Newspaper Page Text
W1TKIZ0NA REPU.B.LICA1: WEDXESDAST MORKING, FEBRUARY 8, 1899. Arizona Day by D Live News Token From Victor B. Bloom, a hustling com mercial man from. Globe, Ariz., is in the city today. Albuquerque Demo crat. A. Effron, the erstwhile dry goods man of Prescott, llias taken a position in Phoenix as salesman in Diamond Brothers' dry goods store. Journal Miner. W. G. Gilstrap. correspondent of the Phoenix Republican, returned on Sun day from a business trip to. Phoenix and incidentally to take in the legisla tive ball. Journal-Miner. The snow storm at Prescott stopped on Sunday and a cold wave set in, sending the mercury down to 12 below zero on Monday morning, being within a couple of degrees as low as the low est for the winter. Snow fell Sunday evening to the depth of aboat an Inch, the first, time this season in Tucson. Yesterday it was somewhait coder in the southern town. The mountains were shrouded in a mantle of snow. Reports reach Prescott from Chap arral that the Union mine, one of the Little Jessie group, is turning out to be a second Little Jessie. A large shipment of ore will be made as soon as the reads are in a passable condi tion. J. D. Dort, well known in Albuquer que through a former residence here, is in the city of Phoenix. Mr. Dort is a very agreeable gentleman and his many friends are always glad to wel come his rare visits. Albuquerque Democrat. Some very fine copper ore, brought In by Mr. Taft from Big Bug district, can be seen at Hotel Burke, says the Courier. There are two pieces of the ore, weighing about 100 pounds each, ens of which carries CO per cent cop per and the other 40 per cent capper. J. S. Carmiehael left for Tena Putta. Peru, yesterday morning,' where he goes to accept a position with the Inea Mining company. Our readers in Peru will find Mr. Carmiehael a firsc-class man in all respects. He hears the reputation of being a mill man of ex tra good ability. Prescott Courier. Reuben H. Lloyd of San Francisco, who is the grand master of Knights Templar of the United States, has ap pointed R. N. Fredericks cf Prescott as 'hiH representative In the seventeenth district, comprising Arizona and New Mexico. This is the greatest honor that can be conferred upon a Knight Templar in the district. 'Messrs. Seager and Cooper, the northern capitalists, representing the Calumet and Hecla properties of the 'Standard Oil .-company's new interests, were passengers on (he eastbonnd train yesterday. One or both of the gentle men will be here again this month to look after the prosecution of work on the Helvetia claims. This will be the rr.ost important and expensive devel opment work outlined this year in Pima county. Tucson Star. E. R. Anderson, who is interested in the copper mines near Crittenden says the Tucson Citizen, recently sold for $-10,000, claims to have been the origi nal discoverer some time before his de parture for the Cuban war. Ed's many friends will be glad to hear of his good fcrtune. Since he returned from Cuba he is regaining his strength quite rap idly. He was a. pretty sick man for a long time. A week's hunting and pros pecting expedition over the Canoa grant, from which he returned recent ly, has made a n&ir man of him. Captain Banning was driving Feter Neu, one of the San Pedro 'breakwater contractors, I. S. Aunsen. superin tend- j ent at San Pedro, and Walter L. Vail, around Los Angeles cn Saturday last, when on turning a, corner the coach upset and Mr. Neu was killed, Walter L. Vail had a leg broken between the ankle andi 'the knee, and was otherwise badly bruised in several places. LVIr. Anunsen escaped with a sprained ankle. Mr. Vail is the owner of a large cattle ranch in Pi-ma county and is well known to our people, who will sympathize with him in his sad acci dent. The editor of the Pick and Drill is now in a position to save some money. Bays he: The editor of this paper is more than pleased, he is elated to be able to announce that after March 1, 1899, he can send cablegrams to Hoi land and Belgium at the same rates he now pays for cablegrams to Great Britain, Germany and Fiance. In other words, after the above date our messages to Holland and Belgium will cost us only 25 cents per word. Con sidering the hard times, the Western Union Telegraph company will please accept our thanks for its timely reduc tion m rates 'to Holland and Belgium particularly its rates to Holland. We j feel to elated over this thing, we again ! reiterate our many thanks." 