OCR Interpretation

Arizona republican. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, September 26, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020558/1900-09-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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An Elegant Line of Wheels
EAGLE, with the famous "QUAD-STAY," patented, lightest anl strong
est, $65 and $t!0.
ORIENT, famous on the track anil road, $tlj and $,10.
CROWN, the finest $:1j wheel or. the market. With best grade of genuine
Fauber hanger. . '.
CYKl'S. a $30 whtel we like to have compared with others at S? and $40.
LACLEDE, which will be one of our leaders for 1901. $:;0. Samples nov in.
None of these are in the Bicyck Trust
We have a few "Trust" wheels, with the Trust's guaranty, which we are
offering at 25 to 50 per cent discount. The wheels v.e sell have one year's
guaranty, by the strongest independent makers in the country. Fee :jitf-h:md
wheels at practically your own pri'-e.
a Positive Pleasure
Wyelh White Cedar Washers
D. H. BURTIS', 31-33 E. Washington Street
g Booms
Established 1883. 40 N. CENTER ST., Phoenix.
Second Exhibition of Pain's Battle of
San Juan Hill.
Though the audience was hardly as
large as at the first exhibition, thou
sands gathered at Phoenix park last
night to witness Pain's Battle of San
Juan, and the exhibition of fire-works,
filling up the remainder of a long and
interesting programme. Many were
present who attended the night before,
as the nature of the performance was
unique and novel, and to see which op
portunities are infrequent in this part
of the country. Large delegations were
present from Tenipe, Mesa and other
outside points and were highly enter
tained. The battle of San Juan has been o' te,i
described and can be disposed of with
the statement that it was realistic in
deed. A3 to the fire-works, no such
lavish burning of powder was ever wit
nessed in these parts as has occurred
in the last two days. There was an
endless variety of rockets, candles and
unique pieces with the coloring of the
rainbow. Some were slow in burning
and. gave the audience ample time to
admire their beauty while others, d irt
ing loeket-Iike to the heaven-,
were more in the nature of shooting
stars. The set pier? that was appreci
ated above all others was the picture of
President McKinley. and as it burs",
into view a cheer of wild enthusiasm
rent the air.
There was some good acrobatic work
-.. -..--r r. -
Freeh Ranch Eggs only 25c dozen.
Our invoice takes place October lii.
After that this store will be full and
overflowing with a new stock of gro
ceries and the largest line of fine Teas
and Coffees- ever shown in Arizona.
These are the prices that must clean
out our present stock. Satisfaction
guaranteed or monev refunded:
1 pound package Coffee.
2 packages California Block Matches.
1 pound Shredded Cocoanut.
l-3-pound can Apple Butter.
1 pound White or Yellow Macaroni.
1 can Salmon.
6 bars Calla Lily Borax Soap.
1 can American Sardines.
17c ,
1 can Eagle Milk.
G3c 1
1 sack full weight Bran. !
90c j
1 sack full weight Polled Barley.
1 pound special Blend Coffee.
1 keg Kansas City Tickles; regular
price. $1.50.
t 10c
1 bottle Vanilla or I.emon Extract.
1 pound very best Chewing Tobacco.
There are the prices that make them
dizzy and crowd the Store That's Al
ways Busy.
Pinbrton block, opposite oart ktu
BMapkoa MI. .
P-irSV V. r "Tfc. re,. , --ai'-."- A i 'J
! during the evening and I.ee In-ham,
I the famous hand eoui-il.t i-t. scored an
other hit. The Provost troupe add. d
i much to tile entertainment and th"
cii.wn and de:r-on act of I. uvilu and
tJiake was but a repetition of their
good work of the night before.
