Newspaper Page Text
s THE ; ARIZONA REPUBLICAN TUESDAY MORNJG DECEMBER -10,-1901. Th ey Have Arrived OUR LONG LOOKED FOR CARLOAD OF THE Those antici- pating the pur- chase of a car- f riage or run- about will do 2 well to see our stock. t urreys, cte. Have arrived and no time will be lost in arranging them in our carriage re pository for inspection. yep 1S4-12G Bast Washington St. BEMIMIH THE WH1TB HORBB IN rOFT 127-133 Bast Adams Strttet. Th. Onty BxoIubIvo Uadlasj' Tail In Pria.nlx. Tha Only Cloak and Suit Heui in th Ttrrllopy Special Sale on Coats and. Capes All $25.00 Coats will be sold for $20.00 All $20.00 Coats will be sold for $16 50 All $18. OO Coats will be sold for $14,50 Also a large line of Short Automobile Coat for 16.50. Do not wait until they are picked over. Come early and get first choice. wool and fleeced-lined underwear for one-half their value.- A nice line of wool waists from J. ........ ....... Have your suits, jackets, capes and shirts made with us: we guarantee a perfect fit. to select from; GOOD WORKMANSHIP. : ', ' Mail Orders Promptly Attended to . Ladies Free Employment Office Will also close out entire line of ..... 1.25 to $ S.OO Large line of suiting? CLOAK AND Washington and, Second. St. SUIT HOUSB 'ftaOM 2881 CEACKED HIS HEW SHELL Dr i Jckyl Ha Crawled Back Into Mr. Hyde'i Old One. "Rev. mseph Anderson" is no more. He passed out of that shell yesterday and went back Into his old one of George Hayford. which is also no doubt only a tamijorary abiding place and only one of many in which he has con cealed his identity from an inquisitive public. Ever since Deputy Sheriff Hop kins, who came after him. saw him in his cell on Sunday, he denied that he was Hayford. but yesterday he ad mttted that lie was. The habeas corpus proceedings begun In his behalf have fallen to the ground. His arrest on a charge of being a fu gitive from Justice cures the defects complained of In the petition for the writ. While he would probably be dis charged on a hearing he would Imme diately be arrested and taken away on a requisition. So that though there is a hole In the wall through which he might crawl it only brings up against a wall in which there is no hole. Hay ford says that the people of California have only a civil case against him anyhow. Deputy Sheriff Hopkins left last night for Santa Barbara with his prisoner. When he first met the prisoner Sun day morning. Mr. HopkinB said. "How do you do. Mr. Hayford." The latter replied. "My name is not Hayford, sir, and I don't know you." "Oh, yes it Is," said the officer, "and I think I shall have to take you back to Santa Barba ra with me." Then he gave Hayford a good cigar, after which they were on better terms. Hayford's method of operation was not to stay In one town too long and after his . departure, if followed by troublesome bills he settled them by writing checks and drafts on banks which knew him not. Mr. Hopkins said that while the charge against him is only for misdemeanors. It is not Im probable that a felony charge may be made later of some of the counts, but if not. the list of misdemeanors is long enough to "keep the - prisoner In the county Jail through succeeding sen tences, till long after the novelty has worn off. - " He has a wife' and two daughters, the Dr. Hibbard OSADUATK of Harvard Medi cal College, ex Dnited States Pen sion Examiner, and Leading Specialist in ebnmic and difficult cases. Hlood, Ukia. Kidney, Urinary, Bladder, Private and Beacnal diseases. Seminal weakness with exhausted vitality permanently cared. Can cers and external growth! removed with out the knife or severe measures. The season of Dr. Hlbbard's remarkable auceess is due to bla hoag experience and exceptional ability in treating complicated and Intricate diseases. Place yonr caae in bl beads .bd be dealt with honestly and scientifically. Rasa-ember he devotes his entire time and study to chronic diseases. If possible Always be Bwemined by an Expert. If unable to call write freely and confidentially. Many eases yield to boms treatment. Deferences: All the Banks, and prominent business men of the city. Consultation, in person or by letter, free. Hours: 10 to 12, 1 to , and to7. Offloe and laboratory, 30-10) 8. Second Avenue, Hib bard Huildiag, Phoenix, Alisona, . wife being In Santa Barbara and the daughters-in San Francisco. The wife is a Russian and he is said to he a Hol lander, though Hayford is not a Dutch name. That strengthens the suspicion that there are others