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Clay left this city for Greaterville the latter part of last week, and on arrival at the above named place camped for the night, sleeping in a tent. Along about 11 o'clock a striped skunk entered the tent and bit Mis. C'ay cn the nose, causing a painful wound. Fear pre vails that the animal may transmit hydrophobia, and everything is being done that is possible to avert such j nreamui consequences, me tear at first aroused is only partially allayed by the generally credited fact that I striped skunks are not afflicted' with the disease only at certain periods of the year, especially during the hot sea son, while it is claimed that the little black skunk with which the country is infested is never free from hydro phobia. Tucson Citizen. :o: THE NEWS OF PRESCOTT Prescott, Feb. 7. (Special corre spondence of The Republican.) Old Eoreas shook his icy finger at northern Arizona Sunday night and knocked the thermometer diown to 9 below zero in Prescott. (All the Prescottites who attended the legislative ball and banquet have re turned well pleased with their enter tainment while in the capital city. Mr. J. B. Hagget of the Lpmcard- Territorial Exchanges. Gcode Smelting company of Williams i. looking over the Big Bug country in the interest of a smelter. 'Mr. Hag gt'tt pronounces that section the best field in northern Arizcisa for a first class smelter. It has 'heretofore been stated that Big Bug ores were no: of a duality to be successfully handled by the smelting process. !Mr. iHaggett pays that is a. mistake. In accord with mining men of experience in the Big Bug country he declares the ores can be handled with great success and from present indications it will not be long until the truth cf his assertion will be fully proven. A smelter for Big Bug is now practically one of the certainties of the immetflate future. M. S. Taft is in from the .Sterling mines in the Big Bug and says every thing is moving along satisfactorily at the mine. The quality of ore now be ing taken out is valuable beyond their most sanguine expectations. 'F. H. O'Erien, a prominent mining man from the Black Rock country, is in town. Mr. QiBrien also has valu able mining interests on Lynx creek. 'Mrs. C. A. Dake is visiting in San Biego. iTJncLer BheulT A. A. Johns has re turned from a business trip to Phoe nix. The fire department held an election last evening to elect a chief and assist ant chief for the ensuing year The mintsrel show to be given by the Catholic choir will be held in the Bash ford opera house Friday evening, Feb ruary 13. The Good Templars gave an enter tainment at their hall Monday even ing. The program was interesting and the attendance unusually large. The dance given hy Prof. Gallick's orchestra in Dake's hall last Friday evening was a very pleasant affair. The orchestra always furnishes up to date music that proves an inspiration to the dances. Some magnificent samples of ore tak en from the Sterling mine are on dis play at the Burke hotel. "Mining men generally pronounce the ore exception ally fine. The hook and ladder company has elected 'the following officers: Presi dent and foreman, W. D. Tinker; vice president and first assistant foreman, George Giles; second assistant fore man, J. E. Gates; secretary, T. L. Schultz; treasurer. William Bimte: fire delegates, George Giles and H. D. Campbell. Miss Irene Martin remained in Phoe nix since the legisslatiye ball and ban quet, the guest of Mrs. J. C. Adams and Mis. N. O. Murphy, at the Hotel Ad ams. Bids on the county business for the ensuing year were opened by the board of supervisors Monday at 2 o'clock p. m. and were as follows: County print ing Courier, $99G; Journal-Miner, $1,193.75; Pick and Drill, $1,080. 'Sta tionery Kelly & Stephens, various prices; Gecrge Wooster, the came. Burying indigent dead S. A. Logan, S20. Caring for clocks H. Lemon, $120 per year and $45 per quarter; George Cook, $33.33 per quarter. Hos pital, iper day for each patient Mrs. S. L. Riley, 65 cents; D. Pentland, 57 cents; William Thomas, 50 cents; M. Mclnerney, 50 cencs. Physicians E. T. Cody, $80 per year; J. C. Scarborough, $48; J. 3. McNally, $75. Feeding pris oners Burke & Hickey, -perineal, 12 cents; Charles Husted, 14 cents. Con tracts on the above ere ta be let to day. The condition of George Dwyor, dep uty county treasurer, who was recent ly stricken with paralysis, still re- hie ins unchanged, awl the physicians pronounce his case an incurable one. Mrs. E. D. Adams, mother of A. D. Adarns, lumber dealer of Prescott. and H. F. Adams of Williams died at McAl lister, Indian Territory, January 24, aged 77 years. Deceased was well known in Prescott, where she resided eight years ago. WILL GrL STRAP. -:c:- BUKE AND DUCHESS AT THE VATICAN The visit of the duke and duchess of Connaught in state to the Va'tican marks an altogether noU" departure in the relations between the papacy and the court cf Great Britain. It is the first time in history that any member of the royal house ci England has ever visited in state the supreme pontiff ot the Rciman Ca'tholic church, either prior or subsequent to the reformation. True, the