gallery at one end, where a fine band plays for the c filing dances; also playing on the veranda in the morning, in the music and dancing room at night. Morning gcrmans w ill be a feature of the house. The culsluu w 111 also be a promi nent factor. The house and surroundings are simply pcrfectlon-"iiew, sweet and clean and must be seen to oe appreciated. The Atchison, Topeka and Hanta Fo runs six trains dally from Los Angeles. Tho company own their own rail road, running to Los Angeles, connecting with the Grand Aienue cable system, running twelve finely-equipped trains dally each way, landing passengers right back ot the hotel. There is a pier, where boats from Ban Francisco, Ban Diego and other points make regular landings. Steam and sailing jachts can be had. The fishing is tlie finest on tho coast. There is a bluff and In terior drive, commanding a fine view of the ocean, Ban Gabriel valley, Wilson's Peak, Old Raldy,Hlerra Madre range of mountains. Terms same as other first class houses. Special rates for iiermnuents and families. All letters address to the manager. . W. ROOT, Manager. MEr STEVENS t CO; (SUCCESSORS TO STEVENS & HUGHES.) Stoves, Tinware Lamps, -And all KITCHEN FUENITUEE. Refrigerators. Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Japanware. Hardware, Tools of all Kinds, Garden and MOLIKE WAGONS, Buckboards and all kinds of Road Vehicles, Carriages and Carts. All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper work, Plumbing and Gas Fitting done promptly und satisfactorily. lb "On Time," WINDMILLS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. "Woods' Mowers and Eakes, Oliver Cliilled Plows, Barbed "Wire, Pumps, Gas and Horse Powers, 1 Windmills, Hardware, Glassware, Table anil Pocket Cutlery, Hardware and if ricultural Implements TUCSOjST, C. L. ESCHlWi d CO., Flnaiprxooistis, CORNER WASHINGTON AND CENTER STS.. ONLY FIRST-GLASS DRUG Graduate in Pharmacy. GKO, TLATT, PLATT & DIXON, Practical Furnace Builders j. i Bricklayers and Contractors Of Blast Furnaces, Rolling Mills, Gas Furnaces, Gas Boilers, Gas and Bone Retorts, Glass and Zinc Furnaces, und Brick Work , of Every Description. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. JBCM Room 419 Commercial Building-, The S. M. -IIKALF.RH IN- GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Wiley Block, 519 and 591 Broadway, Los A.ngeles, Cal, kinds of- Lawn Hose Sprinklers, Etc., and : Charter : Oak .: Stoves. "Water Pipes, AJttlZONJL. P1KENIX, A. T. STORE IN THE CITY. Established in 1883. JKO. DIXON T5T. LOUIS, MO Perry Co., HOTELS. - THE" MOST DELIGHTFUL OORONADO, With its agreeable marine atinosiiliore in the nnlural nluiiurn for Arizonans to take during the summer months, and every ono eait aHbrd to visit it for Health. Kest moat cliurruing marine climate The Largest and Most Where you have the most perfect sen-ice, at the lowest rate?. Coronado, with its surroundings, is the ideal Hummer seaside resort, with an atmosphere ever soothing and restful, being constantly fanned by breezes from the ocean. Outdoor and indoor Amubements in Everv Variety :The Hotel Del Coronado: Is unrivalled anywhere for the display of refined tante, and the elegance of its appointments, careful management, and the amount of physical comfort it furnishes its guests. COKONADO NATURAL MINERAL WATER Has many points of excellence. Ueing perfectly pure, it is one of nature's licst tonics to the system. It is a hpecilic in bladder and kidney troubles, and immediately relieves gout and rheumatism. RATES FOR THE SUMMER SEASON WILL BE Ranging as low as $2 $3 -per day and upward, Icr day according . . . .Apply E. S. Babcock, Jr., Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, THE IvUL-jL-jS HOLJSEJ, COR. WASHINGTON AND MARICOPA STREETS, PHOiNIX, ARIZONA. New Building. STRICTLY Best Table in .Arizona. E. M. MILLS Sail IXZarieir' HEotel. S. C. EEEA-TOISr Tucson The Best Furnished Hotel in the Territory. Located at the Southern Pacific Depot, it affords Special Accommodation to Commercial Men. This Hotel is run on the Principle That All Guefcts Shall Have Prompt and Courteous Attention. LVEorxtezj-u-icia, NEW MANAGEMENT. Only First-class Hotel in ISTogales City Ls.rge, -Lofty Rooms. Elegant Parlor for Guests. Livery and Feed Stable in Connection. Bar-room Supplied with Choice Foreign and Domesti Liquors. Morley Avenue, H. W. KLINE THE FDA.LiA.aH3I The Best Hotel in Tucson. In addition to having the most central and convenient location in the city, and commanding a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings, the Palace prevents the following attractions that warrant its claim to thef'tle -POPULAR- Its rooms are alPon the second story, and are neat, clean and comfortable. Its dining-rooms are the most attractive iifthe city, and under the present management have always had an envious reputation for excellency. COSMOPOLITAI : HOTEL. The Most Commodious Hotel "in Tuscon. Located In the Iliislnesa Center. Has every Convenience of First-clots Hn'.vla In Western Cities. Dlnlnn ltoom Wnsurpusxeil by any In the City. Hath and Heading Room. Fln large Sample Kooms on the Ground Floor for the Accommodation of Com- inercial Travelers. Special Rates by the Week or Month. FREE BUS From all Trains to the HOTEL. S. KATZENSTEIN, Proprietor. SUMMER SEASIDE RESOHT. or rleamtrc. It in in the the world, and has Magnificent Hotel, MADE VERY REASONABLE, by the to room, to month. Transients, For full information, : Manager, San Diego County, California. Newly Furnished. FIRST - CLASS. Table Boarders Received. Prop. Proprietor. .A.rizona. Conveniently Arranged in all Particulars. I-Iotel. Nogales, A. T. Proprietor. t r I t