OCR Interpretation

Arizona republican. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, February 21, 1902, Image 10

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020558/1902-02-21/ed-1/seq-10/

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Money to Loan at
Interest If Taken
Must be Gilt Edge
No. 21 North First Av.
ftzrAan Pi-f-u The o!let in the cty. En- I
Vill joys the l-est standing with
spot cas-n price and
Wives th nest 2j
rooms for families.
Meals. cents.
rent menl. I'rivate
Tickets. J1.50. Single
12-24 E. Wash.
St.. East of Jacobs & Co.
Commercial Corral
About 7:00 a. m.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Always ready to serve the
people with the best the mar
ket affords. Kverything new
and clean.
When In trouble Rive us a
trial. Prompt delivery.
Opposite from Hotel Adams
Real Estate
Loans and Insurance
102 Adams Street,
O'Neill Blg.
38 Nassau St. New York
! 40 State St, - - Boston, Mass.
I De-posit accounts of hanks, bankers,
firm and Individuals received, subject
to slfc'ht draft. Interest allowed on
balances. Correspondence invited from
corporations, trustees and other con
servative Investors. Orders on the
New orlt Ktork Kxchanse executed
on commission for cash.
Members New Tork Stock Exchange.
j Charles K. Ainsworth President
I Hugh II. Price ...Vice President
I Frank Ainsworth. .Cash, ard Treas.
jj K. H. Greene Secretary
Authorized Capital JIOO.OOO.
Hours 9 a. in. to 3 p. m.
Interest on deposits. Xo commission
on loans.
Directors Charles F. Ainsworth.
Hugh H. Price. W. c. Foster, Frank
Ainsworth, K. H. Greene.
The Valley Bank
SPRPi.rs mooo
WJt. CHRISTY. President
W. I. FIXWII.KR, Cashier.
I-LOYD B. CHRISTY. Asst. Cashier.
Drafts issued on all of the impor
tant cities of the United States and
Kurope. Discount commercial paper
and do a general banking business.
Ofllee hours: 9 a. m. to S p. m.
DIUKCTORS: M. H. Sherman, Wm.
Christy. K. J. Bennltt. J. C. Kirkpat
rlck. K. c. Hatch. W. D. Fulwiler,
Lloyd B. Chrlsiy.
Exchange National Bank, New York;
American Exchange Xatlonal Bank,
Chicago; First Xatlonal Bank. Los
Angeles; Bank of Arizona. Prescott,
Arizona; The Anglo-California Bank.
San Francisco, Cat,
The National Bank' of Arizona
Phneaix, Arizona
SI Ki'i.irS ffitioo
EMM. SANZ, I'resident.
SOI. I.KWI.S, Vice-President.
S. OHKUFKI.DKK. Cashier.
JOHN J. 8ftUK.EV, Asst. Cashier.
DHti:CTOHS: Ernil :-!iz. Sol Lewis.
J. Y. T. Smiih. Churles Goldman. S.
'herfelder. EJVard Elsele. Joseph
California. San Francisco: Lafdiaw A
Co.. New York; National Bank of
Commerce, St. T.0iil: Natlonnl Hunk
of Commerce, Kansas Citv: Flrt Na
tional Bank, Chicago; Colorado Na
tional Bank. Denver: Farmers' and
.Merchants' National Rank. Los An
geles: Consolidated National Bank,
Tucson; Bank of Arizona, Prescott;
Slcssrs. X. M. RothscMJda & Sons,
visit DR. JORDAN'S great
1 he I 3r;;t A nr. mot "ca! Mtftwrtri In the
tl.--t-a-e fti-lj rurrri nv the oktefct
3i)ctui.,-.t tm ills 1 .nt. i::. .?
NTPUIMV llnroutrhlv rrs.liotrd M
.-.'ciii nlii -tit tlu u-r Herrry. (
rirk :iM- l l-v .tii ""xpert. It alt- .