late duke of Sussex, uncle of Queen Viereria; the prince of Wales, and the duke of Cambridge, as well as the princess of Wales, with her daugh- tc-rs and her son, the duke of York, have called at the Vatican. But it has always been in a strictly private capac ity, so tci speak, incognito, with an en tire absence of all state or official sur roundings. In fact, when the duke of York, with his mother and sisters, vis ited Leo XIII, Che royal ladies were in hats and short-skirrted tailor-made v-alking dresses, whiie the duke did not even take the trouble to dc-n a frock coat and high hat, bu't had on a morn- inS jacket and a derby hat. the pope did not express any opin ion upon the subject. But the mem bers of the Vatican court were greatly shocked with the costume of the royal English visiters, all other foreign roy alties, no -matter whether Catholic or Protestant, being accustomed to dis play a good deal of ceremony and pomp When they pay their respects to the head of the Catholic church. It is probaOle that the queen heard something of the matter. has and that it is in obedience to her instruc tions that her favorite son and her ciaughter-in-law proceeded la?t week in full state and in the gala equipage of the British embassy to visit Leo XIII, the duke, as well as the officers cf his suite, being in full uniform, while the duchess and her ladies wore court trains with the black mantilla, which is the coiffure prescribed by pa pal etiquette for all ladies who are re ceived in audience by his holiness. The visit is stated to have given lU'frch satisfaction to the aged pontiff, who naturally took occasion to refer tr. his former acquaintance w'.th the queen at the time when he Hvd3 nuncio to the rouit of her uncle, King Leo poid I of Belgium. w It is difficult to understand why there should have been any surprise created at the large amount of money left by the late earl of Latham, who was generally believed to have been a poor man, and yet whose will shows a personality of nearly a million dol lars over and above hia entailed es tates. People seem to forget that through-one his entire career he was dsbbling in so-called city enter-prises, rnd that at one moment he was on the bc&rd of directors of a larger number of joint stock companies than an'- m excepting Lord Thurlow or the mar quis of Tweedale (pronounced Twid dle.) About ten years ago the earl became involved in some rather unpleasant difficulties in connection 'with a com pany that went into liquidation, and was forced, not only to pay heavy as sessments on the shares which had 'been given to him gratis in order to qualify him for the position of director, but was likewise compelled to pay sev eral thous-and pounds toward the set tlement of the company s affairs on the ground that people 'had been led by the presence of his name cn the boiard of management to invest their money In the enterprise. It must thoroughly be understood that 'the large amount of money which he ha3 left over and above his estates has been entirely obtained by city and joint stock company transactions. w v There is no truth in the story cur rent to the effect that the kaiser kept away from the silver wedding festivi ties of his uncle, at Co'ourg, because the latter had invited the duke of Cum berland and of Brunswick, whom the kaiser does not wish to meet. Those 'who originated this i-tsiry are manifest ly unaware that the duke of Edinburgh i3 the one member of Queen Victoria's family with whom the duke of Cum berland declines to hold intercourse, and with whom he is at dagger's drawn. The duke of Cumberland is just about the la&t person whom the duke cf C-oTourg would have invited to his silver wedding festivities, and had an invitation been sent it is doubtful whether there wouldi have been any re sponse thereto one way or another on the -part of the duke of Cumberland. The latter is well aware of the fact that it is his cousin, Alfred, who first revealed and subsequently circulated, as a capital joke, the story ot his, the duke of Cumberland's affliction, name ly, that he had been horn without a rose, a fact concerning which the most strict secrecy had until that time been maintained. The true reason why the kaiser was not at the silver wedding festivities was, in the first place, because he hrd quarreled with his uncle and aunt, and, secondly, because the courts of Berlin are at the present moment engaged in unraveling the very unsavory scandals m warc-n Duke Altreu s 'only son is im plicated, and which have necessitated the young fellow's being placed under restraint as a lunatic in order to fur nish a more or less well justified pre text fcr relieving him of any legal responsibilities in connection with the shortcomings that may be laid to his charge. It 'was .obviously difficult for the kaiser to present