in his "rep ertoire." On the occasion of . Hayford's de parture from Santa Barabra, which was between two days, the officers were only fifteen minutes behind him, but that was long enough and It is pretty well established that he left on foot as the boats and trains were watched closely. As to the relations between Hayford and his wife, the officers are uncertain about their friendlienss. They suspect that she was keeping In touch with him, though she willingly furnished the pic ture by which he was Identified and said that since their marriage the man had cost her a considerable fortune. Some intimation was given of prospec tive divorce proceedings, but no steps have been taken and It may be only a bluff. Color is added to the latter belief by the fact that Mrs. Hayford is somewhat at outs with the ladies of San Jose, who accuse her of a little sharp practice In the obtaining of money. They say she represented her self to be a. fashionable modiste and proceeded to spoil all their good cloth and return for it some very poor dresses. Some of them have even sug gested that she should also be legally dealt with for her false pretensee. Hayford lived In Santa Barbara about two months and while there opened up a conspicuous law office, but the only client Mr. Hopkins could re member his ever going into court with was a man who served a term lit Fol- som and was brought back by Mr. Hop kins for triaron another charge. In fact he had hardly got Into court with this client, for his case Is not tried yet and after Hayford skipped out. Mrs. Hayford became Interested In the prisoner and secured another lawyer for him, a man by the - name of Crowe. Mr. Hopkins says he desires to ac knowledge publicly the kind offices of Marshal Kinney and his force, as well as the courtesies extended by the sher iff and deputies and by Justice Bur nett. He says Phoenix is an eye-opener, as people in Santa Barbara Imagine Arizona Is mostly - Indians. ' He says he likes the place and would, like to live here. He said the officers should charge their memoriae .with the general ap-1 pearance of his prisoner, for if Hay ford likes Phoenix as well as he does he- will be back again If he ever re- gains- his liberty. But" Mr Hayford's opinion of Phoenix was not sought. ' CITY BREVITIES ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. The charter members of the Phoe nix Athletic association will hold a meeting at O'Neill hall this (Tuesday) evening. December 10. at 8 o'clock. A full attendance Is desired as busi ness of importance will come before the meeting. W.' E.RHODES. Secretary. Woodmen's Circle dance, to be given on Dec. 12. will be a public affair and no invitations will be Issued. The longrexpected carload of cider has arrived. ' For sale by Lou la Mel- czer, at 75 cents per gallon. Kentcky sweet cider 60 cents per gal- Ion. G. W. Mardls. 212 West Wash ington Btreet. Mrs. Center's dressmaking parlor at the Vendome is now open. All work personally attended to. Use Mermaid Queen Washing Powder! Ton must remember that Louis Mel caers apple cider Is the best tonic you can take at this time of the year. 35 and 88 North First Ave. For pure apple Juice go to Louis Mel czer's. 75 cents per gallon. Bring your Jug. . For good loads of crushed granite see E. It. Maple. Queen of Queens Mermaid Washing' Powder. Try La sco Tar for a nice, cleansing bath- ' If you want toeel real good, you can do so by drinking pure New York apple cider. A carload Just received by Louis Melczer. Ask your grocer for Mermaid Queen Washing Powder. All kind or printing, ruling, book and magazine binding and book repair ing done satisfactorily and quickly at The Republican office. - Good things to eat, served in the best style In our pretty private dining rooms upstairs. - . . The Coffee AI Restaurant Co. ' EGYPTIAN LOTUS FLOWER. An Egyptian lotus flower, the first In Colorado, has been grown by R. V. Pickett of Lakewood. .The flower has Just ceased blooming with the autumn, after having had six blooms during the surraner. 'Mr. Pickett Is a member of the state horticultural board, and haB wide experience as a florist and a gard ener. He has- only one plant of the lotus. The lotus grows In water about two feet deep, putting up a large, round leaf from a stem directly in the cen ter. The leaf Is covered with a velvety nap, which keeps drops of water from penetrating its- texture, so that they will roll around on Its surface like drops of quicksilver.' The flower comes late in- the summer.