Fiilulr, I y Dr. iMtim'a -clui ftaUli-
k CfnlrIiofi li vi- art! .t:i-t1t-nr-.ite Trw-nrnl pr-
SmiAt-V i :- - rnitv Vure hi i-vr,-
I .n-lrrt.-iVe-n. Vw.te IVw.k PHII.O4irnV .f
' HAHBI.Ki VAtLUL t-'KLE. (A vlutte bowk
i toturn. ) C:i wn:e
' OR. lORDi & CO., 1031 Market St. S. F.
When You Want an
pot tho f-'s Adrc'c.
It will suit you. Ste
or.p at II iii's Serd
House Pho'ni.T . fS'.uJ
for Hew CAlnN'CU?.
Honry Rlbora
10S Afc&CUS. CAI.
w ebieru liiecinc oc macnine t-ompany
Coaf-alting and Contract-
iu Enginsers.
Oem rl S'ipplif- and
Motor Repairs.
Estimate nrulihfcl on
Lijeliliua; ana Powtr
S34 S. Main St.,
L,o Ans-eles.
b. ;
t Is Your Bread
as feather, flaky, street, pal
atable? Is It whole-seme,
nouiishlnR, strengthening? It
will be ail of these and more,
too, if you get it from the
Phoenix Bakery and Confec
tionery. Eel. Eisele
Established 1381
. Money Saved by
wenty-tve Per
Buying Trees.
tit allowed on n.i
itm. lean do 'hi- lor ihi r.-fiMjn: I sell
joutlie trees ir'sti from the froim-I. whidi i
ve!' i'f "'! rci""v'.I"r l,1:m !
tux, and deliver io you without twin-; in thej
pvitv Collar worth
rn t rotn -. o uo lc-
IRAK WAf.MIR. hanvrymma
Fifield & Gallagher
Etimu-s "Timihed Keoma H-13-I3
O .Nelll H'uMing-K i. BoX iT.t,
I'tiiuix, Arizona.
Joe Fifieid
Oreo. H. Oallatrher
the lest and easiest rur.mns Wheel on
e.-irth. Sells good tires for f.'.OO, best,
j t.oft. :
Most com;!c:e repair shop In the
city. horrs anil T.T.vn Muweis sharp
ened. Keys rnafle irnd ITi'yrl,' re
p.iiiej. All work ftunranteed.
Bashford - Bnrrnisier
- General
Prescott, Arizona
We carry full lines of
everything. We have a
hig etore. We do a big
business, but can do
When la Prescott It will please m to
bave you rail and get acquainted
For the family dinner
plain cooking is the rule, but the food
itself should be of the best meat ill
particular. For that reason those who
deal ::t Hjji iey s meat market never
have rause for complaint, as their
meats are always of the best and uni
form fiuality fresh, tender and. of sur
passing llavpr.
P. T. Hurley.
15 West Washlneton SU "Phone 121
,JNt?fet"' ,c
Comments' on the Report Concerning
Alkali Lands.
Thomas' l. Means and J. Oarnett
Ilolm'K of the bureau of soils of the
agricultural diartmcnt sp -nt about
fr.rty days between the middle of Octo
ber and (he middle of lAi ember of las-t
yer.r exnmin'tis soils and conditions
of possible agrh-uliurul develop
meiit In tin lmierial country
in fi:thrn CBlifornia. Their tind
ins have been published by
the department and they are anything
but idea.sinB to the promoters if the
Imperial Knnd conipar.y and the kind
red organisations interested in that sec
tion. Thv' Southern California papers
haw tal-n up the subject and are
making some sever? comments on thi
findings of the expert.
The most efTVitive -ritiei--m to be
made and on that is borne out by their
cwn statements is that their wvrk was
entirely too lusty for results to be
jp,iv-n es onclusive in a publication of
thv- r. coKnir-ci'd standiitK uf a cin-ular
is:-tied by th bureau of foils. In sub
nainf tht v report having -ixamined VU
:'ia:re miles of the Imperial land, find
ing that "1 per rent of the area carries
too much alkali to p-'i'mit at a hope for
its redemption and that 49 per cent of
jit is so heavily impregnated with alkali
sans tnai only annual ami alkali-re-sisiMTit
crops , may b? safely planted.
nly In particularly favored spots do
they grant the suc;-.'ss;ul cultivation of
iillelfa nnd in substance about the only
em niiraj; -ment they can oner Is for tht
Rrowing of sorghum and sugar beet..