himself as the chief guest at the silver wedding festivities or his uncle and aunt at the very time when his courts were engaged in the investigation of charges against their only son. When one remembers the tremend ous fuss made at the time of the last visit of Empress Frederick to Paris, the discussion in the French and in the foreign press becoming so angry in connection with the matter that both her mother, Queen Victoria, and her son, the kaiser, insisted that she should at once cut short her stay, it is significant to find that she has been spending an entire week at Paris, vis iting theaters and museums without her presence on the banks of the Seine exciting the slightest manifestation of ill will on the part cf the Parisian press. It shows the truth of what I have always asserted in theso columns, namely, the sentiment of vengeance against Germany for the invasion of 1370 is dying out in France. Three decades have elapsed since the war. A new generation has sprung up in France since the so-called "Terrible Year," who know nothing of the latter except by hearsay, and Who are. there fore, quite disposed to be friendly to ward Germany, especially when there is any advantage to be derived there from either at home or abroad. During the yeais immediately fol lowing the war the statues female figures representing Metz and Stras bourg, on the 'Place de la Concorde, at Paris, were decorated on every public holiday with flowers, crepe, and emb lems cf deep mourning, while the peo ple deposited nosegays at their base. Today nobody pays any attention to them. 'Sir Nicholas O'Conor, the new Brit ish ambassador at Constantinople, who, as secretary ci' embassy and charge d'affaires, spent several years at Washington, has inaugurated a new era in Stamboul. Until now and from time immemo rial the British embassy in the Turk ish capital has always been regarded as a haven of refuge for native states men and dignitaries, who'.vere in peril of their lives at the hands of the sul tan's emissaries. And it may be re membered that only three years ago the Grand Vizier Said sought and re ceived protection within the precincts cf the British embassy from the sul tan. Sir Nicholas has now announced that he can no longer open the doors of his embassy to native personages perse cuted by the sultan, since it would be impossible to find room for all thos who, regarding it as a sanctuary, are now anxious to find safety therein from the cruelty of the sove:eign. Marquise de Fon'tenoy in Washington Post. :o: WHAT IS SHILOH? A grand' old remetiy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world! for half a century, has cured innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with the results we will refund ytur money. Price 25 cents, 50 cents end ?1. Dr. G. H. Keefer, Druggist. ALL BUYING STOCKS New York Women Are Spec ulation Mac?. Plait and Roosevelt Have Not Yet Agreed Upon a Plan for Police Reorgznization Changes in Man hattan Ctevaled Management. New York, Feb. 7. At the swell cr.les, hotels and other resorts of the city the swelling boom in last 'week's stock market is plainly reflected. It is usual at this time of the year for many visitors to be in the city, some for pleasure and ethers to buy fcr va rious western houses, but the crush just now is almost beyond parallel. Many of the larger hotels are daily turning away many would-be guests. There is hardly a hcstelry of conse quence in this city at which a room carube secured without being previous ly reserved. The visitors are from ail sections of the country, and every one of them seems to be 'prosperous and to have a great deal of money. All the visitors from rhe Pacific lope, from Canada, from the south from the great west tell of unusual prosperity at home. The commercial 'buyers say they have never heard of such a demand for goods at heme as there is this year. Nearly every man has taken a great interest in 'the stock market, and in many instance the vis itors have been heavy buyers of stock in Wall street. In many of the up town hotels, where the brokers' offices for the last two or three years have stood idle and the ticker pounded a why noisily with no one to heed, there fire now several tickers, and each the cen ter of an interested group. Every one seems to be enjoying the boom, and none more than th-a hotel proprietor.. The ladies are once more taking a hand in the speculation of the street, for the mania has apparently spread to them. Dozens of the big Wall street firms who have uptown branches furnish favorite places in which the women stake their money cn the chances of the market. Some of them are learned in the devious ways cf the stock exchange, talking sagely of sell ing ."short" and "10 per cent margins" and all the rest of it. Others, woefully ignorant, walk up to the ca-hier'a win dow and seem very much dazed when asked what stocks they want. The uptoivvn clerks have some dis tracting times, for ma;t women are ex ceedingly bad losers. Occasionally one of them, on finding that none of her account remains, will burst into tears, declare that the game Is not fair and the -lirokers should return her money. The maiket so far has been rather favorable to the general run of women investors, since they are al'.vavs buyers. 