The Pain exhibition has been well r -ceive-.l
by Phoenix and its . tiiei.u staff
is entitled to great credit. 11. M. Hiina-j
ford is the treasuier and reptv -vms the
management, ''titers of the staff are
James Cuniiffo, pyrotechnist and hi"f;
ol construction: l-.mtl .ipntz. vs.ie;
electrician: Frank Leltoy, stage m.in
ag. r. and Milton Ounckel. .-uper-cup-ta
The Kind of a an Yavaptu Repub
licans Want for Sheriff .
Virgil Earp was nominated for slier-'
iff by acciamatian, by the republican
contention, at Present: last Saturday. .
At the ratification meeting held in the j
evening by the MeKiniiy-Roosevelt j
club, candidates were pres.-nt and tx- j
pressed themselves. j
Earp was called 'upon and made one j
of the best speeches of the ev-ning. '
"No doubt. said he, "r.iany of you
have heard of me. I want to teli you a
few thinjrs. In 13T4 I win to Dodge i
City. 'and I tell you. boys, she : is the
wildest t)-n o the Am rir.in conti-
nent. I f.ad been there cnly a short '
time whfn business men f nd property1
(fwners came to me and said. Knrp, I
you tnift help u? to overcrme the law-!
Iessnesa in this city." t replied. 'I don't 1
want it: give it to some one eise.' They
said- If you don't take the eity mar-!
shabhip we will have to leave town.' j
So in the interest of lav ami order I I
accfj-.ted, and I leave it to the law-
abiding citizens of -Didge City as tj
whether I performed my duty or not.
"The year 1S7G saw mo jn l'reseott.
nt rny arrival I soon found out that
some of tiie boys whom I had driven
. et of Dodge City were there. As so m
as they saw me thty concluded that if
they were going to make any gun plays
or shoot up the town they n-ti! better do
it before I became identified with the
country, so thry starter, in at once to
shnot tin the town ami aery the au
thorities of Pre?c;tt. Krl Powen was
sh-. riiT. Do you r. member that time.
Eddie'.'" said Earp, addressing Jud-?e
K. V. Wells, who wa:' In the chair.
"I do. well, Virgil,
"Well.' ccntlnue 1
asked me to go w'.h
' r ppoaded the
Earp. "Co wen
him and arrest
the gang and I said, as at Dodge City,
'I don't want to go: I am a new comer;
get some one else.'. But he Insisted.
Whether I perforated my ditty then
vou ask Judge V.'.-lls and others.
"A w years !a;tr I was in Tomb
stom. and I tc!l you. gentlemen and
ladies, she w;-s a hot town. I had been
there a short time when sum men as K-.
Ii. Cage came to me. They said: 'Virgil,
you must be city marshal and clean up
this town of its di.-.ird: riy and lawless
elements." I said: 'I dn't want it: get
j some one else." They rrdied: 'If you
; don't, we'll have to shut d .vn our
: mines.' fJo I -accepted. R lln-.v citizens,
let K. 11. Oage an-wer. an:", he will tell
you whether i perform, d my duty and
, vhether 1 stood Tor th; protection of
lifr and property and the enf ireem- nt
I r.f -i w. Let Webs-Fat-go. answer alsn
I Well. I moved to Yavapai county and
have been leading a t;i t life lor years.
I came up h-re to the republican r-ira-I
v inions. Republican.. Judge Wells
land others came to m- and sail: "Earp.
j we want you to accept the nomination
; for sheriff.' As at Dodfte f'lty and
(Tombstone. I answered, 'I don't want
i:: give it to some one else." an 1 the
j n publicans said. "X -one ids.- will have
I it." S'o I was nominated, and ir elected
j you ran count en it thai 1 wid. as in
former years, stare f.u- goo govern
ment at.d the protect Ion nf property."
..ir. '.age was asked shout -'-.arp. and
he said: "1 know p -rs mally that
whatever Virgil Earp did l.i 'in:nb: t,,ne
was at the r.-ipeest of the In..-: men in
I'oeoise county, and I wish to re na:k
that it Earn :? i lect. .: sheriff of Yac-
apai coume. all i-Iass-i cad
ests. individual and corpo.-ar.