I Jiavms: discovered the alkali per
jcrntagfs in the sctil they proceed to set
I f-,rth their theory why adverse condi-
kyij uoiiM win grow; Hinnamiy worse ln
S rtead of better, a theory that is utterlv
j ! ... c r . . . . .
inuu'u tj lar a a n"moiiirai'on oi
: th -ontraiy can be made in the pres
j rt early stage of experiment. And
: this testimony, even though limited,
j has been cvei lookel. Thir theory t
I th::i the Imp rial oiintry, b ing f'ir th"
most ijiil i below sea level, there will
! be n sm h thing as a drainage that
w!!h the apidica tion of wut-r will tend
t th removal of alkali, but that on
; the contrary v h n the waters of the
oMrailo. diverted t h rough the Im
perial ca nals. have tht roughly soaked
; th- stiil. the alkali will rise to the sur
j face, making conditions vastly worse
t h; n new.
In redy to t his it -; n be sail that
! t !v o.ily iiii :u rat vegetation of the
'Ju;' aio;g me oanKs ui .-sew
riv.T and oh r h mneis that annuallv
i cc-ivf a soaking of Hood waters and
uii:tiit. wild h ini. vw-tin and other
plants nuiki:i a trrowlh uueiualed in
i'liv cnimtrv. Further, an exalllinalion
o." the soils in such places discloses no
taint of alkuli. thus proving that
v. here tile wat-r has b itn upili?:l the
nlkali is removed ami the drainui; is
i.i , M.-ition in accTr lance with the
print iple set forth by th- exiiel'ts thelll
i'clves as necessary ft;r the reclamation
trf the land.
Kxtensive Iwrins were made to as-c-,.;tin
the character of the sub-soils,
th'uh ir t a.s cxt- nsi' us required for
a llicroiiIi report on so vast an area.
Il is n;)t,'d that but fi.'jr of these bor
hifis v,-r deep enough t-i really dcter
n.ine th character of th'j lower strata
as to w heth'T it i or not of a nature
ct.l'-iilated to afT :rd the drainage re
iuircd. thus carrying the aikall down
itst.-.td ( up by capillary process. The
xperls hav- simply assumed that as
(the i'.:ta i' below sea level there is no
I tdce to drain to. As a matter of fact
ith" Halton sink is yet many feet below
th- lands pn posed to be tilled anil
th re is a basin there l;irfe enouuh to
j hold all the alkali cn the I'acitii- coast.
I rhotild that pr,.ve to be the region of
' ultimate deposit. Then. too. until the
j lower strata are carefully prospected.
no man knows the possibilities of the
soil anil water for carrying away these
bjectionable salt
JDEI There is one point further in connec
a;tifn that calls for attention. The ex
M peris seniingly m:tde little effort to ue
fi ! frm:ne the preent water lve! or
water ply ne. merely assuming that
vperev'.r it is it will rise. They give
figures but for two places. 'alexico
ihy say sh.ws the water plane to yj
.'bout fifty fct d?p. while at Imperial
it is less than thirty f?et below the
surface. A '1 vices f nun 1 inperial are
, that a well at Imperial has been sunk
: over WK feet with no sign of water. The
expert who found it at thirty fet would
; very lik ly need a search warrant to
! find, it again and the natural inference
j is that It will tak? many generations
You Get It at Bear's
We Have a Job Lot
f l.i'UO count TOILET I'AI'KIl, pic a
roll. ELEVEN" for Sl.i:o. In our WEST
window. The LA lit JEST ever sold In
PHOEXIX for 10c.
If you want a good article in blU'liS.
Toilet Articles or Prescription Work,
you act it at
Bear's Drug Store
Opposite City Hall
Middle of the Pdock.