-being put forth on a thin stalk projecting about a foot over the leaf.: The flower Is of a deli cate peachblow tint, and has a strong though delicate color, quite .unlike the perfume of any other flower. It is about eight inches In diameter and shaped somewhat like a tulip- It lasts three days, and then falls to pieces. Mr. Pickett says that he will make efforts to grow more of these flowers next year. They are not unknown In the east, but very few are to be found In the west. Denver Times. AH kinds of printing, ruling, book and magazine binding and book repair ing done satisfactorily and quickly at The Republican office. Quick worker Mermaid Queen Wash ing Powder. Read ad .of New Tork Store, It .will interest you. Venture ' Hill Copper Stock 40,00(1 shares at 23c. Wilt pay $1,200 commis sion to purchaser or broker. Boas Duncan, 445 Wilcox Bui Wing, Log An geles, Cal. Go to Mrs. Mosher's ladles' tailoring and dressmaking parlors for satisfac tory work. All assistants first-class. Accordion pleating, knife pleating and buttons a specialty. Opera ' house building. . N. Porter Saddle eV Harness Co. fur Hand Made Saddles and Harness, made of best grade of leather; we warrant It. Also expert carriage trimmer em ployed. Satisfaction guaranteed. 142 E. Washington. AMUSED, HER FIDO. Mr. Stuteon "They tell me neighbor Harris' cat Is dead." Mrs. Stutson "'Oh, I'm so sorry! It used to take up Fldo'B time so pleas antly barking at her." Boston Trans cript. - -" PREVENTED PANIC. .1Y, PRAYER. Ludlow, Ky. The presence of mind of Sister Vincent of the order of Sis ters of Charity prevented a panic and perhaps serious loss of life among the children during a fire In the St. James parochial school today. Forty children were cut off on an upper floor. The nun restrained the children from leaping from windows, and led by her the little ones knelt and prayed for deliverance, which was soon effected by the fire department by the aid of extension ladders. There are 120 pupils In attendance upon St. James's Catholic school, the class rooms occupying several floors. During the morning fire started in the baoement from the furnace. . Smoke quickly filled the building-, making it impossible for those above to find their way out. In the top story forty chil dren were alone In the Btudy room. Sister Vincent made her way to the smoke-filled room. She drew some of the terrified children ba. k. from the windows, and then, telling them that help would soon be at hand, command ed them to fall on their knea and pray. All knelt apd were still on their knees when the firemen entered the room and rescued all. Not one was Injured, though several were nearly overcome by heat and smoke. Sister Mary Vin cent refused to leave the room till the last child had been taken out. Chicago Tribune. WRONG SHOP. New Floorwalker (In department store) What are you looking for, sir? Customer Small adze. Floorwalker We have n newspaper department. Next street north. Chi cago Tribune. HE -:-:--::----:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-:--:--:--w--:-5- IF you are" COUGHING wear a CHEST PROTECTOR. IF you have BRONCHIAL Irritation put on a CHEST PROTECTOR. If you have SORENESS between your shoulders put on a BACK and CHEST PROTEC TOR. We carry Just what you need. Everything In the CHAMOIS to make Protectors from, -and remember you get what you ask for at ' - - Bear's Drug Store Opposite Cit Had . Middle of the Block. . MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Want Those PRESENTS Bought Goldberg Holiday Buying made easy if You Buy Here. We have ransacked the Eastern Markets for your convenience; placing on our counters for your , 'inspection the Finest Line of Furnishings it has ever been our good fortune to show. Suspenders ALWAYS A USEFUL AR-1 TICLE;WE HAVE EVERY KIND FROM THE PLAIN WEB TO THE FINEST SILKS WITH GENUINE GOLD AND SILVER PLATED BUCKLES. PRICES RANGE FROM Neckwear , ! "- '- OUR COMPLETE HOLI DAY LINE IS NOW HERE. WE ARE SHOWING EVERY STYLE, SHAPE -AND COLOR THAT IS THE CORRECT EASTERN STYLE AT 25c 50c 75c $1.00 Socks Black, Tans and. Fancy the kind that don't fade always acceptable by every man. Price from 8c to 50c Per Pair Handkerchiefs Silk, Linen and Cotton; in plain, hemstitched or fancy borders, with or without initials. Price from 10c to $1.50 each trUHHttHH I I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I 4- 25 c to $3.00 a pair We Lead in 1 High-Class Groceries. BATH ROBES, SMOKING JACKETS Biggest