(eive fair and just tivau.e n
ha nds."
'i'he altoe is evilene. o Th.
i inter
wii r.
at his
f.W that
Yavapai r'-publici r.s hnve a strong tttv'i
xp-erienc; d (-aiebda t
on."- in whos.; iiads til
office i an be a;'c!y tr
; ir sh. riff ami
.hit s of the
t t-d.
a i.iiTTKU r::r-7i :!a;-:;i.. -a.
Stiinf'.rd r.-: -ived a , f.-w divs
ago fi-om h!' in. It. ('. r'ta .i. '...-., who
is serving whit t.,e Thirt -i'.e.:i :h r.-gi-loclit
in the P'-i'i; ; I; s. .V t tie- tin. nf
wWilrg If .'i'f in '.!. -.:,, ., .ietaii
duty. I . in',- 's. nt t't :e v.!;'.i a d ,.;-h-nient
es'-.-ir.lri! a. n: i ..f pris i;vrs
ar.d i:h itrtri: -tiotis ti '.ring i a -ic
cert- scd!s. 1'e w:is ipii-, siek in
tie- h-e":'i;al s.e'.ie '.ira.' ago. 'on vi-it-.J
that he h is fully r -c'- -.e:': an ! is i ov
in p. ef d h.-alih. He also s.:;-s that
it is the gen-era! o.dnt ..i ti t: his regi
ment will be sent home ia tin- course
of a couple nf monfTis. or as soon as it
can be relieved, although their lam of
. nlistment has not yet expired.
PRORATE f'OPP.T. A matter in
volving an unsettled point of law came
To be ec!o at Summer prices
to make room for our Fall. Pur
chases, see our Display of 30c.
to 50c. Matting at 25c. per
yard. This week only.
i'P ir prn'oate court yest r-Vty. A hear
ir:; hiving I. e n I a 1 on a petition to
assign the cstat" of 11 -iiovt P. Pro'.vn
f-r t' e xiaintt na-.o ef the widow and
laitie.r ch.ii.lren an c der vas made ye?-t"-dny
merr.ing. The proceeding was
cm !.-! forinnl -n th's case, for under
t'.ie 1.T.V It Is mandatory to make such
orders ir. est.-:, s of leys than S'C'.cpa.
About norm "r. C F. Ainsworth. at-tn;n-y
for the Valley bank, appeared in
t--m't to see about a chattel mortgage
t:-e bank was holding oa sr:-:iv cattle
v hieii .v. . re a part of the etate. B:i:
t ':-.- estate ral been turned over and it
i" s lid the cattle had been sold. Every
thing h.Tl been d. ne in ac.-or ianee with
th.e law of this territory, but Mr. Ains
vorth has a theory tiu.t the law is mu
g-uj- that there Is a reas'tiable limit
t i tne law making powers nf even Ari
zona I. gisiatti-r s. ami that no law can
K- enacted l ) d. .-trey a m (l'tgage.
J. Hail was appointed rpecial admini--t;at..r
of the estate of H. II. Ca npbell.
l:e.-i.l. valuable reai estate. Mr. Camp
ledes estate in the county consists of
n'emt 5-2.r.f.O in the Phoenix Nat! n.t!
bank'and the'unknown contents of a
safety deposit box. The special letters
were issued only for the purp-'.-e of ex
amining the box to sro if Mr. Canipbeil
had' 1- ft a will. Frank Drew was ao-.I-ointed
guardian of tiie estaL' of
Melissa A. Kenton. The estate c, in
sists of i rtiiicate of insur.'.nee in the
Woodmen's Cirri;. A repo: t of the sale
r-f real estate of th;- estate, of Julia A.