WIS handle bonded V. S. liquors for
medicinal use. We do not bottle, ft in
our back room.
for the Imperial canal to Foak that
country up with water to a depth of
6C0 feet and by the time it has done so
the alkali salts will be as scarce as
gold dust.
It Is needless at this time to say any
talr.c of the canal system or the water
that supplies It. There Is no better
waur than that of th? Colorado river,
no more permanent supply and the sed
iment it contains is an Inexhaustible
c.., ,-. t.r faflillli' nz pvi,l mr-p'l hv the
surface soils of the Imperial region
which have been largely deposited 1
tiirjush its ilood waters. Th" Imperial
lands are the legitimate ofl'sprinftT of
this treat river and the parent stream
is no Wss virile than it has b2en for j
the last million years, during which I
Its very life essenc-e has been deposited
in this vast delta for the benelit of
thore who are today seeking to convert
a reftion of utter desolation to a land i
or bountiful and unequaled production.)
It Is entirely apropos to make some
comparison between the Imperial coun- !
try and the Salt Ulvc-r valley. 'and for
thet matter any other section reclaimed ;
by irrigation, for In a measur? nil such '
regions pass through similar trials be- 1
fore their full development Is accom- ;
pllshcd. It is within the memory of the
writer when the Salt Uiver valley was"
cultivated for but a very few miles
around Vhoenlx and Tempe. Though !
there were then thousands of acres of
the finest land in the world to be had,
by homestead, pre-emption or desert t
land entry, it was hard to get settlers ,
to make tilings, owing to the fear of i
alkali. It was argued that' the water in i
the country was all tainted with al- j
kali, which was In large measure true,
that alkali wells were frequently in j
evidence and that altogether only the
favored spots could be successfully
farmed. ' !
It is also true that today there are I
(M-casioual patches in this valley that j
ure white with alkali, but they are be-
coming annually more scarce and crops"
suitable to the1 soil are working their
reclamation. '
Ther? was also In those days a gen
erally accepted belief that on the farm'
lands nothing but wheat, barley and,
alfalfa i-ould be raised. One by tine i
other crops were added till t.xlay there j
is hardly anything either 4n the whole j
list of agricultural or horticultural pro- :
ducts that daes not thrive here.
Rven such cold country products as ,
cats and rfpples have been successfully'
raised, thouch they are not considered j
staple products here. 1
In the early 'SOs It w as suggested, that j
strawberries could be grown here sue-
cessfully and the suggestion brought!
nettling but ridicule und laughter from j
the few who hud tried it and not know- (
ins how failed. Today this valley takes
its hat off to no country on earth in the
matter of its fitness for strawberry cul-
ture. t'nntrary to tit prediction of the!
si il experts v ho looked over the In,- J
la iial country, it Is now said that a ;
tine field of barb y is growing w here. '
acci rding to their scientific report 't
has no business to crow and it is al-I
tog"ther likely that by the time that
region is properly reclaimed and Judg- i
ment used in its development, it will;
prove all that the Imprial promoters 1 1
claim for It. I
"Ijuring the winter of 1S!'S I was so
lame in my Joints, in fact, all over r.iy
body, that I could hardly hobble
around, when J botlsht a bottle of
Chamberlain's Tain l!alm. From the
lirst application I began to get well,
and was cured and have worked
steadily all the year." It. Wheeler,
Northwood, X. Y. For sale by i:ivcy
& Ilulett.
The Man Accused Formerly Known in
a Certain Eeligious Circle. .
OlIier Kus3ell yesterday arr:-sted a
man known h-t-ro as Tube Wcb-h.
though he h;s oth-r names in other
local it it Welen was wanted for the
robbery of the person of a companion
by the namo of Samuel Thorpe, last
Monday niht or Tuesday t-.iorr.ing.
The next day Thorpe reported hN bis:-:
to the polite, who have been looking
for Welch ever since. Thorpe and
Welch had for some time been participating-
in the meetings of a street
religious organisation, anC in the.t way
became acquainted with each other.