'Few women can master the method of making money by going "short." It is hard for them to realize that it is possible to win by a drcp in values. PLATT AND ROOSEVELT AT ODDS. Governor Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Piatt, if report be true, are un able to agree upon new police legisla tion for the greater city. It is stated that Senator .Piatt feels that trouble would ensue if the governor's plan for a single-headed police commission were adopted. In the debates over the Greater New York charier the organi zation took the stand that a bi-partisan commission was the most desir able and effectual solution of the police problem, while the reformers, and es pecially Seth Low and other close friends cf Governor Roosevelt, held that one man should have entire con trol cf the force. They were confirmed in this opinion by the unfortunate squabbles in the police board during the Strong administration. Colonel Roosevelt often deplored the deadlock which hampered the work of the de partment, and said time and again that the only Hvay to prevent a recurrence or tne oimculty was to vest the su preme power in cne man. Aside from the question of the con centration cf power in the police beard there is involved that of local self government. The governor favors the vesting of the appointment of commis sioners in the mayor, while the organi zation leaders believe that the best i;i teiests of the city will be conserved if the appointing power is given to the governor. To this plan, it is said. Governor Roosevelt 13 firmly exposed. While he may compromise as to the constitution of the board, he i3 desirous of keeping the appointment of com missioners where it now is, so as to shut off any complaint that the-administration has any intention of curtail ing the power of the mayor, or taking away from the city one of the most important rights of self-government. It is said the police department will be stripped of all control over elections, and its duties in that regard trans ferred to the state bureau of elections, of which ex-Chief of Police McCullagh is the head. The adoption of this plan would entail several important amend ments to the election laws. RAILROAD MANAGEMENT. It is rumored that "Uncle" Russell Sage is to quit the directory cf the Manhattan Elevated railroad in order to make way for a younger man and great improvements that have been planned for Manhattan. The rumor also says that the new partner of George Gould in the proposed improve ments will be J. Pierpont Morgan. It is said that there is an understanding between the Manhattan and New York Central whereby ihe latter roar! and its suburban branches will connect with the elevated trarks, thereby enabling the Central to run its suburban ser vice the length -of the "L" roads. Once in a while somebody thinks of the sweat shops, and then a commit tee is appointed, which gees over on the east side and inspects them. Re cently some representatives of organ ized labor thought cf them again It was a committee of the United Gar ment Workers of America, comprising Herman Robinson of the Bi ccherhood of Tailors and Benjamin Schwei;zer and two others from the garment work ers of Baltimore and Rochester. They found that ali the evils that formerly existed in such pieces are flourishing there still, and that the provisions of the state fietcry la'.v are being violaral grossly and openly. Fifteen to eigh teen Hours a clay in vile, ill smelling placer, are still the prevailing horns, and the- prevailing rates are little bet ter than ever, in some places five contractors were found in one place, for which only one factcry permit had been issued. The first -places visited were worse than the others, for the rc-ason that in some way the contract ors learned of the inspection in prog ress, and managed to send away many minors and get tneir premises into- bet ter condition for visitors. , :o: YOU TRY IT. Tf Shiloh's Cough and! Consumption Cine, which is sold for the small price of 25 cents, GO cents and $1, dees not cure take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Prico 25 cents and 50 cents. Dr. G. H. Keefer, Druggist. :o: JAPANESE TEXTILES. sle of the Matsuki Collection Good Prices Obtained. New Youk, Feb. 7. The remainder of the collection of Japanese textiles brought to this country by Bunkio Matsuki of Japan and Boston, Mass., was sold at auction yesterday