Komeroy was confirmed.
is a case of iniaepjrenatl.v.l !n thi?
to-.vti. c:n Pur.daj- ni-tht tiie poli.-e ar
retted a man i:amt -1 Albert f.np. z a.-J
o woman named Dim i'attis-(.n. but
better known as Laura t'eerp-e. f ir u.v
le r. f e! . c ihabi:.? tion. They v.-ei e locked
v p. but later Were released on bond fo-ti'-.ir
appearand; y. stcr.lay. Wi "a thf
notion of canceling tiie!'.' off. rise they
f'-.-ided to get marric.i. T.ley oi-tainei:
a-jieense and were tpirri. d on Mon lay
Tiie e. rem. my was performed by h.
rtirtor of the A. M. cjiur.-h. Thr
woman is of negro blood. Th" la .v of
this territory f.irbids marriage be
tween Caucas-ans and pc'--c.iii of .f.
ri.'tin. Mengolian or liu'ian d -seen:
Lopez may nor be, in fact, much of f
C ir.c :.-!.".!!, I J' he is in law. whi. e. i
freiiuently i--t fact. 'i'liese iiir.r
rie.gs a:e id and the pr.-aeh :
or. (.titer per. -on ilio officiate.
at ru.-h a marriage is liabl". In this
case, as in all other?, the ar;ei ant f i
th? Iicm--e was asked if there wore any
legal reasons why the marriage might
not take place. !.- s-ai I there were n. me.
and as his bride to be was net pr. s-
C!U the license clel'U had 111 men US I'l
oetermining her cohir. but the preaeher
must have b- en color til: n i. Mr. and
Mrs. l.opez cam., into p.ioee couet with
r.n air of triamph over having circum
vented tit-' law. The woman wa thi.-d
t"i 5 and when her husband, in his in-
tigmnt ?arp; i"e, thr. '.ter.ed to cleat:
o'.tt the renrt was fir.?;1 ?25. They
paid tl-.eir fin--? and went away. Thry
are stiil livii:;; insi.ie th city limits,
lieb'.e to ream i at any moment.
Th3 following in -trument3 reported
by the. Phoenix Title O-.iaranty and Ab
stract company were filed In th " office
of the county re'order yesterday:
Frederick P. Mur !e. k to T. J. Prcs
cott and M. .1. l'.-..tid. bill of sale to
1 ak.-ry and ecu feet ionery outfit. in
chiding National cash re-ir t. r. t wo
wagons, horse, he.rn.-ss: consider.!' !.-".,
:;2.0C0. i
C. 11. Cray and wife t . II. H. Ja.-U- :
s'.n. (bed to n'-j. in-i;. s.e 17. '.p i n. i :'.
e, excep'ing l it (2'.Vix".:7 feet) in north
east c. i-ncr of said ; ;:: also 1 its t,
C. :t. (i, 7. S. i,'. .,-k -1. Jot blo.-k -I.
3'atk View, a subdivision of said nw'l;
c-.msi.l- ration. ?l.fi.16
Cl.-u-inda Jones to jr. K. .lo-i;s. d.ee.l
to i as 21 and -', iiloek "K." Univer-a-elitl
in. PnoPniT.
Kel.eeea Sala:i ail"' IHlsi.ai.-l to I ! '".!-
cvicve I!. H .r.lone. deed t.; par; e
s.-c tp i n, :" ii e: cee-eiera:!-)!!.
ttih i-Ar.VA'ficv A;t:.:v
i-;. -a-
Its Ai!M'.:a
tiva i.
! es-
I lie
an a
', t iny lie - n 0 . a.- the
. lis ilt.-e-j feMiv;.;-;
. i;li ; .ts .!ls t'.l--"oil-::i-kte".
vn as .'ne We. k
rneien: lie!.,
bit has two
. ot the . ;ir.
i i Prayer and i-"e'f-I. niai. when tic
ill. id., are die1 d -d between tile 1". eii--e.
ork and the needs of s. .me for-, ig:: mis
sion country, India coming in for its
share of the proceeds in the last great
effort. But the Harvest Festival is
purely for the work at home, and is so
su'-cessfullj phuinrtl and wssisted b;,
the friends of the movement that thou
sands r.f dollars were raised in 1SW.