Thorpe had lately returned from the
country when? he had been employed
on a ranch and he Uwi his earnings of
several months with him. amounting to
about S70.
He and Welch had :ee;i spending tho
evening together in a manner which
no religious organization would ap
prove, h jwever liberal its views of
world iness might be. Thorpe was put
ting up the money. Some time after
midnight they were passing the oltieo
r Wells Fargo i i V.. when Welch
pushed Thorpe into a stairway and
we;;t through his pockets. Thoi pe rea
lized all the time what was going on,
but lie was In that mental tondition in
which one doe not care so much about
filthy lucre.
When he awoke the ne:;t morning
without the price of a meal, hi:; views
of things were quite different and he
caused a scan h forWelch to be in
stituted. He furnished a fairly good
description of him. Tin- ollieers learned
that a man of that description had
spent the early morning in a b:rr and
that the ovn?r hail routed him out so
hastily that he left his hat behind
Thus there was another feature of
the description added, and the? police
began looking for a man without a
hat. Mr. Russell found where a hat-
l-ss man had been given an old canvas
hut. and after that the officer kept hW
eye open for a man with that kind of
headgear. Yesterday th ollbcr saw th
canvas hat sneaking down a back al
ley. The weaier. who had been tirnVr
cover, wanted a drink. It was Welch:
he was taken to the ounly jail charged
with a f'-lony. He will bt given a
hearing before Justice Iturnctt today.
In the course of the inquiry after
Welch It was learned that he was
for a short time an inmate of th. coun
ty hospital. There was yesterday found
among some letters that he had left
there one addressed to Thomas Tatt.
which is supposed to have been his
name In Riverside, t'al.. whence the
b'tter had come. It was also learned
from a man who had known him dur
ing his religious era. that he had come
from - Riverside. Welch had confi
dentially told him that he Ifft River
side because of some .charges that
h;d K en trumred up against hint.
NOT FEB. 22nd, as advertised
paper. Our advertising man
Saturday, MARCH 1st
Goldberg Bros.
nrrtrT I
To Be Moved From Tncaon to Phoenix
February 28.
Tht oIIm "- of the stii vevor irciiera! for
Arizona has been ordered moved fro.n
Tucson, where it has btcu located al
most ever since It w as j-siablished. The
order was made last Tues-iay, and will
become effective on February ls. Th
lirst intimation th;:t 'Aw change had
been actually ordered, though It 'was
well known that the matter was befur"
the department, was f ui ,it::hed by the
Tut :-cn fitizen. whi h came to Phoe
nix yesterday morning. The tone of
the ''itt'-n "in bren ki.ig the news cx
prcv.sed mingled rert and indigna
tion, and It "vj-s hinted ihnt Phoenix
had secured the r-i:"iv;i I of the ofM- e
by methods whit h laid the tov.n open
to indictment for larceny.
Tucson is more apprccin live of the
value of the location of this odice than
Phoenix is et present. There are
about eighteen men employed in it.
all of them drawing good salaries and
men of more than average aeouire
ments. so that they are apt to be good
citizens. For years the ambition of
the youth of Tucson has taken eith
one of two directions. Kvery boy has
expected to get either into the oflice
of t he surveyor general or into the
meehincat or clerical department of
the Southern Pacific. A sentiment has
grown up In Tucson that both the rail
road and the oflice of the surveyor
general belong to the town, and were
intended to furnish careers tor its
youi h. Whenever, therefore, the rail
road or the surveyor general's oflice
has imported a servant there was a
feeling that the official in harg. who
had caused this outrage to be com
mitted on, the community had failed in
his trust. Those thhigs are mentioned
here only to show how strong a bond
has been formed between the?e insti
tutions nn j Tucson.
The surveyor general's office will be
located on the first Ibior of the eapito
building on the tight of the entrance.
"My family. said the daughter with
tho mild blup eyes and saintly, expres
sion, "have no sympathy with my aims.