Selection, Lowest Prices in the city. . , ,- ' H l M 1 1111 I H 1 1 irt'4'fr'l"f-frJfrfr'M''tt rl lit l'i'i4--M--l-l-t--l--i'-f 4 M'l I 1 U I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I -Fancy Vests Nobby In every detail the Correct Vest for a delightful present. Just what that man of yonr s wants. Prices $2?50 to $6.00 "'i "fr sr M4l"fr ""sH CHJIl-sT I Our assortment is greater than ever. ocin ;jJosom onins are tne proper . thing: '' Ever shade of color, in stripes, plaids and broken figures, at $1.25 : I I I HI till I'l Htll li 1 Htt'l H I I I I I I I 1-t-M-t urns, Makers of Low Prices. REMEMBER OUR FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. MATTERS OT RECORD. The following Instruments reported by the Phoenix Title Guaranty and Ab stract company were filed for record In the county recorder's office yesterday: F. L. Brill and wife to E. J. Bennitt (trustee), deed to acres In Brill ad dition: consideration, 1. Frank J. Dana and wife to Jesae F. Kelly and wife, deed to swVi. iw. sec 11. tp 1 n, r 5 e: consideration, $2,700. Winifred D. Murphy and husband to Rlrney Dysart, deed to lot 16, Woolf tract: consideration, $435. Joseph Llsh and wife to W. H. Phil lips, deed to 11 acres In nw, see 27, tp 2 n. r 3 e: consideration. $500. W. H. Phillips and wife to J. C. Phillips, deed to sH. 'H. nw. ne. sec 28, tp 2 n, r t e: consideration, $700. County Treasurer to The Western Investment company, deed to lots 1 and J, block 61, Tempe; considera tion, $114.21. SORT OF A TEETOTALER. Police Judge Al Ftitx tells a good story on -himself, which Is too good to let pass. While among the South Sid ers the other day doing missionary work in his own behalf the Judge came uron a man who Is a power in his ward and of whose friendship bis honor was somewhat in doubt. That the man might be turned from the error of his way. Judge Fritz labored with him long ani hard. Finally, after much effort, the man seemed to be won over, great ly to the rejoicing of the dispenser of high grade Justice. "Now." said Fritz, "will you have a drink?" "Oh, yes. if you insist." was the an swer; "I don't care if I do. But. say, if it's all the same to you. I'd rather huve a check." San Francisco Wave. 7 A. J. BRADLEY UNDERTAKER AND EM BALM ER i IADY (UCAlMfl , Graduate Chicago College of Embalming to attend Ladies and Children. 1 Telephone S4I 216 W. Washington St., . Phoenix Ring Up 2965 ... Thanksgiving Is past but the holi days will soon be here and you may need a new suit. Everyone wants to be wen dressed, ladies and gents alike. We will fill the bill. You spend half of your life-time In your clothes, and why not have them made by us where you can have all the pleasure and enjoyment of life. You may pay a ' few dollars more, but look at the comfort you can take In wearing them. NICHOLSON THE TAILOR ' WEST WASHINGTON ST. Established 18S9. Telephone S9C5. FREE I IMPORTED uMHESE'iWKINS- T0Alt CHUSCHjUPPERS STKlETOr 0IMNERS VoffWrlfCM SEAL BRAND Irnrrrr jCQFFEEi 1r! 1 1 inn I -iirsIL, - THE FINESTtGKOWNr I J PUKCHASEPJ r.oh jsai Bit' ' . The Wakelin Grocer Company Suggest ions for Santa Claus es Bath Robes To own one of our new robes is a real pleasure to the woman who likes to be comfortable, these cold evenings. They are here in all the soft, pretty shades of eiderdown, tied with cord and tassel about the waist and well made and finished. There is perhaps no article of wearing apparel from which your ; wife, mother or sister can derive as much solid comfort "around the house" as from one of these bath robes. $4.95, $5.95 and up Dress Skirts We are In receipt of an invoice of new skirts from our New York office sent especially for the holi day trade. Almost all the new creations will be found among them: prominent among which is the solid tucked flounced skirt. We are equally aa strong on short as oh long skirts, anil have a complete line of both kinds In corduroys, cheviots, flan nels, serges, kerseys, golf cloths, etc. ' All the new shades of blue, brown, black and gray mixtures. Prices as usual are right. Dress Goods There is nothing more appropri ate for a Christmas gift than a pat tern for a dress. Our line is even more complete than usual this season and here can be found' all the new Ideas from this and other countries. . '"We"' make a specialty of black goods In fine qualities, also of black silks. The saying hereabouts is, "If B you want dress goods right, go to Goldwater's. " Your money back at any time you are dissatisfied. THE BEST ALWAYS