Tiie army expect- t.j far sitrp?ss toos-:
figures this present year. AHnough it
'eas leeeii sending regular lemittanee:.
to the f.iiiiine-s : i i."kcu districts oi"
India up to tiie prcstr-nt time, If is ai:
cxr.cclc.l tha; these contributions '.vol
in .any way intrfeie Willi the largi
plan to gather funds for the hone.
The well known work of these people
3 mong the church! ess crowd! has s. -c'ned
for them mrny friends from ail
ranks of life, lea linv,- statesmen and
philanthropists ant: i imting Ihr'r spur
ie.l words of praise and commendat i 1.1
to tiiese self-der.y ing toilers amony; th"
"black sheep." Drunkaid jprl out
eists of every character have been
among their many trophies nil over the
l.-nd. find ao case seems too hard
h i;eh-.-s to en-is: their sympathy ani
e.T .-rt t"i redeem.
Wh;it--ver may be done for the local
oflicr-i-r' tlils yfar will be highly appre
ciated by the.?!, and -vill contribute to
assist very truly in the simething that
he wi.'. n .t only "never forget," but
"never regrt t.''
The dates ; th" f',?ttvfi." are Septem
ber -it to Oc;alit-r 2.
v.'APinXeiTox a:d rDi'.roitAb.
Vith Kivat troul.le a .-mail body of
men were busy hoisting a heavy i-g ti
if a block house that was being re
paired aft. r ci assault in one of th2
e. impair,:. s cf ithe war of American ir.-dep-
Hy and by there rode up an etnc- . i-n
plain cloth', s. who asked the little ri...a
wiiy tie did n--t h--lp the others.
"F;r." was the pompous r.ply, "I ar.i
a corp.iral."
"Indeed, T did not know that. I ask
your pardon. ?dr. Corporal. "
Dismuimiiiig without funher ado, t'ae
office i lent a willing hand till ihe j i'j
v.M ; done. Then, wiping the hont .-t
s.vcMt from off his brow, he turned t i
the little man and remarked:
"Tiie next 't'.mc. ?.!r. Curiioral, you
;ie-ve a ii'o to .! i lil-;.1 i'.iat and too fe-.v
men to do it, send for the commandor-n-eiiiif,
ar.d I'll ecu.- again and as-?i
Yv'ith which offer and rebuke Gt n.
'.'Washington left tiie astounded corpo
ra! to his own I'vllee'ti.jns. P. and
V"e have itecseli ss ra rriae.es. wire
- s; i eit ra'(.ii-, sm. ikeies jniwder,
hillless Hats, and now this seems :-i
itea piv.ital !-tit.l.ss coantry. Chic. .go
Ti:iu-.- -Ttv raid.
Tiliill: l.'ti.M.MON" GUIKP.
Tie- T.'-lv if my poor moth'-r h id
oily been alive, i shotiM have gone
o::- 1c to ht r l.-.r.g since.
The Itrtit:" X-i one d.ep'ores your
n:.Oher's untimely death any more than
1 do. my dear. I-Tx.
Fish, Balk and
Canned Oysters.
JVe are now shipping these
goods from three of the largest
and best equipped fisheries on
tiie coast, er.abiir.g its to give
our patrol's the largrst varit-ty,
tiie best quality and the ioivst
Iion't forget that v.'e lead
v. ie a it c-e.i- s to poultry.
Wholesale and Retail.
j'snnnrF CO 'S
T.i. 3tO. Pi North Center Bt
iH? O'xii ' ' .?"'.' ii' " 'H " '.ViTlf
FnV.yn the atandlug with tr(l.
iitejt f'i:y3 everything at ppot ffm)i pr'"
end the b'f-t 25c me-el.