after noon at the galleries of the American Art association. The more important specimens in the collection had been reserved for yesterday's sale. For -most of the lots fairly good prices were obtained, but several rare pieces were sold at what the auctioneer considered a big sacri fice. An embroidered palace-wall-hrnging, for instance, for which Mr. Matsuki is paid to have c.iven $2,100 in Japan was knocked down for $380. An other hanging, with a design of pea cocks and peony flowers brought 300. The highest price of the sale was given for a gold, embroidered silk hansins This measures 10S by 174 inches and is a reproduction of one of the most, famous hangings in the hail of Hawo, in the mikado's palace. It was sold yesterday tor $S25. A num ber cf bedspreads and curtains brought fairly gocd figures. :o: THE BOLIVIAN TROUBLE. Lima, Peru, Feb. 7. Advices from Bolivia confirm the report -of the re treat of President Alonzo and his army to Oruro, a town of Bolivia 100 miles northwest of Sucre. The Indians, it is added, are rising everywhere and are murdering and plundering. There are also rumors of complications between Bolivia and Chile. DEPOSITORS DEBATING. 'San Jose, Cal., Feb. 7. A meeting of about 350 depositors in the Union Savings bank this morning developed a wids divergence cf opinion as to- the he-si action. A committee of seven was appointed to confer with the attorneys and report generally tomorrow. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. To Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know What Appetite and Good Digestion Mean. Make a Test of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. No trouble is mors common or more misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia. People having it think their nerves are to blame and are surprissd that they are not cured by nerve msdiclnes. The real seat of the mischief is lost sight of. The stomach is the organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever in the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of stoma;h weakness. Nervous dyspep sia shows itself not in the s:omach so much as in nearly every organ. In some cases the heart palpitates and is irregular; in others the kidneys are affstcsd; in ethers the bowels are con stipated, with headaches; still others P.! PROF. HENRY W. BECKER, A. M. are troubled with loss of flesh and ap petite with accumulations of gas, sour risings and heartburn. It is safe to say that Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness or diseaes except, cancer of the stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite, sleep lessness, palpitation, heartburn, consti-p-a:ion and headache. Send for valuable little book cn stomach diseases by addreing F. A. Stua-rt Co., Marshall, Mich. All drug gists seil full sized packages at 50 cents. Prcfsssor Kenry W. Becker, A. M., the well known religious woruer and writer of St. Louis, secretary of the mission board of tha German Metho dist Episcopal church, chief clerk and export accountant for the harbor and wharf commission, public secretary for the St. Louis School Patrcns' asso ciation, and the district -conference of stewards of the M. E. church; also takes an active part ;:i the work ;of the Ep worth 'League, and to write on re ligious educational topics for several magazines. How he found relief is bsst :old in hi?: own words: ' Some wesko ago my brother heard me say something about indigestion, and taking a box from his pocket said, 'Try Stuart's Tp.bUts.' ' I did, and was promptly relieved. Then I investigated the nature of tablets and became satis fied that they were made cf just the right things and in just the right pro portions to aid in the assimilation of food. I respects, on hand ' heartily endorss them in all and I keep them constantly liif! v.-rw .w-i'v? THE LONDON STORE, 'Announces its deep cut into former prices. The stock now in store is going rapidly under the latest cut. All Wool Suits are being closed out at a very little above cost. New Spring Goods will soon arrive and we want rocm for them; the eld must be sold. We carry no stale goods. 142 E. Washington Street, Opposite t'ity Hall. PHOENIX FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORKS 23 to -7 tNToi-tU Second Rt.iviot. N. P. McCALLUM, - . - - Proprietor. Machinery, SupDtles and Castings. Machinery of ali Kinds Ru'lt and Retalrd. HOISTS';lJSi-;; a to 50 h. p.) - if yMimkM1' d&$m WEBER Gas Engine C 410 S. W. Bi.uU-vark ; - v - vi - .'' - Kansas City, Pio.l FOUNDRY AND j 3 ra 212 w E i HOSES IIUGIIcS, Prop. ' Ringf Up Telephone 83 Or call st 38 North Center street when wanting vaomethlns ale to drirrt. W-3 are headquarters for the best in our lino and so! agents for Fabst, Lemp's and the San Francisco breweries, Ltd., tare ot the best breweries on earth. JUST RECEIVED. plements of all kinds. Two carloads cf the Celebrated Stiidcbaker Wagons, Carts, Bugs-ies and NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Homostert'l Api'iieiUion No. 2013. Department of tin- Interior, L:iml Ofiire at Tn(-stiii, Arizona,-.iiimutry :'.0, lsw. Notice is hereby given tlia: the follmvingr luuin-tl settler Jms ii'.e't liotiee of iiid intention to niflke lhml proof in support of his claim, nl Hint prc'l' vil! be ni.