; all reliable grocers j
for breakfast t
t Only in nev-r
SferKlH 4
IbreakfastI'B 5
reckoning and got his dates mixed.
the greatest event in the history
of the mercantile business
.Ml I wa:.t is t :
I do nt't i.i'v1 fi
do Moo l in the world.
:r balls, or theaters, or
oori.n. Vi;t prtpa d-- not appreciate
thPe mc!iv:s. 1 am afraid.
"Oh. yes. I da. iljar." said the parent
- ith n sih. "I npr.ret iat'? vour mo
tives ail rlht.. ( ::y ? you would c jp
finc yours el:" to ball, and theaters, and
FO on- insieau oi pnuuninropy. it wouw
ne a lot 01 si m 0.1 my focKetbook.
Washington Times.
I Clear Havana Cigars f
Erkd W. Eatox, Agt., 2-M W. First St., Los Augeles
Central Park Floral
C ntt ft REDONDO Carnations, Violets,
'OU-L I lUTY -Ci "Rose? HniKP Plnnte Veto All
orders promptly fillled.
Santa Fe Mineral Springs
Hot Sulphur EJathai, 4 for $i.UO. Noted Mineral Water.
For the treatment of KlieuniaUwm. Nervous Debility, Spleen, Liver anl
Kidney Troubles. Excellent talle: i trains each way daily: only 12 mil
from Los Angeles. A. FOOTR, Mntinwr, Santa Fe Springs. Cal.
lis Anseles otlice. ("1 Currier Luildinir. Kates tl.50 to per day.
kTj Mervciut .r oisj.-j.- cif t lie C'-n-.-rutivQ
B'afiiw fen Hi nncU. Memlirnl
1 nijioo f I.rr, IlKliaamlos lnttn-i, Virlrorelf sfcnH C'oaMipnllea,
ItKtoeKiiii liw'iyd,iof iiiBi't. Prvv-nuiqti;ekrH-wof dwebarj;. which If notcbck
IMiis to Npernmnirrdo1 ani ml tho h-irrors it tmTKttciiey. 41 PI IFi'F rl n mifi t N m
vaU restart mn-i i wi-nit o.m
.-.,0!:?'??I, S"'"' are cnrel v Dortorshbefn!e!10prrceTi;are tronbled with ProvAmilHa,
A l un-.Nh iiia (imv kitouii rcii;rt to c;ire wittiout n opermion. tK) tfttmonialit. A wrltl
Euanuiteostveu rn mnmr reinrn.-.! i- 6tvi s flues auk feflfcc. a ucrnwueat CUX. tUM IXX lor 6.ttL
jrnrt-l xer.. 1.,r Ki:t. rim h.r -nt itimen: . s.
. u1rt3 i. vol jPiA.fJt ixn to.. i o. iiox sw. tai Francisco, CU.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
! fiUT!&N Peraroof coi:nf:rfeils and Imitations. The KCtm:no liput up onlj In paste-board Cr
t w 'n ton with fae-tnjiio hiL'uattiro on fcido of thn tM,Ltle. thus:
Send lor Circular to WIT.i,lAM3 i'.FG. CO.. Sule
FOR S AT.F, r.Y TlfiV
BkA a.
English Kitchen
Tom Co. Props.
We keep our Kitchen in the cleanest
cooking is done by "Tom,'" formerly cook
off his
"I am getting mighty tired of it,
you often hear people say. Rut what
can th? poor wretches do?
Klvey & Hulett. the druggists, wil!
refund you your money if you are not
snti-sded after usintj Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure
disorders of the stomach, biliousness,
constipation and headache- Price, Z
cents. Samples free.
Rey & Co. I
3 38 South Spring Street
Kodaks and Photo Supplies
Special Auction Cirea tm Mail Order
H0VVLAND & CO. 2,3 shsbS.yul.
,t iiavrm. mh-ii lo Nanhitod, In-Mtmnlt,
KiuiMloBt, triona Illlitr. rimplM
Aiiis, Clerelaud. Ohio. -a9t-r:7t-nm
25.27 IN. First Street.
possible condition and all chef
at Hotel Adams and the Sixth
n '1

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