IVXi'i HSiNu & CG.
d ml 24 Wr.-,hlngton Bt., rct f 7k
cobs A Co. Priavte rooms for 'asUlu
X'.ckati. M-M; u;a: aiMlc C.
V Big Line of Comforts and Quilts from
Winter Bedding. Don't forget our Straw Hats at
YA of their former price.
re- a fs f
I s 1 a i
Thone 2741.
Tiie Orator My friends, tiie trusts
are engaged in a dastardly attempt to
destroy our instil u t ioas. ! "
Weary Watki.es V. II. I hope they'll
stop at tearin. down the penitentiarits
an 'leave the poorlmues alone. Kx.
Tiie Nation's tlift to tiie Admiral Sadly
Xeglec!.. d.
Tiie home which the American pc .pi
presented to Admiral 1). wey is again
causing adverse cruici.- ni . f the hero of
Mania bay. It is said the home of the
Admiral of the American navy is :ior
kept shipshape.
Neighbors of the admiral call at"ti
tion to the untidy lawns. Uia! estate
agents claim that the general negii-i t of
the property lutrts values in the vicin
I "
i I
A Fairly Good Place
o Eat.
$1.50 Corsets at $1.00
$1.25 Corsets at..T 85
$1.00 Corsets at 50
Hosiery 25c and 30c .15
Hosiery 20c .12
Laces and Embroideries at half price.
White Bed Spreads $1.75 L00
White Bed Spreads $1.00...... 65
Towels 25c at 15
Towels 15c at 10
Linen Crash 16c at 12
Linen Crash 12c at 083
Scrims 15c at 08
Outings 10c at 07
Outings 7c at .06
Outings 6c at 04
9-11 E. Washington Street
Who will fill it accurately with pure drugs
at popular prices. We are in business to
please the people. Call and see us.
5 end 7 E. Washing t. n it
ity. This h,..n ' lias not been occupied;
since tiie admiral and Mrs. Dewey ;
rn.ved out to neauvoir. their country j
home, last April, anil the air of aban- '
.lomv.ent is sadly noticeable. I
The place looks distressed and for
lorn. The la wn?s are unkept, and have
not feii the reaper this year. The long!
and shaggy grass is browned by the. I
t irrld wtatker and has withered i'i '
spots. j
Mrs. I), we.." has said she wiil never .
live in t'ae house again, and the neiga
1..U s are woriied about the fa.-', that'
this wasted i"lie of a or.ee beautiful
home vill conti--:ue ind.-tmitely as a
menace to their property and future
comfort. N. Y. World.
i:T ii tm (;n-:F?ixn.
And have you tried tit-' plat, of greet-
ing your husband with kind words
when lie c.ieu s li-nn-. late, us i suggest- i
eu .' " asked ihe cider:."." friend.
2 AND 5 TO 8 P. M.
All Meals
2 V3.itC
which to select your
"I hevc," Faid tiie youngish lady,
"and he stays home ail the time non
trying n figure out what is the mat
ter." Clark's meals once eaten, always
eaten. Open tid midnig h!t.
Pig pears, dale pears and ripe pears.
2c at the orchard. No finer, smoother
or better llavored Partlett pears grow
in Pa it River valley than at the Jlo
Cinre ranch, one and a quarter miles
sqouth of the Capitol grounds. Phoenix.
Come early to avoid the rush.
Walter L. Ncrris, Proprietor
Are Y ou Sure
te.at y.ui are getting th" best, tenderest
and juiciest meats for your money?
No.' Well, there's one way to be abso
lutely certain patronize Hurler.
Doesn't make any difference whether
y ';! k""'w xv r,'::i '' l0t"cen a rib
1 roa-t and a pork l hop. y. it'll get just
, th satin- honest tr.-:iitin-nt as if you
: "km w ii ail."
I s Wesi Washinoion St., 'Phone 12
From 6:30 A. M. i ill

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