-nie before the Register ami Heeeiver at Tneson. Arizona, on Salnnlav, Mineh IS, ls'i'.l. viz r ("1: at le.-i V. l'aoel- fonl. ol (rtirt llenu, Arizona, tor lot of nvl . of see -1, anil lot 1, anil se1 sec S. T s. (4 4 v. .. (i. A: S. 1!. M . , and s-,v! . of iie. of He names the io'ilowiiip witnesses to prove his co!ili:iuims resiiienee upon anl enltivution of said lanii, vis: Charles H. Millani. Itobert W'nleli, Jnlins Kruefrer, and Daniel iSoouau, nil of (jihi Bend, Arizona MILTON n. MOORE. Kekister. First publication, F 1, 1S03. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR AN ADDI TION TO THE HIGH SCHOOL. The board of education v.ill receive bids for building an addition to the union high school in the city cf Phoe nix, Maricopa county,' Arizona. Speci fications may be seen at the ofhee of the architect, Mr. J. M. Preston, Room 3, Monihon block. Bids will be received until February !), 1S3P, at my office, 201 V,'. Washing ton. The said board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. B. T. GILL.ETT, Clerk Board of Education. DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE. Of City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizcna, for the Year Beginning July 1, 139S, and Ending June 30, 899. Territory of Arizona, County of Mari copa, ss: I, T. J. Prescctt, assessor and tax collector cf the city of Phoeaix, Mari copa county, Arizona Territory, da sol emnly swear that I have made a true, full and correct ascount and lists of all persons and property owing taxs, after the 26th day of January, 1S99, to the city of Phoenix, as appears from the assessment veil of said city, for the year beginning July 1, 1893, and end ing June 30, 1S93, on file in this office. T. J. PRESCOTT, City Assessor and Tax Collector City of Phoenix, Maricopa Count3 Ari zona Territory. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of January, 1S99. sea: T. A. JOBS, City Recorder. NOTICE. In accordance with Act No 5S of the Nineteenth legislative assembly of the Territory of Arizona to amend Act No. S4 of the Seventeenth legislative as sembly of the Territory of Arizona, notice is hereby given that the real property as shown by delinquent tax list of year beginning July 1, 1S9S, and ending June 30, 1899, upon which such taxes are a lien, will be sold at public auction as required by law, and Notice is farther given that said sale of real property will be held at the side door of the city hall cf the city of Phcenix, Maricopa cour.ty, A. T., on the 1st day of March, 1S93, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and o clock p. m commencing ;with the let- ter "A" and continuing alphabetically until complete. Phoenix, A. T., Januarv 30, 1899. T. J. PR1ESCOTT. Assessor and Tax Collector City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona Territory. First published in The Arizona Republican,- official city paper, February 1, 1899. Via the Soutnern FarTrie, going east, we will assist you in selecting a route and secure you the best connection and accommodations. If west, use the shortest and quick-sat line for seasids points. For further information caiJ I on M. O. Eicknell. C. P. CLOT&1WG AND . CENTS rURNJSIIINCS, BERNARD HARRIS, Proprietor. i?T - w. - ,:',i'.ij - - t - MACHINE SHOP. O. BOX 4.-8. TELEPHONE G7, MELCZER BROS. One carload of the Can ton Clipper Plows, Har rows and Farming Im- Surries. THE PIONEERS OF ARIZONA Grand Avenue Corral and . Horse Market Mountain rigs, nice Driving rigs for city use, comfortable phaetons, saddle ponies for rent by the day or month at reason able rates. J. W. AMBROSE. STAR DYE WORKS CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING, Etc. No. 31 South First Avenns i DRESSMAKING Twelve years' experience. S. T. Taylor system. MRS. PJJilER. No. 312 EAST ADAMS STREET. Don't Be Afraid To Send the Children When you want anything in Groceries from our store. They will be waited upon just as promptly and just as carefully as you would if you came your self. They will get just as much for the money at RIEBELING'S, The W. Washington St. Grocer. GILBERT D. GRAY Nstary Public, Pension Agent GOLDMAN k CO. s'JUSTtCE OF THE PEACE No 30 South Sccond Avc phoeajx Ml MfMf aai SCIENTIFIC 24 Pages : Weekly j IHusiratcJ. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, FOSTPAID. SXI TOIi SAMPLE COPT. MINING Scientific PRESS 330 HAEEZT EI.. EAI? TK&JJCISCO, CAT . 1